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Rev 5 to Procedure Pbnp 4.19, Emergency Operating Procedure Writers Guide
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/1985
Shared Package
ML20236N340 List:
PBNP-4.19, NUDOCS 8711160159
Download: ML20236N430 (26)




PBNP 4.19 Revision 5 l

} ,

06-07-85' )


WRITERS' GUIDE l 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this Writers' Guide is to provide administrative and technical guidance to be used in the development and review of-the emergency operating procedure set.

This Writers' Guide is used to develop the Point Beach Nuclear Plant emergency operating procedures that are derived from the Westinghouse owners Group Emergency Response Guideline Program, Revision 1. This Writers' Guide is not intended for use for emergency operating procedure revisions prior to the date these reformatted procedures are implemented.


2.1 Westinghouse Owners Group Low Pressure ERG's, Volume I to III 2.2 " Checklist for Evaluating Emergency Procedures Used ir. Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG/CR-2005 2.3 " Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures,"

NUREG-0899, Draft

-2.4 " Emergency Operating Procedures Writing Guideline," INPO 82-017, July, 1982

-2.5 Westinghouse Owners Group, " Writers' Guide for Emergency Response Guidelines," Revision 0 3.0. EMERGENC7 OPERATING PROCEDURE DESIGNATION AND NUMBERING 3.1 Emergency Operatinq Procedure Identification Each plant procedure should be uniquely identified. This

' identification permits easy administration of the procedure preparation, review revision and distribution process.

3 .1.1' Each emergency operating procedure that is derived from the Westinghouse Owners Group Optimal Recovery Guidelines vill be identified with the designator E0P followed by a sequential number.

Example: E0P-0, E0P-1.1 8711160159 071110 PDR ADOCK 05000266 F PDR

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. '3.id2; > ! Eahh emergency ~ operating procidure thatL is derived from the:

Westinghouse l Owners Group Emergency Contingency Action'will; v.1 *


7  :

'be identified with the designator ECA consistent lwith the-

+ ,

Lgeneric_ procedures.-

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-y Example:M ECA-0.0


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3.1' 3L Each function . related. emergency: operating procedure ,(derived -


7 from the Westinghouse owners Group Function Restoration)

' s O ,

t Guidelines) shall be' identified with the designator. CSP J

, ;followed byfan alphanumeric. symbol that is consistent;with..

the.' generic ERG numbering scheme for-function restoration .:

m ~ gbidelines. _

l i

V, Example: CSP-P . l ', ' CSP.-H.y - i<

13.1.4l . Each procedure lis / identified .using its' designator and number / .;

tand ac. descriptive,. title!that-is consistent with;the: l

. respective generic ERG. Itais acceptab}e to change the' aj y i  ; generic titleLin the plant specific-procedure to incorporate- '

. plant terminology or to better describe the scope of the g


.f. '( ' *

.-3.2' jRevision: Identification; b

. p 4

Y 342.1: The . word'." DRAFT shall' be 'used in the- title block to designate.a procedure'that!has'not received Manager's

? Supervisory Staff ~ approval, i

', 3.2.2' 'TheldescriptorM"REV.0" shall be used in the title block lto; j.

> designate the original issuance of'each procedure.

, 3.2.3 The abbreviation "REV" followed by a number shall be used in the; title' block to. identify revisions to each procedureLfor.

changes made sub' sequent tosthe implementation'of the' original' plant emergency operating procedures.

3.2.4 ~ To identify revision to the. text of an emergency operating i

. procedure,.a change bar located in the right margin _along--  !

c .,

";' , side the' text change1 will beiused to indicate a change:in ,

either the left column or the'right column.-

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PBNP 4.19 1 Page 3 J i

i 3.3 Page Identification and Numberino j i

The title page of each procedure will be identified in the title clock 'j by 1) the procedure designator'and number; 2) the' revision number;;3) of issue. Each subsequent page of the procedure will'have- ,

i :only.the, procedure designator and number, along with the pagel number, 'l in the title block. In addition, CSPs will'have colors.across from^ ]

the title block on every page to represent the priority of the 1 feritical safety procedure status tree pcths that are entry conditions. f

.to the CSP. The title of the. procedure will be across the top of each page of the procedure. The word continued will appear at the bottom of each page except the last page. The.last page of each procedure j will ~ additionally be identified by the word ."END" following the last instruction step. This format does not apply to appendices and figures. {

1 4.0 FORMAT 1 d

The. following format is to be applied consistently for all emergency j operating procedures., l 4.1 Procedure Organization

.All procedures in the' emergency operating procedure series will.have f three sectionc. The cover sheet will summarize the procedure intent j and state'either entry symptoms or means of entry. The: operator l actions will ccmprise.the bulk of each procedure and present'the j actual stepwise guidance. A foldout page will summarize information 1 L which is -continually required for, operator guidance... A single foldout ]

page will be used for each emergency operating procedure series. ]

4 The procedures in the CSP seris.s will have only the cover sheet and j operator actions.. :f

,I 4.2 Page Formats The c page will be in a format similar to other plant procedures.

