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Rev 1.4,Chapter 12 to Radiological Effluent Technical Stds (RETS) of ODCM
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1997
PROC-970531, NUDOCS 9706230114
Download: ML20141A641 (59)


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t fD-IDf27 fff I

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./244 ALL

  • Cocument Control Desk lO* Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station Pl-137 Washington,LX' 20555 l

l June 02,1997 Attached is a revision to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Dresden Annex, Chapter 12. Please ,

1 update your manual as follows:

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Dresden Chapter 12, Revision 1.3 Insert: I Dresden Chapter 12, Revision 1.4  !

Please sign below indicating your manual has been updated and that your controlled copy number )

is correct. l Name Date 1

1 Return to :


l Comed g

Central Files 1400 Opus Place,4th Floor Downers Grove,IL 60515 ip

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Central Files 4th Floor Downers Grove 9706230114 970531 0 PDR ADOCK 05 lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll W

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! Dr'e'sden Station i

' Chapter 12 Change Summary l (V3' ODCM Revision 1.4, May 1997 Pane Channe Descrintion 12-i Updated special note to identify T/S amendments authorizing transfer of Units 2 l and 3 RETS to the ODCM. Added Statement that Unit i Technical Specifications l shall take precedence over Unit i ODCM items until the Upgraded Unit 1 i Technical Specifications are approved by the NRC. Updated file name. I 12-ii Updated revision number.

12-iii, iv Updated page numbers in Table of Contents.

12-v Updated page numbers in List of Tables.

12-4 Revised Note (e) on Table 12.1-2. Technical Specification Amendments 154/149 revised the wording of this note in Table 1.2 of the Unit 2/3 Technical i Specifications. Note was changed to conform with Units 2/3 Techriical Specifications.

r 12-8 Added description of grab sample location to Action 10 statement.

12-14,15 Added description of backup sami te '.ocations and clarifying inforraation to Action Statements for Table 12.2-3.

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,- Revision 1.4 May 1997 i

CHAPTER 12.0 i l

! SPECIAL NOTE Until the Unit 1 Radiological Emuent Technical Specincations have been approved by the Nuclear  !

Regulatory Commission, the requirernents of the Technical Specifications shall take precedence over l this chapter, should any differences occur.

d The transfer of the Radiological Emuent Technical SpeciAcations (RETS) to the ODCM for Units 2 and 3 has been approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Arnendments 150 and 145.

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Revision 1.4 4

May1997 4


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le i2 Revision 1.4 O

l 12-li

i DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 CHAPTER 12 ,



PAGE 12.1 DEFNTIOriS 12-1 12.2 INSTRUlWENTATION 12-5 A Radoectne bquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentaban 12-5

1. RadoectNe bqud Effluent Monenng Instrumentation Operability 12-5
2. Radmedive Uguid Ef!Iuent Mondoring Instrumentaban Surveillance 12-5 >

B. RadoectNe canan m Emuent Monitoring instrumentaban 12-5

1. Radioachve r,aearn m Effluent Monitoring instrumentaban Operability 12-5
2. RadioactNe namaru a Emuent Monitoring insertsnentaton Suneillance 12-6 C. Uqud and naasa = Emuents Instrumentatzn Bones 12-19 12.3 f.KMD EFFLtRNTS 12-20 A Uqud Emuents Umits and Reporting Operability 12-20
1. Concentratonir U' restricted Areas 12-20
2. Dose from bque Effluents 12-20
3. Dose Projedons 12-21
4. Uqud RadioedNe Waste Treatment System 12-22
5. System Operability and Plant Operabans 12-22 B. Uqud Emuents Suneillance 12-22
1. Conantrabon in Unrestncted Areas 12-22 0 2.


C. Uqud Emuents Bases Dose from Uqud Effluents Dose Projedons 12-23 42-23

'2-28 i

1. Conmntraton i 628
2. Dose 12-28
3. Uqud Waste Treatment 12-28  !
4. Mechancel Vacuum Pump 12-29 12.4 GASEOUS EFFLtRNTS 12-30 A naasn m Emuents urnts and Reporting Operabsty 12-30
1. Does Rate 12-30
2. Noble Gas Dose 12-30
3. lodne 131, lodne 133, Tritium and Parindste Dose 12-31
4. Off Ges Treatment 12-32
5. Main Condenser Air E}edor 12-33
6. System Operabsty arxi Plant Opensbons 12-33 B. Geseous Emuents Sunellsnce 12-34 '
1. Dose Rate 12-34 lt Noble Gas Dose 12-34 S. lodine-131, lodne 133, Trititrn and Parbculate l Does 12-34
4. Off-Ges Treatment 12-34
5. Noble Genes at the Main Condenser Air Ejedor 12-35 O 12-iii ,

1 i_____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _



12.4 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS (Cont'd) l C. G==a_e Emuents Bases 12-39

1. Ces Emuents, Dose 12-39
2. Dose, Noble Gases 12-39

. 3. Dose, Radoiodnes, Radoactiw Material in Partictiate Form and Radonudides Other than Noble Gases 12-40 l

4. r, awn a Waste Treatment l 12-40 12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIROPMNTAL MDMTORING PROGRAM 12-41 A RadiologK:al Enviin -G Monitoring Program 12-41  ;
8. RadiologK:al Environmental Monitoring Program Sunellance 12-42 '

C. Radiciogmal ErwirwirwM Monrtoring Program Bases 12-49

1. Monitoring Program 12-49 ,
2. Land Use Census 12-49 1
3. Interietumuy Cormarison Program 12-49

{ }


1. Stabon Operating R&ut 12-50
2. Reports 12-50
1. Radioactne Emuent Re'3ase Report 12-50
2. Annual Radiologeal Erwiruraisdai Operating Re: ort 12-50
3. Nort-Routine Erwiresiwd i Report 12-51
3. Omute Dose Cakulaban Manual (ODCM) 12-52
4. Major Changes to RadioactNe VWste Treatment Systems (Ugud and r,maaa) 12-53 7 12-iv O


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DRESDEN Revision 1.4 l I


UST OF TABLES l NLDEIER TITLE PAGE 12.1-1 Suneillance Frequency Notation 12-3 12.1-2 Operational Modes 124 l 12.2-1 Radoactne LJgud Emuent Moritoring l Instrumentation 12-7 12.2-2 Radioactne LJqud Emuent Morntoring l l

Instrumentaban Suneillance Regtirements 12-9 I l

12.2-3 Radioednerma s Emuent Monitoring i instrumentaban 12-12 12.24 Radioactne r ,anarus Emuent Monitorng i Instruve daGen Suneillance Requirenants 12-16 12.3-1 Akwable Cew 4 Gon of Dissched O- or Entrained Noble Geses Released from the Site to Unrestrided Areas in Uqud Waste 12-24 12.3-2 Radioadive LJgud %hste Sampling and Analysis Program 12-25 12.4 1 Radioedne r,mun a Waste Sarmling and Analysis Program 12-36 12.5-1 Radiciogical Environmental Moritoring Program 1244 l 12.5-2 Reportng Lewis for Radioactnnty Coiw h a6ons l in Ermronmental Samples 12-45 12.5-3 Pracbcal Imer Umits of Deledian (LLD) for l Standard Radologmal Enviis sieu fervtoring l Program 1246 l

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!O 12-v l

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q DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i '



] 12.1 DEFINITIONS i i

l 1. rinaa Nvalent 1-131 - That cnicentrabon of I-131 (mKrocune/ gram) whid1 alone j

' would produce the same thyroid dose as the quanbty and isotopic mixture of I-131, l-132,1-133,1-134, and I-135 actually present. The thyrad dose conversion factors

! used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table ill of T1D -14844, " Calculation of l Distance Factors for Pcwer and Test Reactor Sites".

2. Frararic.vMnn- Table 12.1-1 prcmdes the deRnibons of vanous frequences for whd1 sunellances, sarmling, etc , are pahi d unless denned otherwise. Refer to Technk:si Speaficaban Table 1-1.

1 ,

l 3. Immedate - Irmiedale means that the regtired acton will be irnbated as soon as prac2 cable canadering the safe operation of the unit and the iirplus ce of the required

! actKn

! 4. Instrument Caltraton - An instrument calibrabon means the aquetment of an  ;

j instrument egnal output so that it uni r,d., within armrdsNa range and acuracy, 1 to a known value(s) of the parameter which the instrument monitors. Calibraton shall encompees the entire instrument, indudng adumbon, alann or trip. I

, 5. Instrument Chad (- An instrument check is qualitative determmabon of arrar*aNe

operability by observaban ofinstnsnent behavior during opensbon. This detemination i shall include, where possible, cor@enson of the instrument with other independent
instruments measuring the same vanable j 6. Instrument Fundonal Tant - An instrument fundonal test means the injecton of a sirnulated egnal into the instrument primary sensor to wrify the proper instrument i response alarm and/or initiating action.

t 4

7. Member of the PL&lc - any includual except when that indiwdual is reauving an

! nm =hanal dose.


i 8. Mode - Reedor modes are described in Table 12.1-2 (per Tedinical Speaficebon Table


i 3

9. Ocx:upahanal Dome 4he does reanwd by an incfMdual in the caisse of armioyment j in whKh the irdwduers somgned dubes involve awpname to radatmn and/or to a radonctive malenal from heensed and unlicanned sources of radabon, whether in j the pnamaaninn of the licensee or other person. mm =* rial does does not include 3

does from background radialmn, as a pebent kom medical prac2ces, kom voluntary

] partiopelen in medical resserd1 programs, or as a member of the ptthc.

e i

i 4

12-1 4

i DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.1 DEFINITIONS (Confd) -

10. The Offsate Done Calculation Manual (ODCM) shall contain the ired udology and pisisidor5 used in the calculation of offsite doses restiting from radioedive gaseous and liquid efliuents, in the calajation of gaseous and liquid ef!Iuent rnonitonng AlarnVTrip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the dai Radological Monitoring Prograrn The ODCM shall also contain (1) the Radoadiw Emuent Contrds and Radidogical Envirer.rordi. Monitoring Pro wri=r6 descnbed in Sedion 12.5 and (2) desaiptions of the information that should be induded in the Atinual Radiological Envirernigdal Operating and Radioactiw Emuent Release Reports reqtired by Sedians and
11. Operable - A system, subsystem, train, wirporwit or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABlu1Y when it is capable of performng its speafled funcbon(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical pcmer, cooling or seal water, lubncaban or other auxiliary equipment that are reqtired for the system, subsystem, train, corporord or devios to perform its speafled safety fundion(s) are also r apahle of performing their related support funcbon(s).
12. The Prrma Contrd Procram (PCR shall contain the current formulas, sargling, analyses, test, and deteminabons to be rnade to ensure that processing and pedraging of solid radoedne ustes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simLJated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in sud1 a way as to assure oorgliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, State regulations, burial grotrid requirements, and other reqtirements goveming the dsposal of solid radioeceve uste.
13. Rated Thermal Peer - Rated thermal power shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor a)olant of 2527 thermal mag "=
14. Reador Power Opensbon - Reedor pour epoi 507 is any operaban Wth the trode switch in the "Startup/ Hot Standtr/' or "Run" poorbon with the raar*r criticai and abow 1% rated thermal pcuer.
15. Source Check - The qualitabve assessment of Channel response vdlen the Channel sensor is avne-i to a radioechw source
16. Dennrtions RalM to W.J .;i rinaa to the PMc Usino the OOCM Carm dar Prograrn
1. Adual - Refens to using know1 release data to project the dose to the public for the premous month. These data are stored in the rintahnam and used to demonstrate cormliance with the reporting requirements of Chapter 12.  ;
2. Projected - Refers to using knen release data from the previous rnanth or eshmated release data to forecast a future dose to the ptblic. These data are i NQIiruirnaiad into the database.

