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Rev 1 to Radiological Effluent Monitoring & Offsite Dose Calculation Manual & Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1989
Shared Package
ML20195G867 List:
PROC-890131, NUDOCS 8812060041
Download: ML20196A559 (26)


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p PDR January 1989 Revision 1 i





DOCKET NO. 50 213 I

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January 1989 j

Revision 1 r

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1/1/89 Rsv.1 4


INTRODUCTION The purpose of this manualis to provide the sampling and analysis programs which provide input to the ODCM for calculating liquid end gaseous effluent concentrations and offsite doses. Guidelines are provided for operating radioactive waste treatment systems in order that offsite doses are kept as low as reasonably-achievable (ALARA).

The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program outlined within this manual provides confirmation that the measurable concentrations of radioactive material released as a result of operations at the Haddam Neck Plant are not higher than expected.

In addition, this manual outlines the information required to be submitted to the NRC in both the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Semiann ual Radioactive Effluen t Release Report.

l I

i A.1 L


1/1/89 Rev.1 B.

RESPONSIBILITIES All changes to this manual shall be reviewed by the Plant Operations Review Committee prior to implementation.

All changes to this manual shall be approved by the NRC prior to implementation.

All changes and their rationale shall be documented in the Semiannual Radioactive EHluent Release Report.

It shall be the responsibility of the Station Superintendent to ensure that this manual is used in performance of the surveillance requirements and administrative controls of the TechnicalSpecifications.

B1 l

1/1/89 Rev.1 C.

LIQUID EFFLUENTS C.1 Licuid Effluent Samplina and Analysis Proaram Radioactive liquid wastes shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with the program specified in Table C.T for the Haddam Neck Plant. The results of the radioactive analyses shall be input to the methodology of the ODCM to assure l

that the concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the limits of the TechnicalSpecification.

I C1 4

1/1/89 Rev.1 Table C-1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANAL YSIS PROGRAM Lower Limit Minimum of Detection Sampling Analysis Type of Activity (LLD)a Liquid Release Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (pCi/ml)

A. Batch Releasek Prior to Prior to Principal Gamma 5 x 10 7 Each Batch Each Batch Emitterse I-131, Mo-99 1 x 10 6

1. Waste Test 2n-65, Cr 51 Tanks and Ru 106 Recycle Test Tanks Ce 141, Ce-144 5 x 10-6 Kr 85 1 x 10 4 One Batch Monthly per Monthd.i Other Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1 x 10 5
2. Turbine Building Sumps (Waste Prior to Monthly H 31 1 x 10 5 Neutrahzation Each Batch Compositeb,(

Tank)h Gross alphai 1 x 10 7 Prior to Quarterly Sr 89), Sr 90}

5 x 10 8 Each Batch Compositeb (

Fe 551 1 x 10 6 B. Continuous Dailyf Weekly Principal Gamma Release Grab Lmple Composite (

Emitterse 5 x 10 7 l

l l 131, Mo 99 1 x 10 6 Zn 65, CR 51

1. Stea m Ru 106 Generator Blowdown Ce-141, Ce 144 5 x 10 6 Monthly Grab Monthly Kr 85 1 x 10 4 Samp'e Other Dissoked and Entrained Gris 1 x 10 5 i
2. Service Water Weekly Grab Monthly H3 1 x 10 5 I

Effluent Sample Composite (

Gross alpha 9 1 x 10 7 Weekly Grab Quarterly Sr 895, Sr 909 5 x 10 s Sample Compositec Fe 55 1 x 10 6 C2

1/1/89 Rev.1 TABLE C-1 (Cont'd.)


The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive materialin a sample that will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely conc!vding that a blank observation represents a "reaI" signal.

For a particular measurement system (which may include ra'.ochemical separation):

4.66 S 6 LLD =

E V. 2 22 1 10' Y. exp b t) where:

LLO is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume)

Sb s the standard deviation of the background counting ran or of the counting i

rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 x 106 is the number of transform rions per minute per microcurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide l

At is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample collection and midpoint of counting time It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a_ oriori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system anc not as an aJosterioj (after l

the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLD's will be achieved l

under routine conditions. Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the preser.;e of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLD's unachievable. In such cases, the contributing l

factors will be identified and recorded on the analysis sheet for that particular

sample, b.

A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.


