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Summary of 680807 Meeting W/Util Re Pressure Vessel Repair Procedures.Attendees Listed
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island
Issue date: 08/21/1968
From: Gaske M
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20091A092 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-282 NUDOCS 9203190257
Download: ML20141K423 (8)


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' : .fy I, August 21, 1H8 Ib'

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To ACR3 Maimbers .

51rned Entvin C. OnF l From i H. C. Saske, Assistent to Itanc. Secrktary ACES ,



b Attsched is e set of minutes epocorning the above ptL meettag. Jarsey Central plans to complete repair of the pressure vessel by the end of August. they

intend to submit Amendment No. 40 in the maat week or so, thi.s h t will l provide all of t.he information the appiteent heltwas macessamry soecarming tha pressure vessel. The cracking which has been oboarved in the pressuce vessel i is similar to chloride stress-corrosion cracking. It is t.hinght that, if the l cracking has banen due to the presence of chloride ions, an additional substance l must have been prosent which accelerated the process. Cracking has been greatest j in high scress areas of the furnace sensitised stainless steel, but it has also g

been found in low strass regions. Repair pgocedures are bains carr'A cut for all of the Jurnace sensitized material in the vessel, axcept for ta ; nessles in the head, at believes that the probability that a secrodant sentacted the

- surface of the nor.stes is small. .

Attschement t Minutes of DEL Meeting to Oyster Crsak Fressure Vessel.

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s/16/es 1 My (EL MEETf*: CONCRENikG OTSTER CREEE REACT 0t_ P1F.SSURE_ Vt31EL stTHEsnA. MARTuwg AUGUST 7, 1968 l

A DEL meeting was held at the t.EC office in Rothesda, Naryland en August 7,1960 i to review the Oyster Creek reactor pres w a vossal repair program. Presset at this meeting vare the following: ,

6CRE pive of Roactor Devel*pmenf

$. H. Dush (part time) D. E. Erb H. Etherington R. W. Barber W. R. Stratton (part tima) J. R. Munter J. W. Frearsan, Consultant.

H. C. Caske. Staf f Div. of Cae11ance Div. of teactor Licensittr C. h^. Relasmuth J. C. Emppler P. A. Morris 1. H. Eage1Lan .

F. Schroeder H. S. Bildreth R. S. Boyd L. Eorr.blit.h

  • S. Levine L. Tedes:o tezu1ation
1. DeYoung V. Stello H. H. Hann L. Forse M. A. McCoy ORAL K. L. French l D. C. Fischer
E. C. M111er i H. Wetterhahn MPR Associates Div. of. Reactor standards ,
1. L. Ferguson

, B. Blumenthal e e l omer > _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .

I suawr > . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - .-

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F,1,ekard Lowe f.Jo soc ia t es SE - See .Sese F. Selspernesr .,gg&

J. hermard i *) -

9. E. Willett k@V,$.

9E:}2 A,, .y *4 OR - Dyster Ormek '

I. R. Ecbsa

8. Beymark W. N. Lees
8. W. Tagart W. L. Walker harat publis Utilities C.g L. M. Reddis, Jr.

J. F. CaEo Jerser Central powet & Liaht Co.


J. 3. Craham

1. T. Fannington D. R. Rees

!!. D. Pow 11 C. M. Ritter C. F. Treebridge, Caummel CE - R&DO. Schencetady Niamava Mekawk power Co.

V. Love P. A. Burt l D. L. pracht The followitt ic a aussesry of the informattaa presented at the above 92L meeting. Host of the information presented by CE is either contained in Amendeent No. 37 or will be subcit ted in Amendment No. 40.

I Secause of defects found in the Tarapur reactor pressure v:ssel, esmetsattom of the Oyster Creek pressure vessel, in additten to that associated with the cracking of the stub i.ubes, was found eecessary. Mr. Lees stated that a sample from the Oyster C*:.ak shroud support ring was found to have intergresolar scSeka ing. The met.ue of cracking that has been found in the ')rster Creek preseure vessel ir, of the some type as produced by chlertde stress-earreston. If the eracking is due to the ytesence of chlorides, ametber testesse unist be present which is accelerating the process. At the peesamt time, as addittamal auhetance l has not been identified. Ae auxiliary mechanical support is being added to I shroud support ring because of the cracking found in the ria8 It was reported that W= ant 40 will be completed in oppreshmately a essek and will saatain all of the information that the applicant betteres needs to ho proridad regard-

,' Las the preesure vessel repair program.