O 12-2

1 i

DRESDEN ReMsion 1.4 May 1997

!O' i



l S (Shiftly) At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />

' l D(Deily) Atleast onm per 24 houns i

T At least onm per 72 houns l

W(VWeldy) At least once per 7 days 1

M (Monthly) At least once per 31 days i 0 (Quarterly) At least once per 92 days i

j SA(Semannually) At least once per 184 days l A(Annually) At least once per 386 days E (earpannually) At least once per 18 months (550 days)

I S/U (Startup) Rior to endi reador startup i

NA(Not Applicable) Not applicable '

i 1


  • Eadi sunmilance requrement shall be performed within the speafled time interval with a maximum .

i allombie extension not to exceed 25% of the surveillance interval The bases to Tedncal  !'

l Speafications 4.0.8 prowdes danficaban to this statement These dellrytions do not apply to the RadiologKal Eruronmental l@ndaring Picy.n (Seebon 12.5). l O


DRESDEN Redsion 1.4 May 1997 0


1. POMR OPERATION Run Any targature 2 STARTUP StartupHot Stan@y Any temperature
3. HOT SHUTIXMN Shutdow1") > 212*F
4. COLD SHUTDOM Shutdomi"* 5 212"F
5. REFUEUNGC Shut &wn or Refuel (** 5140'F TABLE NOTATIONS

(* The reador mode setdi may be placed in the Run, StarttpHot Stan@y, or Refuel pombon to test the setdl interiock fLridions provided the contrd rods are venfled to remain fully inserted by a second licensed cpa.h, or other tedinically qualified incfudual

  • ) The reactor mode sutch may be placed in the Refuel postion whle a single contrd rod dria is being remoed from the reactor pressure wesel per Technk:al Specification 3.10.l.

(* Fuel in the reactor vessel with one or more wesel head dostre botts less than ftily tensioned or with the head renvad.

(* See Tedncal Speedicaban Specal Test Exceptions 3.12.A and 3.12.R

(* The rwter rnode swtch may be placed in the Refuel pombon while a single contrd rod is being mmed prcmded the onsfod out irkaica is OPERABLE M Wien there is no fuel in the reactor vessel, the reador is consdured not to be in any OPERATIOt#L MODE. The reactor mode switd1 may then be in any postion or may be inoperable l

O 12-4

i 3

DRESDEN Revision 1.4

May 1997


A R% i h M EfMunnt W abire Irmtrur== Mm

] 1. R% 1 h M Effluent L abire Irhm MW

1. The effluent monitoring instrumentaban shown in Table 12.2-1 shall be operable

, with alarm trip setpoints set to insure that the linits of Section 12.3.A are not

exrwwiad The alarm setpoints shall be detemined in ruud ci with the --


, 2. Wth a radodve liquid effluent monitoring instrument alarmtip setpoint less conservative than required, wthout delay suspend the release of radoadive i liquid effluents cre sbad by the affected instrument, or declare the instrument

~ inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably cxriservahve a

i' 3. Wth one or more radmadiw liquid effluent monitoring instruments inopwable, take the achon shcun in Table 12.2-1. Rettrn the instrument to operable status wthan 30 days and, if ur="cr= amu, explain in the next Radmacem j

Effluent Release Report why the inoperability ves not comx:ted in a timely manner. This is in lieu of an LER.

d j 4. In the eNent operability reqtarements and pantvisinri adion requirements cannot be sabsned harm na of circumstances in excess of those addressed in i

the specdicabons, pnwide a 30 day wntlen report to the NRC and no changes are regtired in the operabonal cxridibon of the plant, and this does not prewnt l the plant from entry irto any operaconal mode

, 2. R% 1 h M EfRunnt W;Loe Ire SurM" 1m T -

1. Each radioecen liquid ef!Iuent monitoring instrunent shown in Table 12.2-2

. shall be demonstrated operable by perfcrmance of the ginn source check, 1

instrument check, calibrabon, and fundonal test operabans at the frequences

shown in Table 12.2-2.

B. R% Ca== = Effluent 6 su o e ire

1. R% name = Efnuant L-;Qs instrumer**m W
1. The effluent ne b g instrumentaton shtun in Table 12.2-3 shall be opdable v@) sici.nAiv eetpoints set to ensure that the linits of Section 12.4.A are not 3 a - dad The alandtrip selpoints shall be determned in acx:ordance with the ODCM
2. Wth a radosc2ve gaseous ef!Iuent n 6.bu g instruments alarmbip set point less conservaba than required, wthout delay suspend the release of radoeceve gaseous effluents rnonrtored by the affeded instrument, or declare the instrument inopenible, or change the setpomt so it is acceptably conservatrve 12-5

i DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 Radoachvg r-= Emuent Morateire Instrumentation n= ability (Confd)

Ol 12.2.B.1 ,

i 3. Wt1 one or more radoacbw gaseous emuent nmtoring instruments inopa-se, the the action shcum in Table 12.2-3. Retum the instrument to operse status wthin 30 days and, if ur= =%A, explain in the next Radioactive Emuent Release Report why the inopr:islity was not wTocied in a timely rnanner This

is in lieu of an LER.

, 4d The Unit 2/3 plant chimney gas sampling system tray be out of service for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for the purpose of senddng the high range noble gas nmtor as long as the following condtions are satis 6ed:

1. Both units are at steady state u.n diicr6 wth the recontiners and charcoal i i idascita s in service for the operating unit (s). I i

l 2. The dose rate in unresbicted areas rnust be shown by calcdation to be less l than the limits of 12.4.A assurfing the charcoal absorbers are bypassed on both units.

3. Both offgas re stus on Unit 2 and Unit 3 must be operational and the nmtor i readng correlated to the chimney relears rate based on the conservative  !

assumption of both units' chartnal absorbers being bypassed 1


4. If the provisions of 12.4.A1.1,12.4A1.2, or 12.4A1.3 cannot be met, an  !
orderty load redudion of the unit (s) shall be initiated irrmedately.
5. In the ewnt operability reqdrements and assocated acton requirements cannot l be satished hem um of drwmstances in exce8s of tho8e addressed in this
Sedian, prcMde a 30 day witten report to the NRC and no du gas are required
in the Opaatiu ad condition of the plant, and this does not prewnt the plant from entry into any cpaatici mode
2. Radar *ver-= Emuant W staire Instrumentaban StrM"m 5

Eadt radioachw gar = = radation monrtoring instrument in Table 12.2-4 shall be demorstrated operable by peduic==vii of the gian source check, inshument deck, calibration, and fmdional test operabons at the frequency stxmn in Table 12.2-4.

O 12-6

l t DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997


, Mrimum Total l Channels No. of l Instrument Operable Channels Action

1. Service Vater Effluent 1 1 10 Gross AdMty Monitor *
2. Discharge Canal 1 1 12 Sampier-I ACTIONS ACTION 10 - Wth less than the minimum nunter of operable channels, rekases via this pathway may 1

1 condnue, prcuded that at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> grab sr. pies are collected and i analyzed for beta or garmia adMty at an LLD of less dian or equal to 107 Ci/ni. l ACTION 12 - Operability is venfled prior to perfarning and ace a day dunng planned dscrarge.

  • Wien Instrument is unavailable and assocMed actons cannot be puih M, then hp may not be made







./ 1 l0 -




s/ i l

DRESDEN Revsion 1.4 Mr/1997 l


1l Mrimum Total l Channels No. of instrument Operable Channels Action

1. Seryce %hter Emuent 1 1 10 Gross Activity Mylitor
2. Uquid Radwaste Emuent i 1 11 i

Gross AdMty Morator '

l 1


ACT10N 10 - Wth less than the ninirrun number of operable channels, releases via this pathway rney continue, pro,ided that at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> grab sarmies are collected and analyzed for trta or ganma adMty at an LLD of less than or equal to 107 ,

UCl/n1 ._, ---v'



(hhe grab sarmie should normally be taken at the Senace %hter Marstor or at a location whKh %Cdd be representatW of the Service Wder whKh is maritored.)


/ AC110N 11 - Wth less than a rrinimum nunter of OpaTable channels, emuent rei- via this I pathury may continue, prcMded that prior to iritiating a release, at least 2 l

.. / independent sarmies are analyzed, and at least 2 menters of the facility staff ,

independently venfy the release calcdation and discharge vaMng. OtherWse, '

suspend release of radioede emuent via this pathury.

l l

l I

12-8 O


1 l

l Funcbonal CalibratiorP" Instrument Source Instrument Test Check

  • Check
1. Serwoe Wster Emuent Gross Q** E4 D E Actuty Morntor*
2. Dadage Canal
  • )

Sarmier Wen Instrument is unavalable and aseodated adions cannot be @h =d, then dia:horges may not be made-.



DRESDEN Remsion 14 May 1997 TABLE 12.2-2 RADICETIVE UQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUNENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIRENENTS UNITS 2 & 3 Functonal Calibratiorf" instnsnent Source Instrument Testl** Ched$ Check l

l 1. Uquid Radwaste

! Emuent Gross Q* E' D ES l Admty Moritor

2. Sennoemter l Emuent Gross Q* E' D E I Admty Morntor j l



1 i

l I

l l

l 12-10 O


I DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l

l l


The Instrument Functional Test shall also denwobaic that control room alarm annunciation

occurs, if any of the fdlowing conditions exist, where applicable.
1. Instrument indicated lewis abom the alarm setpoint 1

! 2. Circuit failure.

