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Insp Rept 50-289/86-03 on 860303-27.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Readiness of Emergency Feedwater Sys.Seven Inspector Followup Items & 18 Potential Enforcement Findings Noted
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1986
From: Beall J, Callan L, Caphton D, Isom J, Mary Johnson, Martin T, Mckee P, Saunders A, James Smith, Danielle Sullivan
Shared Package
ML20195D446 List:
50-289-86-03, 50-289-86-3, IEIN-83-64, NUDOCS 8606040217
Download: ML20195D466 (38)

See also: IR 05000289/1986003







Report No.: 50-289/86-03

Licensee: General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation

P. O. Box 480

Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057

Docket No.: 50-289 License No.: DPR-50

Facility Name: Three Mile Island - Unit 1

Inspection Conducted M ch 3-27, 1986

Inspectors: I # F4

L. X Callan :hief, Performance Appraisal Section, IE. / Date

Y Tfff

J. E'. B

7, PrJject Engpeer, Region I /Date/

JE - 6 yAr/a


D. L'. ton, enior Te nical Reviewer, Region I ' Oate/

v pf' 2ffM

J. A. I o , Reactor Opdrations Engineer, IE 'Date




M. R. J6Mson, Reactor Fperations Engineer, IE /Date

Tn.D& In pection Specialist, IE



T. 0.'W74artin L v/u/x

A. H. agiers,Inspcti#nSpecialist,IE 'Aate/

) _ Mb6[Ab

nspection Specialist, IE //Da ~

J.} 'i


D.U. S llivan, Jr. , Inspec on Specialist, IE



Accompanying Personnel: *D. F. Humenansky, OCM

Cont cto 2: *E. T. Du 1 p, *G. W. Morris, *G. J. Overbeck

Approved by: Y/29/86

Phillip F. @ Kee, Chief Date

Operating Reactor Programs Branch, IE

  • Present during the exit interview on March 27, 1986.

8606040217 860515

PDR ADOCK 05000289


_- -- _ _ . - . - -


1 O

j SCOPE: This special, announced team inspection conducted an in-depth

assessment of the operational readiness of the emergency feedwater


RESULTS: The licensee's operational readiness and management controls were

reviewed in six functional areas, primarily as they related to the

emergency feedwater system. The functional areas reviewed were:

Design Changes and Modifications


Surveillance Testing


Quality Assurance


Eighteen potential enforcement findings, identified in this report as

Unresolved Items, and seven inspector followup items will be followed

up by the NRC Region 1.








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The objective of the team inspection at Three Mile Island-Unit I was to

assess the operational readiness of the emergency feedwater (EFW) system by


determining whether:

o The system was capable of performing the safety functions required

by its design basis.

o Testing was adequate to demonstrate that the system would perform

all of the safety functions required.

o System maintenance (with emphasis on pumps and valves) was adequate

to ensure system operability under postulated accident conditions.

o Operator and maintenance technician training was adequate to ensure

proper operations and maintenance of the system.

o Human factors considerations relating to the EFW system (e.g.,

accessibility and labelling of valves) and the system's supporting

procedures were adequate to ensure proper system operation under

normal and accident conditions.



This section summarizes the safety effects of the more significant findings

on the operational readiness of the Three Mile Island (TMI)-Unit I safety

systems.Section III provides the detailed findings pertaining to the major

functional areas evaluated.

A. Safety Effects on the Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System

1. The NRC inspection team identified the following design concerns in the

EFW system.

a. The two-hour backup supply air system that supplies the pneumatically

operated EFW flow control valves did not meet the required single

failure criteria. Specifically, the team determined that a single

failure of either of two check valves, which were not part of a

routine test program, could have caused the depressurization of both

trains of the two-hour backup supply air system. In the event of

such a depressurization, the EFW flow control valves are designed to

fail full open.

b. Certain remote shutdown panel instrumentation for the EFW system was

imporperly designed in a design change package prepared by a licensee

contractor, Gilbert Comonwealth. This design change was initiated

as part of the licensee's program to comply with the requirements

of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, and it had been approved and released for

implementation during the next TMI-1 refueling outage. Through

review of construction drawings in the design change package the

inspection team determined that the power supplied to the affected

EFW instrumentation on the remote shutdown panel would not be

isolated from the control room as required. Specifically, train A

EFW flow remote shutdown panel indication and train B EFW flow and


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- steam generator level remote shutdown panel indications were all

powered from circuits that were to be electrically cross-connected

with the control room. The team was concerned that, in the event of

a need to evacuate the control room due to a fire, the potential


existed for the EFW instrumentation discussed above not to be

l available for the operators at the remote shutdown panel. This

! same weakness was noted to exist in the current configuration of


the remote shutdown panel at the time of the inspection; however,


the licensee was not connitted to the NRC to have the affected EFW

instrumentation in compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR. 50,

Appendix R, until cycle 6 startup at the conclusion of the next

refueling outage.

2. Although the inspection team determined that the TMI-1 maintenance and

surveillance testing programs were generally effective, weaknesses were

identified regarding the manner in which certain components of the EFW

and supporting systems were tested and maintained.


a. The two-hour backup supply air system relied on various check valves

- to seat to establish the integrity of the seismic /non-seismic

boundary in the event of an earthquake. The team determined that

these check valves were not routinely tested. As a consequence, the

team was concerned that the system was susceptible to undetected

failures. .

b. The safety-related air system that accomplished the fail-safe posi-

tioning of the EFW flow control valves (full open) and the steam


generator atmospheric dump valves (shut) was not tested to verify

proper operation in the event of a loss of the two-hour backup supply

air system. This " final positioning" air system relied on the proper

> operation of various automatic valves and check valves that were not


included in a routine test program,

i c. The installation of the air cylinders in the two-hour backup supply

air system was not consistent with that specified in the structural

design analysis. Specifically, the seismic restraints (chains, turn-

buckles, eye-bolts, etc.) designed for the air cylinders had not

been adequately maintained after installation to ensure that


original design requirements were met. The team found loose chains


with open S links, missing turnbuckles, and eye-bolts not securely

fastened, which all contributed to the team's concern that vertical


movement during a seismic event could potentially cause the failure

j of connecting tubing.


d. The procedure for replacing the EFW pump packing was determined to

be not sufficiently detailed to ensure proper performance of the


task. The licensee had been performing this maintenance task using a


generic pump packing procedure that did not address several critical

steps that applied specifically to the EFW pump. The team

considered this issue significant because errors in perfonning the


omitted critical steps had led to a previous EFW pump failure.

[ e. Certain aspects of the routine EFW pump surveillance tests were

j determined to be weak because artificial initial conditions were



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.. 1) The steam supply lines to the turbine-driven EFW pump were

routinely blown dry of collected condensate immediately prior

to testing the pump. The licensee had not determined if the

collected condensate could impact the performance of the pump's

turbine driver in the event of an automatic start. This concern

was mitigated by the fact that the licensee was in the practice

of blowing down the steam supply lines each shift as a routine


2) The EFW pump discharge check valves on the EFW pumps were not

tested in the reverse direction. During routine flow testing

of the EFW pumps, the pump being tested was isolated from the

idle EFW pumps. As a consequence, the ability of the discharge

check valves on the idle EFW pumps to prevent back-flow was not

routinely verified.

B. Effects on Other Safety Systems

In addition to the specific concerns discussed above that relate to the EFW

system, the team also identified several general concerns that have the

potential to affect the proper operation of other safety systems.

1. Several weaknesses were identified in the implementation of the TMI-1

design change program. .


a. Examples where the mini-mod process for accomplishing plant

modifications of limited scope was not being implemented as

intended by plant procedures,

b. Examples where the design verification process was not implemented

as required by plant procedures.

c Examples where design input was not always controlled as required

by ANSI N45.2.11. Cases were identified in both the mechanical and

electrical areas.

d. Examples where the boundaries between seismic and non-seismic systems

or components were not consistently shown on piping and flow diagrams.

In some cases, boundaries were not shown, were incorrectly shown, or

were contradictory between documents.

2. Weaknesses were identified in the program for control of permanent and

temporary lead shielding. The team found that 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations for

shielding installations were not being accomplished; that the engineering

calculations for a standard table in the shielding control procedure did

not consider the effects of seismic events, pipe configuration, types of

anchors, or concentrated loads; that the shielding control procedure did

not address installation techniques or requirements; that engineering

calculations for shielding installations were not being verified in a

timely manner; and that a permanent shielding installation did not conform

to the technical analysis.

3. It appeared that circuit breaker sizes had not been properly coordinated

to ensure fault clearing for certain safety-related and non-safety-related

power supply inverters. The team was concerned that a fault on a single



'.. -

,' circuit could result in the loss of an inverter fed bus. Related to this

concern was the additional observation that the licensee apparently had

not considered the effects on safety-related load centers of the failure

of loads that had not been qualified to operate in a harsh environment

following a high-energy line break.

4. Environmental qualification records were not maintained in accordance

with 10 CFR 50.49 with respect to the electrical cabling to the EFW

discharge header cross-connect valves. The team was concerned that

additional environmental qualification record problems may exist.


A. Design Changes and Modifications

1. Mechanical Systems Design Change Review

The inspection team examined the design aspects of restart modification

task RM-13H in detail. This modification added the safety-related two-hour

backup supply air system to provide compressed air for operation of

components within the main steam (MS) and emergency feedwater (EFW)

systems for a period of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> without the availability of the plant

instrument air compressors. In addition, design analyses associated with

adding cavitating venturis (long term modification task LM-5), locking ,

open EFW pump recirculation control valves (task LM-12), and reducing the


setpoints of EFW turbine steam supply relief valves (task RM-13H) were

reviewed. The following observations were made:

a. The team determined that the the two-hour backup supply air system

did not meet the single failure criteria. Following a seismic event

which may require initiation of the EFW system, a single failure of

either of two check valves, IA-V-1451 and I A-V-1460, could cause the

depressurization of both trains of the two-hour backup supply air


Figure 1 on page 5 illustrates that portion of the two-hour backup

supply air system containing check valves IA-V-1451 and IA-V-1460.

