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Affidavit of Kl Harner (Contentions 4b in Part & 6 on Chemicals).* Affidavit in Support of Util Motion for Summary Disposition on Chemicals.Supporting Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1988
From: Harner K
Shared Package
ML20154E212 List:
OLA, NUDOCS 8805200158
Download: ML20154E293 (22)






) (Disposal of Accident -

(Three Mile Island Nuclear ) Generated Water)

Station, Unit 2) )

AFFIDAVIT OF KERRY L. HARNER (Contentions 4b in part and 6 on Chemicals)

County of Dauphin )

) ss.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania )

KERRY L. HARNER, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says as follows:

1. My name is Kerry L. Harner. My business address is Post Office Box 480, Middletown, PA 17057. I am employed by GPU Nuclear Corporation at TMI-2 as Radiological Chemistry Manager.

My responsibilities include providing chemical and radiochemical technical expertise to all projects supporting defueling, plant operations, radwaste processing, and accident generated water disposal. A summary of my professional qualifications and expe-rience is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

2. I make this Affidavit in support of GPU Nuclear Corpo-ration's Motion for Summary Disposition on Chemicals 9905200158 880516 PDR ADOCK 05000320 0 PDR

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(Contentions 4b in part and 6). I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein and believe them to be true and correct.

In my Affidavit, after providing some background information, I will describe the chemical controls that are imposed on accident generated water, which prevent impairment of the water processing systems. I will then describe the chemical constituents of the water, demonstrating the efficency of the water processing sys-tems and their ability to remove any new contaminants introduced into accident generated water during future clean-up activities.

I. Background

3. The TMI-2 accident resulted in the production of large volumes of contaminated water. Following the accident, GPUN in-stalled two separate treatment systems to remove radionuclides and other contaminants from this water. The first was EPICOR II, which was placed into operation in October 1979 and employs an organic ion-exchange medium coupled with particulate filters.

The second was the Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS), which was placed into operation in June 1981 and employs cesium and strontium specific ion-exchange media (synthetic zeolite minerals which remove cesium and strontium ions from the water and replace them with non-radioactive sodium) also coupled with particulate filters. There are in addition other filters and demineralizers, such as the defueling water clean-up system (DWCS), which also removes contaminants from accident generated water.

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4. Through mid-1981, when SDS began operation'to process.

water' contained in the reactor building, approximately 1.3 mil-lion gallons of accident generated water existed'at TMI-2. Of this. volume,~about 640,000 gallons were located in the reactor building. Direct release from the reactor coolant system con-

.tributed 69% of this water. An additional 28% was river water introduced via leaks in Reactor Building air coolers at the time of the accident and the remaining 3% was added via the contain-

. ment spray system during the first several hours of the accident.

Subsequent to 1981, most of this water was processed by both SDS and EPICOR II to reduce radionuclide levels to very low concen-trations. In addition, approximately 570,000 gallons of water existed in the auxiliary and fuel handling building tanks, most of which had been processed by EPICOR II by mid-1931. The reac-tor coolant system (RCS) contained an additional 96,000 gallons which also required processing by both the SDS and the DWCS.

5. Since 1981, the total inventory of accident generated s

water has increased to the current volume of approximately 2.1 s

million gallons due to continued additions from support systems and condensation from the reactor building air coolers during the summer months. Considerable care has been exercised to minimize the additions of new water and to ensure that the commingling of non-contaminated water with the accident generated water is re-stricted. Even with exercising care to minimize additions of new water, the final volume of water requiring disposal is expected to be 2.3 million gallons.


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6. The accident generated water is currently located in a number of systems and tanks, identified on Table 1 to this Affi-davit. The. water is subject to procedural controls. Chemical additions are strictly controlled, and the various sources are frequently sampled. Some sources, such as the RCS, are sampled daily; some sources such as the BWST are sampled weekly; and other sources are sampled as needed. Thus, there is a wealth of sampling data. These controls, described more extensively below, assure that waste processing systems will not be adversely affected.

II. Chemical Controls

7. The use of chemicals at TMI-2 is strictly controlled by the TMI-2 "Chemical Controls Procedure," 4000-ADM-3010.01, and by further implementing procedures which the TMI-2 Chemical Controls Procedure has required all organizations issuing or using chemi-cals to develop. The purpose of these procedures is to provide l

for the administrative control and safe usage, including dispos-al, of chemical substances, with particular regard to compliance with Federal and State regulatory requirements.