3. Instrument indcates a domiscale failure.
4. Instrument controis not set in OPERATE mode
  • Calitration shall indude paieirds of a funcbonal test W Calibration shall indude podeirsice of a sotrce chei Source check shall consist of obsendng instrument response during a dsdiarge Fundianal tests may be podeiriod by using trip check and test drcurtry assodated with the monitor chassis.

M Fundianal tests, calibrabons, and instrument diedai are not reqdred when these instruments are not required to be operable or are tripped. Calibrabon is not required to be paisired more than once every 18 months.

Operability is wnfied prior to performing dscharge and once a day during planned dscharge l

I l

i i



I Mnimum Total Applicable l Channels No. of Operational Instrument Operable Channels Modes Action

1. Main Chimney SRNG Noble Gas 1 3 28 Monitors
2. Main Chimney Partculate 1 1  ? 27 S@
3. Main Chimney lodne Sarmiers 1 1 27 O
  • At all times.

l l


l 12-12 l

I 1


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 TABLE 12.2-3 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUNENTATION UNITS 2 & 3 Mnimum Total Applicable Channels No. of Operational j Instrument Operable Channels Modes Adion l


1. Main Chimney Noble Ges/SPING/ 1 3 20 GE Low Range ActMty Morntor
2. Main Chirmey SPING Noble Gas 1 1 26 Monitors Md, H Range
3. Main Chirmey lodine Sarmier 1 1 22 l 4. Main Chirmey Particulate Sampier 1 1 22
5. Main Chimney Flow Rate Monitor 1 1 21
6. Main Chimney Sarmier Flow Rate 1 1 21 i Monitor
7. Raar*r 8tildng Vent Exhaust See Tectncal Specticatkis Secton 3/4.2 Duct Radation Morntor

, 8. Reador Btilding Vent SPING 1 1 25 l Ndde Gas Monitor Ls, Md, j High Range

! 9. Reedor Buildng Vent Flow 1 1 21 Rate Monitor

10. Reactor Buildng Vent Sarmier 1 1 21 Flw Rate Monitor
11. Reedor Buddng Vent lodne i 1 22 Sarmier
12. Reedor Buildng Vent 1 1 22 Particulate Sampler
13. 05 gas Radation AdMty 1 2 29 Monitor
  • At all times.

,. ** During Steam Jet Air E)sdor operation.


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l

TABLE 12.2-3 (Contd) .

RADICVCTIVE CASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUNeFAT10N ACTIONS AND TABLE NOTATIONS ACTION 20 - Wth less than the nininun channels operable, emuent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 30 days provided grab samples are taken at least once ewy 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for noble gas within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

(The SRNG has one low range noble gas chamel, Channel 5, while the GE Low l Range Activity Monitor has tvo low range noble gas channels.

The grab samples are usuaily taken at erther the SRNC, iiit is aligned in the flow l path, or at the GE Low Range Activity Monitor Skid.) 1 ACTlON 21 - Wth the number of operable channels less than the ninimum reqdred, emuent releases via this pathway rney continue prcmded that the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (The Main Chirnney Row Rate Nbnitor and the Reador Buldng Vent Row Rate Monitor are used for flow through the ChirmeyNent. Channel 10 of the SPING gives the ChimneyNent flow rate. This value can also be obtained from Point Hstory.

The Main Chirmey Sartpler Row Rate Monitor and the R=*r Bdidng Vent Sanpier Row Rate Monitor are used for the ficw through the SRNG or backup sartpler. Channel 15 of the SPING gives the sanpler flow rate for the SP!NG. The U2, U3 and GE Backup systems each have a flow rate monrtor.)

ACTION 22 - Wth less than the mininun channels cpiwiie, effluent releases via this pathway may continue prcMded sanpies are continuously collected with auxiliary sanpling eqdpment, as requred in Table 12.4-1.

(The nomnal sanpler for 2/3 Main Chimney is the 2/3 Main Chimney SRNG while for the 2/3 Reador Bdidng Vent it is the 2/3 Reactor Buldng Vent SPING.

If the E3 Chimney SPING is not operational, the namnal backup is the GE Low Range Achvity Skid. This skid coileds an lodne and Particdate sanple if the 2/3 Reactor Bdidng Vent SPING is not opaikimii, the normal backups are the U2 and U3 Reactor Buildng Vent Samplers The sampler for ead1 vent cdleds an lodne and Partialate sample if the nomial backup sampler is not available, use of an attemate sarrpier should be used as long as it puls from the same process stream) i ACTlON 25 - Wth less than the rTinimum channels cpaisie, effluent releases 41 this pathway may cxantinue provided that the nirimtm rurter of operable channels for the .

Reactor Buildng Vent Exhaust Duct Radiation Abnitor are operable l l (These are Channels 5 (low <ange), 7 (md-range) and 9 (hKp. range) on the 2/3 Reactor Buldng Vent SPING.)

O 12-14 i t


DRESOEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 ACTION 26 Wth less than the ninimum diannels operable, ef!!uent relaana via this pathway O. rney continue provided the low range monitor is operable and on scale. Restore the inoperable equipment to operable status within 21 days, or prepare and sutmt a report to the Cum.eo;on pursuant to Tedncal Spedficaton 6.6.B (Sedion 6.6. A in Upy. dad Tedncal Spoo6cabons) v$hin the next 30 days outlining the plans, adions taken and procedures to be used to provide for the loss of sarmiing capability of the systern (These are Channels 7 (mKkange) and 9 (higlwange) on the 2/3 Main Chimney SPING)

ACTION 27- The main dinviey SPING monitor may be out-of-senace for calibration and rnaintenance provided that particulate and iodne sarmies are taken and analyzed The sarmies shall be coileded using altamate Alter holders and purms curc=CE:,d to the main diimney sanple strearn (The normal lodne and Particdate sarmier for D1 Main Chimney is the D1 Main Chimney SP!NG. If the Di Chimney SPING is not operabonal, the normal bedup is a sample purm attached to the sample stream from the Main Chirmey. The sarmie purm collects an lodne and Particulate sarmie.)

ACTION 28 - Wth less than the rrinimum diannels operable, effluent releases via this pathay may continue provided daily noble gas sarmies are taken and analyzed daily.

Restore the inoperable eqdpment to operable status v@in 30 days. If service can not be rettrned, document eqdpment availability difficultes vdhin the Radioactive Ef!Iuent Release Report for the penod indudng actons taken in response to the

, equipment and procedures used to prcMde for the loss of sarmiing capability of the ,

O *~ '

(The normal noble gas n u sius are Channels 5 (lowange), 7 (mKkange) and 9 (higlwange) on the D1 Chimney SPING Grab samples can either be taken off of the SPING or taps on the piping for the sarmie strearn)

ACTICN 29 - Wth less than the minimum channels operable, gases from the rnain condenser off gas system rney be released to the environment for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> pn:Mded the off gas system is not bypassed and at least one damney monitor is operable, otherwae, be in HOT STANOBY in 12 hotss.

l l

l l

O 12-15 l 1 l



Applicable Functional Calibratiorf Instrurnent instrument Sourm Or=eGenal Test ** Check Check Modes

1. Main Chirmey SPING Q E D M
  • Noble Gas Monitor Low Range l l


  • At all times.



. _ - - . - - - . - . . . . . . - _ - _ _ . - -.. - ..- _. - - - .~ .- - - . . - . . - .- .

l l

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 TABLE 12.2-4 RADIOCTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUNENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIRBENTS UNITS 2 & 3 Applicable Functional CalibratierP") Instrument Source Opiistsmi instnJment Test

  • Check '* Check Modes
1. Main Chimney Noble Q E D M
  • Gas Activity Monitor l 2. Main Chimney SPING Q E D M
  • l Noble Gas Monitor Lo, Md, High Range
3. Main Chimney NA NA D* NA
  • Particulate and locine Sarmier l 4. Main Chimney Flow Q E D NA
  • Rate Monitor
5. Main Chimney Sampier QS E D NA
  • Flow Rate Monitor
6. Reactor Bldg Vent See Technical Specdabons Secton 3/4.2 Exhaust Duct Radiation Monitor
7. Paar*r Bldg Vent Q E D M
  • SPING Noble Gas Monitor Lo, Md, High Range
8. Reactor Bldg Vent Q E D NA
  • Flow Rate Monitor
9. Raar*r Bldg Serrpier Q* E D NA
  • Flcw Rate Montor
10. Raar*r Bldg Vent NA NA D* NA
  • Partculate and lodine Sarrpier
11. Off Gas Radiabon O E D E AdMty Monitor j
  • At all times.

! ** During Steam Jet Ar E}ector Optiison.

O l

12-17 l


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i

TABLE 12.2-4 (Contd)



  • The Instrument Functional Test shall also dards aic that control room alarm annunciation 1

i occurs, if any of the following condtions exist, where applicable. '

1. Instrument indicates lewis abow the alarm setpoirt i
2. Circuit failure.
3. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
4. Instrument ax1 trois not set in OPERATE mode
  • Calibrabon shall irdude paisn wui of a fundianal test.
  • Instrument check to verify operability of sarmier, that the sarmier is in piam and funcboning property
  • Functional test shall be paisired on local sutdes provdng low How alarm
  • Funcbonal tests, calibrabons, and instrument decks are not required h these instruments '

are not required to be operable or are tripped. Calibrabon is not required to be pate n ed more ,

than once ewry 18 months l

l 12-18 O'

l 1

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l

l 12.2.C Lnad And Gamars = Effluents Instrumentation Pee-l

1. The radoective liquid and Gaaa's a effluent instrumentaban is provided to monitor the release of radioactiw materials in liquid and gaseous effluents during releases The alarm setpoints for the instrunents are provided to t ensure that the alarms will occur prior to exceeding the limts of RETS l

I t

i l

l I



l l

i i

a 12-19 l

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l


12.3.A Lkud Emunnts Urnts and Recudir- Mlity

1. Corei.6cn in Ur.Mided Araan The wnmiabon of radioadiw material released from the site to unrestrided areas (at or beyond the site boundary, Dresden Station OOCM Annex, Appendx F, Firpe F 1) shall be lirnted to the wm habons speafied in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001-20.2402', for radionudides I other than disedwd or entrained noble gases For dissolved or entrained noble gases, tiv we 6 abon shall be linited to the values listed in Table i

12.3 1.

