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Requests Draft SER Discussing Acceptability of Applicable design-specific Resolutions of Listed Generic Issues No Later than 880516
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 04/14/1988
From: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Bagchi G, Cheng C, Marsh T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8804220024
Download: ML20151L334 (4)



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.....* April 14, 1988 Docket No. 50-601 MEMORANDUM T0: Distribution FROM: Lester S. Rubenstein, Acting Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y cad Special Projects


REVIEW OF RESOLUTION OF USIs AND GSIs FC 1ESAR SP/90 One of the criteria identified in the Commission's Severe Accident Policy Statement requires the applicant to demonstrate technical resolution of all applicable USIs and medium and high priority GSIs. The March 14, 1988 Memorandum of Agreement between NRR and RES defined the responsibilities for carrying out reviews of proposed resolutions of these gencric issues on standard plant designs, as follows:

a) The responsibility for development of generic technical resolution of the USIs and GSIs is assigned to various divisions within RES.

b) USIs and medium and high priority GSIs for which generic resolutions have not been identified m;st have design-specific resolutions. NRR will evaluate the adequacy of design-specific features that are proposed as resolution of issues, and will concult with RES relative to the current status and prognosis for generic resolution. Those issues where proposed resolutions are based on the applicant's PRA will be reviewed by RES, and the risk findings transmitted to NRR who will evaluate the adequacy of issue resolution.

It has come to our attention that some of the draft SERs being written on the RESAR SP/90 design do not include any distussion of the review of design-specific resolutions on those issues for which generic resolutions have not been identified. To support the PDA decision for RESAR SP/90, the staff must review and discuss resolution of applicable generic issues in the SER.

Westinghouse addressed 27 USIs and over 200 GSIs in Module 2 of the RESAR SP/90 application. If you have not already done so, we request you provide a draft SER discussing acceptability of applicable design-specific resciutions of those generic issues identified in paragraph (b) above no later than May 16, 1988. .

8804220024 800414 PDR ADOCK 05000601 )

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l April 14, 1988 Since Module 2 was submitted in 1983, the staff must also review and address app 1' vole USIs and GSIs that have surfaced since submittal of that document.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, contact the project manager, T. J. Kenyon, at x21120.

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Lester S. Rubenstein, Acting D; rector Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ec: A. Thadani J. Richardson L. Shao D. Crutchfield F. Miraglia W. Houston l G. Johnson, EMTB J. Raval, PSLB L. Reiter, ESGB J. Rajan, EMEB N. Wagner, PSLB J. Joyce, SICB J. Brammer H. Walker, PSLB J. Knight, SELB G. Staley, ESGB C. Liang, SRXB C. Nichols, PSLB G. Giese-Koch, ESGB F. Skopec, ?RPB R. Jones, SRXB S. Chan, ESGB I. Spickler, PRPB 0. Lynch, PRPB J. Wing, ECEB J. Sprsul, LQAB F. Hawkins. LQAB D. Notley, ECEB G. 1.apinski, LHFB D. Eckenrode, LliFB F. Burrows, SICB R. Dube, RSGB E. Chelliah, RES, PRAB ,

N. Trehan, SELB B. Mendelson, RSGB D. Pyatt, RES, PRAB  !

C. Lee, PSLB A. Gill, PSLB H. Vandermolen, RES, PFAB W, Hazicton, EMTB P.T. Kuo, EMEB D. Shum, PSLB G. Vissing P. Leech D. Scalletti e


o April 14, 1988 Since Module 2 was submitted in 1983, the staff must also review and address applicable USIs and GSIs that have surfaced since submittal of that document.

If you ahve any questions concerning this matter, contact the project manager, T..J. Kenyon, at x21120.

Original Signed my :

Lester S. Rubenstein, Acting Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ec: A. Thadani J. Richardson L. Shao D. Crutchfield F. Miraglia W. Houston G. Johnson, ENTB J. Raval, PSLB L. Reiter, ESGB J. Rajan, E5tEB N. Wagner, PSLB J. Joyce, SICB J. Brammer H. Walker, PSLB J. Knight, SELB G. Staley, ESGB C. Liang, SRXB C. Nichols, PSLB G. Giese-Koch, ESGB F. Sbpec, PRPB R. Jones, SRXB S. Chan, ESGB 1. Spickler, PRPB 0. Lynch, PRPB J. Wing, ECEB J. Spraul, LQAB F. Hawkins, LQAB D. Notley, ECEB G. Lapinski, LHFB D. Eckenrode, LHFB F. Burrows, SICB R. Dube, RSGB E. Chelliah, RES, PRAB N. Trehan, SELB B. Mendelson, RSGB D. Pyatt, RES, PRAB C. Lee, PSLB A. Gill, PSLB H. Vandermolen, RES, PRAB W. Hazleton, EMTB P.T. Kuo. EMEB D. Shum, PSLB G. Vissing P. Leech D. Scalletti Distribution:

Docket File S. Newberry, BC, SICB NRC PDRs F. Rosa, BC. 0:!B PDSNP Reading J. Craig, BC, SPLB TKenyon W. Hodges, BC, SRXB EHylton S. Weiss, LQAB C.Y. Cheng, BC, EMTB W. Regan, BC, LHFB T. Marsh, BC EMEB L. Cunningham, BC, PRPB G. Bagchi, BC, ESGB R. Erickson, BC, RSGB C. McCracken, BC, ECEB J. Murphy, BC, PRAB

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'4 DISTRIBilTION: C.Y. Cheng, Chief Materials Engineering Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR T. Marsh, Chief Mechanical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR G. Bagchi, Chief Structural & Geosciences Branch Division of Engineering System & Technology, NRR C. McCracken, Chief Chemical Engineering Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR S. Newberry, Chief Instrumentation & Cantrol Systems Branch Division of Engineeting & System Technology, NRR F. Rosa, Chief Electrical Systems Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR J. Craig, Chief Plant Systems Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR M. W. Hodges, Chief Reactor Systems Branch Division of Engineering & System Technology, NRR S. Weiss, Chief Quality Assurance Branch Division of Licensee Performance & Quality Evaluation, NRR W. Regan, Jr., Chief Human Factors Assessment Branch Division of Licensee Performance & Quality Evaluation, NRR L. J. Cunningham, Chief Radiation Protection Branch Division of Radiation Protection &

Emergency Preparedness, NRR b

R. Erickson, Chief Safeguards Branch Division of Reactor Inspection & Safeguards, NRR J. Murphy, Chief Probabilistic Risk Assessment Branch Division of Reactor Accident Analysis, RES

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