Following a seismic event and a subsequent loss of the non-seismic


backup instrument air header, the failure to seat of either check

valve IA-V-1451 or IA-V-1460 would depressurize train A of the

two-hour backup supply air system. After sensing that train A was

depre surized, proper functioning of switching valve IA-V-1632 would

cause train B to be depressurized because the check valves were

downstream of this switching valve.

The FSAR, Section, stated that the two-hour backup supply

air system would mitigate the loss of instrument air as a result of

design basis or seismic events and that the system design meets the

single failure criteria. Similar wording appeared in the licensee's

System Design Description (SDD) 424-C, " Division I System Design

Description for the Two-Hour Air Supply for Main Steam And Emergency

Feedwater System Controls," Revision 1. Division I system design

descriptions were comprehensive criteria documents that defined the

design, operation, maintenance, and testing requirements of systems.


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This design weakness was discussed with licensee management, and the

licensee subsequently made an immediate notification to the NRC

Operations Center as required by 10 CFR 50.72. The licensee also

implemented corrective actions, which included shutting valves

IA-V-1450 and IA-V-1459, to remove the susceptibility of the two-hour

backup supply air system to loss by a single failure. This item

will remain unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I Office


b. The team found that two-hour backup supply air system check valves

were not periodically tested. Division II SDD 424C, "Two-Hour Air

Supply for Main Steam and Emergency Feedwater System Controls,"

Revision 0, required that these air system check valves be tested

once every refueling cycle. The team noted that an undetected

failure of any one check valve to seat in combination with a postu-

lated single active failure within the opposite loop could cause the

loss of the two-hour backup supply air system. This concern

resulted from the fact that the seismic /non-seismic boundary between

the two-hour backup supply air system and the instrument and backup

instrument air systems was maintained by a single check valve at each

air user, except for EFW flow control valves EF-V-30A and EF-V-30B

where a tripping valve was used instead of a check valve. The

two-hour backup supply air system depended upon the ability of the

check and tripping valves at each seismic boundary to seat to ensure,

proper system performance following a seismic event or events that

result in the loss of instrument and backup air compressors, such as

a high-energy line break in the intermediate building.

Further discussion of the apparent failure to provide adequate

testing for the two-hour backup supply air check valves is provided

in Surveillance and Testing observation 2.

c. Post-modification functional testing of the two-hour backup supply

air system was found to be inadequate. Low power natural circulation

test TP 700/2, Revision STR-3, was performed, in part, to verify

that the bottled air supply was capable of supplying air to valves

EF-V-30A/B, MS-V-6, and MS-V-4A/B for a minimum of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> following

the loss of normal and backup instrument air systems. However, the

test was not structured to confirm that the design bases for the

two-hour backup supply air system had been satisfied. For example,

the test did not confirm that the system was adequately sized to

supply sufficient air to cycle all associated valves 20 times as

specified in the design or to observe a minimum of 10 strokes per

valve as required by the 500. In addition, the test did not establish

an initial condition to have the bottled air pressure be at its

minimum pressure of 1500 psig. .

Functional Test TP 248/2 was perfonned, in part, to demonstrate the

operability of the two-hour backup supply air system. The team found

little correlation between the design bases of the system and the

testing performed as demonstrated by the following table.


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Period of operation 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> I hour


Valves using air (excluding EF-V-30A/B EF-V-30A/B

EFW pump recirculation valves) MS-V-4A/B MS-V-4A/B



Number of times valves 20 5

are cycled

Minimum manifold pressure 1500 psig Not specified per

! initially test; however train

, A and B started at

1700 psig

Minimum manifold pressure 300 psig greater than 50

after two hours of use (Note 1) psig

System leakage rate 0.03 scfm at Not addressed

2500 psig.

Note 1: The pressure regulators were designed to supply maximum ,

- flowrate at a minimum inlet pressure of 300 psig. .

!- The team considered that a reduced number of cycles and a shortened


test period was reasonable provided they were correlated to the design i


l bases and that acceptance criteria would reflect that correlation.

ANSI N18.7 requires that tests be performed following plant modifi-

cations to confirm that the modifications produce expected results

and do not reduce safety of operations, and that test procedures

include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria.

The team considered the test performed on the two hatr-backup supply

air system did not confirm that the modification proauced expected

results per the design bases and did not have acceptance criteria

consistent with these system design bases.

, This item was discussed with licensee management and will remain

unresolved pending followup by the Region I Office (50-289/86-03-02).

d. The team found the site installation of the air cylinders for the

two-hour backup supply air system differed from that specified in


the structural design analysis. Calculation 609-0293, " Bottle Rack


for RM-13h," Revision 0, provided the rack design for restraint


of these air cylinders during a seismic event. The design included

chain restraints to preclude vertical movernent with turnbuckles

attached to the chain to assure adequate tension. The chain and

turnbuckle connections were to be made by open "S" chain links that

were intended by design to be closed af ter installation. Inspection



of the installation by the team revealed that no turnbuckles were

installed, the chain restraints were loose, "S" links were not


closed, and eye-bolts were not securely fastened to the frame.

Although the existing arrangement differed slightly from the original
design by not having turnbuckles installed, the intent to restrain

i the bottles from vertical movement may have been effective if the


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chains had been maintained snug. The team's concern regarding this

installation was that vertical movement allowed by loose chains

during a seismic event might cause the failure of conne.cting tubing

and loss of the air supply. One of the design requirements of the

two-hour backup supply air system was to provide a reliable source of

air following design basis events, such as an earthquake.

This item has been discussed with licensee management and will remain

unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I Office (50-289/86-03-03).

e. Design input was not always controlled consistent with the require-

ments of ANSI N45.2.11. The following examples were noted:

1) Design input for the two-hour backup supply air system was

incorrectly selected and incorporated into the system design.

GPU calculation C-1101-852-5360-001, "Two Hour Backup Instrument

Air System Pressure Low limit," Revision 0, determined the

minimum allowable manifold pressure to maintain an adequate

stored air capacity to operate the EFW and MS valves for a

period of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. This calculation was based on system leak

rates obtained in leak rate testing performed in May 1983 which

essentially conducted a wld test for the high pressure portion

of the system. This t;st preceded system functional testing

accomplished by TP 248/2. The hold test on train A was .

terminated because of excessive leakage. The hold test on


train B was not representative because leaking air cylinders

were isolated. An approved test procedure did not exist, and

documentation consisted of handwritten observations by a test

engineer. As such, the team did not consider the test results

appropriate for use in the GPU design analysis.

During the team's walkdown of the system, air leakage was noted

from various fittings. The team was concerned that normal

leakage of both the high and low pressure portions of the system

may have been much greater than assumed in the calculation. The

team found no evidence that actual system leak rates were being

determined, such as by trending air leak rates, or through periodic

testing to determine actual leak rates.

2) Design input associated with sizing of regulating valves IA-V-1621A

and IA-V-1621B was provided by GPU to an architect engineer but

was subsequently changed by the licensee without notifying the

affected design organization. Specifically, the minimum bottle

pressure was reduced from 300 psig to 100 psig. As a con-

sequence, the regulating valves would not provide maximum design

flow at the reduced bottle pressure. .The team considered the

technical significance of this concern to be minimal as long as

air capacity was oversized and pressure was maintained high, but

the item illustrated how an apparently minor design input change

can have a significant effect on the design accomplished by an

external design organization.

As discussed above, the use and control of verified design input was

not consistently performed. In general, the weaknesses identified did

not adversely affect the design of installed hardware but could have






affected the assumed operating / design margin. However, the identi-


fied weaknesses contributed to the team's concern with respect to the

overall control of the design process. Additional weaknesses in

implementing the requirements of ANSI N45.2.11 regarding control of

design inputs and design assumptions are discussed in Design Changes

and Modifications observation 2.a.

f. The team considered that the classifications for major systems,

components, and structures were not clearly identifiable by using the

Quality Classification List (QCL). This conclusion was based upon

the following observations.

1) The EFW system was not within a single classification. Portions

of the system were indicated in the QCL as being either important-

to-safety (ITS), nuclear safety-related (NSR), or benefits

reactor shutdown (BRS). Reference to the subsystems and

components for detailed classification identified the following:

a) The EFW pump suction from condensate storage tanks and

hotwell was identified as ITS.

b) The EFW pump control instrumentation was identified as ITS.

c) The EFW control system was identified as ITS. ,

- Other than these items, no other classifications were identified

for the EFW system. The team found this limited information

inconsistent with that implied on the EFW system pipe and flow

diagram. This drawing indicated that some portions of the

system were NSR but did not contain flags to further identify

what was NSR, ITS, or BRS. This lack of identification was

inconsistent with the other licensee pipe and flow diagrams

reviewed. Based on the above, the team could have concluded by

examination of the drawing that the entire system was NSR.

However, the team was informed by the licensee that the EFW

system would not be fully safety-grade until the completion of

long term modification task LM-13, and some components such as

the turbine-driven EFW pump would not be safety-grade because of

seismic considerations.

2) The two-hour backup supply air system was not identified in the

QCL. The team determined that the system was classified as ITS

based upon information in the Division I SDD and the pipe and

flow diagram.

The licensee acknowledged that the system level QCL required users to

obtain assistance from a QCL " interpreter" who was specifically trained

to render these interpretations. The licensee also indicated that a

component level QCL was currently under development. The progress of

this effort will remain an inspector followup item (50-289/86-03-04).

