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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20065J37318 December 1992Affidavit of Gj Giangi Responding to of R Gary Requesting Action by NRC Per 10CFR2.206Chernobyl
ML20151G66019 July 1988Affidavit of Kl Harner.* Discusses Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition of Contentions 1,2,3,4b,5d,6 & 8.W/ Certificate of Svc
ML20196B53220 June 1988Affidavit of Cw Huver to Support Contentions 1,3 & 5.Svc List EnclAffidavit
ML20151C5109 June 1988Affidavit of Lj Kosarek Reviewing Evaporator Technology Proposed at Tmi.W/Svc ListBoric Acid
ML20196B5279 June 1988Affidavit of L Kosarek in Support of Contentions 3,4 & 5.*Boric Acid
ML20154E40613 May 1988Affidavit of H Behling (Contention 5d).* Supports Util Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention Re Effects of Tritium & Alpha Emitters/Transuranics.Certificate of Svc EnclAffidavit
ML20154E38313 May 1988Affidavit of GG Baker (Contention 5d).* Supports Util Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 5d Re Effects of Tritium & Alpha Emitters Such as Transuranics.Baker Resume EnclAffidavit
ML20154E36813 May 1988Affidavit of Kl Harner (Contention 5d).* Supports Util Motion for Summary Disposition of Contention 5d.Harner Resume EnclAffidavit
ML20154E31313 May 1988Affidavit of Dr Buchanan (Contentions 4b in Part & 6 on Chemicals).* Supports Util Motion for Summary Disposition of Contentions 4b & 6.Supporting Documentation EnclBoric Acid
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML20154E29313 May 1988Affidavit of Kl Harner (Contentions 4b in Part & 6 on Chemicals).* Affidavit in Support of Util Motion for Summary Disposition on Chemicals.Supporting Documentation EnclBoric Acid
ML20154E24713 May 1988Joint Affidavit of GG Baker,Dr Buchanan,Jj Byrne,Ta Grace, Je Tarpinian,Cs Urland & Ww Weaver (Contentions 1,2,3 & 8).* Supporting Documentation EnclSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20154E1999 May 1988Affidavit of Dr Buchanan (Contentions 4b in part,4c,& 4d).* Supports Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition of Contentions.Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc EnclHydrostatic
ML20149N06122 February 1988Affidavit of Lf Munson.* Responds to Interrogatories in First Set of Interrogatories of TMI Alert/Sva.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related CorrespondenceAffidavit
ML20149N05422 February 1988Affidavit of MT Masnik.* Responds to Interrogatories in First Set of Interrogatories of TMI Alert/Susquehanna Valley Alliance.Related Correspondence
ML20149N05619 February 1988Affidavit of Wd Travers.* Responds to Interrogatories in First Set of Interrogatories of TMI Alert/Sva.Related Correspondence
ML20235F38821 September 1987Affidavit of Hl Hofmann in Opposition to NRC Staff Motion to Rescind Protective Order.* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20238E6122 September 1987Affidavit of F Skolnick.* Issuance of License Amend Would Delete Prohibition on Disposal of Accident Generated Water Imposed by Tech Specs 1.17,3.9.13 & 3/4.9.13
ML20238E62831 August 1987Affidavit of Vl Stuchinski.* Requests Public Adjudicatory Hearing & Intervention on Behalf of Tmia to Litigate Safety of License Amend
ML20211D74913 February 1987Affidavit of MT Masnik Certifying That Statements & Opinions Given in Response to Gpu Nuclear Corp 860904 Interrogatories True & Correct to Best of Knowledge & Belief.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20213F7626 November 1986Affidavit of RA Capra Re 831122 Interview W/Rd Parks Concerning Allegation That Eds Nuclear Analysis Associated W/Hpi Actuation Incorrect.Related CorrespondenceHydrostatic
ML20203K07631 July 1986Affidavit of Mv Cooper Re Request That 860725 Subpoena Be Modified to Allow Appearance in Southern CA Instead of Bethesda,Md.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20138B23414 March 1986Affidavit of Mm Aamodt Re Coaching of Sequestered Witnesses Prior to Hearing Concerning Cheating on Operator License Exams.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20138A2696 March 1986Affidavit of Kk Pickering,Authorizing TMI Alert,On Behalf of Author & Other Public Citizens,To Litigate Proceeding Re Gpu Tech Spec Change Requests 148 & 153 Concerning Steam Generator Tube Plugging Criteria
ML20138B2416 March 1986Affidavit of Kk Pickering Re TMI Alert,Inc,Actions in Response to Licensee 860204 Request for Amend to License DPR-50,identified as Tech Spec Change 153,to Relax Tube Plugging Criteria.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20137X4633 March 1986Affidavit of MW Maupin Re Arrangements for Payment of Svcs on Behalf of Miller & Relationship W/Miller & Util