Wth the wiwkation of radioedrw material released from the site to a

unrestnded areas exceedng the abom linits, wthout delay decrease the release rate of radoadive materials and/or irxrease the diution fkw rate to restore the concentrabon to wthin the abom linits.

2. Dose from IJQuid Emuents The dose or dose uam e a-d abme background to a merramr of the public from radicedive materials in liquid emuents released to unrestricted areas (at cr

] beyond the site boundary) frorn the site shall be lirnted to the following:

1. During any Calendar Quarter I (1) Less than or equal to 3 mrern to the whole body.
(2) Less than or equal to 10 mrem to any organ.


2. During any Calendar Year (1) Less than or equal in 6 mrem to the whole body.

(2) Less than or equal to 20 mrem to any organ.

3. Wth the cakdated dose from the release of radioactive rnatorials in liquid emuents exceedng any of the aboe lirnts, prepare and submit to the Cu m.eekn within 30 days a Speaal Report v41ich idenbfies the m ma(s) and defines the comectne acbons taken and the pivposed adions to be taken to enstre that future releases are in compliance with Seebons 12.3.A2.1 and 12.3.A2.2. This is in lieu of a Ucensee Ewnt Report.

l 1

1 1Upon tedncal speoficabon approval, ten (10) times the Appendix B value may be used to I detemine the maximum instantaneous liquid release l 12-20

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.3.A O. tmd Effluents Umits and h -ire N-Ah

4. Wth the calcdated dose from the release d radioachve materials in liquid effluents exceedng the limits of Sechons 12.3.A2.1 or 12.3.A2.2., prepare and sutmt a Spedal Report to the Corrmssion within 30 days and limit the RWwit releases sudi that the dose or dose comierd to a member of the public from all urarlium fuel cyde sources is limited to less than or equal to 25 niem to the total body or any organ (except thyrad, which is linited to less than or equal to 75 rirem) over 12 consecutne months This Spedal % port shall indude an analysis whk:h demonstrates that radiation exposures to all real indrviduals from all uranium fuel cyde sources (indudng all effluent pathmeys and drect radiabon) ans less than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard Otherwas obtain a vanance from the Cum. dan to permt releases whKh exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard The radation exposure analysis contained in the Wal Report shall use methods presaibed in the OOCM. This report is in lieu of a Ucensee Ewnt Report i
5. Wien the pcW annual wMe body or any intamai organ dose computed at the nearest downstream cxxr1munity water system is equal to or exmark 2 rrrem from all radoachve matenals released in liquid ef!!uents from the Staban, prepare and submt a Speaal Report within 30 days to the epa.iur of the community water systern The report is prepared to assist the operator in meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141, EPA Rimary Drinking Wster Standards A copy of this report will be sent to the NRO. This is in lieu of a Ucansee Event Report
3. Dose Prgettons At all times during processing prior to dediarrje to the environs, promes and contrd equpment provided to redum the amount or concentrabon of radicade matenals shall be operated when the prgeded dose due to liquid effluent ralamaan to unreatncted areas (Dresden Staban OOCM Annex, Appendx F, Figure F-1), when averaged over 31 days, exrmark 0.12 mrem to the total body or 0.40 nTem to any orgarf, "These values rreneent 2% of the annual dose limits of Appendx 1 to 10CFR50 i

O 12-21 -

l l

- .- . . _ ._ ._ -- - . _. - _ -. .~ -

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.3.A Uotid EMuents Units and Reoortino Coerability (Contd)

4. Uouid Radicadne Waste Trs Lierit System If liquid waste has to be or is being dscharged Wthout treatment as regured above, prepare and sutmt to the Comnission Wth 30 days, a reoort which I indudes the fdlowing inimr-Gon.  !
1. Identification of the defectne eqdgment.
2. Cause of the defect in the equipment. ,
3. Action (s) taken to restore the eqdpment to an operating status
4. Length d tirne the abcNe requirements were not satisfied.
5. Vdume and curie content of the waste dsdierged which was not I pic --- -i by the appropriate equipment but which required proocssing.


6. A$on(s) taken to prewnt a recumence of equipment falures.

This is in lieu of a Lloensee Event Report.

5. System Operablity and Plant Operabons  !

In the eent a limit and/or aseodated acbon nequrements idenbfied in Sections 12.3.A and 12.3.B cannot be sabsfied harm na of drcumstance8 in excess of those addressed in this Secton, no dargue are requred in the operational l

widtion of the plant, and this does not prewnt the plant from enby into any Oparatiri i mode 12.3.B bqud Efflunnts Smaliance

1. Concentraban in Unrestnded Areas The concentrabon of radioactne malenal in unrestridad areas shall be detemined to be Wthin the prescibed limits by obtanng representabw samples in immd-ws w;$ the sarmling and analyes preyarn speofied in Table 12.32. The sarmie analysis results Wil be used with the calajational methods in the ODCM to detemine that the cxxicantrabons are within the limts of Secton 12.3A1.

I i

O 12-22

DRESDEN Revisim 1.4 May 1997


, . '12.3.8 Uqtad Emunnis Sunellance (Caird)

2. rh from Ilev M Effluents The dose contribution frorn rnaasured quanhties of radkW.e material shall be cbtermned by cakulation at least once per 31 days ano o mAative surrmation of these total body and organ dosed shall be maintained for each calendar

, quarter.

Doses cortputed at the nearest omrality water systern will consder only the  !

drinking valer pathway and shall be projeded using the ivoiin prescnbed in l ODCM, at least once per 92 days.

, i

3. Dome Pr%.

Doses due to hid relaea to unreatncted areas (at or beyond the site boundary) she!! be prgected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the ODCM 4

l d

i 1


1 4

l j

6 O 12-23

l DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l


Kr-85m 2 x 104 Kr-85 5x10d Kr-87 4 x 104 Kr-88 9x108 Ar41 7 x 10' Xe-131m 7 x 10' Xe-133m 5 x 10' Xe-133 6 x 10d Xe 135m 2 x 10d Xe-135 2 x 104 Conputed imm Equeban 20 of ICRP PubPJon 2 (1959), ac$usted for infirite doud submersion in water, and R = 0.01 remWeek, derdy = 1.0 g/cc and FWPt = 1.0.

O 12-24

~A%&4 --&raA+%) 244 4o ar-3 kr4m e-Lame-m-+m-sa m 1~Ma - M-+-<- 4 * ~n W a - 4m 4**~-a DRESDEN Resion 1.4 May 1997


  • A Serwce M M l-131 1x10*  ;
Water i

g4) (e)

M M Principal Gamma 5x10 7 (Grab Sample) EMS M M Dsached & Entrained 1x10' (Grab Sarmie) GaWS (Gamme Emmers)

M M 43 1x10' (Grab Sample) (Composite)

Grass Alpha 1x10 7




B. AbcNe Ground T T Prindpal Gamna 5x10 7 Lgsd Storage EMS Tanksm DissoNed & Entrained 1x105 Gesed* (Gamma Emtters) i O 12-25 '




  • A Batch Prior to Prior to Principal Gamma 5x10 7 Release Each Batch Each Batch EmtterWS l Tanks 1-131 1x10*

Prior to M Gross Alpha 1x107 l Each Batch Corrpositem H-3 1x105 1

Prior to Q Fe-56 1x10*

Each Batch Coriposite m Sr-89 Sr-90 5x10' Prior to M Dssohad & Entrained 1x105 One BatdW Gases *(Gamma Errittens) l B. Plant MS MM l-131 1x10*

l Continuous (Grab Sample)


MS MS Prindpal Gemas 5x107 (Grab Sampe) E nGa4*

MS MS Dssolved & Entrained 1x105 (Grab Sartpie) Gased* (Gamme Emmers)

MS MM H-3 1x105 I }

Gross Apha 1x1C'

, Om QM Sr-89, Sr-90 5x10*

I )

Fe-55 1x10*

C. Above Ground T T Prindpoi Gamma 5x10 7 Ugud Storage E anid*

Tanksm DssoNed & Entrained 1x105

! Gases"(Gamme Emitters) 0 12-26 l


-. . ~. - - - . ._ - . _ -_ . - . - - - - . - . - .- - . . _ - - . . . _ . . - .

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 TABLE 12.3 2 (Cont'd)




  • The LLDis defined in the ODCM m

A cornposite sample is one in which the quanbty of liquid sanples is gupctucnei to the quantity of liquid weste discharged and in whKh the method of sanpling enployed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquds released.

  • If the alarm setpoint of the service veter effluent rnonitor as determined in the ODCM is exceeded, the frequency of analysis shall be increased to daily until the sieucn no longer exists.
  • A batch release is the discharge of liquid vestes of a discrete volume. Prior to sangling for

! analyses, endt bakh shall be isolated and then thoroughly rmed to aamse representative l

sanpling. A continuous release is the discharge of liquid vestes of a nondiamete volume; e.g.,

from a vokms or system that has an input flow during the release.

  • The prindpal gamme emtters for which the LLD speafication applies exduervely are the following radionuclides: M)-54, Fe-59, Co40, Zn 66, Co 58, Mo 99, Co 134, Co-137, Co 141, and Co-144. Other peaks which are measurable and idenbflable by gamma ray sp.wu dy together with the abcut nudides, shall be also idenbfied and reported when the actual analysis is p.Juid on a sample Nuddes vdisch are below the LLD for the W ;,s shall not be

! iW as being present at the LLD level for that nudide.

  • The desolved and entrained games (gamma emitters) for whkh the LLD speaficaban applies excluelvely are the folloung radionuddes: Kr47, Kr48, Xe-133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138. Other disschad and entrained gases (gamma emitters) wnsh are measurable and i idenbflable by gamma ray spedrometry, together with the above nudides, shall also be l denbfied and reported when an adual analyms is performed on a armple. Nuclides whKh are below the LLD for tne W, ;,w shall not be reported as being preser t at the LLD level for that nudide.
  • A sanple(s) fromt j Unit 1: Each of the aboegade liquid veste tanks. If no addbons to a tank have been made since the last sanple, the tank need not be sanpied until the next addition.

Units 2 & 3: The Weste Sample Tanks, Floor Drain Sanple Tanks and the Weste Surge Tanks, shall be taken, analyzed, and recon: led s ery 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> if no additions to a tank have been made since the last sanple, the tank need ed. be ::anvied until the next addition.


SmTplerg ud sidyses regired orWy when system is operatng.

4 l

i 12-27

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.3.C UQUID EFFLUENTS BASES l

1. Conantraban -

This spoofkabon is pnuded to ensure that the concentrabon of radmedive materials released in liquid veste effluents from the site to unreatncted areas will be less then the concentrabon levels specded in Appendx B, Table 2, Column 2 to 10CFR20.1001- .


