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Forwards BNL Draft Rept, Independent Assessment of Severe Accident Risks for Westinghouse Advanced PWR Design (SP/90). Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.740)
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 03/22/1988
From: Kenyon T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ward D
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
NUDOCS 8803290434
Download: ML20148H471 (2)



March 22, 1988 Docket No. 50-601 Mr. David Ward, Chairman Subcomittee on Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors (Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering)

Advisory Camittee on Reactor Safeguards United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear '4r. Ward:


DRAFT REPORT REGARDING PROBABILISTIC SAFETY STUDY FOR THE RESAR SP/90 As part of our ongoing review of Westinghouse's application for a Preliminary Design Approval (PDA) for the RESAR SP/90 Advanced PWR, we contracted with Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) to assist us in our review of Module 16. "Probabilistic Safety Study." As part of this effort, BNL has prepared the attached draft report on the "back end" of the PRA, entitled "An Independent Assessment of Severe Accident Risks For the Westinghouse Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Design (SP/90)." We are providing this report to assist you in understanding the concerns of the staff and our contractor.

Note that this draft report documents the results of PNL's review to date, and is subject to change after input from Westinghouse and the staff.

The material contained in this enclosure is considered to be proprietary and, therefore, is being withheld from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.740. If you have any questions cencerning this matter, please contact me at (301) 492-1120.

Sincerely, Dricinal Si5nci BY %

Thomas J. Kenyon, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Pcwer Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Pro,iects III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Peactor Regulation


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Docket No. 50-601 Mr. David Ward, Chaiman Subcomittee on Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors (Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering)

Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Ward:


DRAFT REPORT REGARDING PROBABILISTIC SAFETY STUDY FOR THE RESAR SP/90 As part of our ongoing review of Westinghouse's application for a Preliminary Design Approval (PDA) for the RESAR SP/90. Advanced PWR, we contracted with Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) ta assist us in our review of Module 16. "Probabilistic Safety Study." As part of this effort, BNL has prepared the attached draft report on the "back end" of the PRA, entitled "An Independent Assessment of Severe Accident Risks For the Westinghouse Advanced PressurizedWaterReactorDesign(SP/90)." We are providing this report to assist you in understanding the concerns of the staff and our contractor.

Note that this draft report documents the results of BNL's review to date, and is subject to change after input from Westinghouse and the staff.

The material contained in this enclosure is considered to be proprietary and, therefore, is being withheld from public disclosure per 10 CFR 2.740. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (301) 497-1120.

Sincerely, e

homas J. Ke on, Pr et Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated
