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Rev 2 to Inservice Insp & Test Program Second Interval
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1986
Shared Package
ML20206J686 List:
1775K, PROC-860617-01, NUDOCS 8606270246
Download: ML20206J696 (150)





.i 8606270246 860617 PDR ADOCK 05000295 G

PDR 1775K


Relief is requested from hydrostatic pressure tests in the buried piping sections of the service water systems on lines OSWO13-48", OSWO14-48",

OSW001-12", and OSWOO8-10".

Code Requirements i


The pressure retaining buried components within the Class III boundary are subject to the hydrostatic test requirements of IWA-5244(a) each inspection interval.

Alternative and Basis As an alternative, testing for evidence of leakage shall be performed on these buried portions of the system listed above, at their nominal operation conditions, which consist of verification that flow during i

operation is not impaired. This is per IWA-5244(c). Hydrostatically testing the buried pipe portion using a pressure decay test as required by IWA-5244(a) is restricted due to the limiting design of the valves used for test boundaries. The alternative test for buried components in IWA-5244(a) is a flow test. The use of a flow meter was attempted, however, due to the pipe configuration, the required straight pipe length at the test locations do not exist. As a result, the data obtained was inaccurate.

In addition to the required test methods of IWA-5244(a), an acoustical emission leak test was considered, but the limiting design configurations of the valves would produce questionable and/or inaccurate results.

I i

h 1775K

ATTACIOGENT 3 REVISED ISI PROGRAM PAGES (originally submitted in Reference (a))



1.1 General 3

1.2 Management 3

1.3 System C17.ssification 4

1.4 Component Construction Tables 5-9 2.0 Inspection Program 10 2.1 Description 10-11 2.2 IWB - Tables 12-31 2.2.1 IWB - Figures 32-51 2.3 IWC - Tables 52-59 2.3.1 IWC - Figures 60-70 2.4 IWD - Tables 71-74 2.4.1 JWD - Figures 75-78 2.5 IWF - Tables 79-81 2.5.1 IWF - Figures 82-87 i

3.0 Program Positions & Reliefs 88 3.1 Positions89-112 3.2 IWB Reliefs 113-126 3.3 IWC Reliefs 127-134 3.4 Hydrostatic Test Reliefs 135-141e 4

3.4.A Hydro Relief Attachments 142-168k 4.0 Test Program 169 4.1 Description 170 4.2 IWP - Tables 171-174 4.2.1 IWP Reliefs 175-180 4.3 IWV - Tables 181-212 4.3.1 IWV Reliefs 213-234 5.0 Amended Technical Specifications 235 5.1 General 236 5.2 Structural Integrity 237 5.3 Steam Generators 248 5.4 Valves 261 5.5 Snubbers 263 5.6 Reports 269 6.0 Zion Station Section XI P&ID's 272 e

2 07930

i 1

i Hydro Relief #9 Relief is requested from hydrostatic pressure tests in the buried piping sections of the service water systems on lines OSWO13-48", OSWO14-48",

Attachment 8-32-1 8-32-2 i.

Code Reauirements IWA-5244(a) j The pressure retaining buried components within the class III boundary are subject to the hydrostatic test requirements of IWA-5244(a) each inspection i


i 4

Alternative and Basis As an alternative, testing for evidence of leakage shall be performed on these buried portions of the system listed above, at their nominal t

l operation conditions, which consist of verification that flow during i

operation is not impaired. This is per IWA-5244(c). Hydrostatically testing j

the buried pipe portion using a pressure decay test as required by


IWA-5244(a) is restricted due to the limiting design of the valves used for test boundaries. The alternative test for buried components in IWA-5244(a) j is a flow test. The use of a flow meter was attempted, however due to the pipe configuration, the required straight pipe length at the test locations do not exist. As a result, the data obtained was inaccurate. In addition to the required test methods of IWA-5244(a), an acoustical emission leak test l

was considered, but the limiting design configurations of the valves would j

produce questionable and/or inaccurate results.

i a

l 1

141e l

07930 L






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I Attachment M-Drawina System 1

44 Containment Spray 2

54 & 39 Volume Control 3

55 Volume Control i

4 62 Residual Heat R'moval e

5 64 Safety Injection 6

65 Safety Injection 7

22 feedwater 8-32-1 32-1 Service Water 8-32-2 32-2 Service Water I

9-66 66 Component Cooling i

j 9-67 67 Component Cooling 9-523 523 Component Cooling i

10 57 Volume Control 11-20 20 Main Steam 11-45-1 45-1 810wdown 11-22 22 feedwater 12 66 Component Cooling 13 67 Component Cooling 14-55 55 Volume Control 9

14-74-1 74-1 Sample

< stem i

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143 07930

9 ATTACHMENT 8-32-1 159 07930

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ATTACHMENT 8-32-2 160a 07930 W

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ATTACHMENT 4 In the R. N. Cascarano letter to H. R. Denton dated January 25, 1985, consonwealth Bdison answered questions generated by the NRC in the S.A. Varga letter to D. L. Farrar dated June 22, 1984 regarding zion Station's Second Interval Inservice Inspection and Testing Program. Upon further consideration the following responses to the NRC questions were 1 revised to: A. General NRC Question #3: Are any valves at Zion currently leak-rate tested to verify a pressure boundary isolation function? CECO's Revision: MOV-RH8701 and MOV-RH8702 are leak tested in series in a monthly periodic test. Additionally Zion Station will leak test one of the two valves each time the RHR system is placed in service during a normal cooldown for cold shutdown. B. Main Steam NRC Question #3: Review the safety function of MS0008, 9, 10 and 11 to determine if they should be included in the IST Program and categorized as indicated. CECO's Revision: Valves MB0008, 9, 10 and 11 are designed to prevent back leakage of steam. These valves are open during normal operation and will be tested for back leakage coming out of cold shutdown. Temporary pressure gages will be installed between the check valves and the main steam isolation valves to detect any back leakage through the check valves. I. Chemical and Volume control NRC Question #1: Are valves VC8369 A, B, C, D and VC8372 A, B, C, D full-stroke exercised quarterly? CBCO's Revision: In most cases, manual valves VC8369 A, B, C, D and VC8372 A, B, C and D, RCP seal injection valves are not required to be shut following a loss of coolant accident. These valves may be closed only after an evaluation by the Technical Support Center and if the radiation level in the pipe chase permits doing so. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown with reactor coolant pumps secured. Relief will be requested.

NRC Question #6: Review the safety. function of the following valves to determine if they should be included on the IST Program and categorized as indicated? Category C - VC8542A and B. CBCO's Revision: Ultrasonic flow instrumentation will be temporarily installed in the miniflow line to verify the actual flow through the check valves by the Summer of 1986 for both units. This will insure that there is adequate flow to obtain full disk lift. Thereafter, flow through the check valves will be calculated by measuring the differential pressure across the pump and then using this value to calculate the flow from the pump curve. The flow measured from the flow gage located downstream of the miniflow line will then be subtracted from the flow value obtained from the pump curve. The difference between these two flow values will be considered the flow through the miniflow line. If this method does not accurately reflect flow through the miniflow line (i.e. other line losses), the ultrasonic flow instrumentation will be permanently installed. P. Containment Air Monitoring NRC Question #3: Provide a more detailed technical justification for not full-stroke exercising valves PR0029 and PR0030 in accordance with the requirements of Section XI. Should valve PR0030 be categorized A/C? CBCO's Revision: PR0029 is required to close following an accident. Relief will be requested to verify closure by leak testing the check valve at refueling outages. Valve PR0030 is not required to be shut following an accident, therefore this valve will not be full stroke exercised and will be categorized as A-passive. Both valves PR0029 and PR0030 have been identified as containment isolation valves and will be leak tested in'accordance with 10CPR50, Appendix 3. 1775K l [

ATThaembrr 5 REVISED IST PROGRAM PAGES - REVISIOtf 3 (Originally submitted in Reference (a)) 1775K

Revised Pages Including Additional Positions, Relief Requests and Additions to the Zion Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Inservice Inspection Program for the Second Ten Year Interval, Rev. 3 Pages 170 183 200 216 234d 172 184 201 218 234e 173 184a 202 219 234f 174 185 203 220 234g 174a 186 204 221 234h 174b 187 205 222 2341 174c 188 206 223 234j 174d 188a 206a 224 234k 174e 188b 207 225 2341 174f 188c 208 226 234m 175 188d 209 227 234n 176 189 210 228 234o 177 190 211 229 234p 178 191 212 230 234q 178a 192 212a 231 234r 178b 193 212b 232 234s 180a 194 212c 233 234t 180b 195 212d 234 234u 180c 196 212e 234a 234v 180d 197 212f 234b 234w 180e 198 213 234c 234x 182 199 214 1775K

ZION UNITS #1 and #2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION ITEM PAGE 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 General 3 1.2 Management 3 1.3 System Classification 4 1.4 Component Construction lables 5-9 2.0 Inspection Program 10 2.1 Description 10-11 2.2 IWB - Tables 1 2-31 2.2.1 IWB - Figures 32-51 2.3 IWC - Tables 52-59 2.3.1 IWC - Figures 60-70 2.4 IWD - Tables 71-74 2.4.1 IWD - Figures 75-78 2.5 IWF - Tables 79-81 2.5.1 IWF - Figures 82-87 3.0 Program Positions & Reliefs 88 3.1 Positions 89-112 3.2 IWB Reliefs 113-126 3.3 IWC Reliefs 127-134 3.4 Hydrostatic lest Reliefs 135-141d 3.4.A Hydro Relief Attachments 142-168k 4.0 Test Program 169 4.1 Description 170 4.2 IWP - Tables 171-174 4.2.1 IWP Positions 174a-174f 4.2.2 IWP Reliefs 175-180e 4.3 IWV - Tables 181-212 4.3.1 IWV Positions 212a-212f 4.3.2 IWV Reliefs 213-234r 4.3.A Valve Relief Attachment 234s-234x 5.0 Amended Technical Specifications 235 5.1 General 236 5.2 Structural Integrity 237 5.3 Steam Generators 248 5.4 Valves 261 5.5 Snubbers 263 5.6 Reports 269 6.0 Zion Station.Section XI P&ID's 272 2 1019t

4.0 i Test Prograras ~ 't e 8 e 8

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<g g P. i 3 s k 'h 6 P t s 4 = = h - s a 4 g I s a t 4 T i k K B 169 t e i 1019t f 4 -n-- r.

l l l 4.0 Test Programs 4.1 Description The Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and Valves meets the requirements and intent of the A.S.M.E. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI 1980 Edition thru Winter 1981 Addenda for the 2nd interval. It is the aim of the station to meet Section XI re'quirements to the extent practical and assure safety and operational readiness is maintained at the highest achievable level. Where new testing techniques are developed which would extend our present capabilities, these will be reviewed and may be incorporated into the testing programs where applicable. Where the Sectidn XI requirements are determined to be impractical specific requests for relief are included in this program. These programs are presented in a tabular format as follows: Pumps 4.2 lists all pumps to be tested, all parameters to be measured, pump positions, specific relief reauests where they are necessary and a table description. Table 4.2.1 is the pertinent pump positions. Table the ~ pertinent relief requests. It should be noted that pump speed is not a measured quantity for induction constant speed motor-driven pumps, per IWA-4400. Valves 4.3 lists all valves which have been assigned a specific category per IWV. The tables are organized by system and follow the numerical order of the station M prints. 4.3.1 are the applicable valve positions. 4.3.2 are the applicable relief requests. All pumps and valves in these sections were classified and tests determined per the code. However should certain A.S.M.E. Section XI Code requirements be discovered impractical due to unforeseen reasons during the testing process, relief will be requested from that specific code requirement at that time. It has been concluded by the station per the requirements of 10CFR50.59 that this program does not reduce the safety of the plant nor does it place the plant in an unsafe condition. 170 1019t

4.2 IWP - Tables l i 171 1019t

Table Description 1. Pump Number a. Numbers preceded by "0" indicate pumps common to both unit one and unit two. b. Unless preceded by "1" (Unit 1), "2" (Unit 2) or "0" (both units), pump numbers are identical for Unit 1 and Unit 2 and are preceded by the unit number for use. 2. Class a. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 indicate ASME Code Class 3. Test Parameters a. Are listed on Table 4.2 required by ASME Section IX. b. Interpretation 1. N/A, not applicable for testing this parameter. 2. Parameters marked with a (yes) can be measured during testing interval. 3. Parameters marked with P-1, P-2 etc. reference pump positions in Section 4.2.1. 4. Parameters marked with PR-1, 2 etc. reference pump relief requests in Section 4.2.2. 172 1019t

ZION PUMP TABLES Inservice Test Program Revision 1 Date 8/08/85 Units 1 and 2 TEST PARAMETERS PUMP IDENT. PUMP NAME CLASS SPEED INLET OUTLET DIFF FLOW VIBR. BRG LdBE TEST PRESS PRESS PRESS RATE INTERVAL VC006 Charging (HHSI) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly VC007 Charging (HHSI) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly RH001 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 N/A N/A Quarterly RH002 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 N/A N/A Quarterly OCC003 Component Cooling (CCW) 3 N/A Yes Yes PR-1 PR-1 PR-3 FR-4 Yes Quarterly OCC004 Component Cooling (CCW) 3 N/A Yes Yes PR-1 PR-1 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly DCC005 Component Cooling (CCW) 3 N/A Yes PR-8 PR-1 PR-1 PR-3 PR-4 ,Yes Quarterly i 0C0006 Component Cooling (CCW) 3 N/A Yes Yes PR-1 PR-1 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly OCC007 Component Cooling (CCW) 3 N/A Yes Yes PR-1 PR-1 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly SW001 Service Water (SW) 3 N/A PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly / Refueling SWOO2 Service Water (SW) 3 N/A PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly / Refueling SWOO3 Service Water (SW) 3 N/A PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-2 PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly / Refueling FW-004 Auxiliary Feedwater 3 PR-7 Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 Yes Yes Quarterly (Turbine) 1 FW-005 Auxiliary Feedwater (Motor) 3 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 Yes Yes Quarterly FW-006 Auxiliary Feedwater (Motor) 3 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 Yes Yes Quarterly i 3 il019t 173

ZION PUMP TABLES-Inservice Test Program Revision 1 Date 8/08/85 Units #1 and #2 TEST PARAMETERS PUMP t IDENT. PUMP NAME CLASS SPEED INLET OUTLET DIFF FLOW VIBR. BRG LUBE TEST j PRESS PRESS PRESS RATE INTERVAL CS001 Containment Spray (CS) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly CS002 Containment Spray (CS)- 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly CS003 Containment Spray (CS) ID 2 PR-7 Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly SI003 Safety Injection (SIS) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly i S1004 Safety Injection (SIS) 2 N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes PR-3 PR-4 Yes Quarterly D0003 Diesel Oil (DO) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly 00004 Diesel Oil (DO) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly D0005 Diesel Oil (D0) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly D0006 Diesel Oil (DO) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly 0D0003 Diesel Oil (DO) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly 000004 Diesel Oil (DO) N/A N/A Yes Yes PR-6 PR-6 PR-3 PR-4 N/A Quarterly l i 1. D denotes diesel driven pump j 1019t 174

4.2.1 IWP - Positions In this section it is the station's intent to specify with respect to ASME Section XI applicability, interpretation, and specifics relevant to this station. It is not the station's purpose or intent to minimize the requirements but to meet the code intent to the fullest. This at times requires a clarification due to vagueness in certain areas and specifics, when examinations are required on components with built in construction restrictions. The following Positions apply strictly to the station and are intended to clarify interpretation of the code for both the station and authorities. Zion's Positions are general and specific, where the code requirements conflict with Zion's stated " Positions", the Positions shall supercede Section XI. i 174a 1019t

Pump Position #1 It is the station's position that the manufacturer's pump performance curves consisting of multiple data points shall be used for reference values as allowed by IWP-3110 for all pumps included in the IST Pump Program except the diesel generator oil transfer pumps. ihese represent the pump's design or optimum performance curves. The curves are generated at the factory with design pump clearances under controlled conditions with instrumentation of better accuracies than instruments normally installed in the field. In addition per IWP-3210, the owner has specified reduced limits of 10% of the manuf acturer's curves as opposed to the limits in table 3100-2. Where Zion Station tests at an increased frequency, alert ranges except on vibration readings will not be used since the required action is to increase f requency and this is already done. If an adverse trend is identified, the cause of the deviation or condition will be corrected. 174b 1019t

