IR 05000289/1992019

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Insp Repts 50-289/92-19 & 50-320/92-13 on 921102-06.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Unit 1 Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Control Programs,Projected Dose Calculations & Mgt Controls
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/25/1992
From: Jang J, Mark Miller, Peluso L
50-289-92-19, 50-320-92-13, NUDOCS 9212110048
Download: ML20125C115 (10)


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Repon Nos. 50-289/92-19 and 50-320/9.2d3 Docket Nos. 50-289 and 50-320 License Nos. DPR-50 and DPR-73 Licensee: GPU Nuclear Corocration P.O. Box 480 hiiddletown. Pennsylvania. 17057-0191 Facility Name: Ihrre hiile Island Nnclear StatintLUnits 1 and 2 Inspection At: hiiddletown. Pennsylvania Inspection Conducted: November 2-6.1992 Inspector: ) b '

> 'M ason C. Jang, Senior Radiation S salist Date Effluents Radiation Pnnection Se i n (ERPS) '

Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch (FRSSB)

) A ~

hlh // -W-f 2 1 'rie Peluso, Radiation Speciali Date PS, FRSSB, Division of Radi' on Safety and

Safeguards (DRSS)

Approved by: I- //-AS 'f2 h!arie T. hiiller, Chief, ERPS, FRSSB, DRSS Date AgitLInsoccted: Announced safety inspection of the Unit 1 Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous

Ef0uent Control Programs, projected dose calculations, management controls, air cleaning systems, and implementation of the Offsite Dose Calculation hianual (ODChi), and the projected dose calculation for Unit 2.

Results: Within the areas inspected, the licensee effectively implemented the above programs.

No safety concerns or violations of regulatory requirements were identified.

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9212110048 921125 PDR ADOCK 05000289



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1.0 Imlitiduals Contacted 1.1 Licensee Personnel i

  • W. County, Quality Assurance Audit Manager
  • D. Ethridge, Manager, Radiological Engineering - ,
  • B. Good, Manager, Environmental Controls t
  • D. Jenkins, Plant Engineer B. Parfitt, Radiological Engineering
  • R. Rogan, Licensing Director
  • J. Schork, Licensing
  • R. Shaw, Radiological Controls Director S. Williams, Radiological Engineer t

1.2 Commonwealth of Pennsylvnilla

  • R. Janati, Dept. of Environmental Resources / Bureau of Radiation Protection 1.3 Nucienr Reculatory Commission (NRC) Personnel S. Young, Senior Resident Inspector
  • D. Beaulieu. Resident Inspector
  • M. Miller, Chief, Effluents Radiation Protection Section, Region I
  • Denotes those individuals present at exit interview on September 4,1992.

Other licensee personnel were also contacted or interviewed during this inspection.

2.0 Ihirpose The purpose of this inspection was to verify the licensee's capability to implement the following are.. .

o The licensee's ability to control and quantify effluent radioactive liquids, gases, and particulates, o The licenseds abilit) ;u calculate projected doses to the public from radioactive liquid and gaseous (airborne) effluent releases during normal operation.

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3.0 hianagement Controls 3.1 Orennimtion The inspector reviewed the licensee's Unit 1 organization and administration of the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs and discussed with the licensee any changes made since the last inspection conducted in June 1991. There have been no changes in the organization of the effluent control programs since the previous inspection.

3.2 Ouality Assura'Ic_Andit i l

The licensee had not yet performed the annual QA Audit in this area as of the )

date of this inspection. The inspector stated that the 1992 QA Audit results i


will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection.

3.3 Review of the Sernlannuni Radioactive Release Renoris The inspector reviewed the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports l for 1991 and the first half of 1992. The inspector determined that the licensee met the Technicel Specification reporting requirements. These reports provided total released radioactivity for liquid and gaseous effluents including projected radiation exposuces to the public. No obvious omissions, trends or anomalous measurements were identified.

