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Requests Relief from ASME Code Section XI Test Requirements, Articles IWC-5200 & IWD-5200.Hydrostatic Pressure Requirements Do Not Address Different Pressure Ratings on Suction & Discharge Sides of Pumps
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1986
From: Corbin McNeil
Public Service Enterprise Group
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLR-N86025, NUDOCS 8603100180
Download: ML20154H069 (2)


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().(tf te an 1 Gas l l Cer In A. McNeill, Jr. Pubhc Service Eiecua and Ga Company P O 00R36 Hancuas Un<1ge.NJ 08038 009 339 4800 I v1e r,e utent.

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March 4, 1986 l

NLR-N86025 l

Of fice of Nuclear Roactor Regulation U.S. Nucioar Regulatory Comminsion 7920 Norfolk Avonuo Bothesda, MD 20014 Attention: Mr. Stovon A. Varga, Director PWR Project Directorato #3 Division of PWR Licensing A Gentlemont ASME SECTION XI RELIEF REQUEST SALEM GENERATING STATION SALEM UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 l PSE&G roquests the following relief f rom ASME Bollor Pronsuro Vossol Codo Section XI 1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Addenda. l l


Articion IWC-5200 and IWD-5200, requiro hydrostatic pressure to bo 1.25 and 1.10 timos system design pressuro rospoctively.


Thone requirements do not addronn the different pronsure ratings on the suction and dischargo sidos of pumps and what is to be used as a boundary interf ace.

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l Mr. Stovon A. Varga 3-4-86 ALTERNATE TESTING:

Where the renpoetivo synton primary pronsuro ratings on the nuction and dischargo nidon of system pumps differ, l

l the system tont boundary shall be divided into two l separato boundarios (such an nuction sido and dischargo side tent boundarios). In the case of positivo displacomont pumps, the boundary interfaco shall bo considorod as the punp. In the caso of contrifugal pumps, the boundary interfaco shall be the first shutoff valvo on the dischargo nido of the pump.

l This clarification in included in subsequent oditions of ASME Section XI, which havo boon approved by the NRC.  ;

Your approval in nonded for tho ton year System Leakago and Hydrontatic In-Servico Inspection Program. Hocauno of the t largo offort involved, the work han boon scheduled during l anvoral outagon. Somo applicable tents are schedulod for the i next refueling outago which will begin on March 22, 1986.

Laur pr a pt attention to thin roquent would be appreciated. I Sincoroly, s

C Mr. Donald C. Finchor Liconning Project Manager Mr. Thoman J. Kenny i

Sonfor Ronident Inapoctor 1

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