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Suppl 4 to NUREG-0737 Suppl 1 Dcrdr Program Plan
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1985
From: Davis L, Howard R
Shared Package
ML20136G276 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 PROC-851108, NUDOCS 8511220321
Download: ML20136G337 (19)





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6CRDR Coordinator Date J/-r-e<~

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INTRODUCTION To comply with the commitment to the NTRC on June 14, 1983, Commonwealth Edison Company is submitting the names and qualifications of the individuals who comprise the Zion Station DCRDR team.

Responsibility for the management and administration of the CECO Detailed Control Room Design Reviews has been transferred from the Production Training Department to the Technical Services Nuclear Department, effective September 3, 1984.

This change has also precipitated some changes to the CECO DCRDR

" core team".

The Program Administrator position, previously filled by Richard J.

Squires is now being filled by L.E. Davis, the position of DCRDR Coordinator previously filled by Phillip Lau, is now being filled by Robert E.

Howard, and Andrew T Bayer's position is now being filled by Kathi A. Hesse.

These individuals as well as all other team members meet or surpass the minimum qualifications for the positions they fill as specified in the Generic DCRDR Program Plan for Commonwealth Edison Company submitted to the April of 1983.

Except for the above mentioned departmental change, the lines of management authority and responsibility of the DCRDR within CECO are unchanged, since these departments report to the same CECO Vice President.

Nevertheless, these changes necessitate that a modification be made to our Generic Program Plan as submitted in April 1983, in Section 2.0 Management and Staffing.

Since responsibility has shifted from the Production Training Department to Technical Services-Nuclear, all reference to the Production Training Department have been deleted with Technical Services-Nuclear inserted in lieu thereof.

Copies of the page from the Generic Program Plan affected by this change are included.

2.0 SUPPLEMENT TO MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING 2.1 NO CHANGE 2.2 The Program Administrator position previously filled by Richard J. Squires, is presently being filled by Mr.

L.E. Davis.

Mr. Squires qualifications are as follows:



Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois, 1962.


Metallurgical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1953.


For three years Mr. Squires served as the CECO human factors program administrator and for four years, participated in CECO control room design reviews.

He has 29 years of engineering experience, of which 22 has been in the nuclear power area.


Squires has held positions in engineering, construction, operations, quality assurance and training at CECO over the past 13 years.

From 1975 to the present he has an SRO license at the Zion Station.

Since 1977 he j

has a Professional Engineers License in the State of Illinois.


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i Mr. Davis' qualifications are as follows:



Illinois Institute of Technology, 1978.


Engineering, University of Illinois 1970.

Experiences-For the past six months, Mr. Davis has served as the Supervisor of Station Support Services including the duty as the CECO Human Factors Program Adminstrator He has approximately 14 years of nuclear power plant experience, was SRO licensed

- at the Dresden Station (BWR) and was

' llcense certified at the Braidwood Station.

(PWR). - Prior to nis present assignment, l

he held various positiona at a newly established Productio:. Training Center including the Acting Training Manager position.

Prior experience included duties at both an operational and pre-operational nuclear generating station.

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2.3 The position of DCRDR Coordinator previously filled by Phillip A.

Lau, is presently being filled by Mr. Robert E.

Howard, CECO.

Mr. Lau's qualifications are as follows:

Education Enrolled in Northern Illinois University B.S.

in Nuclear Technology Program.

Experiences For the two years Mr. Lau served as the CECO human factors group supervisor developing the program plan for the detailed control room design review.

He has also spent the prior two years developing and conducting a job position task analysis for plant operating positions.

He has 2 3 years of supervising and management experience, of which 20 years has been in the nuclear power area.

Mr. Lau has been a reactor operator in the navy nuclear program.

He has held positions in fuel handling, operating and training at CECO over the past 13 years.

From 1971 to the present he has an SRO license at the Quad Cities Station.


7 Mr. Howard's qualifications are as follows:

Educations B.S.

Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin,1955.

Experience For the past 5 years Mr. Howard has assisted in the Human Factors Reviews of CECO's Zion, LaSalle, Byron, Braidwood, Dresden, and Quad Cities nuclear stations.

For the 3 years he was Coordinator of the Byron /Braidwood Preliminary Design Assessment (PDA) and for 2 years assisted Mr. Squires and Mr. Lau in the development and implementation of the DCRDR Generic Program Plan for CECO nuclear plants.

For 7 years Mr. Howard was assigned as Staff Engineer in the Control & Instrument group of the Station Electrical Engineering Department and as of September 3, 1984 is a Staff Engineer in Tech Services Nuclear Department.

For 8 years prior to that he was Operating Engineer at the Zion Station (SRO license from 1973 to 1979).

Twenty-four of his 41 years experience with power plants have been in the nuclear power area, including assignments in operation, maintenance, construction and engineering.

