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1987 Annual Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Per 10CFR50.59. W/Undated Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
From: Eenigenbeurg E
1227A, 88-266, NUDOCS 8805240114
Download: ML20154F886 (49)


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s CommOnweilth Edison Dresden Nuclear Power Station 10 CFR 50.59 R.R. #1 Morris, Illinois 60450 Telephone 815/942-2920 EDE LTR: #88-266 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 ATTN:

Document Control Desk

Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find the 1987 Annual Report of Chany,es. Tests, and Experiments per 10 CFR 50.59 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Commonwealth Edison Company.

This report is submitted pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Section 50.59(b)(2).

Please direct any communications concerning this report to R. Whalen of the Dresden Technical Staff at extension 462.

Sincerely, D

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E. D.

Eenigenb g Station Manager Dresden Nuclear Power Station EDE:RW:eg ec: A. Bert Davis Regional Administrator Directorate of Regulatory Operations Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 199 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 S. Dupont USNRC Region III Dresden Site Senior Resident Inspector J. Achterberg R. Whalen J. Brunner File / Tech. Staff File /NRC File / Numerical 8805240114 871231 PDR ADOCK 05000010 1227a R



050-010 DPR-2 2

050-237 DPR-19 3

050-249 DPR-25 l

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.0 Facility (Modifications) 1.1 Unit 1 1.2 Unit 2 1.3 Unit 3 1.4 Unit 2/3 (shared) 2.0 Procedure Changes 2.1 Unit 1 2.2 Unit 2/3 (shared) 3.0 Tests and Experiments 3.1 Unit 1 3,2 Units 2 & 3 4.0 Temporary System Alterations 4.1 Tabulation of Temporary System Alterations 1227a


' Introduction The 1987 Annual Report of Tests, and Experiments per 10 CFR 50.59 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS). Commonwealth Edison Company (1987 DNPS 10 CFR 50.59 Report) is submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (RRC) pursuant to the requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Section 50.59(b)(2).

This report provides a brief description of:


Changes in the facility as described in the safety analysis report (Section 1.0),


Changes in station procedures as described in the safety analysis report (Section 2.0), and c.

Tests and experiments conducted which are not described in the safety analysis report (Section 3.0).


Temporary system alterations.

For each of the changes, tests, and experiments described herein, a safety evaluation was performed which determined that the change, test, or experiment did not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

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i 1.0 Facility (Modifications)

This section provides a brief description of the changes to the DNPS facility as described in the safety analysis report which were completed in calendar year 1987. Only modifications which have been completely closed are listed within this report. Modifications authorized for use but not completely closed are not listed; they will be reported based upon the date of their final closure.

For ease of reference, the changes have been identified by their design change control modification number.


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1.1 Unit 1 No Unit 1 modifications were completed in 1987.

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1.2 Unit 2 Table 1,2-1 provides e listing of the Unit 2 modifications (by modification number) completed in 1987 and described in this section.

Modification M12-2-83-6 Provide additional DC monitoring in the control room that will indicate various breaker status and battery plus battery charger parameters per SEP Topic VIII-3.B.

I The change involved replacing the existing battery ammeters for ths 125/250 VDC system with local discharge alarm ammeters set on high discharge.

These high discharge alarms will be delayed about one (1) minute to screen out the transient conditions and then displayed on the annunciator system in the control room.

The margin of safety is increased because the status of the DC bus can be determined and the statur oJ the batteries is also available.

Modification M12-2-83-23 Provide an alternate feed for the Inboard Isolation Condenser Valves which is required to comply with the 10 CFR 50, Appendix R Fire Protection Requirements.

l The change involved the addition of a new transfer switch that was installed in Unit 3 MCC 38-1 to provide an alternate feed to valves M02-1301-1 and M02-1301-4.

This was accomplished to comply with N.R.C.


The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased.

Modification M12-2-83-29 Modify Control Circuitry on LPCI Suction Valves M02-1501-5A, SB, SC and SD to allow closing of these valves in the event of a LPCI pipebreak per SEP Topic VI-4.

The change involved replacing the existing switches in the control room with switches that will allow the Reactor Operator to defeat the automatic actuation in order to close the valves during an abnormal event and the occurrence of a system leakage. The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased because the valves can be closed remotely in the event that the local area is inaccessible.

Modification M12-2-83-30 Modify Control Circuitry on Core Spray Suction Valve M02-1402-3A and 3B to allow closing of these valves in the event of a core spray pipe break per SEP Topic VI-4.


The change involved replacing the existing switches in the control room with switches that will allow the NSO to defeat the automatic actuation in order to close the valves during an abnormal event and the occurrence of system leakage.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased because the valves can be closed remotely in the event that the local area is inaccessible.

Modification M12-2-83-47 Replace Isolation Condenser Hydraulic Snubbers #1, #2 and #3 with Mechanical Snubbers and Rigid Strut.

The change involved replacing the existing #1 and #2 snubbers with PSA-10 mechanical snubbers and replacing #3 snubber with a rigid strut. This was accomplished per the 79-14 piping analysis loads and displacements and is documented in Impe11 letter 0592-073-001, dated 12-1-83.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-83-50 Replace Obsolete GE/MAC Controllers with State-Of-The-Art Controllers on the Off Gas Condensate Drains.

The change involved replacing the existing GE/MAC controllers LIC 2-5441-32A, -32AA, LIC 2-5441-32B and -32BB with state-of-the-art Moore controllers. This was accomplished to provide an easier method for maintenance and new features for operator control of the condensata drain level.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-5 Blume Criteria Support Modifications.

The change involved modifying various hangers on safety related piping to meet FSAR criteria as applied to current design standards.

This was performed to assure that hangers which were designed per the Blume criteria have adequate margins with respect to FSAR requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-41 Replace the existing Main Generator G.E. HEA Lockout Relay with Electro-Switch Relay LOR-1.

The change involved replacing the existing main generator lockout relay with an Electro-Switch model LOR-1 relay and an additional fault detector in series with the relay. This was accomplished to ensure the unit will be tripped upon sensing a fault and also provide prevention for a spurious trip when the unit is off-line.

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The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not changed.

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Modificetion M12-2-84-47 Install Temperature Recorders in the Control Room for the Suppression pool (Torus) on the front panel 902-4.

The change involved paralleling the Torus Temperature Recorder from the back panel (920-37) to the front panel (902-4) to aid the Reactor Operator in monitoring the torus temperatures without having to get relief to go the back panel.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-48 Implement the Main Generator Load Rejection Unit Tripping Schemes.

The change involved adding a GE type CFW 0-0800 watt underpower relay and a GE type SFF 44-70 H2 overfrequency relay in the main generator circuitry.

This was accomplished to detect unit overspeed by sensing current, voltage and frequency, and are designed to complement the existing load rejection system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the safety margin is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-68 Install Anti-Motoring Relays on the Main Generator.

The ch&nge involved installing a GE type GGp-anti-motorjng and maximum excitation limiter (MEL) relay in the main generator control circuitry.

This was done to provide back-up anti-motoring relay and to ascertain that no significant amount of steam is going through the turbine after a turbine trip to prevent damage to the main generator.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-108 Install new Rx pressure and Rx Level Transmitters on Instrument Racks 2202-5 and 2202-6.

The change involved installing new instruments on racks 2202-5 and 2202-6 for reactor pressure and level and also, install a new recorder in the control room for these transmitters.

This was done based on the Appendix R reverification analysis and per Reg. Guide 1.97 criteria to provide two redundant and physically separated channels for improved safe shutdown capabilities.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased as defined in the basis for the Technical Specifications.

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i Modification M12-2-84-111 Install Overpressure Check Valves in the Shutdown Cooling Pump Suction Sensing Lines.

The change involved adding a Mid-West Instrument Model #2003 check valve in shutdown cooling pumps suction sensing lines ahead of gauges Pl-2-1043-A,

-B, and -C to prevent damage to the pressure indicator in the event of over ranging.

