PNO-II-84-035, on 840611,police Arrested One Person Near Site,Confiscating Cocaine.Nine Licensee & Contractor Personnel Also Implicated.Licensee Plans Reinsp of Work Done by Affected Personnel

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PNO-II-84-035:on 840611,police Arrested One Person Near Site,Confiscating Cocaine.Nine Licensee & Contractor Personnel Also Implicated.Licensee Plans Reinsp of Work Done by Affected Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1984
From: Verrelli D, Weise S
PNO-II-84-035, PNO-II-84-35, NUDOCS 8406180408
Download: ML20197H400 (2)

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June 13, 1984 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE PN0-II-84-35 This preliminary notification const'tt.tes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially received without verifi-cation or evaluation, and is basically all that is known by the Region II staff on this date.

FACILITY: Carolina Power and Light Company Licensee Emergency Classification:

Shearon Harris Notification of Unusual Event Docket No. 50-400 Alert Raleigh, North Carolina Site Area Emergency General Emergency X Not Applicable


DRUG ARREST Local police, in a planned operation, arrested one person near the site on the evening of June 11. Officers confiscated a substance believed to be cocaine. An analysis is currently being performed. Nine additional licensee and contractor personnel have also be:n implicated, as reported by the licensee. Six of the ten are permanent CP&L cmployees, and four are contractor personnel. One of the ten is a warehouse employee.

The other nine are all QA/QC inspectors. Of these, six are welding inspectors, two are NDE-inspectors and one is a QA surveillance inspector.

Five of the six CP&L employees are taking drug screening tests. The sixth refused and has been terminated..

The licensee will do sample inspections of all work performed by the affected insp:ctors. They plan to do a 100 percent reinspection in any area where problems are discovered.

A 100 percent drug screen is to be performed by the licensee of all licensee / contractor inspection personnel working at the site.

Licensee managers will meet with NRC representatives at the site on June 13 to provide an update of the situation.

The State of North Carolina has been informed.

The licensee is evaluating circumstances associated with the event and may issue a news release. The NRC does not plan to issue a news release.

Region II received notification of this event by telephone from the licensee at 12 noon on June 12, 1984 This information is current as of 8:00 a.m., June 13.


S. Weise, RII 242-5509 D. Verrelli, RII 242-5526 g6g40s840613 PNO-II~B4-035 PDR


H.-Street MNBB Phillips E/W Willste MAIL:

-Chairman Palladino F NRP,{;4D T NMSS IDETIMB  ;

Com. Gilinsky- PA OIA RES D0T: Trans Only Com. Roberts MPA AE0D Applicable State Com. Asselstine ELD

Com. Bernthal Air Rights INP0 SECY SP NSAC 3

ACRS CA Regions: I

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Applicable Resident Site i.Y .


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