Mr. Walker reported that, using a five minute period foe the penetrast and a l

' five miente period for the developer, erseking was famed La 108 of the stub 1, tubes at a point adjaseet to the shop weld sad indications of datatsresolar .M eraak age foemd in local areas on the cater surfaces of 17 stub tubas. genes fif tees misestse for penetration and fif teen minutes for development, the above ~

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rurm A.DC'*St 4 (R.T. DM1 u s 60vtant *m1 *nirtmo arists .tw-&21. ed I


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l mueers inerassed to 113 for the eracha naar the shop weId and to 43 indtestasses ,

em the atub tube suriacea. 79 ef th eastrof red detw beestags were penseg$ ..

to proride aseassibility. A dociatae use made to stad the stub tubes. M4 / 4, indications of cracklag are being remmed and a dye penetreat shock smede to #

insure that all erseks have been removed. Pereetty er task-of Susies soldesse 7 defests were found in each of the 137 fistd welds jotalag the ate tubes and control rod drive housings. These welds are betag replaced. Toots were per-formed to detaruine whether progressin ersching is escurring, and mens uns

found during the test period April 24 through May f 7,1H8. The shroud support ring is approximstely 18 feet in diameter. Indicattens femmed on the support -

ring are reported in Haent 35. A typical Ladisation that was foemd was a slag inclusion.


! Mr. Stello inquired whether the new cladding on th stub tubes has been fewed j to be free of intargranular attack. ' Mas eladding has been viewed, and it does not appear that intergranular cracking is present. A number of semplas ben been taken from the stub tubes, the rectrevlatten itse measles, med the shppott ring. It was reported that the cracking of the stub tubes does met penetrate isto the shop weld. A table was pressated regarding the erackias which has occurred at the '.'arapur and Ntae Mile Point rsectors.

Results of Tarspur and Iline Nile Point Observations farapur Wine-Mile Point

1. Stub tubes Incargranular No < racking St res s-Corrosion
2. Other furnace sensitisc4 304 SS
3. Non-furnace sensitized No cracking "

304 ss


1. Envircement Coastal Inland i
2. Chanic41 cleaning IDTA, TSP, f2 TSP + EDTA Mone -
3. Hydrostatic tests Coupleted Mone i

l Eoth the Oyster creek and the Tarapur reactor pressure vessels have been sub. , .

jaeted ts severa conditions. Claaning solutions were reported to be good chiarida stress-corrosion inhibitors. Intergranular cracking eas not found omet> . . . _ , . . . . _.

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ic the safe ends of the Oyster Creek reactor pressure vessel. It is hasvu that eklerf d4s were present la the reacters. Aeeens t4 the Dyster treek 4 prueare veasa1e is mov belas sonerelled, and th metertal betag taban ines'4;.'

the veenst is also eontrelled. tariadic stomatag ef the weeul is perfesund, i and fisshing with water is used to dilute may ahtoride sencontreties that y might be buildinr, up. N metallurgical attsek is Itmited to twenase sensi I tised estarial. N cleaning procs.durse have been modified to do sesy with the use of EDTA. CE has developed infccmation etah Ladisates that NTG may have been a f actor in the tracking.

Mr. Tede.sco inquired whetbar semples ked bene taken from th safe ends or the core support flange at Nine Mile Point. It was reported t.kat they had I

not but that sagias have been taken f rom the piptag and from the etwb tubes.

l GE asked if there bed been attack on the M8 L siedding in the Tarapur resetor.

They reported that there had been eone pittlag.

I the Oyster Creek vessel has be n subjected to a sorrosive envirumment that l resulted tu en attack on the furnace sensittsed stataloss steel. Desasse of this, the furnace sensitized natarial will be remned, repimeed, everlaid er shored up (except for the moules in the top hand). It has been someladed that failure of the affected companar.ts would not result in socidents beyond those which have been previously analysed.

