MONTHYEARML20211G1341999-08-24024 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Replacement Pages,Incorporating Addl Info for Pending TS Change ML20210D4331999-07-31031 July 1999 Material Recovery Plan, for Haddam Neck Plant ML20210F5121999-07-28028 July 1999 Rev 0 to CY-HP-0031,Haddam Neck Plant Health Physics Dept Technical Support Document, Bounding Dose Assessment for Offsite Radioactive Matls ML20195C8591999-06-0303 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Changes Which Reflect Limitations & Requirements Appropriate to Present Configuration of Plant ML20199K4861999-01-18018 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs to Relocate Requirements for Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation from Section 3/ of TSs to TRM ML20155G3561998-10-30030 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Updating Pages for Amend 194 Re Seismic Monitors ML20155G0061998-10-30030 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Correcting Amend Number on Pages Not Changed by Amend 193 ML20155F9851998-10-30030 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Editorial Changes & Typographical Corrections ML20154A7401998-09-24024 September 1998 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling & Makeup Monitoring Program ML20237C4561998-08-13013 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Limitations & Requirements Appropriate to Present Configuration of Plant ML20249B7841998-06-12012 June 1998 Rev 1 to CY-HP-0025,HNP Health Physics Dept Technical Support Document, Background Cs-137 Concentration in Soil ML20248L3291998-06-0202 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Proposed Changes Re Seismic Monitoring Into HNP TS ML20247Q6491998-05-0707 May 1998 Revised Nuclear Emergency Planning Operating Procedure Index ML20247E9991998-05-0707 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Reflecting Permanently Defueled Condition of HNP ML20217Q9101998-04-30030 April 1998 Matl Recovery Plan ML20212A6681997-09-29029 September 1997 Final Rept Unrestricted Release Confirmatory Survey Program ML20206D1071997-06-30030 June 1997 Rev 10 to ODCM for Hnp ML20206D1031997-05-31031 May 1997 Rev 10 to Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Manual ML20148G9191997-05-30030 May 1997 Rev 0 to Cyap Haddam Neck Plant Radiation Protection Improvement Plan ML20140E1261997-05-30030 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Certified Fuel Handler ML20140D5471997-05-30030 May 1997 Proposed Ts,Reflecting Limitations & Requirements Appropriate to Present Configuration of Plant ML20140E1391997-05-21021 May 1997 Rev 1 to NTM-7.083, Cyap Certified Fuel Handler Initial Certification Training Program Implementing Procedure ML20140E1571997-05-21021 May 1997 Rev 1 to NTM-7.084, Cyap Certified Fuel Handler Recertification Training Program Implementing Procedure ML20137H3031997-03-31031 March 1997 Rev 2 to Nuclear Training Loit/Lout Audit Reviews ML20216B3071997-02-28028 February 1997 Rev 8 to ODCM for Haddam Neck Plant ML20249B7761997-02-19019 February 1997 Rev 4 to Hwm 15.1-7, Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan ML20134J6511997-01-31031 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6, Administrative Controls ML20134L2551997-01-16016 January 1997 Rev 0 to Integrated Plan for Improvement of Mgt Stds at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20134L2701997-01-0303 January 1997 Rev 0 to Design Control Process ML20134L2511996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 0 to Integrated Plan for Improving CA Program at Connecticut Yankee ML20138G6871996-12-24024 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Changes to Revise Section 6, Administrative Controls & Reflect New Organizational Responsibilities & Titles ML20059L0701994-01-25025 January 1994 Proposed Tech Spec,Action C Re Atmospheric Steam Dump Capability B14619, Proposed Tech Specs Increasing AOT for Charging Pump from 72 Hours to Seven Days1993-11-0202 November 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Increasing AOT for Charging Pump from 72 Hours to Seven Days B14627, Reactor Containment Bldg ILRT Rept. W/1993-09-30030 September 1993 Reactor Containment Bldg ILRT Rept. W/ B14542, Proposed Tech Specs Permanently Removing Ability for Plant to Operate W/Three Loops While in Modes 1 or 21993-08-31031 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Permanently Removing Ability for Plant to Operate W/Three Loops While in Modes 1 or 2 ML20057A6241993-08-31031 August 1993 Core Xviii Startup Physics Test Rept ML20056E6281993-08-18018 August 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Re