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North Atlantic Energy Svc Corp Semi-Annual Fitness for Duty Rept,Jan-June 1994
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1994
Shared Package
ML20071K374 List:
NUDOCS 9408170118
Download: ML20072C189 (13)



l North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Semi- Annual Fitness for Duty Report  ;

J nuary 1, 3994, through June 30, 1994 l

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North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Report for period ending June 30, 1994 Table of Contents Pace I. Performance Data Sheets (NUMARC format) ............ 01 II. Management Summary

1. Program Effectiveness ........................ 03 4
2. Initiatives ................................... 04
3. Reported Events ............................... 05 ,
4. Blind Specimens .............................. 07 III. Graphic Analysis
1. Total Screenings vs. Positive Screenings ..... 08
2. Positive Percentage of Screenings ............. 08
3. Positive Screenings (Licensee Personnel) ...... 09
4. Positive Screenings (Contractor Personnel) .... 09
5. Total and Positive tests by Day of the Week .. 10 l
6. Substances by Day of the Week ................. 10 j
7. Distribution of Random Screenings ............ 11
8. Random Screenings by Day of the Week .......... 11 i l

i I

l January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 01 i

Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data ,

Personnel Subject to 10CFR 26 l l

1 NORTH ATLANTIC ENERGY SERVICE CORPORATION JUNE 30. 1994 Company 6 Mones Erwan0 P.O. BOX 300 SEABROOK, NH 03874 Locanon BRUCE R. SEYMOUR (603) 474-9521 x4015 Con:act Name Phone (incuos area cooe)

Cutotts: ScreervConfirmation (ng'ml) C Appendix A to 10CFR 26 Marijuana 50 / 15 Amphetamines 1000 / 500 /

Cocaine 300 / 150 Phencyclidine 25 / 25 /

Opiates 300 / 300 Alcohol (% BAC) 0.04 /

Long-Term Short-Term Testing Results Licensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel Average Number wrtt Unescorted Access 890 12 694 ,

Categories Tested Positive Tested Positive Tested Positive Pre-Access 3 0 684 10

[ Post accident 0 0 0 9

h Observed behavior 0 0 2 1 Random 274 2 2 192 4 Follow-up 137 0 24 Other 1 0 6 Total 415 2 2 0 908 15 REV.1/92

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 03 EROSBAM EFFECTIVENESS North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation has been involved in the systematic collection and analysis of objective FFD data since the inception of the current regulations. The information collected for this period is presented in the graphic analysis beginning after the management summary in this report.

An internal audit of the NAESCO FFD program was conducted during this period by the Nuclear Safety Assessment Group. They found the program to be effectively implemented and noted that a proactive attitude was exhibited by management towards further enhancements.

The NRC rule change, reducing the licensee random screening rate from 100% to 50%, became effective January 1, 1994. The data collected since this change are too limited to allow any definitive evaluation of its effect. Monitoring of this area shall continue.

During the first six months of 1994 NAESCO brought in over 1,045 short-term contractors to work a refueling outage. Approximately  ;

785 tests were conducted on these short-term contractors, resulting in 15 positive tests (of which 10 were pre-badging, 4 were random, and 1 was for-cause). The positive percentage rate for outage related tests is approximately 1.9%.

If the outage related tests are deducted from the total tests, the remaining tests include 2 positive random tests. The percentage rate for the non-outage related tests is approximately 0.37% for the period. This percentage is well below the last-published industry average of 0.68% (the overall confirmed positive rate i across all categories of tests administered during 1992).

l There were no drug or alcohol related accidents or incidents  ;

during this period which had the possibility of affecting public l health or safety. l All available evidence indicates that the continued support of j management and employees has provided the basis for the FFD  !

program's effectiveness in achieving a workplace free from the  !

effects of drugs and alcohol.

l l


January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 04 I


l l

1. Updated computer program to accommodate random selection rate l change.
2. Made the following procedural changes during the first six months of 1994:

- Changed annual random screening selection rate of licensee personnel from 100% to 50%

- Added a note to clarify that excessive drinking (prior to a five hour pre-work abstinence) may still result in a BAC at or above .04% upon arrival at work.

3. Implemented plan to meet drug and alcohol screening demands of scheduled plant outage, and ordered necessary materials.
4. Made adjustments in screening facility personnel schedules, in support of the plant outage, to better accommodate Fitness for Duty needs.

S. In response to a self-inspection (following a violation at another nuclear facility), reorganized a number of office forms into a more formalized structure.

6. Reviewed and recommended changes for computer based training program after scrutinizing all FFD sections.
7. Reviewed North Atlantic Fitness for Duty policy and Northeast Utilities Fitness for Duty policy for synergy.