-The posit' ion of Human Factors Management Assistant is being filled by Kathleen A. Hesse of CECO.

Ms. Hesse's qualifications are as'follows:


B.S.,-Psychology, Minor in Engineering l

Management, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1984.

- Associate;of1 Science in General Studies, Specialization in Pre-Engineering, Belleville r

Area College, 1980.

4 Diploma in Drafting, Specialization in Electrical j '

Drafting, St. Louis Tech., 1976.

- Experiences Since joining Commonwealth Edison Company in January of 1985, Ms. Hesse has supported projects under Commonwealth Edison Company's human factors engineering program.

Her main task is working closely with the Detailed 1-l Control Room Design Review Coordinator, offering additional support.

Ms. Hesse also works on the technical aspects of the project where and when help is needed.

Other' power plant experience includes employment with another utility company Ms'. Hesse has been-totally involved in all aspects of the Detailed _ Control Room Design Review-for the Commonwealth Edison nuclear stations.

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2.4 The position of Document and Documentation Controller has been removed from the review team.

The reason for this is that Ceco is utilizing a computerized data base management system (DBMS) which will provide the document control-and Security necessary to perform the DCRDR.

The individuals filling the Human Factors Engineering positions were made up of individuals from outside contractors.

2.5.1 Lead Human Factor Specialist The position of Lead Human Factors Specialist (LHFS) was filled by Mr. Robert L. Kershner from Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation.

Mr. Kershner's qualifications are as follows:



Human Factors psychology, the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.,



Applied Psychology, cum laude, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, 1975.


For the past five years Mr. Kershner, Vice President of Human Factors Technology Division for ARD Corporation, has worked in the nuclear utility industry providing support in a number of human factors areas including Lead Human Factors Engineer for over 8 DCRDRs, program plan develop-ment, SPDS design and evaluation, control room design reviews, and EOP validation.

Prior to that time, he spent six years designing, conducting and evaluating human factors research in vibrotactile codes, traffic management, driver information systems, low-fidelity simulation aids, information presentation to time critical materials, visual search patterns, and military systems design, analysis and improvement.

In addition, Mr. Kershner participated in underwater acoustical testing of nuclear submarines serving as assistant trial director.

9 Dr. Eugene B. Silverman, president of Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation, acted in a quality assurance capacity.

Dr. Silverman's qualifications are as follows:


Ph.D., Applied Experimental Psychology, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1976.


Human Factors, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1975.


Physiological Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1969.


Dr. Silverman has developed an organization which is highly responsive to the current needs of business and technology.

He has managed the comprehensive human factors engineering reviews of Pressurized Water Reactor and Boiling Water Reactor nuclear power plant control rooms.

The reviews were conducted within the operational, cost and schedule constraints of the plant and were implemented, jointly, with utility engi-neering and operations personnel.

Design issues addressed included control board layout, control / display design and functional grouping, environmental conditions, process computer performance, procedure (normal, emergency, and abnormal) effectiveness, maintainability and annunciator system design.

Supporting consulta-tion was provided in the areas of operator training, task analysis, human fatigue and stress, and personnel error analysis.


O 2.5.2 Human Factors Specialists The Human Factors Specialist positions are being filled by ARD Corporation personnel, the names, affiliations, and educational and experimental qualifications for these individuals are as follows:

Individual Mr. Stephen H. Cooley Affiliations Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation Education:


Industrial / Organizational Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, 1980.


Psychology with minors in Business Admini-stration and Statistics, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.,


Experience For the past four years, Mr. Cooley, a Senior Human Factors Specialist for ARD, has worked in the nuclear power industry.

He has provided support in a number of human factors areas that includes program plan development, control room design reviews, procedure writing and evaluation, training, and human error as a result of inade-quate man-machine interfaces.

Prior to his work in the nuclear industry, he worked for three years in designing, conducting and evaluating both applied and theoretical research in leader-ship emergence, personnel selection, personnel staffing patterns, stress management, group dynamics, market research, management assessment, and the psychological factors associated with addiction.

O Individual Mr. Christopher C.

Plott Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation Education:


Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 1983.


Kinesiological Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1981.


Presently, and for the last year and one-half, Mr. Plott has been involved in the evaluation of the complex man-machine interface issues in the nuclear industry as well as in the development of the coniputerized data base management system being used for a DCRDR.

For the previous two and one-half years, he was involved in various applied research projects conducted at Texas Tech.

These included work in the areas of work physiology, biomechanics, anthropometry, task analysis and work load measurement while under contract to the Bureau of Mines, the State of Texas, and the McDonnel Douglas Corp.

His responsibilities included the design, conduct and analysis of various aspects of these projects.

Mr. Plott has also worked in the areas of human-computer interface and software development.

