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TMI Request Approval Authorizing Check on Prv Setting on RC-R-1A & RC-R-1B by Nitrogen Testing.Tmi Work Request Procedure Including Test Spec for Hot Nitrogen Gas Testing or Pressurizer Valves Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1977
From: Cotten W, Shovlin D
PROC-770411, TM-0812, TM-812, NUDOCS 7909140466
Download: ML20136C104 (40)


{{#Wiki_filter:-- 9 [ 4. TMI DOC 1]MENTS b* h (L DOCUMENT NO: e 1 ~ ~ COPY MADE ON OF DOCUMENT PROVIDED BY ~ METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY. P Supervisor, Document Control, NRC 8 D e.* i --mm._, 4909140 g{ e . l \\ . _j

4)T x;4 l s Atm iso m NEAEG- 0600., L. n, gas c reSerwee p ottu v:. \\t./ p F' WORK REQUEST APPROVAL S TMI Nuclear Station \\ \\- J? ? aQ t} Unit No. 1 Work Request No. 3N - Work Request Procedure (A.P.1016 Sect. 6.0) Priorit /O - hould be used as a guide in filling cut this form. s O W.0/ Account No.d'Co//ff. J/N NPRD Focm Req'd. MO 2ltems 1 'tisough 5 completed by origina:or 1. System: 6W #ci CocL M I 'S ~ - 2. Component (name & number) RC'/2'/A, NC-b /3 ~ 3. Describe malfunction or modification and recommended co'rrsc'tive action. ~ &a w.9 a4 up-ac-ad a ned V' '~ MY-6. p. -\\OLD c. POlNTS y (v ~ h IN JlCA~ E J 4. Originator: bI;I d!$x8. Date/ Time: /f** l' AS *ll 5. Originator's Supervisor's Sigeature /S h Idd ! i Items 6 through 12 completed by Supervisor of Maintenance or Designee S. Does work represent a change or modification to an existing system or component? If yes, the Yes No / work must be approved via the change modification procedure before work can be performed. Notify Technical Services Dept. for assistance. (See A.P.1016, Sect.7.0) CiM No. 7.'s.Does the work require a Radiation Work Permit? Yes / No b.!: an approved procedura required to minimize personnel exposure? Yes V - No . 8. Iswork on a QC component a: defined in G.P.10087 If yes. then answer questions 9 & 10; a!so Yes IV No Quality Control Dept. must review the work request prior to commencement of work. .9 Does the work have an affect on nuc!aar safety? If yes, the work must be performed using a Yes V No PORC reviewed, Station Superintendent Approved procedure.

10. If the work does not have an effect on nuclear safety and no procedure is required j

per 7. b., the work may be performed without e PORC reviewed, Station Superintendent ) ( epproved procedure. 10a. Agreement that a PORC reviewed, Superintendent approved procedure is not required for this work request because the work has no eff ect en n c!ss saf ety. 4 g Un:t/sessameSups,6ntendent Date

11. Plant status or Pre requisite conditions required for performance of work.

m..e n me yg.,g s l -,-w -,,,--,n,em, v.-------,----,am.w-+.m,-m,+,. - mn, v------.-nn---.--m,,r--.,-, -, - w-,~m----n,----+,-m- -, -

~ Comply with the Provisions - I: AP1016 s;t forth in AP.1002 nnd ' ',,12. ' Limits and Precautions: Met Ed. afety Manualj S a) Personnel ....vitii the Provisions - et to'rth in AP 1002 and b) Equipment Met Ed Safety. Manual 7 c) Environment I ^a~r " r M ~7 Y - GP .,.S. d> auar S U 7 ~. A M O V A

13. Post Maintenance Testing required and Acceptance Criteria.

$tX yaw 2450 PSKr ! /[ ,ps u M M A a.kewdB

14. Estimated manhours to perform job:


15. Maintenance Fort man Assigned:

, / /

16. QC Dept. review, if required in item No. 8 Date /-//-7)
17. Supervisor of Maintenance approval to commence work:

Date 18.~ Shift Foreman's approval to commence work Date ' C- ~ ~ A33M W' Initial oMh it Forcr6ah T*di"9 Application No Radiation Work Permit No. signature is not required.

19. Maintenance Foreman's comments on work performed:

Work Completed - Maintenance Foreman's Signature Date/ Time

20. Work completed and component aligned for testing.

l l l'#n?tesed. S--

21. Testing compieted and component released for normal use.

I I ifs.F.4ptp h') J'J W 'MLj n initial not sequeed/7 \\V y Shirt Foremen's Signature Date

22. Quality Control Department review of work and testing completed (QC work only).

OC Department Date

23. Supervisor of Maintenance: Work request and procedure are complete and signed off as required. Change / modification fo'rm has been signed off as required. ' Machinery history entry has been made,if req'uired.

Actuel Menhours to perform job Supervisor of Maintenance Sigruture Date G

A ~.,, ' *:. . ' g ' y, -. ' + s + WORK REQUEST PROCEDURE TMI Nuclear Station Maintenance Procedure Format and Approval Unit ' No. 1 This form outlines the format and acts as a cover sheet for a maintenance procedure. Due to the limited size cf the form, additional pages may be attached as required. Work Request procedure AP 1016 Section 6 should be used as a guide in preparing the maintenance p Ocedure, 1. Procedure Title & No.: .C 4 W lidA n be C. 5 f M } "thb 0 h b5 Ai-sis-ea. Cut A- .-)AAf A--- b 3. Description of system or component to be worked on. b.Le.}vt. b 0d 4.


g p, coy y,gg3 Bhet t]r4 Mdi/Swk o I-0003 - o a 5, Special Tools, Materials and Qualifications required. Gen- $ 6. Detailed Procedure (attach additional pages as required) l Supervisor of Maintenancerecommendsapproval Nh1 Mrds Date J-2f-77 ) 'PORC Recommends approval-Chairman odrarz - //// d l Date /-4-77 'UnitAieseismSuperintendent Approval /, 2 Date -d-N j'l (VV

  • NOTE:

These approvals required only on Nuclear safety Related/ Radiation work permit jobs. TMt.57 Mev. 4 75

~ i] &.2. h)&t 34 0

, s '

b.o LM a /4 s 4'0, J Personnel shall $ ave. e...,..,- c.. . mm tw..p:. msg.m4 the,necessaFy.Radid' tion , - :-;.c. 75,:q.irf.sp' gig;W.'ork Permit"and ')} /.43;jgg:,yygj,y . protective clothing as required by.AP 1003. ,.,. : : 4.; ,7, f.0 E Proper ventilation musti be' use;d_ to ' keep' testing-roo,m,'.re:a_ s:o..... ..u :... _.,.:h -.;: : ;; ..,.y-nably~ ' cidar of N buildtip~.

  1. ' i. ff.)..$ f;-..:-c.;:;(.

[ C. h.h l.- 2 ./, w;v

4. 0.3 speclal effort should be made. to' k'; lves. as 's,...;.g.g;.

9, ~ .~.. cisa

9.r. ;.w;.; ia !..... :::g.c.n _Tas,.fl. 4:

.... :s. :.q:p .possible and minimize the ch'a~nces 'of con.taniinatich:of?s;~ea; ting 2.'

.n c..; -~:i - 3.:g Y ~

,:~.4 W'MS$. pg...: .* : ? f.'l:2.pyy.yy-;.7',.MSN:-y;$-5;g..%N 4 ;Sa - m sui faces. . ? :"*- EE:: 4Qy gg.7 3 g.d Y4. Af ter valves are set and leak' tested th'ey must 4.00 s upright position in order to insure that the disc does not shift in the seat thus allowing leakage. ,,,,f. (,,0,6 M Rd. -fd-/A d 8 4 k I e ud. K /1~+ l Rd PLAN E W a,_s Lo.6 VA L L. u ~ ~ Ld;p y 7 L # dy L kM+M ~ ~ 4:1 sc:r-4 & a. 7 F71) &~ dd 4 .~f k 1 1 1


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~ r .. ; -. '.' e.'..,:*:...'.- L a e APPENDIX I- .. e 3 7.. . n. 3

  • n

' ~ ' ' F "?+. L. * \\. l..' TEST SPECIFICATION 4 *;Y.;.h..,. [ SOT NITROGE!; CAS TESTING OF PRESSURIZER VALVES _ .q.... ~ h. -L % e '.,. ;. [e. s.... '~ C [.*_"*' T -'" CONSOLIDATED SAFETY, VALVES ..s :. :.. ~ ,2-s. ,1 :'. ~ .5-g .a .4 .. C* s. .. y t.. . 9:. ". , ~ t 1: ..s.3 j ,,.3... ( s .....'.r*.* - r {av* .+ q. v., ..f .3 . ij, p .m.. w/..,,,..

..', s. n.,

s. ...,v. ,J'g'..[..,..,.j..[.j.,h.:3,j',Ql,.'jlj)..... 3 .{' '. { v.;;,,,y 1.,c, m:3,.3 q q. 1, PURPOSE 4 - o . s.c,, To inaure that 31739A series Pressurizer Safety' Valved r.e.fu.rb,,.ished M . I. a I! , h., j '* 1 outside the Dresser Plant are properly adjusted. The valve.taJ o.: '? M.r t 1.1 ressure and leak ti htness under conditio.ns~ :.. f.. d.*. .s .wh'ich simulate actual reactor operating conditionsh W; pm".[/5. 5't.q. e be tested for set y p!*.; cc.4 :: =In: is t,dic;' :: w d yite:Sinn/ g:.7. M..... ", v'M. :I.w,..'.C . y, - n.,....w,..c .v. .a..,


m. .,c..


r[s... ::.;m. s~.,.2 ):k, ",a,w. w ....... -,,m.. ;..

  • fd. '[

f .$.I.Y[,N.....,.... .;.t. . w... .m.. '..'?,.. ,..,.~,..:...." .j f '/2') TEST EQUIPMENT - e... n

. -. c.

yend, s t e x .~~.r. .The equipcient required for the test.cionsists of.a test vess,e 'l . rsupporting,ocand, nitrogen supply and 'c'ontrol' heating system;. 6In...el,. -u .,2;1;; ,W :J'(: d';',.Q f 7 addition, a special lif t restrictgg;g/- material,is.,supplisd in f...,;p.[. %.l-

  • y f. rqiad.

A complete listing of : G.;..- f' .*y: 4;. g..;,p,., . q,,pg. J,.-l,",,, ',. q:..,.,,. 7.;.: --g..,,.;,, e,, w. 1,,.; .,y ;;,p g yIgure ngee.. b W),e' ' - : %..c 1:.m ?.,.*civ %, G. '~ The pre'sstire vessel :is;made'.'froio e tr E9 m. stee'l and d 1-ok ..W% ..e.,.2.2)^ h * : rated for 3000 psig at 700 F. %Ithas, af_h:1f_, hnbic''p:acity..d.h..*%,, ?..g. li:. sc %~ .' Test Vessel - 0 t .y.2.:; our.. a,.".,.w. y. O..-7'. j

e. :

t.._-._ _. _n_....,. . w . u..%m. mm m =- _. -.. m. Er sturE'se6'sirig'. and 9 '.M'..1 '.@

M out1et's areYp'r6ilidEd 'fdda fillp.drhin Meidp$2r dQ;..v3.



.g. M..k ?' M@.d'@spressure'ne[naureiselit'.'1 blc. 'M ' ' Th i F. v d's'se li.T al n'hov. n" inFi ,. a .,4, n v m-1; ..j, ...,-l-rd..y'. 4,34 w 33 ts,aceep .? To support the test vessel'and. valve being~ tested a' ke.taob . * :2.3. Support Stand - The ' stand is free standing 'and wy . structural steel stand is required. .l'. th stand lat o ro,.e. 'h also support / a 6000 psi nitrogen bottle. The -s. c e ime pressure - . is bored and drilled and tapped for bolting to attac 4e support stand is shown g l vessel and va1ve, ble. ,t,., syrt dad is acce A calibrated pressure gauge is 'reciuired as part 2,4 Test Pressure Cauge -A recommendation is a 6" dial Ashcro'fc Type 1383 ' ~of the test stand. S.S. graduated 0 - 5000 psi with maximuin' pressure reading ' pointer. Jr.*et t. b i Refes to Figure "$.e. 5,..',},P lg{;' ,r avva.

r. Ia h w ired.

