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[Table view] |
ffGE A&II REVISION Table of Contents 1
0 1.0 Purpose 2
0 l
2.0 Raftrences 3.0 Initial Cenditions & Test Apparatus l
4.0 Precedure 3
Q l
4 0
5.0 Test Results Analysts 5
0 C Dy7 "00rm n7
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'W Tagg Date Test Perform d Test Farfenned By Test Reviewed By Tech 5+aff Superviser
$$[$0SS! SIS P
G This precedure contains 5 pases.
0520s 1
Rev. 0 1.0 PURPCSE The surgese of this procedure is to determine if there is afiy inlaakage into sections of ductwork under negative pressure (outside the control room boundary) relativa to areas external to the ductwork.
Also, to determine if there is any leakage past the outside air isolation dager-0Fev-pvas when it is in the accident (closed) position.
There are no acceptance criteria for this test.
2.0 REFEREl*CES 1.
P&ID M-B1 2.
MUREG 0737 Item III.D.3.4 on Control Room Habitability Analysis.
3.0 INITIAt. CONDITIONS AND TEST ADpAEATUS 3.1 Inform Shift Management of this test and verify that either train A cr 5 of the control Room Ventilation System is operating normally and that the system is in the accident mode (if not, request Shift Management to place the system into the accident mode for the duration of the test).
3.2 Obtain a helium bottle with pressure regulator and spray nozzle, the helium mass spectrometer with recorder, and appropriate tubing for helium dispersal into 617' HVAC room.
3.3 Fosition and startup the helium mass spectrometer in the control rc:m with its sensing lina in one of the convenient supply grills near the centst of the control room.
During the test allow the spectrometer to return to stable readings after each set of helium sprayc.
The readings, hcwever, will not return to pre-spray levels since the system is in a closed i
recirculation loop (accident mode) and so the helium backgrcund the spectrometer senses in the Control Room Will gradually rise With each spray.
1 3.4 Obtain a calibrated flowmeter with a range of shout l
1 CFM.
UNCcNT Pert,
In y 0PY tAnyyng 0520s 2
TSEP-47 Ilev. 0 4.0 M 4.1 Set the he Htus bottle spray pressura at abcut 5 psig.
4.2 To corr,lete a known inleakate rate to a heliums sness seestrarneser reading. remove the 1" plua atop the charcoal filter section of the Control Room Maka-Up ventilation unit, attach the flowooter with its inlet valve full open to the open port. and sprey helium et the fIcwneter intet at a distance of about 1 foot for about 5 seconds.
Note the flowneter reading and its corresponding heliura reading on the mass spectrometer (there will be about 30 second delay between spray and helium indication).
Flowmeter reading CFM Helium indication (a relative dimensionless number)
M9.Il In reading the helium indications for steps 4.3 through 4.7, note the levels for each valley and peak of the heliian indication (for a particular spray) on the recorder since the overaH indication for each step will be the sum of all valley to peak readings for that particular stop (spray). Multiple peaks for one spray step may occur due to the helium entering the ductwork at different times resulting in the mass spectrometer enceuntering the helium at different times, therefore giving more than one peak per spray.
4.3 To determine if there is any tenkage past the elesed outside air isolation damper 50 to the Unit 2 containment Purge supply outside air plenum and walk into the control rocsi cutside air ductwork about 10 feet.
Spray heHum across the entire cross-section of the ductwork for abcut 10 seconds.
Allow a maximum of abcut 3 minutes
'for a helium indication to register on spectrometer.
Helium indication 4.4 Go into the Unit 2 Containment purga exhaust plenum upstream cf the prefilters and spray the externals of the isolation damper and all downstream ductwork frem the damper.
Spray in a sweeping motion about 1 to 2 feet frem the ductwork for about 10 seconds.
Allow 3 minutes for a response.
Heliu:n indication _
U gNCOgTRO The wu rum wa OS20s 3
g g_ _ __ _.
Rev. 0 4.5 Separately repeat the spraying procedurg of step 4.4 on the control room ductwork exiting the 617' level HVAC roove, the ductwork rusming thrcuch the 630' level cable spreading rooms, and the ductwork running through the Technical Support Center on the 642' level.
617' level helium indication l
630' level helium indication 542' level helium indication
4.6 Go into the 6178 level MVAC room (where the bulk of the control room ventilatien equipment and ductwork is located) and position the helium bottle near the center of the room.
Run the tubin's f rom the helium bottle to the four general areas where the control room ventilation equipment is located. Specifically, fasten one tubing run each in the area of the return fans, the make-up unit, and the main air handler suction side ductwork for each train A and B.
This wilI he sufficient to introduce helium in the designated areas at the same time. Set the helium discharge regulator at about 10 psig and verify the HVAC room docr is closed.
Open the helifde bottle and allow about $0 cubic feet of helium into the room.
Allow about '3 minutes for helium indication. Note that this indication is a cumulative response such that any leak peak indicated will be added on to by the next leak. The cysrall peak is the sum total of all f
valley to peak readings.
Helium indication for Train 4.7 Have Shift management switch to the previously non-rgnning ventilation train and repeat the proctdure of step 4.6.
Helium indication for Train 4.9 Infom Shift 14anagement that the test is complete and that the system can be returned to its normal modo as desired.
l l
OgO At Y*'
peticymnW 05205 4
T5BP-47 Rev. O
l l
To determina the sum total inleakage into the dustwork, add the helium indicaticns as shown below. This total should be divided by the helium l
indication from step 4.2 and the result multiplied by the CFM of air l
tieted in step 4.2.
Helium Indications
Train _ step 4,3 Step 4.4 CFff CPR X
Stap4.5 _
Total Total inleakage i
Helia Meliun into sectand j
issing Train --
Step 4.6 IMication i
CFft inleakage per helta indication frca stap 4,2
Train Step 4.3 stap 4.4 CFR
- c.,
Step 4.5 Total inlaakage ste11e into ducteert Step 4.7 usingTrain u
fmn stae 4.2 i
PerformanceOf AnyTso F1kAL 0520s 5
.. -