ML20011F362 | |
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Site: | 05000000, Haddam Neck |
Issue date: | 12/31/1988 |
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FOIA-89-404 PMP-9.8-88, NUDOCS 9003050199 | |
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- gngir eomm
)( PEPPERM89-404 PDR
p.s...u,,,p..w a.. w - v-n yy 1 t,,: PMP 9.8-88 r REVISION 1 ' Connecticut Yankee'. PreventiveMaintenance Procedure No. PMP 9.8-88. i
- Production,TestDepartment 1 Testing of Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Motor Circuit Protectors 1.0 -
1.1 Objective
To provide the steps necessa,y to test the tripping ability of molded case circuit breakers and motor circuit protectors. In field testing it is not pmetical to meet laboratory conditions and is therefore.not intended to determine whether the circuit breaker exactly meets the manufacturer's published curves. L
1.2 Applicability
1 . Applies to all molded case circuit breakers and motor circuit protectors.
1.3 Frequency
3.1 NEMA Standard Number AB 2-1984, " Procedures for Verifying the Performance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers, l 3.2 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type BA (1 pole) rated at: 15-30 Amps AC. L 3.3 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type BA, Mark 75 Type HBA (1 pole) of the following ratings. Ampere rating forcurve: BA 10-70 Amperes; HBA 15-30 Amperes Westinghouse A p)lication Data ; AB DE 10N Circuit Breakers, Type BA, Mark 3.4 Type HBA (2 e of the following ratings, Ampere rating forcurve: BA 15-100 Amperes; HBA 15-30 Amperes i. L l 3.5 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type B A, Mark 75 Type HBA (3 pole) of the following ratings. 1 Ampere rating for curve: BA 15-100 Amperes; HBA 15-20 Amperes 1 of25 L
q.7..;. - m g y.g m .1 PMP - 9.8-88 4.. ', REVISION 1 3.6 - Westinghouse Applicadon Data ; AB DE ION Cimuit Breaken, Type CA, CAH of-l the following raungs. Ampere rating forcurve: 125-225 Amperes".. 3.7 Westinghouse Application Data'; AB DE ION Circuit Breaken', Type DA of the ' following ratings: L 1 Arnpere rating for curve: 250-400 Amperes 3.8 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type EA of the l following ratings: (1 pole) t Ampere rating forcurve: 100 Amperes 3.9 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type EA of the following ratings: (2,3 pole) l; Ampere rating forcurve: 15-60 Amperes 3.10 Westinghouse Applicatic Data : AB DE-ION Cimuit Breakers, Type EB, EHB,, Mark 75 Type HFB (1 pole) of the following ratings: Anipere rating forcurve: 15-40,50-70,90100 Amperes i 3.11 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Cimuit Breakers, Type EB, EHB,, Mark 75 Type HFB (2,3 pole) of the following ratings: Ampere rating forcurve: 15-40,50-70,90-100 Amperes 3.12 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type EH of the followmg ratings: (1 pole) Ampere rating for curve: 15-60 Amperes '3.13 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type EH of the following ratings: (2,3 pole) Ampere rating forcurve: 15-60 Amperes - 3.14 Westinghouse Application Data 29-167; AB D'E-ION Circuit Breakers, Series C, Types EHD, FDB, FD and HFD of the following ampere ratings: Ampere rating forcurve: 20,30,40,50,70,100,150. 3.16 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Mark 75 Type HFA of the following ratings: Ampere rating forcurve: 50-100 Amperes 3.17 Westinghouse Application Data: HMCP Motor Circuit Protectors l Ampere Ratings for Curves: 3,7,15,30,50,70,100,150 Amperes. 2 of 25