This means it will generally have complete sentences that extend over j the~ entire page width. Each cover sheet vill contain two explanatory sections in addition to the procedure title and title block. The first will be titled " PURPOSE" and will briefly describe what the procedure is intended to do for the operator. The second section is a summary of those symptoms which require entry into the procedure, i This section will be. titled " SYMPTOMS OR ENTRY, CONDITIONS." Certain procedures can be entered primarily based on symptoms; for these procedures a symptom summary is sufficient. Some other procedures can

,4 entered by transitions from previous procedures and a summary ,

of the entry conditions (and procedure step) should be provided. For f

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' < critical safety procedures, the conditions that were present to  ;

satisfy the path on' the' status tree should be included'in the J. "SYMPTOKS OR ENTRYJCONDITIONS." done to provide.the operator.

]j with' a quick reference to verify he -is in the correct procedure.  ?

h ,

This description?is not meant-to duplicate the' monitoring function of the status trees. .Becauseof this, every branch of the status tree j

does not need to be described in'this section. This.information should be presented in.a manner that is most useful'for the procedure user.  :

1 All of the operator . actions will be in a. two-column format where the i left-hand column isidesignated for operator actions. The right-hand column is' de.signated for contingency. actions'when the expected response is not obtained. See Figure 1 for a sample of'the page format. q The foldout page .is intended to ~ summarize only that information which

, an operator should'have continuously available, and content will. vary from procedure to procedure. Each foldout page shall be titled

" Foldout for EOP-X Series." l

. 4.3 . Instruction Steps

. Instruction steps in the operator. actions will be numbered and indented as follows:

I l '. Verify ...

a. Check ...
1) Valve (not desirable)  !

a hi 'All innediate action steps will have the step number circled. The 1 same step number scheme is to be used in both the right and left columns of the procedure. Substeps.are lettered sequentially accordingly to desired order of performance, (the (a) level of j indentation above). If the order of knportance is not important then the substeps will not be designated by a letter but will be preceded by'a dash. Use of the third' level of indentation detailed above j 1 should-be minimized. 3 It may be necessary to continue a step from one page to the next.

U This is always undesirable. When a step must be continued to the f next page,: include the following words at the bottom of the initial l page and top of the subsequent page in the Actica/ Expected Response  !

l4 . column to clearly show that the step is continued-Examp.le : . . . Continued on Next Page . .. I

. . . Continued from Previous Page . . .  :

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5.0' WRITING INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS 5.1 Instructi6nal Step Length and content j w 4- . General rules to be-used-in writing instructional steps are as

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5.1.1 ' Instructional' steps will be concise and precise.

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.5.1.2 Short simple sentences or sentence fragments should be used,  ;

m 5.1.3 Complex evolutions should be prescribed in a. series _ of steps, with each step made as simple as practicable. ]

5.1.4 For; instructional steps that involve an action verb relating to three or more objects, the objects will be listed. <

Limits should be expressed quantatively whenever possible.


' 5 .1. 5' .

5 .1 '. 6 ~ Mandatory sequence of steps is assumed unless.otherwise ,

stated uActions required in a particular step should not be=

+ expected to be complete before the next step is begun. If' ij assigned tasks are short, then the expected action will- )

probably be completed prior to continuing. However, if an {

assigned task is very lengthy,, additional steps may be performed prior'to completion. 'If a particular task -

completed prior to continuation', this condition must be 'l stated clearly either in the-step or substep, or in a note 3 o r.. caution.

5.1.7 Expected results 'of routine tasks need not be stated. i 5.1.8 When considered beneficial for proper understanding and -  !

performance, provide the system response time associated with performance of the instruction. - '

5.1 9. . . When system response dictates a time frame within which the instruction must be accomplished, prescribe such time frame.

.. Avoid using time to initiate operator actions. Operator actions should be related to plant parameters. j 1

5.1.10 When additional confirmation of system response is considered necessary, prescribe the backup readings to be made.

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The lef t-h'and column of.the twoa column. format shell contain thel ,

Joperator" instructional; steps. .The following rules 1are' established for

&j.y, f i this'columnT'in addition to the general rules.above. .

1 Expected . indications should'be present"in this column'. *

\ 1 l5.2.14 4 I<'


W 2 5 . 2 .12 ' Operator actions in this column should be appropriate for the- ~ * "

expected indications.

a P- '

5.3 contingency Actions Column- ,

. , Y contingency actions 1shall be presented in the.right-hand column of the

~i-two-column format. Contingency actions'are' operator' actions that-

"{ should be.taken in the event a stated condition, event,.or task doesi

+ not represent or _ achieve the expected . result. The need for. t

, '% contingency, action occurs in conjunction with tasks involving

's verification,-: observation, confirmation and monitoring.

