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Basemat Monitoring Program Special Rept
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1986
From: Bari I, Lui P
Shared Package
ML20207G440 List:
NUDOCS 8701070308
Download: ML20207G461 (48)



a- [ LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD STEAM ELECTRIC STATION ( UNIT NO. 3 [ BASEMAT MONITORING PROGRAM SPECIAL REPORT [ [ Prepared By: I Bari/P C Liu Reviewed By: A H Wern [ [ December 30, 1986 [ [ [ Ebasco Services Incorporated 2400 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Suite 200 Kenner, Louisiana 70062 c [





2 5.0 DISCUSSION 2 5.1 Basemat Differential Settlement 2 l 5.2 Groundwater Chemistry 3 5.3 Groundwater Level 4 5.4 Crack Surveillance 4 REFERENCES TABLES Table 1 - Groundwater Chloride Content Table 2 - Groundwater Elevation I APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Basemat Edge to Shield Building - Baseline I Differential Calculation APPENDIX B - Monitoring Point Locations (Primary Monitoring Points) APPENDIX C - Differential Settlement Results Sheet (Sheet 1 to 6) APPENDIX D - Room / Area Inspection List (Sheet 1 to 2) APPENDIX E - Area / Room / Wall Inspection Data Sheet (Sheet I to 7) 1 -i-

1 FIGURES Figure 1 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 1 I Figure 2 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 2 Figure 3 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 3 Figure 4 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 4 Figure 5 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 5 Figure 6 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 6 Figure 7 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sn. i Figure 8 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 8 Figure 9 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 9 Figure 10 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 10 Figure 11 - Basemat Absolute Settlements Sh. 11 Figure 12 - Foundation Groundwater Characteristics DRAWINGS LP&L Dwg. No. G-C-0003, "Basemat Crack Map Outside RCB - Sh 1", Rev.1 LP&L Dwg. No. G-C-0004, "Basemat crack Map Outside RCB - Sh 2", Rev.1 I I I - ii - I

I LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD STEAM ELECTRIC STATION UNIT NO. 3 /' BASEMAT MONITORING PROGRAM SPECIAL REPORT I 1.0 PURPOSE Nuclear Plant Island Structure (NPIS) Common Foundation Basemat Monitoring Program required by Facility Operation License No. NPF-38, License condition C-17, has been established to provide continuing assurance of basemat integrity. The monitoring program has been l implemented according to LP&L Surveillance Procedures PE-5-033 and CE-2-100 (References 1 & 2). This is the first special report prepared to fulfill the program control requirements for summarizing the pertinent observations, measurements and evaluations conducted since I Waterford 3 has been in operations 2.0 SCOPE This report documents the results of the monitoring program in all four areas which have been specified by the Surveillance Procedures PE-5-033 I and CE-2-100 to demonstrate continued integrity of the basemat. The four areas are: a. Basemat differential settlement I b. Groundwater chemistry c. Seasonal variation of groundwater level D. Crack surveillance 3.0 CCNCLUSION The basemat monitoring program has been active for the period since I Waterford 3 has been in operation. The program has included all areas of observations, measurements and evaluations as required by LP&L Surveillance Procedures PE-5-033 and CE-2-100. The four areas which i have been verified by the surveillance program have been determined to be: a. Basemat differential settlement - all calculated differential I settlements were within the defined limits. b. Groundwater chemistry - all chloride contents of groundwater are I substantially below the defined limit. c. Seasonal variation of groundwater level - groundwater level variation is small, and no definite trend yet observed. I I

d. Crack surveillance - All acceptance criteria have been met except one which related to the requirements of crack length (Section 7.2, PE-5-033). An interim special report (Reference 8) has been I prepared and issued to evaluate this finding. It concluded that the finding has no detrimental effects on the integrity of the basemat. Therefore, it is concluded that the basemat has been verified by the surveillance program to be continuously operable. I


LP&L agreed to provide detailed commitments for development of a basemat i monitoring and surveillance program in December, 1984 (Reference 3). A proposed monitoring program was submitted for NRC review and approval in February, 1985 (References 4 and 5). The monitoring program entitled I "NPIS Common Foundation Basemat-Monitoring Program" incorporated NRC comments and was re-submitted tb NRC on February 25, 1985 (Reference 6). This monitoring program was specified by Facility Operation License No. NPF-38, License Condition C-17 as the basis for defining I requirements for a basemat monitoring program. The license condition also requires NRC Staff approval of significant changes to the program prior to their implementation. .I Meetings between NRC Staff, LP&L, BNL and Ebasco were held at Waterford-3 October 23-24, 1985 to further discuss the implementation of jl the monitoring program. At the meetings, a detailed Waterford 3 plant Y procedure was reviewed and a number of changes and additions were agreed to by LP&L. Additionally, LP&L agreed to provide commitments associated with reporting requirements, etc. which were not appropriate to cover in f the plant procedure. As the result of these meetings, a summary of program controls, the bases for selection of the acceptance criteria, and a summary of the changes made to the plant procedure were established and documented (Reference 7). 5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 Bas 6 mat Differential Settlement Settlement points established on the walls of the NPIS have been monitored and periodical measurements taken in accordance with LP&L Surveillance Procedure PE-5-033. A baseline date of July, 1984 was established for this monitoring and readings were taken quarterly initially. The surveillance interval after the first I three readings was lengthened to become semi-yearly because there were no significant changes observed and no adverse or unexplainable data had been obtained. The lengthening of the 'I surveillance interval met the requirements of Section 1.2, PE-5-033. I I