Onsite Power Distribution B14554, Proposed Tech Spec 3/4.4.1 Re Reactor Coolant Loops & Coolant Circulation1993-08-0909 August 1993 Proposed Tech Spec 3/4.4.1 Re Reactor Coolant Loops & Coolant Circulation ML20056D0521993-07-26026 July 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Action Statement a of TS Section 3.5.1 & Moving Surveillance Requirement 4.5.1.b from TS Section 3/4.5.1 to TS Section 3/4.5.2 as Surveillance Requirement 4.5.2.c ML20046A4651993-07-21021 July 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Re Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation ML20056C7471993-07-16016 July 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Changing Submittal Frequency of Radioactive Effluent Release Rept from Semiannual to Annual ML20046C1421993-07-0909 July 1993 Rev 12 to Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink ML20045D8531993-06-22022 June 1993 Proposed TS Changes to Include Augmented Erosion/Corrosion Program for Piping in AFW Bldg & Related Piping B14450, Proposed Tech Specs Page 3/4 4-17 Re RCS Pressurizer Code Safeties Lift Tolerences1993-05-31031 May 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Page 3/4 4-17 Re RCS Pressurizer Code Safeties Lift Tolerences ML20036B9811993-05-28028 May 1993 Proposed Tech Specs SR,citing 10CFR50,App J,Which Incorporates Total Time Method & Mass Point Method for Calculating Containment Integrated Leakage Rates B14462, Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.4 & Addressing Issues in GL-90-061993-05-19019 May 1993 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.4 & Addressing Issues in GL-90-06 ML20045H2271993-05-18018 May 1993 Rev 2 to Nuclear Engineering & Operations (Neo) Procedure Neo 2.35, Pep Verification & Validation Program ML20044E4131993-05-17017 May 1993 Proposed Tech Specs Re Fire Protection ML20045G7991993-05-0707 May 1993 Rev 1 to Project Plan,Cyap Seismic Upgrade Program for Svc Water Sys,Feedwater Sys & Main Steam Sys Outside Containment B14461, Proposed TS 3/4.7.1 Re self-actuation & Remote Actuation Function of Safety Valves & Table 3.7-1, Steam Line Safety Valves Per Loop1993-05-0404 May 1993 Proposed TS 3/4.7.1 Re self-actuation & Remote Actuation Function of Safety Valves & Table 3.7-1, Steam Line Safety Valves Per Loop 1999-08-24
MONTHYEARML20210D4331999-07-31031 July 1999 Material Recovery Plan, for Haddam Neck Plant ML20210F5121999-07-28028 July 1999 Rev 0 to CY-HP-0031,Haddam Neck Plant Health Physics Dept Technical Support Document, Bounding Dose Assessment for Offsite Radioactive Matls ML20154A7401998-09-24024 September 1998 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling & Makeup Monitoring Program ML20249B7841998-06-12012 June 1998 Rev 1 to CY-HP-0025,HNP Health Physics Dept Technical Support Document, Background Cs-137 Concentration in Soil ML20247Q6491998-05-0707 May 1998 Revised Nuclear Emergency Planning Operating Procedure Index ML20217Q9101998-04-30030 April 1998 Matl Recovery Plan ML20212A6681997-09-29029 September 1997 Final Rept Unrestricted Release Confirmatory Survey Program ML20206D1071997-06-30030 June 1997 Rev 10 to ODCM for Hnp ML20206D1031997-05-31031 May 1997 Rev 10 to Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Manual ML20148G9191997-05-30030 May 1997 Rev 0 to Cyap Haddam Neck Plant Radiation Protection Improvement Plan ML20140E1571997-05-21021 May 1997 Rev 1 to NTM-7.084, Cyap Certified Fuel Handler Recertification Training Program Implementing Procedure ML20140E1391997-05-21021 May 1997 Rev 1 to NTM-7.083, Cyap Certified Fuel Handler Initial Certification Training Program Implementing Procedure ML20137H3031997-03-31031 March 1997 Rev 2 to Nuclear Training Loit/Lout Audit Reviews ML20216B3071997-02-28028 February 1997 Rev 8 to ODCM for Haddam Neck Plant ML20249B7761997-02-19019 February 1997 Rev 4 to Hwm 15.1-7, Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan ML20134L2551997-01-16016 January 1997 Rev 0 to Integrated Plan for Improvement of Mgt Stds at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station ML20134L2701997-01-0303 January 1997 Rev 0 to Design Control Process ML20134L2511996-12-31031 December 1996 Rev 0 to Integrated Plan for Improving CA Program at Connecticut Yankee ML20046C1421993-07-0909 July 1993 Rev 12 to Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink ML20045H2271993-05-18018 May 1993 Rev 2 to Nuclear Engineering & Operations (Neo) Procedure Neo 2.35, Pep Verification & Validation Program ML20045G7991993-05-0707 May 1993 Rev 1 to Project Plan,Cyap Seismic Upgrade Program for Svc Water Sys,Feedwater Sys & Main Steam