't N , lIf possible, contingency actions-will_be specified for each' l

    • the expected results or-actions might not be p . achieved. _. contingency actions are not'necessary when the: action may.

be' overly difficult to accomplish or provide r.inimal-benefit when-5 leaving the expected condition unsatisfied.' The 4 ' contingency actions should specify,~as appropriate,'. directions to

' override automatic controls and to initate manually what is normally ,

automatically. initiated.

5.4. -Use of Logic Terms'



The logic terms and, ,ol, not, g, E not, WHEN, ar,d THEN, are of ten '

necessary to precisely describe a set of conditior.s or sequence' of 1 actions. When logic -statements.are used, the logic terms shall be , '

underlined so.that all the conditions are-clear to the operator. Only i the logic terms g , WHEN, and THEN,'will be full' capitals and i l underlined.  ;

I i

l The following rules shall apply to the use of logic terms:

5.4.1 The use of and and of within the same action shall be i ,

avoided. I; g

5.4. 2 ' When attention should be called to combinations of .;

v conditions, the word and shall be placed between the N' description of each condition. The word and shall not be used to join more than three conditions in paragraph form.

If four or more conditions need to be joined, a list format h- shall be'used. .l

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-5.4.3 The_. word g shall be used when calling ~ attention to . . . ,

' alternative combinationsLof conditions.- The use of the word _: 1

,of shall always be in the.' inclusive-sense. To,specify the exclusive E , the following may be used: "either.A og B buta not both."

m ,.

5.4.4 "When actiori steps .are contingent upon certain conditions or -

' combinations of conditions, .the step'shall begin with the :

wordslE .or WHEN'followed by:a description of.the. condition

.or conditions.(the antecedent),'a= comma, the word THEN, followed by,the action to bc taken (the consequent). . WHEN is_

usedifor an expected condition: that may not have. occurred :-

yet. JIt is expected that'the user of the procedure will.

evaluate this logic _statementLwhen the condition does occur.


. . Il is used when the 1ogi:: statement only has-~to be evaluated once andldoes not-have to be; reevaluated later in the'

accident based upon-the' status of.the antecedent.

'5.4.5 Use~.of IF not should be limited to those cabesLin which the ,

operatoTmust respond to the second_of.two'possible l_l conditions. E~should be used to specify the first-condition.

-5.4.6 ' -All! sentences that begin'with Il are considered; logic 1

-statements and must include- the word THEN and these logic words.should be highlighted as' described above.

5.4.7 'To be consistent with.stan'dard_ logic, the user o'f the ^!

. procedures should only transfer to:the: contingency column'-

-when the logic statement ( g ..., then1...)'is false. .This


i occurs onlylwhen the antecedent is true_and the false. Care should be'taken to ensure the operator is not expected to. transfer to the contingency column when the antecedent is false.

5.4.8 'In the contingency column, the user must read the whole contingency for the substep.; ? ' high level-step if there are


not substeps) prior to retc %r. to the expected response column. This is the case pr ness of whether the initial

-logic statement ~is true or Ge. This' ensures that important actions are not mined.

5.4.9 In both the expected respceme column and the contingency column, the word IF in a loalc-statement will always be-positioned to be the first word in a line of text. This ,

makes each logic statement more visible than if they are written in standard paragraph form.

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' 5.'4.10 ' The words anL d', or, Land.not are not;always underlined because

, , they~are.not always used in a manner,where j logical'

- question must be answered by the. operatorL yhese words ,

should underlined when the operato'r;is. required to- j assign a;yes'or no answer to the' statement. :This occurs in

' the antecedent of an IF, THEN-statement. .These words should-

'not be underlines wheithey. appear:in' theiconsequent of an j


, IF, THEN statement. These'words should be underlined in.

j substeps of the expected response column whenever there is I an entry;in the response not obtained column. In this' case, l the operator must' assign a yes or no answer)to determine l

~which action performed next. .The' word and does not l need to beJunderlined when it appears between numbers to q define an acceptable range for a parameter.




- a .' RCS pressure stable a. Go to Step 4-(RHR) 1 o,r, increasing. j

b. Start control rod shroud I fans and cavity cooling fans .,
c. Go to Step 4 (RHR)

.5.5 'Use of Cautions and Notes 'l Cautions and notes should not contain operator actions. Cautions and ,

notes can be considered in two categories: 1) those that apply to the '!

entire procedure, and 2) those that apply to a portion or specific step of the procedure. Cautions or notes that apply to the entire  :

procedure are placed at the beginning of the procedure; those that apply to a' portion of a procedure are placed immediately before the l procedural steps to which they apply.

Cautions and notes that are at the beginning of a procedure will be arranged so that standard notes and cautions come first, procedure L

specific notes.and cautions follow, and any notes or cautions that L apply to the first step of the procedure will come last.