The acceptance criteria of basemat differential settlement as specified by Section 7.3, PE-5-033 is that the calculated differential settlement of the common foundation basemat, does not I exceed one (1) inch from the baseline differential. The differential settlement represents the difference in elevation between monitoring points at basemat center areas near Shield Building and monitoring points at the boundaries of the NPIS. The I baseline differential settlements were established for the baseline date of July, 1984 for eight sets of monitoring points as listed in Appendix A (from Attachment 10.6, PE-5-033, Revision I 1). The locations of these monitoring points are shown in Appendix B (from Attachment 10.4, 1 of 4, PE-5-033, Revision 1). The calculated differential settlements obtained for each I surveillance period been reviewed and evaluated for their acceptance. The results of these differential settlements are shown in Appendix C (from Attachment 10.8, PE-5-033). The maximum I baseline / calculated differential settlement is 0.040 ft. or 0.48 in. for measurements of 1/31/85. The differential settlements since then have reduced to become less than 0.024 ft. or 0.29 in. I None of these differences in the differential settlemer.ts has exceeded the one (1) inch acceptable limitation. Therefore, the basemat differential settlements during this period are acceptable. In addition, settlement monitoring points established on the basemat have also been monitored in accordance with LP&L Surveillance Procedure PE-5-033. Results are plotted as I settlement contours and shown on Figures 1 to 11. Figures 1 to 6 are the basemat settlements for each monitoring period and Figures 7 to 11 are the accumulated settlements since July, 1984. The basemat has undergone slight movement during this time with no I distinct trend being identified. The dif ferential settlements of these monitoring points have been compatible in the order of magnitude of the eight sets of monitoring points on walls with I minor local variations, and they are also well within the allowable limit. The local variation in settlements between monitoring points on I walls and the basemat likely resulted from local variation in thermal and creep effects, and non-uniform movements of the baseman. Because of the presence of this minor variation, the surveillance of the monitoring points on the basemat should be continued. 5.2 Groundwater Chemistry Chloride content of groundwater has been analyzed and determined quarterly in accordance with LP&L Surveillance Procedure CE-2-100 I (Reference 2). Water samples were obtained from two wells, located approximately 6 feet from the east and west exterior walls of the NPIS. The acceptable chloride content limitation is 250 ppm. I

I I The groundwater chloride contents obtained for this period are listed in Table 1, and also plotted on Figure 12. The range of the chloride contents varied from 14.4 to 46.0 ppm, and they are all well within the acceptable limitation. 5.3 Groundwater Level I The groundwater levels at the two wells used for obtaining water samples are measured quarterly. Since the end of 1985 the measurement time has been made to be concurrent with the basemat I settlement measurements according to Section 8.2, PE-5-033, Revision 1. The variation in groundwater level reflects the variation in I buoyancy for the basemat. It is utilized as background information in the evaluation of basemat settlement and movement. Therefore, no acceptance limitation has been specified. I The groundwater elevations

  • btained during this period are listed in Table 2, and also ploted on Figure 12.

The seasonal variation of groundwater is very similar between both wells. The over-all I variation during this period is small, approximately one (1) ft., and no definite trend yet observed. Part of these data were used in an interim special report (Reference 8) for a basemat evaluation. 5.4 Crack Surveillance Inspection of the cracks in accessible areas of the foundation basemat and selected walls at least once per 18 months is required by Section 1.1.3 of Surveillance Procedure PE-5-033. 5.4.1 Basemat Crack Inspection I The basemat areas inspected are listed in Appendix D (from 0.1, 1 of 2, PE-5-003 Revision 1). The inspection results were evaluated against acceptance criteria specified in Sections 7.1 and 7.2, PE-5-033, Revision 1 respectively as follows: a. No cracks greater than 15 mils (.015 inches) in width are visible in the accessible areas of the basemat surface. b. No new cracks are visible in the accessible areas of the basemat surface, which are essentially continuous and ten (10) feet or more in length. The first basemat crack inspection since Waterford 3 has been in operation was initiated on Friday, May 30, 1986 and completed on I Tuesday, June 3, 1986. The inspection was conducted using the baseline crack maps, LP&L Drawings G-C-0003 and G-C-0004 I I I