Pump Position #2 It is the station's position that for pumps without bearings on the pump i end, the requirement to measure bearing temperature is not applicable. This is the case for the residual heat removal pumps. h 2 i ( 174c 1019t'

Pump Position #3 It is the station's position that any pump already running during normal operation need not be secured to determine the initial suction pressure of the pump before start per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI (IWP-3400(b)). In this case, the suction pressure will only be taken while pump is running. i 1 1 f 4 174d 1019t

Pump Position #4 It is the Station's position that flow and differential pressure measurements for the Component Cooling Pumps OCC003 thru OCC001 will be taken at quarterly intervals as allowed by the ASME code. Operability tests to insure adequate cooling throughout the plant and vibration measurements will continue to be performed monthly. Due to system design and accuracy requirements, ultrasonic flow instruments were installed. To use this type of instrumentation requires the coordination of three different departments and excessive paperwork and time commitment. In view of this, Zion Station will perform flow and differential pressure measurements quarterly and will implement both alert and action ranges into the test procedure. When a pump exceeds the alert range testing will be increased to monthly as required by the ASME Code. l 174e 1019t

Pump Position #5 i it is the position of Zion Station that the diesel generator oil transfer pumps be tested for flow, differential pressure and vibration at quarterly intervals as permitted by the ASME Code. These pumps are tested at least and often in excess of monthly for their ability to transfer oil. To minimize the number of starts for these pumps and the work load, the additional test procedure to measure the parameters required by the ASME Code will be performed quarterly. Alert and action ranges will be implemented into the test procedure. When a pump exceeds the alert range, testing will be increased to monthly as required by the ASME Code. I I 174f 1019t '~

4.2.2 IWP - Reliefs i f i 175 1019t

Pump Relief #1 Relief is requested to increase the upper limit of the alert range for Component Cooling Pumps OCC003 thru OCC007. Code Requirements IWP-3110 (Reference Values), and IWP-3210 (Allowable Ranges). Basis and Alternate Relief is requested to increase the upper limit of the alert range in Table IWP-3100-2 from (1.02 to 1.03) APr to (1.07 to 1.10) APr-Because of varying flow rates and differential pressures through the component cooling pumps depending on the load conditions and how many pumps are running, multiple reference points are taken from the manufacturer's pump curve (see Pump Position #1). The results from the first inservice test showed that the pumps are running slightly above the pump curve. The pump curves were generated with instrumentation of greater accuracy than required by Section XI. Since the pump curve illustrates optimum performance, the reason the pumps are running slightly above the pump curve is most likely due to the accuracy of the instrumentation installed in the system to calculate differential pressure. The ASME Code allows 12% accuracy for each of the pressure gages used to calculate dif ferential pressure, this yields an overall accuracy of 4%. The allowable deviation from the reference differential pressure before reaching the alert range was only 5-6ft during the first inservice test. Additionally the pumps were operating on the high portion of the curve where the allowable deviation was the largest. With a maximum allowable deviation of only 5-bft and in view of the system accuracy, Zion Station has found the upper limit of the alert range too narrow and proposes to raise this limit to (1.01 to 1.10) APr. The upper alert range indicates instrument drif t rather than actual pump degradation, therefore, increasing the upper alert range will not decrease the operability standards of the pump. Since actual pump degradation is shown when pump performance falls below the pump curve and these limits have not been changed, this alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness. The pumps will be tested quarterly as stated in Pump Position #4. The action range will remain consistent with Pump Position #1 as 110% of the pump curve. - Zion Station will continue to monitor trends below the pump curve which may adversely affect pump performance. l 116 1019t

Pumo Relief #2 Relief is requested from pressure and flow measurements for Service Water i Pumps SWOO1, 2 and 3. Code Reauirement Individually test pump per IWP-3400(a), pressure measurements and flow measurement per lWP-3100. 1 Basis and Alternate Service water pumps are of vertical design with no means to measure direct inlet pressure. 1he inlet pressure to these pumps will be established by reference to the level of lake water above pump suction. Measuring inlet pressure with the pump idle is not necessary because the level in the forbay will not change by an appreciable amount before and after the operation of a service water pump. Past plant design did not incorporate individual pump discharge flow instrumentation. Flow instrumentation has been installed in the common discharge header because it is the closest area near the pump with sufficient straight length pipe to install accurate flow instrumentation. Individually flow testing each pump at times other than refueling outages would jeopardize safe plant operation and may conflict with the Technical Specifications. During refueling outages when it is permissible to run one pump at a time, individual flow measurements will be taken in the common discharge header for each pump. A situation may occur when it is required by the Technical Specifications that the cross-tie remains open between Unit 1 and Unit 2 service water systems (i.e., a service water pump is out of service for a major overhaul). The individual flow rates of the pumps cannot be measured i while the cross-tie is open since the flow instrumentation is located down stream of the cross-tie. If this situation should occur for the duration of i the refueling outage, this test will not be performed. The flow measurements l will be used to calculate a reference dif ferential pressure from the manufacturer's pump curve and this value will be compared to the measured l differential pressure to insure that the pump is operating within 10% of the pump curve. Additional relief may be necessary after data is analyzed from i the first inservice test. Flow rate and differential pressure through the service water pumps vary depending on plant conditions, how many pumps are running and the demand on the system. Therefore consistent reference' values cannot be established. Since the measured flow rate is used to determine the reference differential pressure from the pump curve and this is only performed during refueling outages, the parameters used to calculate differential i pressure (i.e. inlet and outlet pressures) will also be measured only at refueling outages. It is impractical and meaningless to take measurements i that cannot be compared to a reference value. An additional monthly operational test is performed to insure that the pumps are providing adequate cooling throughout the plant. Ihis alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness. I 177 1019t

Pump Relief #3 Relief is requested from ASME Section XI Subsections IWP-4510, 3110, 3100 and 4520 for vibration measurements only. Code Requirement Vibration testing per ASME Section XI Subsections IWP-4510, 3110, 3100 and 4520. Basis and Alternative Relief is requested to use Zion's vibration program as it relates to the following subsections: 1) IWP-4510 Vibration Amplitude A significant improvement in the predictive capability of Vibration Monitoring can be achieved by measuring vibration velocity (rms) in place of vibration displacement. This commonly shared throughout the industry and by ASME. [ Reference ASME publication 78-WA/NE-5 and International Standard ISO 2372-1974(E).] 2) IWP-3110 Reference Values Reference values for the purpose of establishing vibration acceptance levels are undesirable. Properly maintained and balanced equipment may result in very low reference values. Minor variations could then result in unnecessary inspections which adversely affect equipment availability. In addition equipment with high reference values may be permitted to operate at levels which may result in pump degradation and damage. The Zion program is designed to monitor vibration trends. All vibration monitoring data is trended and the data is used as guidelines for scheduled preventative maintenance usually during routine outages. Trending, independent of absolute levels, is the key to the Zion program. 3) IWP-3100 Inservice Test Procedure Currently the use of the allowable vibration ranges listed in Table IWP-3100-2 do not protect Zion's equipment adequately. As stated previously, equipment with high reference levels may be permitted to operate at levels which may result in pump degradation and damage. 178 1019t

Zion believes that vibration limits based solely on general vibration severity charts are not adequate in that they do not consider variations in vibrational characteristics of equipment of varying design and purpose (eg., diesels, motors, fans, pumps, turbines etc.). In a field where there is very little solid and specific information on limits, it is preferable to use the most specific information available for determination of limits. Eleven years of experience at Zion Station indicates that the most appropriate limits are those that allow for variations in equipment design. Therefore, for the purpose of establishing limits, use of the following is proposed: A) Canadian Government Specification CDA/MS/NUSH 107: Vibration Limits for Maintenance. B) Specific limits from pump manufacturers if more limiting than CDA/MS/NUCH 101. C) Historical data that indicates a more limiting value is necessary. Any changes to the specific limits adopted will have to go through an On-Site Review and no change above the CDA/MS/NUSH 107 limit of 10 mm/sec rms " alert range" and 18 mm/sec action range shall be authorized. fhe Zion program not only has the advantage of being equipment specific but also requires adoption of lower limits should it become evident the current limits are not providing adequate protection. In addition it is important to emphasize that corrective action will usually be taken prior to alert ranges being reached based on attention to data trending. As previously stated, the Zion pump vibration program is designed to monitor trends. However, all vibration values and other code required parameters are measured in accordance with the procedure delineated in IWP-3100 to assure that repeatability of testing conditions is maintained. 4) IWP-3230 Corrective Action With the exception of the diesel generator oil transfer pumps, the present Zion program exceeds the testing frequency requirements of IWP-3230 when vibration levels reach the " Alert Range", fhe program calls for vibration readings to be taken on a monthly basis when equipment is required operable. In addition if a particular piece of equipment does reach alert level and is running continuously the j vibration data is taken at twice the frequency. The above permits accurate trending and appropriate scheduling of maintenance. If deviations should reach the required action range, corrective action wili be as per IWP-3230. 178a 1019t

5) IWP-4520 Instrument to Measure Amplitude The frequency response range of Zion's vibration monitoring equipment is linear from 10 to 10K hertz. This exceeds the requirements of IWP-4520 with the exception that accurate measurement can only be obtained down to 80% of running speed on the service water pumps. Based on vibration analysis history on the service water pumps, the lowest frequency has been structural resonance which occurred at 11 hertz, which is within the frequency response range of Zion's vibration monitoring equipment. It is felt that Zion's present state of the art monitoring equipment provides all the data necessary to safeguard this equipment. This relief as proposed will provide adequate assurance that operational readiness and safety will be maintained at the plant. 4 178b 1019t l

c i i i Bearing Measurements From: Canadian Government Specification CDA/MS/NUSH 107: Vibration Limits for Maintenance i .0394"/sec 25.38 m/sec 1 m/sec 1"/sec = = Limits for equipment t Level 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 4 Turbine 18m/sec 32m/sec .709"/sec 1.26"/sec t Small Turbine 10m/sec 18m/sec .394"/sec .709"/sec Compressors 10m/sec 18m/sec .394"/sec .709"/sec Diesel Generators 18m/sec 32m/sec .709"/sec 1.26"/sec MG Sets 5.6=/s ec 10m/sec .22"/sec .394"/sec Pumps 10m/sec 18m/sec. .394"/sec .709"/sec Fans 5.6m/sec 10m/sec .22"/sec .394"/sec Electric Mtrs. 3.2m/sec 5.6m/sec .126"/sec .22"/sec O Level 3 - Service is called for .314"/sec l 0 Level 4 - Repair Imediately .628"/sec 4-i i l l l 179 t 1019t f

i .s., e s ose us e ine v.t.,,si.on s eve'it '.': E R A TI O N C R IT E R !O t.' C HIJ. T (10 - 10 0 0 c ene..a to, evaluaiing a's cone.r VD12056 ISO 2372 es 4675 1.on w.n e n other infor m ai.on is not a wa al. abis. A typ; cal eaample is the German Set the 2513 to measure Sev ferity) sdeed VOI 20 5 5. The vibrai;on ampli. of the mach;ne dusing smooth oper. 1s1. 41 clien can be ta ken a s its " good" classiti. iss.


~ ceen. The criterie shown sug;ests tria s ucc a s sive v;bret.on encreases of about. '*b l' ~~ Not e .n sitwe u,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.5 times wu! move the vibratica condi. lion,ficen ** good'* to ** allow able~, to just 11.2 141-ILlorc Dla**. to "not permissD:le". k" ****** o' 137 7 7.1 .k'"'**'*** -i 1 The Vibration Severr.ty, frequer cy range i23 e 4.s a siros ct 1 OOO Hz. High mesh; rig frequen-i e .w., %..a ^a*-

  • cia s, blade resonances, tut >bing and 12s. j 2.s A'*"*

ocely' bearing failure detectiort. requires a , 125 3: frequency range, so more rel able j p I.R v-W:t An====* cs i.ssually obtained by Incres- . {- ris ult s are m-1M he C***

  • aa the upper. frequency so a

1tt. c.21 cd 2 JO Hz. g,,, s 113 - 0.45 -

  • r.d d h

.y fanow Lo*r. ~chN *** Tha tible below, shows an entract.from g y,g;,,,,,,,,,v,;,,, a,,;.,. n.:., ,.nre er thw Canadian Government specir. cal;on 75-15 8 " ar *

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a*'***d'"*""4 CDA/MS/NVSH 107. values N ', d -'.** J 'I2 * " ** * *";*# '".,"( 7,,,,; ,.,, a .i- .~ c f ccc6ptable limits of bearing

  • vibration ics -

c.i e i ~ l O'**'" for o number of chiferent rnachin*e tpes. ~ From Canadian Governrnent Specification CDA/MS/NVSH 107: T Vibratidn Limits'for Maintenance Sc: the 2513 to measure Lin.(ear) FOR NEW M ACHINES FOR WORN MACHINES f FOR NSW MACHINES FOR WORN MACHINES /.

  • xiry RMS (full speed & po er)

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Cu TurMa four 20.000 HP) 138 7,9 145 18 145 18 150 *32 Boilers I Aum.) ..120 1.0. l.130 - 3.2 135. 5.5 - 140 to. (6 ie 20.000 HP) 123 2.5 135 - 5.6 140 10 145 18 fun ts G.000 HP) 118 0.79 130 3.2 135 5.6 140 10 120 1.0 133 33 m 5.6 14 M Seeam Tu,b;nei Pumps 20.C00 HP) 125 1.8 145 18 145 18 150 32 (6 in 20 000 HP) 120 1.0 135 5.6 145 18 150 32 ' tua in 5.000 HP? 115 0.56 130 3.2 140 10 145 15 Fam Ibelo=.1800 rpml 120 1.0 130.2.2 135 5.5 140 10 ? o<sion) 140 10 150 32 150 32 755 56 m.r. ear cond.) 133 4.5 140 to 140 10 145 18 Ew: trac Mo'on ILE airI 123 1.4 135 5.6 140 10 -145 18 t ' ef t.d s-1 115 0.56 125 5.6 tio 10 fovee 5 HP or be 145 18 to-1200 rpm) 1C3 0.25 125 1,3 130 3.2 125 5.6 C.oe Ge,.ersion l 123 1.4 140 to l 145 18 l150 32 (up to 5 F'P or C,a e n%.3, abo.e 12m ecm1 1C3 0.14 125 1,3 12c 3.2 135 53 0 8 5 m**aion 123 1.4 140 to 145 18 150 22 Gn, f>o.e. go,,,,, i k V4; its c.14 115 0.56 120 1.0 to.e.10.CC0 HP) 120 1.0 140 10 145 18 150 32 (1 kVA or below) 100 0,10 110 0.32 115 0.So (10 is 10.000 HP) 115 0.% 135 5.6 145 *16 150 32 (vs to 10 HP) 110 0.32 130 3.2 140 10 145 18 C+t 104 5 1 r e.* *. t% o.-. c s. i s we m .% ;o e r. -- m.

