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Submits Investigative Plan Re Three Gap Allegations of Failure of Region IV & Ofc of Investigations to Act on Notification of Util Wrongdoings.Consideration of Listed Requirements Requested
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1985
From: Mulley G
To: Messenger G
Shared Package
ML20205E553 List:
FOIA-86-133 NUDOCS 8608180467
Download: ML20205E686 (2)


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n NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g, 3 .g WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 q, f January 30, 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: George H. Pessenger, Deputy Director Office of Inspector and Auditor THROUGH: Hollis Bowers, Acting Assistant Directo[

for Investigations, 0IA FROM:

Geeroe A. Mulley Office of Inspector Jr., Investigator and Auditor GU yg[


INVESTIGATIVE PLAN REGARDING GAP ALLEGATIONS PERTAINING TO COMANCHE PEAK I reviewed the infomation provided by Ms. Billie Garde, Director, Citizens Clinic, Government Accountability Project (GAP), to 0IA on November 1, 1984, concerning Comanche Peak Stean Electric Station. GAP alleged that Reginn IV, NRC, and the Office of Investigations.(01), NRC, took no action when notified of wrongdoino by Texas Utilities Generating Company (TUGCO) managerent and employees. Based en the infomation provided by Ms. Garde, I believe OIA should first review all of the documentation gathered by GAP concerning the allegations and consider at least the following in response to each specific allegation:

Allegation I Reaion IV and OI took no action when notified on March 8, 1984, that the Comarche Peak Quality Assurance Supervisor detained eight quality control (OC) inspectors in a room and then searched their desks and confiscated inspection reports documenting numerous deficiencies with electrical equipment.

Requirements ,

1. Interview Doyle M. Hunnicutt, Region IV, NRC, to detemine if he was notified by TUGC0 er James E. Cummins, the NPC Senior Resident Inspector at Comanche Peak, that the OC electrical inspectors were going to be replaced.
2. Identify and interview the GAP witness wbe reportedly telephoned James E.

Cummins in an attempt to notify him of the detention and subsequent search for inspection reports.

3. Interview the GAP witness who reportedly telephoned . lanes E. Cumins in an attempt to notify him of the detention and subsequent search for inspection reports.

4 Interview Paul S. Check, Deputy Regional Administrator, Pepinn IV, to deterrine if he was infomed of the ongoing situation by Billy Ray g81 CARDE86-133 MA 133 vi 7 860006 ppg

W am y J 2 O Clenents, Vice President for fluclear Operations, TUGCO, and, if so, what action he took.

E. Intarview Ben B. Hayes, Director, 01, to determine if Billie Garde telephoned him during the evening of March 8,1984, and, if so, what action 01 took.

A11enation II 1

.x Regfon IV erd 01 took no action wher notified in September 1983, that TUGC0 l[ management pressured a contract inspector to reword his inspection report concerning the adequacy of paint coatinos at Conarche Peak.

.f Requirements

1. Review the OB Cannon inspection report regarding the paint coatings.
2. Interview Donald Oriskill to detarmine what he was told by lininsky and

, what action he took regardino the Septenber 1983 Inspection Report and Memorandum and the December 1983 transcript.

3. Interview Region IV personnel who were informed of the Lipinsky allega-tions to determine what action Region IV took.

A11ecation III Region IV, NRC, and 0I took no action when notified that TUGC0 had falsified inspection reports concerning improper installation of lirer plates for the spent fuel tank, refueling cavities, and two transfer canals.


1. Review affidavits provided to Region IV which allege that liner plates had been improperly installed and that TUGC0 had falsified inspection records concerning the liner plates.
2. Interview Brooks Griffin, Region IV, 01, to determine what action 0I took in this matter.
3. Interview Thomas A. Ippolito, Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data, NPC, to determine his knowledge of the liner plate problem. Detennine why flRC has not contacted TUCCO emoloyees who have knowledge of the problen.