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Forwards Explanations & Mods to Requalifiction Program,Per NRC 870204 Telcon.Section on Document Review Added to Section IV, Precautions
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 02/17/1987
From: Redmond R
To: Berkow H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8702260202
Download: ML20211H533 (6)


The Ohio State University Engineering Experiment Station 142 Hitchcock Hall 2070 Neil Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone 614 422-2411 February 17, 1987 Mr. Herbert N. Berkow, Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing - B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 RE: Submittal of Additional Information and Revisions to The Ohio State University R0/SR0 Requalification Program - License R-75, Docket 50-150.

Dear Mr. Berkow:

In response to a telephone communication from John Dosa of your office to Richard Myser of the OSU Nuclear Reactor Laboratory on February 4, 1987, we have enclosed the following explanations and made modifications to the Requalification Procedure as requested.

It was requested that we incorporate directly into the Requalification Program Procedure a section on document review. This document review has been added to the procedure under Section IV Precautions (D) and the revised procedure is enclosed for your review.



[(Adu Robert F. Redmond Director RFR/sh Enclosure c:

D. W. Miller, Director, NRL R. D. Myser, Associate Director, NRL B702260202 870217 R

ADOCK 05000150 PDR 90 h

I College of Engineering l

O Administrative Procedure AP-09 RO/SRO Requalification I.


This lustruction outlines the requirements for rerlualifying RO's and SRO's at The OSU-NRL.



The RO/SRO requalification program is designed to demonstrate RO/SRO competence and to satisfy the requirements of 100FR5'i.33(c)(2) and 10CRT55 Appendix A.

For the purpose of this procedure RO shall refer to any licensed Reactor Operator, SR0 shall refer to any licensed Senior Reactor Operator, and Operator shall refer to any licensed operator, reactor, or senior reactor III.





10CFR53 Appendix A C.

AP-07 Review of Procedures D.

AP-10 OSURR Console Operatlag Experience E.

ANS T /ANS-13.4-1977 Selectinn and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors F.

NRC Generic Letter No. 01-0G Operator and Senior Operator License Examination for Passing Grado (To All Non-Power Reactor Licensees)



To maintain an active Operator's License at The OSP--NRL one shall-A.

De the console operator al least once every four months and a total of at least 10 times per biennium.


remplete The OSU-NRL Annual Requal Exam successfully and in a timely manner (within 30 days after it is administered to other olera! ors).


Renew one's NRC License every two years in a timely manner D.

Review changes to the Facility License, Technical Specifications, Procedures, Emergoney Plan, Security Plan, Facility Design Changes, NRC Notices, and other important Reactor related material in a timely manner.

The review of RDM 13FEB87 REV. 4 AP-09 1


s 6e these changes and documents shall be accomplished and verified by following NRL Procedure AP-0T " Review of Procedures." This procedure is used to circulate the above information as well as contents of abnormal or emergency procedures to Reactor Administrators and Operators.

Each individual initials and dates the cover sheet to verify his or her review.

This cover sheet is retained as a record of review.




INTRODUCTION The Operator Requalification Program is designed to demonstrate Operator and Senior Operator competence, and to satisfy the requirements of 10CFR33.33(c)(2) for license renewal.

The Program embodies the substance er 10CFR53 Appendix A, including provisions for an annual written examination, a structured lecture and study program, on the job training and evaluation of licensees, and a records maintenance system.

During each calendar year, a ecmprehensive written examination shall be administered to all licensed personnel having regular operational responsibility at The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL).

This exam shall be of a complexity equivalent to the examination given at this facility by the examiners from the NRC.

Subsequent to determining any deficiencies indicated by the comprehensive examination, a retraining program will be initiated which consists of a combination of pre-planned lectures, self-study by the licensee, tutoring of the licensee, and appropriate examination on the material covered.

The final selection of the combination of retraining sessions, will depend upon the performance of the licennee on the written examination.

All study materials used in the Program shall be reviewed tu assure they remain enrrent.

Study materials shall be collected and made available to all licensees throughout the year.


PROGRA>I AD>IINISTRATION AND REVIEW The Associate Director of the NRL shall serve as the Training coordinator, and shall be responsible for the implementation, coordination, and operation of the Operator Requalification Program.

He will prepare, administer, grade, and review all examinations and quizzes required by the Program.

In this capacity, and since he is a licensed Senior Operator, he wi)) he considered as having completed the examinations and retraining program requirements.



The comprehensive annual written examination (Exam) given to all licensed personnel, will include questions taken from:

I REV. 1 AP-09 2

5 l



Principles of Reactor Operation B.

Features of Facility Design C.

