MONTHYEARNOC-AE-000661, Rev 4 to Severe Weather Plan, Including Summary of Changes.With1999-10-0404 October 1999 Rev 4 to Severe Weather Plan, Including Summary of Changes.With ML20217A2421999-09-30030 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Parameters No Longer Applicable & Adding Tdf Value for Model 94 SGs in Place of Reactor Coolant Sys Flow ML20211Q8071999-09-0808 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs & Associated Bases for Specification 3/4.8.1, AC Sources, to Eliminate Requirement for Accelerated Testing of Standby DGs & Associated NRC Reporting Requirements ML20211Q2361999-09-0808 September 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8.1,revised by Relocating 18-month Surveillance to Subject Sdg to Insps IAW Procedures Prepared in Conjunction with Mfg Recommendations to Section of UFSAR ML20211G2281999-08-24024 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Relocating Cycle Specific Operating Parameters from TSs to Colr,Including Moving Location of Insert 6 from Page 6-21 to Page 6-22 of Administrative Control Section & Renumbering Methods List ML20211C0371999-08-18018 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Cold Overpressure Mitigation Curve Associated with Replacement SGs ML20210J0481999-07-28028 July 1999 STP Unit 1,Cycle 9 Startup Testing Summary Rept ML20209G9351999-07-15015 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves ML20209H3371999-07-13013 July 1999 Rev 0 to 0PGP02-ZA-0004, Station Performance Data Collection,Categorization & Reporting ML20209H2131999-07-13013 July 1999 Rev 4,revised Pages 29 & 30 of 102 to Procedure 0ERP01-ZV-IN01, Emergency Classification ML20209G4461999-07-13013 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying 3.6.3 Action B,Clarifyin Use of Check Valve with Flow Through Valve Secured as Means to Isolated Affected Containment Penetrations ML20209C1511999-07-0101 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Amend to License NPF-80, Changing TSs 3.3.2 & 3.7.8 Allowing All Fuel Handling Bldg Exhaust Air Sys Components to Be Inoperable for Period of 8 Hours to Facilitate Repair of Train B Exhaust Booster Fan ML20209B5341999-06-24024 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section,adding Min Measured RCS Flow,Which Lists Parameters Included in COLR ML20209H3151999-06-23023 June 1999 Rev 4 to 0PGP02-ZA-0003, Comprehensive Risk Management ML20195E4701999-06-0707 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Re Proposed Amend to Licenses NPF-76 & NPF-80,deleting Total Allowance,Sensor Error & Z Terms from ESFAS & RTS Instrumentation Trip Setpoint Tables of TS 2.2.1 & 3.3.2 ML20195E4211999-06-0707 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating cycle-specific RCS-related TS Parameter Limits to COLR ML20209H3081999-06-0101 June 1999 Rev 3 to 0PGP04-ZA-0604, Probabilistic Risk Assessment Program ML20205S3511999-04-19019 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page 3/4 8-3 Removing Reference to Fast Transfer Capability That Is Inconsistent with STP Design Bases as Described in UFSAR Chapters 8.2 & 8.3 ML20205G8081999-03-30030 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating Section 3/, Meteorological Instrumentation & Associated Bases Description to STP Trm,Per NUREG-1431 ML20204J9681999-03-22022 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating New TS for Atmospheric Steam Relief Valve Instrumentation & Revising TS Re Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves ML20204D1581999-03-15015 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.9 for Snubbers to TRM ML20207L9441999-03-0909 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Ref to Independent Safety Engineering Group from Requirements ML20207D9651999-03-0202 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Change Clarifies Use of Check Valve with Flow Through Valve Secured as Means to Isolate Containment Penetration in TS 3.6.3 Action B ML20207C4721999-02-24024 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases 3/4.2.5,clarifying That Averaging of Only Three Channels Is Min Expected When Verifying DNB Parameter Compliance ML20202G6871999-01-26026 January 1999 Proposed Tech Spec Page 3/4 4-39,revising TS 4.4.10 for Alternate ISI of RCP Flywheels ML20199K5681999-01-20020 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Requirement Re AFW Pump Performance Testing ML20198A2181998-12-10010 December 1998 Revised TS Pages,Adding Ref to TS Figure 2.1-2 to Bases Section 2.1.1 as Figure Provides DNBR Curves Appropriate to Alternate DNB Operating Criteria ML20198A1951998-12-0909 December 1998 Corrected TS Bases Pages B 3/4 8-15,-16 & -17,as Discussed During 981103 Telcon ML20196B8121998-11-23023 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Proposed Amends to Licenses NPF-76 & NPF-80,relocating Descriptive Design Info from TS 3/ (Table 3.7-2) Re Orifice Sizes for Main Steam Line Code Safety Valves,To Bases Section ML20155J9031998-11-0303 November 1998 Proposed Corrected Tech Specs Bases 3/4 9-3 Re Water level- Refueling Cavity & Storage