MONTHYEARML20212K9531999-10-0101 October 1999 Amends 144 & 135 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS Nis SRs to Adjust Nis Pr Channels Only When calorimetric-calculated Power Greater than Pr Indicated Power by More than +2% RTP ML20211B8761999-08-17017 August 1999 Amend 143 to License NPF-2,changing Unit 1 License in Response to Application Dtd 990423,by Adding Addl Condition Which Allows Operation of Unit 1 for Cycle 16 Based on risk- Informed Approach to Evaluate SG Tube Structural Integrity ML20206L4451999-05-10010 May 1999 Amends 142 & 134 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TS 3/4.4.9, Specific Activity & Associated Bases to Increase Limit Associated with Dose Equivalent I-131 ML20203J0561999-02-19019 February 1999 Amends 107 & 85 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Section 6, Administrative Controls ML20154L2731998-10-15015 October 1998 Amends 138 & 130 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TSs to Change Applicable Modes for Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation (TS 3/4.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation) ML20217P0471998-04-29029 April 1998 Amends 137 & 129 to Licenses NPF-02 & NPF-08,respectively, Change Max Reactor Core Power Level for Facility Operation from 2652 Mwt to 2775 Mwt for Plants.Amends Also Approve Changes to TS to Implement Uprated Power Operation ML20216C1651998-04-0909 April 1998 Amends 136 & 128 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising pressure-temp Limit Heatup & Cooldown & Hydrostatic Testing Curves ML20203B4521998-02-0505 February 1998 Amends 135 & 127 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing Number of Allowable Charging Pumps Capable of Injecting Into RCS When Temp of One or More Cold Legs Equal to or Less than 180F ML20203B7501998-02-0505 February 1998 Amends 134 & 126 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Change TS 3.9.13 by Adding Footnote to Clarify Required Electrical Power Sources for Penetration Room Filtration Sys When Aligned to SFP Room During Refueling Operations ML20198R5181997-10-29029 October 1997 Amends 132 & 124 to Licenses NPF-02 & NPF-08,respectively, Changing TS 3/4.4.9, Specific Activity & Associated Bases to Reduce Limit Associated W/Dose Equivalent iodine-131 ML20212F4621997-10-23023 October 1997 Amend 131 to License NPF-2,reducing Number of Required Incore Detectors Necessary for Continued Operation for Reminder of Cycle 15 Only ML20212A2221997-10-17017 October 1997 Amends 130 & 123 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TS for Both Farley Units to Allow Operability Testing for Certain Containment Isolation Valves During Defueled Status ML20217E8231997-10-0101 October 1997 Amends 129 & 122 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS to Clarify That Testing of Each Shared EDG 1-2A & 1C,to Comply W/Surveillance Requirement,only Required Once Per 5 Yrs on Per EDG Basis ML20137D6751997-03-24024 March 1997 Amend 124 to License NPF-2,revising TS 3/4.4.6, Steam Generators & Associated Bases to Implement voltage-based Alternate Repair Criteria for Steam Generator Tubes ML20137E2891997-03-24024 March 1997 Amends 125 & 119 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate Latest Revised Topical Repts Governing Installation of Laser Welded SG Tube Sleeves ML20247K6201989-05-19019 May 1989 Amends 81 & 73 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Extending Expiration Dates of OLs to 170625 for Unit 1 & to 210331 for Unit 2 ML20151D1411988-07-18018 July 1988 Amends 78 & 70 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing Tech Specs in Section 6, Administrative Controls, to Reflect Revised Corporate Mgt Position ML20150D5901988-07-0808 July 1988 Amends 77 & 69 to Licenses NPF-02 & NPF-08,respectively, Deleting Tech Spec Figures 6.2-1 & 6.2.2 & Refs & Replacing Charts Re Organizational Structure,Per Generic Ltr 88-06 ML20236Q9851987-11-16016 November 1987 Amends 74 & 66 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Limiting Condition for Operation & Action & Surveillance Requirements of Tech Spec Re Containment Ventilation Sys ML20236F1691987-10-26026 October 1987 Amends 73 & 65 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Increase Steam Generator Tube Plugging from 5% to 10% & to Increase Slightly Increase Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor Coefficient ML20235D4911987-09-21021 September 1987 Amend 64 to License NPF-8,modifying Tech Spec 3/4.4.6 Surveillance & Reporting Requirements for Testing of Steam Generator Tubes in Tube Sheet Region ML20235C9931987-09-18018 September 1987 Amends 72 & 63 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Tech Spec 3/4.4.6 to Allow Use of Approved Steam Generator Tube Sleeving Technique in Lieu of Plugging Defective Tubes ML20216E6501987-06-23023 June 1987 Amend 71 to License NPF-2,revising Tech Spec Figures 3.4-2 & 3.4-3 to Reflect Heatup & Cooldown Limitations Based on Results of Analysis of Reactor Vessel Matl Surveillance Program ML20209E5631987-04-10010 April 1987 Amends 70 & 62 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Involving Administrative Changes to Tech Specs,Including Correcting Fire Hose Station Designations & Hydrant Numbers & Correcting Size of mini-purge Valves in Ventilation Sys ML20206G3341987-03-30030 March 1987 Amends 69 & 61 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Modifying Tech Specs Re Visual Insp Requirements for Snubbers on one-time Basis ML20207N3461987-01-0707 January 1987 Corrected Tech Spec Pages 3/4 4-29,3/4 4-30 & B 3/4 4-10 from Amend 55 to License NPF-8 ML20214P2491986-11-0505 November 1986 Amends 68 & 60 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Tech Specs & 3.5.1.c to Increase Boron Concentration Limits by 300 Ppm in Refueling Water Storage Tank & in RCS Accumulators ML20215N2331986-10-24024 October 1986 Amends 67 & 59 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Tech Specs Re Operation & Surveillance Requirements for Reactor Trip Breakers,Including Automatic Shunt Trip Feature Mods ML20215G1741986-09-23023 September 1986 Amend 66 to License NPF-2,deleting Fuel Rod Weight Limit in Tech Spec 5.3.1 Re Descriptive Design Features of Fuel Assemblies ML20214U2521986-09-0909 September 1986 Amends 65 & 58 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Tech Specs to Require Operation of All Three Reactor Coolant Loops in Mode 3 & Disabling of Rod Control Sys ML20206J0861986-06-16016 June 1986 Amends 64 & 57 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Modifying Tech Spec 3.2.3 to Delete Rod Bow Penalty & Deleting Tech Spec Figure 3.2-3 ML20210P2881986-05-0707 May 1986 Corrected Tech Spec Page 3/4 4-6 from Amend 55 to License NPF-8 Re Analysis of Capsule U in Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program ML20203N5891986-04-21021 April 1986 Amend 55 to License NPF-8,modifying Tech Spec Table 4.4-5 & Figures 3.4-2 & 3.4-3 Based on Results of Capsule U Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program ML20210K2611986-04-16016 April 1986 Amend 63 & 54 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Deleting Tech Spec 3.4.9 Action Statement a Requiring Plant Shutdown When Coolant Activity Exceeds Cumulative Spiking Limit ML20203E0891986-04-15015 April 1986 Amends 62 & 53 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Tech Spec Table 4.3-1 Re Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 1999-08-17
MONTHYEARML20212K9531999-10-0101 October 1999 Amends 144 & 135 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS Nis SRs to Adjust Nis Pr Channels Only When calorimetric-calculated Power Greater than Pr Indicated Power by More than +2% RTP ML20212C5831999-09-15015 September 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,committing Util to Transfer Certain CTS Requirements Into Util Controlled Documents & Specifying Schedule for Performing New & Revised ITS Surveillances.Revised License Pages,Encl ML20211B8761999-08-17017 August 1999 Amend 143 to License NPF-2,changing Unit 1 License in Response to Application Dtd 990423,by Adding Addl Condition Which Allows Operation of Unit 1 for Cycle 16 Based on risk- Informed Approach to Evaluate SG Tube Structural Integrity ML20210R5181999-08-12012 August 1999 Revised Page 6 to 990430 LAR to Operate Farley Nuclear Plant,Unit 1,for Cycle 16,based on risk-informed Approach for Evaluation of SG Tube Structural Integrity.Marked Page of Current License,Included ML20206L4451999-05-10010 May 1999 Amends 142 & 134 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TS 3/4.4.9, Specific Activity & Associated Bases to Increase Limit Associated with Dose Equivalent I-131 ML20203J0561999-02-19019 February 1999 Amends 107 & 85 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising Section 6, Administrative Controls ML20155J4391998-11-0606 November 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,requesting Change to TS Nuclear Instrumentation Sys Power Range Daily Surveillance Requirement ML20154L2731998-10-15015 October 1998 Amends 138 & 130 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TSs to Change Applicable Modes for Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation (TS 3/4.