General Operating Characteristics D.

Instruments and Controls E.

Safety and Emergency Systems F.

Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures G.

Radiation Control anil Safety II.

Reactor Theory I.

Rmiloactive Slaterials llandling, Disposal and llazards J.

Specific Operating Characteristics K.

Fuel llandling and Core Parameters L.

Administrative Procedures, Cowlltions, and Limitations.


The Exam for Reactor Operator licensees shall be on topic.

A through G.

The Exam for Senior Reactor Operator licensees shall consist of questions tal<en from toples D, D, E. F, and II through L.


The Exams wilI be gemled, reviewed and retained at the NRL.

For each licensen, a review form will be prepared indicating his grade in each Exam category.

The areas of deficiency and the retraining to be followed in Lnproving the licensee's compet.ence in that area will then be determined.

A grade below 70*., of a single categnry shall require retraining for that licensee in that area of deficiency.

An overall score below 70% on the Exam shall require that:


Prior to continuing his responsibilities of operation of the OSURR, the licensee shall be given an oral exam to verify competence as a console operator, and B.

The licensee shall he immediately enrolled in a retraining program.



The Retraining Program shall consist of an appropriate series of a.

Pre-planned lectures, b.

Self-study of reference materials, and c.

Tutoring sessions, REV. 4 Ap-09 3




as may be Indicated to correct deficiencies noted during review of the written Exams.

Quizzes will be given during the retraining period on the topics being covered.

These quizzes shall meet the general criteria outlined for the Comprehensive Annual Written Examinations, as indicated previously, and will be graded and included in the licensee's file.

In cases requiring retraining, a program will be organized, implemented, and conducted within a period of 90 days.



One reactor operation of each year for each licensee shall be devoted to operator requalification.

The Training Coordinator shall be present in the control room during all reactivity control manipulations associated with the operation, and shall evaluation the Operator's performance, competence, knowledge of the reactor system, and knowledge of operating and emergency procedures.

If deficiencies are noted, a retraining program will be organized, implemented and conducted within a period of 90 days.

A quarterly review shall be per(ormed to assure that each licensee has participated in at least one reactor operation during each four month period and ten operations every two ye ar:;.


RETRAINING STt'DY MATERIALS A complete set of study and reference materials shall be provided for use by the licensees.

It shall be the responsibility of the Training Coordinator to perform an annual review of the contents of these reference materials to ensure they are adequate and accurately reflect operations, conditions, and design characteristics of the-facility.

As a minimum, these materials shall include:


A suitable general reference text on reactor physics 2.

Copies of the operating procedures for the NRL 3.

Copies of the Technical Specifications for the OSURE 4.

Copies of emergenq procedurva for the facility 5.

Copies of the Reactor Descriptinn and Ha:ards Summary Report G.

Copies of 10CFR19, 20, 50, 55, and 70.


Reference material on Health physics principles and techniques.



A licensee who does not participate in reactor operation for four or more months, shall be given an oral examination REV. 4 Ap-00 4

5 n

.e on facility and procedure chang <s, and shall perform a reactivi ty manipulat ion o.niec :he observation of a Senior Operator before being reassigned regular operational duties at the facility, provided he is up to date on the comprehensive annual written examination. The results of the oral and performance examination provide the basis for recertification of competence to the NRC, as required by 10CTR55.31(e).

Results of these examinations shall be retained in the licensee's file 2.

S..crossful completion of the initial NRC licensing examination shall be considered to satisfy the licensee's annual retraining requirements.

Such an Individual's retraining program should be started with the next Exam scheduled at least 6 months after the licensee's initial licensing date.


A licensee who does not complete the annual exam in a timely manner (nithin 30 days of the date it is administered to other operators) shall not be allowed to operate until the exam is successfully completed and graded.


Serious defic,iencies in either the written exam

' 5 3 '.,

overall) or performance evaluation may result. In removal of certification untIl retraining is successfully completed.


Rt. CORDS These records shall be retained at the NRL for a period of five years:

1-All Exams, giti zze s, aini rego l eed re-rsam inat ions, which were taken by the e during each o' the re pialificat ion periods The examinat ion review sheets filled out a: the conilux:on


of the C.:am and af ter any indicated re--exams.

There will also be an evaluation sheet completed for each perforaaare exam.


Siumnaries of control manipulations for licensers intoived in the requ.*Ilftn *:on probram.

(See AP-10) 4.

Certification thnt each licensee has reviewed changes in the faiiiity 1Icense, design, and proceitures.

(Sre AP-0-)




I: Nam Summary Sbeel:

REV. 4 Ap-09 5