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Rev 0.J to Odcm
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Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 01/13/1993
PROC-930113, NUDOCS 9302030289
Download: ML20034D544 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:, g. s January 13, 1993 Attached are the recent revisions to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCH) Zion Chapter 11. i Please complete the following manual update: f f Remove Insert l Zion Station Annex Index e Zion Station Annex Index Chapter 11, p. 11-1 Chapter 11, p. 11-1 Rev 0.A, April 1991 Rev. 0.J. September 1992 Zion Station Annex

  • Zion Station Annex Chapter 11, p. 11-5 Chapter 11, p.11-5 Revision 0 Revision 0.3 March, 1989 September, 1992 Zion Station Annex
  • Zion Station Annex e

Chapter 11, p. 11-12 Chapter 11, p.11-12 Rev. O, March 1989 Rev. 0.J. September 1992 l Please sign and date this control sheet. Return to: i C0HMONHEALTH EDISON COMPANY c/o Document Control - Emergency Preparedness 72 West Adams - Room 1237E Chicago, IL 60690 (312) 294-8665 Your signature indicates you have verifi hat ur control copy is correct. I / X244 NF.c Lic JUC CTat ubK, C. PATtL } DIREC1Cd Of NUC. REACTOR REGULATION U. 5. auw. dEGutt,TO RY CCMMISS10h ignature MAIL IATION P1-13/ DA5HIh67dh DC [l' 20555 Date 9302030289.930113 DR ADOCK 05000295 J )v l PDR .I ZEMERPLN/347/11

ZION REVISION 0.J SEPTEMBER 1992 ZION ANNEX INDEX ? P1JE REVISION GAPTER 11 11 0.J l 11-11 0.A 11-111 0.A 11-vi 0.A i 11-1 0 11-2 0 11-3 0 r 11-4 0 1 11-5 0.J 11-6 0 11-7 0.A 11-8 0.A 11-9 0.A 11-10 0.A l 11-11 0.A 11-12 0.J-11-13 0 L 11-14 0.A 7 I f i e I 11-1 20DCM/30

]N R 310M 0.J SEPTEMBER.1492 Table 11-1 (Cont'd) Exposure Pathway Sampling or Type and Frequency and/or Samole Samolina or Monitorina locationsa Collection Freauency of Analysis 3. Haterborne (Cont'd) Z-19 Great Lakes Naval Training Center Hater Horks, 9.9 ml 5 (15.8 km J) b. Coolino1 Hater Z-22 Unit 1 inlet at station - Heekly Gross beta analysis. Simp 1g9 Z-23S Unit i discharge at station weekly. Compostte for Z-23N Unit z discharge at station tritium analysis quarterly, c. Shoreline Z-25 Lake Michigan, Illinois Beach Semlannually Gama isotopic Sediments 9 State Park, 2.0 mi S (3.2 km J) analysis semiannually 4. Inaestion a. Fishb Z-24 Lake Michigan near site at Semiannually Gama isotopic station analysis on edible portions of each sample. b. Hilkb Z-21 Steinbrink Dairy, 8.1 mi NH Semimonthly: Hay to October Gama isotopic and (13.0 km Q) Honthly: November to April I-131 analysis on Z-26 Kleinschmidt.Dalry, 6.75 mi NH each sample (10.9 km Q) c. Food Products Indicators Samples of three Grown nearest each of two different Monthly when available and Gama isotopic and different kinds offsite locations of highest predicted required; riggired oniv if I-131 analysis of broadleaf annual average ground level D/Q (see milk samolina not oerformed vegetation. Table F-5) 11-5 ZODCH/30

" ' EVCION 0.J R SEPTEMBER 1992 - ! [f -{Racine f 1; l ) was 31 j u.s. 45 l 1 1. 1 u.s. es u a enosna wis se p eis l I,, !.i oi consin ~~ niin&i ~~ sum /[\\ Antioch(#J - 1 / LAKE = m es \\ -) [ MICHIGAN j g .g E i31 s I \\ EU %E*4 j u.s. 4s u,, j f Waukegan 9 it North Chicago u se g/' - Muncelein >] l /, Lake Bluff j F Librtyville ! 's j_ 'l _i h%q y i 4' j g u e. -N-j 4 r f a s is is se asues ~ 1 ?_ _ _? ir = 4y l 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL -. DON STATION l i h FGURE 111 -j LOCATON OF FDCED AIR, WATER AND uu smetEs j r.,%, 11-12 l -}}