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Discusses Ae Bates Assistance on 671117 W/Subcommittee Review of Control & Instrument Sys for Facility
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island
Issue date: 11/16/1967
From: Fraley R
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20091A092 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-282 NUDOCS 9203190077
Download: ML20141K375 (5)


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Dif 6 File (ACES Cons'altants. General) November 16, -

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1. 7. Fraley. Executive Secretary R. F. TRALEY -+ >


! On November 15. 1967. Dr. S. H. Ilanauer called to inquire if it would be acceptable for Mr. E. P. Epler to bring Mr. A. E. C. Bates to the ACRS Oyster Creek Subecouaittee meeting on November 17, 1967 to assist Dr. Hanauer and Mr. Epler in the Subcomalttee review of the control t and instrumment systems for this facility. Dr. Banauer indicated that l Mr. Bates works for Mr. Epler in the Instrumentation and Controls. Divi-sion. ORNL. Mr. Epler is Associate Director of this Division.

Use of Mr, Bates' services in support of the ACRS review of the Oyster Creek plant as requested was discussed with Mr. Alex Freeling. Special Assistant to the Assistant General Manager for Operations. I further explained the nature of Mr. Epler's activities tu aupport of the ACRS under the existing AEC-ORNL contract. Mr. Fremling indicated that if Mr. Epler could confirm the acceptability of this assignment with OKNL.

It would be acceptable to the AEC. I confirmed with Mr. Epler that no couflict of interest problems existed with respect to this assignment and that it was acceptable to ORNL by telecon on November 15. 1967.

Dr. Merce, subcommittee Chairman, aleo concurred in the use of Mr. &ates' l services on the Oyster Creek project by telecon on November 15. 1967.

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l tietes_1 erstattas Lieease (Yontatively Seheduled for the hoseer Acas Meettas)


Seekarwnd t m oyster Creek subsimmetttee met with representatives of the appiteent en June 22, osteber 30, and sweember 17, 1M 7 ta tasahtastem, D.C. and en i July te, 1967 La Toms River, new Jersey. The projast ens samaldered at the Ll sovember 1967 Acts meetlas. A sepy of ( seusmary of the d(seusstems at this usettag ie attashed. % instrumentetten eyetem ose rortened at a sub-eemmt
tee meetted on . Lees 6er 17,1M7. The appitaaet ans stres the tLat ef itens tadLasted below eich ware unresolved sad etah regeired sed 1ttemal taforma t ten. The app 1f.tet has been asked to be , j to disease these at the moveder 27 shdttee meetted and was Latermed that he any be

, yequeated ta whmit weittem infor y tas eenseratas these items,prter. to the Decader Acts meettas:

1. A nord for a flew sismal to be inserporated la tk fium aeram eetpoint.
. 2. Aecoptabi11ty ef the 1207, ef fv11 power setpotat.
3. m possible fattures of the seren voluna and raedtes ice such faiimres,
4. The taH eerem hasla med rep trements.

The appttemat oma aloe infarmed essardims the fellowina itoss fc:r eieh the g information appeared samplete but there may be a peestbility of disagreement i

with the appiteents

t. .subchammel tepersttam.
f. Interleeks en diesels.
3. Contacts to enferee preferred direction en valve sentro11ers.
4. Testias of aste rettet system.
5. Fat 1wres in the mammet eeress.

-) DEL has new peerided Aspert me. 3 dish Lists 19 estions to be sempleted prier te iaeuence ef a peerietomat opersttas itsanoe and sla items eageirlas the substsaion ef prspeoed destem ebanons or a propeoed presten vith a sommitment to perform those withts a sortata time perted. Report us. 3 states that a supplemental report will be propered to up data safessettem  :

en eenstruetton asttvities and en ether asttera eteh had met been semplosely reeelved. Dr. Morris has Ledicated that vertew of the fellevias asses will pesbably met be samplated by the time of the Desember Acal moottast C.

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4. heview of addittamat scipment to prorido ye,tastise asstaat amm11 beneks l


1. It is met staar that form, wittaa er oral, the agplasmatal I' report to be provided by s3e Regulatory Staff wilk take. thts miaht he dimenseed with the $taff.
  • ~ < 2. DEL miskt be asked r*Sarding when they antialpets they will i esuplete the vertas of the imettity.

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D.0krent/beid 11/27/67 peasible T gice_ for_Alarificetton on A ster Cresh

! 1. 41:s t in th otatue of tha core spray distributirm? Ita 9 the nu4er of noraten been cherwe<if le the ef fect of stem updtatt setiefsetorily c Weredi l

2. / mend + nt 5 - Pete 1+10 1. Ara the core structure loads during bltwdown l acceptnbiet Han tho /CiG considered this netter' Itas a careful look been taken on potential enra spray herdwnre during blenatown! To the ef fcet of distribution on control rod runtion? (Note thet rege 2 1 4 of Awndment 5 indiestes that scrare might be important).

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3. Concerning whiple.ib, d at happens if one core sprny line is ruptured by whiplaubt If energency povar is being used, etch enre sprny vill j the diesel runt llw does it knw which to runt le enough coolant gotten to the core?


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4 should onn agrer tein the ACit1 and DRL attituda toward operation at l

. ,-p-#1 -elormaa pcmer t Since this in e turnirey job, might not utility want to knw vuv7 i .

! l, S. Does this reactor have a system for rnpid detectirm (scram) of grose

. failure end perhaps inelting of e single fuel pin?

I' *6.

In there any reason for reviewina whether the vseuten breeker lines

, boivaen the drywell end the torus could lead to dif ficulty, if somohow

! laft open? ,

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V. *lhare ann"ar t o t o enne confusicm in the primary enntainwnt dn=lan ,

. r e,>o r t enne n r n i n,; t ho rating of the drywell. le its pressure ratina at c

, 2750 y accepinbiet l

j $. Should ett ention be given to the reactivity inaertinn rate t!ahr. _. P l

nnrennt ennd itinn= 7 Should a period serem he used to provid(protyg.dEEQ: "

l ndditional to the power level scrarni 9.MJ,r4 --

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9. Ilas the Subconnit t ee reviewed the rod worth minimirer7Under condit .r.n should the reactor rtm without the minimiser in operation 7 o

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10. Could p.7 pes dietertion of remetry fuel subnamblies recur during lese cf cri+1 set m id en t , *e rw v i t es in t e e t e ren t ed in A + 3 o f A r e mi-n t loi
11. In eminaction with the behnvier of a Ifner of the dryvell. has the '

Subetmtt tae est sincel poseihin tmdceirable interaction between the liner aml the edjoining crgressible material (see Aermomnt 11).

Was the quality enutrol edequate to maintain needed clearances.  ;

17. l.lin t is _ the situatitm cenearning the probehility emi cenasquemos of a fire in the control revum?


13. le corrosion protection to the torus adequataf
14. le Inn:) torin enrrtMem of the drywell linar a question? Does the ocean environment introduce eny poselble corrotton questione?
15. lias the suberienttt'** reviewed the pose thle need for en out side coneuttant on the (*'ety Review and Audit toerd Itke et San Onofrof e

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