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Rev 2 to Dresden Station 3rd Interval IST Plan, Sections 2,13 & 14,pages 2-1,13-1 to 13-4 & 14-40,respectively
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1993
Shared Package
ML17179B094 List:
PROC-930910, NUDOCS 9309220078
Download: ML17179B093 (6)


Jresden Station 3rd Interval

  • nservice Testing Plan REVISION


SHEET Section Description Page(s) Revision Date INFORMATION COMMON TO PUMPS AND VALVES 1 Table of Contents 1-1 1 07/93 2 Revision Summary Sheet 2-1 1 07/93 3 Introduction and Plan Description 3-1 to 3-11 1 07/93 4 List of IST P&ID's 4-l to 4-2 0 03/92 PUMPS Pump Listing by EPN:

5 ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 Pumps 5-1 to 5-8 1 07/93 6 Augmented IST Pumps 6-1 to 6-2 1 07/93 7 Relief Request Index/Summaries Sheet 7-1 1 07/93 8 Relief Requests 8-1 to 8-11 *

  • 9 Technical Approach and Position 9-1 1 07/93 Index/Summaries 10 Technical Approach and Positions 10-1 to 10-2 *
  • VALVES Valve Listing by EPN 11 ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 Valves 11-1 to 11-122 1 07/93 12 Augmented IST Valves 12-1 to 12-72 1 07/93 13 Relief Requests Index/Summaries 13-1 to 13-4 2 09/93 14 Relief Requests 14-1 to 14-48 *
  • 15 Technical Approach and Position 15-1 1 07/93 Index/Summaries*

16 Technical Approach and Positions 16-1 to 16-12 *

  • The current revlSlon/date for each md1v1dual Relief Req uest ' Technical A pproach &

Position and' Cold Shutdown Justification is listed on the Index/Summary Sheet for these sections.

9309220078 930910

~DR ADOCK 05000237 (2-1) Revision 2

a_Dresden Station 3rd Interval WJ,nservice Testing Plan VALVE RELIEF REQUEST INDEX/SUMMARIES (Page 1 of 4)

IRequest Relief I Page(s)

I Rev. I Date I Summary I

RV-OOA 14-1 0 03/92 Primary Containment Isolation Valves Local leak rate tests will be conducted in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J.

RV-OOB 14-2 0 03/92 Excess Flow Check Valves Exercise during reactor refueling outages

' in accordance with Technical Specification 4.7.D.l.b.

RV-OOC 14-3 1 07/93 FW and RWCU Check Valves Verified closed during reactor refueling outages.

RV-02A 14-4 to 14-5 1 07/93 Electromatic Relief Valves Exercise without timing at least once per operating cycle in accordance with the Technical Specification 4.5.D. l.b.

RV-02B 14-6 1 07/93 Deleted.

RV-02C 14-7 0 03/92 Feedwater Check Valves Exercise closed during reactor refueling outages.

RV-02D 14-8 to 14-9 1 07/93 MSIV Accumulator Check Valves Exercise closed each reactor refueling outage.

RV-02E 14-10 to 14-11 1 07/93 Main Steam Relief Valve Discharge Piping Vacuum Breakers Full stroke exercise without measuring the torque and visually inspect the internals during cold shutdowns.

(13-1) Revision 2

A Dresden Station 3rd Interval Wlnservice Testing Plan VALVE RELIEF REQUEST INDEX/SUMMARIES

\ (Page 2 of 4)

IRelief Request I Page(s)

I Rev. I Date I Summary I

RV-02F 14-12 0 03/92 Reactor Head Spray Check Valves Exercise and leak test during reactor refueling outages.

RV-03A 14-13 to 14-14 1 07/93 CRD Back11p Scram and Scram Dump Valves Exercise without timing and verify proper venting during cold shutdowns.

RV-03B 14-15 to 14-16 0 03/92 CRD Scram Inlet and Outlet Valves Individual scram insertion times and exercising will be performed in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

RV-03C 14-17 to 14-18 1 07/93 ARl/ATWS Valves Exercise without timing and verify proper operation during cold shutdowns.

RV-llA 14-19 to 14-20 0 03/92 SBLC Injection Check Valves Exercise open with the injection test and closed with local leak rate testing during reactor refueling outages.

RV-13A 14-21 1 07/93 Isolation Condenser Make Up Valves Disassemble and inspect in accordance with the sampling technique.

RV-14A 14-22 to 14-23 0 03/92 Core Spray Minimum Flow Check Valves Disassemble and inspect in accordance with the sampling technique.

RV-14B 14-24 1 07/93 Core Spray Keep Ftll Check Valves Test as a series combination with both being repaired or replaced as necessary.

(13-2) Revision 2

aDresden Station 3rd Interval Wlnservice Testing Plan VALVE RELIEF REQUEST INDEX/SUMMARIES (Page 3 of 4)

IRelief Request I Page(s)

I Rev. I Date I Summary I

RV-15A 14-25 to 14-26 0 03/92 LPCI Minimum flow Check Valves Disassemble and inspect in accordance with the sampling technique.

RV-15B 14-27 1 07/93 LPCI Keep Fill Check Valves Test as a series combination with both being repaired or replaced as necessary.

RV-23A 14-28 to 14-29 1 07/93 HPCI Pump Torus Suction Valves Partial Stroke exercise each quarter and disassemble and inspect in accordance with the sampling technique.

RV-23B 14-30 to 14-31 0 03/92 HPCI Injection Check Valve Full stroke exercise open and closed during reactor refueling outages and measure the torque required to full stroke exercise open during cold shutdowns.

RV-23C 14-32 1 07/9J HPCI Keep Fill Check Valves Test as a series combination with both being repaired or replaced as necessary.

RV-230 14-33 to 14-34 1 07/93 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Vacuum Breakers Func~onally test open and closed each refueling outage as an assembly.

(13-3) Revision 2

A Dresden Station 3rd Interval Wlnservice Testing Plan VALVE RELIEF REQUEST INDEX/SUMMARIES (Page 4 of 4)

Relief Request Page(s) Rev. Date Summary RV-23E 14-35 to 14-36 1 07/93 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Check Valves Leak test during reactor refueling outages.

RV-23F 14-37 0 03/92 HPCI Minimum Flow Check Valves Disassemble and inspect according to the sampling techniques.

RV-23G 14-38 to 14-39 0 03/92 HPCI Gland Seal Condenser Check Valves Disassemble and inspect according to the sampling technique.

RV-23H 14-40 2 09/93 HPCI D~in Pot Solenoid Exercise valve quarterly without timing.

RV-24A 14-41 1 07/93 CAM System Isolation Valves Exercise closed during reactor refueling outages.

RV-25A 14-42 to 14-43 1 07/93 ACAD Containment Isolation Valves Exercise during reactor refueling outages .

RV-47A 14-44 0 03/92 TIP Nitrogen Purge Valves Exercise closed during reactor refueling outages.

RV-52A 14-45 0 07/93 Unit .3 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Solenoid Valve Stroke without timing.

RV-57A 14-46 1 07/93 C.R. HV AC Cooling Water Flow Control Valve Fail Safe test and monitor stem travel for degradation without timing.

RV-66A 14-47 0 03/92 Diesel Air Start Solenoid Verify operable during monthly Diesel Runs.

(13-4) Revision 2

Jresden Station 3rd Interval 911service Testing Plan RELIEF REQUEST NUMBER RV-23H (Page 1 of 1)

DESCRIPTION Relief is requested from stroke timing the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) drain pot solenoid valves.


VALVE SIZE CAT CLASS CORD FUNCTION 2-2301-32* 1" B 2 51/C7 HPCI Drain Pot Solenoid 3-2301-32 l" B 2 374/C7 HPCI Drain Pot Solenoid CODE REOUIREMENT(Sl IWV-3410 Valve exercising Test: Category A and B valves shall be exercised at least once every three months.

BASIS FOR RELIEF These solenoid valves are totally enclosed with no evidence of position indication available.

Therefore, no direct method of timing these valves exists.

These valves can be opened by a handswitch, and also periodically operate automatically during HPCI Surveillance tests. Although monitoring for degradation is not practicable, the valves can be determined to have stroked by functional testing.

ALTERNATE TEST Since there are no indicating lights or other evidence of position indication, these valves will be stroked quarterly without timing. On a refuel outage basis, the HPCI Drain Pot will be filled until the limits are reached and then observed to verify that the 2(3)-2301-32 valves adequately open to drain the water. In addition, as part of a preventive maintenance program, these valve assemblies will be replaced every third refuel outage.

(14-40) Revision 2