Prior to analysis, all samples taken for the composite shall be thoroughly mixed in order for the composite sample to be representative of the effluents released.

l C3

1/1/89 Rev.1 d.

One batch per month means one batch from a waste test tank and one from a recycle test tank if they are discharged that month.


The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification will apply are exclusively the following radionuclides:

Mn 54, Fe-59, Co 58, Co 60, Cs 134 and Cb 137. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and eported. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall be identified and reported. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses should not be reported as being present at the LLD level. When unusual circumstances result in a ariori LLD's higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the semiannua radioactive effluent release report.


At least 5 days per week.


For Service Water, these analyses are only required if a weekly gamma analysis indicates a gamma activity greater than 5 x 10 7 pCi/ml.


Turbine building sumps are pumped to the waste neutralization tank and then discharged on a batch basis. Each batch should be sampled and analyzed for l

principal gamma emitters only if the steam generator gamma activity is greater than 5 x 10 7 pCi/ml.


Not required for turbine building sumps (waste neutralization tank).


Only required for the tuihine building sumps (waste neutralization tank) if the gamma activity of the batch is greater than 5 x 10 7 pCi/ml.


A batch release is the discharge of liquid waste of a discrete volume. Prior to sampling, each batch shall be isolated and at least two tank / sump volumes shall be recirculated or equivalent mixing providad.

C4 I


1/1/89 Rev.1 C.2 Liauid Radioactive Waste Treatment All applicable liquid radioactive waste treatment systems will be operated when the projected dose due to liquid effluents averaged over 31 days exceeds 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ.

The term "all applicable liquid radioactive waste treatment" is defined as that l

equipment applicable to a waste stream responsible for greater than ten percent (10%) of the total projected dose. The liquid radioactive waste treatment systems equipment at the Haddam Neck Plant consists of the following-Portable mixed bed demineralizer and either evaporator or mixed bed e

polishing demineralizer Letdown system mixed bed demineralizer and either evaporator or boron e

recovery mixed bed polishing demineralizer With radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission a report that includes the following information:

1. Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability,
2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and
3. Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

If the above treatment systems are not routinely operating, doses due to liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.



1/1/89 Rsv.1 3


GASEOUS EFFLUENTS D.1 Gaseous Effluents Samplino and Analysis Procram Radioactive gaseous wastes shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with the program specified in Table D-1 for the Haddam Neck Plant. The results of the radioactive analyses shall be input to the methodology of the ODCM to l

assure that the offute dose rates are maintained within the limits of the Technical Specification.


ll tiuy Rev.1 TABLE D 1 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Lower Limit Minimum of Detection Sampling Analysis Type of Activity (LLD)a Gaseous Release Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (uCi/cc)

Grab Sample Prior to Principal Gamma 1 x 10 4 A. Waste Gas Prior to Each Tank Emitterse Decay Tank Each Tank H3 1 x 10 6 Discharge Xe 138 3 x 10 4 Grab Sample Prior to Principal Gamma 1 x 10 4 B. Containment Prior to Each Purge Emitterse Purge Each Purge H 3f 1 x 10 6 Xe 138 3 x 10 4 I

onthlyc Principal Gamma 1 x 10 4 Monthlyc M

Gaseous Emitterse Grab Samples H3 1 x 10 6 Xe 138

? x 10 4 Continuousd Weeklyb I.131 1 x 1012 Charcoal Sample I133 1 x 1010 Continuousd Weeklyb Principal Particulate Particulate Gamma Emitterse C. Main Stack Sample (1 131, others with 1 x 1011 Half lives > 8 days)

Cantinuousd Monthly Gross Alpha 1 x 1011 Composite Particulate Sample Continuousd Quarterly Sr 89, St 90 1 x 1011 Composite Particulate Sample Continuousd Noble Gas Noble Gases 1 x 10 6 Monitor Gross Activity D2

1/1/89 Rev.1 TABLE D 1 (Cont'd.)


The lower lirr:t of detection (LLD)is defined in Table Notations of Table C-1.


Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing. Special sampling and analysis of iodine and particolata filters shall also be performed whenever reactor coolant 1131 samples taken 2 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> following a THERMAL POWER change exceeding 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER in one hour show an increase of greater than a factor of 5.

These filters shall be changed following such a five fold increase in coolant activity and every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter until the reactor coolant 1131 levels are less than a factor of 5 greater than the original coolant levels or until seven days have passed, whichever is shorter. Sample analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of changing. The LLD's may be increased by a factor of 10 for these samples.