Sys Outside Containment ML20035E5451993-04-12012 April 1993 Revised Corporate Organization for Nuclear Incidents (Coni) Procedure Manual,Including Rev 73 to Table of Contents,Rev 23 to Coni 5.01, On-Call Technical Support Team & Rev 26 to Coni 10.01, Corporate EOC Equipment & Erds.. B14504, Eqe Procedure to Perform Seismic Screening Walkdowns for Main Steam,Feedwater & Svc Water Piping at Cyap1993-04-0202 April 1993 Eqe Procedure to Perform Seismic Screening Walkdowns for Main Steam,Feedwater & Svc Water Piping at Cyap ML20044C1551993-03-15015 March 1993 Revised Corporate Organization for Nuclear Incidents (Coni) Procedure,Including Rev 14 to Coni 4.01,Rev 20 to Coni 4.02, Rev 10 to Coni 8.04,Rev 1 to Coni 10.04 & Rev 1 to Coni 10.05 ML20127E2901993-01-11011 January 1993 Rev 43 to Corporate Organization for Nuclear Incidents (Coni) Procedure Coni 1.02,page 7.2-2 of 2,Figure 7.2, Cero Staff-Managers Annual On-Call Schedule ML20043H9901990-06-0606 June 1990 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Test Procedure ST 11.7-51, Reactor Protection Sys EMI Environ Test ML20044A8491990-05-23023 May 1990 Revised Vol 2 to Connecticut Yankee Simulator Certification Submittal:Nuclear Simulator Engineering Manual B13041, Rev 2 to Inservice Testing Program1990-03-29029 March 1990 Rev 2 to Inservice Testing Program ML20248H1601989-10-0202 October 1989 Inservice Test Pump & Valve Program ML20247H3371989-09-15015 September 1989 Revised Corporate Organization for Nuclear Incidents (Coni) Procedure Manual Including Rev 15 to CONI-1.01, Preparation,Issuance & Control Procedures, Rev 30 to CONI-1.02, Coni & Rev 19 to CONI-1.03, Alerting .. ML20011F3641989-02-0909 February 1989 Special Test Procedure Spl 10.8-9, Testing of Molded Case Circuit Breakers Per NRC Bulletin 88-010 ML20196A5591989-01-31031 January 1989 Rev 1 to Radiological Effluent Monitoring & Offsite Dose Calculation Manual & Process Control Program ML20011F3621988-12-31031 December 1988 Rev 1 to Preventive Maint Procedure PMP 9.8-88, Testing of Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Motor Circuit Protectors ML20204J1391988-09-0707 September 1988 Temporary Procedure Change 88-504 to Rev 4 to Procedure E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection ML20204J0391988-08-23023 August 1988 Rev 4 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 3.1-28, Turbine Overspeed ML20205A3181988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 3 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2525, Std Post-Trip Actions ML20205A3521988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2528, Electrical Emergency ML20205A3831988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 5 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2534, Steam Generator Tube Rupture ML20205A6111988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2540B, Functional Recovery of Vital Auxiliaries (AC & DC Power) ML20205A3671988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 4 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2532, Loss of Primary Coolant ML20205A3341988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2526, Reactor Trip Recovery ML20205A6281988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 3 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2540C, Functional Recovery of RCS Inventory & Pressure ML20205A6651988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 3 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2540D, Functional Recovery of Heat Removal ML20205A4011988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 4 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2537, Loss of All Feedwater ML20205A4191988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2540A, Functional Recovery of Reactivity Control ML20205A3941988-08-0303 August 1988 Rev 4 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 2536, Excess Steam Demand ML20011F3601988-08-0202 August 1988 Rev 6 to Preventive Maint Procedure PMP 9.5-41, Testing of Molded Case Circuit Breakers ML20205B4801988-06-15015 June 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 35 ES-1.4, Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation ML20205B7751988-06-15015 June 1988 Rev 3 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 35 ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power ML20205B5101988-06-15015 June 1988 Rev 2 to Emergency Operating Procedure EOP 35 ES-3.1, Post-Steam Generator Tube Rupture Cooldown Using Backfill 1999-07-31
[Table view] |
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i 1
l Revision 0 January 1997 i
Prepared By:
l- //-77 F
