MONTHYEARML20198G9101998-12-22022 December 1998 Proposed Rev 2 of Cyap QAP for Haddam Neck Plant. Marked Up Rev 1 Included ML20217Q3171997-08-31031 August 1997 Addl Changes to Proposed Rev 1 to QA Program ML20138G5901997-04-25025 April 1997 Proposed Rev 1 to Cyap QA Program for Haddam Neck Plant ML20134L2791997-01-10010 January 1997 Rev 0 to QA Program Grpi ML20062J4181993-10-0707 October 1993 Rev 16 to Northeast Utilities QA Program Topical Rept ML20058M7781993-10-0707 October 1993 Corrected App a to Rev 16 to QA Program Topical Rept ML20055D7251990-06-29029 June 1990 Amended Rev 13 to QA Program ML20043F4581990-06-0404 June 1990 Rev 13 to Northeast Utils QA Program Topical Rept ML20154J5501988-05-18018 May 1988 Rev 11 to Northeast Utils QA Program (Nuqap) Topical Rept B12541, Rev 10 to QA Program Topical Rept1987-06-30030 June 1987 Rev 10 to QA Program Topical Rept ML20204A0261986-04-29029 April 1986 Proposed Rev 8 to Northeast Util QA Program (Nuqap) Topical Rept ML20134G6381985-08-0909 August 1985 Rev 7 to QA Program Topical Rept ML20203J1991985-08-0909 August 1985 Rev 7 to QA Program Topical Rept ML20127B1531985-06-0505 June 1985 Draft Rev 7 to QA Program Topical Rept 1998-12-22
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217K3301999-10-19019 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 195 to License DPR-61 ML20206C8761999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 194 to License DPR-61 CY-99-047, Ro:On 981217,identified Unsuccessful Dewatering of Cnsi HIC, Model PL8-120R,containing Resins.Caused by Apparent Failure of Dewatering Tree.Other HICs Have Been Procured,Recertified & Returned to Plant for Use1999-03-23023 March 1999 Ro:On 981217,identified Unsuccessful Dewatering of Cnsi HIC, Model PL8-120R,containing Resins.Caused by Apparent Failure of Dewatering Tree.Other HICs Have Been Procured,Recertified & Returned to Plant for Use 05000213/LER-1999-001, :on 990105,main Stack RM R-14A Pressure Compensating Signal Was Not Calibrated.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Calibration Procedure.With1999-02-0101 February 1999
- on 990105,main Stack RM R-14A Pressure Compensating Signal Was Not Calibrated.Caused by Personnel Error.Revised Calibration Procedure.With
05000213/LER-1997-016, :on 970825,discovered That Negative Pressure Was Not Maintained in Sf Bldg,Per Design Basis.Caused by Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Being Based on Lower Pab Ventilation Flow Rates.Corrected Ventilation Sys Design.With1999-01-25025 January 1999
- on 970825,discovered That Negative Pressure Was Not Maintained in Sf Bldg,Per Design Basis.Caused by Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Being Based on Lower Pab Ventilation Flow Rates.Corrected Ventilation Sys Design.With
ML20206F1971998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Rept for 1998 for Cyap. with CY-99-027, Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59, for Jan-Dec 1998.With1998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59, for Jan-Dec 1998.With ML20198G9101998-12-22022 December 1998 Proposed Rev 2 of Cyap QAP for Haddam Neck Plant. Marked Up Rev 1 Included 05000213/LER-1997-018, :on 971003,discovered That Sf Bldg Exhaust Fan Did Not Meet Design Basis.Caused by Higher than Expected Pressure in Pab.Design of Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Was Corrected.With1998-12-0808 December 1998
- on 971003,discovered That Sf Bldg Exhaust Fan Did Not Meet Design Basis.Caused by Higher than Expected Pressure in Pab.Design of Sf Bldg Ventilation Sys Was Corrected.With
05000213/LER-1998-009, :on 980915,noted Excessive CV,SW-CV-963,seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers.Caused by Subject Cv Disc Being Stuck in Open Position.Valve Was Exercised & Freed from Stuck Open Position.With1998-10-14014 October 1998
- on 980915,noted Excessive CV,SW-CV-963,seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers.Caused by Subject Cv Disc Being Stuck in Open Position.Valve Was Exercised & Freed from Stuck Open Position.With
05000213/LER-1998-008, :on 980721,determined That Main Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Samples Were Not Analyzed to Required Detection Level.Caused by Inadequate Design.Immediately Controlled Temp of Radiation Monitor Room.With1998-09-29029 September 1998
- on 980721,determined That Main Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Samples Were Not Analyzed to Required Detection Level.Caused by Inadequate Design.Immediately Controlled Temp of Radiation Monitor Room.With
05000213/LER-1997-021, :on 971124,found Contaminated Matls Offsite. Caused by Breakdown of Health Physics Program in Effect at Time Contaminated Matl Was Released from Site.Revised Procedures.With1998-09-0101 September 1998
- on 971124,found Contaminated Matls Offsite. Caused by Breakdown of Health Physics Program in Effect at Time Contaminated Matl Was Released from Site.Revised Procedures.With
ML20238F2131998-08-28028 August 1998 SER Accepting Defueled Emergency Plan for Emergency Planning for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co 05000213/LER-1998-007, :on 980714,excessive Check Valve Seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers,Occurred.Caused by SW-CV-963 Disc Sticking in Open Position.Increased Test Frequency from Quarterly to Monthly1998-08-13013 August 1998
- on 980714,excessive Check Valve Seat Leakage in SW Supply Piping to SFP Heat Exchangers,Occurred.Caused by SW-CV-963 Disc Sticking in Open Position.Increased Test Frequency from Quarterly to Monthly
CY-98-136, Ro:On 980727,flow Blockage Occurred & Caused Pressure in Sys to Increase,Resulting in Relief Valve Lifting & Pipe Vibration,Which Caused Leaks to Develop.Caused by Nearly Closed post-filter Inlet Valve.Repaired 2 Leaks in Line1998-08-12012 August 1998 Ro:On 980727,flow Blockage Occurred & Caused Pressure in Sys to Increase,Resulting in Relief Valve Lifting & Pipe Vibration,Which Caused Leaks to Develop.Caused by Nearly Closed post-filter Inlet Valve.Repaired 2 Leaks in Line ML20237B7461998-07-22022 July 1998 1998 Defueled Emergency Plan Exercise Scenario Manual, Conducted on 980722 ML20202D1621998-06-30030 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 193 to License DPR-61 05000213/LER-1998-005, :on 980511,determined That Design Deficiency Was Found in Main Stack Flow Rate Monitor.Caused by 1974 Mod Change on Original Installation.Declared F-1101 Channel Out of Svc & Develop Means of Estimating Flow1998-06-0909 June 1998
- on 980511,determined That Design Deficiency Was Found in Main Stack Flow Rate Monitor.Caused by 1974 Mod Change on Original Installation.Declared F-1101 Channel Out of Svc & Develop Means of Estimating Flow
05000213/LER-1998-006, :on 980507,design Deficiency Was Found in Stack RM RMS-14B Sampling Lines.Caused by Design Not Meeting ANSI N13.1-1969 Stds.Corrective Action Plan for RMS-14B Is Being Developed1998-06-0808 June 1998
- on 980507,design Deficiency Was Found in Stack RM RMS-14B Sampling Lines.Caused by Design Not Meeting ANSI N13.1-1969 Stds.Corrective Action Plan for RMS-14B Is Being Developed
05000213/LER-1998-004, :on 980507,discovered Design Deficiency in Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Isokinetic Sampling.Caused by Failure to Account for Spent Fuel Bldg Ventilation Flow. Will Develop CAP for RMS-14B1998-06-0404 June 1998
- on 980507,discovered Design Deficiency in Stack Radiation Monitor RMS-14B Isokinetic Sampling.Caused by Failure to Account for Spent Fuel Bldg Ventilation Flow. Will Develop CAP for RMS-14B
05000213/LER-1998-003, :on 980505,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded Time Limit W/Sw Effluent RM Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Was Counseled & Technicians Were Reminded of Sampling within Required Frequency1998-06-0202 June 1998
- on 980505,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded Time Limit W/Sw Effluent RM Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Individual Was Counseled & Technicians Were Reminded of Sampling within Required Frequency
05000213/LER-1998-002, :on 980421,determined That Visual Insp of Switchgear Cable Shaft Sprinkler Sys Was Not Being Performed Once Per 18 Months.Caused by Inadequate Implementation of License Amend.Fire Watch Patrol Established1998-05-19019 May 1998
- on 980421,determined That Visual Insp of Switchgear Cable Shaft Sprinkler Sys Was Not Being Performed Once Per 18 Months.Caused by Inadequate Implementation of License Amend.Fire Watch Patrol Established
05000213/LER-1998-001, :on 980409,seismic Monitor Sp Was Not in Compliance W/Ts.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review. Submitted Proposed License Amend to Correct Issue1998-05-0707 May 1998
- on 980409,seismic Monitor Sp Was Not in Compliance W/Ts.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review. Submitted Proposed License Amend to Correct Issue
