ML20092G449 | |
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Site: | South Texas |
Issue date: | 11/19/1991 |
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ML20092G442 | List: |
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GP-R-263117, NUDOCS 9202200133 | |
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{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AYIACHMENT / ST-HL AE-39 7 8 PAGE_ I 0F ~7 6 IiOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Unit 2 REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST REPORT ( November 19, 1991 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION GP-R-263117 9202200133 920213 PDR ADOCK 05000499 P pDR
A. Plant Information B. Technical Data C. Type A Test Results D. Type B and C Test Results E. Integrated Leakage Rate Measurement System F. Information Retained at Plant IV. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION V. REFERENCES VI, APPENDICES A. Stabilization Phase Data B. ILRT Test Data and Plots l C. Verification Test Data and Plots D. Instniment Selection Guide Calculations E. Description of General Physics ILRT Computer Program F. Local Leakaee Ltc Test Summaries j i G. Sensor Locations and Volume Fractions l l l l
G P R 263117 GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPORATION - ATTACHMlNT / ST HL-AE-399 J I. $TRODUCTION .PAGE y 0F 76 he Reactor Building Integrated Leakage Rate ' Type A* Test is performed to demonstrate that leakage through the primary reactor containment systems and components penetrating primary reactor containment do not exceed the allowable leakage rates specified in the Plant Technical Specifications. The purpose of this report is to provide information pertinent to the activities related to the preparation, test performance, and reporting of the South Texas-Project Electric Generating Station Unit 2 Integrated l_cakage Rate Test (ILRT). Highlights of activities and events which occured prior to and during the ILRT are presented in Section II, Test Synopsis, Section 111, Test Data Summary, contains data and results necessary to demonstrate containment atmosphere stabilization, acceptable _ leakage rate, and' successful ve ification test. In addition, plots provided in Appendices B and C supply a visual history of containment atmospheric conditions beginning with the 24 hour ILRT test period and ending with the verification test. Information in Section IV, Analysis and Interpretation, supplies the technical details - associated with the ILRT computer program and its associated hardware as well as the instrumentation used during the ILRT.
- Section V, References,-lists the documents used for the conduct of the ILRT.
De successful periodic Type A and verification test were performed according to the - requirements-of the South Texas Project Unit 2 Technical Specifications and 10CFR50, Appendix J. The test method used was the Absolute Method, as described in ANSI /ANS 56.81987, ? Containment System I.cakage Testing Requirements". I a
LGPR263117 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION Leakage rates were calculated using Mass point Analysis as described in ANSI /ANS E 56.8-1987. The Total Time Analysis equations from ANSI N45.41972, b akage - Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors"were run concurrently: for informational purposes. The test results are reported in accordance with the. requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J, Section V.B.3. ATTACHMENT I ST-HL AE-179 # PAGE:_.5 0F 7 6 i 2
GP R-263117 GENERAL Pl!YSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT ' 11, llIST SYNOPSIS SI HlzAE-379 I PAGE L OF-74 Prior to containment pressurization on September 22, 1991, site personnel were engaged in prerequisite activities for the conduct of the ILRT. The ILRT was conducted at the beginning of the refueling outage. The following discussion highlights some of the activities that were essential to the successsful and timely completion of the ILRT. These items are presented in chronological order. A. Pre-pressurization Activites These activities included ILRT procedure review and finalization, ILRT computer program checkout and linkup to the Fluke 2280B Data Acquisition System, ILRT instrumentation installation - and operability checks, and-containment subvolume weighting -factor and sensor failure analysis calculation. The ILRT instrumentation was calibrated prior to the ILRT as recommended by ANSI N45.4-1972, Sections 6.2 and 6.3. Final ILRT instrumentation operability checks and in situ checks, as specified in ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987, Section, were performed to ensure that all instrumentation was operating correctly. Calibration records for the ILRT instrumentation system components are retained at the plant. Per ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987, Section 5.5.1, a temperature survey was performed on all elevations of the reactor containment building, and at several locations in the dome region. The survey was conducted with the containment ventilation unns in the proposed ILRT lineup. 3
s GP R 263117 GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPORATION + ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE-39 7 J B. Test Summary Time Line PAGE_7 0F 70 4 Phase Time Frame - Duration I Pressurization From: 0158 on 9/22/91 - 16.05 hours - To: 1801 en 9/22/91 Stabilization From: 1810 on 9/22/91 4,13 hours To: 2218'on 9/22/91 ILRT Test From: 2235 on 9/22/91 24.22 hours To: 2248'on 9/23/91 Verification Test From: 2303 on 9/23/91 4.00 hours To: 0303 on 9/24/91 C. Containment Pressurization Containment pressurization started at 0158 on September 22,1991 using five 1500 scfm, three 1200 scfm, and three 900 scfm diesel-driven 100% oil free air - compressors, The pressurization rate was maintained at approximately 3.6 psi per hour until containment pressure reached 40 psig. At this time, the' pressurization rate was gradually reduced by reducing the number of-- operating compressors. All compressors were stopped when the containment l pressure reached 44.6 psig at 1801 on September 22,1991. This was within-the procedural limits of 42.5 +3,0 psig. During pressurization a containment walkdown was performed to identify L L potential leakage. No measurable leakage was' observed.- Pressurization was conducted with the use of the Reactor Containment Fan Cooling Units. However; the fans were stopped at a pressure of 40 psig and were not used during the ILRT or verification test. No abnormal temperature stratification was observed. q 4
GP R 263117 GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPORATION ~ATTACHMEtJT / ST HL-AE-3T7 F D. Containment Atmosphere Stabilization PACE _2____0F 7 A The stabilization phase was started at 1810 on September 22,1991. By 2210 on September 22,1991, the temperature stabilization criteria of ANSI /ANS - 56.8 1987 had been met. Operations required a boron sample to be taken every 12 hours because rods were locked at the top for a rapid refueling. A sample was taken prior to the 24 hour ILRT test period. This activity was completed at 2218 and the temperature stabilization data was still within limits. E. ILRT Test Period The ILRT was officially started after the 2218 data point with the next data point at 2235 on September 22,1991 and was successfully completed at 2248 on September 23,1991. The maximum allowable leakage rate (I,) for the containment is 0.3 % wt. per day with a test acceptance limit of 0.225 % wt. per day (0.75 L,). The Total Time and -Mass Point Analyses were run concurrently on the General Physics ILRT Computer Program. The leakage rate results are as follows: Total Time Mass Point Analysis Analysis E wt./ day % wt./ day Calculated Leakage Rate 0.0491
- 0.0628
- 95 % Upper Confidence 0.0569
- 0.0653
- Leakage rate Does not include penalties for nonstandard alignments and water level changes 5
