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Partially Deleted Physical Security Insp Rept 50-309/89-07 on 890320-24.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite follow-up of Previously Identified Violations,Mgt Support, Security Program Plans & Audits & Protected Area Barriers
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 04/24/1989
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R, Lancaster W
Shared Package
ML20245J712 List:
50-309-89-07, 50-309-89-7, NUDOCS 8905040238
Download: ML20245J749 (7)

See also: IR 05000309/1989007


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Report No. 50-309/U9-07

Docket No. 50-309

License No. DPR-35

Licensee: Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company

83 Edison Drive

Augusta,- Maine 0433E

Facility Name: Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station

Inspection Conducted: March 20-24, 1989

Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced Physical Security

Date of Last' Physical Security Inspection: Novemt er 14-18, 1988

-Inspectors: bJ. k m U M-64

W. K. Lancaster, Physical Security Inspector- date

. . . - ., a

. A. Della Ratta, Safeguards '.Witor -


Approved by: .

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jCR. R. Keimig, Chie afeguards Section date

Division of Radi on Safety and Safeguards

Inspection Summary: Routine, Unannounced Physical Security Inspection on

March 20-24,1989 (Report No. 50-309/89-07)

Areas Inspected: Onsite follow-up of previously identified violations;

Management Support, Security Program Plans and Audef, -otected Area Physical

Barriers, Detection and Assessment Aids; and Protetled .rea Access Control of

Personnel, Packages and Vehicles.

Results: The licensee was found in noncompliance with the NRC-approved

Physical Security Plan in the area of Access Control-Vehicles.


8905040238 890425

{DR ADOCK 05000309



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I. Key Persons Contacted

a. Licensee and Contractor Personnel

  • P. Lydon, Vice President, finance and Administration-
  • E. Boulette, Vice President, Operations / Plant Manager
  • B. Castonguay, Manager, Administration
  1. .
  • R. Nelson, Security Director
  • H. Torberg, Security- Supervisor
  • J. Frothingham, Manager, Quality Programs


  • R. Crosby, Licensing Engineer
  • S. Lellerc, Section Head, Quality Programs
  • C. Urguhart, Chief of Security, Hall Security, Inc.

b. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Personnel

  • C. Holden, Senior Resident Inspector

R. Freudenberger, Resident Inspector

The inspectors also interviewed other licensee and contractor

security personnel.

  • Indicates those present at the exit interview

2. Onsite Follow-up of Previously Identified Items -

a. (Closed) IFI 86-04-01: The licensee was requested to. review the

degree of protection afforded to certain plant safety equipment.


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NRC policy concerning vital equipment and vital areas is presently l

undergoing staff review. When completed, and a position is '

rendered, the vital area analysis for all plants, including Maine

Yankee, may be reevaluated. It is possible that the ensuing policy

will require other equipment, in addition to that already identified

by the licensee, t.o be protected as vital. This item is therefore

closed since it will be included in that reevaluation when it is



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b. (Closed) VIO 50-309/87-15-01: .The licensee failed to maintain a

locked barrier to vital equipment. The licensee's stated corrective

actions were verified and found to be satisfactory. (Refer to j

licensee's November 18, 1987 letter to the NRC.) 1

c. (Closed) VIO 50-309/87-15-02: The licensee failed to maintain a

minimum of three barriers to security vital areas. The licensee's

stated corrective actions were verified and found to be satis-

!, factory. (Refer to the licensee's November 18, 1987 letter to the


d. (Closed) VIO 50-309/87-15-03 and 50-309/8J-20-04: The licensee

failed to maintain adequate illumination in the protected area. The

see's stated corrective actions were verified and found to be

. ifactory. (Refer to the licensee's November 18, 1987 and


March 15, 1989 letters to the NRC.)

e. -(Closed) VIO 50-309/87-15-04 and 50-309/88-19-02: The licensee

failed to control access to certain areas of the p' ant with qualified

personnel. .The licensee's stated corrective actions were verified

and found to be satisfactory. (Refer to the licensee's

November 18, 1987 and December T , 1988 letters to the NRC.)

f. (Closed) VIO 50-309/88-19-01: The licensee failed to maintain an

isolatio ione in a certain location in the protected area. The -

licensee's stated cor.rective actions were verified and found to be-

satisfactory. (Refer to the licensee's December 15,r1988 letter to

the NRC.) -; --

g. (Closed) VIO 50-309/88-20-01: The licens'ee failed to control keys

to security and vital areas, did not initiate immediate compensatory

security measures for missing keys to security and vital areas, and

did not report a security event to the NRC within one hour as

required in 10 CFR 73.71. The licensee's stated corrective actions

were verified and found to be satisfactory. (Refer to licensee's

March 15, 1989 letter to the NRC.)

h. (Closed) VIO 50-309/88-20-02: The licensee failed to conduct

adequate searches of personnel and packages entering the protected

area. The licensee's stated corrective actions were verified and

found to be satisfactory. (Refer to the licensee's' March 15, 1989

letter to the NRC.)

The inspectors also identified a potential weakness during Inspection

No. 50-309/88-20 associated with searches of hand-carried items. The k

inspectors found that the licensee had purchased and installed X-ray

search equipment in the main access control portal to enable more

thorough searches of hand-carried items. This potential weakness has i

been corrected, i




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i.. (Closed) VIO 50-309/88-20-03: The licensee failed to control

vehicles within the protected area. The licensee's stated corrective.

actions were verified and found to be satisfactory. ( the

licensee's March 15, 1989 letter to the NRC.)

j. (Closed) VIO 50-309/88-20-05: The licensee failed to maintain an

unobscured view of the protected area barrier and adjacent area in a

certain location within the protected area. The licensee's stated

corrective actions were verified and found to be satisfactory.