2.' Dona >

This speaficaton is prcmded to irrpiement the requirements d Sedons ll.A, Ill.A and l IV.A d Appendix 1,10 CFR Part 50. The operational regtirements implements the gudes set forth in Sedian ll.A of Appendix 1. The statements prowde the required operating flexibility and at the same time irrpiement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendx 1 to aneure that the roleseos of radioedive metenal in liquid ofIluents will ,

be kept "as kw as reasonably advevable". The does ceiculatens in the ODCM irrplement the requirements in Sedmn lil.A d Appendix I that crinformance with the gudos d Appendix ! be shomi by calculatmnal procedures based on models and data sud1 that the actual exposure of an indiwdual through appropnale pathmeys is unlikely to be m.tetanbally undersebmedad The aquetons speafled in the ODCM h cakulahng the doses due to the adual release rates d radoedive materds in liquid  ;

effluents will be consstent with the methodology pnwided in Lbde 1.109,

" rwa daean of Annual Domes to Men tem Roubne Releases of ERiuents for '

the Purpose d Evadumbng Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Rowson 1, Odober 1977 and RegtAatory Gude 1.113, "Eshmebng Aquenc Depersion d Ef!Iuents from Acadental and Roubne Randor Roleseos for the Purpose of irrplemenbng Appendix I", April 1977. NUREG 0113 pnmdes methods for does emin dannns conentent wth Reg Gude 1.109 and 1.113.

3. laqtad Weste Treatment The operatulity of the liquid radneste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid emuents require treatment prior to release to the erwronment. The requirement that the appropnale portens of this system be used venn speafled prowdes aemsance that the releases of radoedive metenals in liquid 3

emuents wil be kept "as kw as renconstily adwvable". This speafkanon implements )

the requirements of 10 CFR Pat 50.36e, General Deep Qitanon 80 of Appendx A to 1 10 CFR Pat 50 and desgn objeceve Secten 11.0 of Appendx I to 10 CFR Part 50.

O 12-28 1

1 DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 p' 12.3.C UQUID EFFLUENTS BAcFR - (Continued)

G 4 Mechanical Vacuum Pump The purpose of isolating the mechanical vacuum line is to limt release of adivity from the main condenser. During an acodent, fission products vald be tryngsted from the reador through the main steam line to the main condenser The fission produd radioactivity would be sensed by the main steardine radioadMty monitors which initiate isolation.


i O


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 I

12.4 (MSEOUS FIFLUENTS l A h = Effluents Umits and Rarvvtina Coerability

1. Dose Rate 1

The dose rate in unrestricted areas at or beyond the site boundary (Dresden Station ODCM Annex, Appendix F, Figure F-1) due to radicadne materials I released in me effluents frorn the site shall be limited to the folloung.

1. For Noble Gases-(1) Less than a dose rate of 500 mreWyear to the Wule body.

(2) Less than a dose rate of 3000 mremWar to the skin.

2. For iodire131, for iodine 133, tritiurn and for all radionudides in particdate form with half-lives greater than 8 dar/s, less than a dose rate of 1500 l


3. If the dose rates exceed the abcNe limits, wthout delay decrease the release rates to bring the dose rates wthin the limts, and prcMde l nobficabon to the Cormission (per 10 CFR Part 20.2203).
2. Noble Gas Dose The air dose in unrestricted areas at or beyond the site boundary due to noble I gases released in gaseous effluents from the urit shall be limted to the following:
1. For Gamma Radiation (1) Less than or equal to 5 nrad during any calendar quarter. l (2) Less than or equal to 10 mrad during any calendar year.


2. For Beta Rndation ,

(1) Less than or equal to 10 mrad during any calendar quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 20 mrad during any cdv4= year.

3. Wth the calculated air dose frorn radioedne noble gases in gaseous ef!Iuents exceedng any of the aboe limts, prepare and sthmrt to the Comnission wthin 30 days, a Spedal Report whKh idenbfies the CauSe(s) for exceedng the linit(s) and defines the comdive achons to be taken to ensure that future releases are in oormliance with Sectons 12.4.A2.1 and 12.4A2.2. This is in lieu of a Uoensee Eent Report.

O 12-30

DRESDEN Revision 1.4

[ May 1997 i .

12.4.A Gamarm Emuerts Umits and Pr--y MMv (Cont'd)

4. Wth the ceiajated air dose from radoediw noble gases in ganam a ef!Iuents awnaaring the limts d Sedians 12.4.A2.1 or 12.4.A2.2, prepare

' and submt a Speaal Report to the Commrasion within 30 days and limt the m

  • mary ant rolesses sud1 that the doses or dose cu miot to a menter ,

of the pubic from all uranium fuel cyde sources is limited to less than or i equal to 25 mrom to the total body or any organ (except thyrod, whidl is limited to less Wien or aquel to 75 mram) omr 12 cxx1eecutive months This l Speaal Report shall indude an analyss whKh demonstrates that radiation 1 awpna res to all members of the public from all uranium fuel cyde sources  !

j (indudng all effluent pathmeys and dred radiation) are less than 40 CFR

Part 190 Standard Otherwee, obtain a vanance frorn the Commission to l permt roleseos whch exceed the 40CFR Part 190 Standard The radation
awpna re analyes contened in the Speaal Report shou use the methods
prescribed in the ODCM This repat is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

i 1 1 5. Process and control equipment prodded to reduce the amount or

a)noontraton of radioedive metenals shall be operated when the projeded i dose due to geneous effluents rolessed to the unreatncted areas, when j averaged over 31 days, awnamh 2% of the annual does limits of Appendix 1 to 10CFR50 1
3. ladns-131. ladins-133. Tntiurrt and Partiadate Does l i The does to a member of the public in unreatnded areas at or beyond the site j boundary from iodine-131, iodine 133, tnbum, and all radonudides in particulate
form with half-lives greater then 8 days in gaseous affluents rolessed from the unit j shall be linited to the fdlowing.


1. Less then or aquel to 7.5 mem to any organ during any calender quarter.

l l 2. Laos then or equel to 15 mrem to any orgen dunng any calender year.

, 3. Wth the celaJeted does #om the release of iodne 131, iodne 133, tritium,

, and aR radonudidos in pertculate form wth half-lies greater then 8 days i in gessous amuents aosedng any of the atxwe limits, prepare and submt j to the Comtrasmon wthin 30 days, a Spocal Report whKh identifies the

{ cause(s) for annaaring the limit and deAnos the corredive adions taken to l ensure that future rolesses are in compliance with Sedmn 12.4.A3.1 and 12.4.A3.2. This is in lieu of a Licensee Event Report.

4. Wth the celajated does from the release of iodne-131, iodne-133, tntium, and all radonudidos in particulate form with halflives greater then 8 days in geneous effluents awnaarEng the linits of Sedons 12.4.A3.1. or 12.4.A3.2., prepare and submit a Speaal Report to the Cu m.4n within 30 days and limt m
  • mary ant releases sud1 that the does or dose commtment to a meneer of the pubic tem an uranium fuel sources O 12-31

1 l

DRESDEN Reusion 1.4 '

May 1997 12.4.A ramm_m Effluents Umits and Rw--tiric or- .Luty (Cont'd) is limited to less than or equal to 25 mrem to the total body or organ l (except the thyroci, which is limted to less than or equal to 75 niem) crer {

12 consecutne months This Speaal Report shall indude an analysis 1 which duru duaW= that racNation avrm res to all ivoirteors of the public  !

from all uranium fuel cyde sources (induding all effluent pathways and I dired radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. OthenMse, l

obtain a varianm from the Commission to pemit releases which exceed '

the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard The radiation exposure analysis contained in the Speaal Report shall use the methods prescribed in the ODCM. This report is in lieu of a Ucensee Event Report.


5. Process and contrd eqtipment provded to reduce the amount or l

concentration of radicadise matenais shall be operated when the projected l dose due to gaseous effluents released to the unrestricted areas, when  ;

averaged cner 31 days, ewwrk 2% of the annual dose lirrits of Appendix i i to 10CFR50 l

4. Off-Gas Treatment  ;
1. At all times during processing for disd m.v. to the environs, process and contrd eqtipment provided to redum the amount of concentrabon of radoactive materials shall be operated.
2. The abose spad& 5 von shall not apply for the Off-Ges Charocal Adsorber Beds bekw 30 percent of rated thermal power.
3. The recontiner shall be operable wheneer the reactor is operating at a pressure greater than 900 peig.
4. The recontiner may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
5. Wth either the recombiners inoperable, or all chen: cal beds by-passed for more than 7 days in a calendar quarter while operating abow 30 percent of the rated thermai pcmer, prepare and submit to the Commssion within 30 days a Speaal Report whKh indudes the fdioeng information.
a. Iclentificabon of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the defect in the equipment.
c. Adion(s) taken to restore the equipment to an operating status
d. Langth of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Vdume and curie content of the weste disd nisvod which was not pic M by the ira.yu 4;ie eqtipment but which required i piccoiming.

O 12-32 ,

4 1

~ _ . . - _ - . . _ _ . . _ . . __ _ . . ___ . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ ._ . . . - -_ . _ _ .

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.4.A Caman = Emuents Urrits and Rw ti,g & A;tv (Confd)

f. Acdon(s) taken to prewnt a recurrence of equipment failures.

This is in lieu of a Ucensee Ewnt Report.