The safety evaluation concluded that the safety margin is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-118 Modify Control Logic of the Drywell Coolers and RBCCW Operation.

The change involved wiring movements and re-connection of the drywell coolers and RBCCW control logic. This was accomplished to allow continuous operation of the system to reduce drywell pressure after s The drywell coolers and the RBCCW pumps will automatically trip scram.

only when there is a concurrent ECCS signal and a loss of normal control power.

The safety evaluation concluded the the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-119 Modify the Standby Liquid Control System to Achieve the NRC's ATWS Requirements per 10 CFR 50.62.

This modification consisted of adding a new suction line to the Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) System while changing the circuitry to allow two pump operation. These changes, along with an increased sodium pentaborate concentration in the SBLC solution, provide a means to fulfill the requirements of 10 CFR 50.62.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-84-134 Install an Exhaust Screen Inspection Port in the D-2 Diesel Generator Exhaust Manifold.

The change involved adding an EMD inspection port S/N 9336983 in the rear manifold of the D-2 D/G.

This was done to provide a view for inspection and to allow maintenance to clean the exhaust screen plate without removing the screen from the manifold.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.


Modificetion M12-2-84-154 l

Modify the Recirc Isolation Valve 2-220-65 to allow for Decontamination of the System.

The change involved replacing the 2-220-65 valve disc, which has a 1/4 inch hold drilled in the disc, with a new solid disc. This was accomplished to provide a means of isolating the Rx vessel during decontamination of the recirc system when required.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-85-9 Revise the Turbine Building to Reactor Building Interlock Door Circuitry.

The change involved adding time delay relays to the interlock door circuitry which allows a two second interval of time to elapse after one door is closed and the other may be opened. This was done to prevent the simultaneous opening of both doors and to prevent a breach of secondary containment.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-85-21 Modify the Front Standard Insulated Coup 1!.ng on the Main Generator.

The change involved adding, per CE TIL #973, an auxiliary control rotor gear assembly on the main generator front standard.

This was accomplished to provide protection to the turbine gear shaft teeth, journals and bearings by lessening electrical pitting damage, due to small current discharge.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-85-31 Provide a Tie-In Between the Unit 2 and the Unit 1 125 Volt DC Batteries.

The change involved the design and installation of circuitry between the Unit 2 and the Unit 1 125 volt DC batteries.

This was done to enable the unused class 1E Gould FPS-23 125 volt DC Unit 1 batteries to provide supply to the Unit 2, Bus 2A-1 loads.

The safety evaluation concluded that the safety margin is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-85-39 Relocate LPCI Discharge Line Snubber #1529.

The chango involved relocating the LPCI discharge line snubber #1529, fifteen inches downstream of its prior location.

This was accomplished to provide maintenance clearance for Core Spray Valve M02-1402-38B in the future.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.


Modifiertion M12-2-85-68 Install Concrete Curbs Around the Hydrogen Seal Unit.

The change involved the installation of a concrete curb around the hydrogen seal oil unit. This was accomplished to prevent any oil sp!11s from spreading, thus limiting the damage to the surrounding area in the event of a fire.

l The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-85-78 Install Fire Stops in Cable pans on the 545' Elevation of the Reactor i


The change involved installation of fire stops in the top and bottom cable trays at elevation 545' of the Reactor Building.

This was done to limit fire spread by these cable trays.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased by mitigating the consequence of a potential fire.

Modification M12-2-86-10 Install Control Switches, Pushbuttons and Indicating Lights in the Control Room for the Reactor Building Ventilation I < ation Dampers.

The change involved installing necessary wiring and instrumentation in Control Room panel 923-4 for the Reactor Building.

'ilation isolation dampers.

This included control switches, reset but. o capability and position indicating lights.

This was done to provide a means of resetting and cpening the Reactor Building ventilation dampers from the Control Room af ter automatic isolation of the system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modificaticn M12-2-86-11 Install Supports on the CCSW Room Coolers piping.

The change involved the addition of supports on the piping of the CCSW room coolers per SNED and S&L.

This was accomplished to provide documented support capability of the CCSW cooler and piping to ensure the coolers perform their intended function.

The safety eveluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased by qualifying the cooler support system.

Modification M12-2-86-14 Revise the Feedwater Regulatory Valve Circuitry.

The change involved replacing the existing FW Reg. Valve switches 2-3206-A, -B in the Control Room with seal-open, seal-close, pull-to-lock type switches.

This was done to allow the FW Reg. Valves to be fully opened or closed without having to hold the switch handle for the complete operation.

The safc*.y evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modificetion M12-2-86-15 Install a Pressure Transmitter, Pressure Indicator, and Trip Alarm on the Pumpback Air Compressor.

The change involved in the installation of a pressure transmitter on the pumpback air compressor and a pressure indicator and trip alarm in the Control Room.

This was done to provide Control Room indication of oumpback air compressor failure, which could possibly cause deinerting of the drywell.

The safety evaluation concluded that the nargin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-86-16 Install Guard Rails on Control Room Panels.

The change involved the installation of guard rails on Control Room Panels 902-3,


-6, -7 and


This was secomplished as a result of the Detailed Control Room Review as required by NuReg-0737, Supplement 1.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-86-17 Re-Route the Reactor head Flange and Stud Thermocouples.

The change involved the addition of a junction box, conduct and supports on the 589' elevation of the drywell.

This was done to protect the Rx head flange thermocouples and the stud thermocouples which had to be re-routed.

the safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-86-21 Replace the LPCI Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Thermocouple and Install Thermocouples on the LPCI Heat Exchanger Inlets.

The change involved the replacement of the thermocouples on the LPCI heat exchanger outlet and installation of thermocouples on the LPCI heat exchanger inlets and a recorder in the Control Room.

This was accomplished to comply with Reg. Guide 1.97 post accident monitoring requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased.

Modification M12-2-86-26 Modify the ATS Panels for Spacial Separation.

The change involved relocating relays, adding metallic conduit and re-pu!)ing of electric cables.

This was done to provide spacial separatv a of the ATS System as recommended by S&L Report SLf4413, Supplement 1, dated 2-28-86.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is further improved.


Modification M12-2-36-34 Revise the LPCI Minimum Flow Valve Logic.

The change involved rewiring relays to the LPCI minimum flow valves M02-1501-13A, -138.

This was accomplished to provide a logic change which assures long term core and containment cooling is not jeopardized.

The single f ailure concern as addressed in IECB 86-01 is eliminated.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-86-40 Install Twelve GE BWR/6 Control Rod Drives.

The change involved installing twelve type BWR/6 CRD's in Unit 2 in place of the existing type BWR/3 CRD's.

This was done to provide greater operating reliability.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2-87-2 Install a Monitoring System on LPCI Snubber #1527.

The change involved the installation of a LDVT, strain gauge and necessary wiring on LPCI snubber #1527.

This was accomplished to provide a means of monitoring capabilities of the system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.


Table 1.2-1 Unit 2 Modifications Completed in 1987 (By Modification No.)

M12-2-83-6 M12-2-85-9 M12-2-83-23 M12-2-85-21 M12-2-83-29 M12-2-85-31 M12-2-83-30 M12-2-85-39 M12-2-83-47 M12-2-85-68 M12-2-83-50 M12-2-85-78 M12-2-84-5 M12-2-86-10 M12-2-84-41 M12-2-86-11 M12-2-84-47 M12-2-86-14 M12-2-84-48 M12-2-86-15 M12-2-84-68 M12-2-86-16 M12-2-84-108 M12-2-86-17 M12-2-84-111 M12-2-86-21 M12-2-84-118 M12-2-86-26 M12-2-84-119 M12-2-86-34 M12-2-84-134 M12-2-86-49 M12-2-84-154 M12-2-87-2 i

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1.3 Unit 3 Table 1.3-1 provides a listing of the Unit 3 modifications (by modification number) completed in 1987 and described in this section.