r-GP-R-263117 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION liTACHMENTT F. Verincation Test ST HL-AE-399 2 PAGE _ 9 0F % A successful verification test was conducted following the ILRT.- At 2252 on September 23, 1991, a leakage rate of 25.98 scfm was imposed on the primary containment. The 25.98 sefm leakage imposed (L ) on the existing containment leakage was slightly less than L. (0.3 % wt./ day) at 0.2839 % wt per day. The verification phase was completed at 0303 on the next day. The verincation test results are presented below: Total Time Mass Point Analysis Analysis % wt./ day % wt./ day Leakage Rate (L ) 0.0491 0.0628 Imposed Leak (1,) 0.2839 0.2839 Lower Limit: L + L., + 0.25 L, 0.2580 0.2716 o Composite Leakage (,) 0.3153 0.2994 Upper Limit: 0.4080-0.4216 L, + L, + 0.25 L. G. Local Leakage Rate Testing Subsequent to the completion of the ILRT, "as found" local leakage rate testing (LLRT) was performed as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J. Results from this testing were required for those penetrations not exposed to the ILRT-pressure to complete the analysis _of the "as found" ILRT results. The "as found" local leakage rate testing was completed on November 12, 1991. 6 i l
ATTACHMENT I ST-HL-AE-379 S PAGE_/o 0F __7 6 A. Plant Information Owner 11ouston Lighting & Power Company City Public Service-Board of San Antonio Central Power and Light Company City of Austin Plant South Texas Pro *ect Electric Generating Station Unit 2 Location Wadsworth, Texas Containment Type Post-tensioned concrete with a steel liner NSSS Supplier, Type Westinghouse,4 loop PWR Date Test Completed November 19,1991 B. Technical Data Containment Net Free Volume 3,380,000 cubic feet Design Pressure 56.5 psig Design Teraperature 286 F Calculated Peak Accident Pressure 42.5 psig Calculated Peak Accident 323 F Temperature C. Test Results - Type A Test Method Absolute Test Pressure 42.5 psig 7
GP-R 263117 GENERAL PliYSICS CORPORATION - ATTACHMENT / ST HL-AE 377 BN/o Integrated Ixakage Rate Mass Point Analysis Test ResaltE'GE _// OF Calculated leakage Rate,1, 0.%28 % wt./ day 3 95 % Upper Confidence Limit leakage Rate 0.0653 % wt./ day Integrated L.cakage Rate Total Time Analysis Test Results (Presented for informadon only): Calculated Ixakage Rate,1, 0.0491 % wt./ day 3 95 % Upper Confidence Limit - Leakage Rate 0.0569 % wt./ day Maximum Allowable Leakage Rate, L, 03 % wt./ day ILRT Acceptance Criteria,0.75 L, - 0.225 % wt./ day Verification Test Imposed Leakage Rate, I, 25.98 scfm or 0.284 -% wt./ day Verification Test Mass Point' Analysis Results and Limits Upper Limit 0.4216 '% "<t./ day (L + L,, + 0.25 L ) o - Calculate Composite 0.2994 %_wt./ day leakage Rate, I, Lower Limit 0.2716 % wt./ day i (L + L,, 0.25 L.) o Verification Test Total Time Analysis Results and Limits (Presented for information only)- Upper Limit 0.4080 % wt./ day (I, + L., +- 0.25 L,) i _ Calculated Composite 03150 % wt./ day leakage Rate,la tower Limit 0.2580 % wt./ day (I$ + L.m - 0.25 L.) 8
O P R 263117 GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPOR.ATION ATTACHMENT / ST-HL-AE 379 8 Report Printouts PAGE_11 0F -7 6 The report printouts of the ILRT and verification test calculations for the Total Time and Mass Point Analyses are provided in Appendices B and C. Stabilization data is provided in Appendix A. D. Test Results - Type B and C Tests A summary of local leakage rate test results since the ILRT in 1988 are included in Appendix F. E. Integrated Leakage Rate Measurement System 1. Absolute Pressure Quantity 2 Manufacturer Ruska a Type Quartz Manometer DDR 6000151-100 Range 0 - 100 psia Accuracy i 0.02 % of reading Sensitivity i 0.001 psia Repeatability 0.003 psia Resolution 10.001 psia 2. Drybulb Temperature Quantity 24 Manufacturer Thermetrics Maveric Type FTA-T12,100 ohm platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTD) Range, calibrated 32 - 120
- F Accuracy 10.4 F Sensitivity 1 0.01 F 9
O P.R 263117 OENERAL PilYSICS CORIORATION ~5IlACHMENT i 3. Dewpoint Temperature ST HL AE 399 f j PAGE J1 0F 76 i ~~ Ouantity 6 Manufacturer EO & O Type Model 660, Chilled mirror hygrommeters Range, calibrated 40 100* F Accuracy 10.54
- F SensitMty
- 0,1
- F 4.
Verificatioit Flow Quantity 2 Manufacturer Brooks Type Model 1020AK4CC91 A Rotometer Range 4 40 scfm @ 40.5 psig 90 F Accuracy 2% F.S. I 5. Readout Device Quantity 1 Manufacturer Fluke Type Model 22800 Repeatability Drybulb Temp 10,072 F Dewpoint Temp
- 0.0081* F Resolution 1 0.01 F
AT T ACHMENT GP R 263117 Sl HL AE-311 f GENIIRAL PilYSICS CORPORATION PAGE JH OF _2.(_ The Instrumentation Selection Guide (ISG) value from ANSI /ANS 56.81987 based on a 14 hour test and the above ILRT insaamentation configuration is 0.009 % wt./ day. (Refer to Appendix D for calculations). The sensor locations and volume fractions as installed for the ILRT are shewn in i Appendix 0. F. Information Retained at Plant The following information is available for review at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station site: 1. Access control procedure used to control access to the containment during testing. 2. A listing of all containment penetrntions, including the total number, sire, and function. 3. A listing of normal operating instrumentation used for the leakage test. 4 A system lineup (at time of test), showing required valve positions and status of piping systems. 5. A continuous, sequential log of events from the initial survey of containment to restoration of tested systems. 6. Documentation of instrumentation calibrations and standards, including a sensor failure analysis. 7. Data to verify temperature stabilization criteria as established by test procedure (Appendix A). 8. The working copy of the test procedure that includes signature sign-offs of procedural steps. 9. The procedure and data that verifies completion of penetration and valve testing, including as found leak rates, corrective action, and final leak rates. 10. - Computer printouts of ILRT data and automated data acquisition printouts along with summary description of the computer program, 11
- i 11.
The Quality Assurance audit plan or checklist that was used to monitor j the ILRT with proper signoffs. l ] 12. A listing of test exceptions including changes in the containment j system boundaries. l 13. Description of sensor malfunctions, repairs, and methods used to I l rediatribute volume weighting fractions to operating instrumentation. 14. A review of confidence limits of test results with accompanying -l computer printouts. l 15. Description of the method of leakage rate verification. 16. ILRT data plots obtained during the test.- J 17. The P&lDs of pertinent systems. ATTACHMENT I ST4fL AE-399/ '7b PAGE 11 0F. 1 t i g I j 12 I ...,_,.-.;_,_-.,...,.,-__.__.-,_____.___,__.;,.__,_.-._,,_._,,.__.,__,___,-.-;,w,,..._.,.-a._...
OP R 263117 OENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT /~ ffh"E 76> IV. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The upper 95% confidence limit (UCL) Total Time and Mass Point leakage rates calculated during the ILRT were less than the test acceptance criteria of 0.75 L. (0.225 % wt./ day). Additions to the calculated leakage rates must be made to account for penetr tlon paths not exposed to the ILRT pressure and for changes in the net free containment volume due to changes in containment water levels. These additions are discussed below. A. Type C Penalties Penetration paths not exposed to the ILRT pressure and the corresponding as found minimum pathway leakage rates are as follows: As Found Pen No. SyMem Leakage Rate (scem) M 10 111151 C Train 114 M 11 LIISI C Train 20 L M 14 1111S1 B Train 20 l M 15 LilSI B Train 20 M 18 1illSI A Train 20 M 19 L11SI A Train 20 M 23 RCFC C Train Return 636 M 24 RCFC C Train Supply 51 M 25 RCFC A Train Supply; 3543-M 26 RCFC A Train Return 76 M 27 RCFC B Train Supply 4838 M 28-RCFC B Train Return 403 ,M 32 ILRT Wrification Test 20 M 33 D'W to RIIR Pmp/IIx A - 48 M 34 CUV to Ret.RilR Pmp/lix A 3127 M 35 - CCW to RilR Pmp/lix B 6653 13.