Sampling and analysis of principal gamma emitters shall also be performed within 8 l

hours following shutdown, startup, or a THERMAL POWER change exceeding $5 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER within one hour unless (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT l 131 concentration in the primary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 3 and (2) the noble gas activity monitor shows that effluent l

activity has not increased by more than a factor of 3.


The ratio of the sample flow rate to the samplect stream flow rate shall be known for the time period covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with TechnicalSpecifications.

l e.

The priricipal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification will apply are exclusively the following radionuclides: Kr 87, Kr 88, Xe 133, Xe 133m, and Xe-135 for gaseous emissions and Mn 54, Fe 59, Co 58, Co 60,2n 65, Mo 99, Cs 134, Cs-137, Ce 141 and Ce 144 for particulate emissions. The list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measurable and identihable, together with the above nuchdes, shall be identified and reported.

Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses should not be reported as being present at the LLD level for that nuclide. When unusual circumstances result in LLD's higher than required, the reasons shall be documented in the Semtannual Radioactive Effluen t Release Report.


When the refueling cavity is flooded and purging is in progress, samples shall be l

taken at least once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the charging floor (refueling floor) and analyzed for tritium. The results shall be used along with containment purge flow rates to determine tritium releases.


1/1/89 Rev.1 D.2 Gaseous Radioactive Waste Treatment All applicable gaseous radioactive waste treatment systems shall be operated when the projected dose due to gaseous effluents averaged over 31 days exceeds 0.2 mrad for gamma radiation,0.4 mrad for beta radiation or 0.3 mrem to any organ due to gaseous particulate effluents.

The term all applicable gaseous radioactive treatment is defined as that equipment applicable to a waste stream responsible for greater than ten percent (10%) of the total projected dose. The gaseous radioactive waste treatment systems equipment at the Haddam Neck Plant consists of the following:

Waste Gas Surge Tank, Waste Gas Compressor A or B and at least one Waste Gas Decay Tank Ventilation System HEPA Filter and Charcoal Filter e

With gaseous waste being discharged without treatment and in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission a report that includes the following information:

1. Explanation of why gaseous radwaste was being discharged without i

treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and J

the reasons for the inoperability, 1

2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and
3. Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

If the above treatment systems are not routinely operating, doses due to gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per l

31 days in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.

t 5

i A

4 L



1/1/89 Rev.1 a


RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING E.1 Samplino and Analvsis The radiological sampling and analyses provide measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from plant operation. Tnis monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Program changes may be made based on operational experience.

The sampling and analyses shall be conducted as specified in Table E 1 for the locations shown in Appendix G of the ODCM. Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment or other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period.

All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Section F.f.

It is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media of choice at the most desired location or time. In these instances suitable alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate substitutions made within 30 days in the radiological environmental monitoring program. In these instances, identify the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and identify the new location (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s).

If milk samples are unavailable from any one or more of the milk sample locations required by Table E 7, a grass sample shall be substituted until a suitable milk location is evaluated as a replacement or until milk is available from the original location. Such an occurrence will be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

l If the level of radioactivity in an environmental sampling medium at one or more of the locations specified in Table E 1 exceeds the report levels of Table E 2 when l

averaged over any calendar quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days from the end of the affected calendar quarter, a Special Report l

which includes an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors or other aspects which caused the limits of Table E 2 to be exceeded. When more


than one of the radionuclidesin Table E 2 are detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if:

l concentru tton (1) wncentra tion (2 i ttporting Intl t) )

typorting ine'l(2 )



1/1/89 Rev.1 When radionuclides other than those in Table E 2 are detected and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose to an individual is equal to or greater than the appropriate calendar year limit of the l

Technical Specifications. This report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents, however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annua / RadiologicalEnvironmental Operating Report.

The detection capabilities required by Table E 3 are state-of the art for routine environmental measurements in industriallaboratories, it should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a_posteriori(after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. All analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLD's will be achieved under routine conditions. Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLD's unachievable. In such cases, the l

contributing factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report.



l E2 i

. ~.____

1/1/89 Rev.1 E.2 Land Use Census The land use census ensures that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The land use census shall be maintained and shallidentify the location of the milk animals in each of the 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of five miles.*

The validity of the land use census shall be verified at least once per 12 months by either a door to door survey, aerial survey, consulting Icical agriculture authorities, or any combination of these methods.'