Modification M12-3-83-29 Modify Control Circuitry on LPCI Suction Valves M03-1501-5A, 53. SC and SD to allow closing of these valves in the event of a LPCI pipebreak per SEP Topic VI-4.

The change involved replacing the existing switches in the control room with switches that will allow the NSO to defeat the automatic actuation in order to close the valves during an abnormal event and the occurrence of a system leakage.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of salety is increased because the valves can be closed remotely in the event that the local area is inaccessible.

Modification M12-3-83-30 Modify Control Circuitry on Core Spray Suction Valve M03-1402-3A and 3B to allow closing of these valves in the event of a core spray pipe break per SEP Topic VI-4.

The change involved replacing the existing switches in the control roon with switches that will allow the NSO to defeat the automatic actuation in order to close the valves during an abnormal event and the occurrence of a system leakage.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased because the valves can be closed remotely in the event that the local area is inaccessible.

Modification M12

' 83-36 Replace Torus Pressure Indicators and Level Instruments per I.E. Bulletin 79-01B.

The change involved replacing existing torus instrumentation, differential pressure switches DPIS 3-1622-A,

-B, level transmitters LT3-1641-1 and LT3-1626.

This was accomplished to upgrade instrumentation per I.E. Bulletin 79-01B.

The safety evalu5 tion concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-83-39 Replace LPCI Pressure Indicators and Pressure Switches per I.E. Bulletin 79-01B.

The change involved replacing the existing DPS 3-1501-55A -55B and DTP 1543-A, B pressuro indicators and the FT-3-1501-58A, -58B instrumentation l

per I.E.Bulletin 79-018.

The new replacements are analog transmitter-trip Rosemount, Inc. instruments and hardware, and was installed as seismic Category I instrumentation.

The enfety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modification M12-3-83-40 Replace Reactor Water level Instruments, LPCI Pressure Instruments and SBGT Instruments per I.E.

Bulletin 79-01B.

The change involved replacing existing reactor water level switches 3-263-57A, -57B -58A and -58B reactor water level transmitters 3-263-73A, -73B, with environmentally qualified instrumentation per I.E.

Bulletin 79-01B.

The existing racks were modified to accept the new analog transmitter-trip Rosemount, Inc. instrumentation and associated hardware, all of which was installed as seismic Category I equipment.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-83-47 Replace Isolation Condenser Hydraulic Snubbers #1, #2 and #3 with Mechanical Snubbers and Rigid Strut.

The change involved replacing the existing #1 and #2 snubbers with PSA-10 mechanical snubbers and replacing #3 snubber with a rigid strut.

This was accomplished per the 79-14 piping analysis loads and displacements and is documented in Impell letter 0592-073-001, dated 12-1-83.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-83-56 Install a State-Of-The-Art Feedwater Control System.

The change involved replacing the existing analog controls for the feedwater system in the Control Room with a state-of-the-art micro-processor-based digital control system in panel 903-18 and console 903-5.

This was done to improve reliability of and provide redundancy of the feedwater controls system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the safety margin remains unchanged.

Modification M12-3-83-58 Modify ADS Logic as required by NUREG 0737 II.K.3.18.

The change involved modifying the ADS logic by installing a timer bypassing the high drywell pressure trip with a low-low water level condition.

This was done per NUREG 0737 II.K.3.18 requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-5 Blume Criteria Support Modifications.

The change involved modifying various hangers on safety related piping to meet FSAR criteria as applied to current design standards.

This was done to assure that hangers which were designed per the Blume criteria have adequate margins with respect to FSAR requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that margin of safety is not reduced.


mr Modificetion M12-3-84-6 Upgrade the CRD RWM Output Buffer to Increase Communication Between RPIS and the RWM.

The change involved replacing the mercury whetted output relays with static switches.

Two new boards, each containing ten optically-isolated transistors were installed.

This was done to upgrade the RWM system to a more user-friendly system and to provide more communication to the operator.

The safety evaluation concluded th2t the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-8 Replace HGA-11 Relays per G.E. and S&L.

Tt.e change involved re-wiring and replacing core spray relays 3-1430-116A. -116B and low pressure coolant injection relays 3-1530-129, -229 with higher seismic rating relays. This was done to upgrade the relays per G.E. Advisory Letter #721-pSM-174-1 and S&L letter dated 3-5-84 The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-27 Replace the Torus pliot Solenoid Valve S03-1601-50A.

The change involved replacing the torus pilot solenoid valve

  1. S03-1601-50A.

This was done per I.E. Bulletin 79-01B requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-31 Install a pressure Gauge and an Isolation Valve on the Turbine Extraction Steam Dump Valve.

The change involved the addition of a pressure gauge and isolation valve on the extraction valve side of the turbine extraction dumpline. This was done to aid in finding a solution to the extraction steam check valve abnormality.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-41 Replace the existing Main Generator G.E. HEA Lockout Relay with i

Electro-Switch Relay LOR-1.

The change involved replacing the existing main generator lockout relay with an Electro-Switch model LOR-1 relay and an additional fault detector in series with the relay.

This was accomplished to ensure the unit will


be tripped upon sensing a fault and also provido prevention for a 4

spurious trip when the unit is off-line.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not changed.

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Modification M12-3-84-42 Modify Whip Restraints on HPCI Line 3-2305-10".

The change involved shimming and adjustment of HPCI ship restraints PWHP-1, -2 on the turbine steam supply line 2-2305-10".

This was done because the addition of rigid restraints per I.E. Bulletin 79 01B has changed the pipe's seismic movements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety la not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-48 Implement the Main Generator Load Rejection Unit Tripping Schemes.

The change involved adding a GE type CFW 0-0800 watt underpower relay and i

a GE type SFF 44-70 H2 overfrequency relay in the main generator circuitry.

This was accomplished to detect unit overspeed by sensing i

current, voltage and frequency, and are designed to complement the i

-existing load rejection syst6m.

The safety evaluation concluded that the safety margin is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-68 Install Anti-Motoring Relays on the Main Generator.

The change involved installing a GE type GGP-anti-motoring and maximum excitation limiter (MEL) relay in the main generator control circuitry.

This was done to provide back-up anti-motoring relay and to ascertain that no significant amount of steam is going through the turbine after a turbine trip to prevent damage to the main generator.

4 The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

l Modification M12-3-84-69 l

Replace the Generator CVE Relays in the Aux Electric Room.

The change involved replacing the generator CVE relays in the aux elec.

room with HACR type relays.

This was done to ensure reliability when synchronizing the generator to the grid system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-84-78 Install a Sprinkler System for the CRD Pumps and the CCSW Pumps.

The change involved installing a wet pipe sprinkler system over the CRD pumps and the CCSW pumps. This was done to provide fire protection for l

the pumps per a commitment to a March, 1978 SER issued by the NRC.

s The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modifiention M12-3-84-113 Relocate the Local Control for MCC 38-1 to an Alternate Fire Zone.

.The change involved relocating the local control station for MCC 38-1 from the Turbine Building mezzanine to the D2/3 diesel generator room.

This was done to aid in providing a saft shutdown path as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix R.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-9 Revise the Turbine Building to Reactor Building Interlock Door Circuitry.

The change involved adding time delay relays to the interlock door circuitry which allows a two second interval of time to elapse after one door is closed and the other may be opened.

This was done to prevent the simultaneous opening of both doors, and to prevent a breach of secondary containment.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-16 Modify and Replace Unit 3 Piping Susceptible to ICSC Corrosion.

i The change involved in a very lengthy outage, replacement of piping 4

j susceptible to IGSCC. This replacement included the recirc piping, RWCU


piping, SDC piping, CS piping, LPCI piping, Iso. Cond. piping, CRD return l

lines and jet pump safe ends. This was accomplished to ensure reliability of the various systems.

l The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-17 I

Remove and Re-install Interferences for the ICSCC Pipe Replacement.

