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Notice of FEMA Guidance of Potential Applicability of Encl Rept Re Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan Reviews, Exercise Observations & Evaluations to Facility Plan & Exercise Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/18/1986
From: Cumming W
Federal Emergency Management Agency
CON-#486-1956 OL-3, OL-5, NUDOCS 8612240084
Download: ML20215F844 (120)


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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION .[f GI Before the Atomic Safety and LiceniS6a T6aaE P4 :09 0FFiL1 . ..' h 00Chlithi . W F.

B R A Hl."

) Docket No. 50-322-OL-3 In the Matter of ) (Emergency Planning)



) Docket No. 50-322-OL-5

) (EP Exercise)

(Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1) )


i NOTICE OF FEMA GUIDANCE OF POTENTIAL APPLICABILITY TO SHOREHAM PLAN AND EXERCISE PROCEEDINGS Counsel for FEMA has had brought to his attention a document not previously produced which falls within the category of generic guidance on plan and exercise evaluation. The document is dated August 3, 1983, and is from Dave McLoughlin to FEMA Regional Directors, subject: Procedural Policy (n

V) on Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan Reviews, Exercsle Observations and Evaluations, and Interim Findings. Accordingly, copies are hereby served on all parties to the OL-3 and OL-5 proceedings.

Respectfully submitted, ,

William R. Cumming Dated this 18th day of December, 1986 Hashington, D.C.

i i

8612240084 861218 PDR ADOCK 05000322 O PDR 0102  !

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~86 DEC 22 P4 :09 BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD OFF:E . . ,Lr In the Matter of ) DNgg / r,c

) Docket No. 50-322-OL-3 LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY ) Docket No. 50-322-OL-5

) (EP Exercise)

(Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, )

Unit 1) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " NOTICE OF FEMA GUIDANCE OF POTENTIAL APPLICABILITY TO SHOREHAM PLAN AND EXERCISE PROCEEDINGS" in the above-captioned proceedings have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, this 18th day of December, 1986:

John H. Frye, III, Fabian G. Palomino, Esq.

Administrative Judge Special Counsel to the Governor Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Executive Chamber v U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission State Capitol Washington, D.C. 20555 Albany, NY 12224 Oscar H. Paris W. Taylor Reveley III, Esq.

Administrative Judge Hunton & Williams Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 707 East Main Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 1535 Washington, D.C. 20555 Richmond, VA 23212 Frederick J. Shon Jonathan D. Feinberg, Esq.

Administrative Judge New York State Department of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Public Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Three Empire State Plaza ,

Washington, D.C. 20555 Albany, NY 12223 '


eO Morton B. Margulies Jerry R. Klir.e Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission East-West Towers, Rm. 430 East-West Towers, Rm. 430 4350 East-West Hwy. 4350 East-West Hwy Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Stephen B. Latham, Esq.

John F. Shea, III, Esq. Herbert H.. Brown, Esq.**

Twomey, Latham & Shea Lawrence Coe Lanpher, Esq.

Attorneys at Law Karla J. Letsche, Esq.

P.O. Box 398 Kirkpatrick & Lockhart

- 33 West Second Street 1800 M Street, N.W.

Riverhead, NY 11901 9th Floor Washington, D.C. 20036 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Joel Blun, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director, Utility Intervention Washington, D.C. 20555 NY State Consumer Protection Board Sulte 1020 Atomic Safety and Licensing 99 Washington Avenue Appeal Board Panel Albany, NY 12210 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Monroe Echneider North Shore Committee P.O. Box 231

[,') Docketing and Service Section Wading River, NY 11792

'V Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatcry Commission Philip H. McIntire Washington, D.C. 2055S Federal Emergency Management Agency 26 Federal Plaza Spence Perry, Esq.** New York, New York 10278 General Counsel, Rm. 840 Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C Street, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20472 Robert Abrams, Esq.

Attorney General of the State Gerald C. Crotty, Esq. of New York Ben Wiles, Esq. Attn: Peter Bienstock, Esq.

Counsel to the Governor Department of Law Executive Chamber State of New York State Capitol Two World Trade Center Albany, NY 12224 Room 46-14 New York, NY 10047 Anthony F. Earley, Jr., Esq. MHB Technical Associates General Counsel 1723 Hamilton Avenue Long Island Lighting Company Suite K 250 Old County Road San Jose, CA 95125 Mineola, NY 11501 4


Hon. Peter Cohalan Martin Bradley Ashare, Esq.

Suffolk County Executive s Suffolk County Attorney

()N, County Executive / Legislative Bldg. H. Lee Dennison Building Veteran's Memorial Highway Veteran's Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Mr. Jay Dunkleberger Ms. Nora Bredes New York State Energy Office Shoreham Opponents Coalition Agency Building 2 195 East Main Street i Empire State Plaza Smithtown, NY 11787 Albany, New York 12223 l l

Ellen Blackler Mr. Robert Hoffmnan New Yo'rk State Assembly Ms. Susan Rosenfeld Energy Committee Ms. Sharlene Sherwin 626 Legislative Office Building P.O. Box 1355 Albany, NY 12248 Massapequa, NY 11758 Brookhaven Town Attorney Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq.

475 E. Main Street U.S Nuclear Regulatory Agency Patchogue, NY 11772 7735 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD 2081455 V

A s. % :. Hilliam R. Cumming Federal Emergency Management Agenc

E I, Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 fm .

(V) AUG 5 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Regional Directors Acting Regional Directors, Regions III, V W

FROM: Dave McLoughlin Deputy Associate Director State and Local Programs and Support SUBJECI: Procedural Policy on Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan Reviews, Exercise Observations and Evaluations, and Interim Findings


(1) Federal Register, Volume 45, No. 243, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) relating to Radiological Emergency Planning and Preparedness.

(2) Guidance Memorandum #17, Joint Exercise Procedures issued January 1981.

(3) Memorandum for Regional Directors dated October 19, 1981,


Procedural Policy on Radiological Emergency Preparedness.

gm (4) Memorandum for All Regional Directors dated December 4,1981, V)




Procedural Policy on Radiological Emergency (5) Guidance Memorandum #16, Standard Regional Reviewing and Reporting Procedures (6) Memorandum for Regional Directors dated March 9,1983,


Reinstituting the Guidance Memorandum Series for RadiologicaJ Emergency Preparedness (this memorandum also transmitted a draf t revised version of GM #17)

(7) Memorandum for Regional Directors / Acting Regional Directors dated April 5, 1982,


Uniformity of Content and Format for Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Exercise Evaluation Reports l This memorandum transmits several important changes in the procedures for

reviewing Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) plans and for observing, evaluating, and reporting on REP exercises. The purpose of the changes is to provide a more uniform, workable approach for use by all FEMA Regions in reviewing plans, evaluating exercises, and preparing interim findings.

The April 5, 1982 memorandum (Reference 7), is hereby cancelled and superceded on an interim basis by Attachments 1 and 2. Further, the guidance stated in this memorandum and the attachments shall replace any inconsistent guidance in the above referenced documents three, four, and five.

FEMA has agreed to furnish the NRC for their use in connection with licensing and regulatory actions, interim findings and exercise reports on the status of offsite radiological emergency preparedness in the emergency planning zones

around commercial nuclear power plants (References ~ 1-4). The requirement conti=ues for each Region to prepare and furnish interim findings (References 3-4) in accordance with dates listed in the joint NRC/ FEMA status report on emergency preparedness for nuclear power plants which is prepared monthly and transmitted quarterly to Senator Alan K. Simpson, Chairman, Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation. The Technological Razards Division will continue to coordinate the revision of dates interim findings are needed with your Regional Assistance Committee (RAC), Chairman.

Common terminology is not being used throughout FEMA, and of ten leads to confusion not only within FEMA but between FEMA and NRC. To resolve this problem, set forth in Attachment 1 entitled " RADIOLOGICAL EMEPf,ENCY PREPAREDNESS EVALUATION REPORTS" is the terminology to be applied throughout the review process. In all cases, the use of the terms "significant," "maj o r," or " minor" should be avoided. This applies to plan reviews, 44 CFR 350 Regional evaluations, interim findings, and exercise observations and evaluations.

FEMA and its contractor, Argonne National Laboratory ( ANL), have been developing materials to improve on the unifomity of exercise evaluations since September 1982. The objectives have been to simplify, improve, and standardize the observation and evaluation procedures for joint exercises where there are RAC observations.

Two areas have been emphasized. The first is to facilitate thorough, consistent observations which will result in a sound informational base for subsequent evaluation and findings. The second is to provide an observational tool which is easy to use and which ninimizes duplication and waste in the evaluative process. This should result in simplifying preparation of the exercise report and a more timely completion of the final report.

A modular approach has been developed. It was designed especially for gathdring information during the exercise and the subsequent summarizing and evaluating of the information into an exercise report. Nine modules have been prepared, corresponding to either a location or a function that an observer will be assigned to. Each module has been tailored specifically to an observational task. The modules and instructions for their use are contained in Attachment


GM #17 (Reference 2) requires setting objectives before generating exercise sc ena rios . To assist in generating an objective-based exercise and in using the modular fo rmat for exercise observation and evaluation, a set of 35 standardized objectives has been developed. They are included as the last section of Attachment

  1. 2. The objectives have been developed so that each corresponds to a discrete part of a module--one or two sections. The objectives are limited generally to observable elements from NUREG-0654/FEHA-REP-1, Rev. 1, that pe rtain to either State and/or local governments. For limited or special remedial exercises, use could be made of the objectives to " tailor" the modules to be used by the observers to fit that exe rci se. Sections which do not correspond to any of the objectives for that exercise could be marked "not applicable,"

crossed out, or deleted altogether.

ANL is also preparing a new REP data base and management system which will.

interf ace with the Exercise Evaluation and Simulation Facility (EESF) proj ect.

This will permit automated use of all the i= formation is the " modular format."

We would appreciate your comments on the two attachments as soon as possible but not later than August 31, 1983. Please submit them to the Assistant Associate Director, Office of Natural and Technological Hazards Programs, Attention: Mr.

Marlow J. Stangle r. If you have a=y questions, please contact Mr. Stangler by telephone at 287-0207.

Regions should follow the instructions in Attachments 1 a:d 2 for all exercises conducted af ter September 10, 1983. The exception to this is that any report -

submitted af ter August 8,1983, should use the terminology in Attachment 1 for describing deficiencies.

Af ter your comments on the attached material have been received and analyzed, both attachments will be issued is final form. We anticipate that only minor adjustments will be needed. The modular concept has been found to be preferable to the approach now being used. Earlier draf ts of the modular approach were field tested at the December 11, 1982, Maine Yankee exercise and the February 23, .

1983, Monticello exercise. The post exercise assessment repo rt for Maine Yankee was prepared using the format contained in Attachment 1. A copy has been sent to Regions II through X under separate cover.

There may be some i=itial inconvenience is implementation of the modular format for exercise observation and evaluation in some Regions. However, based upon its use is two Regions, it should prove to be a useful and beneficial tool for consistent and improved evaluation of REP exercises.

Attachments As Stated "

Distribution Codes: B&E with Attachment I and Attachment 2 through TAB A l


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A. Pre-Ezercise P2maning B. During the Exercise l

C. Post-Exercise Procedures: Preparation of Section Summaries TAB B OBSERVER DATA SEEET Each observer wo~uld have one of these filled out and attached to the module he'uses.

