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Framatome Inc., Richland Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilitys Request to Amend License No. SNM-1227 and Approval of Criticality Safety Methods
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 10/18/2023
From: Travis Tate
To: Lav S
NRC/NMSS/DFM/FFLB, Document Control Desk
Shared Package
ML23291A203 List:
Download: ML23291A204 (3)


framatome Document Control Desk October 18, 2023 Samantha Lav Chief Fuel Facility Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555-0001 ATTN: Document Control Desk TJT:23:025 Page 1


Framatome Inc. Richland Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility's Request to Amend License No. SNM-1227; Docket No. 70-1257 and Approval of Criticality Safety Methods


(1) NRC License SNM-1227, Docket 70-1257 (2) Letter from Timothy J. Tate to Tom Boyce (ML22236A587) Dated August 23, 2022.

(3) Letter from Stephen Poy to T. J. Tate (ML23254A250) Dated September 13, 2023.

Dear Ms. Lav; In response to Reference 3 request for additional information, Framatome provides the NRC with the following to support a License Amendment Request to extend the currently approved methodology for determining the minimum margin pf sub-criticality to include enrichments up to 20wt.% 235U. is a revision to the documentation of Framatome's SCALE 6.2.2 code validation efforts to support this request. After the NRC approves this request, Framatome will add attachment 1 to the reference section of Chapter 5 of SNM-1227 and will send an updated copy of this chapter to the NRC within six months of making the change. documents the supporting detailed calculations of Attachment 1 and is provided to assist in the review. documents the responses to the NRC Request for Additional Information.

Framatome continues to commit to only use SCALE 6.2.2/KENO-VI and ENDF/B-Vl 1.1 Continuous Energy (CE) cross sections to support fuel fabrication process applications involving uranium enrichments greater than 5.0 wt.% 235U; if a newer version of SCALE/KENO-VI is adopted in the future, then that version of code will be validated using the methodology described in Attachment 1, which will be updated accordingly.

No changes in actual possession limits or any other license conditions are being requested at this time.

Document Control Desk October 18, 2023 T JT:23:025 Page 2 The information in Attachment 1 (E04-04-010 Ver. 2.0) and Attachment 2 (FS1-0067669 Rev.

2.0) and Attachment 3 (RAI Responses) are proprietary in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390(b)(4)(v). An affidavit supporting the proprietary nature of this information is attached.

If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Calvin Manning of my staff at 509-375-8327 or me at 509-375-8550.

Sincerely, T. J. Tate, Manager Environmental, Health, Safety & Licensing (E04-04-010, Ver. 2.0), "SCALE 6.2.2 20 wt.% Enrichment Benchmark Validation Report" (FS1-0067669, Rev. 2.0), "SCALE 6.2.2 Criticality Safety Validation to 20 wt%

Enrichment" "Framatome Response to Request for Additional Information" cc:

Stephen Poy Project Manager Ism

Document Control Desk October 18, 2023 be:

L. G.

Stephens W. L.

Doane M. L.

Crawford C. D.

Manning File/LB T JT:23:025 Page 3