The change involved removing all interferences associated with j

replacement of IGSCC piping and replacing them in identical or functionally identical locations after the work was completed. This was l

done to accommodate pipe replacement per Mod M12-3-85-16.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modification M12-3-85-27 i

l Install a Temporary Personnel Interlock Structure.

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The change involved constructing a temporary building by the Unit 3 interlock doors with radiation monitoring equipment and a clothes change area.

This was done to accommodate the great amount of personnel required during the ICSCC piping replacement.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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e Hodification M12-3-85-28 Design and Install a New Equipment Interlock Structure.

The change involved designing and constructing an Equipment Interlock Building to the Unit 3 React >r Building.

This was done to accomodate the movement of pipe and materials during the IGSCC piping replacement.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-34 Modify the Low Pressure Rotors of the Main Generator.

The change involved replacing the G.E. low-pressure rotors of the main turbine with Brown-Boveri rotors. This was done to provide better reliability of the system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-38 Install Digital Equipment in the Control Room for the A and B Recombiners of the Offgas Hydrogen Monitors.

The change involved installing a new digital readout meter in the D3 Control Room to monitor the outlet temperatures of the A and B recombiners.

This was done on Panel 54 because of space limitations / demands. The ezisting recombiner temperatures and the new outlet temperatures can all be monitored more easily.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased.

Modification M12-3-85-53 Install Penetrations in the Reactor Building Exterior Wall.

The change involved the addition of ten, five inch penetrations in the exterior wall of the D3 Reactor Building.

This was done to accommodate services (air, welding leads, electrical, etc.) required for the IGSCC piping replacement.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-85-62 Replace Control Room Temperature Recorders TR-262-19 and TR-262-32.

The change involved replacing the existing recorders on panel 903 4 with state-of-the-art Honeywell Multichannel Model VP 1312 recorders.

This l

was done to provide more channels in the same spacial area for future monitoring points.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modification M12-3-85-69 Install an Additional Rx Blds. Floor Drain Sump Pump.

The change involved adding a secondary submersible sump pump the A & B i

Rx. Bldg. floor drain sump. This was done to add higher capacity in removal of water from the sumps and more system reliability.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

j Modification M12-3-85-68


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Install Concrete Curbs Around the Hydrogen Seal Unit.

The change involved the installation of a concrete curb around the hydrogen seal oli unit. This wes accomplished to prevent any oil spills from spreading, thus limiting the damage to the surrounding area in the event of a fire.



The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Modification M12-3-86-5


Install Twelve CE ALLCR Control Rod Drives.

The change involved installing twelve type ALLCR (Advanced Long Life Control Rod Drive) CRD's in Unit 2, in place of the existing type BWR/3 CRD's.

This was done to provide greater operating reliability.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-3-87-26 i

Remove the Manual Handwheels from the Feedwater Regulating Valves.

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The change involved permanent removal of the handwheels for RW Reg.

Valves 3-642A and B.

This was done to prevent the handwheel from coming j

unlocked and stopping the valve from traveling its full 100% automatic travel.

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l The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

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Table 1,3-1 Unit 3 Modifications Completed in 1987 (By Modification No.)

M12-3-83-29 M12-3-84-69 M12-3-83-30 M12-3-84-78 M12-3-83-36 M12-3-84-113 M12-3-83-39 M12-3-85-9 M12-3-83-40 M12-3-85-16 M12-3-83-47 M12-3-85-17 M12-3-83-56 M12-3-85-27 M12-3-83-58 M12-3-85-34 M12-3-84-5 M12-3-85-38 M12-3-84-6 M12-3-85-53 M12-3-84-8 M12-3-85-62 M12-3-84-27 M12-3-85-66 M12-3-84-31 M12-3-85-68 M12-3-84 -41 M12-3-85-69 M12-3-84-42 M12-3-86-5 M12-3-84-48 M12-3-87-26 M12-3-84-68 4


g 1.4 Unit 2/3 (shared)

Table 1.4-1 provides a listing of the Unit 2/3 modifications (by modification number) completed in 1987 and described in this section.

Modification M12-2/3-81-10 Provide an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for the New Computer System.

The change involved installing necessary wiring, batteries and equipment to provide a continuous, regulated 120/208V line wave power to the computers from the normal 480V AC power source.

Upon loss of power, the regulating equipment automatically transfers to the alternato 480V DC power source, and automatically to the 250V DC batteries in the event both 480V AC power systems are not available.

This was done to insure reliability of the computer system.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2/3-83-12 Provide Fire Detection and Suppression to the D2/3 Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump.

The chsnge involved the addition of an open head water spray system ac'.lvated by linear thermal detectors for the cable tray feeding the 2/3 D/G cooling water sump in the 2/3 cribhouse. Thic was accomplished to comply with the 10 CFR 50 Appendix R requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased.

Modification M12-2/3-83-17 Provide Additional Fire Detection and Suppression to the D2 and D3 Turbine Buildings.

The change involved the addition of a wet pipe sprinkler system for common areas and corridors of the D2 and D3 Turbine Building.

Also, the installation of smoke detection equipment on the ground floors and mezzanines of the Turbine Buildings.

This was done to comply with the 10 CFR 50 Appendix R requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is incressed.

Modification M12-2/3-84-7 Install a Curb Around the D2/3 Diesel Generator Day Tank.

The change involved the installation of a concrete curb around the D2/3 D/G fuel oil day tank.

This was done to provide a means of containing and disposal of any oil or watar leak or fire per 10 CFR 50 Appendix R requirements.

s The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is increased.


Modification M12-3/3-84-63 Install a Transfer Switch in a One Hour Fire Barrier for the 2/3 D/G Cooling Water Pucp.

The change involved replacing the existing junction box in the 2/3 cribhouse that feeds the 2/3 D/C CW pump with a transfer switch in a one hour fire barrier.

This was done to comply with the 10 CFR 50, Appendix R requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2/3-84-65 Install Curbs in the Cribhouse for the D2/3 DG Cooling Water Pump.

The change involved installing concrete curbs around the D2/3 D.G. CWP in the 2/3 cribhouse. This was done to contain any oil spills and aid in cleanup and in the event of a fire per 10 CFR 50, Appendix R requirements.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

Modification M12-2/3-85-35 Revise the Power Supply to the SBGT Flow Transmitters / Trip Unit Relays.

The change involved changing the electrical feed to the SBCT system flow transmitter relays from AC dependent to the 24/48 VDC batteries on ATS Panel 2202-73A. Also new flow transmitters FT-2/3-7541-45A and -45B was installed.

This was accomplished to make the SBGT system less unit dependent.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.

v;odification M12-2/3-86-9 Seismically Support the SBCT Panels in the Control Room.

The change involved adding by cutting and of braces on the SBGT panels in the Control Room.

This was done to seismically support the two SBGT cabinets in the event of an earthquake.

The safety evaluation concluded that the margin of safety is not reduced.


v Table 1.4-1 Unit 2/3 (Shared) Modifications Completed in 1987 i

(By Modification No.)

M12-2/3-81-10 M12-2/3-83-12 M12-2/3-83-17 M12-2/3-84-7 M12-2/3-84-62 M12-2/3-84-65 M12-2/3-85-35 M12-2/3-86-9 t

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2.0 Procedure This section provides a brief description of the chang,es to the DNPS procedures described in the safety analysis report which were instituted in calendar year 1987.

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2.1 Unit 1 Changes to Unit 1 procedures are not included in this report. Unit I was defueled and placed in a non-operational condition prior to the start of 1987, in preparation for decommissioning.

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4 2.2 Unit 2/3 (shared)

Table 2.2-1 lists those procedures referenced in the DNPS Units 2 & 3 final safety analysis report which were revised in calendar year 1987.