CY-98-068, Follow-up to Verbal Notification on 980413 of Film on Discharge Canal.Investigation Continuing.Samples Collected for Petroleum Analyses & Biological Characterization at Intake Structure & Discharge Canal.Replaced Sorbent Booms1998-04-15015 April 1998 Follow-up to Verbal Notification on 980413 of Film on Discharge Canal.Investigation Continuing.Samples Collected for Petroleum Analyses & Biological Characterization at Intake Structure & Discharge Canal.Replaced Sorbent Booms CY-98-045, Ro:On 980212,0219,0225 & 0312,separate Sheens of Approx One Cup of oil-like Substance Was Observed at Discharge Canal. Cause Has Not Been Clearly Identified.Called in Vendor Spill to Install Sorbent Booms to Absorb Sheen.W/One Drawing1998-04-13013 April 1998 Ro:On 980212,0219,0225 & 0312,separate Sheens of Approx One Cup of oil-like Substance Was Observed at Discharge Canal. Cause Has Not Been Clearly Identified.Called in Vendor Spill to Install Sorbent Booms to Absorb Sheen.W/One Drawing ML20217A0001998-03-31031 March 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1998 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217F0611998-03-31031 March 1998 Historical Review Team Rept ML20217K2101998-03-27027 March 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 192 to License DPR-61 CY-98-046, Follow-up to 980311 Verbal Notification of Film on Discharge Canal.Cause Not Yet Determined.Film Is Contained & Will Be Absorbed by Containment & Sorbent Booms That Were in Place in Discharge Canal1998-03-12012 March 1998 Follow-up to 980311 Verbal Notification of Film on Discharge Canal.Cause Not Yet Determined.Film Is Contained & Will Be Absorbed by Containment & Sorbent Booms That Were in Place in Discharge Canal ML20216D6531998-02-28028 February 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1998 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217D7381998-02-28028 February 1998 Revised MOR for Feb 1998 Haddam Neck Plant CY-98-012, Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant1998-01-31031 January 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1998 for Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant CY-98-010, Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59,Jan-Dec,19971997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Rept for 10CFR50.59,Jan-Dec,1997 ML20198N6681997-12-31031 December 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant ML20217P4861997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Financial Rept, for Cyap ML20199L5891997-12-24024 December 1997 Independent Analysis & Evaluation of AM-241 & Transuranics & Subsequent Dose to Two Male Workers at Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Plant 05000213/LER-1997-020, :on 971117,determined That Radioactive Effluent Dose Calculations Were Not Performed within Required Frequency.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Will Revise Procedures & Will Enhance Tracking Process1997-12-16016 December 1997
- on 971117,determined That Radioactive Effluent Dose Calculations Were Not Performed within Required Frequency.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Will Revise Procedures & Will Enhance Tracking Process
ML20203K4271997-11-30030 November 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-017, :on 970924,identified Three Locations of Detectable Plant Related Radioactivity in on-site Landfill Area.Caused by Failure to Conduct Adequate Survey.Access to Area Controlled1997-11-18018 November 1997
- on 970924,identified Three Locations of Detectable Plant Related Radioactivity in on-site Landfill Area.Caused by Failure to Conduct Adequate Survey.Access to Area Controlled
05000213/LER-1997-019, :on 970808,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded W/Rms Determined Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Incorrect Interpretation of Ts.Compensatory Sampling to Be Conducted in Time Frame Required1997-11-17017 November 1997
- on 970808,compensatory Sampling Frequency Exceeded W/Rms Determined Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Incorrect Interpretation of Ts.Compensatory Sampling to Be Conducted in Time Frame Required
ML20199B1141997-10-31031 October 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-018, :on 971003,Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Flow Was Found Below Design During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Evaluated Replacement of Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Capable of Overcoming Higher Pressures1997-10-30030 October 1997