A cautica cannot be used instead of an instructional step. It should l1 t be used to denote a potential hatard to equipment or personnel associated.with or consequent to .he instructional step.



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. Page.9 ,

If' additionalinformation other-than' caution:is.necessary to support j'

- an, instruction' step a-. note should be used. A: note shall>present.

-advisory or, administrative'information;and.should not contain operator s .-

actions. : Procedure transitions canle' included in a note when; abs'olutely necessary.

Cautions?and notes shall extend across the entire page.and be in full capitals as shown.below:




5.6: ' calculations' , q Mathematical calculations .should be avoided in emergency operating procedures. ..If a'value has to-be determined in order to perform a procedural' step; a chartior. graph should be used whenever possible.

- 5.7' .

Use'of Underlining )

(Underlining will;be'used:for emphasis of high level steps and for some logic. terms. , column 1 headings will alte be unc'rlined.L. Underlining

can also be used to provide added emphasis'.to steps.


, 5.8 ReferencesandBranchkng"toOtherProceduresorSteps:

9..- .

Referencingfimplies that an additional procedure or additional steps

- willLbe used as a supplement to the procedure presently'being used.

Referencing other steps.within the procedure being used, either future

. steps or completed steps, should be minimized. When only a.fea steps are-involved in the referencing, the steps should be' stated in the fprocedure whenever they are needed.

s To minimise potential operator confusion, branching will be used when the operator is to' procedure'or step and use another V Lprocedure or step. Use the key words "Go to" or " Return to."

4 Therefore, the operator will'know to leave lthe present step and not

4. y return until directed. Use quotation marks to emphasize the title of the referenced or branched procedure. When branching to a step number,'. include a short description of the high level step in parenthesis following.the number. There should not be any action j verbs in this' description to prevent confusion.

Example: Go to E0P-1, " Loss of Reactor Coolant."

Go to Step 20, (reactor coolant) .

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5.9_ Compon rit' Identification m

' With respect totidentification of components,. the following rules are 4 .to be followed:

n - '

5.9.1 ' Equipment,. controls and.. displays,will be identified in' operator language'(common' usage) terms. These' terms may not I always match engraved names on panels but will be complete to ensure. correct' performance.

5.9.2 When the engraved names and numbers on panel nameplates .and

. alarm windows are specifically the item of concern in the procedure, the engraving should be quoted verbatim.

a 1 5.9.3 .The' names of plant system titles are emphasized by initial capitalization. When the word " system". is deleted from the j j title because of brevity and is. understood because of the d

-_ context, the' title is also emphasized by-initial


K 5.9.4 - If'the component is seldom used or it is felt that the component would be difficult to find, location information' should be given in' parentheses following the identification.

5.10 Leve1 of Detail

-'Too much detail in emergency operating procedures should be avoided in y . the interest of being able to effectively execute the instructions in


a- timely manner. (The level of detail required is the detail that a newly. trained and' licensed operator would desire during an' emergency.



To assist in determining the level of emergency operating procedure '!

'detaili the following general rules apply. j 9

5.10.1 Any information which the operator is expected to know (based l on his training and experience) should not be included, i i

5.10.2 For control circuitry that executes an entire function upon )

actuation of the control switch, the action verb appropriate i to the component suffices without further amplification of j how to manipulate the control device; for example, " Start one J reactor coolant pump per OP-4B."' Recommended action verbs are as follows:


a. Use " start /stop" for power-driven rotating equipment.  !

3 j ( b. Use "open/ shut / throttle / pull to lock" for valves.

c. Use " trip /close/ lockout" for electrical breakers.


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<q 5.10.3: :For. control: switches with a positional; placement that- . 4 v7 - establishes -.a . standby readiness condition, the verb " set'.'


should:be used,ialong with the' engraved name of<the(desired:  ;

position; Positional placements-are typically' associated. O g' ,

.with establishing: readiness of automatic; functions and are .

'e ,

Ltypically named " auto" or." manual."' j 5.10.4 ' ' Standard practices for observing for abnormal results need .

not be' prescribed within procedural steps. Forfexample, H observations of noise, vibration,Lerratic flow-, or discharge. '

i pressure:need not be specified by steps that. start pumps.

d j

, 4 1

. 5.11: Printed Op'arator Aids-  ;

. When-information ist presented using graphs, charts, tables and: .


.I figures, these. aids. must be self-explanatory,3 legible, and readable s :j under the-expected conditions of use and-within the reading precision: l of the operator. 5

.  :\

5.11.1.. Limits of Measure ] ,

Units of measure on figures, tables,. and- attachments sho'u ld E

-be'given for numerical values':that'representiobserved data or' '

calculated results. .,

. 1

,1 '

5.11.2' iTitles and Headings

, capitalization should be used for references to tables and 1

-figures, titles of tables and figures within text material! }

and column' headings.within a. table, q


I Example: . Refer to Figure 2'for....