8. These procedures require that before a new chemical substance may be used at TMI-2 for a particular use, an engineer-ing evaluation must be performed and documented on a Chemical Evaluation Checklist. Chemicals so approved for specific uses are recorded on an "Approved Chemical Use List." Even if r

.a chemical substance'is on the Approved Chemical Use List,' a new chemical evaluation must be completed if the chemicals will con-tact (or if the required volume is greater than 1 gallon and there is a potential for accidental spillage into) reactor coolant, sumps, or processed (i.e., accident generated) water.

9. Under the Chemical Controls Procedures, one of the par-ticular factors that must be considered in-evaluating the use of chemicals is the protection of ion exchange media u 3 in SDS and EPICOR II. The procedure identifies a number of types of sub-stances warranting particular attention.
10. As a result of these controls, the chemical substances that have been added to the accident generated water are identifiable. As is required by the TMI-2 Technical Specifica-tions, boric acid has been added to the RCS and make-up sources to maintain a boron concentration greater than 4950 ppm but less than 6000 ppm, and sodium hydroxide has been added to the RCS and make-up sources to maintain a pH of between 7.5 and 8.4. There have also been periodic additions of hydrogen peroxide (totaling approximately 5000 gallons) to control the growth of microorga-nisms, and as of March 1988 the following additions of coagulants and diatomaceous earth to aid in DWCS filter efficiency:

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s' .c Coagulants Betz 1182 - 38.6 gal Betz 1192 - 0.75 gal Calgon 289 - 3.4 gal Diatomaceous Earth Standard Super Cel - 880 lbs Celite 507 - 20 lbs In addition, 6.7-gallons of nitric acid was-introduced into 20,000 gallons of AGW; 2.8 gallons-of phosphoric acid was intro-duced into 12,000 gallons of water; 2 to 3 gallons of Radiac Wash was introduced into the Auxiliary Building Sump; 350 gallons of Triton X-100 has been added to the AGW inventory; and there has been some expected leakage of hydraulic fluid to the RCS from operating equipment systems, estimated at about 40 gallons.

'll. Boron and sodium hydroxide, which are required for com-pliance with License Technical Specifications, are pre-existing constituents (i.e., they existed in the accident generated water prior to the development of the EPICOR II and SDS systems). The effects of these two constituents were considered in the design

'and testing of EPICOR II and SDS systems to ensure the systems would function adequately in the existing environment.

12. The effect of hydrogen peroxide was evaluated after SDS and EPICOR II were operational. Tests showed that hydrogen per-oxide in concentrations up to 100 ppm would have no deleterious effects on EPICOR II and SDS ion exchangers and other systems.


'13. With respect to.the coagulants, Betz 1182' consists pri-marily of an organic polymer represented chemically as [C57 H "6]n, and Betz 1192 consists primarily of an organic polymer respre-sented chemically as [C H NC1]n. Calgon-289 also consists pri-8 16 marily of [C H N ]n. All f these additives were tested to de-576 termine whether they would have an impact on the efficiency of EPICOR II or SDS. .It was found that Betz 1192 would slightly re-duce the ion removal efficiency of the resins. Betz 1192 has not subsequently been used. (The 0.75 gallons of Betz 1192 that has been added to AGW represents the initial test). Betz 1182 and Calgon-289 were found to have an insignificant impact on the re-moval efficiency of the resins.

14. Diatomaceous earth is a filter media consistinn of sil-icon (SiO2) in a fine powder form, similar to that used in home swimming pools. It is inert and virtually all is. recovered and removed in the filtration process. It has no effect on ion-cxchange resins or other components of SDS, EPICOR II and other systems.
15. The hydraulic fluids that have been used are UCON WS-34 Houghto-Safe-620 and Quintolubric 807-SN. UCON WS-34 is a linear polymer of ethylene and propylene oxide, to which Poly Solv TE Borate, a borated ester, has been added. Houghto-Safe-620 is a mixture of 40% water, 40% glycol, 15% polyglycol and 5% addi-tives. Quintolubric 807-SN is 95% water, with the remainder l

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-consisting of 4 Methyl-2, 4 pentanediol and Alkanolamide plus ad-ditives as emulsifiers, corrosion. inhibitors, and biocides.