CE reported that the greatest amount of tracking is in the areas of high stress but that crack.s are also found in low stress regions. The partition I

plate in the Tarapur reactor stesa generator has areas which have bene attacked, and the plate is subjoeted to nearly a aero stress. An attempt has been ande to reproduce the same type of f ailures that have occurred in the pressure vessels in the laboratory. Testing has he,en sonducted with .57, tri-sodium phoe.

phate and 21 EDTA. No cracking was f amd during test ruas of 600 to 700 hours0.0081 days <br />0.194 hours <br />0.00116 weeks <br />2.6635e-4 months <br /> duration. Cutting oil testing has not been performed. Cg is planning to expose some material sampler to ths Oyster Creek site environment and probably acune aamplea to the eavtronmant at Mosa landing. Chlor 14e atress-carreetoo can produce cracking but will not produes the type et pittlag which has been found in the Oyster Creek and Tarapur pressure vessels. Mr. Levine inquired whether there was evidence of cracking on the insida of the stub tubes. Eg reported that 79 stub tubes had been dye penetrant tested as the inside med that no indications of cracking have been found. Attack on the exterior of the vos.

sels has also not been found.

I t Mr. Lees stated that there is a vessel repair supervisor at the Oyster Creek site. Two nine hours per day, six days per week shif ts have been working en repair of the prassure vessel. bre are two esechanical engtaaers om each shif t, one welding supervisor, and one qual y sontrol technisian. N repair proceduras are set forth in Amendaent 5f An automatic welding machtaa and ,

l 30 mit MS L wire have been used in sladd the stub cubes. N control has -

on the noehine, however, frequently fails, and 31 of the tubas have been eled by mocklas weld % and 44 by hand welding. Wr. Lees reported that Cs expests omer > i. ..._....4. . . ..

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to complete th repair operattoms em the preneure vassel by the and of t.

Cracka keye mot been fewed in the welds. there ersiska are adjooemt te ,

they never penetrate Lato the welds. A munber of the reactor presours veneel,,

messies have sensitimed safe enda. Weae imelude th roctreeLattoe, iseletnas condemaer, lastrumentation, vent, hydraulic return, and eere spray measle items.

piping saaesisted with the shove mostles La being rut and the piping rensved to permit the addition of staddias er rep 14eemaet of tk moastes, m feltee-ing percentage of eemptstion of rseaLr proseduras ose report.ed Racirculatten Lines 75% eseplete Beergoney Soodensat Liz ea Mrf. eoglete Core Spray Lines 15% eaglete t

Rydraulic B.eturn Lines 10% semplete An austilary means of Lasurtag thae th skroud rins remains in ptsee is beias j


providad. OE has stated tht this is not being intalled as a safety iten med thet, in the event of failure of the abroud euppori rtag, the reactor eould atill l he safely shut down. We weight of the sore is owpported by the sentral red drive housings. CE esintained that the accident son itions previously amelysad could be tolerated without,the addition to the @I"(support ring. It was s ta ted that oddittoa to the @* support ring ta ao that ahnstdown et the reseter <eill not be roquired for repair.

CE reported that they had performed a large sund>er of tests on 308 L statalsas steel. They have found that furnace sensitised 108 L falls within 30 to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> when subjected to 125% of yield and 100 pra of ahloride.

Possible significance of cracks in the prassure vessel has been studied. CE

! believes that the fracture mechantes approach is the best available method of j developing information concerning thie question. A table was presented as followst l Crack _Orowth Analysis Assumptiogn

1. Assume clad effect is Itke homossineous vessel.
2. Use peak experimental pressure effect.
3. Use analytical thermal peak stress.
4. Assume double crack in mostle.


5. Assume corner erack growth mode, i

i 6. Use maasured crack growth data.

7. Use approximate stress gradient ef fect.
8. Neglect crack incubation stage.
9. Neglect yield above 90,000 pai range.

N eomslusion was reached that, if it la postulated that a crack ta greertais l in the veseal at the beginning of life, there will sely be minor growth durtag the presewee vsseel 11is..