5.11.3 Figure.and Appendices Numbering sequential arabic numbers should be' assigned to figures. .

Letters should be assigned to appendices. 'The sequence j should correspond.with the order of their reference in the >

text. The symbol-"#" and' abbreviations "No." should not be used. The number'a2one suffices.

Example: Appendix "A," Appendix "B," etc.

All figures and appendices will be placed at the end of the j procedure.

-Page numbers of appendices will appear in the title block but not at the bottom of the page. All appendices will start  !

with Page 1.  ;


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l5~11.4[ 1 Foldout.Page l j s. ,

Each '"EOP .' series" will' have alfoldout)page :that. will bel numbered as the final?page 'of the last: procedure in the :

series.' ;(That procedure will still be captioned.with "END"-

, afterithe last instructional. step.)L The-foldout will be.

Oe ' titled " Foldout for EOP-X Series," and will'use a single icolumn format'(vs two-column).

^(. Each set of operator information will:be numbered: . <

sequentially land have an~ explanatory title. 'The:. title will?


~be' capitalized and underlined. .Each foldcat page will have a.

. colored tab affixed as an operator reminder to pull open the 4 >

page. ,



.; 6 '.1 ! Spelling ,

..q Spelling should' be . consistent with modern usage. When a choice of c

- spelling is: offered by a. dictionsry, the -first spelling should be.

M used.

$ 6 ,'2  ? Hyphenation' ' >



Hyphens.are used between elements of a compound word when usage calls >

The following rules should be followed for. hyphenation.

Y ,for'it.

16. 2. li >When doubt exists, the compound word should be restructured, H to avoid hyphenation. ';

6.2.2 Hyphens shbuld be used in the~following circumstances: .l a '. In compound numerals from twenty-one to ninety-nine; for example, one hundred thirty-four.

b. In fractions; example, one-half, tso-third's.

je c. In compounds with "self": examples, self-contained, self-lubricated.

d. ,Jhen the last' letter of the first word is the same vcwel.

as the first letter of the second word - as an alternative, two words msy be'used; example,-fire-escape i or fire escape.

e. When misleading or awkward consonants would result by. l joining the'words; example, bell-like.

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h[ f. To avoid confusion with another wordt. examples,, pre-position. '

4 (g[$ ' h _' g; . When a letter is linked with a noun; cxamples, X-ray,  ;

.0-ring, U-bolt, I-beam.  ;

'f * ,

p c. <- l Lh h h. To separate chemical elements and their atomic weight;

< examples., Uranium-235, U-235. .j g,=fjy n n'

, , 1 ~,

@ 'O '6.3 -Punctuation I

' ' ' b

. I < ; . v.

'C Punctuation should be used only as necessary to aid reading and o'

prevent misunderstanding. Word order should be selected to require a

.3 . '

i p minimum of punctuation When extensive punctuation is necessary for t n ji- ; clarity, tha sentence should be rewritten and possibly made into

'. u' 'several sentences. Punctuation should be in accordance with the {

t p followingiblas[

s i t

6.3.1 Brackets a o- i 4

' h' s Brackets.willibd used for presenting nemerical values for use with~ adverse containment conditions.



E ,L6.3.2 Colon


Use a colon to indicate that a list of items is to follow, for example, restore cooling flow as follows:.

6.3.3' Comma Use of many commas is a sign ths .nstruction is too complex j a

and needs to be rewritten. Thererore, evaluate the number of l commas to etc. ire the-instruction is not too cumpi L Use a comma after conditional phrases for clarity and ease of {

rearling, s ,

8 trample: IF,no RCP is, THEN start one per OP-4B. ,

.c l

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PPNP 4.19 Page 14-q 8

6.3.4- Parenthesis

-i Parentheses shall be steps that have transfers in j order to enclose a brief description of the step to be .

performed. This'is not necessary when transferring to the-

'first step of a procedure.

Example: Go to Step 10, (reactor coolant).

Parentheses shall also'be used to' indicate alternative items in a procedure, instruction, equipment identifiers, or additional information.

6.3.5- Period Use- a pericd at the end of complete sentences and for ,

indicating the. decimal placeein numbers. H 6.4 capitalization 6.4.1 ' caution t.nd notes will be in full capitals including the word

" CAUTION" or " NOTE".

6.4'.2 The logic terms "IF", "THEN", and'"WHEN" will be full ,

capitals and underlined. 1

-6.4.3 Title of procedures will be capitalized and in quotation marks whenever referenced in any procedure. Two letter words and short words that are not important to the understanding of the procedure title will not be capitalized.

6.4.4 Abbreviations and acronyms are in full capitals where appropriate (see Table 2).

6.4.5 All high level steps are capitalized and underlined. Two letter words and short words that are not important to the understanding of the high level step will not be capitalized.

6.4.6 The first word of sentences and sentence fragments will be l

capitalized.  !

6,4.7 Section headings on foldout pages are capitalized and underlined.