These compounds were tested and found to have no significant effect on the SDS, EPICOR II and other systems at low concentra -

-tions. ,

16. Triton-X-100 is a non-ionic sufactant, with the chemi-cal name Isocctylphenoxypoly thoxyethanol ethylene oxide. It is used as a degreaser and a decontamination agent for floors, walls, piping, and mechanical equipment. Triton-X-100 was evalu-ated and tested. It can adversely affect the SDS and EPICOR II systems if present in too great a concentration. For.this rea-son, the quantity of Triton-X-100 and consequently the concentra- ,

tion in accident generated water have been strictly limited, keeping the concentrations below the level where the demineral-izer systems might be adversely affected, and has not been used since 1985.

17. Radiac Wash is an aqueous radioactivity decontamination solution, consisting of a detergent of citric acid and EDTA.

Radiac Wash does impede ion-exchange. Only a very small amount (2-3 gallons) was introduced into a batch of accident generated water in 1982, which was subsequently processed.

18. Phosphoric and nitric acid are generally incompatible with ion-exchange resins. Again, only a very small amount of these acids was introduced into accident generated water, which was subsequently processed.


  • 9.

Other than these additions (and other than radio-nuclides), the accident generated water includes only trace con-stituents that originated in river water or were picked up from the reactor building, pipes, and tanks. These trace constituents include silt, oil ind grease, iron oxides,. carbonates and sulfates.

20. The compatibility of the accident generated water chem-istry with the EPICOR II and SDS systems is not based on tests alone. The conclusion is also demonstrated conclusively by the observed performance of these systems. Water is processed through these systems as batches, and each batch is analyzed for radiological and chemical content before and after processing.

This analysis permits GPUN to observe the efficiency of the sys-tems during operation. The SDS and EPICOR systems have been fre-quently operated, and have consistently achieved a substantial decontamination factor. A recent chemistry profile for EPICOR II processing is shown in Table 2.

III. Current Chemical Analysis

21. Much of the additives discussed above are removed dur-ing the processing of the accident generated water. For example, essentially all of the Diatomaceous Earth is held in the pro-cessing system filters and removed with the filters. Most of the coagulants as well as other particulates in the water are also removed in the filtration process. Coagulants are added to water


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- specifically because they attach to particulates and agglomerate them for more efficient removal by the filters. Filtration then decreases.the amount of particulates and several

- orders of magnitude. The organic ion-exchange resins, although they are used primarily to remove radionuclides, also remove non-radioactive chemical ions and organic substances. 'As a result, the levels of-chemicals other than boron and sodium in processed water are relatively low.

22. Results of chemical analyses presented to the NRC in GPUN's July 1986 Report on Disposal of TMI-2 water are presented in Table 3 of this Affidavit and reflect the relatively low lev-els of chemicals other than boron and sodium in processed Acci-dent Generated Water. From this table it can be seen that most of the processed water had a near neutral pH, with varying levels of conductivity, boron and sodium. Boron ranged from less than 100 ppm for contaminated drains and new water to over 5000 ppm for RCS and BWST water. The average concentration was approxi-mately 3,050 ppm. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) averaged less than 15 ppm. Particulates (i.e. total suspended solids) have been kept less than 2 ppm.
23. This table, when prepared, provided a snapshot in time of the AGW inventory. The content of each of these locations changes continuously during defueling and decontamination, as water is used for these activities and as it is processed through SDS and EPICOR II.

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24. To keep constant track of the changing water chem-istries, GPUN periodically performs chemical analyses of accident generated water sources. The sampling and analyses are procedur-alized. Before a sample is withdrawn from a storage location,.

the water is mixed or recirculated. The sample line leading from the representatively mixed water then receives a minimum three line volume-flush to ensure that fresh water is obtained. The sample is then placed in a new container which is discarded after completion of the sample analysis. These activities are subject to Quality Control oversight. Split samples as well as blind samples are used on a set frequency to validate the analytical-results.

25. The results of the most current chemical analyses are presented in Table 4. From the tables, it can be seen that the processed water still has a near-neutral pH, with varying levels of conductivity and sodium. The average concentration of boron is on the order of 3000 ppm. Particulates (suspended solids) remain below 2 ppm.
26. Comparing Tables 3 and 4 shows that the continuing clean-up activities of TMI-2 do not change the chemical charac-teristics of processed water to any significant extent. Some AGW will be used for various system flushes and decontamination pur-poses in the future, after which it will be reprocessed by EPICOR II and/or SDS to the extent necessary. These activities are identical to past usage and chemical species will again be removed.