- PMP '9.8 88 - i l REVISION 1 l 3.18. Wesdnghouse Application Data ; AB DE-lON Circuit Breakers, Type JA, KA,.. Mark 75 Type HKA of the following ratings: . Ainpere rating for curve: 7.0 225 Amperes,, 3.191 Westinghouse Applicationbata ; AB DE-ION Circuit f.eakers, Series C, Types JDB, JD, HJD and JDC,200 Ampert rating. 3.20 ~ Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers,-lype LAB LA 400 amperes, Mark 75 Type HLA 400 Amperes of the following ratings: ~ Ampere rating for curve: 125-400 Amperes 3.21 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type LAB,14 600 amperes, Mark 75 Type HLA 600 Amp,res of the following ratings: Ampere rating forcurve: 250-600 Amperes 3.22 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type MA, Mark 75 Type HMA of the following ratings. Ampere rating forcurve: 125-600 Amperes 3.23 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type' MA, Mark 75 I Type HMA of the following ratings. l l Ampere ating forcurve: 700 800 Amperts i l 3.24 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Type MC, MCG, Mark 75 Type HMC, HMCG of the following ratings. a l Ampere rating for curve: 400-800 Amperes 3.25 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type NB, Mark 75 Type HNB of the following ratings. Ampere rating forcurve: 700-1200 Amperes - 3.26 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Type PB of the following ratings. Ampere rating forcurve: 600-1600,1800-3000 Amperes 3.27 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE ION Circuit Breakers, Quicklag Types P, B, C, Mark 75 Types HP, HC of the following ratings. Ampere rating for curve: Types P, B, C: 10-70 Amperes (1 pole) Types HP, HC: 10-30 Amperes (1 pole) 3.28 Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-ION Circuit Breakers, Quicklag Types P, B, C, Mar c 75 Types HP, HC of the following ratings. 3 Ampere rating for curve: Types P, B, C: 15-100 Amperes (2 pole) Types HP, HC: 15-30 Amperes (2 pole) 3 of 25
v .u . a .w...... .r u .. gggg - 3 ^ .J PMP 9.8-88. a-e :'... REVISION 1-3.29 l Westinghouse Application Data ; AB DE-10N Cin:uit Breakers, Quicklag Types P, B, J C, Mark 75 Types HP, HC of the following ratings. Ampere rating for curve: Types P, B, C: L5100 Ampetes (3 pole) r - Types HP, HC: 15 20 Amperes.(3 pole)' ' 7 3,30 - General Electric Company Application Data; E100 Line, Type TEB of the following i ampere ratings: Ampere rating for curve: 15 - 50,60 - 80,90 & 100. 3.31 General Electric Company Application Data; E100 Line, Type TED of the following ampere ratings: Ampere rating for curve: 15 - 50, 60 -80. 3.32 General Electric Company Application Data; E100 Line, Type TEB of the following ampere ratmgs: Ampere rating forcurve: 15 - 50, 60 - 80,90 & 100. 3.33 General Electric Cornpany Application Data; E150 Line, Types TED and THED of the following ampere ratings. Ampere rating for curve: 15 - 50, 60 - 80, 90 - 150. 3.34 General Electric Company Application Data; IMS Line, Types TFJ, TFK and THFK l with ampere ratings of 70 to 225 amperes. 3.35 Genera 1 Electric Company Application Data; J600 Line, Types TJJ, TJK, THJK and ' THJK2 with ampere ratmgs of 125 to 600 amperes. l 3.36 General Electric Company Application Data; K-1200 Line, Types TKMA and THKMA with ampere ratmgs of 300 to 1200 amperes. 3.37 General Electric Company Application Data: "Q" Line, Types TQB, THQB, TQC, THQC and THQL-AC with ampere ratings of 15 to 50 amperes. t 3.38 General Electric Company Application Data; "Q" Line, Type THHQB with ampere ratings of 20 and 100 amperes. L 3.39 Gould - ITE, Gould Inc. Application Data: Type KM (2,3 pole) with ampere ratings of: 250-300; 350-600; 700-800. L 3.40 Siemans-Allis; ITE Curve for QP, QT, BQ, QP-H, HPQ and HBQ 1 Pole Breakers with ampere ratings of 15 to 50 Amperes. 3.41 Siemans Allis; ITE Curve for E2, E4, E6, HE4 and HE6 2 and 3 Pole Breakers with ampere ratings of 15 to 100 Amperes (per vendor, can also be used for 1-pole bkr.). 3.42 Heinemann Series CD CE-CF, Bulletin 81CD, Single and Multiple Pole, Rating 0.01 to 100 Amperes. l-3.43 NEMA Standard AB-1 (1986) " Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Molded Case Switches. l 4 of25 ll, l' l