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6. or w.-- v.a a s r* * ** * * ' " ,.n , e e e ep. - --~e ..m 180

Pump Relief #4 Relief is requested from taking pump bearing temperature as specified in lWP-3100, IWP-3300, IWP-3500(b), IWP-4310 and IWP-6230 for the charging pumps, component cooling pumps, containment spray pumps, safety injection pumps, service water pumps and the diesel generator oil. transfer pumps. Code Requirement Measuring and recording bearing temperatures of pumps per IWP-3100, 3300 3500(b), 4310 and 6230 during one inservice test each year. Basis and Alternative These pumps were not designed to permit pump bearing temperature measurements. They are not provided with permanent temperature detectors or therma l we l ls. A test was performed in which a thermocouple couple was attached to the outside of the bearing housing. It was found that the temperatures obtained reflected the ambient temperature more than the actual bearing temperature. Therefore, gathering meaningful data on bearing temperatures is impractical. Furthermore, bearing temperature measurement will not provide significant additional information regarding bearing condition than is already obtained through vibration monitoring. An increase in bearing temperature usually occurs when the bearing has already degraded to a point indicative to pump failure. Vibration data better detects developing problems before the degradation of pump and provides more concise infonnation with respect to the pump and bearing condition. Vibration data can provide information as to the change in the balance of rotating parts, misalignment of bearings, worn bearings, changes in internal hydraulic forces and general pump integrity. Vibration tests are taken at least quarterly, whereas bearing temperature is only taken annually, ~lhis alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and should increase pump longevity by detecting possible problems at an earlier stage. 180a 1019t

Pump Relief #$ Relief is requested from the range requirements for electronic digital instruments as specified in IWP-4120. Code Reauirements IWP-4120 (Range). Basis and Alternative At Zion Station all installed instrumentation such as gages for pressure and flow measurements meet the requirements for calibration, accuracy &nd range except where specific relief has been requested. Zion Station requests re' lief for electronic digital instrumentation f rom the requirement that the full-scale range of the instrument shall be three times the reference value or less. Electronic digital instruments meet the required accuracies at both the high and low sides of their range. Therefore accuracy is independent of the instrument's range. ~!he range of a dial instrument is most important when an operator is judging what the actual value is, using the scale provided on the instrument. If this scale is too large the accuracy of the operator's reading will greatly decrea' e. Since a digital instrument Qnly s displays one value, there will be no additional operator judgement error that will decrease the accuracy of the instrument. Zion Station proposes that all electronic digital instruments used for testing equipment will. meet the calibration and accuracy requirements throughout its range but will be exempt from the range requirements of Section XI. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. M i 180b 1019t

Pump Relief #6 l Relief is requested from the alert range requirements for the diesel generator oil transfer pumps. Code Requirement IWP-32iG (Allowable Ranges). 4 Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from the alert range requirements for the diesel generator oil transfer pumps. Ihese pumps are very low capacity pumps with a flow rate of approximately 8-12 GPM. Due to instrument accuracy, it would be impossible to meet the range requirements of the ASME Code when the measured parameters are so small. Iherefore Zion Station has generated its own alert and action ranges which have been based on the requirements of the Zion rechnical Specifications, data from periodic tests and the manufacturer's recommendations. The ranges are as follows: Acceptable Alert Action Pump Capacity > 6.5 gpm < 6.5 gpm 5 6.0 gom Pump AP 6 to 25 psig < 6 psig 5 5 psig Vibration 1 8 mm/sec > 8mm/sec > 12 mm/sec This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness. 8 6 IB0c 1019t . ~..

Pump Relief #7 Relief is requested from taking speed measurements for Aux. Feedwater Pump (FWOO4) and Containment Spray Pump (CS003). Code Reauirement IWP-3100 (Inservice lest Procedure). Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from taking speed measurements for Aux. Feedwater Pump (FWOO4) and Containment Spray Pump (CS003). Currently Zion Station has no instrument to measure the speed of a pump which meets the ASME Code, Section XI Requirements for range, calibration and accuracy. Zion Station expects to acquire the necessary instrumentation by the Summer of 1986. 180d 1019t

= 1 Pump Relief #8 Relief is requested from taking differential pressure measurements on component cooling pump 0C0005. Code Requirements 1 IWP-3100 (Test Procedure) Basis and Alternate Relief is requested from taking differential pressure measurements for pump 1 0CC005. the original design of the component cooling system did not incorporate discharge pressure gages. lhe modification to install discharge pressure tJages in the component cooling system is complete except for pump OCC005. This is expected to be completed during the Spring of 1986. 4 i i i i 180e 1019t _. ~. _,.. _, -..

4.3 IWV-Tables 1 81 1019t

Table Description A. Title Block Area 1. System Name 2. Drawing Number (P & ID) 3. Unit Number 4. Date of last revision / issue 5. Page number B. Table 1. Valve number a. Numbers preceded by "0" indicate valves common to both unit one and unit two. b. unless preceded by "1" (Unit 1), "2" (Unit 2) or "0" (Both Units), valve numbers are identical for Unit 1 and Unit 2 and are preceded by the unit number for use. 2. Code Class a. numbers 1, 2 and 3 indicate ASME Code Class b. "NA" indicates valves which are not assigned an ASME Code Class but are considered Fail Sefe valves and are included in this program for testing purposes. 3. Valve Category a. denotes the category assigned to each valve per Subsection IWV-2000 4. Valve Size a. lists the nominal size of the valve in inches 5. Valve Type a. the following abbreviations indicate valve type G - Gate Gb - Globe B - Butterfly C - Check S - Safety R - Relief D - Diaphragm SD - Solenoid A - Angle N - Needle b. PIV - Pressure Isolation Valve. 6. Actuator Type a. the following abbreviations indicate valve actuator type l MO - Motor Operated M - Manual A0 - Air Operated S - Self Actuated H0 - Hydraulic Operated 182 1019t .l

7. Test. a. the tests performed on each valve are abbreviated by the following: 1. first letter E - Exercise Test L - Leak Test B - Backflow Test or Disassemble and Inspect 2. second letter Q - Quarterly R - Refueling Outage R2 - Refueling while Reactor Vessel Head is Removed I - As defitied by IWV-3510 C - Cold Shutdown C1 - GCid Shutdown, no R8hctor C601 ant Pumps Operating C3 - Cold Shutdown, Feedwatcr and Condensate systems not operating F - Once Every 5 Years 3. third letter J - denotes 10CFR50 Appendix j J testing 4. a slash "/" divides tests if more than one test is applicable 4 5. a frequency code of "C", "C ", "C ", "R", "R " 1 3 2 indicates valves which cannot be full stroked as required by IWV-3412 or IWV-3522 as applicable (see relief listed for specific information on "C, 1, 3" and "R, R " 2 valves) 8. Maximum Stroke Time a. time in seconds 9. Relie~f Request a. indicates the valve relief number which identifies a specific relief request. 10. Valve Position a. indicates the station's position which identifies why the valves are stroke during all cold shutdowns and not full stroked quarterly per the ASME code. 11. Passive Valvo a. indicates a valve!which is not required to change position to accomplish a specific function. 183 1019t

Syst c: MAIN STEAM ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 2 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM 1/M-20 2/M500 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR U0L A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRH LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N H0V-MS0001 2 E-5 X 34 AGb H0 EQ/C 5 P-2 B-4 Partial Stroke per IWV-3412 H0V-MS0002 2 D-5 X 34 AGb H0 EQ/C 5 P-2 C-4 Partial Stroke per IWV-3412 H0V-MS0003 2 C-5 X 34 AGb H0 EQ/C 5 P-2 0-4 Partial Stroke per IWV-3412 H0V-MS0004 2 A-5 X 34 AGb H0 EQ/C 5 P-2 E-4 Partial Stroke per IWV-3412 MOV-MS0005 2 F-9 X 6 G M0 EQ 40 B-7 MOV-MS0006 2 F-9 X 6 G 'M0 EQ 40 A-7 MOV-MS0011 3 C-8 X 6 G M0 EQ 40 0-6 FCV-MS57 3 F-5 X 4 G A0 EQ 60 P-1 A-6 MS0006 3 F-9 X 6 C S EQ B-7 MS0007 3 D-9 X 6 C S EQ C-7 MS0014 2 E-7 X 6 R S I B-6 MS0015 2 E-7 X 6 R S I B-5 MS0016 2 E-6 X 6 R S I B-5 MS0017 2 E-6 X 6 R S I B-5 MS0018 2 E-6 X 6 R S I B-5 MS0019 2 D-7 X 6 R S I C-5 MS0020 2 D-7 X 6 R S I C-5 MS0021 2 D-6 X 6 R S I C-5 MS0022 2 0-6 X 6 R S I C-5 MS0023 2 D-6 X 6 R S I C-4 MS0024 2 B-7 X 6 R S I E-5 MS0025 2 B-7 X 6 R S I E-5 MS0026 2 B-6 X 6 R S I E-5 MS0027 2 B-6 X 6 R S I E-5 MS0028 2 B-6 X 6 R S I E-4 MS0029 2 A-7 X 6 R S I F-5 MS0030 2 A-7 X 6 R S I F-5 i MS0031 2 A-6 X 6 R S I F-5 MS0032 2 A-6 X 6 R S I F-4 MS0033 2 A-6 X 6 R S I F-4 j l 1019t 184

System: MAIN STEAM ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Rtvisicn 0 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM 1/M-20 2/M500 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N FCV-MS82 3 E-5 X 5 G AO B-4 Passive FCV-MS83 3 D-5 X 5 G A0 C-4 Passive FCV-MS84 3 C-5 X 5 G A0 D-3 Passive FCV-MS85 3 A-5 X 5 G A0 E-3 Passive MS0008 NA E-5 X 34 C S BC P-11 B-4 MS0009 NA D-5 X 34 C S BC P-l l C-4 MS0010 NA C-5 X 34 C S BC P-ll D-4 MS00ll NA A-5 X 34 C S BC P-il E-4 A0V/ MOV-MS0017 2 E-8 X 6 A M0/A0 EC P-7 B-6 A0V/ MOV-MS0018 2 D-8 X 6 A M0/A0 EC P-7 C-6 A0V/ MOV-MS0019 2 C-8 X 6 A M0/A0 EC P-7 D-6 ADV/ MOV-MS0020 2 A-8 X 6 A M0/A0 EC P-1 E-6 i i s 184a Il019t

pstem: FEEDWATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE 1EST PROGRAM SM-22 2/M502 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR U0L A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-FW0016 2 F-3 X 16 G MO EC3 80 P-8 B-4 MOV-FW0017 2 D-3 X 16 G M0 EC3 80 P-8 C-2 MOV-FW0018 2 B-3 X 16 G M0 EC3 80 P-8 E-2 MOV-FW0019 2 A-3 X 16 G M0 EC3 80 P-8 F-2 FW0066 2 F-2 X 3 C S EQ B-3 FW0067 2 D-2 X 3 C S EQ C-1 FW0068 2 C-2 X 3 C S EQ D-1 FW0069 2 A-2 X 3 C S EQ F-1 FW0031 3 E-10 X 4 C S EQ B-8 FW0032 3 E-9 X 4 C S EQ B-7 FW0033 3 E-8 X 4 C S EQ B-7 FW0023 NA A-10 X 20 C S EF F-7 l Reference 0 & MR-63 FW0025 NA A-10 X 20 C S EF F-7 l Inspect with FWOO27 NA C-10 X 20 C S EF D-7 l Fiber Optics MOV-FW0050 3 F-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ B-4 MOV-FW0051 3 E-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ B-4 MOV-FW0052 3 E-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ B-2 MOV-FW0053 3 D-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ C-2 MOV-FW0054 3 C-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ 0-2 MOV-FW0055 3 C-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ D-2 MOV-FWOOS6 3 A-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ E-2 MOV-FW0057 3 A-3 X 3 Gb M0 EQ F-2

  • Evaluations must be performed in order to determine stroke times.

D19t 185 559A

Syst::: SERVICE WATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM M-32-1 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2 AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS GO 0 M T GO N A B C R N SW0001 3 B-7 X 24 C S EQ VR-26 B-1 SW0004 3 B-6 X 24 C S EQ VR-26 B-2 SW0007 3 B-5 X 24 C S EQ VR-26 B-3 OMOV-SW0005 3 E-6 X 14 B M0 EQ 60 E-6 OMOV-SW0006 3 D-6 X 14 B M0 EQ 60 D-6 i TO'19t 186

System: SERVICE WATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revision 2 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM M-32-2 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 O M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-SW0001 3 0-6 X 20 G MO D-6 Passive MOV-SW0002 3 D-5 x 20 G MO 0-7 Passive MOV-SW0007 3 A-3 X 10 Gb MO C-9 Passive MOV-SW0008 3 A-3 X 10 Gb MO B-9 Passive MOV-SW0009 3 B-3 X 10 Gb MO B-9 Passive MOV-SW0010 3 B-3 X 10 Gb MO A-9 Passive MOV-SW0011 3 C-3 X 10 Gb MO A-9 Passive SW0010 3 D-3 X 6 C S EQ/BF --- C-9 l Reference I.E. Bulletin SW0011 3 E-3 X 6 C S EQ/BF --- E-9 l 83-03. OSW0012 3 F-3 X 6 C S EQ/BF --- F-3 l MOV-SW0100 3 B-4 X 24 B M0 EQ 60 A-8 MOV-SWO101 3 C-5 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 C-8 MOV-SW0102 3 C-5 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 C-7 MOV-SW0103 3 C-4 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 C-8 MOV-SWO104 3 C-5 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 C-8 MOV-SW0105 3 C-4 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 C-8 MOV-SWO115 3 B-4 X 24 B M0 EQ 60 B-8 OMOV-SW0007 3 D-5 X 12 B M0 EQ 60 D-5

0MOV-SW0008 3

D-5 X 12 B M0 EQ 60 D-5 187 l




  • Evaluations must be performed in order to determine stroke times.

)19t 188a l59A

System: DIESEL OIL / GENERATOR ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Ravisicn 0 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM M-38, M-530 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES l TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS i G0 O M T GO N A B C R N D00055 NA B-6 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 B-3 Partially Stroked Quarterly D00056 NA B-6 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 B-3 Partially Stroked Quarterly D00065 NA B-7 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 B-2 Partially Stroked Quarterly D00066 NA B-7 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 B-2 Partially Stroked Quarterly 0000025 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 -- Partially Stroked Quarterly. 0000026 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S EQ VR-30 -- Partially Stroked Quarterly i 1DG0037 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- One starting air check ! 1DG0038 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- valve for each diesel ODG0025 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- will be disassembled i 2DG0033 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- and inspected per i 2DG0034 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- refueling outage. ,1DG0039 NA B-4 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- i 1DG0040 NA B-4 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- ODG0026 NA B-4 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- i2DG0035 NA B-4 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- 2DG0036 NA B-4 X 1 1/2 C S BR VR-16 -- 1DG0045 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I t1DG0047 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I a i t i 1019t 188b

System: DIESEL OIL / GENERATOR ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisien 0 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM M-38, M-530 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N IDG0049 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I IDG0051 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 1DG0053 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 1DG0055 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 10G0046 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I .lDG0048 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I~ IDG0050 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 10G0052 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 1DG0054 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I IDG0056 NA B-5 X .1/2 R S I 00G0029 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I ODG0030 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 0DG0031 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I ODG0032 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I ODG0033 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I ODG0034 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 2DG0041 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 2DG0043 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 2DG0045 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 20G0047 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I 1019t 188c

1 l System: DIESEL OIL / GENERATOR ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 0 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM M-38, M-530 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST R R' UDL-A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT i R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N '2D60049 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I 20G0051 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I '20G0042 NA B-4 X 1/2 R S I !2060044 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I '2DG0046 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I

