IR 05000289/1993004

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Physical Security Insp Rept 50-289/93-04 on 930125-28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support & Security Program Plans,Emergency Power Supply,Maint & Security Training
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/04/1993
From: Keimig R, Galen Smith
Shared Package
ML20128G649 List:
50-289-93-04, 50-289-93-4, NUDOCS 9302160069
Download: ML20128G651 (6)


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REGION i s Report No.: 50-289/93 04 , i i


Docket No.: 50 289 i License No.: DPR-50 j


Licensee: GPU Nuclear Corocration  ; 100 Interoace Parkway l Parsippany. New Jersey 07054 -{ Facility Name: Three Mile hhnd. Unit 1


Inspection At: Middletown. Pennsylvanin j Inspection Conducted: January 25 28.1993 Type of Inspection: _ Unannounced Phy11 cal Security ,

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1 Inspector: NbAJ '

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O. C. Smith, Senior Security Specialist Ddte .


Approved By: I * 4/ /fJ  ! ER. Kelffii[ Chief, Safeguards Section Date 1 Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards  ;


Areas Insoccted: Management Support and _ Security Prograni Plans; Protected and Vital Area'  ;


Physical Barriers, Detection and Assessment Aids; Protected and Vital Area Access Control of Personnel,- Packages and Vehicles;' Alarm Statlans and Communications; Emergency Power : , Supply; Testing, Maintenance _and -_ Compensatory Measures; - SecurityETraining arid

! Qualification <

Results The physical security program was directed toward the protection of public health andL , y safety. The licensee was found to be in compliance .with:NRC requirements in the areas inspected, u

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-PDR: LADOCK 0D0002891
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DETAILS I.0 Keyltn91tifn1113Ckd Litttl5cc M. Ross, Director, Operations and Maintenance J. Stacey, Security Manager H. Goodrich, Senior Security Supervisor D. Ilarry, Engineer D. Moyer, Protection Training leader D.11assler, Licensing Engineer J. Brant, Training Instructor ILL.hutltatlegulatur1Cuninthilatl F. Young, Senior Resident inspector The personnel indicated above attended the exit meeting on January 28,199 The inspector also interviewed other members of the licensce's security organizatio .0 MattagentenLEupnort and ScturitLPrvuratulhtns M1unigentenLSupunti Management support for the lleensee's physical security program was determined to be appropriate by the inspector, This determination was based upon the inspector's review of various aspects of the licensee's program during this inspection as documented in this repor Since the last routine physical security inspection, which was documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 50-289/92-08, the licensee has upgraded the security program as described below:

* Completed the refurbishment and upgrade of the secondary alarm station;
* Computerized the North Gate access control functions;-

e Installed a pan, tilt, and zoom camera at the North Gate;

* Purchased and put into service 17 new 4-channel radios;
* Sent four officers to tactical response training;
* Purchased and installed gas generators on two of the explosives detectors;

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 * Installed new turnstiles in the access control facility; e Purchased weapons cabinets to be installed in the plant for contingency response purposes; and e l{ad the U.S. Army 56th Explosive Ordnance Division onsite to assist in developing timelines to be used in contingency drill The following observations were made by the inspector, e The site security force totalled 71 on January 28,1992; e the members of the security force exhibited a professional demeanor, high morale, and were very knowledgeable of their duties; an e there was no turnover in the security force in 199 Based upon the inspector's review of the security program and the efforts being made to upgrade and enhance it, the inspector determined that the program is -

continuing to receive appropriato management attention and suppor .2 Security Program Plans The inspector verified that changes to the licensee's security program and plans, as implemented, did not decrease the effectiveness of the respective' plans, and


had been submitted in accordance with NRC requirement .0 Protected and Vital Area Physical Barriers; Detection and Assessment Aids Protected Area (PA) Barriers


The inspector conducted a physical inspection of the PA barriers on January.25, 1993, and _ determined, by observation, that the barriers were installed, and: maintained as described in the NRC-approved physical security plan (the Plan).- Isolailon Zones The inspector verified that the isolation zones were adequately maintained to _ permit observation'of activities on both sides of the PA barrie .3- Assessment ~ Aids-The inspector observed the PA perimeter assessment aids and determined that-they were installed and operated as committed to in the Pla _ s'i____.m____.__'A._m__-L-_.---_- - - .-__


