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Forwards Feb Status Rept Re Current Review Milestones for Std Plant Projects (Epri,Abwr,Resar SP/90 & C-E Sys 80+)
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 02/19/1988
From: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Congel F, Houston R, Partlow J, Rowe J, Shao L
NUDOCS 8802250217
Download: ML20149L990 (15)


/ 'o



$ $ WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655 k.....,/ February 19, 1988 Docket No. 50-601 Project Nos. 669, 671, 675, and 676 MEMORANDUM FOR: L. Shao, Director

. Division of Engineering and System Technology, NRR J. Partlow, Director Division of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards, NRR F. Congel, Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness, NRR J. Rowe, Director Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation, NRR R. W. Houston, Acting Director Division of Reactor Accident Analysis, RES TROM: Lester S. Rubenstein, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR


STATUS REPORT ON STANDARD PLANT DESIGN TECHNICAL REVIEWS Attached is the February status report concerning the current review milestones for each of the standard plant projects (EPRI, ABWR, RESAR SP/90, and CE '

System 80+).

Note the column, "Expected Input Date" reflect dates established in the June 25, 1987 "Program Plan For Standard Plant Review" or dates for which modification  !

' hh . 8, ,, !)

8802250217 880219 ' ['

r CONTACT: PDR ADOCK 05000601 l ' jf T. Kenyon A PDR s cf' j, ; '., g' NRR/PDSNP Bf #>

Ext. 21120 4 l)l' V ;r J b pdl'I!

' i i


, 2 was agreed to by PDSNP and the review branch. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in meeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this memo, f $. !v__

Lester S. ubenstein, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, <

V and Special Projects. NRR


As stated cc: T. Murley J. Sniezek F. Miraglia 1 J. Richardson '

C. Y. Cheng  !

L. B. Marsh C. McCracken A. Thadani J. Joyce J. Mauk '

F. Rosa J. Craig M. W. Hodges B. Grimes R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett L. Cunninghan l

H. Miller

. A. Beach '

W. Regan, Jr.

J. Murphy G. Baschi ,

l l

l a

6 Data: Februtry 19, 1988 -

REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON WESTINGHOUSE RESAR SP/90 PDA REVIEW Expected Division / Due Input Brrnch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments DEST /EMTB Johnson 1, 4, 5, 688, 7, Materials Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Input Rec'd 10 to P.M. 1/7/88 DEST /EMB Hou/Brammer*** 1, 4, 5, 7, Mechanical Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from W DEST /ESGB Staley 3 Hydrology Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Input Rec'd to P.M. 10/26/87 Giese-Koch 3 Geology & Seismology Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from W Chan 7 Civil Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Input Rec'd.

to P.M. 1/7/88

  • See September 29, 1987 memo for complete listing of review assignments
    • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Bro.ich Chief attention requested
3. On schedhle
4. Complete
      • Brammer Providing Assistance



Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments DEST /ECEB Wing 1, 688, 10, 13 Chemical Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Input Rec'd to P.M. 11/23/87 Notley 13 Fire Protection RAI's to 7/31/87 2/09/88 4 Complete P.M.

DEST / SIC 8 Burrows 9, 13, 15 Instrumentation & Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 -

Controls to P.M.

DEST /SELB Trehan 9, 13 Electrical Engineering Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Input Rec'd to P.M. 12/17/87 DEST /SPLB Shum (lead) 1, 10, 13 Containment Systems Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from W i Wagner 688, 7 Flant Systems Draft SER 3/31/88, 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from W Walker 7 Equipment Qualification Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting j to P.M. Input from W i t


  • See September 29, 1987 memo for complete listing of review assignments

, ** Category definitions:

! 1. AD or above attention requested i 2. 8rench Chief attention requested 1

3. On schedule
4. Complete

February 19, 1988 Data:


Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.** Comments DEST /SPLB Gill 4 Plant Systems Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting (cont.) to P.M. Input from W 4

TBD 1, 688, 10, HVAC Systems, Waste Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting 12, 13 Management, Steam & to P.M. Input from )[

Power Conversion Raval 13 Plant Systcms Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from )[

DEST /SRXB Liang 1, 4, 5, 688, Reactor Systems RAIs to 7/31/87 2/19/88 1 -

9, 10, 11, 12 P.M.