Pools ML20155D5801998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Amends to Relocate Portion of TS Surveillance Requirement for DG Fuel Oil Storage Tank to TRM ML20155D5561998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Proposed Amends to Relocate Snubber TS 3/4.7.9 to TRM ML20155D5441998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages for Proposed Amend to Relocate Turbine Overspeed Protection TS 3/4.3.4 to TRM ML20154M1621998-10-12012 October 1998 Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages B3/4 8-14 Through -17 ML20154C0051998-09-30030 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Replacement SG Tube Insp Surveillance Differences & Deleting Provision Allowing Use of F* Alternate Repair Criteria ML20154C5071998-09-30030 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Page B 3/4 9-2,removing Wording Re 10% Value for Clad Gap Iodine Isotopics ML20154A4281998-09-28028 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Requirements Associated with Control Room & Fuel Handling Bldg Ventilation Sys ML20151T1621998-08-31031 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Cold Overpressure Mitigation Curve Associated W/Replacement SGs ML20238F0841998-08-28028 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.0.5,excluding Specified Containment Isolation Valves from ISI & Testing Requirements as Stated in Section XI of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ML20236T5141998-07-22022 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Replacement SG Water Level Setpoint Differences ML20236R1461998-07-15015 July 1998 Proposed Changes to Current Tech Specs Bases ML20236L6311998-07-0707 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Rev of Criticality Analyses & Rack Utilization Schemes for Regions 1 & 2 of Spent Fuel Racks as Described in STP UFSAR & TSs ML20236M6381998-07-0606 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating 3/ Requirements for Seismic Instrumentation to Technical Requirements Manual ML20236N0001998-07-0606 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating RCS Design Features from TS Section 5.4 to UFSAR ML20236K3481998-07-0606 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating 3/4.7.13 Requirements for Area Temp Monitoring Sys to Technical Requirements Manual ML20247F3321998-05-0707 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Reflecting Replacement SG Reactor Coolant Flow Differences ML20217P1441998-04-0202 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.5 Re voltage-based Repair Criteria ML20202H9771998-02-16016 February 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Implementing 1-volt voltage-based Repair Criteria for SG Tube Support plate-to-tube Intersections ML20198C3741997-12-31031 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 2.1,2.2 & 3/4.2.5 for Alternate Operation W/Reduced Measured RCS Flow ML20197A7211997-12-17017 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Extend Surveillance Interval of Containment Spray Sys Nozzle Air Flow Test from Five Years to Ten Years 1999-09-08
[Table view] Category:TEST REPORT
MONTHYEARML20210J0481999-07-28028 July 1999 STP Unit 1,Cycle 9 Startup Testing Summary Rept ML20072G8031994-08-17017 August 1994 STP Unit 2 Cycle 4 Startup Testing Summary Rept ML20092G4491991-11-19019 November 1991 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test Rept ML20081G1271991-03-0404 March 1991 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test Rept ST-HL-AE-3229, Startup Rept1989-09-18018 September 1989 Startup Rept ML20196C0991988-11-15015 November 1988 Rev 1 to IE Bulletin 88-005 Investigation Rept,South Texas Project Electric Generating Station - Unit 2 ST-HL-AE-2734, Summary of Unit 1 Voltage Verification Test Results (PSB-1) South Texas Project Electric Generating Station1988-08-0202 August 1988 Summary of Unit 1 Voltage Verification Test Results (PSB-1) South Texas Project Electric Generating Station ML20209D4231987-04-21021 April 1987 Actuation Train Relay Response Time Test Summary & Results ML20215L0791987-04-17017 April 1987 Rev 1 to Purge Containment Isolation Valve, Operability Analysis & Test Rept ML20215L0991987-04-13013 April 1987 Qualification Test Rept on Valve & Actuator for Valtek,Inc, Springsville,Ut ST-HL-AE-2198, Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test, Final Rept1987-03-31031 March 1987 Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test, Final Rept ML20206K6431987-03-20020 March 1987 Rept of Test Conducted to Determine Effects of Spraying Water on Anaconda Flex Conduit Wrapped in Siltemp WT-65. No Visible Damage or Siltemp Slippage Observed ML20212M4771987-02-19019 February 1987 Energy,Inc Test Rept on Eight-Channel Digital Isolator ML20215A4511986-11-30030 November 1986 Nonproprietary Noise,Fault,Surge & Radio Frequency Interference Test Rept ST-HL-AE-1917, Electrical Test Rept on Isolation Relays & Transmitter & Receiver for Bechtel. Related Documentation Encl1986-09-16016 September 1986 Electrical Test Rept on Isolation Relays & Transmitter & Receiver for