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4 l'AJitnLisulallenlane_Liglilluz The inspector conducted a lighting survey of the PA and isolation zones on January 27,1993. The inspector determined by observation that lighting in the PA and isolation zones was in accordance with commitments in the I'la .5 YitaLArca (VA) Iljtrrleci The inspector conducted a physical inspection of VA barricts on January 27 and 28,1993, and determined by observation that the bartiers were installed and maintained as committed to in the Pla Overall, no denciencies or discrepancies were noted by the inspector in the protected and vital area barriers, or in the lleensee's detection and assessment aid > 4.0 l'rniccted antLYllnLAtta_Artns control or Personnel. Pntimacutud Vehl.Iles l'ersonnel Artess Contt9] The inspector determined that the licensee was exercising positive control over personnel access to the PA and VAs. This determination was based on the following:

 * The inspector verified that personnel were properly identified and authorization was checked prior to issuance of badges and key card * The inspector verified that the licensee was implementing a search program for firearms, explosives, incendiary devices and other unauthorized materials, as committed to in the Pla I
 * The inspector observed personnel access processing during peak and off-peak periods. The inspector also interviewed members of the security force and the licensee's security staff about personnel access procedure * The inspector determined by observation that individuals in the PA and VAs displayed their access badges as require .2 l'atkage and MaltElal. Access Contral The inspector determined that the licensee was exercising positive control over packages and materials that are brought into the PA at the access control poin The inspector reviewed the package and material control procedures and found that they were consistent with commitments ir the Plan. The' inspector also
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                :. g 5           g .,1 observed package processing and interviewed members of the security force and           .;

the lionsee's security staff about package search proecdure .3 Xthide_Attes_ Control The inspector determined that the licensee properly controls vehicle access to and within the PA. The inspector verined that vehicles are properly processed prior to entering the PA. The process was consistent with commitments in the Pla This determination was made by observing vehicle processing and search, and by interviewing security of6cers and licensee's security staff about vehicle processing and scarch procedure No denciencies were noted in the licensee's protected and vital area access control of personnel, packages and vehicle .0 A111n11_Sintint1Liind ConunttultallDD5 The inspector observed the operations of the Central Alarm Station (CAS) and the Secondary Alarm Station (SAS) and determined that they were maintained and operated as committed to in the Plan. CAS and SAS operators were interviewed by the inspector and found to be knowledgeable of their duties and responsibilities. The inspector verified that the CAS and SAS did not contain any operational functions that would interfere with the assessment and response functions. The inspector verified that the lleensee had communications with local law enforcement agencies as committed to in the Plan. No denciencies were note .0 Entergency Power suuph . The inspector verined that there are several systems (batteries, dedicated diesel generator within the VA,and plant on-site AC puwer) that provide backup power to the security systems. No denciencies were note .0 Intingdthlintflututr atuLCntupensatory Mtallites Inthw nnd M1tintenante The inspector reviewed selected testing and maintenance records and confirmed that the records committed to in the Plan were on file and readily available for licensee and NRC review. A check of repair records indicated that repairs, replacements and testing were being accomplished in a timely manne _

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,. \. ' 6 Compensatory Mensures The inspector reviewed the licensee's use of compensatory measures and determined them to be as committed to in the Pla No discrepancies or deficiencies were noted in the licensee's testing, maintenance and compensatory measure .0 Security Training and Oualification The licensee is in the process of upgrading contingency plan training. The upgraded training will include new contingency drill scenarios. This program upgrade is a joint effort of the operations and security departments. The ecurity department has assigned and trained an adversary team for the drills and was in the process of developing timelines for the adversarial team to get from the plant perimeter to specific targeted equipment. The operations department worked with the security department to identify targeted equipment necessary for safe shutdown of the plant. The security and operations cepartments are scheduled to develop actions necessary to mitigate the loss of all or some of the targeted equipment. The inspector's review of this program upgrade determined that the licensee's actions taken in the development of the program appeared appropriate and that the participation of the operations department should insure that the appropriate target equipment has been identified and the correct mitigating actions are develope * 9.0 Exit Intervlut The inspector met with the licensee representatives indicated in Section 1.0 at the conclusion of the inspection on January 28,1993. At that time, the purpose and sco;w l of the inspection were reviewed, and the findings were presented.

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