DRIS/RSGB Mendelsohn 2 Physical Security Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from )[

DLPQ/LQAB Spraul 13 Quality Assurance Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 Awaiting to P.M. Input from }[


  • See September 29, 1987 memo for conplete listing of review assignments
    • Category definitions:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: February 19. 1988


Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Modules Subject

  • Hilestone Date Date Cat.** Comments DLPQ/LHFB Lapinski 15 Control Room / Human Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 -

Factors Engineering to P.M.

DREP/PRAB Spickler 1, 3, 4, 5, Radiological Accident Draft SER 3/31/88 3/31/88 3 -

6&8, 9, 10 Analysis to P.M.

TBD 12 Process & Effluent RAIs to 7/31/87 TBD 2 New Reviewer Radiological to P.M. to be Monitoring & Supply System assigned RES/PRA Chelliah/BNL 16 Probabilistic Safety Final 2/26/88 2/26/88 2 Under review Study SER to P.M.

  • See September 29, 1987 memo for complete listing of review assignments
    • Category definitions:
1. AD cr above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Data: February 19, 1987 REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON GE ABWR FDA/DC REVIEW Expected Division / SRP Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Hilestone Date Date Cat.* Coments DEST /SPLB Chandrasekaran 5, 6, 15 Plant Systems RAIs to 12/31/87 TBD 1 Date missed -

P.M. SPLB estimate of completion

- 4/15/88 -

SPLB Plans to issue con-tracts to SAI for RAI's.

DEST /SRXB Thomas 4, 5, 6, 15 Reactor Systems RAIs to 12/31/87 TBD 1 Date missed -

P.M. SRXB estimate of completion

- 5/30/88 s

o Category definitions:

1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Date: February 19, 1988


CESSAR-DC Review (Cont.)

Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Hilestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /SICB James Stewart Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /SELB 0. Chopra Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /SPLB John Craig Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /SRXB Larry Kopp Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review CZEP/PEPB Richard VanNiel Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DREP/PRAB G. Kelly Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DREP/PRPB T. Essic Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DRIS/RSGB B. Hendelsohn Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 4 Reevd comments 00AE/0TSB R. Giardina Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 -02/28/88 3 Under review DLPQ/LQAB Jack Spraul Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DLPQ/LHFB F. Lapinsky Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DRAA/PRAB E. Chelliah Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review s

  • Category definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete

Dato: February 19, 1988 -



, Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /EMTB Martin Hum Chapter 10 Steam and Power RAI 02/28/88 C2/28/88 3 Under review 1 Conversion Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /ECEB Frank Witt Chapter 10 Steam and Power RAI 02/28/88 02/28/88 4 RAI received Conversion License Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 4 Conenents recvd DEST /SPLB Janak Leval Chapter 10 Steam and Power RAI 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review Conversion Licensing Review Bases Connents 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DLPQ/LQAB Jack Spraul Chapter 17 Licensing Review Bases RAI 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /EMEB Horace Shaw Licensing Review Bases Consnents 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /EMEB J. Rajaa Licensing Peview Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review DEST /ECSB N. Romney Licensing Review Bases Comments 02/28/88 02/28/88 3 Under review i

  • Category definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. Branch Chief attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete il

_.-__._---___-___---____------.---u- _ _ - - - - - -

' ~

Date: Februtry 19, 1988


REVIEW STATUS REPORT ON SYSTEM 80 CESSAR-F REVIEW Expected Division / Due Input Branch Reviewer Chapter Subject Milestone Date Date Cat.* Coments J DEST /SRXB C. Liang TAC 66400, ASPSS ISSUE Final SER 2/28/88 2/28/88** 3 -

to P.M.

DEST /EE B J. Rajan TAC 66491, Steam Gen. Tube Vibration RAIs to open open -3 Awaiting input P.M. from applicant DEST /EMTB W. Ilickman TAC 66401, Steam Gen. Tube Yibration RAIs to open open 3 Awaiting input P.M. from applicant-I 1

  • Category definition:

l' l. AD or above attention requested i 2. Branch Chief attention requested

3. On schedule j 4. Complete
    • Close out issue 1



Data: February 19, 1988 REVIEF STATUS REPORT ON EPRI'5 ALWR REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT Expected Division / Due Input Brcnch Reviewer Chapter Subject

Rajan 3 Reactor Coolant Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 New Reviewer P.M. assigned on 2/10 Hartzman 4 Reactor Systems RAI to 09/1/87 12/3/87 4 P.M.

Rajan 4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 New Reviewer P.M.

Rajan 5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 02/29/88 03/02/88 3 New Reviewer F.M.

