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[Table view] |
2L-517 T Rev. O l
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Completion reviewed by Date Foreman Complction reviewed by
_ Date Q.C.
kDk MhCK25 8703o9 4
05000295 p
PDR 09791 I
2L-517 T Rev. 0 6
To establish a procedure that allows troubleshooting or calibration of level channel 2L-517 transmitter while ensuring that the protective function of the channel is performed and inadvertant reactor trips and safety injections are avoided.
2.1 S&L Dwgs. No. 22E-2-4943E, AB 2.2 lectnical Specifications Sect. 4.1 2.3 IMF-MI-2 Transmitter replacement h>g @i
- 2.4 IMP-MI-9 Wet / Dry transmitter calibrat4c6methEtd" IMP-MI-12 Second verificatio p k...,
2.5 dw 1..
2.6 IMP-RC-3 Determining t "j49 f transmitters in use.
NOTE For purposes f satisfying the Tech. Spec.
requirements for refueling channel calibration both this procedure and 2L-517 E must be completed.
3.1 The plant may be in any Mode to perform this procedure.
4.1 Troubleshooting or calibration may not be performed on more than one protection set (I, II, III or IV) at a time, unless the unit is in cold shutdown and the reactor trip breakers are open.
5.1 This procedure is for work or surveillance on the transmitter only.
For any work or surveillance on the electronics use 2L-517 E.
09791 2
2L-517 T Rev. 0 o
AUG 6 1935 5.2 Only one channel may be worked on at a. time, unless the unit is in cold shutdown and the reactor trip breakers are open.
5.3 An IDR is required if the transmitter is found out of tolerance.
5.4 If during troubleshooting a reactor protection channel alert is actuated from another protection set, the work must be terminated and all channels returned to the Normal (untripped) mode, except those tripped under the authority of AOP-9.
NOTE The loop must be intact and capable of performing it's protective function or the bistables MAY NOT be untripped.
5.5 Verify calibration date on test equipment is current.
1 5.6 Component repairs cannot be made during.s I
testing. A work request mus
, eok prior to doing repair wo
6.1 Record the ollowing information.
W/R #
Date 6.2 Applicable precautions and prerequisites verified.
6.3 Obtain the Shift Supervisor's permission.
(Sup. sig.)
6.4 Inform the unit NSO that work is commencing and place the loop cal in progress label on the main control board indicator for this loop.
6.5 Reactor trip breakers open.
(circle one) YES/NO NOTE If the above response is YES, proceed with Step 6.7, and N/A Step 6.6.
If the response is NO, proceed with Step 6.6.
CAUTION Inform Shift Engineer that reactor trip breakers must remain open during this surveillance if they are open when it was started.
09791 3
2L-517 T Rev. 0 AVE 6 isc5 6.6. Verify the following status lights are NOT lit on the MCB.
SG A HI LVL Turbine Trip 2LC-519A SG A HI LVL lurbine Trip 2LC-518A SG A LG-LO LVL Reactor Trip 2LC-519B SG A LO-LO LVL Reactor Trip 2LC-518B SG A L0 LVL Reactor Trip 2LC-518C A ST-FW FLO M/M Reactor Trip 2FC-510B A ST-FW FLO M/M Reactor Trip 2FC-511B 6.7 Enter computer surveillance for loop 517.
6.8 Place the following bistables in the up (tripped) position.
RACK 16 SG A HI LEVEL Turbine Trip 2BS-517A SG A LO-LO LEVEL Reactor Trip 2BS-517B SG A LO LEVEL Reactor Trip 2BS-517C 6.9 Verify the following status lights are LIT on the MCB.
SG A HI LEVEL Turbine Trip 2LC-517A SG A LO-LO LEVEL Reactor Trip 2LC-517B SG A LO LEVEL Reactor Trip 2LC-517C 6.10 Valve out transmitter 2LT-517.
Shut high side isolation valve.
Open equalizer valve.
Shut low side isolation valve.
,63. q&
7 k.-
09791 4
2L-517 T Rev. 0 AUG 6 ;3g3 6.11 1roubleshoot, repair, or calibrate the transmitter per the following calibration data.
2LT-517 Location:
2RM26 728 CONTAINMENT Range:
4.5-113.1"W.C.-4-20MA Serial No.:
6904A4343A93 Manufacturer:
2TP-517-1 Remarks: SAFE 1Y RELATED--ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED Refer to IMP-MI-2 for transmitter replacement.
IMP-MI-9 wet / dry transmitter calibration method.
IMP-MI-12 second verification.
IMP-RC-3 static shift of transmitters in use.
Required output has been zero shifted 0 MV to allow for a static shift of 0 MV at operating pressure.
Values in the lef t hand column in parenthesis are reference values without any static shift correction. This data is for REFERENCE ONLY, and is not to be used for calibration.
NOTE To calibrate the transmitter, do not remove tubing.
Use the test tap to inject signals.
/ VOC VOC / VOC VOC / VDC (0.982) 140 /0.982
_ AN
- gm (2.01 3) 112 /2.013
f5 "
p (3.007) 8 07
/. ; '. M (4.0dOh 58 /4.002
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31 /4.996
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09791 5
2L-517 T Rev. 0 f.U G 6 '935 6.12 Valve in transmitter 2LT-517 per the following.
Sensing line tubing in place.
Test connection isolation valves shut 3.
Test connections capped or plugged.
Open high side isolation valve.
Shut equalizer valve.
Open low side isolation valve.
NOTE 2LT-517 transmitter must be fully operational before continuing with this procedure to exit this loop.
6.13 Place the following bistables in the down (normal) position.
RACK 16 SG A HI LVL Turbine Trip 2B g
SG A LO-LO LVL Reactor Tripe M 2B ss SG A LO LVL Rea.gter"Tripli)'Q B
?,g g.;Q CAU
, ?x f'.'.
m e
tals' (hi working properly by n f push button.
6.14 Re he condition of status lights 2LC-517A, 2LC-5178, 2LC-517C.
If S/G A narrow range level is between 25% and 70% and all three lights are NOT lit, this constitutes second verification for
-I-2BS-517A, 2BS-5178, and 2BS-517C. Push the lan'p test button to prove lights.
2LC-517A LIT /NOT (circle one) 2LC-5178 LIT /NOT (circle one) 2LC-517C LIT /NOT (circle one) 6.15 Record S/G A level indicator 2LI-517, 2LI-518 and 2LI-519 reading on the MCB.
If S/G A level indication is in the narrow range and this is within the PT-0 App. L channel check tolerance of 2LI-517, this constitutes second verification of the transmitter.
If S/G level indication is not in narrow range, N/A this step.
2LI-517 2LI-518 2LI-519 6.16 S/G A narrow range level between 25% and 70% and all three status lights were not lit (circle one) YES/NO 09791 6
2L-517 T Rev. 0 AUG 6 isca NOTE If the above response is YES, proceed with Step 6.18, and N/A Step 6.17.
If the response is NO, proceed with Step 6.17.
6.17 Perform second verification per the following.
Verification must be performed by a second person, apart in time from the initial restoration of the equipment, a.
Verify the following bistables in the down (normal) position.
RACK 16 SG A HI LEVEL 2BS-517A SG A LO-LO LEVEL 2BS-517B SG A L0 LEVEL 2BS-517C 6.18 Transmitter is being calibrated for refueling surveillance during cold shutdown.
(circle one) YES/NO NOTE If the above response is NO, proceed with Step 6.19. If the response is YES, proceed with Step 6.21 and N/A steps 6.19 and 20. Second ve ficationofthistransmitterwillhp.,9erf4thkd the end or the outage us$^ r4MP-RI-12.'
g, e l'?
U 6.19 S/G A le a
ntthe narro e and Step 6.1 he-wi toTerance of each othe (circle one) YES/NO NOTE If the above response is NO, proceed with Step 6.20.
If the response is YES, proceed with Step 6.21 and N/A Step 6.20.
6.20 Perform second verification of the following items.
(Apart in time from the initial restoration to it's normal position and by a different person than who did the repositioning) a.
Valving of 2LT-517 1.
Sensing line tubing in place.
Test connection isolation valves shut 3.
lest connections capped or plugged.
Open high side isolation valve.
Shut equa lizer valve.
Open low side isolation valve.
09791 7
L 2L-517 T Rev. O AUG 6 1985 6.21 Exit computer IM surveillance for loop 517.
6.22 Notify Shift Supervisor and NSO that work on the channel is complete, and remove the loop cal in progress label and return it to the foreman.
6.23 Record test and r.1easurement equipment used and what it was 3 point checked against.
T&M Equio. used 3PT. CHECKED 6.24 Calibration completed by:
e 9. 9
.:n TechniciarL., r,e % D'at'e' pe WOO
{VW,6hnician Date p..
7.1 The overall loop tolerance for this loop is 2.0%.
Individual component tolerances are stated in the Zion Station Instrument Tolerance Requirements, App. D of the ZIAP.
7.2 Record IDR #'s for any components which were found out
.of tolerance. N/A if none were issued.
IDR f's 7.3 The foreman will evaluate the algebraic sunnation of the "as found" component errors from the sensor to the final trip devices.
If the overall loop tolerance was exceeded a DVR shall be initiated by the foreman.
yes no 09791 8