avar I
lli Reviewed By:
oley ApprovedB :
.b. Ifaseitine 4
l 9702180386 970206 1
PDR ADOCK 05000213, P
c ij GOAL The goal of this activity is to establish, document, communicate, and implement effective 1-management standards at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station. Northeast Utilities I
has identified var:ous recommended corrective actions in order to establish and maintain i
high management standards throughout the nuclear organization. These recommended corrective actions were presented to the NRC during the Enforcement Conference held j
for response to apparent violations in NRC Inspection Reports96-201, 96-06, and %-08.
The purpose of activities described in this document is to implement those corrective 4
a l
The management at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station has been criticized in various studies, Root Cause Evaluations, NRC Inspection Reports, and other internal assessments for not establishing and maintaining high standards with respect to i
regulatory compliance, corrective actions, conservative decision making, employee concems, design basis documentation, and procedural compliance. There is documented 4
objective evidence that lack ofimplementation of high management standards throughout
the nuclear organization has been a contributing cause of various events, problems, violations, and findings at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Station.
ROLES The Station Manager will have the overall responsibility for implementation of the l
management standards. He will also establish the methods for communication of management standards throughout the nuclear organization at CY. Department Mangers j
will establish the standards at the department level. The corrective action program manager will establish and implement methods to monitor the effectiveness of the management standards as part of the plant corrective action process. It should be noted that every individual within the CYPCO organization plays a vital role in implementation ofmanagement standards.
l Project Tasks
Management standards are the set of policies, rules, goals, and objectives established by the management and used as guidelines by plant personnel during the decision making i
process in conducting plant activities. Management standards are the driving force for the plant culture which establish management perspective and expectations on the level of performance requirements associated with these activities. The problem here at CY
appears to be rooted in communication of the standards and " buy in" at all levels of the organization. Studies performed concluded that management standards were being compromised in order to reach cost reduction goals and maintain plant capacity (choosing i
A i
to keep plant running through equipment problems). In addition, excellence was always evaluated with respect to the cost associated with it.
l In order to ensure " buy in" at all levels of the organization, and successful implementation, the standards ofperformance will be first established at the department level. This method in lieu of the top down approach will ensure participation at all levels and open the lines of communication within the organization.
I It is expected that the process for improvement of management standards will start on April 1,1997. This date is selected to allow for implementation of the new decommissioning organization and the Management team.
5 TASK 1.0 - Estahlinh & Document Standards for Perfor===*e at the Denart---t l
i Each department within the plant (Operations, Engineering, Maintenance, Chemistry, Licensing, Instrument Control & Electrical, Training, Material Control, Emergency i
Planning, Technical Support, etc.,.) will establish the standards of performance applicable
. to the department activities. The standards will be developed using input from individuals within the department. Individuals will provide input through departmental l.
meetings specifically held for soliciting standards inputs. The purpose of these meetings will be to allow open and candid discussion within each department. These meetings j
may be facilitated by someone from outside of the organization. Each department manager will decide on other means of soliciting input from individuals with the organization. This may include memos, specific forms, etc..
i i
I i
Each department standards once finalized will be documented and published. The i
method used to document and publish the standards will be determined (Procedures,
Guidelines). These standards will then be distributed to the plant senior management and directors..