GP R 263117 OENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT ST HL AE 399 f PAGE.B 0F= K As Four A Pen No. System jxnknye inte (scem) M 36 . CCW Return RIIR Pmp/lix B 2072-M 37 CCW to RilR Pmp/lix C 20 M 38 CCW RilR Pmp/lix C 636 M 39 CCW Supply to RCPs 2554 M 40 CCW Return from RCPs 3649 M CVCS 12tdown 61 M 48 CVCS Charging 298-i M 53 CVCS letdown to RilR - 20 M 55 RilR Pmp B to RWST 20 M 71 'lLRT Depressurization 20 M 76 RilR Pmp C to RWST -20 M 82(F) ILRT Pressure Monitoring 20 l { M 86D RilR loop Sample 20 M 87 ILRT Depressurization 20 The total applicable local leakage rate Type C penalty addition of 29,039 y scem, which including the upper instrumentation error, is equivalent to 0.0112 ) % wt. per day, j B. Volume Change Corrections 1The following volumes were monitored for liquid level changes which would affect the containment net free volume: Volume Monitored ' Level Change Volume Change Pressurizer 100 GAL + 13.37 cu. ft. Normal Primary Sump 0 0 Normal Secondary Sump . + 3.2 GAL 0.43 cu, ft.' 14 .._.-__--,_,.._,--,._..,,-.,_..._---,.-,,-...m.
i+ O P R 263117 OENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT I i ST HL AE W18 PAGE_19. 0F _7A_ yolume Monitored Level Changg-Volume Change Pressurizer Relief Tank 0 0 Reactor Coolant 3 rain Tank 0 0 i Safety injection 0 0 Accumulator A l Safety injection 10 OAL + 1.34 cu ft. Accumulator B Safety injection 0 0 Accumulator C Based on the volumes monitored, there was an increase in the containment net free volume during the ILRT. This effect is already accounted for in the measured leakagn rate. C. As Found ILRT Results The as left ILRT leakage rate including the required additions is as follows: Total Time-Mass Point k$" Iday) hE" / day) 95 % UCL leakage Rate 0.0569 0.0653 Type C Penalties 0.0112 0.0112 Volume Change 0 0 As Found 95 % UCL Leakage Rate 0.0681-0.0765 The as found Total Time and Mass Point 95 % UCL leakage rates are less than the test acceptance criteria value of 0.75 L, (0.225 % wt./ day). D. As Left ILRT Results No repairs or adjustments were made on a minimum pathway basis which i would require correction to the as found ILRT result.. 15 ..,, ~.. _...... _,
GP R 263117 OENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION STnl..AE.)j! %,l ()p V. REFERENCES l j A. South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Department Piocedure, OPSPil II,0007 Rev 1, Reactor Containment Building Integrated leakage Rate Test. B. South - Texas Project Electric Generating Station Unit. 2 Technical Specifications. C. South Texas Project Electric Generating Station Unit 2 Updated Final Safety - Analysis Report. D. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors. E. ANSI N45.41972, leakage Rate Testing.of Containment Structures-for Nuclear Reactors. F. ANSI /ANS 56.81987, Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements. 16 au______..m_-._.-m-----u .-----n. --u----
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GP R 263117 GENElm I>m> m g > g. g r ATTACitMENT i ST HL AE 399 8 rME.22_0F 2.Jf2 APPENDIX C VERIFICATION TEST DATA AND PLOTS l k-
O,6216~: ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE 37 9 / - IJNIT 2-PAGE J L _0F 7 6 -- MASS ~ ANAL. WTW DAY - ~ ~ ~... - _ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ L EG END'~ j ~' = L / } l } 1 i O.0000_"_ l p 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 VERIFICATI011 MODE TIME: 0303 OPTIONS: TEST
CURRENT VALUE/ DIFFERENCE FROM PREVIOUS POINT AVG TEMP: 80.132/ -0.008 AVG PRESS: 58.580/ -0.002 MASS: 990055.19/ -10.625 AVG DEW PRESS: 0.3586/-0.0001 I 4
0a6216-~ AnACHMENT / S1 HL AE 3'T9 8 PAGE s i 0F 7 k_ c UNIT 2 TOT. TIME kNAL. WT' / A DkV mwnaro ~ T ~~i w s - 3.~; " : _ a. f.. l,, " ' # "~ " " # LEGEND / _[~ = L / j [ J' "/ 0.0000"( l 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 VERIFICATION MODE TIME: 0303 OPTIONS: TEST
CURRENT VALUE/ DIFFERENCE FROM PREVIOUS POINT AVG TEMP: 80.132/ -0.008 AVG PRESS: 58.580/ -0.000 MASS: 990055.19/ -16.625 AVG DEW PRESS: 0.3586/-0.0001
\\ 8 0. 2 09T~~ \\ ~ A1TACHMEt4T I UNIT 2:: \\ ST Hl. AE 31% g l PAGE J/0-T s. t E \\ s M N. p E i ~s R- \\ A N_. T i U s.,' ~~ R ,,s E 's s s% 'F N. s i x s S 8 0. 1 3 2_" N. 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 58.981~:s UNIT 2:: 's ~ s.'s PR ..N. w E s s-i s,. S 3 's.. y s -R. 'N.s.,- E PSIA s'- s. s.s.. s s.s, s.- 3 s. s%. i 58.939" 'N. : ! 03/ 266.- 23 TI=ME .-.-- 0303/ 267.-
0.364"3r s UHIT 2 "\\ ~@MNT / i ST HL AE 3?f t A . \\s PAGE JL/_ UF %--- U G 'N A ~. s s-s n p s R I \\ \\ s /T P ji R ~.'N >\\ ~ t t E N.s~ / \\ s \\ ~ g 1, i t,, K 0.358 '\\ /- ~ 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 7 0. 0 7 3 ' UNIT 2 "\\ - s, A \\. U G N .A v s. p 1 E 2 g H L_~,'N /;~s s i T g s E / 5 M \\. / 5 V ' s __t i, F '\\ ( t t-s l 69.634_" 1N. /~ ~- 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 1 3 t-e
- 9,o 9 05 4." s,'s ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE 399 8 - LINIT 2:: \\. PAGE _f41._ 0F '75 ~ _. MASS Ns i 'N M -^' s N X10^5 s. s F x s, ~, s, s-u- NN 3 s ,e..N 7 r '\\, 9.9006" '~ _. 2303/ 266 TIME 0303/ 267 VERIFICATION MODE TIME: 0303 OPTIONS: TEST
- OF DATA POINTS =- 17 2-.-
CURRENT VALUE/ DIFFERENCE FROM PREVIOUS POINT AVG. TEMP: 80.132/ -0.008-AVG PRESS: 58.580/ -0.002 ' MASS: 990055.19/ -1S.625 AVG DEW PRESS: 0.3586/-0.0001: _.a_,_
GP R 263117 - GENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE-397 d INSTRUMENT SELECI10N GUIDE CAlfULgq@GE W 0F 76 I. PRE TEST ISG Page 1 of 5 A. TEST PARAMETERS La = 0.3%/ day P = 59.7 psia T = 534.67 R Top = 68* F t = 24 hours D. INSTRUMENT PARAMETERS
- 1. Total Absolute Pressure No. of Sensors =
2 Range: 0 -;100 psia Sensor sensitivity error (E ): 10.001 psia p Measurement system error (e ): p Resolution: 0.001 psia Repeatability of Ruska 6000 pressure instrument:
- .003 psia Repeatability of Fluke 8810A:
i.003 psia Repeatability of Fluke 2280B: - i.0018 psia. p _= [(.003)2 + (.003)2 + (.0018)2j1/2 e .e =
- 0.00471593 p
e = 1 [(E )2 + (,p)2)i/2 /(No. of instruments)i/2 p p 0.0034088 psia e = p
- 2. Water Vapor Pressure Page 2 of 5 No. of Sensors = 6 ATTACHMENT /
hH Sensor sensitivity error (E ): 0.1" F E 7C ] g Measurement system e.'ror (e ): n 1 Resolution: 0.01' F Repeatability of EG&G 660 10.02 F-Repeatability of Fluke 2280B i 0.0081" F = i [(0.01): + (0.02): t (0.0018)2ji/2 cp c = 10.02378 F p At a dewpoint;of-68 F, the equivalent water vapor pressure change _ (asi determined from steam tables) is 0.012015 psia / F. = i [(E )2, -(,p)2)i/2 /(No. of instruments)i/2 (0.012015 psia / F) e7 p -= * [(0.1): + (0.02378)2)i/2 /(6)t/2 (0.012015 psia / F) ey e = 10.000504 psia - p
- 3. Temperature No. of Sensors = 24 -
T Sensor sensitivity error (Er):_ i 0.01 F - i Measurement system error (c7): Resolution: 0.01" F Repeatability: i 0.072 F ' r = i [(0.01)2 + (0.072)2ji/2 e c.r =' O.07269 F t -.