2. Electrical Systems Design Change Review

a. The inspection team examined design analyses associated with electrical

protection of the EFW pump motors and other large motors, battery


'.. *


sizing, the integrated control system (ICS) and EFW instrumentation

and control inverters, DC system power distribution, and motor-

operated valves. In each case, the team detennined that portions of

the calculations and design analyses reviewed were not consistent

with the design control requirements of ANSI N45.2.11. Specifically,

design inputs and assumptions often were not documented or verified,

and some calculations were not sufficiently complete to pemit design

verification without recourse to the originator. The following

examples were identified:

1) Design analyses for EFW pump motor overcurrent protection were

considered weak due to incorrect relay settings and the apparent

lack of consideration for long-term thermal degradation of the

motors. The EFW pumps and motors were originally not considered

to be nuclear safety-related components. The EFW system control

circuits and power supplies were upgraded in modifications

RM-13E and LM-13, task 10, from non-safety-related to safety-

related. The team found that the analyses performed around 1970

to detennine the setpoints for the overcurrent relays protecting

the EFW pump motors (and other large safety-related motors) had

not been updated.

For example, review of records revealed that the safe stall

time at rated locked-rotor current for the EFW pump motors was ,

5 seconds for hot restart when the motor had been running within

the previous hour. The signoffs on the original setting notice

in 1973 indicated that the overcurrent trip delay setting for

the EFW pump motors was set at 5.8 seconds. The licensee was

unable tc provide an analysis to support this relay setting.

The team was concerned that the overcurrent relay protection

provided for safety-related motors had not been verified against

actual motor data such as acceleration curves or motor thermal

damage curves.

2) Control of design inputs associated with battery sizing was

considered weak. The team reviewed the latest sizing calculation

for the new battery to be installed during the March / April 1986

outage and determined that the battery was sized based upon a

minimum battery temperature of 72*F. No reference was included

in the calculation for the basis of this minimum temperature.

The team reviewed the electrolyte temperature recorded weekly

in accordance with procedure 1301-4.6, " Weekly Surveillance

Check," to determine what temperatures the existing batteries

were experiencing. The weekly surveillance for the first 10

weeks of 1986 for both safety-related batteries indicated that

17 of 20 readings were below the miniinum design temperature of

72*F. Some of the temperature readings were as low as 65'F,

which could result in a battery capacity approximately 5% lower

than assumed in the analysis. The team noted that the battery

surveillance procedures did not include acceptance criteria for

battery temperature. The team also found that other design

input data used in the calculation, such as pump and valve

starting and running currents, lacked sufficient references to

permit complete verification of the calculations.

- 10 -




It appeared that the 25% margin included in the battery for

aging effects would more than compensate for any near term

capacity problems. However, the team wa:; concerned that an

unacceptable loss of battery capacity could result if the

battery room temperature were not maintained above the minimum

design temperature as the battery reached mid-life.

3) Design analyses were not available to demonstrate the capability

of some of the 118Vac power panel circuits providing power to

ICS and EFW instrumentation to clear electrical faults. The

safety-related power panels were fed solely from inverters and

did not have an alternate power source for fault clearing. The

power panel schedules indicated circuit breaker ratings as high

as 30 amperes on the safety-related panels and 50 to 70 amperes

on the non-safety-related power panels. The non-safety-related

power panels fed loads such as ICS and the backup manual con-

trollers for the EFW flow control valves. The team was concerned

that a fault on a single circuit could drag the associated

inverter into the current limit, low voltage mode and result in

loss of an entire inverter fed bus.

4) Preliminary, unverified design input was used as a basis for

fuse changes in the de system power distribution panels.

These changes were accomplished by Job Ticket CC 219, 10/4/83, ,

to increase the interrupting capability of the fuses. The


task was authorized by memorandum LAI 83-0037-8/24/83, which

referenced unissued Technical Data Report No. 374. The team was

concerned that the Technical Data Report referenced as the basis

for this change had yet to be completed, verified, or issued.

5) Design analysis for determining minimum motor starting voltages

for certain safety-related valves appeared to be inadequate.

An analysis for minimum motor starting voltage for safety-related

valves had been perfomed in 1979. This analysis resulted in

actuator modifications to 2 of the 31 valves analyzed so they

would operate at the minimum required voltage. The EFW system

Valves, and MS and Condensate valves supporting the EFW system,

were not reviewed at that time because they were not considered

safety-related. The team determined that analyses for these

valves had still not been accomplished even though several were

now considered safety-related valves. In addition, it did not

appear that the actual minimum voltage available at any of the

safety-related motor-operated valves had been determined to

support the assumption in the original analysis that the voltage

at the valve operators would not drop below 75% of the motor

rated voltage. .

The weaknesses discussed in the above five examples and the two

examples discussed previously in observation 1.e appear to reflect

inadequate implementation of the requirements of ANSI N45.2.11

regarding the documentation and verification of design inputs and

assumptions, and the conditions of design calculations. This item

was discussed with licensee management and will remain unresolved

pending followup by the NRC Region 1 Office (50-209/86-03-05).

- 11 -

N -

' ~

l b. A proposed design change to the remote shutdown panel failed to meet


the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, by not isolating the power

supply for the EFW remote shutdown panel instrumentation from the

control room. This oi. sign change had been prepared by a licensee

contractor, Gilbert Commonwealth, and was approved and released for

implementation during the next TMI-1 refueling outage. The design '

i change was initiated as part of the licensee's program to comply

l with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. Appendix R, Sections

! III G2 and G3, require that alternate shutdown capability be

independent of the circuits which may fail because of the postulated

fire (such as circuits located in the control room). A review of the

construction drawings in the design change package revealed the

following examples involving EFW instrumentation where the require-

ments of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, did not appear to be met:

1) Power panel VBB, breaker 22, fed train B signal conditioning

cabinet 81 via circuit EA 6824. Circuit EA 6856 fed the

power supply from cabinet 81 to cabinet B2. The electronics in

cabinet B2 developed train B EFW flow and OTSG 1evel instrumen-

tation on the remote shutdown panel. Power for the electronics

for this instrumentation on the remote shutdown panel came from

the receptacle circuit in cabinet B2. However, this receptacle

circuit was to be powered by the same circuit that provided power

to three other circuits (EA 6858. EA 6860, and EA 6868) that all

went to the control room.

2) Power panel V8C, breaker 20, fed the containment water level

cabinet C. The electronics in this cabinet developed train A

EFW flow indication on the remote shutdown panel. However,

the same circuit that provided power to containment water level

cabinet C also was to feed circuit EA 517, which went to the

control room.

The team also reviewed the existing installation for these remote

shutdown circuits and found the same problems. The team noted,

however, that the licensee was not committed to the NRC to have

the affected EFW circuits in compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R,



until cycle 6 startup at the conclusion of the next refueling outage.

The weaknesses identified in the design change package for the remote

shutdown panel were discussed with licensee management and will

remain unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I Office


c. The TMI environmental qualification file failed to meet the require-

ments of 10 CFR 50.49 by not including plant specific data on the

cabling to the EFW discharge header cross-connect valves. The team

identified that circuits CG 241 and CH 871 control EFW valves EF-V-2A

and EF-V-2B, respectively. The team determined from the pull slips

that both of these cables were type EK-9G and from purchase order

97099 determined that cable EK-9G was a KERITE Company Flame Retardant

insulation / Flame Retardant Jacket (KERITE FR), However, the System

Component Evaluation Worksheet (SCEW) for the KERITE cable used at

TMI(SCEW-TI-770-005) identified the cable as a KERITE HTK There was

no SCEW sheet available to support the use of KERITE FR insulated



- 12 -





cable at TMI-1. Although the TMI-1 environmental qualification records

were detennined to be incomplete in this instance, the licensee did

have a SCEW sheet (SCEW-0C-770-006) for KERITE FR cable used at their

Oyster Creek plant.

Subsequent to the completion of the team's on-site inspection activities,

the licensee identified additional potential concerns regarding the

adequacy of the TMI-1 environmental qualification file for installed

electrical cabling. This item was discussed with licensee management

and will remain unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I Office


d. The team identified a number of loads connected to the Class IE power

system that were either not safety-related, or were safety-related

but not environmentally qualified for the ensironment in which they

would operate. For example, the EFW pump room cooling units AH-E-24A

and AH-E-24B were classified as nuclear safety-related and were

connected to 480Vac control centers IA-ES and 18-ES, re:pectively.

These loads were located in the intermediate building but had not

been qualified to operate in a harsh environment that would exist

following a high-energy line break in that area. Although cooling

from these units was not required for operation of the EFW pumps,

the units would continue to operate in the harsh environment. The

team considered that a postulated electrical fault on these relatively

small circuits probably would not affect the Class 1E power system;

however, the team was concerned that the licensee may not have

reviewed the effect of failures of other larger loads on the breaker

coordination of loaded motor control centers and unit substations.

It appeared to the team that the associated circuit overcurrent

protection coordination review performed by the licensee for 10 CFR

50, Appendix R, may not have included the effect of the remaining

load on a bus while comparing the breaker or fuse curves of the

feeder with those of the largest circuit load. This concern was

discussed with licensee management and will remain unresolved pending

followup by the NRC Region I Office (50-289/86-03-08).

e. During review of the control circuit modification for the EFW

control valves, the team noted that the cable shield was tied to the

signal common wire. The signal common wire was eventually connected

to ground. The original system designer included an installation

note on drawing 210-006, Revision 21, that cautioned that the (cable)

shields should be tied together and then connected to ground. It

appeared that the intent of the original system designer was to have

separate wires for signal comons and shield grounds and that the

shields be individually connected to the panel ground bus. The team

noted that such a grounding scheme would also be consistent with the

guidance provided by IEEE 518-1977. The as-installed condition,

however, was such that noise on the shield drain would now be

conducted to the ground bus via the signal common wire.