With a land use census identifying a location (s) which yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than the doses currently being calculated in the ODCM, make the appropriate changes in the sample locations of Table E 2.

With a land use census identifying a location (s) which has a higher D/O than a current indicator location the following shall apply:

(1)If the D/O is at least 20% greater than the previously h,ighest D/Q, replace one of the present sample locations with the new one within 30 days if milk is available.

(2)If the D/O is not 20% greater than the previously highest D/Q, consider direction, distance, availability of milk, and D/O in deciding whether to replace one of the existing sample locations. If applicable, replacement should be within 30 days. If no replacement is made, sufficient justification should be given in the annual report.

Sample location changes shall be noted in the Annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report.

  • Broad leaf vegetation (a composite of at ' east 3 different kinds of vegetation) is sampled at the site boundary in each of 2 different direction sectors with the highest D/O in heu of a garden census.


1/1/89 Rev.1 E.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Proaram The Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materialin environmental sample matrices are performed as part of a quality assurance program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reasonably valid.

Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program which has been approved by the Commission. A summary of the results obtained as part of the above required Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be included in the Annual Ra diological En vironm en tal Op era ting Report.

t j

With analyses not being performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual l

Radiological En viron m en tal Op era ting Repo rt.




Rev.1 TABLE E 1 HADDAM NECK RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and Exposure Pathway Number of Collection and/or Sample Locations Frequency Type and Frequency of Analysis 1.a. Gamma Dose -

EnvironmentalTLD 14 Monthly Gamma Dose Monthly 1.b. Gamma Dose -

Accident TLD 27 Quarterly (a)

N/A(a) 2.

Airborne Particulate 7

Continuous Gross Beta Weekly sampler -

Gamma Spectrum - Quarterly weekly filter on composite (by location), and change on individual sample if gross beta is greater than 10 times the mean of the weekly control stations gross beta results.


Airborne lodine 7

Continuous 1131 Weekly sampler weekly canister change 4.

Vegetation 4

One sample Gamma isotopic on each sampic near middle and one near end of grow-ing season 5.

Milk 6

Monthly Gamma Isotopic,1131, Sr 89 and Sr 90 on each sample 6.

Well Water 2

Quarterly Gross Beta, Gamma Isotopic, and Tritium on each sample 7.

Bottom 5ediment l

3 Quarterly l Gamma lsotopic 8.

River Water 2

Quarterly Quarterly Gross Beta, Gamma Sample.

Isotopic and Tritium Indicator is Continuous Composite; Background is Composite of Six Weekly Grab Samples E5

1 1/1/89 o,,

Rev.1 TABLE E 1 (Cont'd.)

HADDAM NECK RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Sampling and Exposure Pathway Number of Collection and/or Sample Locations Frequency Type and Frequency of Analysis 9.

Fish Bullheads and, 3

Quarterly Gamma Isotopic - Quarterly when available, Perch or other edible fish 10.

Shellfir,h 2

l Quarterly Gamma Isotopic - Quarterly (a)

Accident monitoring TLD's to be dedosed at least quarterly.


1/1/89 o..

Rev.1 TABLE E-2 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOA CTIVITY CONCENTRA TIONS IN ENi*. ' ONMENTAL SAMPLES Reporting Levels Airborne Particulate or Fish Milk Vegetables 3

Analysis Water (pCill) Gases (DCi/m ) (pCi/Ka, wet)


(pCi/Ka, wet)

H3 2 x 108 Mn 54 1 x 103 3 x 10 8 Fe 59 4 x 102 1 x 104 Co 58 1 x 103 3 x 104 Co 60 3 x 102 1 x 104 2n 65 3 x 102 2 x 104 2r 95 4 x 102 Nb 95 4 x 102 1131 (a) 0.9 3

1 x 102 C5134 30 10 1 x 103 60 1 x 103 Cs137 50 20 2 x 103 70 2 x 103 Ba 140 2 x 102 3 x 102 La 140 2 x 102 3 x 102 (a)

Level for I 131 not included since no radioactivity discharged to any drinking water pathways; other reporting levels are included for trending of long lived isotopes only.



1/1/89 Rev.1 o..


  • Particulate Fish Food Sediment Water Water or Gas (pCilkg, Milk Products (pCi/kg, Analysis (pCi/l)


(pCi/m3) wet)


(pCi/Ka, wet) dj gross beta 4

4 1 x 10 2 H3 2000 2000 Mn 54 15 30 130 Fe 59 30 60 260 Co 58,60 15 30 130 Zn 65 30 60 260 Zr 95 30 60 Nb 95 15 30 1131 c

c 7 x 10 2 1

60b Cs 134 15 30 5 x 10 2 130 15 60 150 Cs 137 18 40 6 x 10 2 150 18 80 180 2

Ba 140 60 120d 70 La 140 15 30d 25 River Water LLD's shall be reduced to those given for well water if the gross beta for the sample exceeds 15 pCill.

I i


1/1/89 o..

Rev.1 TABLE E-3 (Cont'd.)


The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive materialin a sample that will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

4.66 S 6 LLD a E. V. 2.22 Y exp (- A h t) where:

LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit mass or volume)

Sb s the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting i

rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute)

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation)

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume) 2.22 is the number of transformations per minute per picocurie Y is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

A is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide

.it is the elapsed time between midpoint of sample collection and midpoint of counting time it should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a ariori(before the fact) limit representing the capabihty of a measurement system anc not as an aposteriori(after l

the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the stated LLD's will be achieved l

under routine conditions. Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLD's unachievable. In such cases, the contributing l

factors will be identified and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.


LLD for leafy vegetables.


Background and onsite well water will nm ' qtain the short lived 1131 isotope.

River water is not used as offsite penable wau. Supply and need not be analyzed for 1131.


From end of sample period.


1/1/89 o.

Rev.1 F.

REPORT CONTENT F.1 Annual Radiolooical Environmental Operatino Report The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include l

summaries, interpretations, and statistical evaluation of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison with previous environmental surveillance reports and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment. The report shall also include the results of the land use census l

recuired by Section E.2 of this manual. If harmful effects are detected by the monitoring, the report shall arovide an analysis of the problem and e planned course of action to alleviate t1e problem The report shall include a summary table of all radiological environmental samples which shall include the following information for each pathway sampled and each type of analysis:

(1) Total number of analyses performed at indicator locations.

(2) Total number of analyses performed at controllocations.

(3) Lower limit of detection (LLD).

(4) Mean and range of allindicatorlocations together.

(5) Mean and range of allcontrollocationstogether.

(6) Name, distance and direction from dischare,e, mean and range for the location with the highest annual mean (indicator or control).

(7) Number of nonroutine reported measurements as defined in these specifications.

In the event that some results are not availaole for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in the next annual report.

l The report shall also include a map of sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the discharge; the report shall also include a summary of the Interlaboratory Comparison Data required by Section E.3 of this manual.


e o

1/1/89 o,,

Rev.1 a

F.2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revision 7, June 1974, with data summarized ein a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix 8 thereof.

4 in addition, a report to be submitted 90 days after January 1 of each year shall include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collect % over the arevious year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour by-1our listing on magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric J

stability, or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability." This same report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the site during the previous calendar year. The meteorological conditions concurrent with the time of release of radioactive material in gaseous effluents shall be used for determining the gaseous pathway doses. Dose calculations shall be performed in accordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

In addition, the report to be submitted 90 days after January 1 of each year shall I

include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed REAL MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from the site for the previous 12 comecutive months to show conformance with 40 CFR 190. Doses shall be calculated in accordance with the Offsste Oose Calculation Manual.

j The semiannual effluent report shall also include a summary of each type of solid radioactive waste shipped offsite for burial or final disposal during the report period. This summary shall include the following information for each type of waste:


Type of waste (e.g., spent resin, compacted dry waste, irradiated components, etc.).


Solidification agent (e.g., cement).


Total curies.

j d.

Total volume and typical container alumes.

1 e.

Principal radionuclides (those greater than 1086 of total activity).

I f.

Types of containers used (e.g., LSA, Type A, etc.).

The semiannual effluent report shall include the following information for all unplanned releases front the site to unrestricted areas of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents:


A description of the event and equipment involved.



Cause(s) for the unplanned release.




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1/1/89 o

Rev 1 o

0 5


Actions taken to prevent recurrence.


Consequences of the unplanned release.

Any changes to the RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT and OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL and Process Control Program shall be submitted in the Semiannual Radioactive Efiluent Release Report.

In lieu of submission with the Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of tequired meteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.

f F3