1 Individual:

Ms. Kimberly R. Siler Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development ( ARD) Corporation Education B.S.,

Human Factors Psychology, Wright State University, Ohio, 1982.

Experiences Since joining the ARD Corporation in October of 1984, Miss Siler has been involved in the conduct of nuclear power plant CRDRs.

During the previous two years Ms. Siler was a research psychologist responsible for the design, implementation and analysis of applied research in the areas of Behavioral Workload Assessment and Diomagnetism in the Visual Evokcd Response Laboratory of the Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories / Human Engineering at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.

In addition to her research activities, Ms. Siler was continuing her education in the Graduate Program in Human Factors at the Psychology Department at Wright State University.


Mrs. Cynthia F. Weiss /Parr Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development ( ARD) Corporation Education:


Industrial Engineering (Occupational Safety and Health), NIOSH Graduate Traineeship, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982.


Industrial Engineering (Human Factors),

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1981.

. Experience Mrs. Parr has over three years experience in the nuclear power industry and, as a project engineer in the Human Factors Technology Group, she has provided human factors engineering support to a variety of ARD programs.

Her expertise in the control room is in the design and retrofit of annunciator reviews for several nuclear stations and has published and presented a paper on this subject.

In addition, she has designed work-stations for control room operators to ensure that computers, hardcopy records, and spare parts were easily accessible, and performed environ-mental evaluations on light, ventilation, and auditory design to numerous stations.

Individual Mr. Donald F. Taylor Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation Education:


Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (Human Factors), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, /

Virginia, 1975.


Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1972.

Experiences Mr. Taylor has been active in human factors for a period of over ten years.

He has applied experience in mechanical and fluids engineering as well as in nuclear maintenance and operations.

As a senior engineer in the Human Factors Technology Group, Mr. Taylor provides human engineering support to the ARD nuclear programs.

Mr. Taylor has extensive experience in the design, evaluation, and enhancement of the man-machine interface in process control appli-cations.

He developed human factors guidelines for the design of nuclear power plants, the preparation of emergency procedures, and the development of maintenance procedures and docu-mentation.

He has participated in all phases of Control Room Design Reviews (CRDRs), including over 75 interviews with licensed nuclear operators and surveys of 15 control rooms.

Mr. Taylor developed criteria, methods and procedures for the analysis, verification, and validation of control room tasks, and surveys of control room equipment.

Individual Dr. Karen A. Budzeika Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development (ARD) Corporation Education:


Industrial / Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1985.


Industrial / Organizational Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1982 B.A.,

Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1978.


Since recently joining ARD, Dr. Budzeika has been actively involved in nuclear industry human factors engineering including task analysis, control room design reviews, and user surveys.

Prior to this, Dr. Budzeika planned and directed research for job evaluation, test validation and development, and goal setting.


Budzeika has also done extensive job analysis and classification work for a large public utility.

Other projects involved organizational research of a nuclear power plant facility.

Other experience has included work in performance appraisal, organizational effectiveness, and job satisfaction.


Budzeika has also conducted interviews in a wide variety of settings and has taught undergraduate courses.


Ms. Donna L. Churchill-Teran Affiliation:

Advanced Resource Development ( ARD) Corporation Education:


Human Resource Development, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May, 1985.

-Experience Based on extensive task analysis of the human resource management system, Ms.

Churchill-Teran developed a curriculum plan to train Air Force personnel in the field.

She conducted performance systems analysis at Carle Hospital in Urbana, Il.

Based on this research, she designed a training program to recertify their hospital staff.


Churchill-Teran worked with a computer software development firm to produce courseware for industrial training purposes.

Presently she is applying her training and experience to complex man-machine interface issues in the nuclear industry.

(- -

The position of Subject Matter Expert is being filled by:

William R. Kurth of CECO.

Mrs Kurth's qualifications are as follows:

Educations B.S., in Nuclear Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1977.

Experience For the past 3 months Mr. Kurth has served as the Assistant Superintendent of Operations at Zion.

For the 5 months prior to that he served as Assistant Superintendent of Technical Services and for the 2 1/2 years prior to that he served as Station Instrument Engineer at Zion Station where he was Department Head.

Prior to that, for 51/2 years he was an engineer on Tech. Staff.

(SRO license for the past 4 years).

The position of System Design Engineer is being filled by Michael Peterson of CECO.

Mr. Peterson's qualifications are as follows:


Professional Engineer in Illinois M.S., in Nuclear Engineering, Northwestern University.


in Physics, Case Institute of Technology.


For the past 3 years, Mr. Peterson has been in the Station Nuclear Engineering Department providing support for modifications to Zion Station including the control room.

Prior to that time, rce September of 1973, he was at Zion 2:

tion for 9 1/2 years total.

He was Cechnical Staff for 6 years and was e

on shift, holding a SRO license for 3 1/2 years.