This grounding practice did not appear to present a problem for the

specific control circuits reviewed because of their relatively slow

response time. However, if this practice were used in higher speed

or digital circuits, then spurious noise affecting the signal common

voltage could result in improper control actions.

- 13 -


,. 3. Design Change Program Review

a. Weaknesses were identified in the program for control of permanent

and temporary lead shielding. The use of shielding for ALARA con-

siderations was evaluated with regard to whether temporary or

permanent design changes hid been made to plant systems without

adequate design evaluation. The following five concerns were

identified in this review.

1) No documented 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations had been accomplished for lead

shielding installations in the plant since procedure 9100-IMP-

3282.01, "Use of Permanent and Temporary Shielding," was issued

in 1983. Further, the team noted that procedure 9100-TMI-3282.01

did not address the subject of 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations.

IE Information Notice 83-64, " Lead Shielding Attached to Safety-

Related Systems Without 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations," dated

September 29, 1983, addresses lead shielding installations

and indicates that failure to analyze for possible seismic and

structural effects (both dynamic and static) of lead shielding

on safety-related systems potentially constitutes an unreviewed

safety question. At the time of this inspection lead shielding

installations were on safety-related decay heat system suction

piping to pumps OH-P-1A and DH-P-1B. ,


It was also noted that IE Information Notice 83-64 was reviewed

by GPU in 1983 and the determination made that procedure 9100-IMP-

3282.01 satisfied the 10 CFR 50.59 requirements identified in the


2) Exhibit 2 in procedure 9100-IMP-3282.01 was a load table for use

in determining allowable loads that could be installed on plant

piping without further engineering review. Based on a review of

the engineering calculation to support this table, four significant

discrepancies were noted:

seismic ef fects were not considered;

the effects of pipe configuration between supports were not

considered (other than straight pipe);

the effects of positive anchors at supports were not

considered; and

  • the effects of concentrated loads, such as valves, between

supports were not considered. ,

In effect, the table could have been used for all applications

when, in fact, it only applied to straight pipe, simply

supported, at specified maximum spans.

3) Procedure 9100-lMP-3282.01 did not address installation require-

ments or approved techniques to assure that shielding was safely

- 14 -



.. and correctly installed with approved installation materials

and procedures. This information was not available in other

procedures as well.

4) Calculations to support lead shielding installations were not

verified in a timely manner. There had been approximately 10

shielding calculations accomplished and only one had been

verified in accordance with EP-009, " Design Verification." The

practice apparently had been to accomplish supportive cal-

culations and to install the shielding prior to completing the

design verifications. The team considered that lack of

completion of design verification prior to installing temporary

shielding to be significant since shielded systems are not

necessarily isolated from plant use and no functional test

can be accomplished to assure adequacy of the temporary design


5) One permanent shielding installation reviewed involved the use

of loose concrete blocks to shield drain lines for letdown

prefilters MU-F-2A and MU-F-28. The criteria established by

the licensee for installation of the blocks was that the

center of gravity of the top blocks be no more than 12 inches

off the floor, the blocks be no closer than 2 feet to important-

to-safety (ITS) equipment due to seismic considerations, and .

that a warning sign be installed identifying the 2 foot require-

ment. Site inspection of the as-installed blocks by the team


revealed that the top block center of gravity was 15 inches off

the floor in some locations, ITS valves SF-V-77 and SF-V-71 were

located within 6 inches and 19 inches of the blocks, respectively,

and no warning sign was installed.

The above inadequacies in the program for control of temporary and

permanent shielding were discussed with licensee management and

will remain unresolved pending followup by the Region I Office


b. The mini-mod process of procedure EMP-002, " Mint-Mods," was reviewed

in detail. This is an expedited process developed to provide rapid

response capability for accomplishing plant modifications which meet

the mini-mod criteria. The key criteria center around budgetary

constraints, capability of the on-site group, and scope of the modi-

fication. In addition, four mini-mod work packages were evaluated

for procedure compliance to EMP-002 requirements as well as appropriate

design change control requirements. The four mini-mods reviewed were:

BA 123164 "EFW Turbine Inlet Pressure Control Modifications";

installation documents were released for construction.

BA 123170 " Removal of Instrument Air to Valves EF-V-8A, B, C";

installation documents were released for construction.

BA 123166 "AH-VIC ESAS Test Group Modification"; installation

documents were released for construction.

- 15 -


BA 215504 " Fuel Handling Building Crane Modification";


installation was complete and turned over.

In general, the basic program and controls of EMP-002 and other

associated procedures appeared to be adequate for the mini-mod

process. However, two types of procedural implementation problems

were noted:

1) 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations for two mini-mods were incorrectly

marked as no change being required to the FSAR when, in fact,

the text or drawings in the FSAR appeared to be affected.

BA 215504 added a second fuel handling crane limit switch

to improve reliability and safety. The FSAR had specific

wording regarding the fuel handling crane limit switches

in section that this modification appeared to


BA 123170 removed instrument air tubing to valves EF-V-8A,

EF-V-88, and EF-V-8C. FSAR Figure 10.6-1 for EFW depicted

air tubing to these valves and that figure would have to be

revised once the air tubing was removed.

The team's concern, based upon examples such as those above, is,

that a proper analysis for an unreviewed safety question may not


be perfomed if it is not recognized that the FSAR is affected

by the modification.

2) The installation specifications issued to accomplish the four

mini-mods reviewed did not address the attributes required by

procedure EMP-002. Paragraph 4.0 of Exhibit 2 (Design Require-

ments) to procedure EMP-002 specified two attributes to be

addressed and paragraph 5 of Exhibit 2 (Design Description)

specified nine attributes to be addressed in installat'on

specifications. None of the four mini-mods reviewed covered

these entirely. The team considered that all of these attributes

were relevant to design requirements and description and should

be part of a controlled design change process for documentation

of design input and output.

The above weaknesses regarding implementation of the procedure

EMP-002, " Mini-Mods," were discussed with licensee management and

will remain unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I Office


c. Implementation of the design verification process as required by

EP-009 was considered to be a weakness. The following problems were

identified in the inspection:

1) Three engineering calculations reviewed had no design verifica-

tion accomplished,

calc # 1101X - 322F-165 Flowrates for two-hour backup

air supply system

- 16 -



" calc # 1101X-322F-424-1 - EFW system resistance


calc # 1302X-5320-A50 - Shielding stress

2) Three design verifications reviewed had no checklists as required

by EP-009.

calc #1101X-322B-003 - Air consumption by EF-V-30 valves

calc # 1101X-322F-157 - EFWP turbine relief valve setpoint

calc # 1101X-3228-004 - Air consumption by MS-V-6

3) System Design Descriptions (SDDs) were not being design verified

as required by EP-009. This was true for Division I and II of

SDDs 474A, B, C, D and E. Further, discussions with licensee

personnel revealed that design verification was not considered

necessary for SDDs and that SDDs would not necessarily be

updated to reflect changes. The team considered use of SDDs

to be very beneficial and a practice that should be continued,

but the SDDs need to be updated and verified since they are used

for design and are considered to be a source of design input as

well as a training input document. ANSI N45.2.11 requires that

design inputs be verified. ,

- The team noted that Technical Functions Procedure EP-005, " Modi-

fication and System Design Descriptions," recognized SDD

Division I as a record of design inputs and indicated that

for future modifications the design engineer must know the

complete basis for the design. It was noted by the team while

at the licensee's architect engineer's offices that the SDD

Division I was considered to be design input for their design

work. These inputs were not verified by their design veri-

fication process but were considered to be fact. Team dis-

cussions with licensee personnel revealed that it was assumed

that the architect engineer was design verifying GPU SDD design


The design verfication concerns identified above were discussed with

licensee management and will remain unresolved pending followup by

NRC Region I Office (50-289/86-03-11).

d. Design document updating procedures were considered weak. In this

review 75 documents were identified that had 6 or more change

documents posted against them. These documents were mostly drawings,

but also included installation specifications, an instrument list

(308001), an SDD Division II (232E), and a' master EQ equipment list

(990-1429). Procedure EMP-015 stated that documents with more than

five outstanding changes posted against them are subject to a

mandatory update.

The change document history for 10 of the documents identified with

six or more changes was reviewed with the following results:

- 17 -

- - ._


. Total Number Date of

Document of Changes 6th Change

drawing ID-662-18-002 8 5/83

drawing 641-074 7 9/83

drawing 311-842 7 10/83

drawing 215-021 10 6/83

drawing 215-051 9 7/83

drawing 304-641 8 1/84


drawing 224-503 18 3/82

SDD 232E 6 5/83

Instrument List 20 9/8F

Master Environmental 9 4/85

Qualifications List

Based on above examples, it appeared that the drawing updating

criteria established by procedure EMP-015 was not being adequately


During the inspection it was noted that the TMI-1 quality assurance

organization identified similar concerns in September 1985 in Audit

No. S-TMI-85-10. The Engineering Services response to that audit in

October 1985 indicated that:


The instrument list was being revised and the list is now subject

to routine, timely maintenance. However, the NRC inspection team

found that the instrument list still had 20 change documents posted

against it. Some of these outstanding changes dated back to 1981.

The 215 series drawings were redundant to other data and would be

voided. The NRC inspection team found that these drawings

apparently had not been voided, as indicated by the fact that

they were still listed as being in need of updating.

The desirability of maintaining the updating requirement for

certain drawings, installation specifications and SDDs was

< referred to the Manager-Engineering Projects, TMI-1. The NRC

inspection team found that apparently no decision had been made,

as these documents were still in need of updating and no other

correspondence had been issued.