_ _. _ ~.. _. _ _. _ _ _ GP R 263117 GENERAL PliYSICS CORPORATION - Page_3 of 5_' r = * [(0.01)2 + (0.07269)2;1/2 /(24)t/2 c ATTACHMENT 7-er = _i 0.0149775 F ST-HL AE 399 8
- 4. Instrumentation Selection Guide Formula
.EESbN ISO = +/-(2400/t) [2(e /P)2 +2(e /P): +2(e7/T)2)t/2 p r ISO = +/- (2400/24) [(6.52055 x 10*) + (1.56941 x 10 ) + (0.14254 x 10 )]i/2 4 4 ISG = 1100 [8.2325 x 10*]t/2 ISG = 1100 (9.0733 x 10-5) -ISG = 10.00907 wt-%/ day _ II. POST TEST ISG A. TEST PARAMETERS La = 0.3%/ day P = 58.984 psia T =- 539.884 R Top = 70.073 F-t = 24 hours - 9 B. INSTRUMENT PARAMETERS
- 1. Total Absolute Pressure No. of Sensors =
-2 Range: 0 - 100 psia-Sensor sensitivity error (E ): i_0.001 psia p
G P R 263117 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION Page 4 of 5 Measurement system error (c ): p Resolution: 0.001 psia ATTACHMENT / ST Hl.-AE-M7 8 PAGE 1 7 F E Repeatability of L Ruska 6000 pressure instrument: i.003 psia Repeatability of Flukc 8810A: i.003 psia Repeatability of Fluke 2280B: i.0018 psia
((.003)2 + (.003)2 + (.0018)2)t/2 e p 0.0M71593 e
p = i ((E )2, (e )2)i/2 /(No. of instruments)i/2 ep p p e= 0.0034088 psia p
- 2. Water Vapor Pressure No. of Sensors = 6 Sensor sensitivity error (E ):
0.1 F g Measurement system error (e ): g Resolution: 0.01 F Repeatability of EG&G 660 0.02 I Repeatability of Fluke 2280B 0.0081 F = i [(0.01)2 + (0.02)2 + (0.0018)2)i/2 cp 0.02378 F c = p
GP R 263117 GENERAL PliYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE 319 8 _L7k-0 PAGE U 9 Page 5 of 5 At a dewpoint of 70.073 F, the equivalent water vapor pressure change (as determined from steam tables) is 0.01257 psia / F. = i [(E )2 + (,p)2)i/2 /(No. of instruments)i/2 (0.01257 psia / F) ey y = i [(0.1)2 + (0.02378)2)i/2 /(6)i/2 (0.01257 psia / F) ey e = i 0.000527 psia r
- 3. Temperature No. of Sensors = 24 Sensor sensitivity error (Er):
10.01 F Measurement system error (c7): Resalution: 0.01 F Repeatability: 10.072 F r = 1 [(0.01)2 + (0.072)2ji/2 c c7 = 10.07269 F e7 = * [(0.01)2 + (0.07269)2)i/2 /(24)i/2 e = 10.0149775 F r
- 4. Instrumentation Selection Guide Formula ISG = +/-(2400/t) [2(e /P)2 +2(c /P)2 +2(e /T)2ji/2 p
7 r 4 4 ISG = (2400/24)[(6.67982 x 10 ) + (1.53924 x 10 ) + (0.15996 x 10*)]i/2 ISO = 1100 [8.2351 x 10*]i/2 ISG = 1100 (9.0747 x 10-5) ISG = 0.00975 wt-%/ day
~3TAClit5NT / t GENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION ST 14L AE 3% g G P R 263117 PAGE W-. OF. 7g DESCRIFIlON OF GENERAL PflYSICS ILRT Ci)MPUTER PROGRAM The following paragraphs describe the various features and attributes of the General Physics ILRT Computer Program and the process used to certify it for each application. RED _UNDANCY The General Physics ILRT team was equipped with two fully operational IBM compatible microcomputers during the ILRT and for on site data reduction and analysis. The computer software and hardware interfaced directly with the ILRT Measurement System Data Acquisition System (Fluke 2280B). Two computers were brought on site for 100% redundancy, as each computer and its software is capable of independently performing the ILRT. The General Physics ILRT Computer Software is also capable of accepting manual input of raw sensor data and performing all required sensor data conversions if the data logger should cease to function. Each computer was equipped with back-up disks in the unlikely event of a disk " crash."
G P R 263117- - GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION. - ATTACHMENT / -ST HL AE 3 i h o b ~d, SECURITY The General Physics ILRT Computer Program is written in IBM's _ BASICA. BASICA is a high level programming language which combines programming ease-with user oriented command functions to create an easy to use and_ understand program. In order to increase speed of operation the program was then compiled into an executable command file. Compiling was accomplished using the IBM Basic - Compiler. In addition to' execution speed, this had the added benefit of making the program more secure as compiled programs cannot be_ edited or changed. The-program requires a password to change modes of operation, start times, or enter the data editing routine to safeguard the integrity of the raw data files. ^ FEATURES The program itself is designed to be a.-menu driven program consisting of five - separate, menu driven operating modes. These are the: 1. Pressurization Mode 4. Verification Mode 2. Stabilization Mode. 5.
- Depressurization Mode 3.
Test Mode -l I i L
ATTACHMENT I GP-R 263117 ^ il GENERAL-PilYSICS CORPORNFION 0 These modes also correspond to the phases of the ILRT, Menu driven means that the user is presented with a list of options that the program can perform and from which the user can choose. It allows for interactive information exchange between the user and the computer and prevents invalid information or user mistakes from crashing the program. Program organization consists of a master menu which controls access to the seven operating modes chained to the individual menus which control these modes. The data processing, information display capabilities and function of each mode is as follows: 1. Pressurization Mode: All data reduction, graphic displays of average temperature, dewpoint, and corrected pressure. 2, Stabillration Mode: All data reduction, automatic comparison of data against ANSI 56.8 and BN TOP-1 temperature stabilization criteria, notification when criteria is met, graphic displays of average temperature, dewpoint, and corrected pressure. 3. Test Mode: All data reduction, calculation ofleakage rates using mass point, total time and point-to-point analysis techniques, display of trend report -information required by BN-TOP-1, graphic display of average temperature, dewpoint, pressure and mass, as well as graphic display of mass point measured leakage,95% UCL; total time measured and calculated leakage and the total time leakage rate at the 95% UCL (as calculated by BN-TOP-1), including a superimposed acceptance criteria line). 4. Verification Test Mode: With input of imposed leakage in SCFM automatically calculates and displays on graph and trend report the acceptance criteria band, plus all graphics displays available in test mode. 5. Depressurization Mode: All data and graphics capabilities of Pressurization Mode. In programs for BWR units, this mode also includes a Drywell to Suppression Chamber Bypass Test routine. 4.. J
GP R 263117 = GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE 3992 PAGE-9 0F '16 Other reduction and analysis capabilities of the General Physics ILRT co.nputer program include: 1. Containment totai pressure conversion from counts to psia (if required), and averaging. 2. Containment drybulb temperature weighted averaging and conversion to absolute units. 3. Containment dewpoint temperature weighted averaging (conversion from Foxboro deweell element temperature to dewpoint temperature if required) and conversion to partial pressure of water vapor (psia). 4. Data storage of ILRT measurement system inputs for each data point. 5. Weight (mass) point calculations using the ideal gas law. 6. Automated Data Acquisition and/or Manual Data Entry. 7. Sensor performance and _ deviation information for sensor failure criteria, graphic display of individual sensor performance for selected operating mode. l r 8. Calculation of ISG formula at beginning of test; acceptance criteria based on number of sensors remaining and actual test duration. 9. Computer System Error Functions automatically checks for error in incoming data, printer or disk drive faults.
