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Naesc Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Rept for Jul-Dec 1997
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1997
Shared Package
ML20203G981 List:
NUDOCS 9803030128
Download: ML20203G988 (21)


. - _. _ .____ . . - - . - - - . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - . _ . - - _ _ _ .

i North Athuitic Energy Service Corporation Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Report July 01,1997 through December 31,1997 i

l 4

6 J

182 28a!R 8 88824a R PDR

July - Dacamber 1997 Horth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Semi Annual Fitness for Duty Report for period ending December 31,1997 Table of Contents P>gc

1. Performance Data Sheets (NUMARC format) 1 II. Management Summary
1. Program EEctiveness 3
2. Initiatives 4
3. Reported Events 5 Ill. Graphie As.nlysis
1. Total Screenings vs. Failures by Test Type 6
2. Percentage of Failures by Test Type 6
3. Licensee Failures 7
4. Ccntractor Failures 7
5. Total Screenings vs. Failures by Day of Week 8
6. Reason for Failure by Day of Week 8
7. Random Screenings by Hour of Day 9
8. Random Screenings by Day of Week 9


July - Daccnbar 1997 florth Atlentic Energy Servica Corporation IV. Grapble Trend Analysis 1996 vs.1997

1. Total Screenings vs. Failures by Test Type 10
2. l'ercentage of Fallores by Test Type !I
3. Licensee Failures 12
4. Contractor Failures 13
5. Total Screenings vs. Failures by Day of Week 14
6. Itcason for Failure by Day of Week 15
7. llandom Screenings by llour of Day 16
8. Itandom Screenings by Day of Week 17 L

l 7

Daccmbor - July 1997 North Atlantic Enorgy Servico Corporation Pags i Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Personnel Stabject to 10CFR 26 NORTil ATIANTIC ENERGY SERVICE CORI' ORATION DECEMBER 31, 1997 l' . O . BOX 300 SEAllROOK , Nil 0 % */4 toeneen BRUCE R. SEYMOUR (603) 773-7012 .

Contact feaae Pm treuse woe seest Cutettat ScreervConfirmaton (nyml) ") Appenoix A to 10CFR 26 Manjuana 50 / 15 Amphetamines 1000 / 500 /

Cucsine 300 / 150 Phencycidino 25 / 25 /

Oplates 300 / 300 Alcohol (% BAC) 0.04 /

Long-Term Short-Term Testing Results Ucensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel Average Number war 821 5 383 Unescorted Access

  1. # # # # e Categories Tested PosnNe Tested PoshNo Tested PostNo Pre-Access 9 1

- - 75 5 E Post acceent - - -

Observed behaver 3 2 - -

Random 223 - 1 -

94 - .

Follow up 43 - - -

23 -

Other 5 1 - -

3 -

Total 283 4 1 0 195 5 Rev.1/92

D3cerrbor - July T991 North Atlantic f,norgy Servica Corpotation l'ago 2 4 m W

9 n

N e.

e j 1 ~ ~

f 11

} _11 a

b 1

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July - Dactmbst 1997 Horth Atlantic Energy Sotvice corporation Pags 3 l'ROGIMM EFFECTIVENESS The data conspiled during this repor1ing period le presented in the graphic analysis beginning afler the management sumrnary in this terort.

An internal audit of the North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation FFD program was conducted in November by the Nuclear Safety Assessment Group. There were no >servations or fmdings.

During the second half of 1997 there were 479 tests conducted. Thei - ' cre nine failures, resulting in a positive test rate of 1.88%. Six failures were for marijuana, two for alcohol, and one wa6 administrative. One of the alcohol failures was later overturned by the NAESCO FFD Advisory lloard after considering the blood test appeal.

All available evidence indicates that the continued support of NAESCO management and employees has provided the basis for the FFD program's effective implementation and continued advancement toward the goal of achieving a workplace free of drugs and alcohol and the effects of such substances.


___ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ __ _ __ _ .. J

July - D3cernbar 1997 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation l' age 4 INITIATIVES

1. Revised the Fitness for Duty procedures to reflect these changes:

. Prohibition of empty alcoholic beverage containers on site i

. Prohibition of use, sale, or possession oflegally prescribed marijuana  !

. Clarification c,f eligibility for requesting a voluntary breath alcohol test l

. Increase of con,quences for consumption of alcoholic beverages at lunch time and then returning to work.

2. Rivised North Atlantic Specimen Collection Protocol for Drug and Alcohol Screening to ,

J include this information:


. IndiWduals completing Fitness for Duty forms shall provide only the spediic information requested. They shall not alter, annotate or ammend the forms in any way. Noncompliance is considered a refusal to cooperate with the testing process and shall result in an administrative failure.