In the majority of cases, the changes to these procedures fall into one or more of the fcilowing three categories:

(1) An administrativo change, such as revising the responsible individual or procedure reference, which does not alter the intent of the procedure; (2) A change to clarify the actions to be performed under the procedure, such as the adding of cautions or additional procedure detail, which does not alter the intent of the procedure; and (3) A change to incorporate details of a newly utilized component, either as a subject of the procedure or used in performance of the procedure, which does not alter the intent of the procedure.

procedure revisions of these types are noted in Table 2.2-1.

If the revisions to a given procedure are exclusively of one or more of these three types, then no further discussion of the change is provided. Those procedures whose revision merits further discussion are noted as such in Table 2.2-1.

A brief description of these changes is provided below.

Dresden General procedure (DGP) 1-1 In addition to revisions for clarification and incorporation of new equipment, a step was added to the unit startup procedure t o close the steam seal bypass valve prior to reaching 250 psig reactor pressure in order to protect the low pressure piping downstream of the valve.

Adequate seal steam pressure (between 1.0 and 4.0 psig) will be maintained.

Dresden Operating procedure (DOP) 202-2 This reactor recirculation system hot startup procedure was revised to alert operators to potential reactor instabilities above 80% flow control line (FCL) below 39% core flow when only one recire pump is running and to provide the operators with appropriate actions if the reactor is operating under those conditions.

In addition, statements were added to alert operators to potential, unexpected power increases due to recire pump starts during certain operating conditions.

Dresden Operating Su rveillanc e procedure (DOS) 201-1 This reactor vessel leakage test procedure was extensively revised to provide increased assurance that the test is adequately controlled and conducted.

1227a 1

DOS 201-2 This reactor vessel hydrostatic test procedure was extensively revised to provide increased assurance that the test is adequately controlled and conducted.

DOS 300-4 This control rod drive timing test procedure was revised to increase the rod withdrawal and insertion time ranges based on a re-evaluation of the equipment specifications.

In addition, a change was made to ensure that a preliminary core audit is performed prior to executing this procedure in order to preclude the potential for inadvertent criticality due to fuel bundle mislocation.

DOS 1400-1, The procedure was revised to require more pre-test venting of the core spray piping system in order to reduce the possibility of water hammer events due to testlng.

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.g TABLE 2.2-1 DNPS Unit 2 & 3 1987 Changes to Procedures Described in the Final Safety Analysis Report Procedure No.

Procedure Title / Description Sununary of Change

  • Draeden Administrative Procedures (DAP)

DAP 2-3 Operation and Control of the Central and Satellite File Note 1 DAP 7-1 Operations Department Organization Note 1 DAP 7-5 Operating Logs Note 1 DAP 7-10 Charts and Chart Recorders Note 3 DAP 12-4 Control of High Radiation Area Note 1 DAP 12-7 Dresden Station ALARA Program Note 1 Dre den Fire Protection Procedures (DFPP)

DFPP 4153-2 Emergency Lighting Monthly Inspection Notes 1 & 3 Dreeden General Procedures (DCP)

DCP 1-1 Unit 2(3) Normal Unit Startup Note 4 DCP 1-2 Unit 2(3) Startup to Hot Standby

. Note 2-DCP 1-3 Unit 2(3) Hot Standby to Power Operation Notes 1, 2 & 3 l

DCP 3-4 Control Rod Movements - Control Rod Sequences Notes 1 & 2 I


  • Notes provided at the i

end of this table 1227a

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Pr codun, Title /Dercription Summary rf Chang-A Dr*' den Instrument Surveillance Procedures (DIS)

DIS 700-3 Source Range Monitor (SRM) Rod Block Ca11bration Check Notes 1 & 2 DIS 1500-5 Low Pressure Coolant Injection Containment Cooling Note 1 System Logic Test Procedures DIS 1600-2 Drywell High Pressure Scram Switches Calibration Note 1 pen-den Maintenance Procedures (DMP)

DNP 200-30 Unit 2 and 3 Six Inch Main Steam Safety Valve Repair Note 2 DMP 200-35 Inspection and Maintenance of Electromatic Relief Valves Notes 1 & 3 Dre-den Operating Procedures (DOP)

DOP 202-2 Reactor Recirculation System Hot Startup DrSeden Operating Surveillance Procedures (DOS)

DOS 202-1 Reactor Vessel 1000 PSI Leakage Test Note 4 DOS 201-2 Reactor Vesse] ASME Hydrostatic Test Note 4 DOS 250-1 10% Closure Test of Main Steam Isolation Valves Note 1 DOS 300-1 Daily / Weekly Control Rod Drive Exercise Notes 1 & 2 DOS 300-4 Control Rod Drive Timing Note 4 DOS 500-8 main Steam Line Isolation Valves Not Full Open Scram Note 2 DOS 1300-2 Isolation Condenser Valve Operability Check Notes 2 & 3 DOS 1400-1 Core Spray System Pump Test with Torus Available Note 4 DOS 1400-2 Core Spray System Valvo Operability Check Hote 2 DOS 1400-3 Core Spray System Operability Test with Torus Unavailable Note 2 1227a

o Procedur7 No.

Procedurs Title /De^cription Summary rf Chang-A



DOS 1700-1 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor Scram and Isolation Note 3 Functional Test DOS 2300-1 HPCI MO Valves and Pump Operability Test - Monthly Note 2 DOS 2300-3 HPCI System Pump Test Note 2 DOS 5600-2 honthly, Weekly, and Daily Turbine Checks Note 2 DOS 6600-1 Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests Note 2 DOS 6600-5 Bus Undervoltage and ECCS Integrated Functional Test Note 2 for Unit 2 Diesel Generator DOS 6600-6 Bus Undervoltage and ECCS Integrated Functional Test Note 2 for Unit 2/3 Diesel Generator (Unit 2 Test Only)

Drs"den Radiation Protection Procedures (DRP)

DRP 1240-1 Operation and Calibration of Eberline Model RM-21 Note 3 Radiation Monitor DRP 1240-7 Source Check and Operation of the Sentry DM-61 Digital Note 3 Dosimetry System DRP 1240-8 Calibration and Operation of Teletectors Note 1 DRP 1240-9 Source Check and Operation of the Eberline PNR-4 Neutron Note 1 Detection Instrument DRP 1240-18 Verification of Counting Efficiencies for Celger-Mueller Note 2 (CM)-Type Contamination Survey Instruments Den

  • den Technical Staff Procedures (DTP)

DTP 2 Inservice Inspection Plan Note 2 1227a



Pr ceduro Titim/De cription Summary rf Changna


Dr--den Technical Staf f Surveillance Procedures (DTS)

DTS 300-2 Control Rod Drive Scram Testing and Scram Valve Timing Test Notes 1 & 2 DTS 1600-1 Local Leak Rate Testing of Primary Containment Isolation Valves Notes 2 & 3 DTS 1600-14 Local Leak Rate Testing of Personnel Access Lock Note 2 DTS 1600-22 Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test Note 2 DTS 8134 Units 2/3 Shutdown Mar 5 n Demonstration Note 2 1

DTS 8473 Duties of the Control Room Nuclear Observer Note 1 NOTES:

1 - Administrative change; intent of procedure unchanged.

2 - Changed for clarification; intent of procedure unchanEed.

3 - Changed to incorporate requirements for new equipment; utent of procedure unchanged.

4 - Description of revision provided in report section 2.2.


0 3.0 - Tests and Experiments This section provides a brief description of those special, non-routine tests and experiments involvint, off-normal plant operational modes which are not described in the safety analysis report.


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3.1 Unit 1 No special tests or experiments involving off-normal plant operational modes were performed on Unit 1.

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3.2 Units 2 & 3 Unit 3 Start-Up Testinn pronram l

As part of the corrective actions taken following the Unit 3 feedwater transient event of August 7, 1987 (LER 87-13/50-249), a series of tests were performed during Unit 3 startup.

The main areas of this testing were:


Augmented Feedwater instrumentation and Startup Testing, b.