-m __ _ --HE lGENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION ,j, g GP-R 263117 PAGER-22b - g The computer program used by General Physics has been previously certified for six tests at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and over a dozen other ILRTs. The initial certification required verification of the program through hand calculations and an independent review by Bechtel Power Corporation. After certification was completed, a calibration set of raw data was used to verify software of the program prior to usage. Additionally, once the computer was linked to the data acquisition system and a complete data stram was available, the input function - of each mode of the program was verified by comparing the data acquisition system output to the computer printout data point summary.
4 GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPORATION-GP R 263117 ATTACHMENT / ST HL-AE039 &- APPENDIX F PAGE.56. 0F 74 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST SUMMARIES Pen No, System Valve No. Test Date ' Leakage SCCM-M9 Containment Spray C Train CS0006 11/28/88 207 11/15/90 190 10/11/91 18 CS0001C 11/28/88 20 11/15/90 732 10/11/91 11-M 10 liigh IIcad Safety Injection C Train S1000C 11/28/88 10,900: 11/15/90_ 3,936 9/27/91 1,238 10/10/91 3,489 S10004C 11/28/88 136 11/15/90 201 9/27/91 114 10/10/91-36 M 11 Low IIcad Safety injection C Train S10030C 11/28/88-37,4 11/15/90; %.37 9/27/91 _18. 10/10/91 18 S10018C 11/28/88 33,1 11/15/90_ 83 = 9/27/91 241 10/10/91 10. M 12 Chemical Cleaning Return Line-SLO 927 11/7/88 %7 - 11/16/90 14.06 10/29/91 25 S1A029 11/7/88 3,410 11/16/90__ .72.87' 8/19/91 36 10/29/91 12 '= l M 13-Containment Spray B Train CS0004 11/23/88 20 - E 10/18/90 29 11/15/91 13,740 CS0005 11/23/88 20 _10/18/90 31 -11/15/91 20 C50001B
- 11/23/88 1,280 10/18/90 4536:
11/15/91 91 Page 1 of 18 a a,-._ -. a -
-.. -~-.- GP R-263117 4 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT t ST HL AE-39tt r ou. o e vr o Pen No. System Valve No. Test DsR-~ TEalage SCCM M 14 liigh licad Safety injection B Train S10005B 11/23/88 1615 10/18/90 732 10/19/91 817 S10004B 11/23/88 25.1 10/18/90 20 10/19/91 19 11/15/91 91 M 15 lew licad Safety injection B Train S10030B 11/23/88 103.5 10/18/90 30 10/19/91-10 S10018B 11/23/88 1,202 10/18/90 20 10/19/91 22 11/15/91 48' M-16 Sludge Lancing liigh Pressure Line SIA0M '11/7/88 786 11/30/90 20 10/29/91 20 SL0002 11/7/88 435 11/30/90 20 -10/29/91 20 M 17 Containment Spray Train A CS0002 -12/1/88 114 10/23/90-20 10/25/91 CS0001A 12/1/88 28.8 10/23/90 54 10/25/91 90 M-18 High IIcad Safety injection A Train S10005A 12/1/88 2,970 10/23/90 .732-l 10/9/91 1,238 l S10004A '12/1/88 131.4 10/23/90 46.67- .10/9/91 16 10/25/91-70 -- M 19 Low licad Safety injection A Train SI0030A 12/1/88_ 20 - 10/23/90 20 10/9/91 10 SI0018A 12/1/88 39 10/24/90 2335 10/9/91 35 10/25/91 114 Page 2 of 18
i GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION GP R 263117 ' ~ ATTACHMENT / ST HL AE 319 /.g~ Pen No, System ' Valve No. Test Dalo kk ~ ~ SCCM= M 20 Emergency Surnp Train C S10016C 11/29/88 20-11/15/90 747 10/11/91 91 M 21 Emergency Sump Train B S10016B 11/23/88 20 10/18/90 20 11/15/91 90 M.22 Emergency Sump Train A S10016A 12/1/88 791 10/23/90 344 10/25/91 1,569 M.23 RCFC Component Cooling Water CC0208 11/11/88 5,390 Return Train C 11/17/90 3,993 9/28/91 1,2(a CCO209/ 11/11/88 20 CC0210 12/9/88 2,110 1/17/89 2,370 11/17/90 4,420 9/28/91 636 CC0210/ 11/11/88 82.1 CG8tA 1/17/89-2,050 11/17/90 4,420 9/28/91 409 10/7/91 200 M 24 RCFC Component Cooling Water - CC0198 11/10/88 Failed Supply Train C 1/3/89 60.1 11/9/90 Failed : 11/15/90 16,769 9/28/91 51 CC0197/ 11/10/88 3,170 CC0199 11/15/90 1,799 9/28/91 138 M 25 .RCFC Component Cooling Water CC0058 11/14/88 Failed - Supply Train A 2/11/89 -1,363 10/22/90-3Xe 10/11/91 3,870-CC0057/ 11/14/88-7,490 CC0059 11/4/90 1,284 10/11/91 3,543 Page 3 of 18 i !o
GP-R 263117 ATTACHMENT / GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION - ST-HL-AEG39 F .L. _ OF 7 6 PAGE F Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCChi hi 26 RCFC Component Cooling Water Return Train CC0068 11/13/88 3,340 A 11/4/90 190 10/11/91 841 CC0069/ 11/14/88 17,710 CC0070 11/4/90 103 10/11/91 76 CC0069 11/14/88 16,460 CC0862 1I/4/90 240 10/11/91 46 hl-27 RCFC Component Cooling Water Supply Train CC0138 11/18/88 921 1 D 10/10/90 643 11/2/91 5,165 CC0136/ 11/18/88 1,840 CC0137 10/10/90 1,555 11/1/91 4,838-11/12/91 4,349 hl 28 RCFC Component Cooling Water Return Train CC0147 11/18/88 960 B 10/19/90 2,544 11/2/91 2,499 CC0148/ 11/18/88 Failed CC0149 1/11/89 11,060 10/19/90 Failed 10/19/90 1,013 11/7/91 269 11/12/91 Failed 11/14/91 376 CC0148/ 11/18/88 Failed CC0863 1/11/89 11.150 10/19/90 1,013 11/7/91 403 11/14/91 3,128 hi-29 Si Accumulator Sample PS4824 11/11/88 64.3 11/3/90 20 10/17/91 51 PS4466 11/11/88 62.4 11/3/90 20 10/17/91 20 l Pa0e 4 of 18
MACWENT / GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION GP R 263117 ST HL-AET/74 PAGE.10.__ 0F 7 6 Pen No. System Vahr No, Test Date Leakage SCCM M 30 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Vent & WL4920 11/7/89 39 Nitrogen Supply 10/3/90 20 10/17/91 20 WL4919 11/7/89 Failed 12/5/89 35 10/3/90 Failed 11/21/90 20 10/17/91 20 M 32 ILRT Verification 2 Blank 11/7/8R 20 Flanges 10/1/sd 20 9/3/91 20 10/1/91 20 M 33 Component Cooling Water Supply to CC0013 11/14/88 Failed RilR Pmp/lix A 2/3/89 10,490 10/31/90 3,034 10/12/91-241 CC0012 11/14/88 37.6 10/31/90 139 10/12/91 48 M 34 Component Cooling Water Return CC0049 11/14/88 2,190 from RilR Pmp/lix A 11/1/9 7,299 10/12/91 3,127 CC0050 11/14/88 10,740 11/3/90 1,0 13 10/12/91 3,306 M 35 Component Cooling Water Supply to CC0123 11/16/88 8,780 RilR Pmp/lix 13 10/15/90 Failed 11/29/90 30,243 11/7/91 Failed 11/17/91 7,782 CC0122 11/16/88 Failed 1/7/c9 10,150 11/28/90 3,289 11/7/91 6,653 M 36 Comp (ment Cooling Watcc Return CC0129 11/16/88 14,220 from RHR Pmp/IIx B 10/17/90 2,774 11/8/91 2,072 11/14/91 634 CC0130 11/16/88 17,650 10/17/90 Failed i 10/19/90 2,056 11/8/91 3,543 l Page 5 of 18
GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION G P R 263117. ATTACHMENT / pr1ne ATST-HL AE 377 8 '7 4 ne Pen No, System Yalve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM ' M 37 Component Cooling Water Supply to CC0183 11/10/88 238 RilR Pmp/H C 11/9/90 312 9/28/91' 40 l CC0182 11/10/88 901 11/9/90 269 9/28/91 0 M 38 Component Cooling Water Return CC0189 11/11/88 7,940 from RHR Pmp/Hx C 11/17/90 142 9/28/91 841 CC0190 11/11/88 20 - 11/17/90 415-9/28/91 636 M 39 Component Cooling Water Supply to CC0319 11/9/89 2,700 RCPs 11/5/90 4,479 10/2/91 3,858 CC0318/ 11/9/89 15,030 CC0291 ' 11/5/90 312 10/2/91 2,554 M-40 Component CoolingiWater Return CCN03/ 11/10/89 980 From RCPs CC0446/ 11/16/90. 3,166 CC0542 10/2/91 3,649 - CC04M/ 11/10/89 21,200 CC4493 11/16/90 7,299 10/2/91 13,355 11/19/91 11,195 M-41 Normal Purge Exhaust IIC0009/ 11/29/88 7,220 HC0010 3/30/89 6,640 11/21/89-2,530 5/14/90 2,310 - 11/4/90 3,291 3/26/91 3,143 9/21/91 1,665 M-42 Normal Purge Supply liC0008/ 11/29/88-Failed HC0007 12/10/88 12,580 7/11/89 11,700 11/21/89 12,600 1/9/90 1,395 7/3/90 1,054 11/15/90 484 6/27/91 298 9/21/91 636 i Page 6 of 18
GP R 263117 GENERAL PilYSTCS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT / ST Hl.-AE37 9 9 m,- Pen No. System Valve No. TekNY Ndc SCCM - M 43 Supplernentary Purge Supply 1100003/ 11/29/88 Fa.J FV9776 12/13/88 1,870 3/14/89 1,504. 7/3/89 1,257 10/3/89 1,MS 1/2/90 3,680 3/19/90 2,500 6/28/90 847 10/8/90 1,013 12/20/90. 2,800 3/20/91 1,727 7/11/91 841 9/21/91 1,449 M-44 Supplementary Purge Exhaust ilC0005/ 11/29/88 Failed l FV97n 12/13/88 -1,681 12/19/88 1,056 3/16/89 1,135 7/5/89 1,260 9/28/89 1,771 12/26/89 1,713 3/20/90 2,030 6/19/90 1,089 10/25/90 1,089 2/15/91 2,800 6/6/91' -1,490 - 9/21/91 2,085 M45 Rx Makeup to Pzr Relief Tank RQ046 12/16/89 702 11/27/90 47 11/21/91 52 RC3651/ -12/16/89-745 AF2458 11/27/90 1,727 11/21/91 1,929 M-46 CVCS Letdown CV0022/ 11/15/88: 5,370 CV0023 5/18/90 63 10/30/90 50 10/11/91-61 10/17/91 297 CV0024 '11/15/88 64 10/30/90 19 10/11/91 76 10/17/91 78 Page 7 of 18
G P R 263117 ' OENERAL PI YSICS CORPORATION ATTACHMENT / ~ PAGE M _ ? 9 #ST HL A Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date - Leakage i SCCM M-47 RCP Seal Water Return CV0077/ 11/17/89 26 CV0078 10/28/90 39 11/2/91 1,665 i 11/7/91 264 11/17/89 27. CV0079 10/28/90 11
- 11/7/91 298 M-48 CVCS C'harging CV0026 11/15/88 2,900 12/9/88 15,920 1/16/89 5,000 10/29/90 5,484 10/11/91 1,911 10/20/91 5,165 CV0025 11/15/88 320 10/29/90 3,291 10/11/91 298 10/20/91 817 M 51(A)
RCP A CVCS Seal Supply - CV0034A .11/10/88 20 10/24/90 20 10/15/91 12 CV0033A 11/10/88 126.5 10/24/90. 20 10/15/91 12 M51(B) RCP B CVCS Seal Supply - CV0034B - 11/10/88 670 10/24/90 312 -10/5/91 .12 - CV0033B 11/10/88 20 10/24/90 '20 10/5/91 0 M-52(C) RCP C CVCS Seal Supply CV0034C ' 11/10/88 89 10/24/90 20 10/30/91-20 CV0033C 11/10/88 23 10/24/90 20 10/30/91 20 M-52(D) RCP D CVCS Seal Supply CV0034D 11/10/88 414 10/24/90 20 10/15/91-117 CV0033D 11/10/88 20 .10/24/90 46 11/23/90 60 10/15/91 12 Page (foTlei
GP R-263117 .e f GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION PME 4 0F _ L m l Pen No. Sy6 tem Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM M 53 CVCS Letdown to RilR CV0158 11/8/88 Failed 1/12/89 407 10/23/90 20 10/21/91 20 CV0157 11/8/88 20 11/26/90 20 10/21/91 143-M 55 RilR B to RWST R110036B 11/10/88 579 10/16/90 640 11/12/91 20 R110064B 11/10/88 744 10/16/90 640 11/12/91 20 M 56 Liquid Waste to lloldup Tank WLO312 11/10/89 45 11/25/C0 20 11/9/91 7,813 WL4913 11/10/89 79 11/25/90 20 11/9/91 115 M 57 Service Air to RCB SA0505 11/21/88 307 11/24/90 122 11/8/91 70 SA0504 11/21/88 39 11/24/90 73 11/8/91 31 M-58 Instrument Air to RCB 1A0541 11/13/89 1,090 10/25/90 115 10/19/91 143 1A8565 11/13/89 20 10/25/90 20 10/14/91 20 M-61 Demin Water to RCD DWO502 11/12/88 82 10/23/90 20 11/5/91 20 DWO501 11/12/88 20 10/23/90 20 11/5/91 20 Page 9 of 18
i GP R 263117 G A ORORAM 1 ATTACHMENT I ST HL AE-PAGE Jc5_39, t dp 7 (, Pen No. System Valve No, Test Date Leakage SCCM M 68(A) Nitrogen Supply to St Accumulators S10058-12/6/88 1,042 1/16/89 335 10/11/90 24 10/2/91 30 S13983 12/6/88 80 10/11/90 27 10/2/91 20 M-68(C) Prr Relief Tank Ve 41 FV3653 11/6/89 175 10/24/90 20 10/2/91 51 FV3652 11/6/89 20 -10/24/90. 20 10/2/91 50 M-68(E) Safety injection Test Line FV3970 .12/6/88 20 10/10/90 =142 10/16/91 20 FV3971 12/6/88 20 10/10/90 142 10/16/91 20. M-69 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup FC0013F 11/9/88 34 11/15/90 36 11/21/91 37 FC0050. 11/9/88 20 11/15/90 20 11/21/91 20 FC0013E 11/9/88-- 20 11/15/90 643 11/21/91 380 M 70 Spent Fuct Pool Cooling & Cleanup FC0006C 11/9/88 32-11/15/90 20 11/21/91 28 FC0007C 11/9/88 35 : 11/15/90-227 11/21/91-102 i M 71 ILRT Depressurization 2 Blanks 11/7/88 37 l-10/1/90 20 l -' 9/3/91-20 I 10/1/91 32 Page 10 of 18 l