1" "'"le t.gauy. O a;ccephble. .sy,. g. y 7,q.' '... epva Thenitrogensupply'isfroma6000psigbottle'(, is'to'.! M,'s 2.5 Nitrogen Sunoly - s teel'. tube' *;" M-~ 'ss el. ? ' ~.'f fitted with a regulator. A :"M r: ~ ' ' Iv the've be connected to a I."__,,'.d:- valve sny then 'to ; t:: ~ _ _____i..__ u....m....t..._ n :.. c.. a a Refer,t F.igurn (M;;;.y, w,qey ..._..-,.e.m.._... u..___. ..~ m,. t._ %...,.<__t..._._ t e::4 ::

.;'. 4.:y.. 4; w.

4 ;,"gt ~ p..,.. r.-l ' i .;l as showni n A special. lift restrictdi is r 3 2.6 Lift Restrictor - i 3.".. This prevents the.vah fr'om, losing at a,high lifC b.* the cushioning e ffact of.c. J.arge. ;volu e of' gas..,. ; t,f,.!.A'.E.'.', Figure *,'S". 2.- ,,..,y..o, v. without ^- t...

1. z,. $ a.q..~, 5. a.,,... :n. ;.... A.n..,. 3, t.,.

s 1 %.. s i ,......,..s. .,3 a, - . w.....

v..., y.,..,,, p., r.



_x,, _ _._r,. _._ ir . y l .'k J g . Subble Cuo Flange - A bubble cup test flange is also required as. j 2.7. j shown in Figure "g". This is a blanh :::h.1:.:: steel flange to-match the outlet flange but fitted with "O" ring groove and "O" ring. 4 A '," ; L. " ;. i n : tube connects the body bowl volume through the flange to a small metal cup which is filled with water for the leak test. 2.8 Contact Pyrometer - It is required that' a< calibrated contact pyromete'r'.

  • be available to check both the controlled temperature areas and also any additional points at which the temperature is of interest.

A-4 ~ i portable readout contact pyrdmeter equivalent to Omega Type 8020 would y ~ be sufficient. M es4ed 2.9-Heating System - Thegheating system :; *.e." is shown in Figures "C"*, L. & "F". The vessel and test stand are to be assembled as shown in Figure "Q and then the test vessel properly fitted for heating coils [. i ~ ~ insulation and wiring to the vessel temperature' controller.' After the valve is mounted on the test vessel, the valve is then 'to be b a - fitted with heating mechanisms and the temperature controllers wired as ' ? '._..Y.k.".d '.. '. ; ' noted in Figure "F". o'-

. :. x:.. n....

..:r ::: l;...m.; ; e- .. ;i.. . '.c ..u.::.. < ; .s, : ...... -.. t.s -. > a : .x


.x. ~ a: ;;,. g :. Yf.j sV....,,:.;,,.,..*' .ca s.D, Q 'f.: r *. Er, Uc 3,". i '.3 *.: I EQUIPME!!T PREPARATION 3. .~....c . r...x - ~,.9 \\ 3.1 It is essential that the interior of the test syst'em be. absolutely '.... *

  • U

' clean. The test; pressure ve'sselland its.associai;ed pipe ^ ork!aust.fl3; ,.5 [~.,j w ".."always be stored in a clean area wi'th al. l the/out.lets sealed ag'ain. st?, ... -.. ' j

u... ;. m. M. +..y.9.y:p..,. ;m:.:.9>.&.. ?.;,.:.;

.;;.1 ;,p,. ; .:c..v. +... entrance of any fore 1gn mat ter,..:..,;.;.;. :;. '.... e.


.....,:. >. y.,- g s-(. .'.s- ~ ....:.: n. 4,. .. m.....:. ;.... Before the valve is mounted ~on JeSirt'e5tEfladie"tb isssel 6 hail be;m'""7* W.,. .v . :2 ~ ..... a.. s N T.2 . blown clean with clean dry. air or.' nitrodeni. Aq jM.5:r-2ee:mith'. l('.'.."l~.1 ' '.'..!.s*=yeNroepos-IsMehscs**e5c4-swL 1-:hae-or.J. me , T: . c r e ' * "'y .,; { ,,, -;<. A..swad bedam* ^ HJ sp6eed ^ W=eMidTth.OM.M.E.'t.*VI.9?'il 1 lchs't Aa144!!M.4MM.i.' %../-2. W s. S...t..e.' ': reseal,ed+a.f.te r fc. i_chding;: Jia.:c..u.Ich.e.'4.;. r b.m a.. .~mm

    • ' N '"
  • T

- jg ""<'A:**:-='- 's..S*"..n"hs"..m.: t. e..'..: ( -.."..~-" e- ::n.= ,.a_,-. g h r c.. .. f. ;. ,M ..r s'h. -i.:.'- ng. - S". x n 5 t..a.. e.l ld'>.. .y 4.... k. y.a.r.;....: w..:.m:, . m _ v s '"?" M... L. h,&4,t.&,. ey: M.g. ~~' W Y i -u m. .&M. ~o-s. 50 :n r y g .; be..T. b.G. M.-. W. .m - W. tW s.. e '- the va lve s g; 5;..n. n. s..h.k,~Nw yf....a ;.,k...e.+h ~ ~3:WO,..:~n.~.2. 2 :?s*.y:~%...Q. ~n.:: 9 m % he.:. e n '-.;.: ?.-n: ;.,...- ~,... 'di.s. a.ssemb. led, decontaminated,'... reworked and rea .w., :.i7. ..; 3 3 2 'M; assumed thac3 ~ - J; *. M. ".? ~U.9.- ' "*'cshould have been clean.- .s.. < . c, ..fand s'ealed'after reassembly. The recommen'dations',of 'theivalve' : '?;'C [.'-l' * / I ~ . maintenancemanualshouldbecarefullyfollowed...,Th,eivaNesmust$be.:.;.. ^ linspected very carefully for foreign ~ matter' in bo'th.the-inlet.and',' *r J, ;,M ? ~ U outt'et connections upo bremoval of the' protective sea s. N f**.").*'."'

  • ' D.C
  • t

~ c 2noo fw " c J B w et if.lew Sa 4y Wbc5 * .., ?..' ...,v. ~* ~ 4. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 4.1 Personnel required to perform the* testing shall be equipped with ear r.- and eye protection. i 4.2 Personnel shall not atand close to or in 11' e with the valve outlet n flange at any time when there is pressure at the ' alve inlet. v I4 is Snegejef ktd bei 1 4.3 gthe valve emeet not be pressurized without the lift restrictor. b (vf9 C

  • ~. -

.9.Ae I;h ush;c.W is.phl. .a. r l ~

~~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ .,.....;;s.;.7., .;..'. ;.*.. v;;, y .r w- .,..>.,..A. t ' ' :.,..<. '. :l,. - .s 1 .~. :....

;.. r...

e . T;g,.' l 3 ta/ 1 .,.,f. g.,- 6. .s i. g,,:.,,.*;Q - Y.,: ~ . r. ., s,;. '. ;...::: .i. f. ; . n... t , ~ - ., ',. l '- Some form of audible warning r:ust be given to peopic 'in the area 4.4 r., before the valve is pressurtzed. The bhble cup flange must be removed from the~ outlet before pr. essur. L.5 izing the valve. 1 ... +.. i.:. '. c. ~ In addition to any possible sradiation hazard, all personnel in the' ' },' 4.6 area shocid be aware that the equipcient is hazardous in that gas

  • ,
  • e.

pressure, heat and electrical voltages are present. ~ U., ' ' '. r., ; J '. i. ...r.. ,.,. z. y. - .c:

. s......

'P * ,,.... :. f. J, t...' r.


TEST pP.0CEDLTRE ...:., u. .... w : 7, ..g s pe ct

  • v,e spel'; for.c1'ean..line f

5.1 .au : ::t mn! flens ;;% ,....,,, :,p. 9.. r ,. : v t:.,.,y. g.;.Q.. j ;.y..,,.... .e.., Remove valve inlet and outlet ' flange, covers, '. inspect.the,1 valve; foie., ; ' W.* 3:,4 t. G ' 7'(. ;l..fl M '.k...: lu< f $.h.,t.i.:.1Y.!,./.i' % I 5.2 ~, i, clean 11 ness. ' i.. ;a. -. r. - s.r..,.{..y Ig. :.., ),, \\... Place a suitable gasket betweeythe, valve ji'nlet;anil'supp' r'ti, co


.:..s r.g n..n.:,.3,,..,, a..,;.y;,5 .g, ) o -',' T,*, L 5.3 . A.'..~<n..i l, :,':c ',.* 3.. i'O. M..,s. '.m.;.,n. N.f.. plate on test flange. L 1-m A


y ('- g. ...,,.,..y,..s s... 1...... e. . s.. a..m,... > .x .a.,n.. 5.4,... Lower valve onto test facility and bolt valve 'nnd.;. stand top plate *r Y;'.3" '4-. ~ I. dl' - ( ',*' & / S together. Tighten stud nuts carefully in: a'ccordance wick torquing vif ) instruetion in the valve maintenance manual,;;?..n, n..ovt valvt;itpiga tycy. J,., Re .. : g.. :...., ;M s :. 3,v;.m..,9 :<,. 1, z... s c: - v ;;..3,s.. r ~ v.. Install the nitrogen system as indicated in Tigura '..'C...,' open the W-V,.,.. 4:. ,.q .f.';.':{ : '5. 5

3. :-?, ' nitrogen bottle' and fill vessel to' '1000 ;paigH, Check for" leaks'i' M'V./w. -[

O-i.p. system, repair as necessary. (Reb M @ehep,C Wvg$grpfrece f e Tf kn,;cb is Me a'tJ . :-(r.., j m. %i,

.-, ', '.4 q.b.

-[.1 K '.

l.. E 5:.

f rom valve'.i.L 4m43 24.and stount' lif t restri[..:.- s c g. h move cap :- E ! ctor-4 5.6 .to al'lo7,OI!. ; u$ 5.h u li f c. .-M.;... m 4. 3 g '"O'O desW*e.d ;.by je. o ok M u. i. Ficprt ; G.'.. y reerese.dAWe. cf.6e.u: ; 5.

t. 3.i'.- Q.

- N./' j rni.s.. A;.. .t.Ji.- es N N 4g .o ~

cp;.ee-Ha-,: c 1
  • fc. d.M. s,'. *..

.s. - ring.u'n cil. v ., 5. 7.- nqve lower. ring, pin h.e. ,~t was: p:.;;: e; m. w ---& - a = ::.3...-Tse.teve.h vel ::- and e. ' " %..e-r.lo. wer. A


-w.u ., ; :, t u, .p. koH ev c ,a.a c:::. v. u n-- n, ;g;& g

,,,; t...,,,; t, e.pic :"%-si.q -n;; U 25Y C 'V-T; %, a n1:;:ih=% Ehi &4.d W (l:iW:.E???if~.:4&:=diaa:

.,. D E.; seat leve.l (And.Jt w bev. o9.uttba) 4Qa cMerp.latJ ley veale ref). 4. Lako(T dcles Lal.a ,1. !-4. .e - <. 5.8 With the -:s pio,.=ntr:1 valve 3 closed (Reference F$gure; "#'M,.openiregulator.". 1.,arn rt 4-f. to approximately 2700 psig. Tj,T.,a r. : N..1a.,, T ~.

  • Q,.".,,. ; ' ;.' L..*

.; s., ,. :

  • n....<, p. n..,y:.. >...

..>:.... v;; .v .n e, ,...a. J 5.9 Install ear and eye protection and advice pergo'nnel Ini the.1 area 'of the

  • ' ('C'f-l~.~;*.",.[ I'il,

, [$ '{.'.f..*,s. ; ' !l.j),I.. f

u pending test..

h, u si 3 A % 6ie.a C ti e g ?:N ...,f W ' l. li.