TAB C GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OBSERVER Introduction l Content of Form and Instructions for Use (1) Structure and Formac ,-

(2) Yes/No questions *

(3) Short answer questions (4) Summary Miseellaneaus Notas 4.






TAB L DECONTAMINATION MODULE TAB M List of exercise objectives cross-referenced to specific modules and sections and plan =ing standards and elements of FDIA-REP-1.



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DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULAR FORMAT O I. PURPOSE: (1) To f acilitate thorough, objective and uniform exercise observations which will result in a sound informational base for subsequent evaluation and findings.

(2) To provide information on an observational tool wnich is easy to use and which minimizes duplication and waste in the evaluative process. l (3) To ensure that all Regions evaluate exercises in as uniform I a menner as possible. j II.


(1) 44 CFR 350, Review and Approval of State and Local Radiological ,

Emergency Plans and Preparedness (2) 44 CFR 351, Radiological Emergency Planning and Preparedness j (3) 10 CFR 50, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rule on '

Emergency Preparedness l (4) Guidance Memorandum #17, Joint Exercise Procedures (5) NUdEG-0654/FMA-REP-1, Rev.1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.


l The references above have been noted to indicate some of the basic documents pet' ting forth FEMA's policy on the performance, observation, and evaluation of l

' i

/(b Jadiologicalemergencypr'prednessexercises.


using this material as soon as possible but no The FEMA later thanRegions September should begin 10, 1983. l IV. BACKGROUND ,


FMA and its contractor, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), have been developing materials to improve the uniformity.of exercise evaluations since September 1982. l The objectives were to simplify, improve, and standardize the observation and j svaluation procedures for joint exercises where- there are Regional Assistance )

Committee (RAU) observations. This should produce thorough, objective observations cad a more sound informational base for subsequent evaluation and findings. This should also result in simplifying the preparation of the exercise report and more timely completion of the final report.


A modular approach has been developed. Nine modules have been prepared, corresponding to either a location or a function to which an observer will be assigned. Each module has been tailored specifically to an observational task.

The nine modules are:

Emergency Operating Center l Emergency Operations Facilit.y i

Media Center -

Relocation Center Field Activity O

Field Monitoring Radiological Laboratory Medical Support l

Decontamination  ;

1 These nine modules replace the "Exercrit" as the recommended observers data 1

recording form.

1 l

V. DESCRIPTION Each module is divided into 3 to 11 sections (except for the Decontamination Module which only has one) according to emergency functions. The first page of cach module is an outline which lists the sections it contains. Each section is related to a specific activity such as dose assessment, communications, f acilities, emergency operations managment, radiological exposure control, etc. Each section consists of one or more pages of detailed questions, most of which can be answered with a yes; no; not applicable; not observed; or a few words. Space is provided cc the end of each section for a summary narrative overview statement by each cbserver to expand on the yes/no answers and put the f acts into perspective.

Deficiencias should be explained and exceptionally good performances noted.

Each aspect of the modular format has an exercise-related purpose. The division cf the modules into sections allows each observer to concentrate primarily on those sections relating to his or her observational assignment. The sectional divisions within each module serve to focus attention on each functional aspect cf performance in turn, and serve as a framework for evaluation. The specific questions provide a consistent basis of f actual information on which to work. -

Finally, the narrative summary adds detail and context to provide a complete picture of the results of the exercise.

To assist FEMA Regions in generating an objective-based exercise and in using the modular format for exercise observation and evaluation, a set of 35 standardized objectives has been developed and can be found at the last section of the Format

.. document. The objectives have been developed so that each corresponds to a f airly discrete part of a module--one or two sections. The objectives are limited generally to observable elements from NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, that pertain to either State or local governments. (Objectives relating to observable elements that pertain primarily to evaluation of the licensee have not been included; however, these could be developed.) For limited or special remedial exercises, use could be made of the objectives to " tailor" the modules to be used by the observers to fit that exercise. Sections which do not correspond to any of the objectives for that exercise could be marked "not applicable,"

crossed out, or deleted altogether. When the Exercise Evaluation and Simulation Facility (EESF) is operational, both methods will be available, drawing from a single element based file.

The diversity of operation among the Regional Offices, and the State and local governments they evaluate, means that certain compromises have had to be made in designing the modular format. The distribution of energency functions among the various locations and participants may vary from site to site and from State to State. In general, the modular format tends to be redundant, on the basis that it will be easier for each Region to eliminate the extraneous material than it would be to add missing material. As an example, the dose assessment function (derivation of expected doses to population based on monitoring or release dat A) is performed exclusively at the EOF in some States, where as in other States, it is done at the State EOC. Consequently, a section on dose assessment has been included in both the EOC module and the EOF module.



. USING THE MODULAR FOPEAT FOR EXERCISE EVALUATION The modular evaluation format was designed to serve as a tool for gathering infornation I The form itself is compatible with various methods of summarizing and assessing the  !

information gathered. What follows is the recommended system for exercise evaluation l using the modular format including preexercise planning, procedures during and af ter the exercise, and preparation of the final report. The system should result in o thorough and accurate evaluation with a minimum of effert.  ;

. l A. Pre-Exercise Planning l Before the exercise, each observer's assignment must be determined, based on the scope and objectives of the exercise. An observer's assignment then determines which module he or she should receive. Observers assigned to an EOC should receive an EOC module; observers goi=g out to observe traffic control should get a " field activity" module, and so on. Where two or more observers will be at one location (usually an EOC), responsibilities should be divided so that each observer has primary responsibility for part of the module to be used. For example, suppose two observers, A and B, are assigned to a State EOC. Each receives an EOC module, but each should be assigned primary responsiblity for about half of it. A is assigned sections I-7, and B is assigned sections VI-XI. (Alternatively, A could be assigned sections I, III, V, VII, II, and XI; and B could be assigned sections II, IV, VI, VIII and I; or any other allocation could be used). Each observer should be encouraged to observe all areas of response but advised to concentrate

[ on their assigned sections. The reason for this division of responsibility

(~ is to aid in preparation of the post.-exercise report; see part "D" which follows.

  • B. During the Exercise Observers should bring their modules when they go to observe, and complete as many of the specific questions as possible while on location. Many observers will also take free-form notes on a separate pad.

C. Post-Exercise Procedures: Preparation of Section Summaries Following the exercise, observer tems should meet, and the team members report their observations. The team leader should record the significant results brought out in this meeting and prepare a brief report to the Exercise Director, to serve as the basis for the. oral briefing. Observers should take notes on any points that arise which relate to their assigned area of responsibility.

Af ter the team meeting, the observers should write the summaries for their assigned sections. Observers with " solo" assignments (i.e. where only one observer was assigned to that location) should complete the summary pages-for each section of their module. Where two or more observers were at the same location, each should complete the summary pages for the sections they had primary responsiblity for; in the example given in A. above, this would i

O mean that observer A writes the five summaries for sections I-V and B writes the six summaries for VI-XI. The end product is a written summary for each section of each module used.

If the section summaries are well written, an exercise report can be prepar with af.=1 mal ef fort if the report is organized by jurisdiction, and within jurisdiction, by location (or, essentially, by module). The section summaries can simply be put together (with some editing) to create the narrative of the exercise report. A listing of deficiencies with recommendations for correceive action can then be developed from the narrative and from the answers to the specific questions.

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( Introduction .

This form is intended as a tool for the observer to use in observing i i and evaluating an exercise. There are several different " modules" corresponding to different observer assignments; an observer assigned to an EOC should have the "EOC Module", an observer assigned to the Media Center should have the " Media Center. Module" and so on. The module you have should correspond to your assignment. l You should bring' the form along with you when you go to observe. The questions in it will serve as a useful guide concerning what to look for. You may wish to fill out some or all of the questions while on location.-

Directly below is a short explanation of what is in the form and how to fill it out; please read this explanation as soon as possible.

Content of Form and Instructions for Use (1) Structure and format. Each module is composed of several sections. Each section is about a particular part of the  ;

emergency activities there - for example, " equipment," '

"co m nications," or " dose assessment." Each 'section has j two parts. The first part is a series of questions -

either yes/no or short answer type. The second part is a l summary' section, with space to write a narrative essay and for listing deficiencies and recommendations.


(2) Yes/No questions. You have four options when answering one i of these questions
Yes, No, N/A, and N/0. 'N/A' stands 1 for "not applicable." For example, if the personnel observed did not have dosimeters, then the question, "Were 1 their dosienters properly calibrated?" would be 'not applicable'. In some cases, a whole section any be not applicable. For example, if you will be observing a local EOC, most likely the section (in your EOC module) on " Dose J Assessment" will not be applicable, since dose assessment  ;

is rarely done at a local EOC. N/0 stands for "not l observed;" meaning you do not know or cannot judge whether the activity was done properly. If something should have been done (or should have been there) but wasn't, then you i should merk "No."

l l

(3) Short answer questions. These are generally self- l explanatory. Most are informational, asking you to lise. )

! the participants at your location, or to describe a cartr's procedure observed, etc. Sorm call for you to record a .

! specific event, e.g. who made a certain phone call, or when i someone arrived. Be alert for these events.


2 (4) Summarv. On the summary page, you should write a brief essay (one paragraph to one page) to describe and evaluate the activities and resources covered by that section.

Describe what was there, and what occurred, in your own words . You should cover the main points raised in the yes/no questions, and any other observations you consider relevant. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

Miscellaneous Notes (1) In the top fight corner of each page there is a blank line. Write your name and assignment on this line on each page.

(2) Please do not use blue ink - it does not photocopy.

Please note: The observations and judgements recorded on this form will be the basis for future reports and decisions. Be thorough and clear; this will avoid the necessity of contacting you later for clarification.


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r OUTLINE I. ACTIVATION & STAFFING.............................................. 2 II. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT.................................... 5 III. FACILITIES......................................................... 8 IV. C000CNI CATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4

V. DOSE ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION............... 14 A. Dose Projection................................................ 14 B. Protective Action Re commandation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 i

VI. PUBLIC ALERTING & INSTRUCTION...................................... 17 A. Public Alerting....................... ........................ 17 B. Publi c Ins t ruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 VII. PROTE CTIVE ACTI0N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A. Evacuation and Access Control.................................. 22 B. Special Evacuation Problems.................................... 23 I

C. Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Protective Actions......... 24 e

i VIII. RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTR0L...................................... 26 II. MEDIA ar m I0NS..................................................... 28 I . I. REC 0 VERT & REENTRI.........................................*........ 30 i

II. SCENARIO........................................................... 32 41 h

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Yes No N/A N/0 l l

t F.1.a 1. Is there a direct co==mication link l

to the uti11ty?...........................

i F.1.a 2. According to EOC staff, is I this link continuously monitored?.........

E.1 3. At what time was the call initiating activation of the EOC received?

E.1 4. From whom was it received?



! E.1 5. Was this call verified?................... \

E.2 6. Were staff mobilization procedures demonstrated?............................. - - - -

! E.2 7. If so:


-was a written call lis t used?. . . . . . . . . . .

i (' -Did the call list appear to be up to date (were the numbers right?).... _ _ _ _ {

l l

E.2 8. At what time was staffing l completed?

