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Forwards QA Program for Ohio State Univ Nuclear Reactor Lab, Administrative Procedure AP-14, Ohio State Univ Research Reactor Mod Requests & Procedure RS-11, Routine Shipment of Radioactive Matl
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 03/07/1989
From: Redmond R
Shared Package
ML20235Z339 List:
NUDOCS 8903150347
Download: ML20235Z336 (1)


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H2-E Engineering Experiment Stati6n -

142 Hitchcock Hall '

W-2070 Neil Avenue.

Columbus, OH 43210-1275 Phone 614-292-2411 UNIVERSITY March 7,'1989 i

1 LU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


g' Document Control Desk Washington DC'20555


QA Program for The Ohio State University Research Reactor (Facility-License'No.'R-75,; Docket 50-150)

Dear. Sir:

The staff of thE Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) has prepared'a QA plan to provide adequate. confidence that-safety-related items will perform g

. satisfactorily in service and also meet the requirements for. the


-packaging and transportation of radioactive materials. This plan basically outlines what is already. done to assure quality at the NRL.

It was reviewed-'and-approved by the-Reactor Operations-Committee at its meeting on March 2,.189.

Please direct questions on this plan to.Mr.

Richard D. Myser (614/292-6755).

Sincerely, f

Robert F. Redmond Director RFR/s Enclosures c:

Don W. Miller, Director, NRL Richard D. Myser, Associate Director, NRL Donald E. Miller, USNRC Region III' El N 8903150347 8903o7 "w

DR ADOCK 05000150 PDC


College of Engineering 2______


.e I



- There are two reasons that a Quality Assurance.(Q.A.) program be established. First, The Ohio State University Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report (9.7 Quality Assurance) requires the establishment and maintenance of a Q.A. swic=> based on ANS-15.8 (Quality Assurance Prwswu Requirements for Research Reactors). It is to provide adequate confidence

.that safety-related-items will perform satisfactorily in service. Second,-

10CFR71.12(B) requires a swinm approved by the NRC that meets the

_requ rements of Subpart H, Quality Assurance, for the Packaging and i

- Transportation of Radioactive' Materials.

Quality Assurance is maintained by following good procedures. These procedures are based on NRC Requirements, 'Ihe OSURR Safety Analysis Report and Technical Specifications, and the OSU Office of Radiation Safety Standards. These procedures are reviewed and approved by the Reactor-Operations Committee (EOC).


Pr @

u' Scope The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Q.A. Pro swa w

applies only to the following:


Replacement of er modification to reactor safety related systans such as

1. Fuel Elements
2. Control Rods and Drives
3. Reactor Instrumentation
4. Cooling System

.5. Radiation Monitoring System B.

Design, construction, installation, and operation of experimental facilities.


Quality-affecting activities related to shipments of radioactive materials.

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2 President Provost Vice President-for Health Services

Dean, College of Engineering Reactor Operations Committee i

Director, Engineering Experiment Station l

l l

Director, Director, Nuclear Reactor Office Radiatjon Safety Laboratory Reactor Users Associate Director, including Nuclear lleactor Laboratory NRL Staff Senior Reactor Operator Reactor Operations Staff Paths of Direct Responsibility Solid Lines _

Dashed Lines ---- ----- Paths of Information Figure


' Administrative Organization' 1





3 2.

Prwcon Organization The responsibility for the Q.A. program is delegated to the Director of the NRL as shown in Figure 1, " Administrative Organization".

His/her designee, normally the Associate Director, shall be responsible for the daily implementation of the program. The Reactor Operations Canmittee has responsibility for independent review and audit functions associated with the program. Reactor Users may include reactor staff, faculty, or students who perform experiments or plan changes that impact safety related items or ship radioactive materials.

The requirements for the allocation of Q.A. responsibilities are given in 10CFR71.103. The responsibilities for the execution of the Q.A. Program are as follows:


Reactor Users 1.

Develop system or experiment designs.


Perform safety or experiment reviews.


Prepare procedures, methods and checklists.


Subnit designs, reviews, procedures, methods and checklists (modification packages) to the Associate Director for review.


Purchase and inspect construction materials.


Assemble or build systems or experimental facilities.


Install, test and operate systems or experimental 3 facilities.


Prepare radioactive materials for shipnent.


Complete procedures for the above and subnit these for approval and filing.


NRL Associate Director 1.

Provides for Q.A. indoctrination and training of reactor staff.