6.4.8 The column headings and procedure title will be in full capitals.

l' i 6.4 9 Capitalization can also be used minimally for added emphasis of key words.

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PBNP 4.19 Page 15-1

- 6.5 ' vocabulary-Words used in procedures should. convey precise meaning to the trained

. person. The following' rules apply: l Use simple words. . Simple words are usually short common-

'l 6.5.1 words of few syllables. -j 6.5.2 Use common usage if it makes the-procedure easier to-understand.

6.'5.3 Use words that are precise rather than vague, specific rather l than general, familiar rather than formal, concise rather 1 than blanket. Avoid using the.words stable, approximately,.

rapidly, slowly or normal.if possible.

6.5.4 Define key words that may be understood in more than one sense.

6.5.5 Verbs with specific meanings should be used.

6.5.6 Equipment status should be denoted as follows: ,

-a. Operable / operability - these words mean that a system, subsystem, train, component, or' device is capable of performing its specified function (s) in the intended manner. Implicit in this definition is~the assumption that all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal and emergency power sources,. cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment _ required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform'its function (s).'are also capable of performing L

related support functions.

b. Operating - this word means that a system, subsystem, L.- train, component, or device is ln' operation and is i

!- performing its specified function (s) and that other L conditions do not prevent it frcm maintaining that I service.

n c. Available - this word r ans that a system, subsystem, train, component, or device is operable and can be used as desired; however, it need not be operating.

6.5.7 Some key words and phases are defined in Table 1.

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.L i 6.6 Numerical Values i The use of numerical values should be consistent with the following rules:

6.6.1 Arabic. numerals should'be used.

6.6.2 For numbers.less than unity, the decimal point should be -!

preceded by. a zero; for. example, 0.1. .l

. 6.6.3 The number of significant digits should be consistent with l the number of significant digitt available from the display 1 and the reading precision of the operator.

6.6.4 The symbols for greater and less than (>, <) will be used except.when this would make the step difficult to read.

6 .6.5- . Acceptable values should be specified in such a way that .i addition and subtraction by the user is unnecessary. This can generally be done by stating acceptance values as limits.

1 Examples: 510'F maximum, 300 psig minimum, 580 F:to 600 F.

Tolerances can be expressed by. stating the nominal value followed by the acceptable range in parentheses.

Example : Between 5% and 50%  !

' Avoid - 550*F i 10'F 'l I

6.6.6 Engineering units should always be specified for numerical H, values of process variables. They should be the'same as those used on the control room displays.

6.7 -Abbreviations, Letter Symbols and Acronyms -

' The use of abbreviations or letter- symbols shoold be minimized because' l they may be confusing to those who are not throughly familiar with  !

them. Abbreviations and letter symbols may be used when their meaning is unquestionably clear to the reader / user. Consistent usage should be maintained throughout the procedure. .j i

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Page'17 .

. capitalization of abbreviations should:be uniform. 'If the - comprised of lower' case letters;~it should appea'r in  ; a" title or_ heading. The period should be.omitted in' "


. abbreviations except'in' cases where the omission would. result in.

s Tconfusion,eonly the abbreviations ~that appear in Table,2 should be-used in the emergency procedures; -

i " Abbreviations _, symbols'andacronymsshouldnotbe. overused. :Their use C' shculd be for;the Lbenefit of, the reader. They can:be beneficial;by.-

saving reading time, ensuring, clarity when' space is limited and communicating mathematical idea's.

'6.8 End- 1


. i ToLdesignate thefend of.ehch procedure the word "ENn" dil'be placed-- d

below the11ast-_line.of text _ centered on the page. -

')j L7;0'.: TYPING FORMAT; y~ ,?

f_t1. .. .

17.1-[GeneralTypingInstructions j V

. '1 The following' general requirements are to'be followed for.the emergency. operating procedures: 3

.. , .q j

7.1.1 ' Paper size should be 8\" x 11'.'

7.1.2 . Procedures 1will be on white paper



!7.1.3 l Procedures ~should be typed on a word processor , 5 g ,

7.2 Page Arrangement To ensure page' remains intact during copying,' the following will be standard format. . There will be'a 7/8" margin on the left-hand side of-the page _to allow'for punching holes. There will be a 5/8" margin on the ript-hand side of the page. . There will.also be.a 5/8" margin-between the: top of the page and:the title block, and a 1/2" margin -l between the word continued and the bottom of 'the page.

>p The page number will appear in the title block. Each new copy of. f

' these procedures will' be checked to ensure the word continued or end y appears at the bottom of each page prior to the procedures being

-placed in use in the control room.



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l PBNP 4.19 Page 18 7.3 Heading and Text Arrangement The cover page of each procedure is composed of two sections, one titled " Purpose" and the other titled " Symptoms or Entry Conditions." A These section headings will be in full capitals and underscored. Any subsections on the title page will be underscored.