(Refer to the licensee's March 15, 1989 letter to the NRC.)

k. (0 pen) UNR 50-309/88-20-01: The licensee was to provide missing

documentation and conduct an evaluation of the screening program for

unescorted plant access for licensee and contractor personnel. The

licensee had completed an assessment of the program; however, at the

time of this inspection, corrective actions for identified program

deficiencies not been fully implemented. This item wi?1 remain

open until the licensee's corrective actions are irr.plemented end


1. Licensee commitments made at a December 20, 1988, Enforcement

Conference and in response to a civil penalty issued in

February 1989 are being implemented on schedule. Upgrading of the

security program was verified by the inspectors to be consisterit -

with the status provided by the licensee in a meeting on

March 6, 1989 in Region I. That meeting was requested by the

licensee to present to regional' management _the progress on the

corrective actions-for violations included in the civil penalty.

The status of those commitments will be reviewed further during

subsequent inspections. (Refer to the licensee's March 15, 1989

letter to the NRC.)

3. Management Support, Security Program Plans, and Audits

a. Management Support - Management Support for the licensee's physical

security program was dete'11ned to be adequate by the inspectors.

This determination was based upon the inspectors' reviews of various

aspects of the licensee's program and the ongoing upgrades to the

security program.

b. Security program Plans - The inspectors verified that the licensee

was in the process of completing a 10 CFR 50.54(p) change to its

Security, Contingency, and Guard Training and Qualifications plans.

The licensee expects to submit the change to the NRC by

April 1, 1989.






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c. l

Audits - The inspectors reviewed the 1989 annual security program l

audit report and verified that the audit had been conducted in  !

accordance with the NRC-approved security. plan (the Plan). The audit '

was comprehensive in scope and the results were reported to the

appropriate levels of management. At the time of the inspection, the

security organization had not yet responded to the audit findings,

therefore, the inspectors could not determine the appropriateness of

follow-up corrective actions. The corrective actions taken to remedy

adverse findings will be reviewed during subsequent inspections.

' 4. Protected Area Physical Barriers, Detection

and Assessment Aids

a. Protected Area Barriers - The inspectors conducted a physical

inspection of the protected area (PA) barrier on March 20, 1989.

The inspectors determined, by observation, that the barriers were

installed and maintained as described in the Plan.

b. Protected Area Detection Aids - The inspectors observed the PA

perimeter detection aids on March 23, 1989, and determined that they

were installed, maintained and operated as committed to in the Plan.

c. Isolation Zones - The inspectors verified that isolation zones were

adequately maintained to permit observation of activities on both

sides of the PA barrier. --


d. Protected Area and Isolation Zone Lighting - The inspectors -

conducted a lighting survey of the PA and isolation zones on --

March 20, 1989. The inspectors determined, by observation, that

lighting in the PA and isolation zones was as committed to in the

Plan. The inspectors noted that PA and isolation zone lighting had

been significantly upgraded since the November 14-18, 1988

inspection (50-309/88-20).

e. Assessment Aids - The inspectors observed the PA perimeter

' assessment aids and determined that they were generally as committed

to in the Plan.


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5. Protected Area Access Control of Personnel,

Packages and Vehicles

a. The inspectors determined that the licensee was exercising positive

control over personnel access to the PA. This determination was

based on the following:


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1) The inspectors verified that personnel are properly identified

and authorization is checked prior to issuance of badges and


2) The inspectors reviewed the security lock and key procedures

and determined.that they were consistent with commitments in

the Plan. The inspectors also reviewed the PA and Vital Area

(VA) inventory logs, and discussed lock.and key procedures with

members of the security force, operations personnel, and the

licensee's security staff.

3) The inspectors verified that the licensee has a search program,

as committed to in the Plan, for firearms, explosives,

. incendiary devices and other unauthorized materials. The

inspectors observed personnel access and visitor processing,

and interviewed members of the security force and the

licensee's security staff about personnel access procedures.

4) The inspectors determined, by observation, that individuals in

the PA display their access badges as required.

b. The inspectors determined that the licensee was exercising positive

control over packages and material that are brought into the PA.

'The inspectors reviewed the package and material control procedures

and found that they were consistent with commitments in the Plan.

The inspectors also observed package and material processing and

interviewed members of the security force and the licensee's

security staff about package and material control procedures.

c. The inspectors observed vehicles being processed into the PA on

several occasions during March 20-24, 1989.





The inspectors reviewed the NRC-approved Plan and implementing

procedures and found the following requirements:


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DISCLOSU!iE, II 13 lhT9iliMAllY i


The inspectors determined that the licensee's failure to comply with '

the above requirements in the NRC-approved security plan and its

implementing procedures, resulted in a vehicle entering the protected

area without a proper search of the cargo and cargo. area. This is an

apparent violation of NRC requirements (50-309/89-07-01). i

6. Exit Interview

The. inspectors met'with the licensee representatives indicated in

paraoraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on March 24, 1989. At

that time, the purpose and scope of the inspection were reviewed and the

findings were presented.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the

licensee by the inspectors.




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