_.... ~.. _. I ,l (Reference 9). During the inspection several cracks longer than B 10 feet in length were detected which had not been identified during the original inspection in 1983 as recorded in the baseline crack maps. The areas and rooms which were detected to have 'I cracks not previously identified were Areas B-52 and 59A, and Rooms B-51, 56 and 57 as shown in Appendix E. The areas B-60 and 60A occupied by the pool water of wet cooling towers were not !l inspected due to inaccessibility. No cracks inspected had any !E significant and measurable open crack width. The inspection had determind that the acceptance criteria of Section 7.1, PE-5-033, Revision 1 has been met, and that of Section 7.2 has not been met. Immediately after the first detection of previously unmapped cracks on May 30, 1986, a preliminary evaluation was made. The results of the preliminary evaluation were reported verbally to the NRC Project Manager and Project Director on June 2, 1986. An interim special report ' Evaluation of Findings of Basemat Crack l Inspection of May/ June, 1986 (Reference 8)' was prepared and l submitted to NRC on July 1,*,1986 (Reference 10). The evaluation made in the interim special report concluded that: a. The previously unmapped cracks in the basemat existed during the 1983 inspection but were not mapped due to .I inaccessibility or because they were extremely fine hairline cracks and, hence, either not detected due to the concrete surface conditions at the time of inspection or considered to be superficial. b. The previously unmapped cracks are judged to be similar in age and character to those cracks previously identified I and appear to be members of the same family. They are considered to be structurally insignificant and have no detrimental effects on the integrity of the basemat of the NPIS. Therefore, the interim special report fulfilled the requirements of Sections 8.1.3 to 8.1.5 of the Surveillance Procedure and verified that the basemat has been determined operable. Further, future basemat. inspections will use recently revised and I updated baseline crack maps - LP&L Drawings G-C-0003 and G-C-0004, Revision 1. 5.4.2 Wall Crack Inspection The inspection and photographic survey of selected wall areas were performed in June, 1986 according to the requirements of Section I 8.4, PE-5-033, Revision 1. The inspection results were evaluated against acceptance criteria specified in Section 7.5, PE-5-033, Revision 1 that no cracks greater than 15 mils in width are visible in the shield building and wet cooling tower exterior 'I walls selected for inspection. It had been verified that the acceptance criteria had been met. . I

I REFERENCES 1. LP&L Surveillance Procedure "NPIS Foundation Basemat Integrity Check', I PE-5-033, Revision 1. I 2. LP&L Surveillance Procedure " Chemistry Technical Specifications", CE-2-100, Revision 1. 3. Letter, W3P84-3414, K W Cook to G W Knighton, dated December 7, 1984. 4. Letter, W3P85-0362, K W Cook to G W Knighton, dated February 8, 1985. 1 5. Letter, W3P85-0387, K W Cook to, D M Crutchfield, dated February 12, I 1985. 6. Letter, WP85-0464, K W Cook to G W Knighton, dated February 25, 1985. 7 Letter, W3P86-0111, K W Cook to G W Knighton, dated January 20, 1986. 8. Report - " Evaluation of Findings of Basemat Crack Inspection of I May/ June, 1986", dated June 30, 1986. I 9. Drawings: LP&L Dwg No. G-C-0003 "Basemat Crack Map Outside RCB - Sh 1", Revision 0, and LP&L Dwg. No. G-C-0004 "Basemat Crack Map Outside RCB - Sh 2', Revision 0. 10. Letter, W3P86-1639, K W Cook to G W Knighton, dated July 1, 1986. l I I I ?

p._ I I I lI l E E I I I I B I I I I -I I I

I TABLE 1 c-LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY L WATERroRo sEs UNIT NO. 3 NUCLEAR PLANT ISLAND STRUCTURE GROUNDWATER CHLORID?. CONTENT (ppm) l LOCATION DATE EAST WELL WEST WELL 8/29/84 22.0 17.5 I i 11/29/84 35.0 28.5 3/4/85 37.0 25.0 6/13/85 35.0 22.0 9/21/85 23.0 14.4 l 11/25/85 46.0 18.0 3/6/86 35.0 16.0 6/2/86 33.0 15.0 9/5/86 33.0 20.0 11/20/86 31.0 20.0 l l 1 I s

I TABLE 2 I LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD SES UNIT NO. 3 I NUCLEAR PLANT ISLAND STRUCTURE GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FT.) I LOCATION DATE EAST WELL WEST WELL 6/13/85 11.50 11.50 9/21/85 U 10.70 10.97 11/25/85 11.65 11.52 3/6/86 11.57 11.70 1 7/19/86 11.80 12.01* 9/5/85 11.75 11.91 11/20/86 11.90 12.11 Note:

  • Groundwater elevations are based on data from task cards of

" Sample Groundwater for Chlorides & Level", except data for 7/19/86 are according to measurements recorded in " Survey for Settlement." I I I I I l lI I

E c L F 1 O APPEND' ICES 4 [ m l I ( "g 9

g..... ~ I I I I I lI _&x x l l Basemat Edge to Shield Building - Baseline Differential Calculation I I I I I I I I I I I

I I BASEMAT EDGE TO SHIELD BUILDING BASELINE DIITERENTIAL CALCULATION I BASELINE Monitoring Points Baseline Elevations DIITERENTIAL I A('SP-C5) - SE(SP-MI) = 25.385 - 20.953 4.432 ft. = I A(SP-C5) - NE(SP-M2) = 25.385 - 20.969 4.416 ft. = B(SP-C6) - NW(SP-M3) 22.269 - 20.961 = 1.308 ft. = B(SP-C6) - SW(SP-M4) 22.269 - 23.922 1.653 ft. = = l A(SP-C5) - El(SP-MS) = 25.385 - 21.387 = 3.998 ft. A(SP-C5) - E2(SP-M6) = 25.385 - 20.987 = 4.398 ft. B(SP-C6) - W1(SP-M7) 22.269 - 24.306 = 2.037 ft. = I B(SP-C6) - W2(SP-M8) = 22.269 - 24.294 = 2.025 ft. I I I I I I I PE-5-033 Revision 1 APPENDIX A j I