2DG0048 NA B-4 X

1/2 R S I 12DG0050 NA B-5 X 1/2 R S I

2DG0052 NA B-4 X

1/2 R S I !1DG0089 NA D-4 X 1 R S I l1DG0090 NA D-4 X 1 R S I .00G0051 NA D-4 X 1 R S I '2DG0085 NA D-4 X 1 R S I 20G0086 NA D-4 X 1 R S I 20000107 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 R S I '0D00108 NA B-5 X 1 1/2 R S I D00109 NA B-6 X 1 1/2 R S I B-3 , D00110 NA B-6 X 1 1/2 R S I B-3 D00111 NA -B-7 X 1 1/2 R S I B-2 l D00112 NA B-7 X 1 1/2 R S I B-2 1 i l1019t 188d

ystem: ISOLATION VALVE SEAL WATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revision 1 Date 8-09-85 l INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM 1/M-39 2/M-512 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRH LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N LCV-IWO1 3 C-1 X 1 G A0 EQ P-10 C-1 LCV-IWO2 3 B-1 X 1 G A0 EQ P-10 B-1 PCV-IWO3 3 C-1 X 1/2 G A0 EQ P-10 C-1 IW0001 3 C-1 X 1 C S ER VR-12 C-1 IW0003 3 C-1 X 1 C S ER VR-12 C-1 FCV-IWO8 3 B-5 X 3/4 G A0 EQ 60 B-5 FCV-IWO9 3 B-5 X 3/4 G A0 EQ 60 B-5 FCV-IW10 3 B-6 X 3/4 G A0 EQ 60 B-6 FCV-IWll 3 B-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ 60 B-6 FCV-IW12 3 B-3 X 1/2 G A0 EQ 60 B-3 FCV-IW13 3 B-3 X 1/2 G A0 EQ 60 B-3 FCV-IW14 3 B-7 X 1/2 G A0 EQ 60 B-7 FCV-IW15 3 B-7 X 3/4 G A0 EQ 60 B-7 FCV-IW16 3 B-3 X 3/4 G A0 EQ 60 B-3 FCV-IW17 3 B-3 X 3/8 G A0 EQ 60 B-3 IWOO73 2 C-7 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 C-7 IW0074 3 C-7 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 C-7 IW0075 2 0-3 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 D-3 IWOO76 3 0-3 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 D-3 IWOO77 3 D-3 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 0-3 IWOO78 3 D-3 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 D-3 IWOO79 3 D-3 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 0-3 IW0181 3 D-5 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 0-5 IW0182 3 D-5 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 0-5 IW0183 3 D-5 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 D-5 IW0184 3 D-6 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 D-6 IW0185 3 0-6 X 3/8 C S ER VR-12 0-6 IW0198 3 C-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-4 IW0058 2 B-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-4 IW0059 2 B-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-4 )19t 189

ystem: ISOLATION VALVE SEAL WATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisi@n 1 Dat@ 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM 1/M-39 2/M-512 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRH LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N IW0060 2 B-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-4 IW0061 2 B-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-4 IW0062 3 B-5 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-5 IW0063 3 B-6 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-6 IW0064 3 B-5 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-5 IW0065 3 B-5 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-5 IW0066 3 B-6 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 B-6 IW0067 3 C-3 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-3 IW0068 3 C-3 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-3 IW0069 3 C-3 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-3 IW0070 3 C-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-4 IWOO72 3 C-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 C-4 IW0080 3 D-3 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 0-3 IWOO81 2 E-5 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 E-5 IW0082 3 0-6 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 D-6 IW0083 3 D-6 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 D-6 IWOO84 2 D-4 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 0-4 IW0162 3 C-1 X 3/4 C S ER VR-12 C -1 IW0090 3 F-3 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 F-3 IW0095 3 E-5 X 1/2 C S ER VR-12 E-5 IW0186 3 E-4 X 3/B C S ER VR-12 E-4 IW0160 3 B-2 X 1 R S I B-2 119t 190

ystem: ISOLATION VALVE SEAL WATER ZION UNIT 1 and 2 R@ vision 2 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM 0/M-44 2/M-514 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRH LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-CS0002 2 B-4 X 10 G M0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-13,28 B-4 MOV-CS0003 2 C-3 X 10 G M0 EQ 60 C-4 MOV-CS0004 2 0-4 X 10 G M0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-13,28 D-4 MOV-CS0005 2 D-3 X 10 G M0 EQ 60 0-3 MOV-CS0006 2 F-4 X 10 G M0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-13,28 F-4 MOV-CS0007 2 F-3 X 10 G M0 EQ 60 F-3 MOV-CS0008 3 C-4 X 3 G M0 EQ 20 C-4 MOV-CS0009 3 E-4 X 3 G M0 EQ 20 E-4 MOV-CS0010 3 F-4 X 3 G M0 EQ 20 F-4 CS0003 2 B-8 X 10 C S EQ B-8 CS0005 2 B-4 X 10 C S EQ B-4 CS0007 2 D-8 X 10 C S EQ D-8 CS0009 2 D-5 X 10 C S EQ D-5 C50011 2 F-8 X 10 C S EQ F-8 CS0013 2 0-4 X 10 C S EQ D-4 CS0016 2 C-8 X 3 C S BR VR-1 C-8 One valve of CS0016, 21 CS0018 2 C-9 X 6 C S EQ C-9 and 26 will be CS0021 2 E-8 X 3 C S BR VR-1 E-8 disassembled and inspected CS0023 2 D-4 X 6 C S EQ D-4 each refueling. CS0026 2 F-8 X 3 C S BR VR-1 F-8 CS0028 2 E-9 X 6 C S EQ E-9 CS0037 2 B-4 X 6 G H LRJ VR-13 8-4 Passive CS0038 2 B-4 X 1 G H LRJ VR-13 B-4 Passive CS0040 2 C-4 X 6 G M LRJ VR-13 C-4 Passive CS0041 2 D-4 X 1 G M LRJ VR-13 D-4 Passive CS0043 2 E-4 X 6 G M LRJ VR-13 E-4 Passive CS0044 2 E-4 X 1 G M LRJ VR-13 E-4 Passive 319t 191

! System: STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN ZION UNIl 1 and 2 Revision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-45-1 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS 1 G0 0 M T GO N A B C R N 'FCV-SS02 2 E-7 X 3/8 G A0 EQ 60 E-3 , FCV-SS03 2 0-7 X 3/8 G A0 EQ 60 D-3 FCV-SS04 2 B-7 X 3/8 G A0 EQ 60 B-3 FCV-SS05 2 A-7 X 3/8 G A0 EQ 60 A-3 FCV-BD17 2 B-6 X 2 1/2 G A0 EQ 60 B-2 A0V-BD0001 2 F-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 F-4 A0V-B00002 2 E-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 E-4 A0V-BD0003 2 D-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 D-4 A0V-BD0004 2 D-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 D-4 A0V-BD0005 2 C-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 C-4 A0V-BD0006 2 C-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 C-4 A0V-BD0007 2 8-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 B-4 A0V-BD0008 2 A-8 X 2 G A0 EQ 60 A-4 4 unum - 1019t 192


System: REACTOR COOLANT ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisien 2 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-53, 2/M-516 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES 1/M-956. 2/M-959 TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A 8 C R N A0V-RC8025 3 A-1 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-2 A-10 A0V-RC8026 3 A-2 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-2 A-10 A0V-RC8028 3 A-1 X 3 D A0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-2 A-10 A0V-RC8029 3 A-2 X 3 D A0 EQ,LRJ 60 VR-2 A-10 A0V-RC8033 NA A-2 X 3/4 D A0 EQ,LRJ 60 A-10 RC8010A 1 A-7 X 6 R S I A-5 RC8010B 1 A-7 X 6 R S I A-5 RC8010C 1 A-8 X 6 R S I A-3 MOV-RC8000A 1 A-9 X 3 G M0 EQ 60 A-3 MOV-RC80008 1 A-9 X 3 G M0 EQ 60 A-3 SOV-RC08 1 X 1 Gb Sd EC1 2 VR-19 SOV-RC09 1 X 1 Gb Sd EC1 2 VR-19 50V-RC10 1 X 1 Gb Sd EC1 2 VR-19 50V-RC11 1 X 1 Gb Sd EC1 2 VR-19 PCV-455C 1 A-9 X 3 D A0 EC 60 P-4 A-3 PCV-456 1 A-9 X 3 D A0 EC 60 P-4 A-3 1019t 194

. System: VOLUME CONTROL ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisien-1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-54. 2/M-517 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC 1 V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A 8 C R N A0V-VC8152 2 A-6 X 2 Gb A0 EQ LRJ 60 VR-2 A-6 A0V-VC8153 2 A-6 X 2 Gb A0 EQ LRJ 60 VR-2 A-6 EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-10 VC8369A 2 F-1 X 1 N M 1 EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-8 VC8369B 2 F-3 X 1 N M 1 EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-7 VC8369C 2 F-5 X 1 N M 1 VC83690 2 F-7 X 1 N M EC),LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-5 VC8372A 2 F-1 X 1 Gb M EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-10 1 VC8372B 2 F-3 X 1 Gb M EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-8 1 VC8372C 2 F-5 X 1 Gb M EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-7 1 VC83720 2 F-7 X 1 Gb M EC,LRJ -- VR-2,24 F-5 1 VC8117 2 A-3 X 2 R S I A-8 VC8121 2 B-9 X 2 R S I B-2 i e 1019t 195

System: VOLUME CONTROL ZION UNIT 1 and 2 RevisiCn 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-55. 2/M-518 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R hI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-LCV-VC112B 2 D-6 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 C-6 ~ MOV-LCV-VC112C 2 D-6 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 C-6 MOV-LCV-VCll2D 2 F-7 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 E-5 MOV-LCV-VC112E 2 F-7 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 F-5 MOV-VC8100 2 C-2 X 4 DG M0 EC1,LRJ 10 VR-2,20 C-9 MOV-VC8105.2 A-2 X 3 G M0 EQ,LRJ 10 VR-2 A-10 MOV-VC8106 2 A-2 X 3 G M0 EQ,LRJ 10 VR-2 A-10 MOV-VC8110 2 D-4 X 2 G M0 EQ 10 C-8 MOV-VC8111 2 0-4 X 2 G M0 EQ 10 C-8 VC8480A 2 0-1 X 2 Gb M LRJ VR-2 C-10 Passive VC8480B 2 E-1 X 2 Gb M LRJ VR-2 F-9 Passive VC8481A 2 F-2 X 4 C S EQ/R2 VR-3 F-9 Partially stroked Qtrly. VC84818 2 G-2 X 4 C S EQ/R2 VR-3 F-9 Partially stroked Qtrly. VC8546 2 F-6 X 8 C S EQ/R2 VR-3 E-6 Partially stroked Qtrly. VC8124 2 F-6 X 3/4 R S I F-5 VC8542A 2 E-3 X 4 C S EQ VR-23 F-9 VC85428 2 F-3 X 4 C S EQ VR-23 F-9 VC8118A 2 E-3 X 3/4 R S I D-9 VC8119 2 A-5 X 2 R S I A-7 VC8120 2 A-6 X 3 R S .I A-6 VC8123 2 B-4 X 2 R S I B-8

1019t 196

System: RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 2 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-62. 2/M-520 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES I TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-RH8700A 2 B-7 X 14 G M0 EQ 130 B-4 MOV-RH87008 2 0-7 X 14 G M0 EQ 130 D-4 MOV-RH8701 1 B-9 X 14 G M0 EC,LR 120 P-5 B-3 PIV MOV-RH8702 1 B-10 X 14 G M0 EC,LR 120 P-5 B-2 PIV MOV-RH8703 2 F-4 X 12 G M0 EC 120 P-3,14 F-8 MOV-RH8716A 2 B-2 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 B-10 MOV-RH8716B 2 C-2 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 C-10 MOV-RH8716C 2 C-2 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 C-10 RH8730A 2 B-6 X 10 C S EQ/C VR-4 B-6 Partial Stroke Quarterly RH8730B 2 D-6 X 10 C S EQ/C VR-4 D-6 Partial Stroke Quarterly RH8736A 1 F-4 X 8 C S ER2,LR VR-5 F-8 PIV RH8736B 1 F-4 X 8 C S ER2,LR VR-5 F-8 PIV RH8949A 1 F-5 X 8 C S ER2,LR VR-5 F-7 PIV RH8949B 1 F-5 X 8 C S ER2,LR VR-5 F-7 PIV MOV-RH9000 1 F-3 X 12 G M0 EQ 15 F-9 MOV-SI8804A 2 B-3 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 A-9 4 MOV-CS0049 2 B-2 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 A-9 MOV-CS0050 2 E-2 X 8 G M0 EQ 50 D-9 RH8708 2 A-8 X 3 R S I A-4 RH8709 2 F-3 X 3/4 R S I E-9 MOV-RHFCV610 2 A-5 X 3 D M0 EQ 12 A-7 MOV-RHFCV611 2 C-5 X 3 D M0 EQ 12 C-7 1019t 197

,ystem: SPENT FUEL COOLING ZION UNIT 1 and 2 R visi n 1 Dat 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM frug. # M-63 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N SF0010 3 B-3 X 2 D M LRJ VR-2 B-9 Passive OSF0011 3 F-6 X 3 D M LRJ VR-2 F-6 Passive SF8767 3 F-6 X 3 D M LRJ VR-2 E-7 Passive SF8787 3 B-3 X 2 0 M LRJ VR-2 B-9 Passive OSF0012 3 E-7 X 3 D M LRJ VR-2 E-7 Passive 019t 198

System: SAFETY INJECTION ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-64. 2/M-521 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 O M T GO N A 8 C R N l SI8900A 1 A-1 X 1 1/2 C S ER2 VR-7 A-10 S189008 1 B-1 X 1 1/2 C S ER2 VR-7 A-10 S18900C 1 B-1 X 1 1/2 C S ER2 VR-7 B-10 SI89000 1 C-1 X 1 1/2 C S ER2 VR-7 C-10 MOV-SI8800A 2 A-2 X 1 1/2 Gb M0 EQ 10 A-10 MOV-SI88008 2 B-2 X 1 1/2 Gb M0 EQ 10 A-10 MOV-SI8800C 2 B-2 X 1 1/2 Gb M0 EQ 10 B-10 MOV-SI88000 2 C-2 X 1 1/2 Gb M0 EQ 10 C-10 MOV-SIB 801A 2 A-3 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 A-9 MOV-SI8801B 2 B-3 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 B-9 MOV-SI8802 2 E-4 X 4 G M0 EC 13 P-6,14 E-7 MOV-SI8803A 2 C-6 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 C-6 MOV-SI88038 2 C-6 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 C-6 MOV-SI8804B 2 F-7 X 8 G M0 EQ 10 F-4 MOV-SI8806 2 E-8 X 8 G M0 EC 10 P-6,14 E-3 , MOV-SI8807A 2 E-7 X 4 G M0 EQ 13 D-3 MOV-SIB 807B 2 D-7 X 4 G M0 EQ 13 D-3 MOV-SI8813 NA B-9 X 2 Gb M0 EC 10 P-6 B-3 MOV-SI8814 NA C-9 X 2 Gb M0 EC 10 P-6 C-3 A0V-SI8870A 2 A-5 X 1 Gb A0 EQ 10 C-3 A0V-SI88708 2 A-5 X 1 Gb A0 EQ 10 A-7 l A0V-SI8883 2 B-5 X 1 Gb A0 EQ 10 A-7 SI8905A 1 E-3 X 4 C S ER2,LR VR-6 E-9 PIV I SI89058 1 D-3 X 4 C S ER2,LR VR-6 D-9 PIV SI8919A 2 E-5 X 3/4 C S EQ E-5 j SI8919B 2 F-5 X 3/4 C S EQ F-5 l SI8912 2 B-5 X 1 C S LR VR-21 B-7 1019t 199 i

System: SAFETY INJECTION ZION UNIT 1 and 2 RQvision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-64. 2/M-521 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T HST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRH LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N SI8922A 2 E-5 X 4 C S ER2 VR-6 D-6 SI8922B 2 F-5 X 4 C S ER2 VR-6 E-6 MOV-SI8923A 2 E-7 X 6 G M0 EQ 13 E-4 MOV-SI8923B 2 E-7 X 6 G M0 EQ 13 E-4 SI8926 2 E-7 X 8 C S EQ/R2 VR-8 E-3 Partial Stroke Quarterly SI8949C 1 F-2 X 8 C S ER2 VR-6 F-9 SI8949D 1 F-2 X 8 C S ER2 VR-6 F-9 SI9004C 1 F-3 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 E-7 PIV SI9004D 1 F-3 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 F-7 PIV MOV-SI9010A 2 E-4 X 4 G M0 EQ 13 E-6 MOV-SI9010B 2 E-4 X 4 G M0 EQ 13 E-6 MOV-SI9011A 2 E-4 X 4 G M0 EQ 10 0-7 MOV-SI9011B 2 F-4 x 4 G M0 EQ 10 F-7 SI9012A 1 F-1 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 E-10 PIV SI90128 1 F-1 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 E-10 PIV SI9012C 1 E-1 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 D-10 PIV SI9012D 1 E-1 X 2 C S ER2,LR VR-6 D-10 PIV SI9032 2 B-2 X 3 C S ER2 VR-7 B-9 SI8852 2 A-4 X 3/4 R S I A-8 SI8853 2 E-5 X 3/4 R S I E-6 SI8858 2 D-7 X 3/4 R S I D-4 SI9030 2 E-4 X 3/4 R S I D-6 SI9031 2 F-4 X 3/4 R S I E-6 1019t 200