4.0 Implementation of tijrJifDuent Control ProuralDS The inspector reviewed the licensee's implementation of the Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Control Programs through discussions with licensee personnel, review of selected radioactive liquid and gaseous discharge permits and the following ;

associated procedures as part of the examination of the implementation of the Unit 1 Technical Specification requirements.

6610-ADht-1250.01, Releasing Radioactive Liquid Waste 6610-ADM-4250.03, Releasing Radioactive Release Records 6610-ADM-4250.04, Gaseous Radioactive Release Records 6610-ADM-4250.05, Dose Calculation for Liquid and Gaseous Effluents 6610-ADM-4250.09, Tracking Continuous Seleases from the Turbine Building Sump 6610-ADM-4250.11, Releasing Radio ,ctivt; Gaseous Effluents - Waste Gas Decay Tank 6610-ADM-4250.12, Releasing Radioactive Gaseous Effluents - Reactor Building Purges

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The inspector noted that the effluent contml procedures were sufficiently detailed and we9 written to control all routine effluent releases effectively. The inspector also noted that the licensee met the requirements for sampling and analysis at the frequencies and lower limits of detection established in the Unit 1 Technical Specifications.

Based on the above reviews and discussions with licensee personnel, the inspector detennined that the licensee had implemented the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs effectively.

5.0 Air Cleanine SutunS The inspector reviewed the licensee's most recent test results as part of the examination of the implementation of the Unit 1 Technical Specification requirements for the (1) Emergency Control Room, (2) Reactor Building Purge, (3) Auxiliary and Fuel Handling Building, and (4) Fuel llandling Engineered Safety Features. The inspector reviewed the following inspection and test results.

o Visual Inspection o In-Place HEPA Leak Tests o In-Place Charcoal Leak Tests o Air Capacity Tests o Pressure Drop Tests o l2boratory tests for the Iodine Collection Efficiencies The Plant Engineering Department had responsibility for the above tests and .

surveillances. Some tests were perfonned by the Operations Depanment and these test results will be reviewed during a subsequent inspection. All reviewed test results -

were found to be within the licensee's Technical Specification limits.

Based on the above reviews, the inspector detennined that the licensee met the Technical Specification requirements for the above air cleaning systems.

6.0 Comparison of the Projectedpose Calculation Prog.Jm During this inspection, the inspector perfonned an independent verification of the licensee's capability for calculating projected doses to the public using radioactive liquid and gaseous discharge pennits. The licensee calculated the projected dose to the public based on the data incorporated into the discharge permits. The inspector -

also used the same parameters contained in the discharge petmits (e.g., dilution factor, total amount of radioactivity released, meteorological data, etc.) to calculate the maximum projected dose to the public for the purpose of interromparison. The licensee used its computer cede and the NRC usui the "PCDOSE code". The intercomparison results are listed in Tables I through 5.


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5 The "PCDOSE code" was developed by Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (EG&G Idaho, Inc.) for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The code was designed to calculate the maximum projected radiation dose to an individual and the average dose to the population due to radionuclides released in routine radioactive


liquid and airborne operations rather than for emergency situations. The code was i developed from the methodology found in both NUREG-0133 and Regulatory Guide  ;

1.109 (Revision 1). The "PCDOSE code" is to serve as a basis of comparison with similar programs conducted by individual utilities which operate nuclear power plants.

The licensee uses two dose calculational codes: (1) the Liquid and Gascous Effluent Release (LAGER) to perform projected dose calculations prior to release and (2) the Simplified Environmental Effluent Dosimetry Sys'em (SEEDS) to perform Anal dose calculations based on the actual radioactive release data and environmental data, such as river flow and meteorological information. The " LAGER" is being implemented by members of the Radiological Engineering Department at the site and the " SEEDS" is being implemented offsite by members of the Environmental Controls Group.