The licensee stated that a change to procedure EP-002, "GPUN Drawings,"

that addresses the concerns discussed above was being prepared. The

progress of this effort will remain an inspector followup item


e. The team found that the Computer Assisted Records and Information

Retrieval System (CARIRS) was the established means of controlling

design documents that define or change the functional configuration

of TMI-1. EMP-016, " Plant Configuration Control Lists," established

the CARIRS method for maintaining plant configuration; however, the

team was concerned that there was no procedure for use of CARIRS as

a tool for design, engineering, and general plant maintenance and


- 18 -

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operations use. Discussions with licensee management representatives

revealed that use of and interpretation of CARIRS was n)t well under-

stood by TMI-1 plant personnel.

f. A sample of 20 as-built piping and instrumentation drawings (P& ids)

on file in the control room was checked for correct revision status,

and two P& ids were found to be out of date. This was contrary to

procedure EP-025, "As-Built Drawings," which stated that control

room drawings were to be maintained current to reflect actual plant

conditions. The affected drawings were:

P&ID 302-231 did not reflect the last three changes issued

for it (dated 8/85,11/84,10/85),and

  • P&ID 302-660 did not reflect the last change issued for it

(dated 7/84).

The team was told that periodic audits were done by TMI-1 Design and

Drafting to assure control room drawings were up to date with no

change documents posted against them. However, the last audit was

done in July 1985.

This apparent failure to properly implement the requirements of

procedure EP-025 for control of as-built drawings in the control .

room will remain unresolved pending followup by the Region I Office



g. Inconsistencies and errors in drawings and System Design

Descriptions were noted by the tean throughout this inspection.

1) Some of the drawings affected were:

Drawing Discrepancy

  1. 302-011 MS-V-13A & B shown as normally open, should

be normally closed;

MS-V-10A & B shown as normally open, should

bc normally closed;

  1. 600-520 Flow indicators were shown cross connected.
  1. 600-347 EFW logic did not show manual loader.
  1. 600-340 Old E/P converters were shown for both

EF-V-30A & B; backup t.ransfer switches

were not shown; remote transfer switches

were not shown; no reference was made to

either manual loader.

  1. 210-707 E/P converters shown for EF-V-30A & B when

E/I and I/P module combinations were actually

installed; this dwg was in conflict with

cable pull dwg 212-009-RF 126 for cables

RF 126 and 128 because E/P was shown on this dwg.

- 19 -

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- # 660-42-017 Dwgs showed + 10 volts supply to HIC-849/850

  1. 660-42-018 + 24 volts from power

when it was

supplies shown on 210 actually !959; dwg 017 showed l


alternate power from panel ATA, breakers 6

j and 16 when power actually came from ATB,

breaker 15; dwg 018 showed alternate power


from ATB, breakers 6 & 16 when it actually

came from breaker 16; dwg 018 did not show

output of HIC-850 connected to selector


switch; dwg also did not identify the transfer

switches by component identification number.

  1. 600-435 Relays 86-CVI and 86-1/CVI, contacts 3-1-4,

,i 7-6-5, 9-11-8 and 3-1-4 were shcwn twice with

different ITS designations in each case; these

relay contacts also appeared on dwg 600-319


and none were marked ITS.


  1. 600-346 Remote manual loader not shown
  1. 600-502 TB-4, connector 7 and 8 were identified with

conflicting information, i.e., cable RF 143 was


shown connected to HS-003/HY-003, but according

to 660-42-017, cable RF 147 connects to .



  1. 302-273 Shows a solenoid enclosure on valves EF-V-30A

and EF-V-308, but these enclosures were not [

actually installed. This as-installed


arrangement was shown correctly on dwg 308-416.


  1. 302-272 Indicates air is supplied to SP-VSA and SP-VSB.

However, these devices have been replaced with '

EQ I/P converters FY-849A and FY-8498.

p #302-271 Entire instrument air (IA) system was not depicted

! e392-273 on P& ids. Team walkdown found air users not shown


on dwgs and additional isolation valves, IA-V-98 and

IA-V-99, between IA system and two-hour backup

supply air system not shown on dwg. Dwg

302-273 indicated design pressures were 2500

psig u) to the regulating valves and 150 psig


from tiere on; but the FSAR indicated 2500 psig

up to the regulating valve. 600 psig between the

l regulating valve and the first switching valve,

and 150 psig from there on.


  1. 302-271 Seismic I/ Seismic !!! boundary between the
  1. 302-272 two-hour backup supply air system and the

i #302-273 instrumentation air / backup instrument air systemn

not shown

> r

i 2) Errors identified in the Division !! SDD 424C, "TMI-1 Two-Hour


Air Supply for Main Steam and Emergency Feedwater Controls,"



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  • For EF-V-30A, the wrong valve number was listed for the


manual isolation valve between the I/P converter and the

train A header of the two-hour backup supply air system.

For EF-V-8C, the wrong valve number was listed for the

manual isolation valve between the solenoid and train B


of two-hour backup supply air system. For EF-V-88, the


' wrong valve number was listed for the manual isolation

valve between the solenoid and trains A and B of the

two-hour backup supply air system. The correct valve

numbers were depicted on drawing 302-273.

EF-V-30A E/P and EF-V-30B E/P were identified as instrument


air users. However, these E/P converters were replaced by

< environmental qualified I/P concerters by long term

modification task LM-9. The correct instruments were

i '

FY-894A and FY-850B as shown on drawing IA-424-42-1000,


  • The system relief valves were identified as CROSBY

J05-15-A when the valves were actually CROSBY J05-15-C.

The correct relief valve type was identified from

i nameplate data and was correctly shown on the valve data

sheet dated May 22, 1981. Likewise, the capacity of the

relief valve was listed as 48,000 scfh, while the nameplate

capacity was 87.660 scfh. ,

" * The 500 indicated that the high pressure instrument air

within the high pressure air storage bottles had a dew


point of less than or equal to -60*C. The team found that

a prncurement document for truck air specified a dryness

equivalent to -10*C. The actual dryness of the air supplied


was a -89'C. The Division I SDD required a dryness

a equivalent to that of the instrument air system (-40*C).


The SDD stated that no more than one train of the

two-hour backup supply air system can be out of service

at any one time and that this time shall be kept to a


minimum. The maximum length of time consistent with the

technical specification limit for one train of the EFW


system was not specified.

While discrepancies such as the above will not necessarily lead to

design problems, they do make the documentation trail hard to follow

for determining actual design conditions. It appeared to the team

that while some of the examples cited were drafting or typographical '

errors, some were the result of the lack of proper updating of design

documentation. ANSI N45.2.11 requires tha,t personnel use proper and

current instructions, procedures, drawings, and design inputs. Design

documents and changes to them are to be controlled to ensure that



correct and appropriate documents are available for use. The drawing

deficiencies identified above and in Maintenance observation 5.b will

remain an unresolved item pending followup by the Region ! Office



h. Two other isolated areas of concern were identified by the team

i in the design change process.



- 21 -

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1) A minor design change was accomplished by a maintenance job

ticket when a section of the air supply line to valve EF-V-8A


operator wss removed. This modification was done without

following design change control measures required by EMP-019,

" Plant Modifications Proposed by Plant Engineering." The Plant

Engineering instructions attached to the job ticket made the

statement that this was not considered a modification per

EMP-019. The team considered this to be an incorrect judgment.

2) The temporary modification process of AP-1013. " Bypass of Safety

Functions and Jumper Control," was used for control of a jumper

on MS-V13B to defeat the auto start capability. The 10 CFR

50.59 evaluation for this modification was marked that no cnange

to the FSAR was required. However, Section of the

FSAR indicated that the turbine pump will auto start for train

6 actuation. This temporary design change defeated the auto

start capability and consequently affected the FSAR wording.

The team acknowledges that this was a temporary modification,

but one that definitely affected the FSAR.

B. Maintenance

1. Several strengths were noted in the THI-1 preventive maintenance program.

An extensive trending report was found to be routinely developed every 3 ,

months based on corrective maintenance activities performed over the


previous 12-month period. These reports identified problem areas on both

a system and component basis. A review of the PM activities conducted on

the non-safety-related integrated control system (ICS) revealed an ex-

tensive coverage of the system on a circuit by circuit basis, including

cleanings, calibrations, and refurbishments.

One weakness was found regarding preventive maintenance. Equipment

history records revealed that, prior to this inspection, preventive

maintenance had last been conducted on MU-V-16C, a high pressure injection

discharge isolation valve, in August 1981. The licensee's program identi-

fied this valve as requiring preventive maintenance every three years.

Licensee personnel advised the team that preventive maintenance was

conducted on this valve on the last day of the inspection, March 27, 1986.

2. A review was made of the licensee's program for the maintenance of motor-

operated valves (MOVs). The licensee was found to be aggressively pur-

suing the action items contained in IE Bulletin 85-03, " Motor-Operated

Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch

Settings." Design basis thrust values were being determined for MOVs and

subsequent MOV testing was being conducted with a load cell to ensure that

M0V torque switches were properly set to permit, the valves to achieve

their design basis thrust. The' licensee had completed this state-of-

the-art testing on 23 MOVs and planned to test approximately 70 more

during an outage starting in March 1986. Although the licensee's overall

program for maintenance of MOVs was determined to be adequate, several

specific concerns, discussed below, were identified.

a. The licensee had detailed procedures to cover the various aspects of

MOV maintenance. A review of these procedures revealed several



- 22 -



(1) Procedure 1420-LTQ-2, "Limitorque Operator Limit Switch


Adjustment," Revision 8, described how to set the limit switch

that prevents an MOV from backseating while opening. This

procedure directed that this limit switch be set with the valve

slightly closed to allow for coasting of moving parts. This

was considered a weaknesses in that a more precise valve

position for setting this limit switch was not provided.