Bechtel. Related Documentation Encl ML20206M3581986-01-0303 January 1986 Rev 2 to Door Sealing Matls Qualification File for Watertight Doors Mfg by Mosler Safe Co for South Texas Project Electric Generating Station ML20213G1521985-09-26026 September 1985 Sanitized Version of Test Program on Isolation Relays & Analog Signal Isolators for Use in Hope Creek Generating Station. W/Three Oversize Drawings ML20064N8551984-10-12012 October 1984 Damper Test Rept for South Texas Project Units 1 & 2 ML20206M5281984-10-0101 October 1984 Damper Test Rept for South Texas Project Units 1 & 2 ML20138N8211981-07-0707 July 1981 Radiation Tolerance & DBA Results on Nupec Concrete Coating Sys ML20138N7161981-06-10010 June 1981 Nutec 11S/Nutec 1201 Nutec 11S/Nutec 11/Nutec 1201 Radiation Tolerance,Dba Testing (Ornl) ML20138N8761978-01-25025 January 1978 Compatibility Testing - Concresive 1411 Epoxy Mortar ML20138P1141976-11-11011 November 1976 Nutec 10/11S/11/1201 Over Magic Kote Formed Concrete ML20138N7121976-07-31031 July 1976 Recoatability of 560/1201 W/Nutec 1201 After 1 Yr Simulated Outside Exposure ML20210C6771975-10-31031 October 1975 Rev 2 to Westinghouse Protection Sys Noise Tests 1999-07-28
[Table view] |
g:f Houston Light'ing and Power Company South Texas Project -
Electric Generating Station Actuation Train Relay Response Time Test Summary and Results Prepared by M.A. Friedlander April 21, 1987
Abstract 2
The response time of selected relays that are typically found in the Actuation Trains of-the South Texas Solid State Protection System (SSPS) was measured. The relays were tested before and after they had been subjected to conditions beyond their qualification.
It was found that the response time of the relays does not significantly change following an accelerated aging proces's.
Furthermore, the contribution of the relays to the total ESF Loop Response' Time in one of the more limiting applications (Feedwater Isolation) represents approximately 0.5% of the total loop response time limit, both before and after the aging process. A limited amount of information was obtained from industry sources. Data representing approximately 350 relay-months of operation over a 2.5 year period was collected and analyzed.
It was concluded that the response time of the actuation train did not change f
beyond statistical variations that are' expected during this type of testing.
Furthermore, the total loop response time did not change appreciably over the testing period, rad under all circumstances, the acceptance criteria was met.
i 3
t t
N Discussion y
During the review of the STP Technical Spe:ifications, the NRC requested HL&P to substantiate a proposed 34 month surveillance interval for Response Time Testing of the ESF Functions'in the STP S Sl'S. HL&P polled the industry and found that very little historical data exists that demonstrates that the response time of the relays in the actuation trains does not change over time.
It was found that since this type of data is not required, it is not typically obtained.
Some of the more recently licensed plants do however, collect this data, and were very cooperative in disseminating the information. In an effort to help evaluate the proposed surveillance interval, data that was available from other plants was collected, and HL&P decided to perform testing to determine whether or not the relays will degrade over time.
The testing that was performed was carried out as follows:
a The first step was to identify the possible failure modes for the relays. The possible causes were determined to be:
o Evaporation of the lubricant on mechanical surfaces o Degradation of the spring action o Degradation of the contact surfaces o Corrosion product buildup Evaporation of lubricant was assumed to be affected by ambient temperature and natural evaporation.
Degradation of the spring action and contact surfaces was postulated to be caused by excessive use.
Corrosion product buildup was assumed to be caused by the ambient environment, specifically, the temperature and relative humidity.
The next step was to establish a testing program ;o svaluate the response of the relays under any or all of the thil re nodes.
The relays are designed to remain functionri I.Jer.he following conditicns:
Normal - Temperature Between 60 and 104 Degrees F and Relative Humidity Between 20% and 70%
Abnormal - Up to 12 Hours With Temperature Between 40 and 120 Degroes F and Relative Humidity Between 0%
and 35%.
It was decided to subject the relays to temperatures and humidity levels outside these limits, and to then measure a response time.
In an effort to induce spring failure and contact failure, the relays were cycled 5000 times (Note: It was determined that a typical relay is cycled approximately 20 times per year as the result of testing and inadvertent actuations).
Response time testing data was collected from a recently licensed plant; this test data was collected over a time period from the Spring of 1984 to Fall of 1986. From another plant, data was collected from the most recent ESF Response Time Test.
