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 Issue dateTitleTopic
PNO-II-89-066A, updates Status of Hurricane Hugo for Nuclear Facilities in Southeast.Manning of Incident Response Ctr by Region II Continuing21 September 1989PNO-II-89-066A:updates Status of Hurricane Hugo for Nuclear Facilities in Southeast.Manning of Incident Response Ctr by Region II Continuing
PNO-II-87-081, on 871221,evacuation Alarm Sirens Initiated Inadvertently.Caused by Wake County Personnel Error.Licensee Notified State & Local Officials & Responded to Media Interest22 December 1987PNO-II-87-081:on 871221,evacuation Alarm Sirens Initiated Inadvertently.Caused by Wake County Personnel Error.Licensee Notified State & Local Officials & Responded to Media InterestSiren
PNO-II-86-064, on 860908,telephoned Bomb Threat Received at Timekeeper Ofc in Const Area.Site Mgt,Security Forces & NRC Resident Inspector Notified.No Further Action Taken Due to Lack of Specificity of Threat8 September 1986PNO-II-86-064:on 860908,telephoned Bomb Threat Received at Timekeeper Ofc in Const Area.Site Mgt,Security Forces & NRC Resident Inspector Notified.No Further Action Taken Due to Lack of Specificity of Threat
PNO-II-86-038, Chatham County,Nc Commission Voted to Withdraw from Emergency Planning During 860527 Meeting,Per Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris Proposal.Plant May Be Converted to non-nuclear Fueled Station29 May 1986PNO-II-86-038:Chatham County,Nc Commission Voted to Withdraw from Emergency Planning During 860527 Meeting,Per Coalition for Alternatives to Shearon Harris Proposal.Plant May Be Converted to non-nuclear Fueled Station
PNO-II-84-035, on 840611,police Arrested One Person Near Site,Confiscating Cocaine.Nine Licensee & Contractor Personnel Also Implicated.Licensee Plans Reinsp of Work Done by Affected Personnel13 June 1984PNO-II-84-035:on 840611,police Arrested One Person Near Site,Confiscating Cocaine.Nine Licensee & Contractor Personnel Also Implicated.Licensee Plans Reinsp of Work Done by Affected Personnel