I I I I I I .... 1x e u I l I 1 E 1 I 1 E i I I



. son a I so me s#-W3 q ses. so-u? i 3 semnce . sem s > s,r, e $.** 1 l ace i stos. .cs _ m. I 4sLAme sfeuCTunt s#-m, , s,. I I I I I PE-5-033 Revision 1 APPENDIX B I

[ E E E APPENDIX C Differential Settlement Results Sheet E [ t E 5

l RSK cano.' Mrs -ypiS94.o, compeyra : m/.rijpg .E BASEMAT EDGE TO SHIELD BUILDING DDTERENTIAL CALCULATION SHEET I Elevations Difference ff t.) Monitorier Points From Attachment 10.5 A-NE 2 5. 370 - C o. 9 ~1 S 4.395 -(,.o z.i) A-5E 26.370-2p.955 4.4-15 -(,. Os 1) j B-SW 22.zGS - 23 9:s [.64 7 -(.ccG) B-Nw 22.zcs - zo. 9G 3 f,,3 o 5 l -(.co a) A-11 15.570 - 2.l.386 3.983 ,j -(.ota) A-E2 2.5.37D - 20.960 4.,34O l -(. cob) B-wl Z2. 2G S - 24. Sio z.o4 2. g + (.cos) B-w2 2.2.2GB - z4. zq 3

1. 0 Z S

(. *4 ONE[i)esca =. os3.Ft. g ( ) THE N uv.m E/2 iM iS THE DiF C E G ETW E EN l THE PRESE N T cAtcut ArnoM Awo 714 6 GASEL# w E C4LCULAT 8 0A ( ATTAc.M ID fo REQUlle D SY TECH S PECS. M.O blFF6/2.EMt E Ev.C6&b S TH E TECH. SPEC.. L.t M r T 'I oe. , os2; Fr. (owe (s) iscs), E ,L bL~t +,te+ 3 o.m3 -,x c

L ~ rssx ceo : na -deaaissopo, L coupmo : //s//BS F DIrranTIAI, smuunrr usnTs surr GL { Difference Between The Baseline (Attsch. 10.6) and Calculated (Atuch.10.7) h uitoring Points Resnitants A-sg C. O 3 2. A-R m v 40 5-BW

  • o.o#O FW O O 17 A-El en - o i 6 A-E2 o o ei B-U1 o O O 9, 5-U2 o o IO

[ Q [ . -mm... ( A PPE-h) D1 X C ( 2 of G) J

I ~ 7 r-- 779sxcego. msmpts srsipsi CoMPLEJCD: Sf,3lg5 r LL DInzaarrIAL szTrlzunrr REsm.Ts sic 2T Difference Between The Baseline (Attach.10.6) and Calenlated (Attach. 10.7) Monitoring Points Resultants A-5E o. o o c; 8 A-EE ,' O. O O G ' -EW O.Oli B 3-SW n. O 06' A-El O. O 00) ' A-E2 c.Oo8' I B-W1 O.OOD B-W2 o.o a ? ' l I Nota: One (1) inch =.083 ft. ( $ of 6) APP &WDI X C.

5 M id ' N //S & f q -41 W JED. /2-5-85 I DITIT.RENTIAL SETTLDfENT RESULTS SHEET Difference Between The Baseline (Attach. 10.6) and Calenlated (Attach.10.7) Monitoring Points Resultants A-51 4.432.- 4 428

  • 00 4 A-xE 4 4tG - 4 423 coi I

B-NW l%. 3o8 - t.'2.3[(o.f3,z.h sr h u+ t

  • 3$N'VS'

^'O- .012. I B-SW l. 4 6 '3 - L.GS G .co3 A-El

5..> 9 8.-

5.995 h8 A-E2 4.398-4.4OS .co1 g s-v1 2.o =,1 - 2.o24 . o i5 n-v2 z.ozs - 2.o29 oo4 g I I ~ E I B.( Note: One (1) inch =.083 ft. I APPEM D I X c (4 of 6) I

I .. 1 --fggcMO $3-Nf!)Sascmf-o I I c697ED : 7/9/86 ( DITTEENTIAL SETTIIT.NT RESULTS SEET I I. BASELINE CALCUIATED BASELINE / DITTERENTIAL DIITERENTIAL CALCUIATED Monitorinz Foints fATTA3. 10. 6) _(ATTA G. 10.7) DITTERENTIAL I A-5E 4.432 _. 4.4[2 d.02 gg m I A-NE 4.416 4 3 9.3 d.0Z 3 gg m /.32 / o.o /.3 a-mv I.30s-ge B-Sv 1.653 [.06 d.403 gg = l A-El 3.998 3.979 d.d/9 gg = A-E2 4.398 4.,38/ d,O/7 gg. $k_ 2,d2d 46/3-ft I B-W1 2.037 a a-v2 2.025 2407 44/6 = ge I I. BASELINE /CALCUIATED DIFFERENTIAL ACCEPTANG CRITERIA IS 10.083 FT (ONE ING). l I 'I I ~~ " ~~ I l i