MOV-SI8808C 2

B-7 X 10 G MO B-S Passive

MOV-SI88080 2

B-4 X 10 G MO B-8 Passive MOV-SI8809A 2 0-3 X 10 G MO EQ 12 0-9 MOV-SI8809B 2 E-3 X 10 G MD EQ 12 E-9 MOV-SI8811A 2 F-3 X 18 G M0 EQ 40 F-8 MOV-SI88118 2 F-3 X 18 G MD EQ 40 F-8 MOV-SI8812A 2 0-8 X 12 G M0 EC 15 P-9,14 E-4 MOV-S188128 2 D-9 X 12 G M0 EC 15 P-9,14 E-3 A0V-SI8880 NA A-9 X 1 Gb A0 EQ,LRJ 60 A-3 SI8948A 1 C-2 X 10 C S EC/R,LR VR-9 C-10 PIV All S!8948 and 2 SI89488 1 C-2 X 10 C S EC/R,LR VR-9 C-10 PIV SI8956 valves will 2 SI8948C 1 C-2 X 10 C S EC/Rp,LR VR-S C-16 PIV be partially stroke SI89480 1 C-2 X 10 C S EC/R LR VR-9 C-10 PIV exercised during 2 SI8956A 1 B-2 X 10 C S EC/R,LR VR-9 B-9 PIV cold shutdown, i 2 SIB 956B 1 B-6 X 10 C S EC/R,LR VR-9 B-6 PIV 2 SI8956C 1 B-7 X 10 C S EC/Rp,LR VR*9 %-5 PIV SI8956D 1 B-4 X 10 C S EC/R,LR 2 VR-9 B-8 PIV SIS 957A 2 D-2 X 10 C S EC P-16 0-9 SI89578 2 E-2 X 10 C S EC P-16 E-9 S18958 2 E-8 X 12 C S ER2 VK -5 E-4 SI9001A 1 D-1 X 8 C S ER,LR VR-27 0-10 PIV @l9t 201 p59A

System: SAFETY INJECTION 710M UNIT 1 and 2 Revisten 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-65. _ 2/M-522 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2 AMD 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDt V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1RC AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N S!9001B 1 D-1 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-27 D-10 PIV SI9001C 1 E-1 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-27 E-10 PIV SI90010 1 E-1 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-27 E-10 PIV SI9002A 1 D-2 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-25,27 D-10 PIV SI9002B 1 D-2 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-25,27 D-10 PIV SI9002C 1 E-2 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-25,27 E-10 PIV SI90020 1 E-2 X 8 C S ER,LR -- VR-25,27 E-10 PIV SI8855A 2 A-3 X 1 R S I A-9 S18855B 2 A-6 X 1 R S I A-6 S18855C 2 A-8 X 1 R S I A-6 SI8855D 2 A-5 X 1 R S I A-8 SIB 856A 2 D-3 X 2 R S I D-9 S18856B 2 D-3 X 2 R S I 0-9 SI8857 NA A-9 X 1 R S I,LRJ A-3 l 1019t 202

System: COMPONENT COOLING ZION UNIT 1 and 2 R; vision 1 Dato 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-66 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST .V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N CC9463A 3 D-5 X 12 C S EQ D-8 CC94638 3 D-5 X 12 C S EQ D-7 DCC9464 3 D-6 X 12 C 5 EQ D-6 CC9423 3 C-3 X 3 R S I C-10 CC9419 3 A-3 X 3/4 R S I A-10 1CC9425A NA A-7 X 3/4 R S I ICC9425B MA A-B X 3/4 R S I 1CC9432 3 E-9 X 3/4 R S I 1019t 203

l' System: COMPONENT COOLING ZION UNIT 1 and 2 R;visien 1 Dato 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-67. 2/M-523 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N MOV-CC9413A 3 A-4 X 6 DG M0 EC,LRJ 12 VR-2,11 A-4 1 MOV-CC9413B 3 A-4 X 6 DG M0 EC,LRJ 12 VR-2,ll A-4 1 EC,LRJ 10 VR-2,11 G-4 MOV-CC9414 3 G-4 X 6 DG M0 1 EC,LRJ 10 VR-2,ll F-4 MOV-CC9438 3 F-4 X 3 G M0 1 MOV-CC685 3 F-4 X 3 G M0 ECj,LRJ 10 VR-2,ll F-4 MOV-CC9412A 3 0-8 X 12 G M0 EQ 140 0-4 MOV-CC94128 3 A-8 X 12 G M0 EQ 140 A-4 1CC9420 3 C-5 X 3/4 R S I C-7 CC9421A 3 B-5 X 3/4 R S I B-7 CC94218 3 A-5 X 3/4 R S I A-7 CC9422A 3 D-8 X 1 R S I 0-4 CC9422B 3 A-8 X 1 R S I A-4 CC9426A 3 B-3 X 3/4 R S I B-9 CC94268 3 C-3 X 3/4 R S I C-9 CC9426C 3 A-3 X 3/4 R S I A-9 CC9426D 3 D-3 X 3/4 R S I D-9 CC9427 3 F-2 X 3 R S I F-8 CC9428 3 F-2 X 3 R S I F-9 CC9429 3 A-5 X 3/4 R S I A-7 1019t 204


System: CONTAINMENT AIR MONITORING ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisien 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-70 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2 AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N FCV-VF01A 3 F-6 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-4 FCV-VF01B 3 F-5 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-3 FCV-VN02A 3 F-5 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-4 FCV-VN02B 3 F-5 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-3 PR0029 NA E-7 X 1 C S BR, LRJ VR-14.31 E-3 PR0030 NA E-6 X 1 Gb M LRJ VR-14 E-3 Passive FCV-PR19A 3 D-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 FCV-PR19B 3 D-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 FCV-PR20A 3 D-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 FCV-PR20B 3 D-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-3 FCV-PR21A 3 C-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 FCV-PR21B 3 C-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 FCV-PR22A 3 C-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 FCV-PR228 3 C-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 FCV-PR23A 3 D-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 FCV-PR23B 3 0-6 X 1/2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-3 FCV-PR24A NA E-6 X 1 G A0 EQ, LRJ 10 VR-2 E-3 FCV-PR24B NA E-6 X 1 G A0 EQ, LRJ 10 VR-2 E-3 1019t 206





SysteD: PRIMARY SAMPLE SYSTEM ZION UNIT 1 and 2 RGvision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # 1/M-74-1. 2/M-529 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N SS9354A 2 A-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-6 SS9354B 3 A-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 F-6 SS9355A 2 B-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 E-6 SS9355B 3 B-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 E-6 SS9356A 2 C-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-6 SS9356B 3 C-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-6 SS9357A 2 C-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-6 SS93578 3 C-4 X 3/8 Gb A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-6 1019t 209

System: HEATING SYSTEM ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-84 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES ~ TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 0 M T G0 N A B C R N FCV-RV111 3 C-6 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-4 FCV-RV112 3 C-6 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-4 FCV-RV113 3 B-6 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 B-4 FCV-RV114 3 B-6 X 2 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 B-4 annumm. m 1019t 210

System: WASTE DRAIN ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revisicn 1 Dato 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-87 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC LI LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T IOE IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS G0 O M T G0 N A B C R N _DT9157 NA D-6 X 1 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 D-3 DT9159A 3 0-6 X 3/4 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 DT9159B 3 D-6 X 3/4 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-3 DT9160A 3 D-6 X 1 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 D-3 DT91608 3 D-6 X 1 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 0-3 D19170 3 C-6 X 3 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 DT-LCV1003 3 C-6 X 3 G A0 EQ, LRJ 60 VR-2 C-3 1019t 211

System: CONTAINMENT PURGE ZION UNIT 1 and 2 Revision 1 Date 8-09-85 INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM Drwg. # M-536/M-537 ASME CODE CLASS 1, 2, AND 3 VALVES TEST V N CC UDL V VT AT T MST RR UDL A U 0L 1R0 AS AY CY E ATI EE 2R0 L M DA AC L Is LP TP S XRM LQ AC V B ES WA VZ VE UE T I0E IU WA E E S IT VALVE EE E A MK EE IT R NI CATEGORY T UE FS NI REMARKS GO O M T GO N A B C R N A0V-RV0001 3 D-1 X 42 B A0 EQ, LRJ 7 D-1 A0V-RV0002 3 D-1 X 42 B A0 EQ, LRJ 7 D-1 A0V-RV0003 3 D-8 X 42 B A0 EQ, LRJ 7 D-8 A0V-RV0004 3 D-8 X 42 B A0 EQ, LRJ 7 D-8 A0V-RV0005 3 F-1 X 10 G A0 EQ, LRJ 7 VR-2 E-1 A0V-RV0006 3 F-1 X 10 G A0 EQ, LRJ 7 VR-2 E-1 J s a h 1019t 212

4.3.1 IWV - Positions In this section it is the station's intent to specify with respect to ASME Section XI applicability, interpretation, and specifics relevant to this station. It is not the station's purpose or intent to minimize the requirements but to meet the code intent to the fullest. This at times requires a clarification due to vagueness in certain areas and specifics, when examinations are required on components with built in construction restrictions. The following Positions apply strictly to the station and are intended to clarify interpretation of the code for both the station and authorities. Zion's Positions are general and specific, where the code requirement conflict with Zion's stated " Positions", the Positions shall supercede Section XI. These Positions also identify why the valves are stroke exercised during all cold shutdowns and not stroke exercised quarterly per the ASME code. 212a 1019t

Valve Position #1 lhe ASME code, IWV-3415, requires that valves with fail safe actuators be observed quarterly during loss of actuator power. This will be accomplished at Zion Station by observing that the indicator lights in the control room show the correct position as valve is stroked. If relief is being requested from stroking a valve with fail safe actuator, it should be assumed that relief is also being requested from testing the fail safe actuator. Valve Position #2 It is the station's position that HOV-MS0001, 2, 3 and 4 main steam isolation valves will not be full stroke exercised during power operation because closure would result in a reactor trip and safety injection. These valves are partially stroke exercised at least quarterly and full stroke exercised during cold shutdowns. Valve Position #3 It is the station's position that valve MOV-RH8703 will not be full stroke exercised during power operation. Failure of MOV-RH8703 in the closed position would render the Residual Heat Removal System to the hot legs inoperable. lhe valve will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. 212b 1019t

Valve Position #4 it is the station's position that valves PCV-455C and PCV-456 (power operated relief valves) will not be full stroke exercised during power operation. Exercising these valves could potentially lead to depressurization of the reactor coolant system if the PORV block valves RC8000A, B leaked through. Valves PCV-455C and PCV-456 will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. Valve Position #5 It is the station's position that MOV-RH8701 and M0V-RH8702 (residual heat removal loop suction valves) will not be full stroke exercised during power operation. These valves are not designed to open under normal operating differential pressures and attempts to open these valves that are interlocked to reactor coolant pressure could overpressurize the residual heat removal lines. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdowns. Valve Position #6 It is the station's position that MOV-SI8802, MOV-SI8806, MOV-SI8813 and M0V-SI8814 valves will not be full stroke exercised during power operation. Failure of any of these valves during unit operation would renaer the Safety Injection System inoperable. These 4 valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. 212c 1019t

Valve Position #7 It is the station's position that valves A0V/MOV-MS0017,18,19 and 20 (atmospheric relief valves) will not be full stroke exercised during power operation because it could potentially cause a power surge and possibly a reactor trip. These valves will be full stroke exercised opened and then closed during cold shutdown. Valve Position #8 it is the station's position that valves MOV-FWO0l6,17,18 and 19 will not be full stroke exercised during power operation because closure would result in a loss of steam generator level control and a reactor trip. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. Valve Position #9 It is the station's position that failure of MOV-SI8812A and B in the closed position during quarterly full stroke exercising could render the Residual Heat Removal System inoperable. Therefore these valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. 212d 1019t

Valve Position #10 It is the station's position that LCV-IWO1, LCV-IWO2 and PCV-IWO3 be full stroke exercised quarterly for operability. These valves are not designed to be stroke timed and will be exempt from stroke time requirements. In order to stroke these valves, the air is bled off by disassembling a pipe fitting in its air supply line. fhe stroke time is then dependent on how fast or slow the fitting is disassembled. Varying stroke times will also cause erroneous trend data. PCV-IWO3 is a regulator valve which controls the pressure of the IVSW tank by adding nitrogen. Regulator valves are exempt from the testing requirements of the ASME Code, IWV-1200. Control valves LCV-IWOl and LCV-IWO2 are designed to maintain a level of fluid in the IVSW tank, an increase in stroke time does not impair its ability to do so. Full injection of the IVSW requires approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, therefore initial stroke time is not crucial. Review of their safety function concluded that no requirements for maximum acceptable stroke times are necessary. Valve Position #11 It is the Station's position that check valves M50008, 9, 10 and 11 cannot be backflow tested during power operation because this would require cycling the reactor to hot standby to perform the test. These valves will be backflow tested when coming out of cold shutdown and will not be tested in excess of the quarterly requirement. Valve Position #12 It is the Station's position that if any relief valve in a system fails to function properly during a regular test, additional relief valves will be tested to make the cumulative total tested at least (N/60) X (the total number of valves in the system), where N now includes the number of months to reach the next refueling outage. Valve Position #13 It is the station's position that valves such as containment isolation valves and the pressurizer block valves to the power operated relief valves need not follow the exercising frequency when closed for isolation purposes. If a test frequency is missed, the valve will be stroked prior to returning it to service. If a valve remains closed throughout the operating cycle, it will be stroked during the cold shutdown. 212e j 1019t 1

Valve Position #14 Zion Station has identified a section of the Zion Technical Specifications which may be interpreted as conflicting requirements. This valve position will clarify the station's position on section 4.4 of the Technical Specifications. Valves in section 4.4 which are indicated to be stroked at refueling outages may also be stroked to facilitate other plant testing, during plant evolutions or in cold shutdown. This Technical Specification references valves M0V-SI8802, MOV-SI8806, MOV-SI8812A and B, and MOV-RH8703. These valves will be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages in accordance with the IST Program. (See Valve Positions #3, #6 and #9.) Valve Position #15 It is the station's position that Aux. Feedwater Suction Valves MOV-FWOO74, MOV-FWOO75 and MOV-FWOO76 will not be full stroke exercised during power operation. Failure of these valves in the closed position during unit operation would isolate the water supply to the aux. feedwater pumps and this could potentially damage the pumps if actuated. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown. Valve Position #16 It is the station's position that the check valves to the cold legs, SI8957A and B will not be exercised during power operation. These valves will be full stroke exercised at cold shutdown when the RCS pressure is low enough to reach the flow conditions necessary to verify full disk lift. 212f 1019t 0459A

4.3.2 IWV - Reliefs 213 l l 1019t

Valve Relief #1 Relief is requested from the exercising requirement of Section XI for spray additive check valves CS-0016, CS-0021, and CS-0026. Code Reauirement IWV-3522 (full strcke exercise quarterly) Basis and Alternate Full stroke exercising of check valves in the spray additive system will add sodium hydroxide into the spray system and cause spraydown of the containment building. To disassemble and remove each valve requires breaking the valve bonnet, with this consideration, one valve will be disassembled and inspected each refueling outage. Results of the inspection will be reviewed and if'the valve fails the other two will be inspected. This alternative will provide adequate assurance that operational readiness and safety will be maintained. 214 ~10 l 9 t l

Valve Relief #2 Relief is requested from performing seat leakage testing required by IWV-3420 on the attached valve list. Code Reauirement IWV-3420 (seat leakage testing once every two years) Basis and Alternate The attached list of valves function as containment isolation valves and are supplied by an Isolation Valve Seal Water system which is functionally tested as part of this program and Technical Specification 4.9.1. These valves are tested in accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix J as required by Technical Specification 4.10. This alternative will provide adequate assurance that safety and operational readiness will be maintained. 215 1019t ~ _.,