The data consists of combinations of total loop and SSPS response times for six ESF functions.
Test Method Baseline data was obtained to determine the initial response time of the system.
One group of relays was subjected to environmental conditions of 127 Degrees F and 90% relative humidity for 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />.
After this, they were allowed to sit in a normal environment, undisturbed, for 7 days.
The relays were then response time tested over the range of 0-300, 2500-2800, and 5000-5300 cycles. Another set of relays was exposed to an environment of 147 Degrees F and 90%
relative humidity for over 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. While the relays were still hot, they were response time tested over the range of 0-300, 2500-2800, and 5000-5300 cycles.
The actual inplant data was analyzed by trending the SSPS response time over the test period.
It was found that the initial test did not differentiate between SSPS response time and total loop response time.
As such, it was necessary to compare the total loop response times over the test period as well as the SSPS reponse time.
Conclusions Table 1 shows the results of the testing performed by HL&P.
Table 2 shows the results of data reduction performed on test results provided to HL&P from other utilities.
By comparing the data collected by HL&P with the two other plants, it was found that the response times for the SSPS are very close.
Af ter being subjected to environmental conditions beyond the limits specified for these components, the response time was not significantly degraded.
It should be noted that prior to the testing, the relays had been in storage at the STP site for over 48 months and an indeterminate time at the manufacturer's warehouse.
Over a 2.5 year period, representing over 350 relay-months of operation, actual inplant data does not indicate degradation of SSPS response time.
l t
Considering the possible failure modes of this type of relay and in light of the extensive testing requirements currently in the Technical Specifications (i.e. Monthly or Quarterly Slave, Master, and Actuation Logic Tests), it is considered unlikely that a failure of the SSPS will go undetected. This type of relay has been used extensively in the nuclear industry with a high degree of reliability. User participation in nationwide programs such as NPRDS and the INPO SOER Program will continue to ensure that any failures that are attributable to these relays are dealt with in the appropriate manner.
1 Table 1 Summary of Relay Response Times For HL&P Testing Initial Response Time (msec)
Group 1 35.6 Group 2
<28.3 Group 1 Relay Response Time After Heating (msec)
(16 Hours at 147 Degrees F, 90% Relative Humidity) 30.05 (0-300 Cycles) 30.07 (2500-2800 Cycles) 30.05 (5000-5300 Cycles)
Group 2 Relay Response Time After Heating (msec)
(16 Hours at 127 Degrees F, 90% Relative Humidity, Followed By 7 Days Undisturbed) 35.3 (0-300 Cycles) 34.2 (2500-2800 Cycles) 34.7 (5000-5300 Cycles)
Table 2 i
Comparison Of' Response Time Data 1
4 SSPS Response Time STP Data: Average Response Time - 32.3 mSee Plant 1: Average Response Time (6 Functions)- 26.0 msec Spring 85 - 24.7 msec Winter 86 - 22.7 msec t-Fall 86
- 26.1 msec (1)
Plant 2: Average Response Time - 32.5 msec i
i i
Total ESF Loop Response Time Plant-1: Average ESF Loop Response Time (Low Pressurizer Pressure SI)
(Acceptance Criteria - Loop Response Time <2 Sec)
Spring 84 - 71.4 msec f
Spring 85 - 67.0 mSee Winter 86 - 69.2 msec Fall 86
- 113.5 mSee l-i 1
7 7
(1) Steam Line Pressure Low Data Excluded From This Average Due To
Suspect Data 2
ST.HL AF..All a '
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-- - ~ mvr wr i INSTRUMENTATION
- /
SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS Each ESFAS instrumentation channel and interlock and the automatic actuation logic and relays shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the ESFAS Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements specified in Table 4.3-2. The ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES RESPONSE TIME of each ESFAS function shall be demonstrated to be within the limit at least once per 18 months,_
Each test shall include at least one train so that9all trains are tested at G ast once per 36 months and one channel per function so that all channels l
are tested at least once per N times 18 months where N is the total number J of redundant channels in a specific ESFAS function as shown in the "T jtal o
(No. of Channels" column of Table 3.3-3. f gheuh\\o1akr^hhYe5kdE\\c^5k*^CEP"'. Mn. a b+d & hm
I ac w y c.6 ne\\ p.t b e h so % & J chmswe\\s are k h d. mt \\ cut o %
Pec 4%u 19 mcnk & N n h tot ) nwnbe.t of celundegb c6nels rn o sp<ch 33m3 G%n ms sgcen in % wnt4 Mo. e4 coIu mn ok D}c
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SOUTH TEXAS - UNIT 1 3/4 3-17
_ _. _ _