ML20141E58721 February 1986Affidavit of Kk Pickering Authorizing TMI Alert,Inc to Intervene in Proceeding Re Util Request for Amend to License.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20133H1437 October 1985Affidavit of Lh Bettenhausen Re Allegations Raised by Mi Lewis 850919 Petition for New & Expanded Contention Concerning Hartman Leak Rate Allegations.Certificate of Svc EnclPressure Boundary Leakage
ML20126M22114 June 1985Affidavit of Jj Persensky Re Response to ASLB 850503 Fourth Partial Initial Decision LBP-85-15 Concerning Proposed Plan to Evaluate Licensed Operators in Job Setting.Plan Acceptable.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20128H33623 May 1985Affidavit of Hd Hukill Stating Readiness of TMI-1 to Startup & Complete Low Power Physics & Power Ascension Testing for 100% Power Operation & Opposing Delay in Authorization to Restart.Schedule EnclShutdown Margin
ML20128H35022 May 1985Affidavit of Jg Graham Describing Economic Impacts of Delay of Restart of TMI-1 on Util Customers & Stockholders & on Cleanup Efforts for TMI-2.Stay of Startup Authorization Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20112G51514 January 1985Affidavit of L Bernabei & J Doroshow Supporting Motion to Disqualify Judge Iw Smith from Proceedings
ML20112J81111 January 1985Affidavit of Bd Elam Re TMI Alert Motion to Reopen Record on Basis of New Info Concerning Results of Plug Testing on once-through Steam Generator Tubes
ML20112D87311 January 1985Affidavit of Ty Au Supporting Motion to Disqualify Judge I Smith from Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20112J82210 January 1985Affidavit of Fs Giacobbe Re Allegations of TMI Alert Concerning Possibility of Reinitiation of Intergranular Stress Assisted Cracking.Certificate of Svc EnclBoric Acid
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Integrated leak rate test
Eddy Current Testing
ML20112G0049 November 1984Affidavit of Kp Richardson Re Review of Allegations by Rd Parks Filed W/Dept of Labor Against Bechtel
ML20107H8125 November 1984Affidavit of RW Keaten,Addressing Dates of Handwritten Notes.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20106C52719 October 1984Affidavit of L Bernabei Re Util 841011 Statement of Intention to Call Two Addl Witnesses on Dieckamp Mailgram Issue.Related Correspondence
ML20084P0653 May 1984Affidavit of Gc Sih Re Licensee 840224 Motion for Summary Disposition on Each of TMI Alert & Joint Intervenor Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20087D5837 March 1984Supplemental Affidavit of Fs Giacobbe,Clarifying Misleading Statement in 840223 AffidavitAffidavit
ML20080R60824 February 1984Affidavits of DG Slear,Bd Elam,Mj Graham,Sd Leshnoff & TS Giacobbe in Support of Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition of Each of TMI Alert & Joint Intervenors Contentions.Certificate of Svc EnclBoric Acid
Feedwater Heater
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML20080N04015 February 1984Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re Classification Procedures for Proprietary Documentation
ML20080P7937 February 1984Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re Classification Procedure for Proprietary Info.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080D5085 February 1984Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re Determining Whether Documents Listed in Exhibit a Contain Proprietary InfoCoatings
ML20079J17920 January 1984Affidavit of Rd Pollard Re Emergency Feedwater Sys Flow Instrumentation.Design Does Not Comply W/Nrc Rules.Operation Would Pose Undue Risk to Health & Safety of Public. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20080D51823 October 1983Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re Determination of Whether Documents Listed in Exhibit a Contain Proprietary Info
ML20072J42216 June 1983Affidavit of Pl Lujanac That TMI Alert Planning Council Officially Endorsed TMI Alert 830519 Request for Hearing on Proposed License Amend Re Steam Generator Tube Repair,On 830607
ML20080D49513 January 1983Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re Determining Whether Documents Listed in Exhibit a Contain Proprietary Info.Rept Comprises Info Which Affords B&W Opportunity to Obtain Competitive Advantage
ML20070D6183 December 1982Affidavit of Jh Taylor Re SER for Return to Svc After Repair of Steam Generators.B&W Info Considered Proprietary
ML20028A72822 November 1982Affidavit of Eg Wallace Re Installation of Hot Leg High Point Vents.Certificate of Svc EnclHydrostatic
ML20063D16225 August 1982Affidavit of RW Keaten Re NRC & Licensee Actions Taken in Response to NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.30.Licensee Does Not Agree W/Nrc Summary of Actions.Certificate of Svc Encl