E.2, 9. According to participants, is there a F.1.e regular system in place tos (a) receive a call directing activation, and i j (b) call up staff at any hour  !

l of any day?.......................... 1 E.2, 10. If so describe this system.

F.1.s l

A.2.a 11. Was the EOC fully staffed?................ -


. 3 Yes No N/A N/0 4

A.2.a 12. Name the organizaticus represented at the EOC.

1 l

l A.2.a 13. Did the staff (first shif t) in  ;

general displ.ay adequate training and knowled ge ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

A.4 14. Was a round-the-clock staffing capability demonstrated?.................. _ _ _ _

l A.4 15. If so check which method was used- I

shift change presentation of a roster double staffing A.4 16. If a shift change was demonstrated:

(- --we re incoming s taf f briefed ?. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ <

--did second-shif t staff display '

adequate training and knowledge?........ _ _ _ _

A.1.b 17. Was someone dispatched to the EOF 7. . . . . . . . ___ ___ ___ ___ l A.1.b 18. If so, at what time?

3 A.1.b 19. Briefly describe this person's emergency duties.

i l

I l

. 4 Activation & Staffing Summary O

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

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Tes No N/A N/0 A.1.d 1. Was an individual effectively in charge?...................................

A.I.d 2. If so name this individual A.1.d 3. Was the person in charge the person

so designated in t.he plant................ _ _ _ _

4 A.I.b, 4. Here periodic briefings held, to A.2.a update staff on the situation?............

j A.I.b, 5. Were staff (as appropriate) involved A.2.a in decision == king?........................

4 A.1.b, 6. Was a copy of the plan available A.2.s l

l for reference?............................ _ _ _ _

j A.1.b, 7. Did staff have written procedures A.2.a or checklists for reference?.............. - _ _ _

8. Were message logs kept?...................
9. Were messages reproduced and distri- .

bu ted, if appropriate ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ i i

j 10. If so, was massage handling efficient?.... _ _ _ _

D.3 11. Was access to the IOC controlled?.........

j 12- When was the EOC notified of the i

following events? (as applicable) plant at " alert" status

-plant at " site area emergency"  !

j status I plant at " general emergency"  !

status I

l J.9 13. When were the following protective  ;

action orders issued (or received)?

-take shelter )

-evacuate i i

i f


~ ~ ~ . r-,----,-, e-.,,--

. 6 Yes No N/A N/0 h i J.9 14. If appropriate, were actions taken to

! coordinate emergency activities, such sa: (indicate time, or write "No",

"N/A", or "N/0")

--call placed to activate radiological l monitoring teams?

l --call placed to activate reception l center? '

--call placed to activate congregate care center?

l C.I.a 15. Was Federal assistance requested?.........

1 C.I.a 16. If so, indicate who requested it and what they asked for:

r i

gg. **

e e


  • e O


. 7 E.O. Management

- Summary 4

In your own words, describe and evalisate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.


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4 i



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. 8 III. FACILITIES Yes No N/A N/0 H.3 1. Was there sufficient:

-f u rni tu re ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _

-s p a c e 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _ _ _

-li gh t in g ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, -t e l e p h o n e s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _

-o t he r, (s pe cify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. _ _ _ _

H.3 2. Was noise adequately controlled?.......... _ _ _ _

H.3, 3. Can the facil.ity support extended operations A.4 (i.e. are there bunks, showers, kitchen)? _ _ _ _

H.3 4. Wes backup power available?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

H.3 5. Was it demonstrated 7...................... _ _ _ _

D.3 6. Was emergency classification level posted? _ _ _ _

D.3 7. Was a status board clearly visible?.. . .. . . _ _ _ _

D.3 8. Was it kept up-to-date on significant

( ..

events?................................... _ _ _ _

Indicate whether the following maps were posted or available:

J.10.a 9. The plume EPZ, with sectors labeled:


-available but not pos t ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _

J.10.a 10. Evacuation routes:


-available but not pos te d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _ _ _

J.10.a 11'. Relocation centers:


-available but not pos t e d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _


i 9 l J.10.a 12. Access control points:

posted.................................. _ _ _ _

-available but not pos ted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _ _ _

J.10.a 13. Radiological monitoring points:

posted.................................. _ _ _ _


-available but not posted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - _ _

t J.10.b 14. Population by evacuation area:

posted.................................. _ _ _ _

-available but not pos ted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _ _ _

1 i


i d


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Wee =w--N-'e--Mm=->- r*ev wee N -aa _e-mmme- s=v*www-'wNm *W-

I 1

10 yceilicios Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also gote the exceptionally good performances.

I e

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11 d


Yes No N/A N/0 4

For each of the following organizations, as applicable:

(1) indicate whether comu nication to that organization was demonstrated (yes, no, etc.)

and (2) name the comu nication system used on the dotted line (dedicated landline, police radio, commercial phone, etc.).

F.1.b 1. -The state kOC / primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _


/ backup....................

l F.1.b 2. -all local E0C 's / primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ ._

/ backup..........'........



F.1.b 3. -contiguous s tates / primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

/ backup................ _ _ _ _

F.1.d 4. -licensee /p rimary. . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

/ backup.........................

F.1.d 5. - EOF / primary ............................ _

/ backup..............................

F.1.c 6. -FEMA /p rima ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

/ backup.............................

4 E.5 7. -EBS s tation(s ) /p rimary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

/ backup...................

4 1

. 12 Yes No N/A N/0 G.4.a 8. --me dia cent e r/p rimary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

/ backup.....................,,_ _,, _ _

9. -local s chools / primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _,, _ _ _

/ backup.................... _ ,,_ _ , , ,

F.2 10. -support hospitals / primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _, . ,_,, ,_,

/ backup................ _ ,,,,,,,,, _ _ , _

F.2 11. -ambulan c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _

F.1.d 12. -radiological monitoring t eams . . . . . . . . . . . _,.,_ ,,,, _ .,,,,

F.1.b 13. Was conferencing available on any of these lines? (i.e. tying in s eve ral locations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

F.1.b 14. If so indicate who could be tied in. .

G.4.a 14. Was a hard copy device available to and from the medi. center?............. _ _.,_ _ _

G.4.a 15. If so, was it reliable and r e as onably f as t 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_


, 13 Communications Summary j In your own words, dcocribe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.


( . .





. 14 V. DOSE ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION A. Dose Projection Tes No N/A N/0 I.10 1. Were expected doses derived from:

plant release data?.....................

-field readings ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _""~

I.10 2. Were dose calculations via computer or programmable calculator demonstrated?..... _ _ _ _

I.10 3.

Were hand cafculations demonstrated?. .. ... _ _ _ _

I.10 4., Were calculations made promptly?.......... _ _ _ _


1.10 5. Were they checked?........................

I.10, 6. Was monitor data plotted on I.11 a ma p ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

I.10, 7. Were monitor teams promptly directed I.11 -

to new locations, to define the extent of the plume?......................

I.10, 8. Was the plume correctly I.11 defined?.................................. _ _ _ _

I.10 9. Did field readings come in promptly?...... _ _ _ _

M.4 10. Was there a periodic estimation of total population exposure?...................... _ _ _ _

B. Protective Action Recommendations J.10.m, 11. Were protective action decisions reached J.11 for:

plume pathway hazarda?.................. _ _ _ _

-inges tion pathway hazards ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.m. 12. Were the decisions based on EPA J.11 exposure guidelines?

plume pathway...........................

-in ge s tion pa t hway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

15 Yes No N/A N/0 ,s 1

J.10.e, 13. Were other factors considered? (e.g.

J.11 plant status, evacuation time estimates, weather)

-p lume pat hway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-inges tion pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _

J.10.e, 14. Were protective action reconnendations y promptly reviewed and updated as

conditions changed? ,

4 plume pathway........................... _ _ _ _


-inges tion pathway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ <

I J.10.a 15. Were protective action recommendations J.11 coordinated among states (if more than one state was involved)?

plume pathway........................... _ _ _ _

i -inges tion pat hway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

i r J.10.e, 16. Was use of KI recommended for:

J.10.f lk -emergency workers 3 a the field? . . . . . . . . . _

-selected populations (persons whose immediate evacuation may be infeasible <

or very difficult)...................... _ _ _ _

-the general population? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _

l _ _ _

l J.10.e, 17. Were decisions about KI (whether or not

. J.10.f its use was recommended) i l -consis tent with the plan? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

j properly based on actual or l expected radiciodine release?........... _ _ _ _

l J.10.a. 18. If use of KI was recommended:


-who gave the authorization?

-when was this decision reached?

l -when, and to whom, was it


f i

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] > ,

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.t b'

  • l 16 s  ! , Dose & P.A. l t . .

y ~ ,

Suasary .

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded 'in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

1 f '




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. 17


.Tes No N/A N/0 l

E.6 1. Did this EOC play a role in public ,

alerting 7................................. _ _ _ l E.6 2. If so, please couplete parts (a) through (c): ,

(a) Indicate what started the process of public alerting, and when this " initiating ,

event" occurred. If alerting was played '

more than once, record the time of the initiating event for each round of alerting.

Initiating Event Time (s) )

Call from 11consee Call from an EOC (Specify)

Other (Specify)

(b) Indicate how the public was alerted; what action ,

was taken at his EOC to alert the public. Indicate

, when the action was taken. If vehicles were dis patched, indicate how long it took to complete their routes. Again, indicate the times for each round of alerting played. l Action Taken Time (s)  !

sirens activated tene alert radios activated IBS activated I

vehicles dispatched (if go indicate route time) calls put to schools, factories or other institutions (specify) ,

  • See Next Page
  • l l

l j

18 personnel at another EOC instructed to do one of the above (specify)

Other (specify)

(c) Describe the process in between the

" initiating event" and the " action taken". Did the staff simply follow instructions, or war there discussion or consnitation?

l B. Public Instruction Drafting of instructions:

/ Yes No N/A N/0 l (. '

I E.6 1. Were emergency public instructions drafted in this E0Ct......................

E.6 2. Were they generally clear, and appropriate to the situation?............. _ _ _ _

E.7 3. Were prescripted messages used?........... _ _ _ _

E.6 4. Were protective action areas described in terms of familiar boundaries and 1andu rks?................................ _ _ _ _

l E.6 5. If an instruction to take shelter was formtlated:

-did it include guidance on sheltering methods? (e.g., close windows, put cloth over mouth when outside, etc.).... _

-did it include instructions for transients without shelter. (e.g. -


O l

( - 19 s

Tes: No N/A N/0 E.6 6. If an instruction to evacuate was formulated, did it include information/

instructions on the evacuation of school children?.......................... _ _ _ _

i l

l l

l Distribution of instructions:

E.6 7. Did this EOC play a role in distri-buting instructions to the public7. ... .... _ _ _ _

E.6 8. Indicate which of the following systems '

was used to distribute instructions, and at what time the message went out. If

, public instruction was played more than once, indicate the time messages went out for each round.

l Message Distrilution System Time (s) l EBS tone alert radios vehicles with PA systems I calls to schools, factories, or other institutions (specify),

personnel at another location instructed to do one of the above (specify) f other (specify)

20 Ye's No N/A N/0 E.6 7 Was the timing of public lustruction coordinated with the public alerting process, so that public alerting (e.g. sirens) was followed immediately by an instructional message?....................