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation) ML20154K2451998-10-12012 October 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Section 6 of TS by Recognizing Addl Mgt Positions Associated with SG Replacement Project & Providing Ability to Approve Procedures Re Project Which May Affect Nuclear Safety ML20217P0471998-04-29029 April 1998 Amends 137 & 129 to Licenses NPF-02 & NPF-08,respectively, Change Max Reactor Core Power Level for Facility Operation from 2652 Mwt to 2775 Mwt for Plants.Amends Also Approve Changes to TS to Implement Uprated Power Operation ML20216C1651998-04-0909 April 1998 Amends 136 & 128 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising pressure-temp Limit Heatup & Cooldown & Hydrostatic Testing Curves ML20216F7051998-03-12012 March 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8 to Revise Existing TS in Entirety.Amend Consists Primarily of Conversion of Current TS to Improved Ts,Per NUREG-1431,rev 1.Vols 1-10 Contain Listed Attachments ML20203B4521998-02-0505 February 1998 Amends 135 & 127 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing Number of Allowable Charging Pumps Capable of Injecting Into RCS When Temp of One or More Cold Legs Equal to or Less than 180F ML20203B7501998-02-0505 February 1998 Amends 134 & 126 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Change TS 3.9.13 by Adding Footnote to Clarify Required Electrical Power Sources for Penetration Room Filtration Sys When Aligned to SFP Room During Refueling Operations ML20198H3561998-01-0707 January 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,adding Note to TS to Specifically Indicate Normal or Emergency Power Supply May Be Inoperable in Modes 5 or 6 Provided That Requirements of TS Are Satisified ML20198E6531997-12-31031 December 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,changing Nis IR Neutron Flux Reactor Trip Setpoint & Allowable Value to Be Consistent W/W Std TS,NUREG-1431,Rev 1.Proprietary Safety Analysis,Encl.Proprietary Info Withheld ML20198E2891997-12-30030 December 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,changing Requirements for Auxiliary Bldg & Svc Water Bldg Batteries, Per NRC Staff Concerns as Described in URI 50-348/97-201 & 50-364/97-201 & NOV 50-348/97-11 & 50-364/97-11 ML20198R5181997-10-29029 October 1997 Amends 132 & 124 to Licenses NPF-02 & NPF-08,respectively, Changing TS 3/4.4.9, Specific Activity & Associated Bases to Reduce Limit Associated W/Dose Equivalent iodine-131 ML20212F4621997-10-23023 October 1997 Amend 131 to License NPF-2,reducing Number of Required Incore Detectors Necessary for Continued Operation for Reminder of Cycle 15 Only ML20212A2221997-10-17017 October 1997 Amends 130 & 123 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing TS for Both Farley Units to Allow Operability Testing for Certain Containment Isolation Valves During Defueled Status ML20211P5811997-10-16016 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Number of Allowable Charging Pumps Capable of Injecting in RCS When Temperature of One or More of RCS Cold Leg Temperatures Is Less than 180 F ML20217E8231997-10-0101 October 1997 Amends 129 & 122 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS to Clarify That Testing of Each Shared EDG 1-2A & 1C,to Comply W/Surveillance Requirement,only Required Once Per 5 Yrs on Per EDG Basis ML20211A6811997-09-17017 September 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,amending Primary Coolant Specific Activity,Per GL 95-05 ML20216C9231997-09-0303 September 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-2,allowing Reduction in Available Paths to Min of 50% w/3 Per Core Quadrant. Non-proprietary & Proprietary W Repts CAA-97-234 & CAA-97-235,encl.Proprietary Info,Withheld ML20149K0971997-07-23023 July 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,relocating RCS P/T Limits from TS to Proposed PT Limits Rept IAW Guidance Provided by GL 96-03, Relocation of P/T Limit Curves & LTOP Protection Sys Limits ML20148R7351997-06-30030 June 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8, Incorporating Requirements Necessary to Change Basis for Prevention of Criticality in Fuel Storage Pool.Change Eliminates Credit for Boraflex as Neutron Absorbing Matl ML20148Q0981997-06-30030 June 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising & Clarifying Requirements for CR Emergency & Penetration Room Filtration Sys & Related Storage Pool Ventilation Sys & Revises Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Channels ML20148K7421997-06-13013 June 