The_ bulk of the procedure consists of the operator actions. Each high level step will be in initial capitals with an underscore. The substeps will be indented and will have the initial word capitalized, l All complete sentences will end in a period. The following rules will also be used:

7.3.1 There will be two blank lines above each high level step and one line space below.

7.3.2 There will be at least one blank line between substeps. All substeps will have one line space separating it from the last line of the previous contingency action.

7.3.3 There will be two blank lines below the column headings.

The text will be arranged so the user will not have to rotate any pages to read information. For additional clarification of text arrangement, see Figure 1. (

7.4 Breaking of Words i

Breaking of words shall be avoided. J i

7.5 Figures Figures include graphs, drawings, diagrams and illustrations. The following rules are established:

7.5.1 The figure number and its title are placed above the figure.

7.5.2 The figure field and number / title must not violate specified l

page margins.

7.5.3 The figure field should be of sufficient size to offer good readability.

7.5.4 The essential message should be clear; simple presentations are preferred.

t 7.5.5 Labeling of items within the figure should be accompanied by arrows pointing to the item.



.PBNP 4.19 i Page 19 a

7.5.6 The items within the figure should be oriented as naturally as possible. For example, height on a graph should be along the vertical axis.

7.5.7 In general, items within the figure should be labeled.

7.5.8. All lines in figures should be reproducible.

I 7.6 Tables ~ j Tables should by typed using the following rules:

7.6.1 All tables should be evaluated to determine:if a title or table number is necessary. If a title would.not be. ,

q beneficial to the user, it should not be used. l 7 . 6 .' 2 'A heading should be entered for each column and centered j within the column; the first letter.of words in the column )

headings should be capitalized.

7.6.3 Horizontal 11nes will'be placed above.and below the column i headings. vertical lines will be used to. separate columns.

7.6.4 Tabular headings should be aligned as follows:

a. Horizontally by related entries
b. Vertically by decimal point for numerical entries
c. Vertically by first letter for word entries; however, j run-over lines should be indented three spaces. {

7.6.5 There should not be a vacant cell in the table. If no entry is necessary, "NA" or "- " should be entered to indicate not I applicable. )


7.7 Cautians and Notes.

j A1.L antes and cautions should be distinguishable from the rest of the

. text by using' the following format:

7.7.1 The applicable heading " NOTE" and " CAUTION" should be _

j capitalized and placed three line spaces below the preceding text when possible.

7.7.2 The text of the note or caution should be in block 'ormat.

The word note or caution should be in the step column and the '

text should extend to the right-hand margin of the page. l A


PBNP 4.19 Page 20 .


7.8 U_se of Foldout Pages When used, a foldout page is treated as a single pt., It should follow a single column format similar to the cover p > except the width is different. The page should be folded so that a small margin exists between the fold and the right-hand edge of standard pages. '

This will reduce wear of the fold.

7.9 Use of Oversized Pages Oversize pages shall not be used except as foldouts. ,

7.10. Use of Reduced Pages ,

Reduced pages should be avoided whenever posssible. Final size of reduced pages should be standard page size. Reduced pages should be -


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PBNP 4.19 '


-Available implies that the system is producing the desired result'or'is ready for use. This word is often used to present another, less desirable, method or system for producing a desired effect. 'If the system is not ready for use, the alternative method'should be used.

Example: IF. auxiliary spray is not available, THEN use one pressurizer POSV.

CHECK Observe a system or parameter to determine its present condition. When

" check" is used there will always he- criteria included (possibliin a sWasequent substep) to be used in the evaluation. The word " check" alone does not ' imply that any action is to be taken beyond observing the condition.

Example: Check if SI is Actuated DO NOT PROCEED. (D0 NOT CONTINUF. .)

The procedure user should not continue in this procedure until the desired condition that follows is obtained. If another procedure is-being done concurrently, it does not have - to be halted but the operator should be cauticus to avoid taking any- actions that ' this statement is attemping to avoid.

Example: Do not proceed to next step until RCS pressure is reduced to 1200 psig.


"Faultedf]Delets to a steam generator with an uncontrolled secondary system release.~s ,'f Example: Identify Faulted Steam Generator l

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This' phrsse tells the procedure user to leave the . procedure at this point and continue executing procedure steps beginning with the' step number-in-this statement. The user.will sometimes be instructed to go to an earlier-step ~in'the procedure (i.e., " Return to") or'a later step in the procedure (i.e., "Go'to") or'another procedure altogether. Whenever the. user leaves a procedure, prior. to 'the end, i. ribbon should be inserted as a page. marker.

Often the procedure.that the user'is transferred to will"have an instruction to " return,to the procedureJ in effect." This page marker will allow the

' user- to " continue thel original procedure where it was -left off.

INTACT' r " Intact".specifically refers to'a steam ge'erator n that-is neither faulted nor raptured. This means the, steam generator does not have a secondary depr6ssurization or'a tube rupture. 0ften if neither steam' generator is

. -intact, one-of.them will have to be considered intact to complete necessary-actions:in the procedure. This is also described in the appropriate'

. procedure.