E.6 10. Were instructional messages periodically repeated 7....................


( e O

h I

t O

  • 21 Alerting &, Instruction s

Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no"- questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances. i l

( -

1 I

1 l



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22 .

VII. PROTECTION ACTION A. Evacuation and Access Control Yes No N/A N/0 J.10.k 1. Was activation of traffic control points J.10.g p romp tly orde re d? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ,_ _ _

J.10.k 2. Were estimates of expected traffic volume discussed?......................... _ _ _ _

J.10.k 3. According to EOC staff, are appropriate resources available to keep evacuation routes clear:

-during bad we ather ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-in event of stalled or wrecked cars?.... _ _ _ _

J.10.k 4. Were these resources activated for '

the exercise?.............................,_,

J.10.j 5. Were appropriate actions ordered to control all types of access to the contaminated area:

-all roads blocked?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~


-air traf fi c rerou t e d ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _~ _ _ _

-water traffic s topped? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-rail traf fic s t oppe d ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.g, 6. According to EOC staff, are local J.10.k resources adequate to cover all traffic and access control functions sinaltaneously:

-in terms of available personnel?. . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-in terms of available vehicles ?. . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~

-if not, was help promptly requested?. . .. _ _ _ _

J.10.h 7. Were reception centers ordered to be activated in a timely fashion?............ _ _ _ _


. 23 C

B. Special Evacuation Problems Yes No N/A N/0 J.2 1. Was evacuation of onsite individuals demonstrated?............................. - - _ _

J.2 2. If so, was it: promptly activated?.....

-well organized? . . . . . . . . . _ _

J.10.d 3. Were the EOC staff aware of the location of mobility-impaired individuals in the ares?

(whether institutionalized or at home).... _ _ _ _

J.10.d 4.

Was this information in written fora?..... _ _ _ _

J.10.d 5. Were they aware of thesetpersons particular special needs?............................

J.10.d, 6. Was this information in written fora?..... - _ _ _

J.10.d 7. Were arrangements made for transportation of these persons?......................... _ _ _ _

x J.10.g 8. If school children are to be evacuated by bus:

(- -according to participants, are enough buses and drivers available, to cover the schools in the plume EPZ7........... _ _ _ _

-how are drivers contacted?

l w as contact of drivers demonstrated?.... _ _ _ _

-was an EBS message prepared to inform parents as to where children were being taken?............................

J.10.k 9. (Whether or not schoolchildren are to be evacuated by bus) were arrangements ande e to deal with possible traffic jams (of parents) at the schools?..................

e 9


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24 C. Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Protective Actions Yes No N/A N/0 J.11 1. Was current information available on the location of:

-d ai ry f arms ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~

-food processing plant s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ -


--water supply intake points?............. ~

J.11 2. Were there detailed maps available showing Crop information?......................... _ _ _ _

J.11 3. What recommen'dations were made regarding ingestion pathway protective actions, and what were they based on?


l l

J.11 4. According to EOC staff, is there a body I

of trained staff to work individually l with farmers, foodworkers, water utilities, and so on to implement

( protective actions?.......................

1 l

O l

{ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -, -. - - - -

, l 25 Protective Action

. l l

l Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective . Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances. I e

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__ _ . . . - - - _ _ _ _ = _ _ . . _,. _ _ _ _ . ~

26 VIII. RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL Answer the following questions only if this EOC is in the plume (10-mile) EPZ, or if dosimetry was distributed to field workers from this EOC.

Yes No N/A N/0 l K.3.a 1. Was the following dosimetry equipnent l available:

l (direct-read dosimeters)

-low range (0-200 mR) 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

--mid range (0-20 R)7.....................

-high range (0-200 R) 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. _ _ . _

-charger for the dosimeters ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ -

{ -record keeping cards ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . - _ _ [

l permanent record dosimeters, as film l badges or TLD's?........................ _ _ _ _

K.3.a, 2. Was the supply of dosimeters adequate?.... _ _ _ _


K.3.b 3. Were appropriate instructions issued along m, the eo s 1 t . r s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.e 4. Was an adequate supply of potassium iodide (KI) available?.................... _ _ _ _


'J.10.e 5. Was someone there aware of proper procedures concerning its use?............ _ _ _ _

k.4 6. Was someone there aware of the mariana dose allowed without authorization?

K.5.a. 7. Was someone there aware of decontami-k.5.b nation procedures? (i.e. when and where to go for decontamination)................ _ _ _ _

8. If the EOC was in the plume, were measures taken to protect the EOC personnel against exposure? (e.g.

closing down ventilation)................. _ _ _ _


27 Exposure Control


O Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated acti#tties,  !

l capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

l 1

1 l

l 1



28 IX. MEDIA RELATIONS Tes No N/A N/O G.3.a 1. Was a space set aside or designated for press briefings?...................... _

2. Was a briefing or briefings actually given?....................................

If so:

G.4.a 3. Were they accurate and complete?.......... _ _ _ _

l 4. Was technical jargon avoided or l, explained?................................


5. Were neps or displays used to augment the briefings?............................ _ _ _ _

G.4.b 6. Was an effort ande to ensure that the information released was consistent with the information coming from other spokespersons?...................... _ _ _ _

( G.4.a 7. Who gave the briefings?

O e

l O

l l


29 Media Relations O


Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, l l

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

i t

t l

. l l

l 1



1. If evacuation was ordered:

-Were arrangements made to secure the evacuated areas?.................... - - -

-Ware policy / procedures developed -

on allowing entry to evacuated areas for essential services?

(e.g.*to milk dairy cows)............... _ _ _ _

2. Was relaxation of protective actions based on monitor data indicating safe levels of radioactivity?.................. _ _ _ _

, 3. Were reentry / recovery decisions l commanicated promptly to all response l

organisations?............................ _ _ _ _

4. Were arrangements made to provide the public with information on:

-safety precautions during recovery?..... _ _ _ _

i possible health effects of low-level exposure?......................... _ _ _ _

l -availability of compensation for financial losses sustained?............. _ _ _ _

l O


31 Recovery & Reentry.

Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put l 1

l the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the l

deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances. 1 i

5 l


l O

l t


32 l

1 XI. SCENARIO Summary: Comment on the adequacy of the scenario. Did l

it provide enouFh activity? Was it realistic?

Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

t I


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OUTLINE I. ACTIVATION & STAFFING............................................... 2 II. FACILITIES.......................................................... 5 III. C0ME NICATIONS...................................................... 7 IV. INFORMATIONAL FUNdTI0NS............................................. 10

7. EUMOR CONTR0L....................................................... 12 VI. DOSE ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTION ACTION RECOMMENDATION................ 14 A. Dose Projection................................................. 14 B. Protective Action Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 a

VII. SCENARIO............................................................ 17 4

e l


I 1

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l 2


1 Yes No N/A N/0 For state or local personnel involved in offsite response:

1. Name the personnel participating and what organization they represent.

E.2 2. Here mobilization procedures for these persons demonstrated? (as opposed to l

1 prepositioning)...........................___ ___ ___ ___

E.2 3. If so, at what time was staffing completed?

[ E.2, F.1.e

4. According to participants, is there a regular system in place to:

(a) receive a call directing activation, and j (b) call up staff at any hour of any day.............................. ___ ___ ___ ___

E.2, 5. If so describe this system.

F.1.e 1

1 l

l I

A.2.a 6. Was a full complement of staff present, according to the plan?....................

O l

i 3 '

Yes No N/A N/O I

l A.2.a 7. Did the staff (first shif t) in general I display adequate training and knowledge?.. _ _ _ _

A.4 8. Was 24-hour staffing capability deSonstr4ted?............................. _ _ _ _

A.4 9. If so check which method was used:

shift change double staffing pr'esentation of roster.

A.4 10. If a shift change was demonstrated:

--were incoming staff briefed?............ _

--did second-shift staff display _ _ _

adequate training and knowledge?........ _ _ _ _

l I

. I I


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4 Activation & Staffing Si==ary i

l 1 l

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, i

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put j the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the


deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

1 f

i J



l i






i 1

4 t

II. FACILITIES Yes No N/A N/O H.2 1,- Were space and equipment set aside for state and local response personnelf....... _ _ _ _ i H.2 2. If so, was it adequate for the functions they were to perform?.....................

R.2 3. Were ch'ay consistent with what was identified in state and local plans 7...... _ _ _ _

E.2 4. Were these facilities all-weather in nas.tre and reasonably comfortable?........ _ _ _ _

H.2 5. Was there enough space to avoid crowding?.................................

J.10.a, 6. Did state personnel with public l'nforma-J.10.b tion responsibilities have unhindered access to maps, status board (s), and charts used by the licensee?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.a, 7. Were the visual aids listed above i


.[\, J.10.b clearly displayed?........................ _ _ _ _

J l



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l 6 '


Facilities Summary O

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put l

l the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the t

deficiencies, and also n,ote the exceptionally good performances.


l l

l l


l e


i I

7 l


N/A N/0 I

F.1.d 1. Were primary commanication lines I demonstrated to. {


-S t at e E0C (s ) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _  ;

-local EOC ( s ) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

F.1.d 2. Identify the primary communication systems used for each link named above. (Dedicated phone, commer-cial phone, radio, etc.) I 1

l F.1.d 3. Were secondary communication lines demonstrated to:


l( -S t at e EOC( s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-local E0C ( s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

N dia center?........................... _




_ _ _ _ l F.1.d 4. Identify the secondary communication systems used for each link named above.

(Dedicated phone, commercial phone, ,

radio, etc.)

F.1.d 5. Was conferencing available on any of these lines? (i.e., tying in several parties)..................................


- --------'~--'~~~ ~~^~-~--'


~ Yes No N/A N/0 F.1.d 6. If so indicate who could be tied in. s F.1.d, 7. Was a hard copy device avr.ilable to G.4.a and from the media center?................ - _ _ _

l l

F.1.d, 8. If so: ,

G.4.a --was it reliable and reasonably fast?.... _ _

--were there any conflicts regarding _ _

its use? .. ..............................

G I c. .

9 l

1 i

l O

1 l

9 Communications -

1 Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrat.ed activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put ,

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

C 1

i I

T /

s .




10 IV. INFORMATIONAL FUNCTIONS Yes No N/A N/0 G.2.a 1. Was there a State representative with responsibility for clearing (or composing) press releases? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

G.4.a 2. If so:

--did t,his person check over messages transmitted to the Media Center Concerning plant atttus?................ ~ ~ ~

did this person subrdt proposed -"-

press releases to s plant repre-sentative for checking & clearance?..... _ _ _ _

G.4.a 3. What interaction, if any, took place between the Stata representative and the licensee's Public Information Officer? Please note:

1) If massages were simultaneously or independently transmitted to the l media center;


(' 2) If the state representative was able to j exercise any independent judgment concern-l ing message content by having direct ac-cess to a status board or other visual aids; r 3) If any messages were dispatched to the I media center based solely on verbal com-l annications within the EOF (not including official status briefings) i


l l




O l

l 11 l


Info. Functions Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, ,

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances. t I



.- . .-- - . - _ _ - . ~ _ . -.--- _ .....-___-_ - - _ . _ _ _ - _

12 V. RUMOR' CONTROL Yes No N/A N/0 G.4.c 1.

Was a rumor control nukber activated?..... _ _ _ _

G.4.c 2. If so, indicate who staffed it; how many persons were on phone answering duty, and what organization did they represent?


a l

l G.4.c 3. Were these persons generally well-prepared to answer questions?............. _ _ _ _

G.4.c 4. Did they keep up-to-date on events?....... _ _ _. _

,- G.4.c 5. How many es11s could be handled I

simultaneously? -

G.4.c 6. How was the number publicized?