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Form Arr.8t D ihn. H3; u s. sovr%e. vf eemms teva 1 im+-o rt4 44

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Informatton vae praeented regerding tha spring back af the atub tube shee the field weld is cut releasing the locked La stresses. A apring back of Laos ,

than 50 mits wr.s expected, and it was found to be approatmat41y 5 as 19 mue i at the top ands of the stub tubes. D EL ha s re qu es tad t ha t in f orma t iest be . . . -

provided rasarding stub tube measurements ard that an evaluation of the  ;

sigstfisance of the results of the measurements be presented. Mr. Beyd indiented that this information should be provided in an Aamadment. DEL reported that they still had a problem regarding the isolation valves for the lines leading to the emergency condenser. Btt belieras that isolatten valves abeeld be pro-vided within the contairmnent. CE does not intend to modify the system relative to the valves. Mr. 3.oddis reportad that it is hoped that the hydro taats of

, the vessel can be performed the first weak of September.

I j Mr. Itherington suggested that the field weld and n.ot the shop weld was &

major stress co=ponent present. CE indicated that cracks are presamt la regions of low stress as well as high stress. CE reported that they had performed calculations regarding the stresses in the stub tubes. Mr. Etherington inquired l regarding t.he imprtance that GE sttached to the residual stresses reistive to the cracking which has occurred. GE reported that regions of high stress beve deeper cracking than areas of lower stress. Mr. Etherington indicated soeearn regarding the stress levels at the field welds being gutte high. GE believed that placing overlay over the material will be adequate to prevent cracking.

Mr. Etherington stated that the stress level is one of the determining factors regarding the corrosion problem and irwitcated t. hat he believed that it would bs defirable to mininine its af f ect. me possible means would be by use of paening. CE indicated that they believed that the cracking might have taken place had there been no strass presant.

Mr. Boyd inquired whether a boiling environment aggravates the corrosion situs-g tion. GE reported that they have ep osed plastica 117 deformed bent baam semples in a BWR envirorment for approrf raately six years, and that the 'notarist has not l been adversely affected. Mr. Boyd inquired whether the chloride limit in water should be dif ferent in a EVR than in a FWR. GE reported that thare is scume l '

pickup of chlorido ions in the crud in the water of a NW1 but that the shloride ions do not act like chloride availabic for corrosion. Mr. Etharington inquired j as to what the chloride ions are associated with. CE reported that there is appe.rently an exchange of chloride for oxygen tons.

I ne Oyster creak pressure vessel was hydro tested with Chattanooga, Tennessee j

tap water which contains 10 to 20 pra of chloride ions. na fleid hydro, als performed with decinera11aed water containing less than 1 pp= cf chloride ions.

Tri-sodium phosphate is added to the water used for cleaming the pressure vessel.

l CE reported that, if the @F9dupport ring should fail. the core night move up approitimategy 3/4 inch. Mr. Tedesco inquired why the addition was being made to t.he*@fF eupport ring. CE agreed that the auxiliary support attveture shes.14

/ be designed to withstand all of the accident snodes. The suaillary support strue-ture is botag provided in lieu of cladding theQrpudsupport A table m presented showtut the effeete of various aceident* 993ht.chrud;nntrr tring.

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Ceeditice Delta P. pela M t E 10*' in-1b Emed I 19*3 &

Wornial 22.5 --

195 Is.

Stamm Line break Outside ht ,

Listiter 4$ 44)

Bernst Operatiosa p19s



Design Earthquake 12.5 23.8 730 -

Steen Line treak Inside Limit er 73 - 917 Steen Line kraak Inside Limiter plus Design Earthquake 73 13.8 1642 i Nazimum delta P plus 2 I Design Earthquake 40 47.6 1480


CE reported that they do not believe that anything adverse will happen to the support ring. Mr. Roddis indicated that le had been eencarned regarding this matter and favored the use of the auxiliary support structure. GE reported that the design is not based on 2 timas the destga earthquake, ainae the rutas have thanged since the Oyster Creek scastruction permit ama issued. DEL in-quired as to why it is not necessary to clad the inside of the head mosales.

CE reported that if any one of these nossles failed the accident would be well within the bounds of 2 hose previously analysed. GE also indicated that they believe that there is a low probability that the sorrodant war contacted the surface of the nossles. fue elsening solution was not used on these moaalas.

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