5. Main Cordenser Air Eartnr i The release rate of the sum of t!ys adivities from the noble gases rneasured at the rnain condenser air ejector shall be linited to 5100 rricrocuries/sec per MM (after 30 ninutes decay) when in modes 1,2', and 3' . Wth the release rate of the sum of the activities from noble gases at the rnain cu dirmer air ejector emuent (as measured prior to the offgas ho6 dup line) > 100 microcunes/sec per MN, after 30 l ninutes decay, restore the release rate to wthin its limits wthin 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, or be in i

i at least STARTUP with the main steem isolation vanes dosed within the next 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. (Refer to Technical Specilcation 3.8.1) l 6. Svstem Ooerability and Plant &ueriors l

In the event a limit and/or assocated acbon requirements idenbfied in Sedions 12.4.A and 12.4.B cannot be satisfied harm na of drtumstances in excess of those addressed in this Secton, no cruis yi. are reqtired in the operabonal cordition of the plant, and this does not prewnt the plant from entry into any cporeUcts mode 1

l I

1 I

l Yhen the main w a.ieroer air ejedor is in operation.

l l

v 12-33

DRESDEN Revision 14 May 1997 12.4.B h = Effluents Surveillanm '

1. Dose Rata lhe dose rates due to radioactNe materials released in gaseous emuents from the site shall be detemined to be within the presenbed limts by obtairing representatNe sanples in accordan with the sarmling and analysis program e specified in Table 12.4-1. The dose rates are calctiated using ndicds presenbed in the ODCM
2. Noble Gas Dose The air dose due to releases of radicadNe noble gases in gaseous emuents shall be detemined to be wittin the presenbed linits by obtaining representatNe sanpies in au.udie with the sarmiing and analyss picy sii speofied in Sections A ard 9 of Table 12.4-1. The allocaban of effluents beteen units having shared effluent control system and the determnaban of cumLiatiW and projected dose contributiorn for the current calendar quarter and cirnent calendar year shall be oetemined ir euu drw with the irdicdoiogy and pw&reids in the ODCM at least onm ewy 31 days.
3. 12kDp.13t lodne.131 Tritium and Partidate Done lhe close to a rnenter of the public due to neleases of iodne-131, lodne-133, tntium, and all radionuclides in particidate form with hali-lives greater than 8 days shall be detemined to be vdthin the prescribed limits by obtaining representative saipies in auudge with the sartpling and analysis picynii speofied in Table 12.4-1.

For radionudides not detemined in each batch or weekly conposite, the dose contribubon to the current calendar quarter cumulabve summabon rmy be estimated by assuning an average nunthly concentrabon based on the previous monthly or quarterty wrycAM analyses. Hommir, for reporting purposes, the calculated dose contributions shall be based on the adual wcpcmW analyses when possible.

The allombon of emuents between units having shared emuent control system and the deteminaban of cirnulabw and protected dese contribubons for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year shall be determined in auu dsm with the irdu.iciogy and pwarcids in the ODCM at least on ewry 31 days.

4. Olmis Treatmart Doses due to treated gases released to unrestncted areas at or beyond the site boundary shall be projected at least enoe per 31 days in auudse wth the ODCM O


D W_SDEN Reasion 1.4 i

! May 1997



12.4.8 Gaseotn Emuents Sur'.ellance - Coritinued


j b 5. Nnhia nanan at the Main Condenser Air Eienr The release rate of noble gases from the main cuY= 6w air ejedor shall be 4

condnuously mntored. The release rate of the sum of the adivities from noble gases from the main oordenser air ejector shall be deterrrined to be withn the limts of 12.4.A5 at the following frequences by perfoming an isotopic analysis of a representatiw sarmle of gases taken at the recombiner outlet, or at the air ejector outlet if the recombiner is by-passed

1. At least on per 31 days.
2. Wthin 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> folloWng determnaban of an increase of greater than 50%

(Refer to Te&nical Spedfication 4.8.1)

O i

I O 12-35


TYPE FREQUENCY ANALYSS A Main Prindpal Gamma 1x10d Chirmey M Emitters

Noble Gases 1x10*

M* MW 1xigi:

") lodine Sarrple 1-131 I-133 1x10*

MS Mm Principal Gamma (Continuous) Particdate SarTple 0


  • 1x10" g

Q m_ Sr 89, Sr-90 1*1"u (Continuous) g . - _ -Pg Gross Apha O




A Main p N Gamma Emrtted* 1x10' M Ma
Bldg. (Grab Sample)

Vent Tritium 1x10*

Stack B. All gg43 WM l-131 1x102 Release lodne Sarmie I-133 1x10'*


! as Wn W Gemms usted ContiW') Partculate Sample Emitters (* 1x10" l

in A i ah Q Sr-89 1x10" i Continuotd') CurWe Parbculate Sample Sr-90 1x10" Continuots(')

O Gross Alpha 1x10" Cur W Parbculate Sarmie C. W n Chimney Continuous (') Noble Gas Monitor Noble Genes 1x10*

D. Reedor Bldg.

Vent Continuoid') Noble Gas Monitor Noble Genes 1x104 Stack 1

i l


! 12-37

l DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i TABLE 12.4-1 (Cont'd)



1 03 The loAer linit of detection (LLD) is defined in the OOCM.

(2) c ampling and analyses shall also be pafunM fdlonng shutdown, startup, or a thermal poAer change exmedng 20 percent of rated thermal power in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> unless (1) analysis shows that the dose equwalent 1-131 uwa saGGi in the primary coolant has not increased nue than a factor of 5, and (2) the noble gas adMty monitor shows that effluent actMty has not irceased by more than a factor of 3.


Samples shall be diis yd at least once per 7 days and the analyses u,W within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after removal from the sarmier. Sar@ ling shall also be peiun =,d within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> follosng each shutdown, startup, or thermal pcwor level change exceedng 20% of rated thermal pour in one hour. This regtirement does not apply if 1) analysis shcws that the dose equwaient 1-131 cxmcentrabon in the primary coolant has not irnessed more than a factor of 5, and 2) the noble gas a:tMty monitor shows that effluent adMty has not increased by more  :

than a fador of 3. Wen samples colleded for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are analyzed, the unmopurdng LLDs rnay be irueased by a factor of 10.

") The ratio of sample fkw rate to the sier(Aed stream flow rate shall be kncun

") The prindpal gamma emitters for which the LLD sper.ncstion applies exdusnely are the ,

following radionudides: Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe 133, Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 for gaseous  ;

emissions, and PM-54, Fe-50, Co40, ZrMi5, Co-58, Nb 99, Cs-134, Cs 137, Ce-141, and I Ce-144 for partictiate enissons Other peaks which are meestrable and identrfiable by l ganma ray spekun =hy, together with the abcNe nuclides, shall be also identified and reported when an adual analysis is pafun mid on a sample NLx:lides whch are below the LLD for the analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD leal for the nuclide. j d)

Analysis frequency shall be irceased to 1heek if release rates exceed 1% of any applicable limit referenmd in the OOCM, when added to Units 2 and 3 airbome effluents.

1 12-38 0

i DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i

12.4.C Gaseous Effluents Bases

1. Geneous Effluents - Dose This Section is provided to ensure that the dose at the unrestrided area boundary from gaseous effluents from the units on site will be within the annual dose limts of 10CFR20 for unrestrided areas These limts prcmde reasonable assurance that radoaotrue material discfiarged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an ,

individual in an unrestnded area to annual awrage concentrabons exceeding the linits '

speafied in Appendx B, Table 2 of 10CFR20.1001-2402. The release rate linits restrict, at all times, tie unia.fu-dng gamma and beta dose rates above bad ground ,

to an indmdual at or beyond the unrestnded area boundary to less than or equal to l 500 niemWor to the total body or to less than or aquel to 3000 rivemWar to the skin. j These release rate limts also restrict, at all times, the uni poriding thyrad dose rate above background via the inhalaban pattway to less than or equal to 1500 nyerrhear.

For purposes of cakulation doses resulting from arbome releases, the main chimney is canadered to be an elevated release poirt and the reador building wnt stack is consdered to be a mixed mode release point.

2. Done. N&ie Games This Secton is prtuded to irmiement the requirements of Sectons ll.B, Ill.A and IV.A of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50. The Cperability Requ rements irmiement the gudes set forth in Sechon l1.3 of Appendx 1. The statements prcMde the required operating flexibility and at the same tirne ir@lement the gudos set forth in Sedian IV.A of j Appendix l to assure that the reiseses of radoediw malenal in gaseous effluents wil g be kept "as low as is reasonably achevable " The survedlance requrements irrp;.iviant the inquirements in Sectan Ill.A of Appendix l that confom1mnae wth the gudes of Appendix I is to be sixmn by calculabonel procedures bened on models and data such that the adual exposure of an indMdual through the appropnate pathways is unlikely to be dennbally undereshmated The done cakulabons estabhahed in the ODCM for cakulating the doses due to the adual rolesse rates of radioactive noble gases in j gamm a effluents Wil be conselent wth the methodology prtuded in Regulatory Gude 1.100, "Cakdaban of Arinual Doses to Men from Roulme Releases of Reedor Effluents l for the Purpose of Evaluating Corgliance Wth 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," Revision l 1, Odober 1977 and Regulatory Gude 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Ain u fisaic I Transport and Depenson of naam = Effluents in Routme Releases from t.ight-Mter Cooled Reedors," Revison 1, Jdy 1977. NUREG0133 prtMdes rnethods for dose cakulabons consistent with Regulatory Gudes 1.109 and 1.111.

l l


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.4.C Gaseous Emunnts Bases (Cont'd)

3. nema R*Mnes. RM=*w M* rial in Patid* Form and R_M_ m WWam Other inen Noeie c- 1 1

This Sedian is providad to irmiement the reqtirements of Sections ll.C, Ill.A and IV.A of Appendx 1,10 CFR Part 50. The Cperability Requrements are the gudes set forth in Sedian ll.C of Appendix 1. The statements provde the regtired operating ikxibihty and at the same time irmiement the gudes set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive metenals in gaseous emuents will be kept "as low as reasonably adwvable" The ODCM calculabonel methods specdied in the sunmilance requrements implement the reqtirements in Sedon Ill.A of Appendix I that cuiui,-e with the gudes of Appendx 1 be shom1 by calcLAatonal procedures based al models and data sudi thet the adual exposure of an indudual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substanbally undereebmeted. The ODCM calctdaconal methods appned by MtC for caletAating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject cmanals ane required to be consstent with the irnic4Acgy provded in Regidatory Gude 1.109. "ColoAabon of Alnuel Domes to Men from Routine Releases of Raarter Emuents for the Purpose of Evaluating Cor@liance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendx I", Pavison 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Gude 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Ahm.,ii dc Transport and Disperson of namar= = Emuents in Roubne Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Roadors," Revison 1, July 1977. These equebons also prcmde for determning the actual doses bened tpon the hatorical average abm ptieiic mndmons. The release rate limits for radiciodines, radioedive matenal in particulate form and radionudides other then noble genes are dependent on the ensbng radionudde pathusys to man, in the unreatnded area. The pattways which vere examined in the dowlopment of these limits were: 1)individualinhalaban of airbome radionuddes, 2) deposton of radionuddes onto green leafy wgetabon with d=ary ==1t mneurmtion by men and 3) depombon onto grassy areas where milx

antnels graze with mneumphon of the milk by men.
4. Gaeacus VWake Treatment The operability of the gaseous weets treatment W11d1 reduces amounts or mnaentrabons of radioedne metenais ensures that the system vd be available for use whenever gaseous emuents regtire treatment prior to release to the enviccwnod. The requirement that the appropriate portons of this system be operable when specdied i provides reasonable aneurance that the releases of radioedne materiais in gaseous emuents Wil be kept "as low as reasonably adisevable". This specr6caban ir@lements the regurements of 10 CFR Part 50.36e, General Desgn Cntenon 60 of Appendx A to 10 CFR Part 50, and demgn abl edive Sedon ll.D of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.

l l

O1 12-40 )

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 l

~12.5 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIROMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM j O. x R l c., en .m m..m1,s e,n.,.m

1. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Prograrn giwn in Table 12.5-1 shall be conduded exmpt as speafled below
2. Wth the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program not being conducted l as speafied in Table 12.5-1, prepare and submit to the Comrrission, in the i Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, a desaiption of the  ;

reasons for not conduding the program as required and the plans for i preventing a recuminm Deviabons are permtted from the reqdred sartpling schedule if spedmans are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal l unavailability, contractor omisson yhdi is correded as soon as dsomred, )

malfundson of sampling eqdpment, or if a person who participates in the program goes out of business. If the equipment rnalfundions, corrective actions shall be cuvA as soon as pracbcal if a person supplying samples goes out of business, a replacement supplier will be found as soon as possbie.