- on 971003,Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Flow Was Found Below Design During Testing.Caused by Personnel Error.Evaluated Replacement of Spent Fuel Building Exhaust Fan Capable of Overcoming Higher Pressures
ML20198M8101997-10-14014 October 1997 SER Accepting Proposed Revs to Util Quality Assurance Program at Facility ML20198J8811997-09-30030 September 1997 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1997 for Haddam Neck Plant 05000213/LER-1997-015, :on 970813,functional Testing of Radiation Monitoring Sys Was Not Performed as Defined in Ts.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Definition of Acot.Revised Appropriate RMS Surveillance Procedure1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 970813,functional Testing of Radiation Monitoring Sys Was Not Performed as Defined in Ts.Caused by Lack of Understanding of Definition of Acot.Revised Appropriate RMS Surveillance Procedure
05000213/LER-1996-027, :on 961010,boron Injection Flow Path Below Minimum Required Temperature Was Determined.Caused by Inadequate Design of Heat Trace Controls in Rtd.Boric Acid Flow Paths from Bamt Were Declared Inoperable1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 961010,boron Injection Flow Path Below Minimum Required Temperature Was Determined.Caused by Inadequate Design of Heat Trace Controls in Rtd.Boric Acid Flow Paths from Bamt Were Declared Inoperable
05000213/LER-1996-016, :on 960801,potential for Inadequate RHR Pump NPSH During Sump Recirculation Was Determined.Caused by Failure to Fully Analyze Containment Pressure & Sump Temperature Response.Redesign of Piping Proposed1997-09-12012 September 1997
- on 960801,potential for Inadequate RHR Pump NPSH During Sump Recirculation Was Determined.Caused by Failure to Fully Analyze Containment Pressure & Sump Temperature Response.Redesign of Piping Proposed
05000213/LER-1997-014, :on 970808,ESFA Occurred Due to Deenergization of High Containment Pressure Actuation Circuits.Reemphasized Expectations of Mgt for Performing non-routine Operational Tasks1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 970808,ESFA Occurred Due to Deenergization of High Containment Pressure Actuation Circuits.Reemphasized Expectations of Mgt for Performing non-routine Operational Tasks
05000213/LER-1996-021, :on 960828,valve Leakage Resulted in Nitrogen Intrusion Into RCS During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Leaking Valve BA-V-355.Training Has Been Been Provided to Operators on Event & Features & Limitations of Sys1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 960828,valve Leakage Resulted in Nitrogen Intrusion Into RCS During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Leaking Valve BA-V-355.Training Has Been Been Provided to Operators on Event & Features & Limitations of Sys
05000213/LER-1996-005, :on 960301,spent Fuel Cooling Was Shut Down Due to Discovery of Loose Parts.Caused by Inadequate Design. Piping from Both Sent Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps to Plate Exchanger Were Inspected for Loose Parts w/bore-a-scope1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 960301,spent Fuel Cooling Was Shut Down Due to Discovery of Loose Parts.Caused by Inadequate Design. Piping from Both Sent Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps to Plate Exchanger Were Inspected for Loose Parts w/bore-a-scope
[Table view] |
F i
Quality Assurance Program l
t Revision 0 1
January 10,1997 t
Prepared by:
Jeff Warnock Quality Assurance Manager i
Approved by:
Date: '/4/77 ohn D.
aseltine Director of Engineering l
l 9702180396 970206 PDR ADOCK 05000213<
Quality Assurance Program GRPI CY Decommissioning REV 01,1/09/97 Goals:
To revise the NU Quality Assurance Program to reflect the requirements necessary to support the decommissioning effort; long term storage of spent fuel and the shipping, handling and storage of radioactive material in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations. This revision may require either the development of a new QA-CY Topical or the development of a CY-QA plan utilizing the existing Topical.
Define the QA organization to support the decommissioning effort which includes quality engineering, surveillance, inspection, and audit capabilities.
Develop the QA procedures necessary to implement the revised QA Topical.
Trair, and certify personnel in Radwaste Inspection requirements.
Develop an interface agreement with the Millstor:c Nuclear Oversight organization to provide selected support services on an as needed/ required basis.