  • 4.. ',. ':

t 5.10 %. th:-: n;. M m.lyd allow' prhas.ur.e.b.g in. crease

  • slowly 'unti.l lche. 4 t

valve pops. Immediately close the cea.v s .w valve. to avop.d...ciu tt po [ 't

\\ ~, f. Y VD.3 %,;l.d.1'.;'7.:.)1;b}'].'. h. p s. /:, ; ?

Note the valve poppg;;grgurgggt, th{, valve popping./ pressure to.':.. ' . {. 3.11 approximately the. w ' ; t.:m.c: %d. Re fer. to. ',.the* maintenance :, .,.:c manual for adjus ting techniques. The.vA1Ve Is ' to be popped.tuice',...".", A without adjustment and then the average of.those pressures is con-- ll sidered to be the nominal popping pressure'.Qefer.b A@,c.h.*"!:$q.C,.

b.n f.*g; p.

. '.d.y. 3.4.,:.w,< :..,c3.,.tl.r f;..s

  • .., :..:s.;.,,. > e r-r s

b y, iov. VA{*t }.i%e.*ff). r-1 . * ;-,.,,. A.1 ?,

. t. 4., 3,. i.g.y.,

,6 . pi....w m. ~.t.p.71,,.<..>.-.:.;,. ~. n.:.):~q. 3 w. P ~ .., s 2, % !. v.s p.,. p . v:; ;. g. c,,p.m.;..... y...:u.....v.,.,. 0<,.,%..'.4.. t. a > 7 n.:m. p,. .w s.; e.


a. ...... y. .. +...'..3,.e,,.. . e. .

  • c.. <

.t. ... 7 :.,. - ...! n 6... v. r..g. . ' * * :...*.,4.4... :tl/,,. 4 *.p. '. ./-.... . 5..t. s =., r. p*f..*.> p -...n...g\\.4 .... :,~ t.. .'t.* i ;..': l' . ~:.$.6. \\ /. n,


a. t.. ... ~.. .,,. :. e.,... '; i. ;m,?..? '.. '.; g; .... <,. 9...)%,,%, ;.a.':;:v'.%. ;:.. l.11.' 4, y .t.y 1,.3 s a.. .t s u

  • s 1,eak check the valve at 93% of the nominal' popping pressure,ee-era
  • f
  • u LI =.

Insure 5.12 the rere:nt ;: requir ' i-the ::11

  • ty ts;.m the val,ve body drain is plugged then spread wet tissue over the valve dutlet flange and leave 'the inlet pressurized for 5 ginutes.

Seat leakage will cause bulging of the tissue or blow it off the outlet. (RcVev 4. A44ch$ cat C. Sv Je4ad vald (Neup). This leak test is to determine if the valve ks sufficiently tight to. Slight leakage may be 5.13 g Justify proceeding with a hot nitrogen test. eliminated as the valve heats up to its normal operating temperature. l If leakage is suf ficient to suspect seat damage from dirt then the i valve should be disassembled and seating surfaces relapped b'A<*b b f l If the valve la tight, hold the nitrog'en pressure at 90% of pop. 1 ,5.14 pressure and recheck the piping system for leaks.' It' is important to.,- l find leaks at this stage so that both heat and, nitrogen 'are 'not, los during heat up phase. .i...

1. [,,
  • t C f < mke. b.p).

c.p gMg) 'l- " alve body.d.,. i . ' h . Attach the temperature sensorsa nd heating equ pment to t e v. a I '. '5.15 and bonnet as shown in Figure "F"..The test vessel should have :al- .....v... @ s, H W ready been installed in accordance with Figure.."C",. 3,.. I '. '..t...*. R ., s s .... ;., y The valve is to be entirely wrapped with two layers 'o'f ladbestos in-

E.i.)h;& n.if '#...

6 a.:.'.. f.*: 9j,.i

  • ;.4.**.'.lr & ! [ ? :;3.t: Qik. W.'.ly % i:

5.16 ' s. 3;...r,.'. f l',pf..: F. l sulaeing blankees.

. 6 W-l r

's Attach the power s'upp1F t'o' the h' eater? bands and >teinparature< cont ~ l . llM ' ' [ U ;.'-. 5.17 .. :. ' '?.'/. y..

  • a*~. Q

. o. " U,- 'l L., */ t, t.c as shown in Figures "C" & "F8'...,\\.'. el- ~


. d****'- s.... i .s . Check that the temperature control sy tem has been recently cal brate,,.5.' f,..;,,Q.;N(0#k!hSY 3 5.18 agod dle g., { . f.., and is operating correctly @W:.N'fV*Y.Y,. a..;Nblith,,4 kl**ttA" . :{ * *. Ol' .l. h @..Y.tO*M. Temperatures. can be. heckedlwith the.: contacts pyro '-.u Td .- JA5 219,.!;.{. is 'an adequate 's'upp1Fof'nitho'g'e'n7dh%.. c. ele'f andi..f f foot l...y

A' r& < ? y;; *-.:.e *E: *s

..idical1$ai.'n'eN.C$:an c d .c. ~ ..; c1

  • .p.,

o. ..7 f ;

  • m.. s.:

.. ;. r;ag.7.:y,.,.y ~ (if ava*ldle). - supply. pecified for the test. ' This is ' bt irrl 5.20. Set' temperature contro11ersato valu 0Fs;;1;; L:.'s 500^.", beanct-Gv t i ft vesse.1 vesstl. generally in the reg on oThe temperature profiles in Figure "C" !: te M att-ined 2 l b M t e 200 4. b be, ob b*m t. i

  • Jia:1 re 10-ef-th; heat *ng cycle er Sc v21re. av c O* V"I'N

=1 ve.s.d+ et As keaW * "I" s*e*.dge lif t restrictor ga tve. asd,tro en f h I .h va. wt o asure to 1500 psig.Acha e.. mw. tm3 5.21 3 s dys cre n w :n: ace, Reference Figure nG,,. n we _p Note the time and switch on the pover supply, to all heaters.