Isolation Condenser / Group V Isolation Flow Test.


Main Generator Reverse power Circuitry Test.

The testing was performed using controlled, written procedures and involved significant operator and technical staff monitoring of system operation. All Technical Specification requirements for plant startup were satisfied.

During the first series of testing, a primary containment Group V isolation occurred during the isolation condenser flow test (LER 87-14/50-249).

Subsequently, a modification was implemented to install a time delay in the isolation circuitry and the isolation condenser was functionally tested satisfactorily, i

Feedwater Regulating Valve Testing j

A series of tests were conducted to evaluate and characterize the performance of the Unit 2 and 3 feedwater regulating valves under varying flow conditions. The testing affected only the feedwater system.

The failure of this system had been previously analyzed.

Economic Generation Control (EGC) Increased Ramp Rate Test An experiment was performed to test the Unit 2 & 3 EGC systems at increased ramp rates.

The normal ramp rate is 2.0 MWe/ minute.

The l

system was tested at ramp rates from 4.0 to 5.0 MWe/ minute.

Failure of the EGC system is bounded by failure of the recirculation flow control system evaluated in the safety analysis report.

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Special Tests of th7 High Pr*ssur$ Coolent Injection (HPCI) Syst?m The following special tests were performed during 1981 on the HPCI systems.


Special tests of HPCI steam supply valves M02-2301-4 and M03-2301-5 following changes to the seal-in circuitry of these valves.

The circuit change to the seal-in circuitry eliminates need for operator action to de-energize the seal-in circuitry.


A special test which involved running the Unit 2 and Unit 3 HPCI systems as part of troubleshooting erratic HPCI flow indications, c.

A special fast-initiation test of the Unit 2 HPCI system, which was performed as part of a planned testing program during startup from a efuel outage.


A special test involving simultaneous operation of the Unit 2 and 3 HPCI systems.

4.0 Temporary System Alterations This section provides a brief description of temporary system alterations perf ormed during calendar year 1987. A "temporary system alteration" refers to electrical jumpers, lif ted leads, removed fuses, fuses turned to non-conducting position, fuses moved from normal to reserve holder, temporary power supplies, test switches in alternate positions, temporary blank flanges, and temporary spool pieces.

Alterations controlled and documented as part of a routine out-of-service or other procedure, alterations which are a norma! feature of system design, and hoses installed as part of a venting or draining process are not included.

4.1 Tabulation of Temporary System Alterations The following table of temporary system alterations lists the alterations.

Each is prefaced by a log number which begins with a roman numeral corresponding to the unit affected.



Temporcry Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date Dnte II-1-87 These jumpers were utilized to supply 1-5-87 1-1-87 11-2-87 temporary power to the reactor building, 1-5-87 1-7-87 II-3-87 fuel pool, isolation condencer, main 1-6-87 1-7-87 II-4-87 steam line and off-gas radiation 1-7-87 1-7-87 monitors when the reactor protection system motor-generator sets were taken out of service during a refueling outage.

II-5-87 These alterations involved lifting leads 1-10-87 1-10-87 II-10-87 from transformer #21, #22 and #2 deluge 1-31-87 1-31-87 11-41-87 system thermoswitches for maintenance.

4-5-87 4-8-87 II-42-87 Transformer #21, #22 and #2 and their deluge systems were out-of-service at this time.

II-6-87 These Jumpers prevented shutdown cooling 1-17-87 1-23-87 II-8-87 system isolation while the trip unit was 1-28-87 3-6-87 boing repaired.

The reactor was shutdown with all fuel removed from the vessel at this time.

II-7-87 This jumper wts utilized to bypass a 1-23-87 6-23-87 filed automatic overheat thermostat on j

the high radiation sampling system heating unit.

II-9-87 Lifted leads from H2 addition elapsed 1-29-87 2-7-87 flow timer. All fuel had been removed from the vessel and the H2 addition system was out-of-service at this time.

II-11-87 Lifted leads from an Auxiliary Electric 2-10-87 2-11-87 Equipment Room (AEER) vent damper for repairs.

The AEER fire protection system remained operable during the repair.

II-12-87 Lifted leads disabled AEER Halon fire 2-10-87 2-10-87 protection system to allow sub-station construction to pull cables. A continuous fire watch was posted while the halon system was disabled.

11-13-87 Jumpers allow busses 25, 26, and 27 to 2-14-87 4-7-87 be paralleled, without a dead bus transfer, to perform undervoltage testing of busses 23 and 24 The unit was in a refueling outage and all house loads were fed from the reserve auxiliary transforner assuring all busses were in phase.


.. g Tcmporcry Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date

- Date 11-14-87 Jumpers prevented all scrams from the 2-19-87 2-22-87 neutron monitoring system when personnel are working under the reactor vessel.

All fuel was removed from the vessel when the jumpers were in place.

11-15-97 Jumpers and lifted leads prohibit alarms 2-20-87 II-16-87 associated with the 02 portion of the 2A 2-20-87 11-17-87 and 2B H2/02 monitors. The 02 portion 2-21-87 of the monitor is not required. 1 the H2 portion is used for post-accident monitoring.

The monitor will be converted to H2/H2 per modification H12-2-87-16.

II-18-87 Jumper cleared one rod permissive rod 2-23-87 2-23-87 II-21-87 block to allow control rod drive venting 2-23-87 2-23-87 and flushing to continue with some of the RpIS cables disconnected from the drives.

All fuel was removed from the vessel while the jumpers were in place.

11-19-87 Jumpers cleared accumulator trouble rod 2-23-87 4-18-87 block to allow testing of other rod blocks.

All fuel was removed from the vessel when the jumper was in place.

11-20-87 Lif ted leads from transformer #32 deluge 8-21-87 8-21-87 system thermostats for maintenance.

Transformer #32 and its deluge system were out of service at the timo.

11-22-87 Lif ted leads disabled torus narrow range 2-22-87 3-5-87 level signal converter.

The converter was being replaced due to output failure.

All other torus level indication was operable during replacement.

11-23-87 Jumper provided full in indication for 2-24-87 3-18-87 II-43-87 Control Rod Drive (CRD) L-13 C-9 C-10, 4-9-87 4-14-87 II-33-87 E-8, and D-12 to remove a red block and 4-15-87 4-18-87 II-66-81 allow surveillance testing of other 7-19-87 8-3-87 II-77-87 CRD's.

The unit was shutdown and these 8-25-87 8-27-87 II-78-87 CRDs were out-of-service at this time.

8-25-87 8-27-87 11-80-87 9-21-87 11-81-87 9-21-87 11-91-87 9-22-87 11-92-87 9-22-87 10-20-87 10-20-87 10-20-87 10-20-87 1227a

y Tceporcry Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date

.Date II-24-87 Lifted leads from DC motor's shunt field 2-26-87 II-45-87 coil for the motor operator of valve 4-15-87 2-1201-3 and 2-2301-5 to remove a ground from the 250VDC system. An engineering evaluation determined that the valves were operable with the disconnected shunt.

The motor is scheduled for replacement during the upcoming 1988 refueling outase.

II-25-87 Listed leads on remote control switch 2-26-87 11-5-87 for the operation of cooling lake flow regulating gates to remove a ground from the 125VDC system.

The gates can be operated locally and local operation is procedurally preferred. The grounded cable has been abandoned in place.

11-26-87 These lifted leads allowed the turbine 3-4-87 3-5-87 11-27-87 exhaust hood temperature switch to be II-28-87 removed for calibration. The unit was in a refuel outage during this calibration.

11-29-87 Lifted leads to check continuity of the 3-5-87 3-6-87 A recirculation loop RTD. The unit was in a refuel outage during the testing.

11-30-81 Lifted leads to allow replacement of the 3-11-87 3-11-87 valve position limit switch for primary containment isolation valve A0-1601-56.

The unit was in a refuel outage and primary containment was not rcquired.