IV. Conclusion

35. As described above, chemicals in the accident generated I water are controlled so that neither the SDS nor the EPICOR II systems are impaired. These controls coupled with frequent chem-ical analyses permit reliable characterization of the water chem-istry. While certain batches of accident generated water will be used for future cleanup activities, the experience to data demon-strates that processing will continue to efficiently remove new chemical and radiochemical constituents to desired levels.

c--t/ 'N fCW c_ t.

v Kerrt L. H ner l

Subscribed and sworn to before me this l h day of May, 1988.

13 s s b NoYary 'Publib Ch tt 't

  • M EICuEi18130. mefary Pseue N TWP DesPNis couary My commission expires: Of 00 m tsscE N ti. 11. H is D*. T ,- - Associanon of notenn s }


STORAGE DESCRIPTION (Gal.) (Gal.) (as of 3/25/88)

RCS Reactor Coolant System N/A N/A 66.624 PwST-1 Processed water Storage 495.684 500.000 221.681 PwST-2 Processed water Storage 495.684 500.000 442,291 CO-T-1A Condensate Storage 240.500 250.000 200.764 WDt-T-9A Evap. Cond. Test Tank 9.834 10,602 9,834 wDL-T-96 Evap. Cond. Test Tank 9.934 10,602 5.994 CC-T-1 EPICOR II Off-Spec 85.208 85,978 3.586 CC-T-2 EPICOR Il Clean 122.061 133.689 4,405 SFP-O Spent Fuel Pool B 241,698 N/A 241,698 SOS-T-1A 505 Monitor 11,503 12,000 435 505-T-tu 50$ Munitor 11.503 12,000 373 woL-T-IA RC Bleed Holdup 74.850 83.400 39,066 wot-T-lu RC uleed Holdup 74.850 83,400 51.092 wDL-T-1C RC Bleed Holdup 74.850 83,400 66.730 nwST Doroted water $torage 459.589 459.589 429.544 wOL-T-6A Neutralizer 8,605 8.870 4.565 WDL-T-HD Neutralizer 8.605 8,870 1.930 WOL-T-2 Miscellaneous waste Holdup 19,800 20,000 2.312 wDL-T-IIA Contaminated Drains 2.560 2.560 1,660 wDL-T-ilo Contaminated Drains 2.560 2.660 880 Chem Cleaninu Bldg. Sump. 3,680 4.580 1,380 Aumtitary Building Sump. 9.015 11.071 5,917



STORAGE DESCHIPi10N (Gal.) (Gal.) (as of 3/25/88)

Reactor Building Basemeto N/A N/A 38,315 SFP-A 5 pent Fuel Pool A .205,234 N/A 205.234 Deep Fe:u on Transfer Canal 58.685 N/A 58,685 T A B Li' 2 RECENT CHEMISTRY FOR EPICOR II PROCESSING UMHO/CM PPM PPM NTN PPM PPM PPM PPM SAMPLE DATE PH COND. BORON SODIUM TUR8 CHLORIDE PHOSPHATE NITRATE Stil F A T E EPICOh II Influont wDL-T-68 4/ lie /88 7.60 31.80 4815 1260 13 2.0 0.42 2.8 3,03 EPICOR II Effluent 2%-26 4/23/88 4.15 21.7 4677 (0.006 (0.1 (0.078 ( 0.031 (0.067 EPICOR II Clean CC-T-2 S/5/88 4.40 15.0 4020 (0.1 0 16 [0.01 (0.08 0.79 0.03



CHEMICAL CONCENTRATIONS VOLUME WATER CHEMISTRY GALLONS SAMPLE PH COND BORON Cl TOC PO4 504 Na TANN OFSCRIPTION (1/1/86) DATE umho opm ppm RCS Hwactor Coolant System 67.206 3/7/86 7.61 3610 5309 1.7 43 1375 PwST-1 Processed water Stormue 109.081 2/22/86 7.76 3180 4625 11.2 1480