GP R 263117 = GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION - 4 AIT/ciMEl4TT' SY HL AE W t PAGE.1 k_ 0F A Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM M 72 C<mtainment Normal Sump ED0064 11/15/89 '20 11/27/90 20 11/14/91 20 ED7800/ 11/15/89 26 AP2453 11/27/90 28,081 11/14/91 20 M 75 RCP Oil Return Line POO217 11/8/88 40 10/2/90 20 11/6/91 20 POO218 11/8/88 38 - 10/2/90 23 11/6/91 20 M 76 RilR C to RWST RII0063C 11/8/88-338 11/13/90 83 ~ 9/28/91 0 RII0064C 11/8/88 348 11/13/90 148 9/28/91-20 M-77 RCB Fire Protection FP0943 - 11/16/89 1,240 11/1/90 -3,580 10/30/91 2,902 FP0756 11/16/89 690 11/1/90 3,177-10/30/91-2,085 M 79 Sludge Lancing low Pressure Line S1404 11/7/88 669 11/24/90 24 10/29/91 76 ' SIA012 11/7/88 1,887 11/24/90 643 10/29/91 143 M-80(A) Radiation Monitoring Supply RA0001/ 11/13/89 68 RA0004 10/30/90 46-10/15/91 19 M-80(D) RCB liydrogen Monitoring Return CM4128/ 11/8/89 ~37 CM4127 10/4/90-20-10/21/91 20 Page 11 of 18
GP R 263117 ^ ^ ATfACHMENT I ST-lfL AE-M S R PAGE M OF 76 Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM M 80(E) RCB llydrogen Monitoring Supply CM4135 11/8/89-88 10/5/90 29 10/5/91 0~ CM4101 - 11/8/89 59 10/5/90 20 10/5/91 0 M 80(F) Radiation Monitoring Exhaust RA0003/ 11/13/89 20 RA0006 10/30/90 20 10/15/91 20 11/23/91 20 M 81 RCP Oil Changing Line POO204 11/8/88 323 10/2/90 20 11/6/91 20 POO203 11/8/88 447-10/2/90 24 11/6/91 20 M 82(A) Breathing Air to RCB BA0006 11/9/88 71 10/5/90 20 10/23/91 20 BA0004 11/9/88-185 10/5/90 20 10/23/91 20 M-82(D) RCB llydrogen Monitoring Sample CM4136 11/7/89 263 Supply 11/24/90 377 11/19/91 65 CM4104/ 11/8/89-360 AP2456 11/24/90 24,035 f 11/19/91 Failed 12/1/91 20 M 82(E) RCB liydrogen Monitoring Return CM4134/ 11/8/89 360-CM4133/ - 10/4/90 24 AP2457 - 10/12/91 51 M-82(F) ILRT Pressure Monitoring No Valves, 11/7/88 20 2 Blank 10/1/90 20 Flanges 9/3/91 20 10/1/91-20 M 85(A) Pzr Vapor Sample PS4450 11/9/89 875 11/19/90 73 12/1/91 7,907 PS4452 11/9/89 175 11/19/90 122 12/1/91 20 Page 12 of 18
3 GP R 263117. J GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION. i,iTACHillNT I ST HL AEM'l 2 PAGE_ M OF - 1_ _. Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM l M-85(ll) Pn Liquki Sample PS4451 11/9/89-20 11/7/90 20 1 10/15/91 PS4431B 11/9/89 23 11/7/90 20 10/15/91 9 M 85(E) RCS Ilot Leg Sample PS4454 11/7/89 700 11/23/90 20-11/28/S1 103 4 PS4455 11/7/89 82 11/23/90 190 l 11/28/91 20 PS4456/ 3/23/89. 20 AP2455 11/7/89 21 1 1/10/90_ 20 11/23/90 20 11/28/91-21 M 86(D) RI1R Sample PS323 11/16/89 200 j 11/8/90 20 10/23/91 46 PS4461/_ -11/16/89 200 AP2454 11/8/90 20' 10/23/91 20 M 87-ILRT Depressurization 2 Blank
- 11/7/88 34 Manges 10/1/90 20.-
9/3/91 20 l 10/1/91 '10 M 88 RCS Vacuum Degas RD0008 11/9/88 847 110/23/90_. 83 10/31/91-20 RD0010 11/9/88 808 10/23/90 83 10/31/91 20 M-89 Fuel Transfer Canal (Type B) 1/11/89- -102 '11/24/90 333 11/21/91 1,338 - l Page 13 of 18 P rr w,w, ,-,n,,e-. ..a.-, -, - ~ w
STIACHMENT I GP R 203117 ST HL AE Yl1 g GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION PAGE A9 0F 76 l'en No. System Wlve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM M 90 Perw.nnel Airlmk liarrel I/21/89 771 6/29/90 4,230 12/21/89 8,470 5/3/90 4,690 9/13/90 5.877 3/8/91 4,780 8/22/91 2.933 11/28/91 6,653 M-90(A) Permanet Airlmk Rt Door seal Supply FV1025 1/21/89 20 lI/29/90 20 11/28/91 20 M 90(ll) Personnel Airlmk Outer Door Seal Supply FV1026 1/21/89 53 11/29/90 20 11/2S/91 20 M 90(C) Permanel Airlock outer Dont 11etween seats PV1027 1/21/89 130 Test 1.ine i1/29/90 29 11/28/91 25 M 90(D) Perm,nnel Airlmk Rx Door 11etween Seals Test FV1028 1/21/89 112 Line I/29/90 27 11/28/81 20 M 91 Auxiliary Airlock llarrel Test 1/4/89 1,289 6/22/89 1.000 12/1/89 88 4/5/90 648 9/6/90 150 3/1/91 1,557 8/15/91 759 11/5/91 0 M 92 Equipment ilatch 12/6/88 20 11/28/90 20 11/27/91 20 EP 1 Electrical Penetration 6/18/88 0 3/21/90 6.3 EP 2 Electrical Penetration 3/21/90 ,19 11/27/90 .31 4/22/91 .15 11/17/91 .14 EP 3 Electrical Penetration 3/21/90 .2 11/27/90 .46 4/22/91 .5 11/18/91 .14 Page 14 of 18
GP R.263117 - GENERAL PIIYSICS CORPORATION lhACHMENT I ST Hl..AE 17 d'F/,7 b PAGE J 2 -. Pen No. Systern Valve No. Test Date leakage SCCM EP 4 Electrical Penettallon 3/21/90 5.8 11/27/M) .44 4/22/91 .08 11/17/91 .12 EP5 Electrical Penetration 6/25/M .(8 3/.ki/M .06 EP6 Electrical Penettation 7/5/88 0 3/20/90 8.6 EP7 Electrical Penetration 6/21/88 .09 3/20/90 .41 EP 8 Eledrical Penetration 6/22/M .G4 3/20/M) .1 EP.9 Electrical Penetration 6/22/88 .08 3/20/90 ,13 EP.10 Electrical Penetration 6/20/88 .04 1/21/90 .42 EP11 Electrical Penetration 6/22/M ' 0 3/20/90 .13 EP.13 Electrical Penetration 6/21/88 0 3/21/90 .29 EP 14 Electrical Penetration 6/22/88 0 3/20/90 .03 EP 15 Electrical Penetration 6/23/88 .12 3/20/90 .04 EP 16 Electrical Penetration 6/22/88 .09 3/21/90 .1 EP17 Electrical Penetration 6/23/88 0 3/21/90 .35 EP.18 Electrical Penetration 6/25/88 .1 3/23/90 0 EP 19 Electrical Penetration 6/20/88 .22 3/21/90 .12 EP 20 Electrical Penetration 6/28/88 .09 3/23/90 .36 EP 22 Electrical Penettation 6/21/88 .23 3/23/90 .22 EP 24 Electrical Penetration 6/25/88 .01 3/21/90 .12 Page 15 of 18