  • in press briefings in EBS messages in public information pamphlets
  • and postings in the EPZ e


13 Rumor Control.

Summary l

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, i

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put l the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questione in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

l l

l l

l i




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. . . .- . - . . -_ .,_-..-.._. -.....,~ ._

1 14 VI. DOSE ASSESSMENT AND PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATION (to be completed only if state dose assessment / monitoring coordination is performed at the EOF)

A. Dose Projection Yes No N/A N/0 I.10 1. Were expected doses denved from: [

-plant releas e dat a? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _


-field readings ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

I.10 2. Were dose calculations via computer or programmable calculator demonstrated?..... _ _ _ _

I.10 3. Were hand calculations demonstrated?...... _ _ _ _.

I.10 4. Were calculations made promptly?.......... _. _ _

k I.10 5. Ucre they checked?.................... **.


I.10, 6. Was monitor data plotted on f I.11 a map?......s............................. _ _ _ _

\ '

I.10, 7. Were monitor teams promptly directed I.11 to new locations, to define the extent of the plume?...................... _ _ _ _

I.10, 8. Was the plume correctly I.11 defined?.................................. _ _ _

I.10 9. Did field readings come in promptly?...... _ _ _ _

M.4 10. Was there a periodic estimation of total

, population exposure?...................... _ _ _ _

B. Protective Action Reconnen3ations J.10.m, 11. Were protective action decisions reached J.11 for:

plume pathway hazards?.................. _ _ _ _

-ingestion pathway hazards ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _. _

J.10.m, 12. Were the decisions based on EPA J.11 exposure guidelines?...................... _ _ _ _

__ I

15 s Yes No N/A N/0 J.10.m, 13. Were other factors considered? (e.g.

J.11 plant status, evacuation time estimates, weather).......................

J.10.e, 14. Was use of KI recommended for:


--emergency workers in the field?......... _

--selected populations (persons whose _ _ _

immediate evacuation may be infeasible or very difficult)......................

-the general population? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _

J.10.e, 15. Were decisions about KI (whether or not J.10.f its use was escommended)

-consis tent with the plan? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

- properly based on actual or expected radioiodine release?........... _ _ _ _

J.10.a. 16. If use of KI was recommended:


--who gave the authorization? l i

--when was this decision reached?

/ ' -

--when, and to whom, was it transmitted? -

J.10.m. 17. Were protective action recommendations promptly reviewed and updated as l conditions changed?....................... _ _ _ _

J.10.m 18. Were protective action recommendations J.11 coordinated among' states (if more than one state was involved)?.................. _ _ _ _


! 16 l Dose & P.A.

i l

Summary O

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put 1

the facts recorded in the "yes /no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

l l

1 l

6 I

17 N

VII. SCENARIO Summary: Comment on the adequacy of the scenario. Did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic? Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

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I. ACTIVATION & STAFFING.............................................. 2 II. FACILITIES......................................................... 5 III. CONIENICATIONS...,.................................................. 9 IV. INFORMATIONAL FUNCTIONS..............................,.............. 10

" 12

. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION............................ ....................

VI. RUNDR CONTROL...................................................... 15 VII. SCENARIO........................................................... 17 k

( W I

I l

6 Fr" r--w-w-m _ _ y--gyg,y ,,.w.,,-,. ,, _

2 l


1. List the organizations represented by Public Information Officers (PIO's).

Yes No N/A N/0 E.2 2. Were mobilization procedures for any of the PIO(s) demonatrated?.................. _ _ _ _

E.2 3. If so, when did they arrive?

E.2, 4. According to participants, is there a

F.1.e regular system in place to

(a) receive a call directing activation, and (b) call up staff at any hour of any day?.............................. _ _ _ _

E.2, 5. If so describe this system.

F.1.e A.2.a 6. Was a full complement of staff present, according to the plan?.......'............. _ _ _ _

9 0

3 i .

For each of the organizations listed in question -

(1) above, indicate:

A.2.a, 7. -Did the PIO(s) in general display G.4.a adequate training and knowledge?

(org.) _ _ _ _

4 4

f A.4, 8. -Was a 24-hour staffing caps'oility G.4.a demonstrated? (If so, indicate by which method: Shift change, double staffing, or presentation of roster.)


.i A.4, 9. - f a shift change was demonstrated, i G.4.a did second-shift staff display adequate training and knowledge?


10. Was adequate clerical help available for message handling, duplicating, and other support activities?....................... _ _ _ _


I 6 )

l Activation & Steffing )

j Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.



,. = - ..

5 s


Yes No N/A N/0 G.3.a 1. Did PIO(s) have adequate: ,

-s p ace ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-furni tu r e ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - -


-11 gh t ing ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _


-access to a Copier ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

G.3.a 2. Did media representatives have adequate: 3

-s p a ce ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-furni tur e ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - -

-11 gh t in g ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -

-sup p li e s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _ _ _


. -typewrf t ers ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

G.3.a 3. Approximately how many reporters could be accomodated at a briefing?

G.4.b 4. Did the PIO(s) have a private place to Confer?................................


( G.3.a 5. Did the media representatives have access l to a private place to conduct interviews,

make tapes, or make filas?................ _ _ _ _

G.3.a 6. Was backup pcwer available?............... _ _ _ _

G.3.a 7. Was it demonstrated?...................... _ _ _ _

G.3.a 8. Were maps and displays available to facilitate dissemination of news?......... - _ _ _

G.3.a 9. Was the media center within the plume EPZ?......................................_ _ _ _

G.3.a 10. If so, what are the contingency plans for when the plume comes this way?

Were they demonstrated?


6 Facilities Summary O .

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the j deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.



i O

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7 A


Yes No N/A N/0 G.4.a 1. Were primary consunication links demonstrated to:

-S t at e E0C (s ) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - -

-1oca1 EOC(s)2........................... _ _ _ _

- E OF7..,.................................. _ _ _ _

G.4.a 2. Identify the co==inication system used for each of these primary links. (Dedicated j phone, commercial phone, radio, etc.)

i e

G.4.a 3. Were secondary communication links demonstrated to:


-S t at e E0C( s ) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-lo cal E0C ( s ) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-EOF 7...................................._ _ _ _

G.4.a 4. Identify the communication system used for each of these secondary links. (Dedicated phone, commercial phone, radio, etc.)

E l

l G.4.a 5. Which (if any) of these links were set up for hard-copy transmission?

.- .- - - - . . - . ~ . - - - - - - _

8 ,

G.4.a. 6. ITas conferencing available on any of G.4.b these lines? (i.e. tying in several parties)..................................

G.4.a, 7. If so indicate who could be tied in.

G.4.b G.3.a 8. What communications resources were provided for reporters? (telephones, etc.)

9. When was the Media Center notified of


the following events?

plant at " alert" status

-plant at " site area emergency" status plant at " general emergency" status public advised to 'take shelter' public advised to evacuate O


9 Commanications Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the

'l deficieccles, and also note the exceptionally good performances.  ;

i e


.g l

l l

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Were media kits available ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

G.3.a 2. If so, did they contain background information on:

-t he u tility ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-nuclear power plant s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _ _ _

-t he lo cal are a ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _

-T a di a t on ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _ _ _

G.3.a 3. Were briefings he1d?...................... _ _ _ _

G.3.a 4. How many? when?

G 3.a 5. Were they accurate and complete?. . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

G.3.a 6. Was technical jargon avoided or explained?.............................

G.3.a 7. Were maps and other displays effectively used?.....................................

G.3.a 8. Were hard copy news releases available prog t17 7.................................

Note: please obtain copies of the news releases. On each release, write:

-time released

-who authorized releave

-intended audience (press, EBS, etc.)

G.4.b 9. Did the PIO(s) exchange information, to keep each other up to date?............... _ _ _ _

G.4.b 10. Did the PIO(s) coordinate releases of information?.............................. _ _ _ _

G.3.a 11. Were radio and TV broadcasts monitored, to keep track of what the public was actually receiving?....................... _

12. What system exists to rectify errors in information received by the public?


11 Info. Functionc

% Summary -

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, sad also note the exceptionally good performances.

O l

l l


12 V. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Drafting of instructions:

Yes No N/A N/0 l E.6 1. Were emergency public instructions drafted at the Media Center?.............. _ _ _ _

E.6 2 Were they generally clear, and appropriate to the situation?............. _ _ _ _

E.7 3. Were prescripted messages used?........... _ _ _ _

E.6 4. Were protective action areas described in terms of familiar boundaries and landmarks?................................ _ _ _ _

E.6 5. If an instruction to take shelter was formulated:

--did it includo guidance on sheltering methods? (e.g., close windows, put cloth over mouth when outside, etc.)

--did it include instructions for transients without shelter? (e.g.,

campers)................................ _ _ _ _

5.6 6. If an instruction to evacuate was formulated, did it include information/

instructions on the evacuatAon of school children?.......................... _ _ _ _

Distribution of instructions:

E.6 7. Did the Media Center play a role in distributing instructions to the p u b li c ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

  • See Next Page
  • i i


i 13 Yes No N/A N/0 E.6- 8. Indicate which of the following systems ~

was used to distribute instructions, and at what time the message went out. If public instruction was played more than once, indicate the cinee messages went {

out for each round.

Message Distribution System Time (s)

EM tone alert radios vehicles with PA syst. ems calls to schools, factories, or other institutions (specify) personnel at another location instructed to do one of the above (specify) other (specify)

E.6 9. Was the timing of public instruction coordinated with the public alerting process, so that public alerting (e.g., sirens)  !

was followed immediately by an instructional message 7.................... _ _ _ _

i E.6 10. Were instructional messages

periodically repeated 7.................... _ _ _ _

i i

e t

l l

\ '

.--__1_ __________u_ _a. _ _ . _ _ . . ___

14 Public Inacruction Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes /no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.


15 VI. RUMOR CONTROL Yes No N/A N/0 G.4.c 1. Was a rumor control number activated?. . . . . _ _ _ _

G.4.c 2. If so, indicate who staffed it; how many persons were on phone answering duty, and what organization did they represent?

G.4.c 3. Were these persons generally well-prepared to answer questions?............. _ _ _ _

i G.4.c 4. Did they keep up-to-date on events?....... _ _ _ _

l G.4.c 5. How many calls could be handled simultaneously?

G.4.c 6. How was the number publicized?

in press briefings in EBS messages in public information pamphlets j and postings in 4.he EPZ 1 .

1 J


16 Rumor Control Susunary O.

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "y es/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

O 8


  • O

I 17 VII. SCENARIO Summary: Comment on the adequacy of the scenario. Did 1 i

it provide enough activity? Was it realistic?