5 Valve List Relief #2 lhe following valves are applicable to Relief Request VR-2 A0V RV0005 RC8025 FCV PR19A A0V RV0006 RC8026 FCV PR19B FCV RVill RC8028 FCV PR20A FCV RVil2 RC8029 FCV PR208 FCV RVll3 SF0010 FCV PR21A FCV RV114 SF8767 FCV PR21B MOV CC9414 SF8787 FCV PR22A MOV CC9438 OSF00ll FCV PR22B MOV CC685 OSF0012 FCV PR23A M0V VC8100 SS9354A FCV PR23B MOV VC8105 S593548 FCV PR24A MOV VC8106 SS9355A FCV PR24B VC8480A 5S93558 MOV CC9413A VC8480B SS9356A MOV CC94138 A0V VC8152 SS9356B A0V VC8153 SS9357A VC8369A SS93578 VC83698 DT9159A VC8369C DT91598 VC8369D DT9160A VC8372A DT91608 VC8372B DT9170 VC8372C DT LCV1003 VC83720 DWOO30 DWOO38 FCV WD17A FCV WD17B FCV VF01A FCV VF018 FCV VN02A FCV VN02B FCV SA01A FCV SA018 216 1019t

PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION 3.9.1.B LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.9 C0!ffAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEMS (per unit) 4.9 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM (per unit) Applicability: Applicability: Applies to containment isolation systems. Applies to containment isolation systems. Objective: Objective: To insure containment isolation within To establish the surveillance require-acceptable limits and define the operating ment for containment isolation. status.of the reactor containment for plant operation. Specification: Specification: g N 1. Isolation' valve seal water system 1. Isolation valve seal water system (Table 4.9-1) A. The isolation valve seal water system shall be operable unless the reactor A. The isolation valve seal water is in the cold shutdown condition system shall be tested every except as specified in 3.9.1C. refueling outage. Performance will be acceptable if the five seal water headers are maintained at a minimum pressure of 47 psig for two hours following inanual actuation. The seal water header isolation valves are closed throughout the test. B. The isolation valve seal water tank B. The level and pressure of the shall be maintained at a minimum isolation valve seal water tank pressure of 68 psig and a minimum shall be checked monthly. volume of 70 gallons. C. Any one header of the isolation valve C. Not Applicable. seal water system may be inoperable i for a period not to exceed four coneecutiva days duritio re.ctor Anend:.:ent. No. 40, Uni t 1 m. 7,.,.. g. ;., g. H9. 37, thit 2 e .t-

LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.10 CONTAINMENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY (per unit) 4.10 CONTAINMENT STRUCIURAL INTEGRITY (per unit) OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE: To insure that the containment structure meets its To establish the testing requirements to assure design requirements throughout plant life. containment structural integrity. SPECIFICA110N: 1. Containment Leakage Rate Testing 1. Containment Leakage Rate Testing A. Surveillance and testing of the containment A. Containment Leakage Rate shall be' limited to: shall be performed as follows: 1. An overall integrated leakage rate of: 1. The containment Type A leakage rate shall be determined in conformance with a. Less than or equal to 10CFR 50 Appendix J. L, 0.10 percent by weight of the a containment air per 24 hours at P a. The leakage rate test shall be a (47 psig), or performed at nr ahove the design basis acciden cressure Pa (47 b. Less than or equal to psig), or at above the reduced L, where Lt is as pressure Pt (E3 P5i9)- t computed in 10CFR 50 Appendix J, is the maximum allowable leakage rate at pressure Pt (25 psig) b. Deleted 2. A combined leakage rate of less than or equal to 0.60 L, for all penetrations and valves a subject to Type B and C tests, when pressurized to P

  • a APPLICABILITY: Modes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 Amendment Nos. 90 and 80 09390/09400

LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR Di'ERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.10.1.A (Continued) 4.10.1.A. 1. c. The maximum allowable leakage rate L or Lg, as a ACTION: applicable, shall be computed in accordance with the With either (a) the measured overall appropriate paragraphs of integrated containment leakage rate 100FR 50 Appendix J. exceeding 0.75 L or 0.75 L, as a t applicable, or (b) with the measured 2. Type B and C tests (except air combined leakage rate for all penetrations lock tests) shall be performed at and valves subject to Type B and C tests P or above in accordance with a exceeding 0.60 L, restore the overall the provisions of the appropriate a integrated leakage rate to less than or Section of 10CFR 50 Appendix J. equal to 0.75 L,tcable, and the combined or less than or equal to 0.75 L, as appi 3. Air locks shall be tested and t leakage rate for all penetrations subject to demonstrated OPERABLE per Type 8 and C tests to less than or equal to Surveillance Requirement 4.10.2. 0.60 La prior to entering MODE 4. 4. The ' Type A, B, and C leakage rate ci tests shall be considered to be satisfactory if the acceptance criteria delineated in 10CFR 50 Appendix J are met. 5. Leakage from containment isolation valves sealed by the Isolation Valve Seal Water system may be excluded from the combined Type B and C leakage rate. Amendment Nos. 90 and 80 09390/09400

@88 m o a M &C G.C D C C e X CC


b-6.C 6 >=- C C. T CsU

== 0 C

== O 6 6 0 m3-O C C. C C t==.O C C.

== @w E CC M U C w m-6 C C E DF CC C fc C go w - #5.c m C. T C E C.C ** C 6== t = T m Cll b C ** C D G .C w U U rg C' .C m ** U T U C W W +8 e-C C eg M C E em3-C e C C D

  • W
    • ** O w C== ** 9 U

M U Q C PJ m Z @UC w= c== X o C C C

  • 8.Q L==

3 W @TTC U CL T J k C k== @w OC a = FC C *8 C. - 6 & C W W W U eC CL a ci .c

  • uo C.c C. C-E E

P= C C M = m EU C T 3 C M @g s e to e-P e C o T EC mW Ccc W L C EC u. M Z .C. W a-o O ^ O \\ u T \\ C C E C mW C m g-O u y w C. W e e O j i

Valve Relief #3 Relief is requested from full stroke testing of charging pump suction and discharge check valves due to system configurations and parameters. Valves VC8481A, B, and VC8546. Code Requirement IWV-3521 (exercising frequency) IWV-3522 (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternate Full stroke exercising of the charging pump suction check valve cannot be demonstrated during unit operation as the reactor coolant system pressure prevents the pumps from reaching full injection flow conditions. Additionally, suction would have to be switched from the VCT to the RWST. This would inject 2000 ppm borated water into the Reactor Coolant System and would set up a power transient that would cause a xenon oscillation which is not desirable. Performance of this test with the reactor coolant system intact could lead to an inadvertent overpressurization of the system. The alternative method of protecting against overpressurization by partial draining of the reactor coolant system to provide a surge volume is not considered a safe practice due to concerns of maintaining adequate water level above the reactor core. Full stroke exercising of these check valves will be demonstrated during refueling while the reactor vessel head is removed. This alternative will assure the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. These valves can be partially stroked quarterly. Valve VC8546 will be exempt f rom partial stroking when the unit is at end of core life since this would also setup a power transient that would cause a xenon oscillation during this period. This period typically occurs during the last quarter of core life. 221 1019t

l Valve Relief #4 1 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters. Valves RH8730A & B. Code Reauirement IWV 3521 (exercising frequency) IWV 3522 (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternate These check valves cannot be full stroke exercised during unit operation as the shut of f head of the pumps is lower than reactor coolant system pressure. i Partial stroke exercising of these check valves will be demonstrated by establishing proper RHR pump discharge flow in the recirculation line during periodic pump testing at least quarterly. Full stroke exercising of these check valves will be demonstrated while the RHR system is in normal operation for the reactor coolant system during cold shutdown. This condition is required to provide system flow conditions similar to design injection flow. lhis alternative will assure the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. 222 1019t

Valve Relief #5 Relief is requested from full and partial stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters. These valves are RH8736A, RH8736B, RH8949A, RH8949B and SI8958. Code Reouirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercise procedure) Basis and Alternate These check valves cannot be exercised during unit operation as the shutoff head of the pumps is lower than reactor coolant system pressure. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves with the reactor coolant system depressurized but intact would not provide adequate surge volume for influx from the RWST to allow the RHR injection system to reach design flow. The alternative method of providing a surge volume by partial draining of the reactor coolant system is not considered a safe practice due to concerns of maintaining adequate water level above the reactor core. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves will be demonstrated by total pump discharge flow during refueling while the reactor vessel head is removed. This condition is required to establish suction from the RWST and provide system flow conditions similar to design flow. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained during this interval. 223 1 1019t

Valve Relief #6 Relief is requested from full and partial stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters on valves SI8905A, SI8905B, SI8922A, SI89228, SI8949C, SI89490, SI9004C, SI90040, SI9012A, SI9012B, SI9012C, SI9012D. Code Recuirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercise procedure) Basis and Alternate These check valves cannot be exercised during unit operation as the shutoff head of the pumps is lower than reactor coolant system pressure. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves with the reactor coolant system depressurized but intact could lead to an inadvertent overpressurization of the system. The alternative method of protecting against overpressurization by partial draining of the reactor coolant system to provide a surge volume is not considered a safe practice due to concerns of maintaining adequate water level above the reactor core. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves will be demonstrated by total pump discharge flow during refueling while the reactor vessel head is ^ removed. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained during this interval. 224 1019t

Valve Relief #7 Relief is requested from full and partial stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters on valves SI8900A, SI8900B, SI8900C, SI89000 and SI9032. Code Recuirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternate These check valves cannot be full stroke or partial stroke exercised during unit operation as the injection of cold, highly borated water would result in a change in reactor core reactivity, a large xenon oscillation, and undue thermal cycling of the injection nozzles. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves with the reactor coolant system intact could lead to an inadvertent overpressurization of the system. The alternative method of protecting against overpressurization by partial draining of the reactor coolant system to provide a surge volume is not considered a safe practice due to concerns of maintaining adequate water level above the reactor core. These check valves cannot be partial stroke exercised during cold shutdown with the reactor vessel head intact because that could result in a low temperature overpressurization condition. Full stroke exercising of all the branch run check valves will be demonstrated by total pump discharge flow during refueling while the reactor vessel head is removed. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained during this interval. 225 10'19 t

Valve Relief #8 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters for valve SI-8926. Code Reauirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercise procedure) Basis and Alternate This check valve cannot be full stroke exercised during unit operation as the shutoff head of the pumps is lower than reactor coolant system pressure. Partial stroke exercising of this check valve will be demonstrated by establishing proper pump discharge flow during periodic pump testing. Full stroke exercising of this check valve with the reactor coolant system intact could lead to an inadvertent overpressurization of the system. The alternative method of protecting against overpressurization by partial draining of the reactor coolant system to provide a surge volume is not considered a safe practice due to concerns of maintaining adequate water level above the reactor core. Full stroke exercising of this check valve will be demonstrated during refueling while the reactor. vessel head is removed. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. 226 1019t

Valve Relief #9 Relief is requested from full and partial stroke exercising due to system configurations and parameters on valves SI8948A, SI89488, SI8948C, SI8948D SI8956A, SI89568, SI8956C, and SI89560 Code Reauirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercise procedure) Basis and Alternate The accumulator check valves cannot be exercised during unit operation due to the pressure differential between the accumulators (600 psig) and the reactor coolant system (2235 psig). Full stroke exercising of these valves can be done by dumping one accumulator under nitrogen pressure into a partially drained refueling water cavity during refueling with the reactor vessel head off. Zion Station is proposing to test one set of two accumulator valves per refueling outage using this method since this test requires a large amount of nitrogen to test an accumulator, the accumulator water is not as clean as reactor coolant water and because of the time required to test each accumulator train for each set of valves. Additional relief may be req'uired if this test cannot be performed satisfactorily. In addition these valves will be partial stroke exercised during cold shutdown. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. 227 1019t

Valve Relief #10 WITHDRAWN 228 1019t-

Valve Relief #11 Relief is requested from stroking requirements due to system operational requirements on valves: MOV-CC9413A, MOV-CC9413B, M0V-CC9414 MOV-CC9438 and MOV-CC685. Code Requirement IWV-3411 (test frequency) IWV-3412 (exercising procedure) 4 Basis and Alternate Component cool'ng water flow to the reactor coolant pumps is required at all times the pumps are in operation. Failure of one of these valves in a closed position during an exercise test would result in a loss of the cooling flow to j the pumps. The valves will be exercise tested during cold shutdown providing all reactor coolant pumps are not in operation. This testing period will be each refueling outage as a maximum. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. L o 229 1019t.

Valve Relief #12 Relief is requested from stroking requirements for Isolation Valve Seal Water check valves. (See attached list) Code Reauirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3522 (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternate These IVSW check valves can only be tested by observing flow through downstream tell-tale drain or by disassembly of the valve to verify proper disk freedom of movement. This testing would render the system unable to perform its safety function and it would extend each cold shutdown 36 to 48 hours. It would also require an additional 0.5 man rem each test. To perform the test, the reactor coolant pumps would have to be shutdown and it would require draining the isolation valve seal water system along with portions of the volume control system. The isolation valve seal water may not contain primary grade water therefore post test flushing would be required causing additional loading on the radwaste system. Increased testing frequency is not necessary as the IV5W system has had very good performance to date. These valves will be tested at a refueling outage frequency. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. 230 1019t

Valve List Relief #12 The following valves are applicable to Relief Request VR-12 IW0001 IWOO58 IWOO80 IW0003 IW0059 IWOO81 IWOO73 IWOO60 IWOO82 IWOO74 IWOO61 IWOO83 IWOO75 IWOO62 IWOO84 IWOO76 IWOO63 IW0162 IWOO77 IWOO64 IWOO90 IWOO78 IWOO65 IWOO95 IWOO79 IWOO66 IWO186 IWO181 IWOO67 IWO182 IWOO68 IWO183 IWOO69 IWO184 IWOO70 IWO185 IWOO72 IWO198 i l 231 1019t .. J

Valve Relief #13 Relief is requested from leak test requirements of ASME Section XI on valves MOV-CS0002, MOV-CS0004, MOV-CS0006, CS-0037, CS-0038, CS-0040, CS-0041, CS-0043, and CS-0044. 1 Code Requirement IWV-3420 (Valve leak rate test) I ] Basis and Alternate In accordance with Zion Unit 1 and 2 Confirmatory Order of February 29, 1980, these containment isolation valves are tested prior to leaving cold shutdown. I If the Confirmatory Order is withdrawn then these valves will be leak tested during refueling outages. These valves are tested per 10CFR50, Appendix J. i Any additional testing of these valves in accordance with ASME Section XI would not provide added assurance of valve readiness. Appendix J testing will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. i 4 1 5 232 1 1019t -...,. - -. -, -.... ~.,

Valve Relief #14 Relief is requested f rom leak testing frequency of valves PR0029 and PR0030. Code Reauirement IWV-3420 (Valve leak rate test) Basis and Alternate In accordance with Zion Unit 1 and 2 Confirmatory Order of February 29, 1980, PR0029 and PR0030 are leak tested prior to leaving cold shutdown. If the Confirmatory Order is withdrawn. then PR0029 and PR0030 will be leak tested during refueling outages. These valves are tested per 10CFRSO, Appendix J. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. i 233 1057

Valve Relief #IS I WITHDRAWN 234 1057

Valve Relief #16 Relief is requested from the exercising requirement of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI for Diesel Generator Starting Air Check Valves. Code Requirement 1WV-3522 (full stroke exercise quarterly) Basis and Alternative Each diesel generator has two. starting air compressor receiver check valves that go to a common header to start the engine. To test the diesel generator starting air compressor receiver check valves 10G0037, 38, 39, 40, 00G0025, 26 and 20G0033, 34, 35, 36, the associated diesel generator must be started once for each of the two valves in its system. 1he Nuclear Regulatory Commission (reference Generic letter 84-15) and Zion Station are trying to eliminate unnecessary fast starts of the diesel generators to increase reliability of the engines. Therefore, as an alternative, one valve per diesel generator will be disassembled and inspected each refueling outage (the other valve will be inspected in the next refueling outage). Generic letter 84-15 is attached. 234a 1057t

.g e ,se 88e9


[ y g.,. g ; - NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION d .E re ASWNGTON, D. C. 2C555 k [ July 2, 1984 Jul 14 En TO ALL LICENSEES OF OPERATING REACTORS, APPLICANTS FOR AN OPERATING LICENSE, AND HOLDERS OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Gentlemen: 1 SUSJECT: PROPOSED STAFF ACTIONS TO IMPROVE AND MAINTAIN DIESEL GENERATOR RELIABILITY (Generic Letter 84-15) As part of the proposed technical evaluation of Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-44, Station Blackout, the staff is considering new requirements that would reduce the risk of core damage from station blackout events. The reliability of diesel generators has been identified as being one of the main factors affecting the risk from station blackout. Thus, attaining and maintaining high reliability of diesel generators is a necessary input to the resolution of USI A-44. Plants licensed since 1978 have been required to meet the reliability goals of Regulatory Guide 1.108 for their diesel generators. However, the staff has determined that many operating plants do not have reliability goals in place for their diesel generators. Considering the critical role diesel play in mitigating various transients and postulated events following a loss of offsite power, the staff has determined that there is an important need to assure that the reliability of diesel generators at operating plants is maintained at an acceptable level. The staff has determined that the risk from station blackout is such that early actions to improve diesel generator reliability would have a significant safety benefit. Toward this objective, we have developed the following approach to assess and enhance, where necessary the reliability of diesel generators at all operating plants. The items covered by this letter fall into the following three areas: 1. Reduction in Number of Cold Fast Start Surveillance Tests for Diesei Generators This item is directed towards reducing the number of cold fast start surveillance tests for diesel generators which the staff has determined results in premature diesel engine degradation. The details relating to this subject are provided in Enclosure 1. Licensees are requested to describe their current programs to avoid cold fast start surveillance testing or their intended actions to reduce cold fast start surveillance testing for diesel generators. 2. Diesel Generator Reliability Data This item requests licensees to furnish the current reliability of each diesel generator at their plant (s), based on surveillance test data. Licensees are requested to provide the information requested in. 8407o2o2os 234b ?