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,proposing Changes Found in Tech Specs 3/4.9.13, Storage Pool Ventilation (Fuel Movement) ML20140A3861997-05-28028 May 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,clarifying That Testing of Each Shared EDG to Comply W/Sr Is Only Required Once Per Five Years on a Per EDG Basis,Not on Per Unit Basis ML20148E5851997-05-27027 May 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Applicable Modes for Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation & Providing Allowances for an Exception to Requirements for State of Power Supplies for RHR Discharge to Pump Valves ML20138B9161997-04-23023 April 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Proposed TS Pages to Include Footnote Concerning Filter Pressure Drop Testing & Mechanical Heater Testing ML20137H6011997-03-25025 March 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-2,requesting Implementation of voltage-based Alternate Repair Criteria, Per GL 95-05 ML20137E2891997-03-24024 March 1997 Amends 125 & 119 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate Latest Revised Topical Repts Governing Installation of Laser Welded SG Tube Sleeves ML20137D6751997-03-24024 March 1997 Amend 124 to License NPF-2,revising TS 3/4.4.6, Steam Generators & Associated Bases to Implement voltage-based Alternate Repair Criteria for Steam Generator Tubes ML20136F8141997-03-0707 March 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising TS 3/4.6.3 Re Containment Isolation Valves Surveillance Requirements ML20135C6511997-02-24024 February 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,requesting Revision & Clarification to Surveillance Requirements for Control Room Emergency Filtration Sys,Penetration Room Filtration Sys & Containment Purge Exhaust Filter ML20135C8311997-02-14014 February 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Specified Max Power Level & Definition of Rated Thermal Power ML20138G9451996-12-26026 December 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,reflecting Guidance in GL 95-05, SG Tube Support Plate Voltage-Based Repair..., to Use Revised Accident Leakage Limit of 20 Gpm & Include 50% of Rpc Ndds in Calculation.W/O Unit 2 TSs ML20134K5501996-11-15015 November 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,requesting Deletion of TS Re Containment Spray Additive Sys ML20128F8681996-09-30030 September 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,relocating cycle-specific Core Operating Parameter Limits to Colr. Proposed Changes Based on Guidance Found in NRC GL 88-16, WOG-90-016,NUREG-1431 & VEGP COLR Approved by NRC ML20117G2911996-08-30030 August 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-8,requesting Deletion of References to Cycle Specific L* Criteria ML20117D2201996-08-23023 August 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,requesting to Allow Use of Elevated Sleeve ML20113B6931996-06-24024 June 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,deleting Requirement for Surveillance of Manual SI Input to Reactor Trip Circuitry Until Next Unit Shutdown ML20113A7991996-06-20020 June 1996 Application to Revise Ts,Reflecting Implementation of 10CFR50,App J,Option B & Represent Crossed Beneficial Licensee Actions ML20112G9711996-06-12012 June 1996 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,providing Improved Operating Margins as Well as Increased Flexibility W/Respect to Core Designs & Plant Operating Strategy. Rev 2 to NSD-NT-OPL-96-152 Withheld ML20107J9551996-04-23023 April 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-8,requesting Unit 2 Cycle 11 TS Change for SG Tubes Remaining in Svc ML20107J1521996-04-22022 April 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-8,reflecting Implementation of New F* Criteria Based on Maintaining Existing Safety Margins for SG Tube Structural Integrity Concurrent W/Allowance for NDE Eddy Current Uncertainty ML20101L9041996-03-29029 March 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-8,revising TS 3/4.4.6, Steam Generators & Associated Bases,Reflecting Guidance in GL 95-05.Responses to GL & Revised TS Encl ML20095L0161995-12-19019 December 1995 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,revising Tech Specs Section 3/.7.7 Re Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys ML20098B0911995-09-26026 September 1995 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,changing TS to Incorporate Improvements to Containment Air Lock Testing Ref in Chapter 3.6,containment Sys of NUREG-1431, Sts,Westinghouse Plants 1999-09-15
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