Independently reviews staff modification packages to be subnitted to Reactor Director for review if necessary.


Has overall authority and responsibility for the implementation of the Q.A. program.


Maintains the Q.A. files.


Review designs, procedures, methods and checklists.

Refers these to the ROC for further study and approval when necessary.

3; S


NRL Director 1.

Establishes Facility's Q.A. policies, goals and objectives.

2.. Assures implementation of the re w mnen-1ations contained in'the ROC audits of the Q.A. Program.


Reactor Operations Committee 1.

Reviews Reactor Facility's Q.A. goals, objectives and policies.


Approves Q. A. Favgrcun and changes thereto.


Reviews modification packages consisting of, for

. example: experiment designs;' safety analyses:-

construction, installation and test plans;, operating procedures and checklists.


Audits the Q.A. Psbyram on an annual basis to assess its implementation, effectiveness and scope. This is to assure compliance with the 10CFR71.137 requirement of management independent periodic licensee review.


Modification Requests Written modification requests may be developed by experimenters, reactor staff, or health physics personnel, or combinations thereof.

These have as a principal objective the evaluation of the reactor

'and radiological safety significance associated with piegsed changes to reactor safety-related systems, or the introduction into use of new reactor irradiation facilities. As necessary, probabilities and/or consequences of reactor accidents may be considered in the detailed analyses, as related to safety margins and Technical Specifications.

Generally, the individual (s) initiating a reactor modification request will have it checked by the reactor staff or other experts.

The analysis should then be further reviewed by an SRO.

All analyses, together with other pertinent documentation such as drawings, material specifications, inspection procedures, calibration procedures, test plans, calculations, references to standards, etc..., as appropriate, will norma 31y be assembled into a document package for submittal to the Associate Director. The Associate Director will determine whether sufficient documentation is being presented and whether the experiment or system change involves an unreviewed reactor safety question.



<s r

l 5

l Materials to be used in the construction of reactor associated i

l experiments, or in the modification of existing reactor safety-related systems, shall be chosen and checked for suitability and compatibility.

Failures, malfunctions or serious deficiencies of reactor safety related items, or reactor associated experiments, will be brought to the attention of the Reactor Director and the ROC. Corrective l

actions will be taken or initiated by the Reactor Director (or his designee), as appropriate.


Procedures Procedures, addressing the scope indicated in Section 1 of the Q.A.

Plan, are prepared by the users in collaboration with/or by the reactor staff, 'and approved by the Reactor Operations Comnittee for routine use. Where pertinent, acceptance criteria should be indicated on the procedures. It is through the use of these procedures that the key operational aspects of the Q.A. program are carried out.

When appropriate, Q.A. Procedures similar to the following examples will be conpleted:


OSURR edification Requests (designed to meet 10CFR50.59 requirements).


Routine Shipnent of Radioactive Material.


Spent-fuel Shipping Procedure (to be developed).

The above typical procedures used in the implementation of the Q.A.

program are indicated as examples in the appendices to this document. Additional procedures may be developed, to specifically meet special circumstances. Changes to existing procedures, or additional procedures, are not to be considered to be changes to the ROC and NRC approved Q.A. Prw rcuu.

Copies of new or revised procedures are sent to the ROC for review and approval.


Q.A. Training and Indoctrination The Associate Director will be the individual responsible for the training of reactor staff msnbers in quality assurance matters.

Typically, training will be accomplished by junior staff getting hands-on directions frcan senior staff on why, when and hcw to canplete Q.A. procedures and by their participation in safety reviews and analyses. The Q.A. program will also be a topic addressed in the reactor operator requalification lecture series.

The Associate Director will assist users at the Reactor Facility with Q.A matters.

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Audits of Q.A. Pim mun The Reactor Operations Committee will corduct audits of the Reactor

. Facility's Q.A. F1wiwa (10CFK11.137) on an annual frequency,'to determine its effectiveness, status and adequacy. The audit report will be reviewed by the NRL Director, who will be responsible for having the ROC recommendations implemented.


Q. A. Records Documentation pertaining to the Q.A. Program will be kept by the Associate Director. Itxilfication packages reviewed and approved trf the Reactor Operations Cammittee should be kept in the ROC flies.

The retention period for Q.A. flies should be for the lifetime of the system described. Radioactive material shipping docaments should be kept for a minimum period of two years after the date of shipnent.

Quality assurance documentation is not required to be on file for existing as-built facilities which predate the implementation of the original Q.A. program.

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