  • 5.22

. s Af ter one hour cheeE. temperature settings and confirm the,settilngs 5.23 1,.... ,,,,,, y. M with the contact pyrometer.. e., 4., Dependent on the rate of temperature Increase, check all tem'peraturestvessun 5.24 every hour for the first five hours. Als+, eke <A. ne. 4'8t 'vtS5*1 M. Wv ' e J o.oo. p st3.,W

k.,.ma assure na.i li doe.5 t

us d 4e bew+.M.... 9.8 4 8 % '.'.. l 5 '.,!.'.. l.. J eve,y uwbe vevtve. ! valve. t s. . r. ' . e i.. '..y<,.......... 9, :..a. y..

a..... r.

y,. l.

, ~ t...
,,.., f...C..

,., ". V t, ., '.';

e. c ;,.,l.

.v ,,, '. :,,. /...fe,.? .., l,,,.y *. 7,,.. f *, ',7,...... ..' p.~ v, '..,.,.. ;, n,..... m.... y,G. ;..,.:. a s. .t.

.. s. -

.c 4 l . '. =

  • s

( . Te*Peratures should have begun stabli Ing af ter 5pproximately six .' '4{ 5.25 The intent of the testing is to establish the temperature hours. I profile on the valve shown in Figure "G". Check temperatures carefully with the contact pyrometer to insure that no temperature ' i l changes greater than 100F will occur between 15 minute intervals. s l P Af ter temperature stabil'izatgket'stablish theJhe valve is now ready for s l 5.24 r pressure and leakage testing.a . 1.f*.. 2 5: "'i., c,. ""'". ky O s vta ce y represemia ive. I Install eye and ear protection and advise personnel in the ares of the 5.27 j pending test. [ 9,. Allow nitrogen pressure to slowly increase until the valve popg(gh S.23 the popping Pressure. Pressure must be within one percent.of - set pressure for three consecutive popa.' Adjust set pressure as necessary taking care to reduce pressure below 1800 psig whipn siaking Between each adjustment or. pop pressure heat will be lost ' adjustments. and it will be necessary to allow time to stabilise' nitrogen and body ' This time will be determined by experience buti as. a.. temperatures. guide, 30 minutes between adjustmere and 5 minutes betueen pops is '..' ' / >.. d ld .}

3.. l. 4 ;t* ' % ['y * ~

..... i g I.. suggested. (Raftv 4* AM'b"8a4 C. 'V,. e b il., V'g .I'** h'$, 3,,,,..,.,f.,, ,'.l,,g g.,1,. ;i, . j. c,. . g . 7,.,, . q. 5, 2 9,. Perform a leak test of 93% of the valve - -. / :: set pressure.oe-et

  • fic.;;.!e.... To perform

.g,.. ; / % ;f t.: ; :c--* pre!!!M h 9 ut!!!!y-O n: .,' ',M V " ; thisitest, if there is no obvious'or audible leuksget then; reduce8td.8 U;3.* t' n-4 P Sing.gsb. and p*roceed 'to, the next ' step'. .IN;4,;}id.;pressuretoaperproxims tely'k)800

  • psi 1

) -} _ ;.'.iy _, ': _. Q,. ;'.'{:: Asank.r \\ C. ds4 ell ve i~ Check outlet flange and bubble cupiflange for cleanliness and.tubricate:'Y;/ " 5.30 , 7.:*/ '..i Jehe."0" ring to be installed betue'en the flange M d the'v51ve'o'ullet. . $1"Q:45." U_se an" approved nuclear lubricant. [soit on the bubble cup flange with.. F.?fr2. D.:fopr.. olts. ' Do not, overtighten'. nuts.:there *Iijnof p,r, essure /In' body, bowl,;, A. L [ - e Wl.*Gthe,1j$g 1,this' te s tWInsu re 776@ M: b %R 4.i"* "h,dd rinthe du$b'15.fiNhilth'*21EhNit'4$:sq,"tl at,'tN'sltUhFexte'n4a 2down.l info ~ 9'h.s '~ F.I.v hey (h".) s'isiMEnjhP.f1t,'uf eM%.% P1bf t'h5' 9'ihTI foYits' 8:Ttse'Tdd DTI.QJbubble ibp.fla[nge* ~(Re'ffrinceFigu're "E") 'with' wit'tidureir" oth'e w lNI be opened.. by-M 'y7/d Mich' will. readily 'bloli out'should the valve accidently? Wv - "- v'.: W.,W,;F.l.hv':? 6 ' ' ' + hw',r..f F.Z(.r'.s's;e.Qss.V: nitrogen pressure to(the leak test pressure. UJ% of val't de8e,p *0'J.. G L T-3 s.%..$1 1kerea .,, 3 set picsm <>. After two minutes observe the, bubble cup for bubbles. ' Do no't stand dedr l..r. I,.. 5.32 l ?l the ' cup or valve outlet during a leak test. ' Check leakage over 'a'five.

.i minute perlod.
  • h: 1 ;' ; ; ;; ; t x H n: t n ;.2
  • .0 i.55 1; ; ;d a wc t e M evie ts.
mifh d;.Tka

.e = ::b=We.s evey~ r!!!d b -h: hut 4La. ut!! ptvied. g, J f i& '....i l ) eeve f 5.33 If the valve is tight, remove inlet pressure, disconnect' heat' supply, ~ remove bubble rup and gas. Roset the valve lower adjusting ring to ita i I proper positloes and cover the valve outlet flange. Replace the valve Remove the valve heater and then remove the valve frotu can and lever. f the test facility af ter cooling.& Protect 'and seat the valve inlet and also provide the sar,v for the opening in the test vessel. ' The valve i I should always remaln in a vertical cosition durIna storage. M 'valvt leaks,4.tpr pe 3.sNath wawwal maJ ope *4 4%, feek thedt mailf, asceg444tt. evt4e,tg (s'ns Propeily record all test data'and identify the valve by its serial numb'er ' S*34 u so.1%. 4,'. {W... y/Q;.. ' N /,.' 3'... t.'.. i.,...., ',,., ', ', ..l ,'s for reference data. 1 ', '. P

  • g

.'l; . :. 7... :. ', ' w, <e...s v.,r y .., f,' ' !fP,,. u .4 .g ,6 l L

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.t... g . n: .n,.., 3 g ' CHRON ALOX f 250V-6.5 AMP. J'. ~ H8-8455. 'i.*c'1565 WATTS. W;.... ..y.h, S.... :,..w.S,gt..,t ? t.. ji..;. 'e,..'c.; t .,G... E_ .,1. w. e. .s: .,e.. '.