(2) Procedure 1420-LTQ-2 also described how to set the limit switch

that allows the valve to come off its shut seat without

tripping on high torque. This procedure directed that this

limit switch be set to remain closed for 3% to 10% of the valve

stroke time. This was considered a weakness because 3% of the

valve travel time may not be sufficient to overcome the

unseating forces on the valve. The licensee advised the

inspection team that this issue was currently under review and

that they expected to change the setting of this limit switch

to a more conservative 8% to 14% of valve travel.

(3) Preventive Maintenance Procedure E-13, "Limitorque Valves,"

Revision 12, directed the technician to jog the M0V to verify

proper direction of motor rotation. No direction was provided

as to how to jog the valve despite the fact that most MOVs have

a seal-in feature that prevents intermittent operation. .


The procedural weaknesses identified above were discussed with the

licensee and will remain an inspector followup item pending review

of the licensee's corrective action (50-289/86-03-15).

b. Weaknesses were noted regarding the control of M0V torque switch

se ttings . Equipment history records in some cases provided no

explanation for apparent changes in torque switch settings and, in

one case, indicated a change in a torque switch setting without

foreman review or approval. The following examples pertain.

(1) Maintenance was conducted on MU-V-168, a high pressure injection

isolation valve, on May 6, 1983. The data sheet for this

activity indicated "N/A" for the equipment history torque

values. The data sheet also indicated that the open torque

switch setting had been adjusted from 3/4 to 13/4 and the close

torque switch had been adjusted from 1/2 to 1 1/4. Despite the

fact that the data sheet provided places for review and approval

of these changes, neither was made. Additionally, the as-found

torque switch values, both less than one, were below the re-

commended values of 1 1/4 to 2 provided on the bill of materials

for this valve.

(2) Maintenance was conducted on MU-V-16D, a high pressure injection

isolation valve, on April 1, 1980. The as-found and as-left

values for both the open and close torque switch settings were

specified in the data sheet as 2 1/2. Maintenance was again

conducted on this valve on August 12, 1981. The as-found and


as-left torque switch settings were specified in the . data sheet


as open - 1 1/2 and close - 1 1/4. No records were available

providing an explanation or basis for the apparent change in

- 23 -






torque switch settings for this valve. Additionally, no torque

switch equipment history data was provided in the data sheets

indicating the correct values to which the torque switches

should have been set.

(3) Mainter,ance was conducted on MU-V-16C, a high pressure injection

isolation valve, on April 1,1980. The as-found and as-left

torque switch settings were specified in the data sheet as

open - 3/4 and close - 1/2. Main;enance was again conducted on

this valve on August 12, 1981. The as-found and as-Teft torque ,

switch settings were specified in the data sheet as open - 1 1/2

and close - 1 1/4. No records were available providing an

explanation or basis for the apparent change in torque switch

settings for this valve. Additionally, no torque switch equip-

ment history data was provided in the data sheets indicating the

proper values to which the torque switches should have been set.

Despite the weaknesses described above, the equipment history records

indicated that current torque switch settings were within the manu-

facturers recommended values. However, the team was concerned that

the administrative system to control and document M0V torque switch

settings may not be sufficient to maintain the new torque switch

settings being established through the analysis and testing process

described above. A licensee representative stated that MOV equipment

history records would be improved and updated to clearly identify the


correct torque switch setting for each valve. This issue will remain

an inspector followup item pending review of the licensee's cor-

rective action (50-289/86-03-16).

3. A weakness was noted in the maintenance procedures for replacing the

packing in the emergency feedwater (EFW) pumps. A review of maintenance

activities since January 1985 revealed several recent occasions when

corrective maintenance was conducted on EFW pump packing:

September 18, 1985 - Sone packing wa removed and adjusted on the

outboard side of the turbine-driven EFW pump.


December 9, 1985 - The outboard packing gland of turbine-driven EFW

pump was repacked. The packing and lantern ring

were found to be installed in such a way that

the cooling water supply to the stuffing box

was blocked. Additionally, the lantern ring

was found to be warped, which may have caused *

increased heat to be generated in the stuffing

box due to metal to metal contact.

April 4, 1985 - Someoftheinboardpickingwasremovedand

adjusted on EFW pump 2A.

The activities described above were conducted using generic procedures

1410-P-1, " Repack Pump," and 1410-P-2, " Add Packing to Pumps and Adjust

Packing Glands." These procedures were " generic" in the sense that they

were written to be applicable to a variety of pumps. The team considered ,

these procedures weak for use on EFW pump packing because they failed to

describe the method of installing the packing and lantern ring combination


- 24 -


., . , - - - - - - - - . . - - . . - . . . . - .




so as not to block cooling water flow into the stuffing box. This problem


had occurred, as identified above, during the December 9,1985, maintenance

activity. The generic packing procedures also did not identify the specific

combination of ribbon and braided packing to be used for the EFW pumps and

did not provide tolerances for the EFW pump packing lantern rings, again

related to a problem identified during the December 9,1985, maintenance


A licensee representative stated that improvements would be.made to the

procedural controls governing maintenance on EFW pump packing. This issue

will remain an inspector followup item (50-289/86-03-17).

4. The program for the use of vendor technical manuals as maintenance

procedures was reviewed. In general, this program was considered

acceptable. Numerous manuals had been reviewed and edited to provide

assurance of their applicability to specific installed components at

TMI-1. Procedure 1407-1, " Unit-1 General Corrective Maintenance

Procedure," Revision 24, contained clear requirements regarding the use

of technical manuals. This procedure allowed the use of a controlled

technical manual for the conduct of maintenance without further en-

gineering review of the manual. This procedure further required that,

when a non-controlled manual is used, engineering review and concurrence

be obtained to verify such things as torque values, dimensions and

tolerances, and proper lubricants. .

- A weakness was noted regarding the use of technical manuals. Instrument

calibration procedures generally stated that, if as-found data are out of

tolerance, the affected instrument is to be repaired using a specific

vendor manual referenced in the calibration procedure. Such vendor

technical manuals referenced in these procedures were found not to be

controlled in 2 out of 10 cases checked. The two uncontrolled manuals

were "Rosemont Model 1151 Level Transmitter," identified in Procedure

1302.5.15, " Core Flood Tanks Pressure and Level Channels," Revision 8;

and " Bailey Instrument Manual E92-79 (Bailey Buffer Module)," identified

in Procedure 1302.5.18, "High and Low Pressure Inspection Flow Channel,"

Revision 10.

This issue will remain an inspector followup item pending licensee review

and control of the two manuals identified above and further review of the

use of potentially uncontrolled technical manuals in calibration pro-

cedures (50-289/86-03-18).

5. The inspection team conducted a detailed walkdown of the EFW system to

verify that the system layout was as depicted in the system drawings, to

ensure that the system was aligned as required by licensee procedures, to

review component accessibility, and to evaluate the material condition and

cleanliness of the system. The team observed that the licensee had

expended considerable effort maintaining the general cleanliness and

material condition of the plant and the EFW system in particular. ,

Several weaknesses were noted:

a. The washer on an installed concrete expansion anchor on pipe support

EF-18 was loose and could easily be rotated by hand. This could

indicate an improperly installed anchor bolt. This issue will remain

unresolved pending followup by the NRC Region I (50-289/86-03-19). 1

- 25 -





- b. Actual component layout differed from the EFW system drawing, 5130

302-082, Revision 7, in several minor instances. Specifically:

(1) Pressure guages installed downstream of EF-V-48A and EF-V-50A,

EFW pump packing cooling supply valves, were not shown on the

system drawing.

(2) The location of EF-V-56, a drain valve on "A" EFW discharge

header, was different from that indicated on the system drawing.

(3) Part of the section of 6-inch diameter piping between EF-V-2A

and EF-V-30A was indicated on the drawing as 4-inch diameter


(4) The "B" condensate supply check valve, C0-V-168, was incorrectly

labeled C0-V-16A. Similarly, the "A" condensate supply check

valve C0-V-16A was incorrectly Iaoeled C0-V-16B.

(5) Check valve EF-V-198 was mislabeled EF-V-198.

Additional drawing deficiencies were identified in Design Changes

and Modifications observation 3.g.

c. EF-V-36A and B, EFW pump packing cooling valves, were identified in ,

the system valve lineup, Enclosure 1 to EFW Operating Procedure 1106-6,


as being throttled. These valves were not locked nor were their

approximate positions identified on the valve lineup. The team was

concerned that there appeared to be no way that the correct position

of these valves could be verified without operating the system.

d. The inspection team noted that the location and orientation of

EF-V-54, a recently installed motor-operated block valve for EFW flow

control valve EF-V-308, restricted manual valve operability due to

the valve handwheel's distance above the floor and proximity to a

wall. This observation was considered significant because the

licensee had deenergized the motor-operator to EF-V-54 and intended

to treat it as a manually operated valve. This will remain an

inspector followup item pending determination that the valve can be

manually operated (50-289/86-03-20).

. C. Operations

Procedures and system drawings relating to nonnal and abnormal operations of

the emergency feedwater (EFW) system and the integrated control system (ICS)

were reviewed in detail. The inspection team performed system walkdowns and

verified procedural adequacy. Equipment was observe,d in operation, valve

positions and equipment readiness were verified, and operator perfonnance

was observed.

1. Control room observations revealed the following strengths:

a. Operators were considered to be both knowledgeable and professional.

Control room activities were properly conducted. Conmunications were

!- both clear and concise.

- 26 -





b. Shift turnovers were observed to be thorough. Similarly, the brief-

ing given to the on-coming shift on in-progress and planned work

activities was comprehensive.

c. Interviews with operators and observations of operational and

transient evolutions revealed they were knowledgeable concerning

the ICS, including operating procedures, failure modes, and emergency

procedures. The team noted that there were typically only four to

six control room annunciator alanns lighted during plant operation.