L rH;K C/1?D : WiI S M f ! S 8,4Si M A T-c CedJ TD iib't /sf. u DITTERENTIAL SETTIIMENT RESUI.TS SEIT [ mAsEtzwE cucuum sAsulxtf DDTERENTIAL DITTERENTIAI, CALCULATED Monitorina Points (ATTA 3. 10.6) (ATTA G. 10.7) DITTERENTIAL ,-a s.ssa 4.409 0.024 se = A-m

s. sis 4.39 7 0.0 /9

= re /.294 6,o/4 et n-sv t.3on = b n-sv 1.653 /r &6(* d.do3 se = { .3.98M A-El 3.998 d,0/4-it = f.388 o,0/d re-A-E2 s.39s = 2.o# d,407 et n-vt 2.o37 = n-v1 1.ons 2 030 d.005 se = b [ n - i - - - - - -,c a m, 1 m u 1, s....,,, e m 1, [ [ [ [

[ [ [ [ I I APPENDIX D Room / Area Inspection List i I I I I I ~ I

U I ROOM / AREA INSPECTION LIST BEPORTABI.E FINDINGS INSPECTION COMPLEYED ROOM /AREAf ROOM / AREA NAME YES - NO INITIAL /DATE J ,,(c.ircle one) Y-hN @ 5 2/-86 El Corridor B5 Pump Area Y-@ ] 5-2/ -86 ~ 36 GasDecayTank$~' Y-@ '_~hkS'2/-86 37 Gas Decay Tank AB Y-@ "9y 5-2/- 96 38 Cat Decay Tank A Y-@ } 5-2/-06 39 Waste Gas Comp. A Y-@ _ if 5 2/-86 B10 Waste Gas Comp. B Y-

  1. 5-2/-96 B11 Gas Surge Yank Y-

_ k 6 - b -8/p B12 Eq. Drain & Sump Pumps Y-Yf 5-2/- 96 315 SI Pump Ba. A Y-M (r-5-th ~ 316 SI Pump Bs. 3 Y-@ "h6'5 06 517 Corrido'r-Y-@ k 6-2/-66 S/D Cooling Ex B Y-@ Mr 6 B6 B20 322 Waste. Yank Rs. B Y-@ A 5-2/ 6(c B23 Waste Pump Bs. A Y-@ M 6-2/- F;6 324 Waste Yank En. A Y-$ "4 5-2/-66 B25 Waste Pump En. B Y-h "N 6-2/-86 I,aundry Yank Bs. Y-h hf 5-2/ *SC B26 331 Waste Cond. Yanks Y-@ M 6-2/'86 B32 Weate Cond. Pumps Y-h M S'E/ ' 8 6 339 Holdup Pump A Y-h k 6-2/ '96 340 Boldup Pump B Y-6-J/'86 341 Boldup Recire Pump Y-I 6-J/ ~ 8 0 I B45 BA Condensate Yanks Y-h N 8~2/~ 80 B48 S/D Cooling Beat BI A Y-h N 5-2/ ~h6 B49 Yurb. Driven Aux. F.W. Pump Y-h "M 6-2/'8C B49A Aux. F.W. Pump A Y-@ n5 zi-FG B49B Aux. F.W. Pump B Y-% f7f5~2/~86 B50 Diesel Stor. Yk. A Y-h h 8.30- 86 W APP &MDtX D (l of d

I R00!f/ AREA INSPECTION LIST REPORTABLE FIMDINGS INSPECTION C0ffPLETED R00ff/ AREA # ROOff/ ARIA MA!!E YES - NO INITIAL /DATE (circle one) B51 Sanitary Eq. - ' -- h - N N 30-96 B52 Diesel Stor. Yk. B h-N .h 5"So-f( B53 Vault Area Y-h _ ~ hk 6'2f-86 I B56 East Vault Ares h-N N 5-3s-64 B57 West Vault Area $-N "n 5-So-66 B58 IRB Sub Basement Y-@ N (c 90 B59 Cooling Tower Area A Y-h SY 6-2-S4 B59A Cooling Tower Area B h-N N (,-2-66 360 Wet Cooling Tower A Y-N 2 r b f /f M M N fs/I M B60A Wet Cooling Tower B Y-N M/MdlId- /l[6(, I NOTE: I Rooms B13, 346 and B47 have been omitted because of expected high radiation conditions. I &(10 And 0-66A aAL hiri nsfd/2'nHf I D-AAIAA inslaa Mhh&LiiML Auzu rdaisar ~ A. 8I4. $/ 83o B45.ad84'8 an adCrikdanssbGttisit fold (Attuado11%biniEuw $2 63 B4 627 828.529 RSSEM tes A u. sh as. e42. us aJ Bh5A 'ny/> s ' fis'ac/W bo l 1/i; o. n a t i k < li m h g v ~ a a g y,. ci,,o m,A n ns n hoAw;At'A-Q mhun e,As h e g en; ro>. wic APPEMDix D (2 of 2 ) g

I I i I I d I APPENDIX E Area / Room / Wall Inspection Data Sheet I f I I I I I I I I I I

L r L AREA / ROOM / WAIL INSPECTION DATA SHEET 00M/ WALL NUMBER b b 1 DATE INSPECTED 6 N ~86 -(.h64ux N zusrzcn os PERroanzo nT o o DESEL STORACE TblK B M i ..- h 0 _f-i. o [ O-A km [ [ [ [ d [ [ { NOTE: { Locate vs11s, doors, stairs, equipment, coluna lines on sketch for ~ orientation purposes. [ APPEMblX E ('