-Examples- Depressurize Intact Steam Generator to 250 psig.

Intact can also be used more generally to describe a pressure boundary that g is not relieving.


~ This. word is used to' remind the procedure user that the action that follows cannot be executed from the control room.

MANUALLY This word istused to remind the procedure user that the action that follows

,e >

can be done from the control room.


OPERATE This word is.used to allow the operator to manipulate a particular control or cycle equipment in order to establish or maintain a definite criteria.


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Page;23L j


-PER. a. >

o; This word'isiused to present a reference Lprocedure identifier that is'to be :  ;

J used:in satisfying:the step. This is' used when there are additional H concerns that have to be addressed beyond the information that can be put in i

.the; emergency operating procedure. ,The user'is: expected to obtain the

g '

referenced procedure and. satisfy the directives of-this procedure while t" '

. performing.the. emergency. operating procedure step.



'" Ruptured" refers'to a steam generator' wit.h a ruptured tube.


E - i s

, *, , f , ,

" Verify"ris.used'to confirm that an expected desirable condition; exists. ' If- J

the? condition:does.not exist,'the'-appropriate contingency, either stated or- 1

! implied, is to establish'the.' expected condition.


,l -

Examples:.-Verify at least one RCP running.


Thiscword"is used ,to ' describe;the unit (plant) . that is not having the- -l .

accident. .Some accidents ~would have a similar impact.on both units.


o Example: Isolate Auxiliary Feedwater Flow to Unaffected Unit. l

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PBNP 4.19 I l


>  : TABLE 2 1



% ' Percent .i Alternating current l

' AC .

AFW - Auxiliary feedwater f amps . Amperes .j A0V. Air-operated valve (used as a valve identifier) . ;i BAST -Boric. acid storage tank 1

'CCW Component cooling water system  !

'CRDM. Control rod drive' mechanism ~(undesirable' abbreviation)-

CSP. Critical safety procedure (used as a procedure identifier)

. CST Condensate storage tank .

CV Control valve (used as'a valve identifier)

-Chemical & volume control system


CVCS DCS Duty &. Call Superintendent DPM- Decodes per minute DTA Duty Technical Advisor El. Elevation ~ ,

EH . Electrohydraulic .

E0P -Emergency Operating' Procedures .

EPIP Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures

'*F' Farenheit ft Feet gpm Gallons per minute ~

THCV Hand-control valve (used as a valve identifier)  :

HP Hi(3 pressure H: Hertz I&C Instrumentation & Control in Inches -1 KW Kilowatts LOCA Loss of coolant accident 1 hG Motor generator MOV- Motor-operated valve (used as a valve identifier) ..

MPC.. . Maximum permissible concentration l MSIV' MaiaJsteam isolation valve

.NaOH. Sodium hydroxide OP Operating procedure (used as a procedure identifier) ,

b PORV~ -Power-operated relief valve l psid- -Pounds per square inch differential  !

,psig' Pounds per square inch gauge-  !

h. R Rads

'R . Rankine RCP ! Reactor coolant pump

.RCS ' Reactor coolant system L reg Regulating

l. RHR; Residual heat removal system RMS- Radiation monitoring system  :

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i PBNP 4.19 Page 25

'RTD- Resistance temperature device RWST Refueling water storage tank .;


,SCFM. ~ Standard cubic feet per minute  ;.

j; lSG; Steam: generator.

i SGTR Steam generator tube rupture

[ SI . Safety injection l .SUR Startup rate SWL Service water s <

T.(6T)- Temperature (delta' temperature)' _

Tavg LRCS average. temperature TC . Thermocouple TSC: Technical Support Center

'VJ Volts.

VCT Volume control-tank l

l Y

l 1

1 i

i l

L. ]


.i ,

'Y i


-l. a. RCS subcooling >36*F based- 4. Manually operate SI pumps on core exit themocouples as necessary.

Go to Step 17 (accumulators),'

b. Pressurizer level b. Manually operate SI pumps as

>5% (20%]. necessary.

Return to Step 9 (depressurize).


17 Check if SI' Accumulators t Should be Isolated e


[ a. RCS pressure <1000 psig a. Continue with Step 18 (cooliaq).

WHEN RCS pressure <1000 psig,

_THEN do Steps 17b c an$ d.

b. RCS subcooling >65'T [75'F) a. IF RCS hot leg te m rature based on core exit I400*F. THIN go to thermoccuples step 18 (cooling).


. , . c. Restore isolation i valves

d. Shut SI accumulator d. Vent any unisolated isolation valves accumulator (s). i 18 Check RCP Cooline Establish normal cooling to RCPs per 0P-48, " Reactor Coolant Pump RCP CCW flow normal Operation."

- RCP seal injection flow normal 19 Establish RCP Seal Return Il9*.i

.3 l,