'3. Diesel Generator Reliability. Licensees are requested to describe their program, if any, for attaining and maintaining a reliability goal for their diesel generators. An example of a performance Technical Specification to support a desired diesel generator reliability goal has been provided by the staff in Enclosure 3. Licensees are requested to comment on, and compare their existing program or any proposed program with the example performance specification. Accordingly, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f), operating reactor licensees are requested to furnish, under oath or affirmation, no later than 90 days from the date of thi.s letter, the information requested in Items 1 through 3 above. Applicants for operating licenses and holders of construction permits.are not required to respond. Licensees nay request an extension of time for submittals of the required information. Such a recuest must set forth a proposed schedule and.iustification for the delay. Such a request shall be directed to the Director, Division of Licensing, NRR. Any such request must be submitted no later than 45 days from the date of this letter. r -This request for information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Clearance Number 3150-0011, which expires April 30, 1985. Sincerely, \\ y I y$ \\ arre G. Q s'en u re Division'of licensing


1. Reduction in Number of Cold Fast Starts for Diesel Generators 2. Diesel Generator Reliability J Data 3. Diesel Generator Reliability 1 234c

  • 6W

Valve Relief #17 Relief is requested from the increased frequency and corrective action for motor and hydraulically operated valves that normally stroke in 5 seconds or less and for air operated valves. Code Reauirement .IWV-3417(a) (increased testing frequency and corrective action) Basis and Alternate Relief is requested from the requirements of IWV-3417(a) for motor and hydraulically operated valves that normally full stroke in 5 seconds or less with respect to increased testing frequency and corrective action based on a percent stroke time increase. Relief is also requested from these requirements for air operated valves. For motor and hydraulically operated valves that normally full stroke in 5 seconds or less, the normal fluctuations in valve stroking times combined with operator reaction time errors can introduce erroneous readings up to 100% of the stroke time. This would cause unnecessary administrative work and increased testing. As an alternative, fast acting valves that normally stroke in 5 seconds or-less will be tested more frequently when stroke time increases by 100%. For valves that normally stroke in less than 1 second, the maximum stroke time for these valves will be 2 seconds and no trending of stroke times will be required. Historical trend data collected since 1984 for both Unit 1 and 2, has typically shown a wide range of stroke times for air operated valves (see Attachment A). Variations in the supplied air pressure due to. demand along with variations in the system pressure wiiI cause fluctuations in the stroke times. Also how fast the operator reverses the position of the valve and I whether the pressure has stabilized or not will affect the stroke times. The shorter the stroke time of the valve, the greater these-items along with operator reaction time will contribute to the stroke time fluctuations. Zion. Station proposes that the frequency of testing will be increased to monthly when the stroke time for air operated valves that normally stroke in 10 seconds or less increases 100% over the reference.mean stroke time for the valve or that normally stroke in greater than 10 seconds increases 25% over the reference mean stroke time for the valve. The reference mean stroke time is the sum of the stroke times of several consecutive tests, divided by the number of tests. The mean may be re-established after maintenance has been performed on the valve which may alter the stroke time. The mean will be re-established only through an engineering evaluation. These alternatives will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. 234d 1057t 0505A )

Valve Relief #18 Relief is requested from observing valves with remote position indicators once every two years. Code Requirements IWV-3300 (valve position indicator verification). Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from observing valves with remote position indicators once every two years. Historically, nuclear power plants have been on a 1 year refueling cycle. Therefore in each two year period there were two refueling outages per unit in which to perform the test on remote position indicators. In order to minimize personnel exposure in radiation areas and the work load during a refueling outage, lion Station proposes to continue to inspect all remote position indicators for each unit every other refueling outage. Zion Station will be going to an 18 month refueling cycle for Unit 2 following its 1985 refueling outage and for Unit i following its 1986 refueling outage. To test all valves with remote position indicators every other refueling outage in a two year period would mean coming down in power before a refueling i outage, and would increase personnel exposure in radiation areas. Zion Station proposes to test all valves for each unit with remote position indicators every other refueling outages or at least once every three years. This alternative will assure the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. 234e 1057t

I Valve Relief #19 Relief is requested from the exercising requirement of Section XI for Reactor Vessel Head Vent Valve 50V-RC08, 9, 10 and 11. Code Requirement IWV 3522 (exercising frequency) Basis and Alternative The Reactor Vessel Head Vent Valves SUV-RC08, 9, 10 and 11 cannot be exercised during power operation. The normal position of these valves is deenergized shut. Failure of these valves in the open position during testing could result in a small break loss of coolant accident. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown and refueling outages when all reactor coolant pumps are secured and the reactor coolant system is depressurized. 234f 1057

Valve Relief #20 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising valve MOV-VC8100 during power operation. Code Requirement IWV-3412(a) (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternate Stroking valve MOV-VC8100 during power operation could potentially damage the reactor coolant pump seals. Therefore MOV-VC8100 will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown when all reactor coolant pumps are secured. 234g 1057

Valve Relief #21 Relief is requested from leak testing pressure isolation check valve S18912 for the Boric Acid Injection Tank Recirculation Line. Code Requirement IWV-3420 (leak testing) Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from leak testing pressure isolation valve SI8912. The boric acid system is required to be in constant operation providing reactivity control to the reactor coolant system therefore it cannot be tested during operation. This valve will be tested during refueling outages but presently will be deferred until a test method or modification can be completed to test this valve. Additionally a proposal is being drafted to permanently remove the Boric Acid Injection Tank Recirculation Line from service. If this proposal is accepted, check valve SI8912 will be exempt from leak testing requirements. l l I 4 i 234h 1057

Valve Relief #22 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising FCV-IA01A and B. Code Requirement IWV-3411 (test frequency) Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from full stroke exercising FCV-IA01A and B because failure in the closed position during testing will cause the unit to lose instrument air to containment and to lose letdown and thus lose pressurizer j level control. It is considered poor engineering judgement to risk stroking these valves quarterly or during cold shutdown, therefore they will be ) exercised during refueling outages. l 1 l 234i 1057

Valve Relief #23 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising check valves VC8542A and B quarterly. Code Reauirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from full stroke exercising valves VC8542A and B because presently there is no means of measuring flow through the centrifugal charging pump miniflow line. Ultrasonic flow instrumentation will be temporarily installed in the miniflow line to verify the actual flow through the check valves by the Summer of 1986 for both units. This will insure that there is adequate flow to obtain full disk lift. Thereafter, flow through the check valves will be calculated by measuring the dif ferential pressure across the pump and then using this value to calculate the flow from the pump curve. The . flow measured from the flow gage located downstream of the miniflow line will then be subtracted from the flow value obtained from the pump curve. The difference between these two flow values will be considered the flow through the miniflow line. If this method does not accurately reflect flow through the miniflow line (i.e. other line losses), the ultrasonic flow instrumentation will be permanently installed. 234j 1057t 0505A

Valve Relief #24 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Injection Manual Valves VC8369A, B, C, 0 and VC8372A, B, C, 0 quarterly. Code Reauirement IWV-3411 (test frequency) Basis and Alternative c Relief is requested f rom full stroke exercising manual valves VC8369A, B, C, D and VC8372A, B, C, D quarterly during operation of the reactor coolant pumps because this may damage the pump seals and would require re-adjusting the seal flow to the reactor coolant pump. These valves will be full stroke exercised during cold shutdown when reactor coolant pumps are secured. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained, i i ) 234k l 1057

Valve Relief #25 Relief is requested from leak testing Safety Injection Check Valves S19002A, B, C, D. Code Requirement IWV-3420 (seat leakage testing) Basis and Alternative Check valves SI9002A, B, C, D will be leak tested by pressurizing the safety injection cold leg. The flow will be deadheaded between valves SI9001A, B, C, D and SI9002A, B, C, D. SI9001A, B, C, 0 will be pressurized shut by the RCS cold leg. Any leakage through SI9002A, B, C, D will be indicated by pressure instrumentation in the accumulator test line. As an alternative if this test cannot be performed, Zion Station will disassemble and inspect one of the SI9002A, B, C, D valves per refueling outage. These alternatives will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. 2341 1057

Valve Relief #26 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising Service Water Check Valves SW0001, 4 and 7. Code Reauirement IWV-3522 (test procedure) Basis and Alternative Full. disk lift of service water check valves SW0001, 4 and 7 will be verified if a predetermined minimum flow rate is achieved in the system. This flow rate is the minimum flow necessary to obtain f,ull disk lift and was calculated by the manufacturer. The flow instrumentation is installed in the common discharge header of the service water system. Since there are requirements to always have 2 service water pumps running during operation, individual flow rates through each valve cannot be measured. Zion Station proposes to measure the combined flow rate from 2 service water pumps and compare this to the combined minimum flow rate necessary to obtain full disk lift for the respective check valves. Two combinations of pumps will be tested to insure all of the check valves are exercised quarterly. A situation may occur where it is required by the Technical Specifications that the cross-tie remains open between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 service water systems. Since the flow instrumentation is located down stream of the cross-tie (see Pump Relief #2), some flow from one service water system may be diverted to the other. Therefore when the cross-tie is open it is impossible to accurately measure the flow rate through each system. These valves will be exercised quarterly reguardless of the cross-tie position, however, actual full disk lift of the check valve can only be verified when the cross-tie is closed. 234m 10010

Valve Relief #27 ~ Relief is requested from the exercising procedure and frequency requirements for full disk lift of Safety Injection Check Valves SI9001 A thru D and SI9002 A thru D. Code Requirement IWV-3521 (test frequency) IWV-3529 (exercising procedure) Basis and Alternative Relief is requested to measure flow to check valves SI9001 A thru 0 and SI9002 A thru D by an indirect method to verify full disk lift. During preoperational testing, dif ferential pressure gages were temporarily installed between check valves SI9001 and SI9002 inorder to calculate the flow through each of the four Si cold leg lines. This testing demonstrated that flow was approximately equal through each line. Due to radiation concerns and the difficulty to install the temporary differential pressure gages because of physical parameters, Zion Station will assume that flow through each of the four SI cold leg lines is still balanced. This assumption is based on the fact that if one of the check valves should become impaired, flow through this line would become obstructed and flow would become imbalanced through the four lines. This imbalance of flow would be indicated on the flow instrumentation located between the common RHR discharge header and check valves SI8957A, B. Zion Station is proposing that full disk lif t will be verified for check valves SI9001 A thru 0 and SI9002 A thru 0 if the ratio of flow through this flow instrumentation is approximately equal to one. Specific acceptance criteria will be included with the test procedure. If the ratio of flow does not meet this acceptance criteria then differential pressure gages will be temporarily installed between check valves SI9001 and SI9002 to determine which line is causing the imbalance of flow and the necessary corrective action will be taken. These valves will be exercised for full disk lift during refueling outages because the RCS pressure will then be low enough to allow adequate flow through the check valves. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. 234n 1057

Valve Relief #28 Relief is requested from leak test requirements of ASME Section XI for valves l MOV-CS0002, 4 and 6 l l Code Requirement IWV-3420 (Valve leak rate test) Basis and Alternative Valves MOV-CS0002, 4 and 6 are not leak tested per Section XI requirements. Check valves CS0005, 9 and 13 are located directly next to MOV-CS0002, 4 and 6. When the Containment Spray System is pressurized for leak testing, valves MOV-CS0002, 4 and 6 are only tested if check valves CS0005, 19 and 13 leak. Since physical parameters prohibit individual testing of these valves, Zion Station proposes to consider these as one valve and leak test them as one valve according to 10CFR50, Appendix J. This method will provide adequate assurance of continued operational readiness and maintain the required level of safety. 2340 1051

Valve Relief #29 For valves required to be tested at cold shutdown, relief is requested to test these valves only whenever the plant is in cold shutdown condition for more than 12 hours. Code Requirement IWV-3412 (exercising procedure). Basis and Alternative For valves required to be tested at cold shutdown, relief is requested to test these valves only whenever the plant is in cold shutdown condition for more than /2 hours and testing not to interfere with the subsequent startup. Zion Station feels that it is undue hardship for the utility to test all valves when the unit goes to cold shutdown for a short repair. the testing would most probably increase the length of the cold shutdown and delay the subsequent startup causing the utility to have increased workload and loss of revenue. Ihis request is based on discussions during the Ceco /NRC meeting on Nov. 15 and 16, 1984 in Bethesda, Maryland. 4 4 234p 105/t

Valve Relief #30 Relief is requested from full stroke exercising diesel generator oil transfer pump check valves D00055,56, 65, 66 and OD00025, 26. F Code Reauirement IWV-3522 (exercising procedure). Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from full stroke execising diesel generator oil transfer pump discharge check valves D00055, 56, 6d, 66 and 0000025, 26. The design flow through the diesel generator oil transfer pumps is insuf ficient to achieve full disk lift. Results from inservice testing show pump capacity at 8-12 GPM. The required flow for full disk lift is 15 GPM. Since full disk lif t cannot be obtained, these check valves will be partial stroked quarterly. Ihis alternative will provide adequate assurance that operational readiness is maintained. l l l 9 234q 1057t

Valve Relief #31 Relief is requested from the quarterly exercising requirements for the air sampling system return check valve PR0029. Code Reauirement IWV-3521 (test frequency). Basis and Alternative Relief is requested from the quarterly exercising requirement for the air sampling system return check valve PR0029 to the closed position. To test PR0029 quarterly would mean sending a person into containment while the reactor is operating. Also testing PR0029 to the closed position requires disassembling the air sample system inorder to provide a vent path. Additionally the System Particulate, Iodine and Noble Gas Monitor (SPING) is in continuous operation and returns air back to containment through check valve PR0029. Closing PR0029 would require that the SPING be secured and thus air samples of containment would have to be taken at a greater frequency and analyzed manually. Zion Station proposes to verify closure of check valve PR0029 by leak testing at refueling outages. This alternative will provide adequate assurance of the required level of safety and that operational readiness is maintained. 2 i 234r 1057


POWER OPERATED VALVE TRENDING Valve No.: 1FCV-IWO8 Maximum Stroke Time: 60 Seconds Full Stroke Exercise Quarterly Remarks: I.... rf) m M l 80 l 70 M AX! mum. 60 l so 40 30 20 l 10 0 b$ $$b$$h8$b ky$$$$k$$h5E8 ffj$$f$5}g}g i.84. i.es_ ,, se,- 234t 1057

POWER OPERATED VALVE TRENDING Valve No.: 2FCV-IW13 Maximum Stroke Time: 60 Seconds Full Stroke Exercise Quarterly Remarks: ~ N N N ~- 100 90 80 1 70 l M AXIMuM. 60 1 I 30 20 10 O f g w i.84-i, es 234u 1057

POWER OPERATED VALVE TRENDING Valve No.: 1A0V-BD0002 Maximum Stroke Time: 60 Seconds Full Stroke Exercise Quarterly Remarks: U O. Yk C m Mm 4 24 k V> 100 I so so 70 l M AXlMLA M. 60 50 4o 30 20 I 10 0 13ieiliIIaae ldieIiiIIai1 131alliII8ie i, e4 i,85_ i, A4 234v 1057

y t POWER OPERATED VALVE TRENDING Valve No.: 1A0V-RC8025-Maximum Stroke Time: 60 Seconds Full Stroke Exercise Quarterly Remarks: 10/84 stroke time increase >50%, believe 9/84 time low and 10/84 is in normal range. D

  • M.