2. Weaknesses were observed relating to out-of-specification operator log

data entries. Specifically, the team identified examples where

out-of-specificaiton log data entries were not circled as required

by the instructions on the affected log sheets;

  • explanatory notes were not made on the log sheets for out-of-

specification data entries as required by procedure 1001 G,

" Procedure Utilization," Revision 11; and

  • log sheet discrepancies, such as those noted above, went uncorrected

and apparently unnoticed during shift turnover reviews of the logs

by the shift foreman and the on-coming operator. .


The most significant example noted by the team of recent problems with

out-of-specification log data entries occurred on February 6 and 7,1986,

when five consecutive operating shifts recorded decreasing EFW two-hour

backup supply air system supply pressure readings (1100, 800, All 580,

five 420,


and 400 psig) in the Secondary Auxiliary Operator's Log.

these readings were below the specified acceptance criteria of 1700 psig.

Further, the operators had not circled these out-of-specificaiton readings

and had made no explanatory log entries regarding the condition. The

problem was corrected on February 7,1986, when an operations engineer

reviewing the log sheets questioned the data entries, investigated, and

found a closed truck supply valve. The operations engineer opened the

valve to correct the decreasing pressure condition that had been indicated

for the five shifts by the logged data entries. The team noted that

during the five shifts in question the two-hour backup supply air


syctem's bottle pressure met procedural acceptance criteria required for

system performance.

In addition to the examples discussed above, the team noted several other

isolated instances where out-of-specification data entries in the Primary

and Secondary Auxiliary Operators' Logs were not circled during the

period of March 1-9, 1986. Of particular concern to the team for each of

the examples noted was that the discrepancies had not been identified and

corrected during the shift turnover process as required by procedure 1012,

" Shift Relief and Log Entries," Revision 26.

The weakness noted regarding the handling of out-of-specification log data

entries were discussed with the licensee and will remain unresolved

pending followup by the NRC Region I Office (50-289/86-03-21).


- 27 -

_ - - , -



  • \


3. The inspection team identified deficiencies related to the procurement

of make-up instrument air for the EFW two-hour backup supply air system

which was being supplied continuously from a truck. This system was

identified by the licensee as being important-to-safety,

a. Air for this system was being procured under a purchase order

(TP-035330) with a safety classification of not-important-to-safety.

Consequently site QA engineering did not review the purchase order,

b. The purchase order specified " dry compressed air in bulk industrial

grade with a dew point less that or equal to -10 Deg. C at 100 psig."

The TMI-1 FSAR (Sections and requires that this

air to have a dew point of at least -40 F at 100 psig, filtered to

0.9 micron. The purchase order therefore specified an incorrect and

nonconservative dew point (-10*C is equivalent to -14 F) and failed

to invoke the filtration requirement.

c. The Secondary Auxiliary Operator's log specified, for the instrument

air system, a dew point reading range of -60 C to -10 C; and required

notification of the Shift Foreman when the dewpoint exceeded -10 C.

This upper limit of -10 C was not consistent with the upper limit of

-40 F specified in the FSAR.

Despite the lack of adequate administrative controls for the procurement

of backup instrument air, the team noted that the air was supplied by the'


vendor at a dew point of -128 F at 100 psig filtered to 0.1 micron which

exceeded the specification of the FSAR. Prior to the completion of the

inspection, the licensee had requested a Certificate of Conformance from

the vendor and was taking neasures to ensure that future air purchases

were made under an important-to-safety purchase order. This issue will

remain unresolved pending inspector review of the implementation of the

licensee's proposed corrective actions (50-289/86-03-22).

4. The team noted a minor weakness regarding the licensee's controls for

lifted leads, jumpers, and temporary modifications that affect safety-

related plent equipment. Procedure AP 1013, " Bypass of Safety Functions

and Jumper Control," Revision dated 10/23/85, required that existing

lif ted leads, jumpers, and temporary modifications be re-evaluated every

12 months using a fonn entitled, " Safety Evaluation / Design Review". This

new safety evaluation was required to be included with the original

safety-related evaluation in a log maintained in the control room. A

review of the log revealed that the licensee's practice was not to re-

submit a new Safety Evaluation / Design Review, but rather to initial or

sign and date the existing safety evaluation, thereby indicating that the

12-month re-evaluation had been performed. This item will remain unresolved

pending followup by NRC Region I (50-289/86-03,23).

D. Surveillance and Testing

The team reviewed the testing associated with assuring functionality of the

emergency feedwater EFW system, the two-hour backup supply air system, and the

integrated control system (ICS). In particular, the team sought to determine

! that system components had been adequately tested to demonstrate that they

could perform their safety functions under all conditions.

- 28 -






1. EFW system surveillance test (ST) procedures were found to be generally

adequate for demonstrating system functionality. However, the team

identified the following two weaknesses:

a. The monthly surveillance test of the turbine-driven EFW pump (ST

1300-3G A/B, Revision 21) was performed only after ensuring that

the steam supply lines were drained of condensate. This practice

appeared to create an artificial initial condition for the sur-

veillance test. The team noted, however, that the auxiliary

operators were instructed to blow down once per shift all steam trap

drains in the intermediate building where the turbine-driven pump is

located. This once-per-shift blow down policy was incorporated into

the auxiliary operators' logs and was intended to limit the amount

of condensate in the steam supply lines. The team was concerned

that the licensee was unaware of the effect that residual condensate

in the steam supply lines would have on the turbine-driven EFW ptmp

in the event of an automatic start.

b. The FSAR (Section stated that the EFW system " flow test

is conducted with the EFW system valves in their normal alignment."

Technical Specifications (Section governing EFW system

periodic testing placed no restriction on EFW valve alignment. In

practice, surveillance procedure ST 1303-11.42 isolated the in-

dividual pump being tested from other portions of the system not in .

the flow path to the steam generator being fed. Therefore, the EFW


pump discharge check valves (EF-V-11A, EF-V-11B, and EF-V-13) were

verified to pass flor, but their ability to seat and prevent reverse

flow was not periodically tested. The team was concerned that

isolating these check valves during pump flow surveillance testing

created an artificial initial condition that would prevent reverse

flow leakage past these valves from being considered. The team noted

that these check valves were part of a mechanical maintenance task

(>fi-000031) which required one EFW check valve to be disassembled and

inspected annually in a 5-year cycle. Although this activity was not

included in the licensee's inservice inspection and testing program,

it would, if implemented as intended, provide some assurance that the

discharge check valves would perform their intended function.

Licensee records indicated that this maintenance activity had not yet

been conducted on the EFW pump discharge check valves.

The two concerns listed above regarding EFW pump surveillance test

procedures were discussed with the licensee and will remain an unresolved

item pending followup by the NRC Region I (50-289/86-03-24).

2. The EFW two-hour backup supply air system was tested as part of its

modification acceptance process, but discussion.s with licensee personnel

and review of records revealed that no further testing had been performed

and no future testing of this system was planned. Specific examples of

testing weaknesses are discussed below:

a. Proper operation of the EFW two-hour backup supply air system was

found to depend on 10 identical isolation check valves that were

located at various points along the interface with a non-seismic air

system. These valves were not routinely tested and under normal

operating conditions experien:e no differential pressure. Two of

- 29 -




these untested valves (IA-V-1451 and IA-V-1460) were of particular


concern since they were located where a single failure following a

seismic event could depressurize both trains of the EFW two-hour

backup supply air system (See Design Changes and Modifications ob-

servation 1.b for further details). The failure of any of the

other eight untested valves could blow down the single train of air

supply associated with the failed valve.

b. The control of each EFW flow-control valve (EF-V-30A and EF-V-308)

was found to depend on the repositioning of a three-way air valve

(IA-V-1344 and IA-V-1440) to the EFW two-hour backup supply air

system. These three-way valves were not routinely tested.

c. The ability of the EFW system flow-control valves to fail in a safe

manner depended on a small pressurized air flask located at each flow-

control valve. Each air flask was protected from depressurizing

by a check valve, but those check valves were also not routinely


In summary, the availability of the EFW two-hour backup supply air system

and the fail-open feature of the EFW flow-control valves were dependent

on valves which were not tested in the position required to fulfill their

function. This weakness was discussed with the licensee and will remain

an unresolved item pending followup by NRC Region I (50-289/86-03-25). .



The team considered the management commitment to training at TMI-1 a strength.

This commitment was evidenced by the corporate training policies and plant

procedures establishing goals, priorities, resources, and authority regarding

the implementation of training. However, the most notable evidence of the

licensee's commitment to training was the quality of the various training

activities observed by the team. Details are provided in the following


1. The quality of the licensed operator requalification training programs

was considered a strength due to the following observations:

a. The requalification classroom training program was well balanced

between significant topics and review of plant and industry exper-

ience. There appeared to be effective communications between the

operations department and training staff.

b. The requalification program training materials generally consisted

of high-quality lesson plans, video aids, and trainee handouts.

c. The attendance at requalification training' sessions, including

off-shift licensed personnel, was determined to be consistently


d. The requalification program weekly quizzes were comprehensive, and

a check of the grading against the examination key revealed no


- 30 -





e. Annual requalification examinations were reviewed for compre-



hensiveness, difficulty, and grading. The examinations were

determined to be challenging and had a good balance among various

types of questions, such as true and false, fill-in-the-blanks,

multiple choice, and essay questions. The grading of the

examinations was found to be adequate.

f. The inspector observed portions of the annual requalification train-

ing on the B&W Simulator by the licensed operators of one shift. The

inspector observed the shift's response to five abnormal plant drill

conditions and noted that the shift personnel displayed good team

work, excellent communications, procedure utilization, and rapid

identification of the problems. The drills were video taped with

sound to assist the shift in critiquing their actions. Additionally,

the inspector noted that senior plant management representatives

routinely participated in portions of simulator training. Their

primary function was to monitor and evaluate the perfonnance of the

operators being trained.

g. The Basic Principles Trainer provided strong reinforcement for

classroom and simulator training by demonstrating the effects of

individual instrument or component failures. The Basic Principles

Trainer appeared to be particularly effective in training operators

to recognize and respond to Integrated Control System (ICS) failures '

and for technicians to diagnose ICS failures.


h. The Operational Experience Feedback Program was comprehensive and

readily provided information to the plant staff by means of required

reading, training letters, and requalification lectures. Lessons

learned from reactor trips due to personnel errors and equipment

failures were emphasized as part of this program, with particular

emphasis placed on errors caused by failure to adhere to procedures.