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 05


LTST OF TELEPHONICALLY REPORTED EVENTS During this period two (2) events were telephonically reported as required by 10 CFR Part 26.

1. Date of Event: 14 June 1994 Position of Individual: Licensed Senior Simulator Instructor How Discovered: Random i

Substance: Alcohol Management Action Taken:

- Individual was denied access to Seabrook Station for fourteen (14) days per North Atlantic FFD Procedure 11401.

- Individual was referred to the Employee Assistance Program per North Atlantic FFD Procedure 11401 for-assessment and possible referral (s).

- Unescorted protected area access was denied until return to work requirements were completed.

- A management review of prior work was conducted to determine if there were any possible compromises in the implementation of North Atlantic's policies and procedures.

- Individual was placed on a follow-up testing program for three (3) years upon return to work.

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 06

2. Date of Event: 30 June 1994 Position of Individual: Contractor liow Discovered: Self-referral to Supervisor FFD Violation: Possession of alcohol in Protected Area Management Action Taken:

- Unescorted protected area access was temporarily withdrawn. (The sanction for possession of alcohol in the protected area is a five year suspension per North Atlantic FFD procedure 11401.)

- Statements were obtained from the individual and from the supervisor.

- The individual was given a for-cause drug and alcohol test.

- The individual was temporarily removed from the job and escorted off site.

- The Fitness for Duty Advisory Board convened within hours to evaluate the event and determine the course of action to be taken. The Board's deliberations and subsequent decision was heavily influenced by the expeditious manner in which the individual reported the situation to the supervisor, and the integrity demonstrated from the time the individual discovered the problem. The Board determined that the following actions would be taken: waive sanctions, pay for time missed, reinstate protected area' access, and return the employee to the job immediately (next day). The Board also decided that the employee was to (1) meet with EAP prior to July 9, 1994, and (2) review the STAR (Stop/Think/Act/ Review) procedure to see how it might have been used in relation to the event and discuss this with their supervisor. ,

- The employee's supervisor was notified (and told to l notify the employee immediately) of all determinations 1 of the Advisory Board.


e January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 07 E_I;IND SPECIMENJ To ensure laboratory quality control, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation contracted with Duo Research Inc. , Stevensville, MD, to provide blind performance test specimens that were submitted to the contracted HHS-certified laboratory, SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories, Norristown, PA, in accordance with the NRC Guidelines (10 CFR 26, Appendix A). Approximately 80 percent of these blind performance test specimens were blank (i.e., certified to contain no drug) and the remaining samples were positive for one or more drugs per sample in a distribution such that all the drugs to be tested were included in approximately equal frequencies of challenge.

During the first six months of 1994, North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation submitted 144 blind performance test specimens to SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories with the following results:

Negative: 118* (82%)

Positive: _?d (18%)

144 l 1

  • This figure includes three specimens which were incorrectly reported as negative. Had these been correctly identified and reported as positive, the percentages for negative and positive blind samples i would have been 80% and 20% respectively. l l

Three f alse negative tests were reported by the testing laboratory, l SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories. One (1) should have I tested positive for morphine, and two (2) should have tested positive for marijuana (THC). An unannounced inspection and records audit was conducted by Dr. Robert E. Willette, of Duo Research Inc., who stated that these tests did not constitute unsatisfactory performance on the part of the testing laboratory under the HHS Guidelines.

All three false negative tests were reported to the NRC in a letter dated June 16, 1994, along with detailed reports from Dr. Willette.

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 08 i

l Total Screenings vs. Positive Screenings Random 468

$f( 6 Pre Badging 687 , hf@khh 'hPhfhk( 10 Pre-Em ploymen t Follow-U p 7

161{!p For Cause 2 1 Other 7 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 (253 Total Screenings EM Positive Screenings Total Screenings: 1325 Total Positive Screenings: 17 Positive Percentage of Screenings 60%


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January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 09 Positive Screenings Licensee Personnel I' 5 o

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C Oplates (0) E Phencyclidine (0) E Amphetamines (0)

Positive Screenings Contractor Personnel I' 12 s 11 -

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C Oplates (0) E Phencyclidine (0) E Amphetamines (0)

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation Page 10' l

Total and Positive Screenings by Day of the Week

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Day of the Week Il Alcohol (6) E Marijuana (6) IM Cocaine ($)

C Oplates (0) M Phencyclidine (0) E Amphetamines (0)

January - June 1994 North Atlantic Energy. Service Corporation Page 11 Distribution of Random Screenings over time of day N

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