  1. 7)


  • AtJITA R 4 E O.

a I i .I I l i I l E l 3

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\\2.k lI NOTE: Locate walls, doors, stairs, epipeast, columa lines os sketch for 1 .u u.a,,s... I APPerdo I X (2 d7) ,I

I lI' I AREA / ROOM / WAIL INSPECTION DATA SEET I { AREA WAIX NID0lER b DATE INSPECTED bN"85 l INSFECTION FERIORtED BY h bM-O EAST V60LT _y fm s J s ~_ i cx/ 12.A NOTE: I.ocate walls, doors, stairs, equipment, colume lines os sketch for orientation purpoees. _APPE9DlX 6 (3 *E D

i I 1 I (l ARIA / ROOM /WAU, INSPECTION DATA SEIT i /WAU. Nasta B57 DAR INSrECHD 8'30-86 g zusrzerzon rzaronszD sr 9-M l u I WEST VAtJLT M N - t T, I I i I I \\- l l \\ I I. I . m ..u... ...... -... 1 u..... c .c .u..,n. g APPEMDIX & ( 4 of "I )

[ E' ARIA / ROOM /WAI.L INSPECTION DATA SHEET [ /vAE NoumEn B59A nan Ix5tEcTEn (.,-2-8(, [ asrzenas traronszn nr 9.hd 0 COOLING TZwaME4 8 C m [ [ [ ~ [ 1 [' i i i N t h [ \\ .s 3 { .)) \\ v [ 50TE: Escate walle, doors, stairs, etuipeast, colume lines os sketch for orientation purposes. t A PPiii::MD l X 6". ( "> 0 7) O

[ ( L AREA /R00ff/WAU INSPECTION DATA SHEET [ =E4 oon/viu. mmER B594

== usMCnD G.2-u, DSMCTIoK PERFOR!tED BY 9 ~ V (.) _. [ .._.O c 0 LI M_ G._. T D M. AREA-6 . g. { [ .>.... g... ~. -. .u l.,.- . f_. l ) [ l l { ~ s \\ [ t Tz /: [ ,/ [ NOTE: IostK' walls-dders, stairs, equipment,~ column linas os skatch for orientation,yurposas. I APP ErdDIX E- (0 f 7)

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/ 9 c-a) g ') W 0 's tlOA h 0 'eg ~ o SP-ssa = /s9 74_ ,o EW'D4 0 D Joe o ,i B -4 e -4GA o M MOTES *. 5^- cowTounsiw o.coiPT o SP-8, (,,,)j/ _Q o SP=MoulTDRauG PolNTS (-i2) y (.), o,wa sp.p t h P N . __ #g, .9 TI N APERTURE --~-~ '2 " ( 4) ~j CARD SP-A h IA Also Available On t Aperture Card j* !s-c. i s2'- o . sz' o .st o s,tt o, 8701070308-6( t N d M O LOUISIANA POWER a LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980-165 MW INSTALLATION EM6EMAT AB6OLUTE SETTLEMEMTS Sit ( .EMEMTS E S D,E,y,cE,,,C._,,EtD SCALE l"- 40 ' RELEASED DATEla-2(s4(a DIV (JVil - FEM DR. M E P U"' O. DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED =

m n a r --------- ~ S SO'- O" 1 D I S O '- Co " 2' l r l7g. ~ q y - $ / r {7,g M - (-7) S P - 2 gg 'h kket s tlP-L1 lFM a C l /-1) L i 'k k (OFM " t-1 4 x \\ 'g Sea [ 9 ]L ~ ( , 7 fpg [ } T ~ e h SFW t t e 2Fu ) e4 + [ (FM [ in Cd i gg f Y5Y. [.. ,/ i - +10 " g b, ~ ( 8 3 6 [$ l'.I LI i e+ ] 'E C lm gg ~ IP i3 i i l 1 m.j-o e i e . 20'- @. 22'- G.It'-G. to'-G.16'-G,. 22'O,. 24'- O .24'G. 24'- G. 21'-o.1.S' o _.e f W V U T2 Ti s R Pi N M L A aucrom r L St.DG.i BASEMAT ABSOLUTE SETIU l, PERiop : ocT'84 Tb JAN'95 p[ S MoMTM6 'I a x l

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ia y 9 'e v p g 'ow (+24 9 sP E, y - # 8 A. os" 7A_ qo f N CoE O .I BLDCS -4 &e -%(.oA o M MOTES *. N h g conTouns in o.coi wr -~ (-) = cowu gie g sp.p, ,Q c SP=McMITOR. lug PolNTS i l S h ~ ,_s 9'a TI a -O2A ^ APERTURE NPA9 CARD o N x 'l- 'lA. t Also Avcilable On 5'- C' - -8 Aperttire Card i 8 t ,2 '- o . sz' o .s2 o 3,2t o 8 't 01 u 'l 0 s O s-ol K J u 6 LOUISIANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1865 MW INSTALLATION eu,EMT ABSouRE SETREMEWS StZ _MENTS ,,,,co,E,y,c,,,c._,,,t, SCAtE I"- 40 RELEASED DATE(a 2/s 8p c orv NIL-F(QUse on.MEP CH' hs W DATE REVISION SY CH. RELEASED

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~ 7 \\ n s - co" .x ' 17A. Y'F O Y -O l-11 ~g ') Q \\ 0 'A v b tioA O 'e 'h 2 \\ O u,# V2-E. a. O C. D i= ^ c.T. o m. . g_ '.o O I SLDCa.