1. S' .ificant plant modifications were incorporated into the requalifi-

cation training program and taught prior to plant startup. Informa-

tion on modifications that had only minor impact on plant operations

was provided to operating shifts by training letters,

j. Drills to practice cooldown from outside of the control room were

conducted annually. These drills appeared to be comprehensive and


(1) immediate control room evacuation, with all shutdown and

cooldown actions performed outside of the control room; and

(2) the initiation of a reactor trip and emergency boration prior

to leaving the control room. Personn'el performance during

these drills was evaluated by operations and training supervisors.

2. The team reviewed the emergency feedwater and the instrument air sections

of the Operating Plant Manual (OPM). The OPM was used as a reference

manual for training. No errors were found in the emergency feedwater

section; however, the instrument air section contained several errors.

These errnrs were not found in the instrument air lesson plan, and no case

was found where the OPM was directly used for training presentations.

- 31 -




.. 3. The instructor initial and advanced training courses were considered a

s trength. The initial instructor development course, taught semiannually,

was a comprehensive basic course conducted by the Training and Educational

Section. All operator training instructors were required to attend this

course. A review of records revealed that all operator training in-

structors had completed the initial training and most had attended the

advanced training courses.

4. Maintenance staff training was considered a strength due to the

indoctrination training program, the frequency of training, subjects

taught, vendor training, on-the-job training, and the selection and

training of instructors. The following observations were made:

a. The two-week indoctrination program appeared to be effective in

providing maintenance personnel with an overview of plant systems,

basic plant safety, and maintenance fundamentals.

b. The continuing training program for maintenance personnel appeared

to be effective and comprehensive. Maintenance personnel typically

attended one week of classroom training during each six-week rotation

cycle. The training topics included: industry experience, admin-

istrative procedures, and craft-specific training.

c. The Instrument and Control technicians had implemented a compre-

hensive entry level-to-journeyman qualification program, referred to'


as the Automatic Mode of Progression (AMP) Program. This program

required a technician to pass written tests and practical examina-

tions for advancement. In addition, a technician was required to

satisfactorily complete a requalification program, including a

written examination, every two years. Failure to successfully

complete this program could result in reassignment.

F. Quality Assurance

1. The Quality Assurance (QA) program was found to be generally strong and

effective. The team determined that the QA program exceededQA the minimum


requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and ANSI Standards.

inspectors, and monitors appeared to have the necessary training and

experience to identify many of the design and design control problems

found by the NRC inspection team. An example of a GPUN audit with tech-

nical findings in the design area was a recent corporate audit of en-

gineering design calculations (Audit 0-COM-85-08). This audit resulted

in three findings and 14 recommendations regarding technical issues.

Other examples where audits produced in-depth technical findings were the

corporate audits of the GPUN Architect Engineer, Gilbert Commonwealth Inc.

(Audits 0-TMI-86-01 and 0-TMI-84-01). Likewise, on-site audits and

monitor reports uncovered some technical and de' sign problems similar to

those identified by the NRC inspectors. Overall, it appeared that the

GPUN QA organization was fully capable of identifying in-depth technical

and design issues.

2. Despite the demonstrated capability of the corporate audit group as

discussed above, the NRC inspection team identified design problems that

had not been previously discovered. Examples were the design and design

control problems with emergency feedwater (EFW) upgrade modification task

- 32 -

__ ,



'= RM-13H (see Design Changes and Modifications observation 1). Engineering

review by the corporate QA Design and Procurement Section apparently was

not in sufficient technical depth to reveal the deficiencies identified by

the NRC team.

In addition, a corporate audit of design control

(0-TMI-84-06) reviewed this modification as one of a sample of seven, but

identified only programmatic and procedural issues rather than technical

problems. Another example of a design review deficiency that had not been

previously identified related to theTheNRC team finding tha

on-site QA

Design Changes and Modifications observation 3.b).

engineering section design review of mini-mods failed to identify this

prograrunatic weakness.

3. The inspection team found efficient and effective systems in place at

TMI-1 to track and provide management review of actions required to

correct deficiencies identified by the QA organization and other sources.

Corrective actions by site personnel were usually prompt and complete.

Corrective actions by corporate groups appeared to take more time and An did

not seem to be as consistent in resolving the identified problems.

example of a deficiency where timely, effective corrective action did not

appear to have been taken by the responsible The licensee corporate

Changes and Modifications observations 3.d, 3.f, and 3.g).

was cited by the NRC in 1981 for eight instances of non-compliance due to -

improper drawing control. Corporate and site audits of design control,


drawing control, the construction and modification program, plant

engineering, and other areas had repeatedly identified discrepancies inThe

drawings and the drawing control process. verified that these drawing pro

action had apparently been ineffective.

4. The inspection team assessed the licensee's independent technical and

safety review process with emphasis on the activities of the P

Group (PRG)."GPU Nuclear Safety Review and Approval," which provided corpora

and controls for independent safety reviews, and TMI Division Procedure

1034, " Plant Review Group." This review verified that these procedures

satisfied the requirements of Technical Specifications with regard to

plant safety reviews.and an interview with the Manager, Nuclear Safety (who was

site safety reviews) revealed that the on-site review program apparently

adhered to these procedures.

Additionally, the NRC inspection team did

not identify evidence of deficiencies in the safety reviews perfonned by

the Plant Review Group. The training of the GPUN safety reviewers during

1985 was examined and was found to be satisfactory.


An exit meeting was conducted on March 27, 1986, at TMI. TheAn additional exit


meeting was conducted on April 7, 1986, at Bethesda, MD.

representatives at each of these meetings are identified in the Appendix.

Mr. James M. Taylor, Director, IE; Mr. James G. Partlow, Director, Division

of Inspection Programs, IE; and Mr. H. B. Kister, Branch Chief, NRC Region I,

- 33 -

. _ _. _ . - . . - -




l  :

, -,

attended the March 27, 1986 exit meeting. The scope of the inspection was

j discussed, and the licensee was informed that the inspection would continue


with further in-office data review and analysis by team members. The licensee

was informed that some of the observations could become potential enforcement

findings. The team merrbers presented their observations for each area in-

spected and responded to questions from licensee's representatives.






l .





- 34 - l



- ..-- - -- _.. ., ,,_ _ _ _ _. _ _ . _ _ _ _






Persons Contacted

The following is a list of persons contacted during this inspection. There

were other technical and administrative personnel who also were contacted.

All personnel listed are GPUNC employees unless noted otherwise.

+*R. F. Wilson, Vice President, Technical Functions

+D. K. Croneberger, Director, Engineering and Design

  • H. D. Hukill , Director, TMI-1
  • R. J. Toole, Operations and Maintenance Director
  • 0. T. Shalikashvili, Manager, Plant Training
  • B. E. Ballard, dr. , Manager, TMI QA Modifications / Operations
  • N. C. Kazanas, Director, QA
  • M. A. Nelson, Manager, Nuclear Safety
  • R. J. Chisholm, Manager, Electric Power and Instrumentation
  • F. P. Barbieri, TMI-1 Secondary Plant Manager
  • G. R. Capodanno, Fluid Systems Director
  • W. Behrle, Director, Startup and Test
  • T. M. Hawkins, Manager Startup and Test
  • C. W. Smyth, TMI-1 Licensing Manager


  • R. J. McGoey, Manager, PWR Licensing
  • J. J. Colitz, TMI-1 Plant Engineering Direc.or


  • R. E. Neidig, Communications
  • D. V. Hassler, Licensing Engineer
  • C, A. Shorts, Manager, Technical Functions
  • R. J. Smith, Project Manager, Gilbert Commonwealth, Inc.
  • J. H. Brendlen, Jr., Project Engineering Manager, Gilbert Commonwealth, Inc.

D. Shovlin, Manager, Plant Maintenance

P. Snyder, Preventive Maintenance Manager

R. Harper, Corrective Maintenance Manager

G. Lawrence, Lead I&C Foreman

J. Bowman, Lead Electrical Foreman

R. Natale, Lead Mechanical Foreman

C. Hartman, Manager, Plant Engineering

B. P. Leonard, Operator Training

R. W. Zechman, Technician Training

M. J. Ross, Plant Operations Director

H. B. Shipman, Senior Operations Engineer

D. W. Atherholt, Operations Engineer

L. L. Ritter, Plant Operations Administrator

C. Incorvati, QA Audits Supervisor

J. Fornicola, QA Systems Engineering Manager ,

J. Marsden, QA Engineering Manager

L. Wickas, Operations QA Manager


  • Attended exit meeting on March 27, 1986.

+ Attended exit meeting on April 7,1986

- 35 -



_,' G. Sadavskas, Technical Functions I&C Manager

S. Divito, Design and Drafting Supervisor

D. G. Slear, Engineering Services Director

D. J. Shivas, Engineering Data and Configuration Control Manager

R. L. Summers, Plant Engineering and Mechanical Engineer

J. H. Horton, Engineering Mechanics, Engineer

J. W. Schmidt, Radiological Engineer

S. Ku. Technical Functions Mechenical Systems Engineer



- 36 -