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. f. yg,.,.. ~.. t. s. ;.a',+..,c;. /..*s.'.'./.,. ..%.. (.. s. .U ~ ) & 1 SPARE'(USE CLAMP).. -n .e-

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  • G. :

., c3 ',' 1/2 ".HOTE: Observe.'. installation, - ~ i .. instruct ons. Reference l- /. l. figure C2. - ....a. 11PICAL HEATER HOOK-UP FICURE Cl J ' i. ' l Licd VESSEL HEATER INS'TALLATION, .,,,, ;l ;,l 1,. 4l/ j,,,. j'.phg*hc.4N.he tM ""h '. MA: ve.sse.\\ show. 3 5 ,gsd. C.wse be.ssey retxu=7,y'^ 4 i M -( A udiow c- .l ..,.s. . 9* - s v. n s .e 4 ... 3.. F. P e .?. s.... s.. .s. .a 8 ,p l h.

    • I

'4 =

c . GENERAL, ..*\\..e,, s .a 3..HiJtprTongruction Chatacteri ties - l firm grip on I caters and tight heati;r fit to pipe or barrel i tonfiguration. .c. Or.c piac >.mdew steel b.m.I.

2. CAtlTION: l'ipe or barrel aurface tensperature not to
b. rwa (2s sust.resi>t,mg siset sheath strip he. iter

, aired.Yt107. r s k m ents.

3. Ilcater ba' Ids may be used. dm.. dually or m. multiples in

.. paced % " apat t.

c. Ih.g construction ofJclamp and allen head bolt allow s

? o INSTALLATION 3.1: If thermal imulation is cmployeJ. allow minimurn of ingdation of heater's when resins burn out during Initial

  • V ri gap letween insulation *.uid hester surfaces. Asoid operation.

t.w of resin bonJed insulation which could affect electrical ~c u y ve- .e- \\

  • / sed &. ~

p, '<e , - ; ".. y % si

    • /,b;,~-

s.,. * .g 1.3. - l .,.,.e . : -r ; m, *..~ .g:1.y. .T v .. e.r.

s. '. ?

.-s. s . v es. L.:: s s: .r e sr. ., '.***,'.....?, c..

  • :.' +.d... :.........@, -A.c y,,.

.' (.? p,:., p ; ;e.:;T.,.J...;..(...J 3 e,.6., c .yr. e,;. a. '?, . ; 'N...N:;;._- }Q:.y g..,* ' * ";, ; m ,:, ;. T. ?.,'.. .ry..... . C < Fipre 1 - .l '.Fieme 2 e.o.;7. g. ~. >.


. y .} ..p;;. fiere,3 :-j ".1,* * ;. ?,,

  • ., ;g t ;7 /,

4f .... r.3. -'-;- '.~s. g r .. ;.. s.. li.rositinn$1'otsin cdmrine ' band crer

2. When heater ban'd is corie;ctly pliced.

y '3r Tuid Allei(head hult 4ith &* Allen -~ heatini element s. in the desired location..compteu ends qwrench to draw heater. hand tight on t *;minal posts on %fet -Tesminal hardware must be re. of hand to;esher and insert bolt throngli. cylinder. linture that there is good con. mAed to allow clinping band.stots to.. ' non.shreaded.irunnion hocket'.'and.then;& tact.hctween heating element'and cylin;.::. '?+ dcu A,',InIaNrs.eQ'4hyydged,ig.21,gn{.itj;d,cf arid.,~thi'd;ther.c.i(clectrical cijarauce *]. ~

l.havst3et.5tida.l.19st).' iu.t?k '.%-.

a@: me

e.. v.y.-;ge _ : ;.,.. -.t.e.,;:.'. Wc...ed:,5;.,:: :_..:-. net *rm.ihe.;he:n er.'.t;rc,uriah,.-und.-d.he,.

r ,%.gE ff w. .:: ::-;t. :.,..J.--1: :-- y 7 -w ;. 7,.-u.;.w.u-a.w;,;.;n,;.,m,-g* g'c. g;.4 - 7. a;...,cm;w ; %maryy;y6.:6M==Mi~C"B+'7ss':;;' ~.+%-W;-W;W&GM;'Me -s;a%. -4,M5.W"y'Mt= -,.::'.Mc;:.W.*: a-...-.. fCas .. ~. '4"* S4'i$ $ ' N.**%,?~'W,iW:i" T'? ?~~~. W M 9.'.2~~b N ~i' M SE ~ W~~'-N*W:V7** ~k - T/EYW V3.~.'.l. '? '.~ ;'f* : !.% ';*W,: MW.MW


.. n,.. c ~. . 3.1 c..... v.- 47.;Y.~ 5 C :. ' :;,*.

i. * '.-

?,***.*-^.* h-5.Q?- M..,' % frin;: - Wiring' fc. heat' r should h{e' to Jhe ' c. ~ ~ ~~ c

DPnea excced 25 pounds per Inch of.targree

/ kchage specilidd cu heater band and ii accordance with locut' . whr'n turning the hex nuuts on the henter.terndaals. Enressive J: ~ kl.nutional.wicettic codes. k a *gnide in determining lir.e : ' torque will restalt in stripping thiteroninals'from the refracy.. h. a: - f- .ssisie.sinisce amperes in Specificanons Table A en rage.1;.?'. .tary'ollhe heathrg element. ,../ ;-{.;;.; 3:. s 2< Aucmble tc'rminal hardware and wiring in the order show'n'