II-31-87 Lifted leads to allow replacement of the 3-11-87 3-19-87 A recirculation pump control seal flow switch.

The unit was in a refuel outage and the pump was not being used.

II-32-87 Jumper removed a turbine overspeed trip 3-14-87 3-14-87 reset switch to enable the switch to be calibrated. The unit was in a refuel outage and the overspeed reset was not required.

11-33-87 Jumper involved inputs to the reactor 3-14-87 3-19-87 shell and flange temperature recorder during maintenance work. Operability of temperature monitoring was not affected.



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Alteration Installation Removal Err. tem No.

Description Date

_Date II-35-87 Jumper and lifted leads permitted the 3-16-87 3-21-87 operation of the recirculation pump motor generator set without running the pump.

The unit was in a refuel outage and the pump was not required to be operable.

II-36-87 Lifted leads to allow the trector wide 3-26-87 4-1-87 range pressure indicator so the scale could be replaced.

The unit was shutdown during scale replacement.

11-37-87 Jumpered bypass primary containment 3-31-87 4-2-87 II-39-87 interlocks to allow main steam line 4-3-87 4-3-87 drain valve 220-2 and 220-1 to be cycled.

The unit was shutdown with the MSIVs and one drain valve out-of-service when the other was cycled.

11-38-87 Jumpers and lifted leads allowed valves 3-31-87 4-2-87 11-47-87 2301-35, 4, 5 and 36 to be stroked 4-18-87 4-38-87 11-49-87 following maintenance with the 90 pound 4-20-87 4-20-87 11-64-87 HpCI isolation signal pretent.

The unit 7-19-87 7-19-87 was shutdown and the HpCI system was not required to be operable.

11-40-87 Lifted lead allowed flow control valve 4-3-87 4-4-87 3103C to be stroked following maintenance. The reactor we.s shutdown and the low pressure heater's inlet and outlet valves were closed as the time.

II-46-87 Jumper cleared Anticipated Transient 4-17-87 4-24-87 f

Without Scram (ATWS) trouble alarm due


to a failed inverter to prevent the masking of other ATWS trouble alarms.

The jumper only affects the alarm circuit and the alternate inverter was supply the ATWS cabinet while the primary was repaired.

All ATWS trips remained operable.

II-48-87 Jumper provided "00" indication for CRD 4-20-87 5-7-87 D-12 to clear drif t alarm. The refueling interlock from the full in indication remained operable.

11-50-87 Lifted lead removed 02-12-22-32-42 4-21-87 5-19-87 position indications from CRD H-14 to allow the RplS cable connections to be repaired. The rod remained at "00" during the repair.

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T;mporcry Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date


II-51 87 Lifted leads to remove the control room 5-5-87 5-6-81 toxic gas analyzer trouble relay so it could be repaired. The control room ventilation system was not affected.

11-52-87 Jumper cleared a common drywell leak 5-6-87 11-90-87 detection alarm.

The alarm is caused by 10-15-87 a fa,8. led thermocouple and/or cable to shutdown cooling isolation valve 1001-1B and 1001-4B.

Jumpering the thermocouple prevented the masking of other thermocouples within the leak detection syntem. The thermocouple and/or cable will be replaced / repaired during the upcoming 1988 refueling outage.

11-53-87 Jumper bypassed a nalfunctioning main 5-9-87 7-19-37 steam line high temperature switch to prevent spurious Group I isolation signals.

The remaining torperature switches were operable while the failed switch was jumpered.

11-54-87 Jumper bypassed rod block from the 5-20-87 5-22 87 accunulator for CRD C-9.

CRD C-9 was out of service when the jurper was installed.

11-55-87 Jumper permitted turbine exhaust f an 5-21-87 5-22-87 11-57-87 operation by bypassing a low 5-27-87 6-2-87 dif ferential pressure trip signal while the sensor and associated circuitry were trouble shot and repaired. Differential pressure indication was available from Unit 3.

11-56-87 Jumper cleared superimposed digit in the 5-27-87 12-29-87 II-65-87 ones column of the control rod drive 7-19-87 7-21-87 11-67-87 position display for CRD H-14 D-12 and E-3.

The position indicating switch will be replaced during the upcoming 1988 refueling outage.

11-58-87 Lifted leads allowed the LpCI loop 6-11-87 6-12-87 select differential pressuru switch 261-35F to be repaired.

Two pressure switches are utilized on each loop assuring that the LPCI logic would have chosen the correct loop.

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e Tempor0ry Alteration Installation Removal System No Description Date Date 11-59-87 Jumpers completed one half of the 6-17-87 6-18-87 required signal to trip the circulating water pumps. The jumper was required to reeot Technical Specification requirements due to a failed condenser pit flood protection levol switch.

The remaining switch was verified operable.

The level switch was replaced.

11-60-87 Jumper bypassed a failed X-area 6-30-87 7-19-87 temperature switch to prevent spurious group I isolation signals. The remaining temperature switches were operable while the failed switch was jumpered.

11-61-87 Jumper cleared a commen CRD high 7-6-67 11-19-87 II-62-87 temperature alarm. The alarm is caused 7-6-87 11-18-87 II-69-87 by a f ailed thermocouple and/or cable.

8-4-87 11-18-87 11-72-87 The jumper prevents the masking of other 8-6-87 11-18-87 11-73-87 CRD high temperature alarns.

The 8-6-87 11-74-87 thermoenuple and/or cable will be 8-6-87 II-103-87 repaired during the September 1988 11-24-87 refueling outage.

11-63-87 Jumper allowed the 2B reactor water 1-15-87 7-15-87 clean-up pump motor to be run following maintenance with the pump uncoupled and a low suction pressure trip signal present.

The jumper was removed prior to placing the pump in-service.

II-68-87 Jumper provided temporary power supply 7-31-87 9-10-87 to various area radiation monitor records while new recorders were being installed. Ventilation trips were unaffected by the jumper.

11-70-87 Lifted leads removed AC power supply to 8-5-87 8-11-87 the condensate dissolved 02 Analyzer while it was being repaired.

II-71-87 Lifted leads allowed continued operation 8-5-8/

9-3-87 of the drywell H2/02 monitor while work was being performed on the 2A shutdown cooling pump motor heater.

Both pieces of equipment share a common feed.

i II-75-87 Lifted leads allowed removed of the 2D1 8-24-87 8-27-87 high pressure heater pressure transmitter for repair. The transmitter only inputs to a computer point.


y e

Temporcry Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date Date II-76-87 Jumper cleared spurious cod drift alarm 8-25-87 8-27-87 11-89-87 for CRD D-12 and F-2 when the rod was at 10-1-87 "00",

11-79-87 Lifted Ivado disconnected an area 9-19-87 9-20-87 radiation monitor to stop the audible alarm during a sludge transfer. The alarm cannot be silenced.

A esdiation chemistr/ technician monitored the transfer.

II-82-87 Mechanical alteration installed a huse 10-8-87 10-9-87 from the drain and vent valves of the diesel generator cooling water diecharge line to facilitate testing of the cooling water system.

The hose was in parallel with the line, therefore preventing a restriction in flow should the diesel be required for service.

11-93-87 Jumper prevented a scram from turbine 10-21-87 10-21-87 stop valve closure and generator load reject while working on the instrument rack which supports the 1st stage turbine pressure switch.

The switch bypasses the above two scrams with reactor power below 45% power while the jumper was installed assuring the bypass valves and plant systems could handle the steam should the generator or turbine trip. The jumper prevented a spurious scram should rack vibration cause the 1st stage pressure relay contacts to open.

11-94-87 Lifted leads to remove AC power feed to 10-21-87 10-30-87 the 2B feedwater regulating valve position transmitter to allow the transmitter to be repaired.

The control circuitry for the valve remained unchanged.

11-95-87 Lifted leads disabled CRD high 10-23-87 temperature alarm.

The thermocouples and cables associated with each of the drives have exhibited continuity problems resulting in spurious high temperature alarme.

The CRD temperature recorder is still operable. CRD temperature information is utilized to determine which drives will be rebuilt during refueling outages.


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Temporcry l

Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date

_Date 11-96-87 Jumpers bypassed the lift station 10-21-87 10-30-87 l

II-97-87 differential pressure and low lubo water 11-2-87 11-4-81 II-98-87 flow pump trips to enable flushing of 11-3-87 11-6-87 the header, pressure was maintained on I

the lube water supply line to prevent bearing damage.

i II-100-87 Jumper bypassed a failed differential 11-10-87 11-16-87 pressure switch.

The failed switch prevented operation of the turbine building vent fans.

The switch was replaced.

11-99-87 Jumper permits operation of the shutdown 11-5-81 cooling system. A thermocouple for the A recirculation loop has failed open.

The open thermocouple generates a high temperature signal and would isolate shutdown cooling.

The thermocouple will be repaired during an upcoming i

maintenance outage.

11-101-87 Jumper provided a temporary power supply 11-20-87 12-29-8)

II-102-87 to e Separate Iodine and Noble cas 11-20-87 12-29-87 (SPING) monitor control terminal so that 7'

the normal 12 volt powtr supply could be repaired. A redundant SPING channel was i

operable during the installation period of the jumper.


II-104-8 7 Lifted leads allowed the replacement of 12-8-87 12-15-87 a defective level switch on the 2C2 heater.

11-105-87 Lifted leads prevented the 2B reactor 12-23-87 12-24-87 building exhaust fan from tripping on low flow. The pitso tube, utilized to measure flow, was broken.

The fan was kept in stand-by end would hkve isolated if required.

11-106-87 Lifted leads prevent the 2A reactor 12-31-87 2-15-88 building exhaust fan from tripping on low flow. The pitso tube, utilized to


measure flow, was broken.

The fan was kept in standby and would have isolated if required.

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1227a l



4 Temporary Alteration Installation Removal System No Description Date Date t

III-1-87 Jumper provided a temporary power supply 1-6-87 1-7-87 to the reactor building equipment drain tank while troubleshooting the normal supply.

III-2-87 Jumper prevented accumulator alarm and 1-10-87 1-17-87 III-15-87 rod block while CRD C-4 and F-8 was 5-13-87 5-21-87 out-of-service at position "00".

The jumper was removed prior to placing the rods'in-service.

III-3-C7 Jumpers cleared a common control rod 1-14-87 4-20-88 III-4-87 drive high temperature alarm.

The alarm 1-14-87 4-20-88 III-5-87 is caused by failed thermocouples and/or 1-14-87 4-20-88 III-6-87 cable connectors. The jumpers prevent 1-14-87 4-20-88 III-7-87 the masking of actual control rod drive 1-30-87 4-20-88 III-8-87 high temperature alarms.

2-9-87 4-20-88 III-9-87 2-9-87 4-20-88 III-14-87 5-8-87 4-20-88 III-50-87 11-6-87 4-20-88 III-51-07 11-6-87 4-20-88 III-10-87 Lifted lead al wed the 3C turbine 3-25-87 5-15-87 building exhausc f an to run for troubleshoating.

The fen had been tr3ppi:ig on an erroneous low flow indications.

III-11-87 Lifted leads allowed maintenance to 3-31-87 3-31-87 repair a grounded alarm circuit for CRD 02-35 accumulator trouble.

III-12-87 Lifted lead for the position indication 4-19-87 4-21-87 for valve 1201-7 to isolate an electrical fault for repair. The valve's control circuitry remained operable l

III-13-87 Alteration cut and capped turbine 4-21-87 12-21-87 bearing drain 11 net

> stop condenser air in leakage.

The bearing deluge system is permanently out-of-service and the drains are no longer required.

The drawings have been updated to reflect this change.

l r

l III-16-87 Jumper allowed the 3C shutdown cooling 6-8-87 7-23-87 l

pump motor to be bumped for rotation following replacement.

l l



Temporcry Alttration Installetion Removel System No.

Description D?te D?ta III-17-87 Jumper bypasaed a failed turbine trip 6-17-87 7-14-87 interlock switch, and allowed the turbine oil trip system to be tested.

The jumper does not defeat the remote or automatic trips.

III-18-87 Jumper allowed the drywell floor drain 7-30-87 8-22-87 sump pump to start with a faulty low level switch.

Pump control switches were caution carded to prevent pump damage.

III-19-87 Lifted leads to replace the position 8-12-87 8-12-87 limit switch for valve A0-3-3103A.

The reactor was shutdown and position indication was not required.

III-20-87 Jumpers provided an alternate power 7-15-87 7-24-87 supply to the area radiation monitor recorders to allow the installation of a new recorder.

III-21-87 Lifted leads to allow maintenance on 8-20-87 8-21-87 transformer 31 deluge system sensors.

The transformer was out-of-service and the deluge system disabled during this maintenance.

III-12-87 Jurper allowed valve MO-3-2301-35 to be 8-21-87 8-22-87 stroked for testing.

The reactor was shutdown and the HPCI system was not required.

III-23-87 The jumpers installed test and 8-27-87 11-13-87 III-24-87 monitoring equipment on the condensate 8-27-87 11-13-87 III-25-87 and feedwater systems to provide 8-27-87 11-13-87 III-26-87 additional information and recording 8-27-87 11-13-87 III-27-87 capability which was unavailable through 8-28-87 11-4-87 III-28-87 the installed plant instrumentation, 8-28-87 11-4-87 III-29-87 The t' rations were installed to 8-28-87 11-4-87 III-30-87 determine the root cause of a feedwater 8-28-87 10-23-87 III-31-87 transient. The alterations did not 8-28-87 11-4-87 III-32-87 affect plant operation or defeat any 8-27-87 11-4-87 III-33-87 trip or isolation functions.

8-28-87 3-3-87 III-34-87 8-28-87 3-3-87 III-35-87 8-28-87 3-3-87 III-36-87 8-28-87 3-3-87 III-37-87 8-28-87 8-28-87 III-38-87 8-30-87 9-13-87 III-39-87 8-31-87 11-20-87 III-40-87 8-31-87 11-23-87 III-41-87 8-31-87 11-20-87 III-42-87 9-1-87 111-43-87 9-1-87 111-44-87 9-2-87 11-23-87 1227a


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s Tcmporary Alteration Installation Removal System No.

Description Date Date III-45-87 Jumper placed a 4 in the tens column of 9-4-87 9-18-87 the rod position display for CRD J-12.

J-12 was at position 48 but the 4 was intermittently lost.

Jumper provided proper position indication until the buffer card was replaced. The jumper did not affect the scram capability of the rod.

III-46-87 Alteration repaired broken wires for the 9-5-87 9-5-87 condensate demineralizer outlet sampling probe. Manual samples were taken by Radiation Chemistry until the wires were repaired.

1 III-47-87 Jumper cleared refueling rod block 9-9-87 11-10-87 resulting from a failed circuit in the refuel grapple. The unit was at power and the refueling rod blocks were not required to be operable.

III-48-87 Lifted leads prevented the automatic 10-5-87 10-16-87 operation of the 3C traveling screen.

A diver was working in the area and the leads were lifted for personnel protection.

111-49-87 Jumper cleared a superimposed 5 from the 10-22-87 4-20-88 ones column of the rod position display for CRD F-5.

The jumper did not affect the scram capability of the rod.

III-52-87 Lifted lead prevented annunciation of 12-9-87 12-10-87 the shutdown cooling system high temperature alarm while another alarm unit was installed in the shutdown cooling / fuel pool cooling temperature recorder. The shutdown cooling system was not in-service.

1 III-53-87 Jumper allowed the 3A drywell equipment 12-31-87 12-31-87 drain sump pump to start with a burned up control switch.

The pump control switches were caution carded to prevent l

pump damage.

1227a t