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Responds to Re Actions on Investigations Completed by OI Re Millstone Nuclear Power Station.Response Will Be Submitted as Soon as Practicable After NRC Staff & Commission Have Had Sufficient Time to Review Ig Findings
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/07/1999
From: Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman
To: Dodd C, Gejdenson S, Lieberman J
NUDOCS 9901130244
Download: ML20199B153 (3)


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o g WASHINGTON. p.C. 20665-0001 M

/ January 7, 1999 4., x .***f I

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The Honorable Christopher J. Dodd United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Dodd:

I am again writing in connection with your September 1,1998, letter concerning actions on investigations completed by our Office of Investigations related to the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.

I had referred your request to the Inspector General and I had committed in my September 11, 1998 response to provide a response to your questions and concerns and to tell you how the NRC will respond to the inspector General's findings.

The Commission h'as just received the IG's report. I want to restate my commitment to report back to you as soon as practicable after the NRC staff and the Commission have had suificient time to review and understand the inspector General's findings and conclusions.

Sincerely, 4

Shirley Ann Jackso



1. Ltr dtd 9/1/98 to SAJackson im Senators /

Dodd and Lieberman and Representative

. Gejdenson

2. Ltr dtd 9/11/98 to Sen Lieberman from SAJackson M

! 130017 9901130244 990107 PDR COMMS NRCC l CORRESPONDENCE PDR Gyud


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-g? 'g NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION j WASHINGTON, D.C. 20666-0001 j l  % ,,,,,+ January 7,1999 CHARMAN l

The Honorable Jo3eph I. Lieberman United States Senate Washington, D. C.- 20510

Dear Senator Lieberman:

I am again writing in connection with your September 1,1998, letter concerning actions on )

investigations completed by our Office of Investigations related to the Millstone Nuclear Power 4 Station. l 1

I had referred your request to the inspector General and I had committed in my September 11, 1998 response to provide a response to your questions and concems and to tell you how the NRC will respond to the inspector General's findings.

' The Commission has just received the IG's report. I want to restate my commitment to report back to you as soon as practicable after the NRC staff and the Commission have had sufficient time to review and understand the inspector General's findings and conclusions.

Sincerely, b

Shirley Ann Jackson


1. Ltr dtd 9/1/98 to SAJackson fm Senators Dodd and Lieberman and Representative Gejdenson
2. Ltr did 9/11/98 to Sen Lieberman from SAJackson t


  • p ue%# UNITED STATES i o i NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20665-0001 January 7,1999 L  %.....

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s The Honorable Sam Gejdenson United States House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515


Dear Congressman Gejdenson:

I am again writing in connection with your September 1,1998, letter concerning actions on l investigations completed by our Office of Investigations related to the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.

I had referred your request to the inspector General and I had committed in my September 11, 1998 response to provide a response to your questions and concerns and to tell you how the NRC will respond to the inspector General's findings.

The Commission has just received the IG's report. I want to restate my commitment to report i back to you as soon as practicable after the NRC staff and the Commission have had sufficient time to review and understand the inspector General's findings and conclusions.

Sincerely, Shirley Ann Jackson i


1. Ltr dtd 9/1/98 to SAJackson im Senators Dodd and Lieberman and Representative Gejdenson

' 2. Lir dtd 9/11/98 to Sen Lieberman from SAJackson i

09/01/vo w... .


Congregg of tije Vdniteb fetated t!Eistjington,CC 20515 September 1,1998 TheHonorable Shirley AnnJackson Chairman Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission .

11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 1 97-002,1-97-026, l

D BY SEC'( 1-95-040,1-95-046,1-95-048, - l Re: NRC Omce ofInvestigations Reports 6 048 7 g 3 zg7-037, I-96-007,1-96-014,1-96-034, and 1 1

Dear Chairman Jackson:

d ies of We understand that the NRC's Office ofInvestigations f employces at ofrefueling has recent ili investigations involving harassment and intimid l requirements We have some seriou2 concerns h regarding the process l i ns reached lC 38 Accordingly, we are requesting that the Commissi lj Additionally, we request prompt answers to the follow'mg items:

996, press reports ad 1) With respect to the 109 employees who were laid offin Jan ot terminated for h# suggest that the Office ofinvestigations' i determination that emplu go raising safety-related issues was made followingl ai vestigated dividual case. Rather, we

" generic" rev ew

% action. Your staff has stated that the NRC did not investigate each i f~ 8 have been mformed that the NRC conducted f a "asgeneric" review a gg h not 25 "g

selected cases. Why did the NRC only investig l

i b t the merits of those cases where no 6g u .

, sufficient evidence to substantiate the al egat oemployee 32 investigation was conducted?

Utilities (NU) did qj 2) The Office ofInvestigations apparently i has concluded tha E. not provide " false, inaccurate or incomplete information" l ion that NU had relat ng to r yh  ?

  • dg d .E 6 is thebasis for this conclusion, particularly in fharassment li 2." E 3) We understand that the NBC Office ofInvestigations ha i eers who k5) brought by Mr. George Galatis i and Mr. George Bettencourt 3dda went public with information that Millstonedi was not fuelings.

n coAn editorialin i the gw :S gy nuclear fuel that could be moved into the spent fu i mmary of an NRC report reported at a public meeting in April 1996 that he saw the execut ve

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.y, f  ? l concluding that Mr. Galatis was discriminated ag of Mr. Galatis' allegations? If such a repon did exist, why f hwas i it never mad made the decision not to publicize it? If such a repon didh exist, i thewho was respon the con;1usions? What additional evidence, if any, was discovered i f that led to any c conclusions? Was any ponion of this report's Sndings incorporated into any oth investigations repon?

We also want to take this opponunity to comment on the NRCs decision Special Projects Office which has been supervisinghactivities iiil at Millsto, months. Although much progress has been made, on going h work at Millstonl ffi operation of Unit 3 demand continuous and activ is closed.

Addressing these issues is crucial to continuing to rebuild public co  :

1 oversight process Sincerely.

' ' v

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j UEfSEPH l. LIEBERM N CHRISTOPHER J. DODD g United States Senator IJnited States Senator E

S ENSON ber of Congress I

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l. g September 11, 1998 k,, * * . + ,

l- CHAMMAh l

T Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman nited States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Lieberman:

I am acknowledging your letter of September 1,1998, concerning a number of recent actions on investigations completed by our Office of Investigations related to the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.

Although I am aware of your request to the inspector General (IG), I have also referred your letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) IG, so that the 'ssues you raise may receive such review as he may deem appropriate.

I believe it to be most appropriate and effective to answer the specific matters raised in your istter after we have had the benefit of the IG's finding's on these matters. When his work is complete, I will provide a response to your cuestions and concerns and will detali how the NRC will address any findings or recommendaticas the 1G may have.


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Shirley Ann r

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