DEST /EMTB Tsao 3 Reactor Coolant Systems RAI to 09/1/87 12/4/87 4 P.M.

3 Reactor Coolant Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 P.M.

4 Reactor Systems RAI to 09/0/87 12/4/87 4 P.M.

4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 P.M.

5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 02/29/88 N/A 4 Reviewer will P.M. have no RAI

  • Category Definition:
1. AD or above attention requested
2. BC attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date extended from 2/1/88 to 3/15/88 because of delays in RAIs and EPRI response L____ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -_ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _


Expected-Division / Due Input Brench Reviewer Chapter Subject

4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/1/88 3 P.H.

5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 02/29/88 02/29/88 3 P.M.

DEST /SELB Lazevnick 3 Reactor Coolant Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 P.M.

4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 P.M.

5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 04/01/88*** TBD 3 Oral comments &

P.M. respo, eses DEST /SPLB Ridgely 3 Reactor Coolant Systems RAI to 09/1/87 10/16/87 4 P.M.

Shum 3 Peactor Coolant Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 New Reviewer P.M.

  • Category Definition:
1. AD or abeve attention requested
2. BC attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date extended from 2/1/88 to 3/1/88 because of delays in RAIs and EPRI response oc* Reviewer proposed to obtain any needed information in meeting with EPRI censultants


Expected Division / Due Input Brtnch Reviewer Chapter Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.* Connents DEST /SPLB Ridgely 4 Reactor Systems RAI to 09/1/87 10/16/87 4 (cont.) P.M. ,

Shum 4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/15/88 3 New Reviewer P.M.

Shum 5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 02/29/88 02/29/88 3 New Reviewer P.M.

l DEST /SRXB Schwenk 3 Reactor Coolant Systems RAI to 09/1/87 10/7/87 4 Oral comments &

P.M. responses 3 Reactor Coolant Systems DSER to 03/1/88 02/15/88 4 P.M.

4 Reactor Systems RAI to 09/1/87 10/7/87 4 Oral comments &

P.M. responses 4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/1/88 02/15/88 4 P.M.

5 Eng. Safety Syster.s RAI to 04/11/88*** TBD 3 Oral comments &

P.M. responses DREP/RPB Branagan 5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 02/29/88 02/29/88 3 P.M.

  • Category Definition:
l. AD or abeve attention requested
2. BC attention requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date extended from 2/1/88 to 3/1/88 because of delays in RAIs and EPRI response
      • Reviewer proposes to obtain any meded information in meeting with EPRI consultantt


^ ~


Expected Division / Due Iaput Brtnch Reviewer Chapter Subject

  • Milestone Date Date Cat.* Comments DEST /ECEB Parczewski 3 Reactor Coolant. System DSER to 03/15/88** 03/01/88 3 P.N.

4 Reactor Systems DSER to 03/15/88** 03/01/88 3 P.M.

5 Eng. Safety Systems RAI to 04/01/88*** TBD 3 Oral comments &-

P.M. responses A


  • Category Definition:
1. AD or above attention requested 1 2. BC atten' tion requested
3. On schedule
4. Complete
    • Due date extended from 2/1/88 to 3/1/88
because of delays in RAls and EPRI response i *** R
vicwer proposes to obtain any needed information j in meeting with EPRI consultants I


.. .. _ ~

y February 18 1988 was agreed to by PDSNP and the review branch. Category 1 items have been discussed with the appropriate Assistant Directors. I request any problems in neeting these input dates be identified to me by the appropriate Assistant Director within a week of receipt of this memo.

original signed by Lester.S. Rubenstein, Director Standardization'and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate' Division of Reactor Projects. III, IV, Y and Special Projects, NRR


As stated cc: T. Murley

J. Sniezek F. Miraglia i J. Richardson C. Y. Cheng j

L. B. Marsh C. McCracken  ;

<.. Thadani  !

J. Joyce  !

J. Mauk j F. Rosa J. Craig i M. W. Hodges l B. Grimes 1 R. Erickson D. Matthews R. Barrett  !

L. Cunningham H. Miller ,

A. Beach W. Regan, Jr.

J. Murphy G. Bagchi DISTRIBUTION:  !

[pectet Fi le , ~'

s EMylton ADR4 NRC POR Pteech PDSNP Reading DScaletti '

GVissing DCrutchfield LRubenstein TXenyon PDS, PDSNP E1MyMon:cw LRubenste n .

02d/88 02/ lc)/88  !

I l

- .- .