3. Trained a new collection facility supcivisor.
4. Recer1ified 10 collection persornel for proficiency in urine specimen collection and breath alcohol measurement process
5. Developed and implemented a new Ollice Instruction to address the interface of Fitness for Duty, limployee AssHance, and in Processing Center.
6. UpdatcJ four Ollice Instructions to increase clarity, provide more detail and also to address these changes:

. 11xpanded FFD Facility hours of operation

. Formalized tracking of dilute urine specimens

July - Dae:mber 1997 florth At1cntic F.nargy Sorvica Corporction t>cg2 5 SUhiM ARY LIST OETELEPilONICAl.LY REPORTED EVENTS During this period there was one (1) telephonically reported event under the reporting requirements of 10 CFR Pan 26.

Date of Event: 08 December 1997 Position ofindividual: Supervisor llow Discovered: EAP Referral (EAP-directed testing as pad of an EAP program)

Substance: Alcohoi Management Action Taken:

  • Denied the individua! access to Seabrook Station for a minimum of founeen (14) calendar days without pay per Nonh Atlantic FFD procedure.
  • Referred the individual to the Employee Assistance Program per North Atlantic FFD procedure for assessment and possible referral (s).
  • Withdrew the individual's unescorted accesa until return to work requirements completed.
  • Reviewed prior work ofindividual to determine if there were any possible compromises in the implementation of North Atlantic's policies and procedures.

This failure was based upon an extrapolated BAC. The individual requested a blood test in order to appeal the breath test results. The laboratory, which does not quantify alcohol levels below 10mg/dl, reported the blood to be negative.

On December 17,1997, the North Atlantic Fitness for Duty Advisory Board met. The Board s concluded that it would be inappropriate to establish a standard decision on negative test results.

The Board's decision was to grant the appeal.

Supplementary Action Taken:

. Ove' turned the failure.

  • Reinstated the individual's work status (to include withheld pay), and unescorted access, d

. Ensured that the mdividual would continue in the on-going EAP program (which includes EAP-directed FFD testing) but would not be placed in a (FFD) fnllow up testing program.


s July - Decembor 1997 North Atlentic Enargy Sorvics Corporation The following is a Graphic Analysis For the Period July 01,1997, through December 31,1997 (pages 6-9) 0 4

July - Decenber 199*1 North Atlantic Energy service Corporation Page 6 i

l I ,

l I Total Scrweings ti. Failures by Test 1)pe .

t anaa sis o  !  ; }

l , i I  !


) he Ilmfgang !

71. $ i i l ,i i i

Ite Imydoyauwd A i

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l  ! 3 i

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,.t. .2 . - _ . . . . . . . ~ . i

%m er:0 ko 30 l(o 0 $ 10 l$ 31 29 *)  !

aslutalherming atailures l

T otal beroem6mpo: 419  !

letal FeMures: # i

, _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ , _ _ _ . - - _ - _ . _ - , _ . _ . __ _ . . . _ i i

Perteninge of Failures by Test T)pe .

~ . _ - - ,-,_ _. - _ . . . . _ ._

FM 98 87% ,

gm . . . ~.. -. .-.

en ,. _ _ ._ -- .

3 1


m. . - - . + - . , ,.

iI4 8# 168?% .

126% F in g ggg .. . .~. . . . ..

n . . _ . . . _ . .

Mmdin heltatgeg Pretepm M fotowsp Fct rase (ther I

i l

l l

l l l July - Deconher 1997 florth Atlantic Energy service corporation l' age 7 i l

l j . _ . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ - . __ _ _ - _ . _ . _ . . - _ . _ . . . _ _ - _ _ . _ .

l i

IJcensee Failuees 1

4 s i


! 4 3

2 1

i 1 -

i $

1 1  :

1' ,

) 0 - - - - - - -

neom n.a w , netne w .s riaw , ros e oe.

As Alvohol(2) as Masquana (1) mCaems (0) W. ( q.isten (0) j atItencpledme (0) es Amphetsmmee (0) Ia Admmistsettve (0) i i

l 1

q i

I l


+ - - - - , . . - . - . - . . - . . - - - - - . . . . . . - . _ . . - . . - - - . ~ - - - _ - - - - - - , . - ,

b Contractor Failuirs I

10 ,

i j l 9! ,

  • i  ;

3 ., i a


,' 7 - ~

i s

l 4 3

1 2 i . . ~ - . -

7.,.- ,, . - . _ .

l 1 f-o '- '

nanan men.wg n.cnew.* rcamew rw cau oe.