3. Wiringt Ife.aters-For rated output of heater band conne'et ~i' elements in parallel.

J., a Figure 5. TESTING rnerytie the heater and check for hot spots after the hester Im reachcd oper tmg temperature. Ihese can be identified as 1:ight red asea en the heating ekment or dark brown areas e~i the clampmg band if hot spots are er.countere 1. place a h- 'staten hhxk en the affected 2;c.: and 1::p lightly with a 8r.mre r en bring the heater in contact with the pipe er barrel- 'e u'rlaec. (Sce I It's good pr.rct;ce to check the tight. . ~~ / I " l e sTs of the clampiner band after.i tew hours at operation i, 1

  • st*resatute. vat"\\ lON: In peop.rn: int sters. e.strerne figue s m!.! he essocis d to troi.) ehrtricul stad by conuts t'

e un estuntd terminals er huons by scisching the har surfaas. .s s...) . f efh,..Nc IW. [pr*oke '*'4y ' .p. . FIGURE C2 ?.. a

-_7 m.~~

,,,3 . f. -{ ** g...%, ,<.. ?-( q,' e a .,

  • y '. s.

,,,,e,.. y, 3,sd t.,..e,.w ,'7....'.,.. /.,,5:.

. ** i


  • .2-

+ . p*., > = * ';.. s, p...y..:.;.r.3.;.hy.,.r. .,. y... ".; s, ...:,.s.... 4 .*.s..,. .g . v.... s..o .. l., W ' gl.,.$.5.h..... .~ .e ..,s -.. t.,. d [**l[..gS.* j, ** s'

8. *. f

..] ,. 4,f.** ((f.* *j } 4 ..,. \\.,.f. . s.. ..a.. t.. 3 g e ..:*s c r s + .\\

  • '* :. e. -

e .S.- t....,. t,,. .-.v


.i . s;. '.{. "..eA CHROWALOX. 10

f. p..

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.b.. ~....,
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x. ... o..,.... .~ . ;s.::g.!g..,.y. c.;.:. s ...,e...., w.9..,.. .,.c.. ~..


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  • \\

i i.- .e c- .x..,a . r.,. .s..c. t CHROMALOX " H8-8415.". . : >. - e. s.. r.. 4 . }. w. g*. 4 I. .\\,., .......r. a.. .o. . s.. ..,w i. ....,s.s. u..:A. c. ,~ 4 .? .: ^ . lNQ i,. FICURE C1 M... s.- .j '., [?,, .f..'..:.'.','. J r. TyetcM. VESSEL HEATER WIRlHG l, {..*,, .. st o....,.h.- ,... ; n...c.,... >,.. 1 3 i. ,...c ....t. .a. s. 6. i .s. .. ; :.. ~..., < a .

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,h. s.. k..,'. rs . a >. ~ m.s..


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p..s.>,z,.x ss... v -

7:....s.. "... v.. e. .r. 4. g,:.. If valve leaks, bleed off press'ure and remove cap. n...a,s.- N 5. t,, w,?.:.Y. l.i~, p.i.


. s . a...x. g.; g ;c + u--; ~fEii5f Remove cotter pin from release nu.t and run release nut '. l M.......%.>.~$:,3.. ....... 3.'.,. A '. .-q :w Y :rg.lh.j.. down on' spindle until contact is made with top of compres -'c"fLW7* t?. . c..,..

i. ::-)j '

sfon. Snug release nut against compression screw. 14. ..::E?.e - NOTE i.e. . This enables valve'to be dissembled and relapped f?. . without disturbing. compression screw' setting.'. g 4 t j d ~ I T m er e-..-m we a--.-g-w. ew-y-- w w s

3; =- , g %&2- . d. O , ge Wf'\\k - % %2 s = w erw 6. Remove bonnet nuts and lift bonnet carefully off valve .l. base with spring, spindle, bellows, disc, etc., still in bon' net. Remove disc from holder as per instruction manual and 7. . lap. Lap nozzle in place.. See instruction raanual. ~ Reassemble disc in holder and back into bonnet' assembly. 8. Replace two (2) flexitallic gaskets on either' side of ' 9. bellows' guide. ? ( ' i ; C '.9, c.... ~ ' ~ . s..,.. ' - 10.' Replace bonnet carefully on base makirig 'ceitain aYi[nInenti ~ u. :. . w:.......? ;,. G..y... - w .n ..z.,. u. y: ?. c. e. ...- u.... - ...a- accurate. . v::.v :.~ -..;. :.. ~.::=. .c ^* >: + ~

install. ruits and torque down evenly and ' gradually all.

.,..;i n. : s:.

.pt f :.

11. .Re around bonnet. "Do not' exceed 570 ft. lbs.'. torque.7 ~ .m.. -.2.V ' ' '.:. ,....w... ,~ - 12. Repeat procedure.'.until valve eak. test.,.. #.. ::.{:,.. y ;. r Y... l J. . ~ 7_. ~/" ..I' - 7. - D., :h '.k r .. y... ~' E M u i;;; _,_ @ ^ - '. . y+ y. : *;? p %. t Hydro o '. e. st ',v ess 1.,. E '.. H ro punjp

f. : -

'C.onn out ofa.'. % ': e.:h.. ':. '.. .'f'. M: ,. Q i';::. t :.- . wat u sur.. vessel (u..s 1:.. - :v.... er. r. ..f. eser.v..oir.. nd. Pr

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.. ~... p'a:. ~,,- :.,., pc. nw n: - ~::. .-.. 2.. y. .fd. A;y.:u.g;4%.G, C ' ; ~m.-. ^ .u z. ..e;.....,. :.. . w>.. s n:

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+:Y.t9 ., n. .:.. ;.:: n. deminer l 'e' ater.", e lve5)"s / ' '. z 2. Con e' calibra ed te g ge to t essel. N,itrogen ttle to vessel. i C ne 4 Close va ves , 3 an 5 e A tachment 2 nd open va ve 2. Pre u ize test el by op i valve until ' p ure bet vessel a d N ott e is equall as nd ated te t gauge. 5. Close alve 4 and o ect a fr hb t1 on N. en 2 c ve 4 d ag eq alize pr e in v el with,Ni rogen a bottle. 9 ~ \\; gg g b -.w,

    • i=.

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