  • PwST-2 Processed water Stora9e 480.134 2/24/86 7.67 665 1620 0.11 2.1 0.35
  • CO-T-1A Condensate Storaue 101.518 3/3/86 5.77 24.7 1845 1.1 0.02
  • wDL-i-9A Esap. Cond. Test Tank 5.610 4/12/83** 5.5 842
  • wDL-T-98 Ewap. Cond. Test Tank 2.231 4/17/83 ** 5.5 842
  • CC-T-3 EPICOR II Ott-Spec. 20.500 3/5/86 5.07 6.2 1430 15.3
  • CC-T-2 EPICOR II Clean 16.887 11/15/85 4.85 6.9 1840 0.23 SFP-p Spent Fuel Pool "B" 248.698 3/2/86 8.67 1805 686 0.99 500 SDS-T-1A SDS Monitor 37J 3/14/06 7.66 1300 1650 41 32 25 28 400 SOS-T-lu SDS Monttur 497 10/10/85 7.86 1090 1680 43.5 32 24.5 360 wDL-T-1A RC Dieed Holdup 3.810 2/24/86 7.59 3230 5040 1.38 '1320 wDL-T-10 RC Hieed Holdup 4.420 3/7/86 7.55 3800 5360 1.33 2.1 1220 wDL-T-1C RC til med Ho ldup 57.116 80/31/85 7.61 3704 5274 2 2.3 1480 OWST Borated water Stormue 458.915 3/4/8C 7.56 3505 5090 1.6 3 1350 WDL-T-8A Neutrantzer 8.675 2/28/86 7.77 17 1500 49 280 WDL-T-8B Neutralizer 8.605 3/1/86 7.8 1330 1635 46 280 wDL-T-2 Miscellaneous waste Holdup 3.712 2/28/86 7.65 2375 1624 42.5 310 wDL-t-11A Contaminated Drains 1.931 3/1/86 7.65 65 8.7 140 l WDL-130 Contaminated Drains 820 3/1/86 7.25 538 40 28 48 l

j Chem Cleaning Didu. Sump l.680 3/2/86 6.79 238 2023 84 50 l

Aust 6ary Uldu. Sump 5.917 10/4/85** 7.65 2375 1624 42.5 310 l

I l

    • ACTUAL
  • 0UR C t. TERMS **


SFP-A Spent Fuel Pool "A" 205.234 2/27/86 7.71 8645 4915 0.82 47 1480 Deep End of Transfer Canal 58.605 3/12/06 7.62 8645 4925 0.43 1500 Add 6tional water to 10/86 153.848 O O Total For Disposition 2.062.265 Average Concentrattons 3047 ppm ppm Na 722.4 Total Tons Solids 150 tons BA Tons Naott 1080

  • Recently Processed water
    • No 6nf or mat lun reported; values are assumed.

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CHEMICAL CONCENTRATIONS VOLUME WATER CHEMISTRY GALLONS SAMPLE PH COND 80RON Cl TOC PO4 504 Na TANn DESCRIPTION (4/1/88) OATE umho ppm opm 4CS Reactor Coolant System 66.624 4/25/08 7.53 3900 5635 2.8 10.4 0.59 4.08 1650

  • PwST-1 Processed water Storage 221.681 3/26/88 4.74 11.7 3214 0.07 0.38

'PwST-2 Processed water Storage 442.291 2/4/88 5.46 9.9 20/8 0.17 1.6

  • LO-T-1A Condensate Storage 200.764 3/3/86 5.77 24.7 1845 1.1 0.02

'wDL-T-9A Lwap. Cond. Test Tank 9.834 **

  • wDL-T-9B tvap. Cond. Test Tank 4.919 **
  • LC-T-1 LPICOH II Off-Spec. 3.586 4/14/88 4.04 17.5 4262 0.02 0.14 0.11
  • CC-T-2 EPICOR II Clean 3.671 3/22/88 4.46 14.8 3789 0.01

, IP-u Spent fuel Pool "B" 241.698 4/29/88 8.67 1398 942 1.31 625 SDS-T-1A SOS Monitor 435 5/27/87 7.59 3640 5223 1.5 0.52 2.5 1540 SOS-T-lu SDS Monttur 375 5/28/87 7.58 3959 5189 1.6 0.25 2.1 1570 w0L-T-1A HC uleed Holdup 28.660 1/7/87 7.57 4102 5134 1.18 86 0.33 2.18 1360 mot-T-lO HC uleed Holdup 51.092 9/7/87 7.60 3290 4270 1.05 0.44 1.96 1220 wot-T-1C kC uteed Holdup 66.790 5/8/87 7.95 3560 4322 0.32 13.5 0.03 0.34 1350 husi norated water Storage 429.544 4/26/88 7.58 5176 0.85 1560 wDL-T-84 Neutran6zer 5.160 3/13/88 7.33 2160 *038 9.6 1.1 7.4 740 wDL-T-80 Nuut r a l izer 6.670 4/28/88 7.57 3263 4873 1.71 0.36 2.96 1240 wot-i-2 Miscellaneuus waste Holdup 12.180 4/28/88 7.57 3263 4873 0.36 1.71 2.96. 1240 WOL-T-11A Contaminated Drains 1.815 1/7'87 8.09 2330 170 75 12.8 123 250 woL-T-110 Contaminated Oreins 880 7/7/07 7.73 1050 138 55.6 43.5 25.7 198 Chem Cleaning undo. Sump 1.380 7/89/87 6.33 253 3224 1.44 0.15 2.3 57 Aue18tary Oldg. Sump 4.093 **