Did it test areas of earliery deficiency?

1 I

e b

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l I. ACTIVATION & STAFFING............................................... 2 l

II. REGISTRATION AND IONITORING OF EVACUEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III. CONGREGATE CARE OF EVACUEES......................................... 7

'l' IV. SCENARIO............................................................ 10 i

i NOTE The emergency services for evacuees covered by this questionnaire can be divided into two broad categories,

" reception" and " congregate care." Reception refers mainly to registration an'd monitoring. Congregate care l refers to the housing, feeding and other care of l evacuees. These functions may be combined at one

location, or they can be consigned separately to a

" reception center" and a " congregate care center."

Consequently, this section is designed to be compatible with covering one location or two separate locations. If you observe just a reception center, or h a congregate care center, or both of these at separate locations, please indicate which facility you are referring to in your answers.

i I


. 2 l

l RELOCATION CENTER MODULE I. ACTIVATION & STAFFING A.2.a 1. List the organizations represented, and describe the staffing contributed by each.

E.2 2. Describe the staff activation procedures demonstrated (if any) including how staff were alerted and how long it took them to mobilize.

A.2.a 3. Indicate whether the staff present were O

adequate in terms of number, background and training to perform their emergency functions.


l A.4 4. Indicate whether and how a 24-hour staffing capability was demonstrated.

1 l

l l

l l

l l O


. 3 Activation & Staffing Summarv In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, i capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put l the facts recorded in the *yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performancer.

1 i

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Yes No N/A N/0

1. If buses or vans arrived at the reception center as part of a simulated evacuation, record the time they arrived.

J.12 2. Were procedures demonstrated for regis-tration of eva cuee s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.12 3. Describe the procedure.

J.12 4. Were evacuees che'cked for radiological Contamination?................'............ _ _ _

J.12 5. If so, indicate how many monitoring teams vare there, and describe the equipment and procedures demonstrated. Indicate how many persons per hour could be monitored.

J.12 6. If an evacuee were found to be contam-inated, would they be decontaminated at that location?.........................

J.12 7. If not. where would they be sent for decontamination?


. 5 Yes No N/A N/0 J.12 8. If 3 describe the procedures and .

equipment used for decontamination. What would be done with contaminated clothing and other possessions? Were people and possessions handled in such a way as to prevent spread of contamination?

t J.10.g 9. Jf, f congregate care is provided at a separate location: was transporta-tion to the congregate care center

, available for those without their own transportatica?....................... _ _ _ _

J.10.g 10. If so describe the transport provided.

l l


. 6 Registration & Monitoring Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the . facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

s ee t'

,e O

. 7 4



. i J.10.h 1. Was the relocation center located at least 5 miles beyond the plume EPZ7....... _ _ _ _

i J.10.h 2. How many evacuees could be accoanodated at this shelter?

J.10.h 3. According to shelter staff, what usasures would be taken if shelter capacity were exceeded?

I J.10.h 4. Did it have enought

-sleeping accosmodations (cots, blankets)

! ready or available within 24 hrs?....... _ _ _ _

-toilets (one per 40 people) ? . . . . . . . . . . . ., _ _ _ _

-d ri nkin g wat e r 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

l -s e cu re s t o rage 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

parking?................................ _ _ _ _


! J.10.h 5. What food supplies were available

immediately, and what could be ob-tained within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />?

l l

l i


.} .

J.10.h 6. Was the shelter staffed and equipped to handle handicapped evacuees, as those in wheelchairs?..................... _ _ _ _


. 8 Tcc Na N/A N/0

7. Were there means of communication available


J.10.h with:

--the local E0C?.......................... ~ ~ -


-the s t a t e EOC 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ -

--emergency medical fac111 ties?........... _ _ _ _

J.10.h 8. Describe the communication system (s) used.

(comeercial phone, government radio, C.B., etc.)

J.10.h, 9. Did the facility have a nursing station L.1 estab11shed?.............................. _ _ _ _

J.10.h, 10. Was there quick access to hospital care?

L.4 (ambulance stationed at facility, or ability I to radio for an ambulance)................ _ _ _ _

[ J.10.h 11. Were shelter personnel aware of how many evacuees were expected to arrive?. .. . . .. . . _ _ _ _

J.10.h 12. Was there an information source and procedure to keep evacuees informed as to "what's happening in the affected area?".......... _ _ _ _

Answer the following questions only if registration and monitoring of evacuees takes place at a separate location.

J.12 13. Were evacuees checked for registration l cards at the doorf........................ _ _ _ _

J.12 14. If so, what procedure would be followed in the event an evacues arzived without registration? ,

l l


. 9 Congregato Caro Summarv In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

4 I

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Summarv: Comment on the adequacy of the scenario.

Did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic? Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

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I. TRAFFIC & ACCESS CONTR0L............................................ 2 I I II. SPECIAL IVACUATION FR0BLEMS......................................... 5 A. Sc hoo l Eva maat i on Pr o blems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 B. Procedures for Evacuation of Mobility-Igaired Individuals....... 7 III. ROUTE ALIRTING...................................................... 10 IV. WORKER IIF08URE CONTR0L............................................. 12 V. SCENARIO............................................................ 14 l

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. 2 FIELD ACTIVITT MODULE I. TRAFFIC & ACCESS CONTROL Yes No N/A N/0 J.10.g. 1. What traffic or access control point (s)

J.10.j did you observe? (give location)

J.10.g 2. At what time did emergency personnel J.10.J. arrive at the above location (s)?

(Indicate whether arrival time was observed or if you asked them.)

O J.10.g. 3. Wera personnel at each location:


-f amiliar with the evacuation routes?. .. . _ _ _ _

-f amiliar with the location of reception / care centers?................. _ _ _ _

-able to commanicate with the local (or S tate) EOC by radio?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-able to connunicate with personnel at other control points?................... _ _ _ _

J.10.g. 4. Did they periodically report in/get J.10.j updates 7.................................. _ _ _ _

J.10.k 5. Were procedures for clearing traffic obstructions demonstrated?................ _ _ _ _

J.10.k 6. If s3 were they prompt and well organized?................................ _ _ _ _


. 3 Yes No N/A N/0 V J.10.k 7. If not, according to participants, are cow trucks or similar equipment available? _

J.10.k 8. Do regular procedures include keeping a ,

shoulder or lane clear for emergency vehicles to get through7.................. _ _ _ _

J.10.j 9. Were protective action areas changed in the course of the exercise? (e.g. be-cause o( wind shift)...................... _ '_ _ _

J.10.j 10. If so, were ac:ess control personnels

-i nf o rme d 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-r e as s i gne d 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

9 i

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l l

. 4 Traffic & Access l

Summary In your own words, describe and evaluace che demonstraced activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the excepcional17 good perfomances.


I l


. 5 O

II. SPECIAL EVACUATION PROBLEMS A. School Evacuation Procedures (If not demonstrated or not observed, skip this section.)

J.10.g 1. I ucribg the procedure for evacuation of students, including (a) whether evacuation is by bus, by parental pick-up, or both, (b) who authorized evacuation; when and how authorisation was transmitted, and (c) if evacuation is by bus, how many buses were there, where were they dispatched from, when did they ' arrive and when did they depart?

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. 6 Yes No N/A N/0 I J.10.g 2. Did the school have 2-way communications '

with emergency authorities?............... _ _ _ _

J.10.g 3. Describe the communication system used (commercial phone, dedicated phone, amateur radio, police radio, etc.)

J.10.g 4. Did the school have detailed, written evacuation procedures at hand 7............ _ _ _ _

J.10.g 5. Were arrangements made to control traffic at the school? (to avoid Jane caused by concerned parents)........................ _ _ _ _

If evacuation via bus was demonstrated J.10.g 6. Were there enough buses 7.................. _ _ _ _

J.10.g 7. Were buses equipped with 2-way radios?.... _ _ _ _

J.10.g 8. Did the driver (s) have a copy of the evacuation route they were to followf..... _ _ _ _

i J.10.g 9. Did they follow the correct route and arrive promptly at the correct relocation center 7................................... _ _ _ ,,,,,

l l



7 B. Procedures for Evacuation of Mob 111tv-

  • Ismaired Individuals (If not demonstrated or not observed, skip this section.)
1. Describe the procedure for evacuation of mobility

- impaired individuals, including (a) whether the evacuees were residing at an institution, or at home, (b) who authorised evacuation; when and how authorisition was transmitted, (c) type and number of vehicles involved, (d) where vehicles were dispatched from and who drove, and (e) at what time did they leave?

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. 8 Yes No N/A N/0 J.10.d 2. Were vehicles equipped with: "

way radio commu nications ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-a map of their route, including pick-up points and relocation centerf................................. - ~ ~ ~

-information on the special needs of evacuees? (nature of impair-ment, medicines needed, et c. ) . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.d 3. Did the'erew include someone with medical training, as a nurse or medical res cue squad membe r7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

J.10.d 4. Did they arrive promptly at the correct pick-up point (s)7......................... _ _ _ _

J.10.d 5. Did they proceed directly and promptly to the relocation center?.................... _ _ _ _

J.10.d 6. When did they arrive theraf G


. 9 Sp:cici Evac.

i i '

Summarv In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, i

capabilities, ar.d resourcee, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the  ;

I deficiencies,"and also goce the exceptionally good performances.  !

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Yes No N/A N/0 E.6 1. What route alerting vehicle (s) did you observe?

E.6 2. For each route you observed:

--when did alerting begin?

--when was it completed?

--was it run in a realistic speed and manner to allow all residents to hear the message 7....................... _ _ _ _

E.6 3. Did the route alerting t'eas(s) haves

- r ou t e se p s 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

--a written message to read over the PA system 7.......................... _ _ _ _

E.6 4,. Did they actually demonstrate the PA system 7................................ _ ,, _ _ _

E.6 5. Were the message (s) used (or to be used) appropriate to the situation?.... ___ __, ___ __,

E.6 6. What were the message (s)?



. 11  !

Routo Alcrting summarv In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capebilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances. ,

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Yes No N/A N/0 K.3.a 1. Did each emergency worker in the field have as

-low range dosime t e r? (0-200 mR) . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

--mid range dosimeter? (0-20 R)........... ~ ~ ~ ~

. -high range dosimeter? (0-200 R). . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

permaqent record dosimeter? (film badge or TLD)........................... _ _ _ _

K.3.b 2. Did they follow proper procedures for reading and recording their dose 7......... _ _ _ _

K.4, 3. . Did they know what was the maximum dose K.5.a allowed without authorization 7............ _ _ _ _

J.10.c 4. Were they supplied with K17............... _ - _ _ _

J.10.e 5. Did they follow proper procedures concerning when to take K17............... _ _ _ _

K.5.a. 6. Were they aware of procedures for K.5.b decontaatnation? (i.e., when and where to report for a contamina-tion check)............................... _ _ _ _


. 13 Exp. Control i .

l Summary l l

} In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities,  ;


, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the  !

deficiencies, and also gote the exceptionally good performances.

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. 14 V. SCENARIO Sunrna ry : Conument on the adequacy of the scenario. Did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic?

Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

e l


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1 p FIELD MONITORING MODULE OUTLINE I. FIELD TEAM MOBILIZATION........................................... 2 1

4 II. FIELD TEAM EQUI PMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 i III. FIELD TEAM TECHNICAL OPERATIONS................................... 8 IV. FIELD TEAM C(30EINICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

V. FIELD TEAM EEPOSURE CONTR0L....................................... 13 i

i j VI. SCENARIO...*....................................................... 15 i

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Yes No N/A N/0 f

E.2 1. Was mobilization of the team demonstrated? l (if not, go to question #12)..............

E.1, 2. When was, the call received directing E.2 activation of the team?

E.1,E.2 3. From whom was it received?

E.2 4. Who taca the call?

E.2 5. Was call-up of team members (from home or workplace) demonstrated?............... _ _ _ _ l E.2 6. If so:

-was a written call list used?. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _


-vas it up-t o-dat e ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-did team members arrive promp tly? . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

E.2 7. Was team equipment packed for rapid deployment?................................

E.2 8. Where was the team dispatched from?

E.2 9. When did they leave?

E.2 10. When did they arrive at their assigned location?

l E.2, 11. Befera deployment, was the team I.8 briefed on:

-current plant conditions ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-current meteorological conditions ?. . . . . . _ _ _ _ i

-exposure control procedures ? . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _  !

' -equipment check procedures ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-division of responsibilities l among members? (work roles)............. _ _ _ _

l l



- . - . . . .. .. _ m - . _ _

3 r l

'Yes No N/A N/O E.2, 12. According to participants, is there a ,

F.1.e regular system in place to:

(a) receive a call directing activation, and (b) call up staff at any hour of any day?.......................... _ _ _ _

E.2, 13. If so describe this system.

F.1.e I

i e


4 Mobilization Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes /no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

1 l


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Yes No N/A N/O H.11 1. Does the plan contain a list of equip-ment for monitoring team ?................ _ _ _ _

H.11, 2. Did the equipment they had reflect this I.8 list?..................................... _ _ _ _

H.11, 3. Was a checklist of equipment available I.8 to' team members?.......................... _ _ _ _

I.8 4. Was the team's vehicle:

-large enough for the team and its equipment?.............................. _ _ _ _

I.8 -suitable for all expected terrain and weather conditions?..................... _ _ _ _

H.11, 5. Did they have the following radiation I.8 monitoring instruments:

--G-M counter, range 0.05 - 100mR/hr?..... _ _ _ _

-ionization chamber racemeter.

0 - 5 R/h r ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~

(e.g. Cutie Pie)

-alpha detector or end window (thin

, window) G-M detector?......'............. _ _ _ _

-single channel sodium iodide scintilla-tion counter with switchable channels?

(If so, describe the instrument-make, model, number of channel settings.).............................. _ _ _ _

H.11, 6. Did they have the following air sampling I.8 equipment: c

-an air pump to draw air samples through filter cartridges?...................... _ _ _ _

-is it calibrated for proper flow rate?.. _ _ _ _

-does it operate on power supplied g the vehicle?............................ _ _ _ _

-charcoal cartridges for air sampling?... _ _ _ _

-silver zeolite or siver-silica gel cartridges for iodine measurement?...... _ _ _ _

j 6

Yes No N/A N/0 i

i H.11, J.11,

7. Did they have the following soil and vegetation sampling G .l)

I I.8 equipment:

--scoops?................................. l 1

--plastic Collection bags?................

--metal or plastic containers?............ _

--Writing material?....................... _

--identification labels?..................


- 1 H.11, 8. Did they have equipment for taking J.11 water and milk samples?................... _ _ _ _

H.11, 9. Describe any alternative or additional I.8 equipment the. team had.

O H.10 10. According to team members, when was the equipment last calibrated?


1 O

_ . _ _ - . , _ - _ . _ . - -.__.9

7 Equipment


Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put I

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

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8 III. FIELD TEAM TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Yes No N/A N/0 I.8 1. Did they set up the equipment properly:

-Activate the equipment by putting in batteries?..............................

-Make a bat t e ry che ck ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . - - -

-Check the operation of the instrument

_ _ [

with a radioactive source?..............

I.8 2. Were written SOP's used for setup and/or operation?................................

I.8 3. Did the team members oparate the instruments correctly, e.g., the use of the G-M for low radioactivity and the ion chambers for high radioactivity?............................ _ _ _ _

I.8 4. Did the team monitor both groind and air readings?.................................

I.8 5. Did they collect an air sample?........... _ _ _ _

I.9 6. Did they demonstrate a procedure for measuring radiciodine levels in the air?

-did they follow a written procedure?. .. . _

-was the procedure adequate to detect _ _ _,

and measure p ne concentrations as low as 10 uCi/ce? (not suscep-tible to interference from background or noble gas activity).................. _

I.8 7. Was at least one member of the team familiar with the region being monitored? _ _ _ _

I.8 8. Were they able to follow the map and find the mor.itoring points easily?............. _ _ _ _

I.8, 9. Did they demonstrate collection of:

  • J.ll -s oil s ample s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-vegetation s amples ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - -

-Snow s&1Bples?...........................

g W ater samples?..........................

- - ~

, -milk s ample s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _~ _ _ _


~ r ---- - __


9 i

l Yes No N/A N/0 I I

I.8, 10. Was proper technique shown in sample ,


, J.11 co11ection?............................... _ _ _ _

I.8, 11. Were samples transported to a J.11 laboratory for analysis?.................. _

I.8, 12. If so, how long did it take? (or if J.11 you did not observe the whole process, write the time when samples were collected) 1 I

O 1

l 9



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10 Tach. Opsrations 1

Summary O -)

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put I

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the i deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

9 l

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. Yes No N/A N/0 .

H.12, 1. Was radio contact established with the I.8,F.1.d controller?............................ .. _ _ _ _

H.12, 2. Whom (what location) did they I.8,F.1.d talk to?

I.8, 3. Was radio contact maintained throughout F.1.d the exercise?.............................

I.8, 4. Does the EPZ area have " dead spots" F.1.d necessitating use of a repeater?.......... _ _ _ _

I.8, 5. If so, was use of a repeater .

F.1.d demonstrated?.............................

I.8, 6. Was there a backup radio F.1.d systaa?...................................

I.8, 7. If so, describe F.1.d it.

l l I.8 8. Was it demonstrated?...................... _

F.1.d _ _ _

12 Comnaaniertionc


Summarv In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

e O

=._ -. .- -- . . . _ _ - -


1. Does the team have the following i protective equipment:

-An ti-contamination suits ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~

- Boo t s ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~

M 1 oves and tongs?....................... _ _ _


-Raspi rat o rs ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - _ _

J.10.e 2. Does the team have a thyroid blocking agent (Potassium Iodide (KI))?............ _ _ _ _

J.10.f 3. If so, do they know the procedures for the

! use of KI? (When it should be taken and on whose directive)....................... ,

K.3.a 4. Do the team members have the following i

dosimetry equipment:

(self read dosimeters)

-low range (0-200 mR . ) ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

--mid range (0-20 R)?.....................

~ ~ ~ ~

~high range (0-200 R)?...................

-charger for the dosimeters ? . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~

-record keeping cards ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ _ _


permanent record dosimeters, as film badges or TLD's?........................ - - - -

5. Do the, team members know:

K.3.b -how often to read & record their dosi- 4-meters?.................................

K.5.a --what is.the maximum dose allowed with-

~ ~ ~ ~

K.5.b out authorization?...................... _

-what to do if they receive an GXCess dose?............................  !

K.S.a, 6. Were they aware of procedures for K.5.b decontamination? (i.e. when and where i

to go for decontamination)................ _ _ _ _


- l I

1 1

14 Exposure Control Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, -

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

1 I

l O

15 VI. SCENARIO Summary: Cosament on the adequacy of the scenario.

Did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic? Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

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i I. EQUIPMENT & STAFFING................................................ 2 II. TECHNICAL OPERATIONS................................................ 5 III. SCENARIO............................................................ 8 i

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I.7, 1. Does the plan contain a list of I.8 equipment for the laboratory?............. _ _ _ _

I.7, 2. If so, did the equipment there I.8 reflect this list?........................ _ _ _ _

I.8, 3. Did they have the following radiation 1.9 measurement systems:

--1sultichannel analyze r? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

  1. c:::d: ;;;;":;;:i;;".i;;;;:::::::: : : :

-alpha and beta counters (GM or ITC)?.... _ _ _ _

-liquid scintillation spectrometer?. . . . . . _ _ _ _

-semiconductor detectors (Ge, Si, GeLi, SiLi)?............................

I.8 4. Describe any alternate or additional equipment present.

O I.8, 5. According to participants, what are l II.10 the maintsnance and calibration pro-1 cadures? Are these suitable procedures to give accurate results?

l 1

l l

I I.8, 6. Are there extra units to replace 1 H.10 those being serviced?..................... _ _ _

l f

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3 Yes No N/A N/0

, s -

I.8 7. Did the staff (first shift) in general display adequate training .,

and knowledge?............................ _ _ _ _

I.8, 8. Describe the technical training of the j I.10, laboratory staff.

J.11 A.4 9. Was a round-the-clock staffing capability demonstrated................... _ _ _ _

A.4 10. If so, check which method was used:

4 shift change presentation of a roster ,

double staffing 3

A.4 11. -If a shif t change was demons.trated:

were incoming staff briefed?........... _ _ _ _

did second-shift staff display 1

adequate training and knowledge?....... _ _ _ _

i i

l l

i I


4 Lab Equipment O .

Sunnaary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, I

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

i O

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! I.8 1. Did they demonstrate procedures for identification and quantitative measurement of radioisotopes from ganan radiation spectra in the atiti-Channel ana17 Eer?......................... _ _ _ _

2. Was it done correctly?.................... _ _ _ _
3. Was a written SOP followed?............... - - _ _

I.8 4. Did they demonstrate procedures for preparation and measurement of field samples:

-air sample cartridges or filters ? . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-soil samples ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _

-ve ge tation sasp1es ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. _ _ _ _

--snow samples?........................... _ _ _ _

--water and milk samples?................. _ _ _ _

I.8 5. Were these procedures correct?. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

I.8 6. Were written SOP's followed?..............

) g - - - -

' I.8 7. Were estimates made of the uncertainty factors for the measurements?............. - _ _ _

I.8 8. Were field samples properly handled?

3 (logged in, stored, evaluated, disposed of).............................. _ _ _ _

I.8 9. Were procedures demonstrated for screening a large number of samples?...... _ _ _ _

I.8 10. Was analytical data effectively trans-mitted to the E0C?........................ _ _ _ _

i l

i 4



-y-w--w-ew--y--.--w,emp .

-3,wv.-e.-w---+yegww .-r-w, e,.-,,y---mw.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6 I.8 11. Jot down the time and (briefly) contents of the transmissions to the EOC. .

I.8 12. Describe the communication system (s) available at the laboratory.

O l



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. _ . - .-. .-= _ . _ - . . _ - . . _ . _ - . . . _ . . . . ._ - . - . . . - - . - . - .

t 7

Lab Operatiens 1

Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, I capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

i 4

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8 9


Summary: Comment on the adequacy of the scenario. Did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic? Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?

l -


4s O


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C0MlWNICATIONS...................................................... 2


II. HOSPITAL FACILITIES & PROCEDURES.................................... 4 f

III. AMBULANCE FACILITIES & PROCEDURES................................... 6 i


SCENARIO............................................................ 8 1 1 1


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3 MEDICAL SUPPORT MODULE I. COMMUNICATIONS Yes No N/A N/0 L.1 1. Name the hospital (s) you observed:


2. .