GR Alcohol (0) IB Marquana (S) saComas (0) t~.-( guates (0)

IsibencphJme(0) WI Amphetaminos(0) M Administrative (I) i f

- , , _ w.,--.-- --. #

1 I


July - Decer.iber 1997 fiorth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 3 Total Scirenings vs. Failuies by Day of Week hkeday 11 6 lutedsy 106 i f

i l l l Wsduceday 100 2 f i i nurnesy 76 0 l I riday 36 0 f I

$sturday l $ 0 I I hunday y j l 0 200 130 100 $0 0 2 4 6 5 10 teletalserwnings eleilures Reason for Failuir by Day of Week 9

8 7 -

6 -


w 4

3 2 -

0 _ - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - -

hionday Tusiny Weducedsy nut. Jay 1% day Saturday Sunda3 Ihy of Week e Alcohol (2) N hlarijuara (6) m Cwame (0) aOpiates (0)

Mitencyclidme to) me Amphetamines (0) >a Admmistrative (l) r,

- - ~ ~ - - . _ , , _ . _ . _ _ _

l July - DecerrJ>er 1997 Horth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation l' age 9 I

RandottiSt Yenings by llour of Day 39 4I il I I I I I I 1 00 11 00 IS 00 19 00 23 00 )to lutal Hansen betteninge ; J lB RandoniScorenings by Day of Week 72 73 3


$0 40 36 30 20 Monday T.ceday hlaemisy 1hurmhy I'rniay Sunda3 b

July - Decen1;er 1997 florth Atlantic En -rgy Service Corporation The following is a Graphic Trend Analysis Comparing 1996 vs.1997 (pages 10-17) 4

Jtily - Deceni - 1997 North .tlantic Energy Jervice Ccrporation Page 10 l Total Screenings vs. Failures by Test Type

! 1996  !

i _ , _ - . . . , - . . . ,~..- _. . - . . . - . . _  ;

i Random 644 2 1 m r i

( I

411adging 194

[. a - 3 l

IVe-l.mploymen. I e 0 i i  !  !

t follow lfp 120 0

, I en ,

,' l or Cause 9 , 2  !

I j i j Other 10 0 i i i

[ 1000 800 fM) 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 asTotalScreenings suFailurcs ll i


. Twal scree .gs: 9*8

! Twel F >ls.e: 7 t

i s

i I

i _.

i 1997 1 7 _ . . _ . . _ . _ ,.

. . - .,{

76b .

2- '

l l , .

lie-Iladging tal 3 I

lis fanployment - i 7 i l I i

) i i

q Follow-l'p 120 ;4 0 l }

I j i  !

i , i l

, 1 or Coune 20 9 9 l l

l r

Other l l 13 1 j j . j .. I  !  !

1000 800 600 WO 200 0 5 10 iS 20 23 30 35

! umTotalScrcenings suFai'urts i

Twal Screenings
Im)6 T4af Failures: 45 t

j l l

l 8 I 1

- a a v - - - - .e- a - ---- - _ _ - - . - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - -

July - December 1997 tiorth Atlantic Energy Service corporation Page 11


Percentage of Failures by Test Type 1996 3%

t2 22%

Pm gg _ __

gn . . . _

I 6%

nonciam PreamaWng Pre Emptynard Fwip Facause Other 1

1997 L " ..

m a . . . _ . _ . _ , . . . _ . . .,_.

g . _ _ . . , _ . . . - . , _

gns .. . - - .


gg . , . _ _ . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . _ . . . - . . , . . .


310 %

g _ _


Radam PreBalging PreEregnoyment Foeow-Up For Case Otter

._ ...m..._..-.m.--.,_ ._- m___ _ _ _ . .._..m___..~..__...m _.m__. . . _- .. _._ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ,

July - December 1997 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 12 l Licensee Failures i

1996 i

I 4 .- . . _ . . . - . . . _ , , . . . - . . . . . . . - . .-


. I f _. . . . . .


! 2 4

l 3

i j .a O

} Random Pro Badge Pre-Em#oymerit Fceow-up Fa Cause Olhar l M Alcohol (l) M Maryuana (0) tr. Cocaine (0) G(pistes (0) l Mi%ncychdins (0) M Amplwtammes (0) iM Ad:ninistrative (0)


l l

i i

4 1 l -

1 4

l 1997 l

S -

l 3 4 ... . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . .

t i

! 3 --- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i 1 2 1

1 1

  • g, - _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ . . ..__... ._ . _

i ,

  • 4
o 4-hksn Pre andge Pre-Enytayms.1 Ftwup Fa Cause Oter M Alcohol (3) WMarijuana (lj MCucaine to) cu)piates (0)

+ Mikneyclids . 9) W Anyhetamina (0) e Adminiwstive (0) l 4

J i

d i j I

- July - December 1997 Netth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page '3 Contractor Failures __

1996 s

4 ._. _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . .

3 .. _

1 g..,..

. h .I $


_ m. ~ ,m.em - ,~ ,. - -

W- . .w ) --w (,, ~.

M Phency&tw (0) MAmstwtambos @ U Administrative ((0 1997 .


i +

23 20 -- - - - - - - - - ------- -- -- - - - - - - -


- - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - + - - -

10 -- - ~ ~ - - - - -

n. rwys 0 M -~

handom he-Iladging 1%-Fmployment Follow up For Causs Other M Akxid(5) seMar%mna (29) mCocabe Q) UOpistne (0)

MWe(0) WAmphahmbes(4 YJAdirmie rative(4)


- -- . - ..- _ - .- . - . . . - . _ . - - - . . _ . . - - . - . . ~ - . .. _.--- .. . . - _ . .- .-. - _ - . - - .

l July - December 1997 Horth Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 14 i

Total Screenings vs. Failures by Day of Week

! 1996 l l

l Ntonday 20tl ..

3 luculsy 204 3

, Wednesday j40 0

\ l 1hursday 187 1 i  !

i I nday 543 . .- - 0 i

'. g j Saturday 10 l 0

= i Sunds) f  ! P 0 l n. ._! ._ .1 . _1 __

500 400 100 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 RITotal screeninas ani'ailures 1


i-I I

1997 klonday 648 15 i 5 l 1 i i i

Tucaday '" 3 '. $5 l l

i ,

i Wed emlay 406 11 i I

, t  !  !

I 1hursday 236 , 4 i

! Friday 174 g. 2  !  !

., $4:urday l79 * , 8 ,

i Smay 5 0 l <

_ ~ , . ..._i . , . k .. . , _


_.._a 750 600 450 300 150 0 5 10 15 20

' 88 Total Screenings asl'ailuren i

4 4

4 y , , , , , , , - . - - . . . , . , , . - - . - , ,- ,

_ _ . - - - . . - - . . . - - . - . . _ . _ - . _ . . . - - . . _ . . - - - - - . - . - - . ~ . . - _ - _ . - _ . ~ . _ . . - _

Culy - Decernber 1997 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page l$

j _ Reason for Failure by Day of Week 4

1996 .

l j

6--'--- --- - - - - - --

o I s

i i l

, 3- . _ . . _ . . ...- _ . . . .._

I i

4 _ , . _ . ~ . . - . _ _ _ - - - . . . _ . - - _ - - - _ . . . -

l t

, 3 . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . _ . . --

1  !

g . . . . . - . . . _ . _ . . . . _ . - . ~ . . ~ . - ~ . . - . - - - . ~ . . . _.

! 1 .



t '

O --

i Mwdsy Tuceday Wedneulay Ihurulay Friday Saturday Sunday Day of Week m Alcohol (1) mMarhuana (3) M Cocame (l) (OOpides (0) m i%cncychdme (0) e Amphetamines (0) D Administratn c (O' I

i i

I i

i l

l i


! 1997 l 16 j

! g3 _ . . - . . _ .

.q 14 t 13 j 12  ; -


11 p qg - - - -

10 l E 9 J'

,,,.,._ j

w 1 - - - -


g 5 .

j 4 pq. . . . , _ . . .

, 3 _ . . . _ . . . . ,

2 g <

i I ,

l 0 J

j Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurmiay Friday Saturday Sunday

, Day of Wcck l j, a Alcohol (8) m Marijuana (30) WCocaine (3) mOpiates (0; j mPhencyclidine (0) e Amphetamines (0) EM Ademistrative (4)


2 l


. _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _.I

Jubj - December 1997 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 16 j l Random Screenings by_ Hour of Day 1996

. . ,, i .



-es 1 - . _.1


r ,: . - ;;

7,00 11:00 15 00 I_.:[llillihiilli 19.00 23 M 01 00

, Tutal Iwann screeningr 644 1997 7


' 27 l :IIIIll.ll.IlI.._

07:00 11:00 l$;00 19.00 23.00 01:00 Total Ranenn Screenings: 765

July - December 1997 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 17 l

l l

Random Screening _s by Day of Week i l 1996 '

l ,

i M

f 180 ;

i l

, i. . ,32 . . _ _. _. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _

i -

140 j 140 , -

i33 i

4 io0 '

j' -

104 103 4 -

80 60 40

< e g .. ... . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .


> 2

uo day r... day w.dn..iar n.r. day r,iday s. ., day so asy t

4 1997 4


! 180 -- 174 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- -

t IM .- 151 151

g40 . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . - . . _

I 120 goo

' 4,-


.0 _ . _ . .

= **

60 *  ;

1 40 - -, -

i 3

. ._ ,- is j . 5 o .

,._ m.mmum

Monday Tacaday Wednesday nuriday Friday Saturday Sunday i

l 3

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ .