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Forwards Revs to Administrative Procedures,Including Rev 3 to AP-03, Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification & Rev 3 to AP-07, Review of Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 12/16/1986
From: Redmond R
To: Berkow H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20215F971 List:
NUDOCS 8612240150
Download: ML20215F968 (2)



O The Ohio State IJniversity Engineering Experiment Station v

142 Hitchcock Hall 2070 Neil Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone 614 422-2411 December 16, 1986 Mr. Herbert N. Berkow, Director Standardization and Special Projects Directorate Division of PWR Licensing - B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 RE: Submittal /of Additional Information and Revisions to The Ohio State University R0/SR0 Requalification Program: License R-75 Docket 50-150.

Dear Mr. Berkow:

In response to your er dated November 26, 1986, we have enclosed the following e>.,

..ations and made modifications to the Requalification Procedure as requested.

Item 1:

Comprehensive Annual Written Examination Section VC3 was revised to require retraining for a grade below 70% in any single category. There is no longer the area between 55% and 70% that was previously in question.

Item 2:

Reactor Operations a.

We plan to test all operators on control room skills annually at the time of the annual written exam.

Since we continue to have a very small staff (3 SRO's and 1 R0) the previously approved program is not the best for our situation. The training coordinator is constantly aware j

of operator problems due to the small staff size. The l

evaluation period was only reduced for R0's while evaluations were actually added for SR0's (SR0's f

currently are to evaluate R0's but are not themselves evaluated).


The revised program has been changed to contain provisions for retraining if performance evaluations indicate the need.


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College of Engineering

f' Mr. Herbert N. Berkow December 16, 1986 Page Two Item 3:

Document' Review /On the~ Job Training We have a procedure, AP-07, which is used to document that licensed personnel have reviewed license, design and procedural changes.

It is listed in Section III References.

Periodic review of emergency procedures is accomplished during our annual Emergency Plan review, training and drill.

Review of abnormal events or pertinent NRC information Notices is also accomplished and documented by following procedure AP-07.

This procedure has a distribution list and is initialed and dated by each operator when review is completed. This distribution list is retained as record of review.

Item 4:

Special Conditions The annual exam shall be taken by all operators within 30 days of the date scheduled for its completion. This has been added to the procedure in Sections IVB and VG3.

Item 5:

Records The procedure, Section VH2, has been revised to contain an evaluation sheet that is retained as a part of the record.

Item 6:

Additional' Comments a.

Applicable portions of 10CRF 19 and 70 are available for training and this has been added to Section VF6.


With such a small staff of operators, official meetings or seminars to discuss important information is not necessary. We do, however, hold regular training sessions prior to the annual exam and during the year as necessary.

Important information is distributed via procedure AP-07. The two senior staff members of the reactor are in daily contact and routinely discuss important events germane to research reactors. No other action on this item is planned.

A copy of the OSU Research Reactor procedure AP-07 " Review of Procedures" is attached since it is an important reference for the R0/SR0 Requalification Program.

Sincerely, www Robert F. Redmond Director RFR/sh enclosures c:

D. W. Miller, Director NRL R. D. Myser, Associate Director NRL