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Triennial Update to Decommissioning Funding Plan (DFP) for the Framatome Inc., Richland Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility Cover Letter
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 01/23/2024
From: Travis Tate
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML24031A542 List:
Download: ML24031A543 (1)


framatome January 23, 2024 TJT:24:002 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards 11555 Rockville Pike One White Flint North Rockville, MD 20852


Triennial Update to Decommissioning Funding Plan (DFP) for the Framatome Inc. Richland Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility (License No. SNM-1227; Docket No. 70-1257)

The purpose of this correspondence to convey an updated cost estimate portion of DFP for Framatome's Richland nuclear fuel fabrication facility for the NRC's review and approval. NRC regulations at 10 CFR 70.25(e) require that decommissioning cost estimates be adjusted at intervals not exceeding three years.

The total decommissioning cost estimate is substantially increased over the previous triennial estimate. A portion of that increase is due to expected increases in labor rates, waste disposal costs, and costs of purchased materials and services relative to the actual demolition and decontamination (D&D) tasks. Changes to the DFP and its associated cost estimate are highlighted in the document.

The increased cost estimate will necessitate an increase in Framatome's financial assurance coverage. Once the NRC has approved the cost estimate portion of the DFP, Framatome will obtain the needed financial assurance instruments, certification signature, and will have them incorporated into DFP sections 7.0 and 8.0 and will then resubmit the finalized and approved DFP.

The attached Decommissioning Funding Plan is "Proprietary" and must be kept private in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR § 2.390.

Framatome Inc.

2"101 Horn Rapids Road Richland, WA 99354 Tel: (509) 375-8"100 Documents Transmitted Herewith Contain Sensitive, Unclassified Information when Separated from the Sensitive Information, this Document is Decontrolled

Document Control Desk January 23, 2024 TJT:24:002 Page 2 If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Calvin Manning of my staff at 509 375-8327 or me at 509-375-8550.

Very truly yours, T. J. Tate, Manager Environmental, Health, Safety & Licensing

Document Control Desk January 23, 2024 TJT:24:002 Page 3 TJT/rd CC:

Stephen Poy