GP R 263117 ATTACHMENT T ~ GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION ST liL AE 319 f o o .-PAGE.3 / OF _2.._L_.;__.- - _ ~. Pen No. System Valve No. Test Date Leakage SCCM EP 25 Eintrical Penetration 6/20/88 .01 3/21/90 .02 EP 26 Eintrical Penetration 6/23/88 .17 3/20/90 1.38 EP-27 Electrical Penetration 6/23/88 .17 3/23/00 0 EP 28 Electrical Penetration 6/15/88 .03 4/3/90 .05 EP 29 Electrical Penetration 6/15/88 .15 4/3/90 .34 EP 30 Electrical Penetration 6/18/88 0 4/3/90 .01 EP 31 Electrical Penetration 6/18/88 .01 4/3/90 7.3 EP 32 Electrical Penetration 6/17/88 0 4/3/90 8.24 EP 33 Electrical Penetration 6/15/88 0 4/3/90 .08 EP 34 Electrical Penetration 6/17/88 .03 4/3/90 0 EP-35 Electrical Penetration 6/17/88 0 4/3/90 0 i EP 36 Electrical Penetration 6/15/88 .1 4/3/90 8.62 EP 37 Electrical Penetration 6/17/88 .07 4/3/90 .32 EP 38 Electrical Penetration 11/9/88 ,84 10/17/90 .04 EP-40 Electrical Penetration 6/2/88 .09 4/3/90 .35 EP-42 Electrical Penetration 6/15/88 .03 4/3/90 .14 EP-43 Electrical Penetration 6/16/88 .35 4/3/90 1.1 EP-44 Electrical Penetration 6/18/88 0 4/3/90 .14 Page 16 of 18
O P R.263117, gggT~ OENERAL PilYSICS CORPORATION } ST.&AE 3D 8 9c- ,_PAGE.1% d h Pcn No. Splem Valve No. Test Date leakage SCCM EP45 Electrical Penetration 6/18/M .02 4/3/90 .04 EP 46 Electrical Penetration 6/10/88 .1 4/10/90 .2 EP 47 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 .14 4/10/90 136 EP 48 Electrical Penettatton 7/6/88 0 4/10/90 .84 EP 49 Electilcal h : ctrallon C/14/88 .19 - 4/10/90 .45 EP50 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 .01 4/9/90 2.92 EP 51 Electrical Penetratioe 7/5/88 0 4/9/90 534 EP52 Electrical Penettation 7/7/M .03 4/9/90 .21 EP.53 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 .(N 4/9/90 .65 EP 54 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 0 4/10/90 38 EP 55 Electrical Penetration 6/10/88-0 4/10/90 .84 EP 56 Electrical Penettatton 9/7/88 .34 8/20/90 .07 EP 57 Electrical Penetration 6/10/88 .07 - 4/10/90 1.85 EP 58 Electrical Penetration 6/13/88_ 0 4/10/90 2.47 EP 59 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 ,06 4/10/90 37 EP-60 Electrical Penetration 6/13/88: .07 4/10/90 .73 lip-61 Electrical Penetration 6/11/88 38 4/10/90 .31 Page 17 of 18 -u_
GP R 263117 ATTA0fiMENT T OfiNERAL PilYSICS CORPORNTION ST*HL AD3c PAGE.23.__fyf'?& 0F Pen.No. System Valve No. Tcht Date leakage (SCCM) EP42 Electrical Penetration 6/14/M .42 a 4/11/90 .04 { t EP43 Electrical Penetration 6/11/M 0 4/11/90 .49 EP44 Electrical Penetration 6/11/M .14 4/10/90 .01 - 1 EP-66 Electrical Penetration 6/13/M .12 4/10/90 .92 EP47 Electrical l'enetration 6/13/M .16 4/10/90 .11 - EP-68 Electrical Penettation 6/14/M 11 4/10/90 2.32 l i EN# Electrical Penettation 6/14/M .08 4/10/90 .36 t l J 4 f Page 18 of 18 k '*w++-am>'s .+mwraMz--,. yg.g-.,yer,yg.g wwer#, r79 spy. y .g ym g g y. yy,,,,,%,p,hy,9.,,,.,yp,y ,,g.,., ppg,., ,.g_, ,j,,.,, j 4
MTACHMENT / ST.HL.AE 19</4 o, PAGE ?f.. OF. 76 6 d 231 FT O O TE.1 TE.2 g ME.31 g g TE.3 TE 4 - 141 FT O O TE.5 - TE 6 h ME.32 T E.7 -105 FT TE.10 TE 8 TE.9 ME.34 ME.33 TE.11 O O TE 12.... -.cBFT O O OO O TE.15 TE.13 TE.14 TE.16 / \\ e e TE.17 TE.18 ME.35 O O TE.19 TE.20 _ gg ry 0 0 0 0 TE.23 TE.21 TE 22 TE 24 .......... M s. 36..... -.2 FT l
ATTACHMENT i e o ST HL AE 379l' Sout.h Texas Project 2 PAGE 26_._ 0F.2/c____ INSTALLED CONSTANTS RTD WEICllT FACTORS RTD 1 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.061900 RTD 2 WEIGilT FACTOR - 0.061900 RTD 3 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.061900 RTD 4 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.061900 RTD 5 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.067800 RTD 6 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.067800 RTD 7-WEICllT FACTOR - 0.067800 RTD 8 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.067800 RTD 9 WEICitT FACTOR = 0.067800 RTD 10 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.021200 RTD 11 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.021200 RTD 12 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.026800 RTD 13 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.030300 RTD 14 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.030300 RTD 15 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.018000 RTD 16 WEICitT FACTOR - 0,018000 RTD 17 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.019500 RTD 18 WEIcitT FACTOR - 0.019500 RTD 19 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.025800 RTD 20 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.025800 RTD 21 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.039500 RTD 22 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.039500 RTD 23 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.039000 RTD 24 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.039000 RTD WEICllTINC FACTOR SUM - 1.000000 PRESSURE CAUGE WEIGitT FACTORS PRESS. CAUGE # 1 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.5000 PRESS. CAUCE # 2 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.5000 PRESS. CAUCE WEICitTING FACTOR SUM - 1.0000 DEW CELL WEICllT FACTORS DEW CELL 1 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.247600 DEW CELL 2 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.169500 DEW CELL 3 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.169500 DEW CELL 4 WEICllT FACTOR - 0.129800 DEW CELL WEICitT FACTOR - 0.126600 DEW CELL 6 WEICitT FACTOR - 0.157000 DEW CELL WEICllTING FACTOR SUP - 1,000000 CONTAINMENT VOLUME - 3380000 1A - 0.30}}