L.1, 2. Did each hospital receive and verify a message stating that a radiological in-cident had occured?

-h o s p i t al # 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-h o s p i t al # 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - -

-h o s p i t al # 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . - _ _ _

F.2, 3. Which of these hospitals (by number) had L.1 emergency communication links to:

-local EOCs -

-congregate care facilities

-ambulances in transit -

-radiological laboratories F.2, 4. Describe the communication links ,

L.1 listed above.

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - . - _ _ ____l

3 Communications Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

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Yes No N/A N/0 L.1 1. Was a health physicist present, or available on short notice, to advise hospital staff?

-H o s p i t al # 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-Ho sp i t al # 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-H o s p i t al # 3 . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

L.1 2. Did the hospital have the necessary equipment for determining whether & how a patient was contaminated?

-H.#1.................................... - - - -

-H.#2.................................... - - - -

-H.#3...................................._ _ _ _

L.1 3. Was this function demonstrated satisfactorily?

-H.#1..................................._ _ _ _

-H.#2................................... - - - ~

-H.f3..................................._ _ _ _

l L.1 4. Did the hospital have the necessary equip-ment to decontaminate a patient?

-H.#1................................... - - - -

-H.#2................................... - ~ ^ ^

-H.#3..................................._ _ _ _

L.1 5. Was this function demonstrated satisfactorily?

-H.#1................................... - - -

-H.#2..................................._ _ _ [

, -H.#3..................................._ _ _ _

l L.1 6. Did the hospital staff follow sound procedures in handling patients, so as to avoid spreading contamination? (e . g .-

closing air ducts)

-H.#1..................................._ _ _ _

-H.#2..................................._ _ _ _

-H.#3..................................._ _ _ _

L.1 7. Does the hospital have an arrangement with a radiological laboratory for analysis in l support of emergency operations?

l -H.#1..................................._ _ _ _

-H.#2..................................._ _ _ _

-H.#3..................................._ _ _ _


5 Hospital O Summary .

In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

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Yes No N/A N/0 L.4 1. Did an ambulance and crew participate in the exercise?............................. _ _ _ _

L.4, 2. Was the crew provided with:

K.3.a -a survey me t e r? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ ~ ~ ~

-did they demonstrate its proper use?.... _

--dosimeters 7............................. _

-did they demonstrate their proper use?.. _ _ _ _

L.4, 3. Did the crew demonstrate procedures for:

l K.5.b -decontamination of a patient ?. . . . . . . . . . . _

preventing contamination of ambulance and crew?...............................

L.4 4. Did the crew know which area hospitals were j


capable of handling contaminated patients? _ _ _ _

l L.4 5. Was a patient actually transported to a .

l l

hospital for exercise?.................... _ _ _ _

L.4, 6. If so, were ambulance and crew checked K.S.a. for contamination after the patient was K.S.b removed from the ambulance?............... _ _ _ _ i l

F.2 7. Did the ambulance have two-way radio com-munication with: 1 I

-t he hos pit a17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

-the lo cal EOC 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-traf fic control pers onnel?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - _


l I

l I

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l O

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? A 7

Ambulance Summary In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put 1

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

1 I

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'IV. , SCENARIO Summary: Conument on the adequacy of the scenario.

did it provide enough activity? Was it realistic? Did it test areas of earlier deficiency?


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_4 a - . ,,. m a f

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...m-..m-,..- , ,_ ,,, _ . - - - . - , , , , , _ _ - _ , , _ _ . _ , _ ~ , . .ww.,__,,m , ,

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1. Where is the facility located?
2. Indicate who would go there for decontamination: (check one or more)

-local. law enforcement personnel

-state law enforcement personnel

-local fire dept. pesonnel

-local radiological monitoring teams

-state radiological monitoring teams

-school bus drivers


-others (specify)

K.5.a 3. Did they demonstrate procedures for determining the need to decontaminate:

-p e opl e ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

j , -equipme n t ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

M ehiC1es?............................... _ _ _ , _

K.5.a 4. Describe the equipment and procedures '


P K.5.b 5. Did they demonstrate decontamination of:

people?................................. _ _ _ _


-e quipme nt ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _

l -Vehicles?............................... _ _ _ _

K.5.b 6. Describe the equipment and procedures used. ,

I i

n .. ----,,_-,-n-,--m-w-v,,, .--.w,nn-,_n-v-_. nn__,-~_.~.__ -,s-s---.-

2 K.S.a 7. What is the approximate capacity of the facility in persons per hour and -

vehicles per hour?

K.5.b 8. Describe the procedures for handling radioactive wastes, including con-taminated washwater.

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e- w , , - , , - - - - , , . - - , - - ---r--- - - - --, ---- , - , _ - , -ww-- - . - - - - , - - - - , , - - .--- -- , - - - - ----- - , - - - - -

4 3


- Summarv -

1 In your own words, describe and evaluate the demonstrated activities, l 1

capabilities, and resources, or lack thereof, covered by this section. Put l i

the facts recorded in the "yes/no" questions in perspective. Explain the  !

. I deficiencies, and also note the exceptionally good performances.

i 1 -

t i

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l i

I s


-.-.:--_....._.-L.-:.L'--u-..-__-..:_.,__..-.---.- . - . _ . - - . . .


1. Demonstrate ability to mobiliza EOC Sec. I E.1, E.2 i staff and activate facilities EOF Sec. I , , , ,

promptly. MEDIA Sec. I E Sec. I R e. I

2. Demonstrate ability to fully EOC Sec. I A.2.a.

statf facilities and usintain EOF Sec. I A. 4 staffing around the clock. MEDIA Sec. I RELOC Sec. I

3. Demonstrate ability to aske Eoc Sec. II A.I.d.

decisions and to coordinate A.2.a eastgency activities.

4. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities EOC Sec. III G.3.a, and displays to support eastgency EOF Sec. II H.2, operations. MEDIA Sec. II H.3
5. Demonstrate ability to communicate- EOC Sec. IV F with all appropriate locations, EOF Sec. III
organizations, and field personnel. W IA S'c. e III RELOC Sec. III i FA Sec. I, II g Sec. IV
6. Demonstrate ability to mobilize 3 Sec. I. E.2, I.8 and deploy field monitoring -

i i

teams in a timely fashion. l l

7. Demonstrate appropriate equipment g Sec. II, III I.8, I.11 and procedures for determining ambient radiation levels.
8. Demonstrate appropriate equipannt g 'Sec. II, III I.9 and procedures for measurement of RADLAB Sec. I, II airbornerad191odineconcentrations as low as 10~ uci/CC in the  ;

presence of noble gases.


9. Demonstrate appropriate equipment 3 Sec. II, III I.8  ;

and procedures for collection, RADLAB Sec. I, II l transport and analysis of samples l of soil, vegetation, snow, water,

and milk.


-- -,r- .--.---..,,..-,-_.--..-...w---..,,,-.--- - - - - - - . - - - - - _ _ _ _ - , . , _ . - - - . . , , - - - ~ . . _ . - - - .

I i



{L l

l 10. Demonstrate ability to project EOC Sec. Y I.10, J.10.3 dosage to tbs public via plume EOF Sec. II exposure, based on plant and field data, and to determine appropriata protective measures, l based on PAG's, availabla shelter, evacuation tima estimates, and all other appropriata factors.

11. Demonstrate ability to project EOC Sec. Y I.10, J.11 dosage to the public via ingestion EOF Sec. VI i

pattaray exposura, based 'on field data, and to determina appropriata protective measures, based on PAGe and other relevant factors.

12. Demonstrate ability to implement EOC Sec. VII.C J.9, J.11 protective actions for ingestion

. pathway hazards.

13. Demonstrate ability to alert the EOC Sec. VI . E. 6 public within the 10-mile EPZ, and -

FA Sec. III disseminate an initial instructional ,

message, within 15 minutes.

14. Demonstrate ability to formulate E0C Sec. VI E.5 and distribute appropriate instructions to the public, in a timely fashion.

l 15. Demonstrata the organizational EOC Sec. VII.A J.9, J.10.g l

ability and resources necessary & Sec. I to manage an orderly evacuation of all or part of the pluma EPZ.


16. Demonstrate tbs organizational EOC Sec. VII.A J.10.k l

l ability and resources necessary

& Sec. I

  • to deal with impediments to evacuation, as inclement weather -

or traffic obstructions.

17. Demonstrate the organizational EOC Sec. VII.A J.10.j ability and resources necessary E Sec. I to control access to an evacuated area.



18. Demonstrate the organisational Roc Sec. VII.3 J.10.d ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation ESec.II.3 of mobility-impaired individuals within the pluma EPZ.
19. Demonstrate the organizational EOC Sec. VII.3 J.9, J.10.g ability and resources necessary to effect an orderly evacuation ESec.II.A of schools within the plume EPZ.
20. Demonstrate ability to continuously IOC Sec. VIII L3.a. b annitor and control emergency worker exposure.

{Sec.IV 3 Sec. V

21. Demonstrate the abilty'to make the E0C Sec. Y J.10.f decision, based on predetermined EOF Sec. VI criteria, whether to issue II to emergency workers and/or the general population.
22. Demonstrate the ability to supply 10C Sec. VIII J.10.e and administer KI, ones the decision FA Sec. IV -

has been ande to do so. E Sec. V

23. Demonstrate ability to effect an EOC Sec. VII.B J.2 orderly evacuation of onsite personnel.

24 Demonstrate ability to brief the EOC Sec. II G.3.s media in a clear, accurate and MEDIA Sec. IV G.4.s timely manner. _M c. IV

25. Demonstrata ability to provida EOC Sec. II G.4.b advance coordination of information MEDIA Sec. IV released.
26. Demonstrate ability to establish {"* EOF Sec. II G.4.c and operate rumor control in a -

MEDIA Sec. VI coordinated fashion.

27. Demonstrate adequacy of procedures RELOC See. II J.12 for registration and radiological monitoring of evacuees

. 28. Demonstrate adequacy of facilities RELOC Sec. III J.10.h for asse care of evacuees.

.-. .. -.. - - .~ . : ...


(' ,


29. Demonstrate adequate equipment DECON all E.5.a. b l

and procedures for decontamination of emergency workers, equipment .

i and w hicles. -

30. Demonstrate adequacy of ambulance ISDIC Sec. III L.4 facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.
31. Demonstrate adequacy of boepital MEDIC Sec. II L.1 facilities and procedures for handling contaminated individuals.
32. Demonstrate ability to identify need (to be developed) C.1.a b for, request, and obtain Federal assistanca.
33. Demonstrata ability to relocate to (to be developed) E.2, E3 and operate the alternate IOF/EOC.

, 34. Demonstrate ability to estimate 30C Sec. Y M.4 I total population exposure. ICT Sec. VI I .

35. Demonstrate ability to determine IOC Esc. I M.1 and implement appropriate measures for controlled recovery and reentry.

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