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-%(.0A b O MOTES *. ,'b 74 CDNTtX.lRh IM O. col FT +22) -k (.) - powg _4 o SP MoMODR.lwG PolNTS N i .o .9 \\" g(P f. TIS) g f) . -. - +%, 9 TI ..h2A APERTURE (t 5) .9 CARD p N o I -~ t Also Available On

g. a g

Aperture Card 2'-o sz' o .s2'o . wo, 8 701070408 6'5 K J Lt 6 LOUISlANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1865 MW INSTALLATION S46E/AAT A260 LUTE 6ETTLEMEMTS 5t+3 MENTS E co E,v,cE, ,,c._ E,Eto S CALE l"- 40 ' RELEASED DATElo*~2/s-Es FIC7URE on.MEP CH. biW DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED

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4-BAD READING;(NOTUSED) 6, 9 _.k TI 2A 7,9 -3 APEllTURE 4 CARD _ _ _d_ _"qg ,t El-c. 6 Also Available On i ._E ^ . s2f o [ 8 7 010 7 0 S h"8S ,2'-o . sz' o t N d M h LOUISIANA POWER 8 LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1865 MW INSTALLATION EM:>EMAT A260uRE SETTLEMEMTS SM 4 _.MEMTS c co,,,y,ce,,,c._,,,c, SCALE I"- 40 ' RELEASED DATEG-2/s-Sp F(QUSE on.MEP g,, DATE REYlSION BY CH. RELEASED

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t Aperture Card s'-o a i ..g it'- o . st' o.. s t!. o ; 8701070308-05 t K J M 4 LOUIStANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1165 MW INSTALLATION EWW. MAT A260 LUTE SETTLEMEMTSSH 5 N D ESASCO SERVICES INC.-FIELD SCALE l"- 40 ' RELEASED (M V24, % Dry civil-g,,, .F lQ CH. D. DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED

380'o" t iso'- co" e- .to u l25 < g N) 'I e e xN 12Kg i SP kj2 g 0J M (-4) di 'IF14 [ -I C, l ~ i .g (OFM f ~~ [^ ,1 -lO - ^^"' ~ \\\\ [ t 3 1 Sea -' Y ~ ~T ~ i W 3B26 oo. 4 m~ ~ 3 3 O S F M r.- c o q O \\,. ~' 1 EI 2ru 4 + SP'C 4 2 1Fl.1 [' ii 1 o l - -20 [ 'S r-ew yg i / r l i A {' }^ s-u o t s u i -A 3 m M is .e I'-1 , A. ,s'- l l l i i e.o .2d e. 22',.eso..24 o .24 o..2v-o.2 -o.seto..! Pi N M L 'W \\) ui T2 Ti 6 R F A aucroe ewcq. [ BA6EMAT ABSOLUTE Shl I L PERidD:Jur.r60 m orc 60 a 5 McMrus g U e -w

/ / O \\ E W~ # / 'd ? 1 SP F 9 (-(6) ') Q 0 'Ae 0 tioA O 'O 'h 2 O SP-E, h (-(4) '-b A os , 74_ - o ~- m c T o a r c' g ,g mo4 6 -4 p -?'-(p A h Oh MOTES *. ((0) '5A coproiins in o.coi PT -2 (-) = DowM o sP= MoMITDR.iM4 PolNTS e sp.p_ 74A (.;g ) - a gP-C. 4 (-(6) ,g ce o TI APERTURE '#2 A GARD .9 SP-A N 0) 'l 'lA Also Available On Aperture Card a sl-c. ..J a s 52'. o sz' o,sto . M.L o ; 8 7 01. 0 7 0 3 0 8 -olo i / K J u 6 LOUISIANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980- l165 MW INSTALLATION BASEMAT ABSOLUTE SETTLEMEMTS SH-G EMEMTS e Co scavices inc.-rieLo SCALE l"- 40 ' RELEASED DATEl2-2!'s-66 o'v " RC7U.RE on.MEP ~ CH. ). DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED ~ 1

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~ 9 9c ' 8 A. -2 74_ 'o c P=&cTom I O .I "- EbLDCS h> -D@A Ok MOTES *. -'h IP-5 y coMTDuRS IM o.ool FT (+ 84) (-) = coww g4) g '4A. O tP c. .9 e Fli) N --+% ~ 9 TI N APERTWI c2A (+17) 9 CARD SP-A h - dd. L l4,' A!so Available O.n t t g,, Apertare Card t 62'-o . & Z'- o..St o . %2C o ;. 8701070308-03 K J u 6 LOUISIANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NCL 3 1980 -1865 MW INSTALLATION EM2FJAAT A260LLRE SETTI.EMEMT5 $H-6 ~EMENTS ESASCO SERVICES INC.-FIELD SCALE I"- 40 ' RELEASED DATE (a~2/a 6 "L7 b F(C10FE cw' 6'w O. DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED

AP 7*WA M ~ S 6O'- o* I S O'-ta' " to l2A c r-o s 'N 'E e m' lTM h 7 Lciesp.m. e. (-4) a sna SP-(.2 ]pg g Q q g g (DFM t~ -~ O 5 ~' T o% i fpg p bFM g I h O g 2FM l 3 h* 2 [N ( F).4 j Eg-- ii il 2K p 'S \\ I \\M l 3 O b. x q% 8 l') LJ N 3 lg tI. lY _ ) \\ X 1 l Sf-o . ft' 0,. 24'-o .24'G.24-G,_ tt'-o AS'-o _ 8 .dG. 72'-G. is'-(,.i8 G,.tg.(, Pi N M i N Of T2 Ti 5 R n aucrom SLDGq. [. BA6EMAT ABSOLlJTE SETTI PERIOD :Jui.T '84 TD oso '85 '7 MOWS [. b I f j -a L

r W 3 \\ N~ 2 2 9'- co' W 'g 'l'24 N A N SP- (+S0) 9 ,h -N') Q 0 %~ $v s tioA. 'O g? e (+SO SP E, y 5-8 A. 3 ' 9 ww c m oom 7,- io - gg i 3 \\ c'. N -'%(pA h O MOTES *. g ~ SP CDMDUR& IM C.001 PT es) (-) = oown sp.p '1 0 SP= MOMITOR. MCg Pot NT% N W = EMD REFADIN6$107 USEC) (+51{ ,. i -j g r- - - - +h 7p sPE11TUltE '#2 A CARD $Pk -h >l ".l4 Aleo Avallable On t - -- -A Aperiore Card c s'-o a e ..g . s2'- o . s t'- o..s2 o e.8 o ;. 8 't 010 7 0 3 0 8-D( t K J u 4 LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1165 MW INSTALLATION IM6EMAT ABSOLUTE SETTIEMEMTS SM-9 _EMEMTS ,, m e,.. _ -,,,t D SCALE l"- 40 ' ElEASED D4TE ls-WeO neuaE CH'b A- ~~ W. DATE l REVISION BY CH. RELEASED ii

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, 74-o 9 ge,g t 3 '(pA N -1 O M MOTEM -M Py.s coNTouse IN o.coi FT - (-lO (-) = cowN u- 'a SP= MoulTOR. wG PANTS sp.p. i (_,,7 j g rc (-15) A T1 .9 APE 11TURE __.....kga, CARD 9 SP.A ) 'N o (.lg ,j N Also Available On fIA Aperture Card t i, l . _ f" s'-c. s st'. o . st' o . sito ; 8 7 010 7 0 3 0 8-lb i K J u 4 LOUISWGA POWER S Ll3HT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1165 MW INSTALLATION bad >EMAT A26cLUTE SETTLEMEMT!!> 'ff-lO EMEMTS c.A.oD vice. ,,.c.--,,e<D scate 1"-do' RELEASED DATE(a 7.lp*& DN &lL-gMEP cu' /W (o a I DATE REVISION BY CH. RELEASED n.--

w _ j / n'. i 360-o" j I SO'- ca" ~ s l'), K,c f y -s h j s th sp p v q,, h. l b snhi N8 6P-ci i j IFM a C J C., ~, 1 11,


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(9i \\ 2 9'-c,* 2 i - g l o (N) 'd c ') Q --i o 'A I@A 9 ? 'eg 'ou .9 SP E, y+8A (.2 j) -2 C =&cTom 74 -o ,9 ,1 EbLDS. c 3 -+GA ca 0 M g* MOTErs'. ~~fh 'sP-4 cowicums in o.coi p:T (-M) g (-) cowa (-MT O W= MOMITbit.1MG Pol A SP-et i u ,9 p(.coS a h TI T-u>arrus g r,AnD LtA 9 r gico Avn11abic On SP-A u '! dt.l A Aperture Card E 5 s'-o a i ..N . e,it.o j n,t'- o . st'-o..s2 o 8 't 0.t U 7 0 3 0 8 - N N d M k LOUIStANA POWER S LIGHT COMPANY WATERFORD S.E.S. UNIT NO. 3 1980 -1165 MW INSTALLATION EM6EJAAT A260 UKE SETTLEMEMTB 5Wil EMENTS - ESASCO SERVICES INC.-FIELD SCALE I"- 40 ' RELEASED MTE 12-UWa c oiv wit-gqgg DR. M E P CH' b' I o. DATE REVISION l BY CH. RELEASED b

I I 00 l h 50 NORTH-EApr lu wet A-l 1. l 10 l NCRTM-WEST 3 g O (O' Wau. Ob o i i i l l i i j i i i l 4-1-84 l-I-85 (-t-80 (-t 87 i l-QRAF'H I n (3 NORTH-WEST l e WELLj i d (z l E- -r E -ll N / NORTH ENST V Weu. l 3> 23 $ to o g i i i i i i 4-1 64 (I 85 1-160 lI67 QFMf'H Z LOUISIANA POWER Si LIGHT CohPANY VATERFORD S.E.S UN!T NO. 3 198l-1165 MW INSTALLATON g FOUNDATION GRourcW784ctWWClutSrics EsAsco sERVEES INC. I SCALE NTS RELEASED DATE W fS % i oly.CivlL (:lQ NO. DATE REVISION BY C H. RELEASED $. A 1 M POLYTRACE 033

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