The comparison results of the total body dose to an adult from radioactive liquid releases are listed in Table 1. The calculation results of " LAGER" were higher than

"PCDOSE" because the licensee used conservative site specific parameters. The licensee performed hand calculations without the site specific parameters using the appropriate equation documented in the ODCM. The comparison results were in good agreement as shown in Table 1. However, the licensee will re-evaluate the site specific parameters and will upgrade the computer code, as necessary.

The dose comparison results of the noble gases were in good agreement, as shown in Table 2.

The thyroid dose comparison results for the inhalation pathway using both the

" SEEDS" and " LAGER" codes were good, as illustrated in Tables 3 and 4. The comparison results between the " SEEDS" and "PCDOSE" codes shown in Table 3 were not exact as compared to the results of the " LAGER" code shown in Table 4.


The reason for the differences was because " SEEDS" uses only real time

meteorological parameters (dispersion and deposition) at assigned locations. The


inspector reviewed the meteorological parameters and used locations close to the licensee's assigned locations for the "PCDOSE" code. Despite the need to make the above parameter assumptions, the comparisons were in gooci agreement.

The Unit 2 dose comparisons were performed only on the tritium release pathway because tritium was the predominate radionuclide released as the result of l cvaporation of accident-generated water. The dose comparison results for Unit 2 were in good agreement,6 as shown in Table 5.



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Ilased on the above comparisons, the inspector determined that the licensee has good capability of performing dose assessments during normal operations.

7.0 Exit Intervica The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.1 of this inspection report at the conclusion of the inspection on November 6,1992. The inspector summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of the inspection. ,







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Table 1 Total Ilody Dose for Adult (mrem)

Liquid Release: Unit 1 Nuclides NRC TM1-1 Cobalt-60 7.15 E-10 8.83E-8 * _

Cobalt-60 7.15E-10 7.13 E- 10* *

Cesium-137 3.28E-7 6.73E-5 *

Cesium-137 3.28E-7 3.22E-7 * *

  • With Site Specine Parameters (by LAGER Calculations)
    • Without Site Specine Parameters (by lland Calculations)

Table 2 Ileta and Gamma Air Dose (mrad)

Noble Gas Release: Unit 1 NRC TM1-1 Beta Air Dose 1.94E-6 1.94E-6 Gamma Air Dose 1.90E-7 1.90E-7





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L ble 3 Thyroid Dose due to Inhalation (mrem)

Iodine Release: Unit 1 AGE GROUP NRC TMI-l * l l

l INFANT 4.51E-6 4.26E-6 CllILD 4.93E-6 4.66E-6 TEEN 4.35E-6 4.12E-6 ADULT 3.51E-6 3.32E-6

_ _ .

  • TMI-l Computer Code: SEEDS (Simplified Environmental Effluents Dosimetry Systems)



hhk_4 Thyroid Dose due to Inhalation (mrem)

Iodine Release: Unit 1 )

l I

NRC TMI-l **  ;

INFANT l.99E-6 1.99E-6


    • TMI-l Computer Code: LAGER (Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Releases)

hhltf Maximum Doses (mrem) due to Tritium Releases l Tritium Release: Unit 2 Evaporator



l MEAT / ADULT 9.41 E-4 9.38E-4 MILK / INFANT 6.90E-3 6.89E-3 j- VEGETATION /ALL AGES 1.16E-2 1.16E-2 l

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Table 1 Total Body Dose for Adult (mrem)

Liquid Release: Unit 1 Nuclides NRC TMI-l Cobalt-60 7.15E-10 8.83E-8 *

Cobalt-60 7.15E-10 7.13E 10** ,

Cesium 137 3.28E-7 6.73E-5 *

Cesium-137 3.28E-7 3.22E-7 * * j


  • With Site Specific Parameters (by LAGER Calculations)
    • Without Site Specific Parameters (by lland Calculations)


Iphk_2 Ileta and Gamma Air Dose (mrad)

Noble Gas Release: Unit 1





l Beta Air Dose 1.94E-6 1.94E-6 Gamma Air Dose 1.90E-7 1.90E-7 .

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DEC. O 11992 ,

Docket No. 50-289 Docket No. 50-320 Mr. T. Gary Broughton Dr. R. Vice President and Director, TMI-l Vice President and Director, TMI-2 GPU Nuclear Corporation GPU Nuclear Corporation Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Three Mile Island Nuclear Station P. O. Box 480 P. O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191

Dear Mr. Broughton and Dr. Long:


Subject: Combined Inspection Nos. 50-289/92-19 and 50-320/92-13 This letter refers to the safety inspection conducted by Dr. Jason Jang and Ms. Laurie Peluso of this office on November 2-6,1992, of activities authorized by NRC License Nos. DPR-50 and DPR 73 at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, Middletown, Pennsylvania, and to the discussions of our findings held by Dr. Jang and Ms. Peluso with Mr. Rogan and other members of your staff at the conclusien of the inspection.

Areas examined during this inspection, involving your radioactive effluents control programs, are important to public health and safety and are described in the NRC Region I Inspection Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector.

Within the scope of this inspection, we noted that you maintained effective implementation of the Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Control Programs. No safety concerns or '


violations of regulatory requirements were identified.

No response to this letter is required. Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciated.

[N#6fdfd$igned By:

James H. Joyner James H. Joyner, Chief -

Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch Divisi n f Radiation Safety 100075 and Safeguards Enclosure: NRC Region I Combined Inspection Report Nos. 50-289/92-19 and 50-320/92-13


3 W-qq-ch 0oct' 0FFICIAl. RECORD COPY

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.- l Table 3 Thyrold Dose due to Inhalation (mrem)

lodine Release: Unit 1 AGE GROUP NRC TMI-l *

INFANT 4.51E-6 4.26E-6 CIIILD 4.93B-6 4.66E-6 I TEEN 4.35E-6 4.12 E-6 ADULT 3.5 iE-6 3.32E-6


  • TMI-l Computer Code: SEEDS (Simplified Environmental Effluents Dosimetry Systems)

InhlL4 Thyroid Dose due to Inhalation (mrem)

Iodine Release: Unit 1


NRC TMI-l **

INFANT 1.99E-6 1.99E-6 l

    • TMI-l Computer Code: LAGER (Liquid and Gaseous Ef0uent Releases)

Tab]L5 Maximum L)ows (mrem) due to Tritium Releases Tritium Release: Unit 2 Evaporator PATIIWAY / AGE NRC TMI-2 INHALATION / TEEN 3.69E-3 3.68E-3 h1 EAT / ADULT 9.41 E-4 9.38E-4


MILK / INFANT 6.90E-3 6.89E-3 VEGETATION /ALL AGES- 1.16E-2 - 1.16E-2

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l DEC. 01 1992 *



~GPU Nuclear Corporatien - 2 cc w/ encl:

R. E. Rogan, Thil Licensing Director bl. J. Ross, Operations and Maintenance Director, TMI-l J. Fornicola, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Director



TMI-l Licensing Department E. J. Scheyder, TMI-2. Site Operations Director TMI 2 Licensing Department E. L. Blake, Jr., Esquire TMI-Alert (TMIA)

K. Abraham, PAO (2)

Public Document Roorn (PDR) .

Local Public Docurnent Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector Commonwealth of Pennsylvania l. -



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DEC. O 11992


GPU Nuclear Corporation 3 bec w/ encl:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences) ,

R. Blough, DRP .,

J. Joyner, DRSS J. Rogge, DRP L. Rossbach, SRI, Beaver Valley-D. Vito, SRI, Oyster Creek V. McCree, OEDO R. Hernan, PD I-4, NRR M. Masnik, NRR/PDNP L. Thonus, NRR/PDNP f






, Jang /t 'ser

.)$ Peluso 11/ 92 11/ 9 11. /92 11/j/92