Review existing, revised or new station procedures and processes to ensure that the required quality criteria and interfaces are addressed.
Develop an integrated audit and surveillance plan for the functional areas being evaluated.
Cross train and qualify CY Oversight Group personnel to perform inspections, surveillance and audits including RADWASTE activities.
Roles e MISSION The CY QA Oversight Group is dedicated and committed to providing quality services which meet the needs of the CY Decommissioning Organization. These services will be provided in a professional manner by qualified individuals, with a goal for achieving continuous improvement. The group will work as a team to establish high standards of excellence in support of decommissioning activities.
The following groups will review and provide input to the development of the revised CY QA program:
i Nuclear Oversight l
Licensing Engineering Work Services Unit Director YAEC Operations e
Health Physics Radwaste and Environmental Nuclear Oversight - The CY-QA Manager will take the lead in revising the NU QA Topical to reflect the unique requirements for the decommissioning activities. He will coordinate the rewrite, review and submittal to the NRC for approval.
Licensine - Review and provide the required interface with the NRC for the revised QA program.
YAEC - Provide a Quality review of the revised QA Topical or plan for CY to ensure that activities required for decommissioning are adequately described.
Plant Manacement/Devartments - The CY departments will review the revised CY-QA Program and are responsible for implementation of the QA program.
PORC - Review the revised CY-QA Topical prior to submi.cGon to the NRC.
Additional Roles CY Unit DirectorAVork Services Director /Encineering Director - Concur in the CY-QA Topical / Plan to support the decommissioning activities. Provide management support to ensure that the Quality / Oversight organization is an integral part of the decommissioning activities, to provide the necessary senior level management oversight to ensure that the required quality is maintained.
ChiefNuclear Of/Icer - Responsible for providing, directing, and executing the CY-QA Program. Approves the CY-QA Program Topical / Plan for submission to the NRC.
CYNSAB - Responsible for providing oversight of the CY-QA Program in accordance viith the CY Technical Specifications and Chief Nuclear Officer's requirements.
. -. _ _ ~ _ -. _ _
i Review the existing NU Topical and QA implementing procedures for applicability e
and application to CY decommissioning activities.
i l
Revise the QA Topical to be specific to CY or develop an implementing QA plan for e
the existing the existing (current) QA Topical with application to the CY decommissiomng process.
Establish a QA organization to support CY decommissioning activities (See attached organization chart for proposed QA organization).
i Develop QA audits and surveillance activities for:
e Engineering Design Changes required for operational and available o
Health Physics / Decontamination /RadWaste/ Shipping Tecimical Specification Surveillances Environmental / NPDES / Chemistry Station Programs / Processes such as Fire Prot ction, Special Processes, 1
Security, Emergency Planning, Work Control, etc.
D l
Interpersonal The team will (tevelop a liaison with YAEC-QA at Bolton and Yankee Rowe to discuss process, programs, and experiences in deconunissioning activities.
l i
j Utilize the Operating Experience group as a resource to assist in Industry search for e
decommissioning experience.
Consider establishing contact with DOE /DOD facilities at Hanford and Savannah River for additional experience with decommissioning defense related reactors, Support line management with real-time feedback on performance issues, both e
positive and negative.
Provide a quality service and foster an attitude of continuous improvement as well as taking advantage of the lessons teamed.
l l
l 9
.. __. -. ~
Proposed CY-Qa Organization 0109/97 i
Vice President-Nuclear Oversight CY-Chief Nuclear Officer David M. Gochel T.C.Feigenbaum
Director-Performance Evaluation CY -Unit / Work Services / Engineering Directors P.M. Richardson J. LaPlatney/G. Bouchard/J.Ilaseltine CY-QA Manager J.J.Warnock-NU
NSE Mgr QA Engineering M. Makowicz-NU-T.Turisco (C)
T D.
Nuc Safety Eng 3g 31.Ilornyak-NU Lead QA Nrite.
T D -Techmcal Direct" J.Hourassa -YAEC NU-Northeast Utdities A D -Administrative and Functmal Direction I
l YAEC-Yankee Atomic IJectric Company C-Contractor Audit QA StafT D. Delacruz-NIT J. Cormier-NU G. Paine-NU A. Herry-YAEC W.llocy-YAEC t