Each department will also develop documentation which would provides objective evidence on how the specific standards will be implemented.
It is estimated that this task will take six (6) weeks to be completed with the approximate completion date of May 151997.
TASK 2.0 - Establish & Document Plant Level Manneement Standards The Management Team will use the department level standards and methods of implementation as the basis for establishing the management standards. In addition, the management team should be aware of the following:
l l
- 1. Recommended conective actions identified in the Common Cause Study of Apparent Violations at Connecticut Yankee Station, Dated December 1996; l
- 2. Conclusion from the Report of the Fundamental Cause Assessment Team, Dated July 1996;
- 3. Conclusions from the Independent Review Team (IRT) Report on the November 2, 1996 Radiological Incident and Reactor Disassembly delay at Haddam Neck Plant;
- 4. Results form the Benchmark Study (to be performed in January 1997)-
- 5. Nuclear Group Policies 1.1 through 5.7 As a minimum management standards will be established in the following primary areas:
Regulatory Compliance Quality Assurance e
Safe Plant Operation e
e Radiation Protection l
Employee Concern e
Questioning Attitude.
J e
Procedural Adherence e
Attention to details e
Training e
Testing e
l Knowledge base with respect to regulatory issues e-Knowledge base with respect to plant design and licensing basis e
.. Problem identification, evaluation, and correction. Include expectations for timeliness and effectiveness.
The need for rigor and precision in engineering analyses and calculations, and other e
plant processes as appropriate.
The need for a broad based approach to root cause analyses and engineering e
The need for rigor in verifying design inputs and other information that serves as input to plant work processes.
The importance of maintaining licensing and design basis The management team will maintain clear and candid combinations within the organization through the development process and solicit comments before the final issue of the management standards and the plans for implementation.
Standards once finalized will be documented and published. The method used to document and publish the standards will be determined (Procedures, Guidelines). These standards will then be distributed to the plant senior management and directors..
Management Team will also develop documentation which would provides objective i
evidence on how the specific standards will be implemented.
It is estimated that this task will take six (6) weeks to be completed with the approximate completion date ofJune 30,1997.
TASK 10 - Communiention & Imnlementation i
The management standard no matter how high established will not be implemented unless the following is achieved:
i Acknowledgment of the standards by the entire organization,
e Commitment and discipline on part of the entire organization to maintain them, i
Various means of communication and implementation should be evaluated for communicating management standards and expectations to plant personnel on a regular basis. Variety of formats and media such as weekly tailboard meetings, periodic standowns, bulletin boards, and newsletters may be used.
The management standards can be implemented and communicated by various methods such as:
t Policy Documents
- Mission Statement Documents
- Guidance Documents Training TASK 4.0 Effectiveness Measurement The effectiveness of the management standards will be determined by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) currently being developed as part of the corrective action program.
There will be a link between data captured in the ACR process and the areas identified under Task 2.0, above. For example, if the results from a root cause evaluation or Adverse Condition Report (ACR) evaluation indicates that lack of attention to details was i
a contributing factor in creating a problem, the effectiveness of the standards and their implementation will be re-evaluated.
i Deliverables:
l This task will be completed as the Key Performance Indicators are developed as part of the corrective action program.
The first indication of the effectiveness will be published as part of quarterly Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at the end first quarter following the implementation of management standards.
TASK 10 - Benchrnarkina The purpose of the benchmarking will be to get input from other utilities that have successfully initiated, revised, and implemented the management standards. Utilities selected will be the ones that have been criticized for lack of adequate management standards and its implementation.
A report that compares the management standards and its implementation plan to two other utilities. This record will also include recommendations for improvements in the establishing and implementations plans of management standards at CY. The benchmark
reports will be completed by February 28,1996.
InferDerson.i The approach used here to establish the management standards at CY requires clear vertical and horizontal communications throughout the organization. This requires frequent interfaces at various levels. Although specific individuals will be assigned lead responsibilities for specific tasks, it is expected that they interface frequently with plant personnel to solicit their feedback so as to make the final products as useful, user friendly and acceptable to plant personnel as practical. It is also important to communicate the importance of successful implementation of management standards, and what benefits can accme from their implementation. Communications must be open, honest and supportive, and must not be adversarial.
I 1