M W V r-6 2M Ci m 100 l l 1 I L l I T I I 1 I I l L 1 70 f MAXIMt.4M. 60 l I I I 40 I I 30 I T. L I I 20 t 1 i I 1 e 10 I 1 I 1 a 1 0 5$5E$b$$h55b kh$$$$$$h5Eb k$$$Ek$$h8$j i,D4_ i, sa 234x wm




~ s Page Changes 1 l 2 Table of Contents revised to reflect changes to IST Program. 169 No changes. 170 1) Add ' pump positions', after 'to be measured'. 2) Change '4.3* to '4.2'. 3) Change ' Table 4.3.1' to ' Table 4.2.2'. { 4) Add ' Table 4.2.1 is the pertinent pump positions' in front of } ' Table 4.2.2 is the pertinent relief requests'. ] 5) Change 4.4 to 4.3. ] 6) Change 4.4.1 to 4.3.2. ) 7) Add '4.3.1 are the applicable valve positions' in front of ~ '4.3.2 are the applicable relief requests'. 8) Add a comma between process and relief in the last paragraph. 4 I 171 No changes. ] 172 1) Change ' Table 2S' to ' Table 4.2'. j 2) Add pump positions and relief request to Test Parameters. 3) Change to 'N/A, not applicable for testing this parameter'. i j 173 1) Change to ' Revision l'.and new date. 2) For RHR pumps change BRG and LUBE to 'N/A'. j 3) For service water pumps change Test Interval to ' Quarterly / Refueling', change Outlet and Diff. Pressure to 'PR-2'. 4) Add to Bottom of List: j FWOO4, Auxiliary Feedwater (Turbine), 3. 'PR-7', yes, yes, yes, yes, PR-3, PR-4, yes, Quarterly. 4 5) For all pumps except RHR change BRG to 'PR-4'. l 6) Change cutlet Pressure to 'yes' for pumps OCC003, 4, 6, 7. 7) Add 'PR-8' to Outlet Pressure for pump OCC005. { 174 1) Change to Revision 1 and new date, j 2) Change to 'CS003, containment spray (CS) ID'. 3) Add footnote 1 to define D stands for diesel driven. 4) Delete Spent Fuel Cooling Pump, SF003. 5) Change speed for CS003 to 'PR-7'. i 6) Change BRG to 'PR-4'. l j 7) Add Diesel oil pumps. l 174a New page on Pump Positions, 4.2.1. i 174b New page for Pump Position #1. } } 174c New page for Pump Position #2. ) 174d New page for Pump Position #3. i ] 174e New page for Pump Position #4. i i

Page Changes 174f New page for Pump Position #5. l l 175 Change '4.2.1' to '4.2.2'. 176 Pump Relief #1 revised to reflect a modification for flow meters and discharge pressure gages. 177 Pump Relief #2 revised to reflect a modification for flow meters. 178 Pump Relief #3 revised to reflect current vibration program. 178a Pump Relief #3 continued. 178b Pump Relief #3 continued. 179 No changes. 180 No changes. 180a New page for Pump Relief #4. 180b New page for Pump Relief #5. 180c New page for Pump Relief #6. 180d New page for Pump Relief #7. 180e New page for Pump Relief #8. 181 No changes. 182 1) Add 'SD - Solenoid, A - Angle valve, N - Needle'. 2) Add 'PIV - Pressure Isolation Valvu' as 5b. 3) Change 'R Relief' to 'R-Relief'. 183 1) Add 'R2 - Refueling while Reactor Vessel Head is Removed'. 2) Add 'F - Once Every 5 Years'. 3) Add a period after 9a. 4) Change 5. to C 'C ', 'R' or 'R - 1 3 2 5) Change 5. to '... information on 'C,1,3' and 'R, R2' valves'. 6) Add 10 to define Valve Positions. 7) Add 11 to define Passive Valves. 8) Delete C2 definition. 184 1) Change Revision 1 to Revision 2. 2) Change date. 3) Delete Valve Category D and E. 4) Add appropriate Relief Requests to HOV-MS0001, 2, 3, 4. 5) Add ' Partial Stroke per IWV-3412' in Remarks of IlOV-MS0001, 2, 3, 4. 6) Add to FCV-MS57 Stroke Time and Relief Request. 4

Page Corrections 184a New page for main steam valves. 185 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete category D and E. 3) Add Relief Requests to MOV-FWO0l6, 17, 18, 19. 4) Add valves FW0023, 25, 27 and MOV-FWOO50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57. 186 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Add VR-26 to SW0001, 4, 7. 187 1) Change to Revision 2, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change MOV-SW0001, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 to Passive Valves and delete Test and Stroke Time replace with dashes. 4) Change Test to 'EQ/BF' for SW0010, 11 and OSW0012. 5) Change MOV-0115 to MOV-SWO115. 6) Change Stroke Time from 40 sec. to 60 sec. due to typo for MOV-SWO115. 7) Change last 2 valves to OMOV-SW0007, OMOV-SWOOO8. 188 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 188a New page for aux. feedwater valves. 188b New page for diesel oil / generator valves. 188c New page for diesel oil / generator valves. 188d New page for diesel oil / generator valves. 189 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'EQ' for LCV-IWOl, LCV-IWO2, PCV-IWO3. 4) Change Test to 'ER' for IW0001, IWOOO3. 5) Change Test to 'ER' for IWOO73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, IWOl81, 182, 183, 184, 185, 198, IWOO58 and IWOO59. 6) Delete stroke time, add 'P-10' to Relief Request for LCV-IWOl, 2 and PCV-1WO3. 190 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'ER' for all valves listed except IW0160. 191 1) Change to Revision 2, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'BR' for CS0016, CS0021, CS0026. 4) Add to Remarks, 'One valve of CS0016, 21, 26 will be disassembled and inspected each refueling'. 5) Change CS0037, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44 to Passive. 6) Add VR-28 to Relief Request for MOV-CS0002, 4 and 6.

Page Corrections 192 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. l 2) Delete Category D and E. l 193 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'BQ, LRJ' for FCV-WD17A, B. l 194 1) Change to Revisions 2, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change RC8033 to Category A valve. 1 4) Change Test to 'BQ, LRJ' for RC8033. 5) Change MOV-RC8000B. i 6) Add to Relief Request VR-19, change to category B, also change Stroke Time to 2 sec. for SOV-RC08, 9,10,11. 7) Add PCV-455C and PCV-456 to page 194. 8) Add 'AOV' to valves RC8025, 26, 28, 29 and 33. I a 195 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'ECg/LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-2, 24' for valves VC8369A, B, C, D and VC8372A, B, C, D. 4) Add relief valves VC8117 and VC8121. 1 196 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. l 3) Change Test to 'ECg', 'LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-2, 20' ] for MOV-VC8100. q 4) Change VC8480A, B to Passive Valves. 5) Add ' Partially stroked quarterly' to Remarks for VC8481A, B, VC8546. j 6) Change Test to 'EQ/R ' for VC8481 A, B and VC8546. 2 l 7) Add valves VC8542A, B, VC8118A, VC8119, VC8120 and VC8123. 4 i 197 1) Change to Revision 2, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. { 3) Change Test to 'EC, LR', Relief Request to 'P-5', and Remarks d to 'PIV' for valves MOV-RH8701, 2. I 4) Change Test to 'BQ/C' and add ' partial stroke quarterly' to Remarks for RH8730A,B. 5) Change Test to 'ER, LR' and Remarks to 'PIV' for RH8736A, B 2 and RH8949A, B. 6) Add MOV-RHFCV610 and MOV-RHFCV611 to list. 7) Change Actuator to 'S' for RH8730A,B, RH8736A,B, RH8749A,B. 8) Change Test to 'EC' and Relief Request to 'P-3, 14' for MOV-RH8703. 4 j 198 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. l 2) Delete Category D and E. l 3) Change SF0010, OSF00ll, SF8767, SF8787 to Passive. 4) Add OSF0012. l i t

Egge corrections ~ 199 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. Change Test to 'ER ' for SI890CA, B, C, d. 3) 2 4) Change Test to 'BC' and Relief Request to 'P-6, 14' for MOV-SI8802 and MOV-SI8806. Change Test to 'ER, LR' and Remarks to 'PIV' for SI8905A, B. 5) 2 6) Change stroke time to 13 for MOV-SI8807A, B, MOV-SI8802. 7) Take '/' out of N/A for MOV-SI8813 and MOV-SI8814. 8) Add SI8912 to end of list. 9) Add 'A0V' to valves SI8870A,B and SI8883.

10) Add 'P-6' to Relief Requests for MOV-SI8813 and MOV-SI8814.

200 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'ER ' for SI8922A, B, SI9032 and SI8949C, D. 2 4) Change Valve size to '4' for SI89228. 5) Change Valve size to '6' for MOV-SI89238. 6) Change Valve Size to '8' for SI8949D. 7) Change stroke time to 13 for MOV-SI8923A, B and MOV-SI9010A, B. 8) Change Valve Size to '2' for SI9004D. 9) Change Valve Size to '4' for MOV-SI9011B.

10) Change Test to 'BQ/R ' for SI8926.


11) Change Test to 'ER2, LR' and Remarks to 'PIV' for SI9004C, D and S19012A, B, C, D.
12) Add ' Partial Stroke Quarterly' to Remarks for SI9926.

201 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change MOV-SI8808A, B, C, D to Passive. 4) Change Stroke Time to '40' and delete Relief Request for MOV-SI6811A, B. 5) Change Test to 'BC' and Relief Request to 'P-9, 14' for valves MOV-SI8812A and B. 6) Change to A0V-SI8880, to category 'A' and Test to 'BQ, LRJ'. 7) Change Test to 'BC/R, LR', Relief Request to 'VR-9' and 2 Remarks to 'PIV' and 'all SI8948 and S18956 valves will be partially stroke exercised during cold shutdown' for SI8948A, B, C, D and SI8956A, B, C, D. 8) Change Relief Request to 'VR-27' for SI9001A. 9) Change test to 'BC' for SI8957A, B, and Relief Request to 'P-16'.

10) Change Test to 'ER ' for SI8958.


11) Change Test to 'ER, LR' and Remarks to 'PIV' for SI9001A.

202 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change Test to 'ER, LR', change Relief Request to 'VR-27' and change Remarks to 'PIV' for SI90018, C, D. 4) Change Test to 'BR, LR' and Relief Request to 'VR-25, 27' for 819002A, B, C, D. 5) Change Remarks to 'PIV' for SI9002A, B, C, D 6) Add valve SI8857 to end of list.

Page Corrections 203 1) Change to Revision 1 and change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Add relief valves CC9419, ICC9425A, B, and ICC9432. 204 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D ard E. 3) Change to Category '.1' and stroke time to 12 seconds for MOV-CC9413A, B. 4) Change Test to 'ECg, LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-2, 11' for MOV-CC9413A, B. 5) Change Test to 'ECg, LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-2, 11' for MOV-CC9414. 6) Delete valve CC9437. Change Test to 'BC, LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-2, 11, 7) 1 P-3' for MOV-CC9438. 8) Delete valve CC9500. 9) Change Relief Request to 'VR-2. II, P-3' for MOV-CC685.

10) Add valves MOV-CC9412A, B, ICC9420, CC9421A,B, CC9422A,B, CC9426A,B,C,D, CC9427, CC9428, CC9429.

205 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change DWOO30, DWOO38 to Passive valves. 206 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change FCV-VN01A, B to PCV-VN02A, B. 4) Delete valves PR0007, 8, 9, PR0011, 12, 13, PR0015, 16, 17 and PR0019, 20, 21. 5) Change to Category 'A', add 'BR' to Test and add 'VR-31' to Relief Request for PR0029. 6) Change Max. Stroke Time to 10 sec, for PCV-PR24A, B. 7) Change valve PR0030 to passive. 206a New page for SOV-PR25h, B, C, D and SOV-PR26A, B, C, D. 207 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 208 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change to Category 'A' for FCV-IA01A, B. 4) Change Test to 'ER, LRJ' and Relief Request to 'VR-22' for FCV-IA01A, B. 209 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 210 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete category D and E. s

= Page Corrections 211 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 212 1) Change to Revision 1, change date. 2) Delete Category D and E. 3) Change RV0001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to A0V-RV0001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 212a New page defining Positions, 4.3.1. 212b New page of Position #1, #2, #3. l 212c New page of Position #4, #5, #6. I 212d New page of Position #7, #8, #9. 212e New page of Position #10, #11, #12, #13. 212f New page of Position #14, #15, #16. k 213 Change '4.3.1' to '4.3.2' and change ' RELIEFS' to ' Reliefs'. 214 Valve Relief #1 has been rewritten. l 215 No changes. 216 1) Change FCV VN01A, B to FCV VN02A, B. 2) Delete PR0007, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21. 3) Add valves MOV CC 9413A, B and OSF0012. i 4) Change to 'ADV RV0005 and ADV RV0006'. 5) Chelge to 'DT LCV1003'. 217 No changes. 218 Revised Technical Specifications for Containment Structural Integrity. 219 Revised Technical Specifications for containment Structural Integrity. 220 Revised Technical Specifications for containment Structural Integrity. 221 1) Additional information added to Valve Relief #3 to describe partial stroking. 2) Full Stroke frequency changed to refueling while reactor vessel head removed. 222 Valve Relief #4 rewritten. 223 Valve Relief #5 rewritten to add SI8958 and full stroke frequency changed to refueling while reactor vessel head removed.

y Page Corrections 224 1) Valve Relief #6 rewritten and full stroke frequency changed to refueling while reactor vessel head removed. 2) Change ' testing' to ' exercising'. 225 1) Additional information on partial stroking provided. 2) Frequency changed to refueling while reactor vessel head removed. 3) Change ' testing' to ' exercising'. 226 1) Change 'these' to 'this'. 2) Full stroke frequency changed to refueling while reactor vessel head removed. l 3) Change ' tested' to ' exercised'. i 227 1) Additional information on full stroking provided. 2) Change ' testing' to ' exercising'. 228 Valve Relief #10 withdrawn. 229 Add 'an' before ' exercise test'. 230 Additional information on stroking provided. 231 1) Change

  • IWOO81' to 'IW0181'.

2) Add valve IWOO68. 3) Add Valve IW0182. 232 valve Relief #13 has been rewritten and refueling provision added. 233 Valve Relief #14 has been rewritten and refueling provision added. 234 Valve Relief #15 withdrawn. 234a New page for Valve Relief #16. 234b New page for NRC Generic Letter 84-15. 234c NRC Generic Letter 84-15 continued. 234d New page for Valve Relief #17. 234e New page for Valve Relief #18. 234f New page for Valve Relief #19. 2349 New page for Valve Relief #20. 234h New page for Valve Relief #21.

2341 New page for Valve Relief #22. 234j New page for Valve Relief #23. 234k New page for Valve Relief #24. 2341 New page for Valve Relief #25. 234m New page for Valve Relief #26. 234n New page for Valve Relief #27. 2340 New page for Valve Relief #28. 234p New page for Valve Relief #29, 234q New page for Valve Relief #30. 234r New page for Valve Relief #31, 234s-x Attachment A. 1775K

t POWER OPERATED VAL.VE TRENDING Valve No.: 1A0V-SS9854A Maximum Stroke Time: 60 Seconds full Stroke Exercise Quarterly Remarks: f 3 E A+ M r-et % N *. J k'. h g y y 100 L I 90 a0 1 70 M AXtMuM. 60 I I 50 l l 40 1 30 L I M- _ _ i _".,"n t- -6_._- ee 10 3 _5.I : il -3 L*_-7._ _.

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