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CHEM! CAL CONCENTRATIONS VOLUME WATER CHEta!STRY GALLONS SAMPLE PH COND DORON Cl TOC PO4 504 Na TANM DE SCR I PT I ON (4/1/88) DATE umho opm ppre Reactor Fi l d<J . Basement 40.506 4/27/87 4091 315 SFP-A Spent Fuel Pool "A" 205,234 3/31/88 7.57 5A26 1.36 3.56 0.32 2.25 1740 Deep End of T ansfer Canal 58.685 4/27/88 7.58 5091 1.27 1800 Total for Ossposition 2.108.567 Awarasje Concentrattons 3512 ppm ppen Na 766 Total Tuns Solids 188 tons BA Tons Navet 11.7

    • See Table 3
  • Hecently Processed water I

d' a ,

Exhibit A NAME: KERRY L. HARNER ADDRESS: P.O. Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057 TELEPHONE: 717-948-8709 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:

CURRENT. TITLE: Radiological Chemistry Manager DEPT./ LOC.: Site Operations - TMI-2 SUPERVISOR: Dave Buchanan, Manager, Recovery Engineering Provide Chemical and Radiochemical technical expertise to all projects supporting Defueling, Plant Operations, Radwaste pro-cessing, accident generated water disposal cnd Post Defueling Monitored Storage.

1/82 - 1/88 -

Manager, Plant Chemistry - Planned, directed and managed the activities of technical and supervisory personnel in implementing the plant chemistry program. This included training, quality control, labor relations, department administration, chemistry analyses, ra-

, diochemical analyses, and research and develop-ment activities.

Special activities: Managed all laboratory support for recovery from microbiological fouling during defueling activities.

7/79 - 1/82 - Chemistry Supervisor - Organized and directed the efforts of the THI-2 chemistry department including Chemists, Sample Coordinators and Chemistry Foremen.

7/76 - 7/79 - Chemistry Foreman - Supervised bargaining unit chemistry technicians and laboratory activities for plant start-up and commercial operation.

Provided system / chemistry operational guidance and expertise for plant operations.

Special activities: Corrected and improved the condensate polisher performance through equip-ment modifications and special procedures.

7/75 - 7/76 - Chemist - Responsible for review and analysis of chemistry results performed at THI-1.

KERRY HARNER Page 2 1/74 7/75 -

Chemistry Technician - member of the Met Ed bargaining unit responsible for performing ana-lytical cheristry for startup and operation of TMI-1.


B.S. Chemistry Major - Lebanon Valley College - 1974 Certificate in Management - Messiah College (AMA) - 1984 Wastewater Plant Operators Training - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 1978 Company Sponsored Courses: Manager Development Program Basic Supervisory Development Progr Leadership Effectiveness Training Decision Analysis Kepner Tregoe Problem Solving Radiochemistry Course for Superviso (B&W)

Labor Relations Training for Supervisors Seminars in Labor Relations, Qualit Control Time Management, Franklin Institute Senn Delaney Managing for Productivity Situational Leadership Laboratory Quality Assurance /Qualit Control Practices (NUS)

Managing Differg.nces and Agreements PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:

Member American Nuclear Society Licensed Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator PUBLICATIONS:

Use of H20 2 As A Biocide In Spent Fuel Pool At Three Mile Island -

Uni 2, October 1987. K. J. Hofstetter, K. L. Harner


Chemistry Support For Submerged Demineralizer System Operation at [

-Three Mile Island, September 1981. K. J. Hofstetter, C. Hitz, K. L.

Harner, P. S. Stoner,-G. E. Chevalier, H. E. Collins, P 'rahn, W. F.

Pitila 4

Condensate Polishing Experience at Three Mile Island - Unit 2, October '

, 1979. K. L. Ha'ner, K. H. Frederick.

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