M deviabons from the sampling .sdiedule shall be described in the Annual Report.

3. Wien the leNel of i.Ger Lity in an environmental sartpling medum at one or rnare of the locahons a-Mad in the Table 12.5-1 exmeds the limits of the  !

Table 12.5-2 when aeraged cuir any calendar quarter, prepare and submt to the Cuim A10 wthin 30 days from the end of the a5ected calendar quarter, a Special Report whidl indudes an evalumbon of any rolesse cu 4Ger5, environmental fadors or other mafwh which em mad the hnits of the Table  !

O 12.5-2 to be an==4ad This report is not required if the measured lewi of ride divity vwis not the readt of plant effluents, homever in sut an event the cu dGca shall be reported and desenbod in the Annual Radiological i

l Environmental Operating Report. l

4. Wth milk samples unavailable from one or more of the sample locabons  !

required by Table 12.51, idenbfy locabons for obtanng replacement sanvies and add them to the Radiological Environmental Vu Ann 4 PicyT=Ti within 30 days. The locabons from which sartples vare unavailable may then be deleted from the riu.iurus prograrn in lieu of Ucanese Event Report, idenbfy the cause of the unavailability of sanpies and idenbfy the new locahon(s) for obtaining replacement sanpies in the Annual Radiological 4e Operating Report and also indude in the report a revised figure (s) and table reflecting the newlocahon(s).


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.5.A Racidoaical Envircrwwd.; Muituiinc Proaram (Cont'd) -

5. A census of nearest residences and of animals produdng nilk for human consumption shall be conducted annually (during the grazing season for animals) to determne their location and number with respect to the site. The nearest residence in ead1 of the 16 irQdogical sectors shall also be determned within a distance of fiw rTiles. The census shall be conducted under the following conditions:
1. Wthin a 2-mie radius from the plant site, enumeration of animals and nearest residences by a door-to-door or equivalent counting tedinique.
2. Wthin a 5-nile radus, enumeraban of animais by using refaranc.ed liifuireiicn from country agndtural agents or other reliable sources
6. Wth a land use census identifying locabon(s) of anirnals which yield (s) caldated dose or dose u,m &iait greater than the values carrently being caldated in Sedian 12.4.A3, the new location (s) shall be added to the Radiologmal Envics v in Monitoring Program Wthin 30 days, if possible.

The sampling location, having the lowest caldated dcse or dose u, m 6i e 4 (via the same exposure pathmey) may be deleted from th's monitoring program after CWnhar 31 of the year in which this land use census was conducted

7. Radiologmal analyses shall be pt:Juired on samples representatiw of those in Table 12.51, supplied as a part of an Ir4=&ida, iuy Cuc@%cii Program
8. Wth analyses not being parisired as required, report the correctiw actions taken to prevent a recurrenz to the Cum W in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.
9. System Operability and Piari Operabons in the eent a limit and/or associated acbon requirements idenbfied in Sections 12.5.A and 12.5.B cannot be satisfied hamaa of circumstances in excess of  !

those addressed in these Sectons, no changes are required in the operational ueidiGon of the plant, and this does not pnrant the plant from enby into any l operabonel mode j a Ra-L* *2 ErMe niwd.i Ms-stunic Proaram SurW"m

1. The i d;0iogical envirs sfocial rnonstoring samples shall be coileded pursuant to Table 12.51 from the locabons specified in the ODCM and shall be analyzed ptssuant to the requirements of Table 12.5-3.

1 O


! ,i DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i

'12.5.B Radidogical Envirewi=ie Meituirg Surwmilanm (ConM i e'

2. The results of analyses peisiiod on radidogical envicciarord monitoring sanples shall be stsm =had in the Annual RadidogK:al Envice iors .

Operating Report.  !

3. The land use census shall be conduded at least once per tuhe months .

between the dates of June 1 and October 1 by a door-tc> door survey, aerial l suney, road suney, or by consulting local agriaiture authorities.

t l

4. The results of the land use census shall be included in the Annual Radidogical Envirer.raits Operating Report.
5. The results of the analyses pateTrod as part of the required Interiaboratory Comparison Program shall be induded in the Annual Radidogk:al Emironmental Operating Report. The analyses shall be done in accid. ice with ODCM Table 111.

i s,

l l

i I

t lO 12-43 l


1. AIRBORNE A Partictdates 17 locations Continuous operation of Gross beta and ganma sampler for a mek isotopic as speofied in ODCM Table 11-1.

B. Radiciodire 17 locations Continuous opa ucrid 1-131 as speofied in sampler for te meks ODCM Table 11-1.

2. DIRECT 42 locations (Mnimum Quarterty RADIATION of tm TLDs per pidat)
3. WATERBORNE A Surface Wuter 2 locatons Monthly ceTpects of Garmia isotopic weeldy collected samples analysis of each ceTpcan sample B. Sediment 1 dom &or=Tilocation Annually Genma Isotopic in remiving body of analysis of each sample water C. Rant Cooling Water intake, Disduirge VeeldyCury e Gross Beta analysis of eadi sample
4. INGESTON A Mik 2 locabons At least onm weeldy vdwr1 l-131 analysis of each animals are on pastune; at sample least once per month at other times B. Fish 1 locaban in recerving Seniannually Germe Isotopic body of meer analyss on edible portions
  • Sartpie locabons are descibed in ODCM Chapter 11.

l 12-44 i


Revison 1.4 -

May 1997 Table 12.5-2 -



H-3 (see Note 1)

Nh-54 1X1& 3 X 10' Fe-59 4 X 102 1 X 10' Co58 1 X 1& 3 X 10' Co60 3X16 2 X 10' Zn-65 3 X 102 2 X 10' Zr & 95 4 X 102 1-131 2 0.9 3 1 X 102 Cs-134 30 10 1X1& 60 2 X 10' Cs-137 50 20 1 X 10' 70 2 X 10' BM.a-140 2 X 102 3 x 102 Note: 1) For dnnking water sanpies This is 40 CFR Pat 141 value.

12-45 at==

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 l@y 1997 Table 12.5-3 PRACTICAL LCMER UMTS OF DETECTION (LLD) FOR STAf0ARD RADIOLOGICAL EfMROt4 ENTAL MOMTORING PROGRAM (LLD)AQ SAWLE PEDIA ANALYSIS (4.66c) UNITS Airbomo "Parboulate" Gross Betam 0.01 pCvnf4 Gamnu Isotopc 0.01 pCvnfG Anbome 1-131 lodne-131 0.10 pCL/nf4 Mik/PLblic Mhler 1-131 9N pCill Cs-134 10 pCill Cs-137 100 pCill Tritium 200 pCill Gross Beta" 5 pCid Gamma Isotopc 20 pCill/nudide Sediment Gross Beta" 2 pCi/g dry Gamma Isotope 0.2 pCi/g dry Ash Tissue 1-133-Thyrod 0.1 pCi/g vet Cs-134,137 0.1 pCi/g vet Gross Betaa 1.0 pCi/g wet Gamma Isotope 0.2 pCL/g vet Note:

W 0.5 pCill on milk sanples colleded during the pashre season.

  • Referenm to Cs-137 A 5.0 pCl/l on milk sanpies (Notes continued next two pages) 12-46 O O O

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 O Table 12.5-3 (Cont'd)

PRACTICAL LOMER UMTS OF DETECTION (LLD) FOR STANDVtD BaDIOLOGICAL ENVIROtNENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM TABG NOTATION A The LLD is the smallest cu um iabon of radioactive material in a sample that will be detected with 95 percent probability with only 5% probability of falsely conduding that a blank obsenration represents a "real" signal For a particular rneasurement system (which rmy indude radodiemical separation) 4.66 - (S )


(A)-(E)-(V)-(2.22)-(Y)-(exp (-ht))-(t)

W1ere LLD is the "A priori"Icmer limit of deteson for a blank sarmie or background analysis as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume).

is the square root of the badyvand count or of a blank sarmie count is S,

the estimated siisidisd error of a background count or a blank sarmle count as appropriate (in units of counts).

E is the counting efficency (as counts per dsintegrabon).

A is the nurrber of gamma rays omrtbed per dsirtivauen for ganma ray radonudide analysis (A = 1.0 for gross alpha and tritium measurements).

V is the sarmie size (in units of rnass or volume).

2.22 is the nunter of dsintegrabons per ninute per picocune Y is the fradional radiodienical yield when applicable (otherwise Y=1.0).

A is the radoectne decay cerotat for the particdar radionudide (in units of redprocal nirL%s).

at is the elapsed time betwson the rndpoint of sarmie coiledian and the start time of ox11 ting. (t = 0.0 for erwiiu mm dal sarmies and for gross alpha measunements).

t is the durabon of the count (in units of ninutes).

The value of "S3"used in the calcdation of the LLD for a detodion system shall be based on an adual obsened bady vand czunt or a blank sample cot:1t (as appropriate) rather than on an unwnfied thr:ucGcally predicted value. Typical values of "E*, Y, "Y", "t", and "ot" shall be used in the cak:dation.


DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 Table 12.5-3 (Contd) 9 PRACTICAL LCMER UMTS OF DETECTION (LLD) FOR STANCARD RADIOLOGICAL FJMRCNENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM j TARI F NOTATIONS l For gamma ray radionudide analyses the bedy vond comts are detemined from the total counts in the diannels Wy:h are wthin plus or ninus one FWN (FtJI Wdth at Half Maximum) of the ganTna ray FM energy nomially used for the quanbtative analysis for that radionudide. Typical values of the FWN shall be used in the

  • L*rt The LLD for all rnessurements is defined as an "A priori"(before the fad) linit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an "a postenori" (after the fad) lirnit for a particular sample measuemont Other radonudides Much are rneasurable and idenbfiable by ganrna ray W ei=by, together wth the nudides indicated in Table 12.53, shall also be idenbfied and reported when an actual analysis is paduired on a sarmie Nudides whK:h are below the LLD for tie analyses shall not be reported as being present at the LLD lewi for that nudide.

l l

l l

i l

l 12-48

DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 12.5.C Radidomi Erh.i-@ W-;' ovg Proaram hm

1. Ls'uh9 Proaram The radiological environmental monitoring program reqijred by this Sedion provides measurements of radiation and of radmedne materials in those exposure paemeys and for those radionudides, whK:h lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of indMduals resulting from the stabon operaton. This monitoring preysii thereby supplements the radidogN:al emuent rnonstoring program by wrifying that the j

measurable concentratons of radoodwe materials and levels of radiabon are not i higher than eW on the beeis of the ef!Iuent measurements and modeling of the environmental amm re patheys. Program changes may be irnbated based on operabonal exponence The datedmn capabilities required by Table 12.5 3 are statemf-theHut for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratones. The speafled lour limits of deledmn for 1-131 in water, milk and other food produds sni perd to apprommately l

one-quarter of the Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50 demgn objedive doseequrvaient of 15 i mremWor for almosphenc reisenes and 10 nyerWyear for liquid releases to the most senartne organ and indMdual They are bened on the assunptions ginn in Regulatory l Guide 1.109, "Calculabon of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Raar*r  !

Efflusnts fbr the Purpose of Evaluabng Conpliana Mh 10 CFR Part 50, Appendx I",

Odober 1977, except the dienge for an infant consumng 330 liter / year of drinking uter instead of 510 litenvyear, O 2. Land Une Census 1

l This Sedon is prcwided to ensure that dianges in the use of unreatnded areas are identifled and that modificabons to the n u. inn g program are made if regiired by the results of this census. This census satis 6es the requrements of Sechon IV.B.3 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.

3. Intertaboratory Ccmpanean Program The requirement for pertopaban in an Cuiv Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the preoson and ao:uracy of the measurements l of radoective metanal in erMronmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quahty aneurance program for erwironmental n .kan g in order to demonstrate that the reeldts are reasonably valid.


DRESDEN Reusion 1.4 May 1997 f


1. Station Coeratina Records
1. Records and/or logs relatiw to the following items shall be kept in a manner corwenent for redew and shall be retained for at least fiw years
1. Records and periodic checks, inspection and/or calibrations perfeired to venfy the sunellance requirements (See the applicable sunellance i in the Instrumentation, Uquid Emuents, Gman m Emuents, and  ;

Radiological Erwire ira dai Monitoring Sechons) are being met. All l

eqtipment failing to rneet sunmillance requirements and the corrective '

adion taken shall be recorded l

2. Records of radioadive shipments.
2. Recxrds and/or logs relatim to the following items shall be fouedad in a manner conenient for rewsw and shall be retained for the life of the plant.
1. Records of off-site errArcihm da monitoring surwys.
2. Records of radioactivity in liquid and gaseous wastes reimwi to the enviiu si a 4.
3. Remrds of rewsws pariuired for changes made to the ODCM
2. Reports
1. Radoectne Emuent Release Report The Radioedim Emuent Release Report coering the cpar Gei of the mit during the previous 12 months of Oparanon shall be submitted to the Cumi=;cn prior to April 1 of each year. The report shall indude a surrmary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gman a effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The rnsterial prowded shall be (1) consistent with the 4ectrves outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in uaifuirms c with 10 CFR Part 50.36a and Sec6cn IV.E1 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.
2. Annual Radiciogical Enviis sia dal Operating Report The Annual Radiologx:al Envirc sia dai Operating Report coering the operation of the unit dtring the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year. The report shall indude sunmanes, # is aowuons, and analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Envireiraim Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material prtuded shall be consistent with the objedives in (1) the ODCM and (2) Secbons IV.a2., IV.B.3, and IV.C of Apoendix l to 10 CFR Part 50. A detailed listing of the requirement of the report is given belcw O

12-50 i


f DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 i

j' 12.6.2 Raports-Continued I

(a) Results d environmental sampling st.m iaid on a quarterly basis i following the format of Pay d*ry Guide 4.8 Table 1 (Decenter 1975);

(indvidual sarmie results will be retaira at the stabon);

i In the event that some results are nt uailable for indusion with the l l report, the report shall be submrtted : ang and eglaining the reasons {

! for the missing results Summones, Nerpretabons, and analysis d i i trends of the results are to be pro 6sd.

i (b) An assessment of the monitoring restits and radiaban dose tic the prindpal pathmeys of emoeure resulting from plant ernssons of l

radioactivity induding the monomum noble gas garmia and beta air doses in the unrestridad area. The aessesment d radation doses i shall be perfcumed in accordance with the ODCM 4

l (c) Restits of'he census to determine the locahons of animals producing milk fnr hmian consurmbon, and the pasture season feedng pradices at domes in the monitoring prograrn i

i (d) The reason for the omisman if the nearest dairy to the staban is not in j the monitoring prograrn j (e) An annual summary of iv.;2a,TAegicei condibons concunent with the i

releases of gaseous effluent:s in the form of joint frequency dstributions


.d of Wnd speed, wnd drecton, and atmospheric stability.

i (f) The restits of the ini=.L uy compenson program desenbed in Sedian 12.5A7.

i (g) The results of the 40 CFR Part 190 uranium fuel cyde dose analysis for escf1 calender year.

(h) A summary of the monitoring program, including maps showing sargirig locabons and tables giving distance and drechan of sampling locabons from the staban.

3. Non-Roubne Enwonmental Report (a) If a confimned measured radionudido concentrabon in an anwonmental sargling medum awraged w any calender quar 1er sar@ ling period ermds the foran g lowed given in Table 12.5-2 and if the rascadivity is E31butable to plant operation, a wntlen report shall be submitted to the Regional Administrator of MtC Regonal Ol5ce, with a copy to the Drector, Offlee of Nudear Reedor Reguiscon, wthin 30 days from the end of the quarter Wien more than one of the radionudidos in Table 12.5 2 are daisread in the modum, the reporting level shel: have been a-dad if 5/(RL), is equal to or greater than 1 where C is the axioentrabon of the i* radionudide in the medium and RL is the reporting lewel of radionudide i.

12-51  !


DRESDEN Redsion 1.4 May1997 4 .

4 4 e

12.6.2 Reports-Condnued (b) If radionudides other than those in Table 12.5-2 are detected and are due to plant emuente, a reporting level is exceeded if the potendal annual dose to an individual is equal to or greater than the design objective doses of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1.

l (c) This report shall indude an evaluadon of any release conditions, erMicriverin factors, c other aspeds rewy to explain the anomalous affect.

l 12.6.3. Offsite h CW*ri Manual (ODCM)

, 1. The OOCM shall contan the ird sMogy and par &T_ e used i'i the

, caldaticri d offsde doses due to radoactive gaseous and liquid emuents and in the caldation d gaam a and liquki emuent monitoring AlarmfTrip setpoints

and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Prograrn The ODCM shall also contan (1) the Radoadne Emuent Controis and Radiological i Environmental Monitoring Pity &r described in Seebon 12.2 - 12.5 and (2) i descripbons of the kisiidei that should be induded in the Annual Radiciogeal Errhonmental Opurating and Radioactivo Ehlt Release Reports required by Sedians and 12.622.

The OOCM saall be subject to remew and apprwal by the Commssion prior to initialinpiecentabon.

2. Changes to the ODCM (1) Shall be documented and recortis of reviews perfeired shall be i retained as reqdred by Ted1nical hw**;n 6.14.A This 4 documentation shall contairt (a) Suffloent liiviinan to stoport the change L ydiwi with appropriate analyses or evaluabons justifying the diaWs);

and I (b) A determnabon that the charx. ywill maintain the level of radioactive emuern control n! quired by 10 CFR Part 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190,10 Cf~rt Part 50.36a, and Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50 and not edersely inpact the accunacy or reliability of emuent, dcae or set poirt caldabons i

invesbgative Funcbon and the approval of the Staban Manager, on the i

date W by the Onsite Rewew and inveebgatne Fundion.



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DRESDEN Revision 1.4 May 1997 O

d 12.6.3 Offsite h FM'w1 Manual (ODCMWCont'd)

(3) Shall be submtted to the Cormission in ths form d a comples, legible mpy d the entire OOCM r r iW pages, if the CommissP.;n retains a ,

controlled copy. If an entire copy of the ODCM is submtted, it shall be l

submitted as a part of or concurrent with the Radoectve Effluent 4 l Release Report for the penod of the report in #1ich any diange to the

! ODCM ves made effecte Each dienge shail be identified by I markings in the margin of the aneded pages, dearly indicating the area c,f the page that was dvs va.i, and shall indKate the date (e.g.,

month / year) the change was implemented 12.6.4. hreatmart Svatama 0 iru M and namarv =)

NOTE This inium-Gon may be submtted as part of the annual FSAR update

1. Ucensee iruteted major changes to the radioactne weste systems may be made prwided l The diange is reported in the Monthly Operating Report for the penod in which

! the evalumbon was rewmed by the Orx9te Review and Irr@;w Function.

The dscussion of each diange shall contairt l

l (1) A summary of the evalumbon that led to the determnabon that the 1 l diange could be made in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.5&, I l (2) Suflicent detaled informaban to support the reason for the change, (3) A detailed desaiption of the eqtapment, wwi-6, and process

! involved and the interfaces with other plant systems, (4) An evalumbon of the change whd1 sims the predicted releases of radioache malensis in liquid and gaseous ef!Iuents that di5er from those previously predidad in the hennee appbcation and amendments, l

(5) A wvvi,. 4 ? tie predided releases of radioactive matenals in fquid and gasp A unubtits to the adual ralamaan for the period in whKh the  ;

d1anges ware made, l (6) An eehmate of the avrv= re to plant operating personnel as a result of the dienge; and (7) Doasnentaban of the fa:t that the change was rewmed and found amar*=hia by the Orx9te Review and itw% Functon.


2. The change shall hecome eMedne igen nMew and acceptance by the OnSte Revivw and Investgative Func$on.



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