+. ~.a .ygyn m p 3..q.4 u:. PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 PREREOUISITES y* 4.0 i 4.1-De circuit breaker to be tested is out of service. 4.2 Providc An RWP,if necessdry. 4.3 . Test Equipment: De following calibrated equipment or its equivalent (i.e. with equal or better accuracy and adequate range to measure the desired pammeter) shall be required for the performance of this procedure. 4.3.1 Circuit Breaker High Current Test Set (select the appropriate type) a. Hipotronics Model 9020, Accuracy -i5.0% current /i3.0% time, b.' Hipotronics Model RTM 50, Accuracy -i2.0% Full Scale (Output Ammeter). c. Multi Amp Model CB-225-66, A: curacy -i3.0% of Full Scale. d. Multi. Amp Model LBM 25, Accuracy -i3.0% of Full Scale. Multi-Amp Model CB-27110,' Accuracy -i3.0% of Full Scale, e. f. Multi-Amp Model CB-8130, Accuracy - 13.0% of Full Scale (current); i2.0% time. g. Multi Amp Model CB 120-DC, Accumcy -15.0% of Full Scale (current);.i2.0% time, h. EIL Motor Overload Tester, Model MOT-100, Accuracy -i2.0% of Full Scale. ~ -4.3.2 1000 Volt Megger a. Associated Researth Model 2100A, Accuracy il.5% (ohms). b. Biddle Catalog Number 21170, Accuracy -i0.03" of Deflection. l 4.3.3 Ohmmeter 1 Triplet Model 630APLK, Accuracy i3.0% of Full Scale a. b. Fluke Model 8050A, Accumcy i0.5% + Least Significant Digit 5 of 25
PMP 9.8-88 REVISION I 4.3.4' Digital Low Resistance Ohmmeter a. Biddle Model 751-1, Accuracy -i2.0% of Full Scale ~ t ~ Bicfdle Model 247000, Accu'd 1D.25% of,readi, rig + the least ll ' b., r significant digit. E c. - Biddle Model 247000-3, Accuracy - 30.25% of reading + the least significant digit. -4.4-Note that in the body of the pmcedure the term " breaker" is interpreted to mean molded case circuit breaker and/or motor circuit protector. 4.5 The Test Supervisor must be notified if any test fails its acceptance cdteria. g .5.0 PRECAUTIONS - 5.1 For the performance of this test, independent vedfication is defined as verification by a . person other than the one actually performing the action step. 5.2 Use caution when removing a breaker from an energized panet 3 6.0 INSTRUCTIONS 6.1 Removing an installed breaker (if applicable) YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY _ WARNING DEENERGIZE BREAKER CABLES PRIOR TO DISCONNECTING AAAAAAAAA'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 6.1.1 VERIFY with a meter that the cables / conductors are not ersgized. 6.1.2 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION REOUIRFn; MARK all wires and breaker poles ?tior to disconnecting the breaker and SIGN the verification statement on tie data sheet, Attachment 12.1. a. IF the breaker employs other connections such as auxiliary contacts, shunt trip coil, etc. DRAW a connection diagram in the space provided on the next page. 6.1.3 DISCONNECT the circuit breaker wiring. 6.1.4 REMOVE the circuit breaker from the panel or cubicle. i l 6 of 25 s e w m
DECs m ' ~ gy. 3 v f l? - PMP t 9.8 88 M l REVISION I 1 Connection Diagram (Sign Verifications on Data Sheet, Attachment 12.1) o,, k 'l p. 6.2 Inspect the breaker L 6.2.11 COMPLETE the data sheet heading information (Attachment 12.1). 6.2.2 INSPECT the breaker for the visual defects noted below and NOTE any findings on the breaker data sheet, Attachment 12.1.
- a. - Chipping, cracks er breaks.
- b.,Burus or signs of overheating.
y c. Dirt or other contamination.. L d. Loose parts. e. Adequacy of terminations / connectors. 6.2.3 OPEN and CLOSE the breaker 3 or 4 times to ensure proper mechanical L operation.- ts l 6.2.4 VERIFY that all of the breaker contacts / poles open and close by measuring across the contacts / poles with an ohmmeter or DLRO. 6.2.5 IF the breaker has a " trip verifier", use it to trip the breaker. ,6.2.6 IF the breaker has a shunt trip, use it to TRIP the breaker. 6.2.7 - IF so equiped, VERIFY the proper operation of any auxiliary contacts when opening and closing the breaker. 7 of.25 l i-
4,u 6 ~~ ut t,p d J. jssvv ,f r . i. ', - PMP 9.8-88 g REVISION 1 i 6.3. Test the breaker overload trip points (if applicable)- ? L ~ 'Do not attempt to perform an overload test on a breaker or motor circuit protector which only has an instantaneous trip. Sustained overloads above the units conunuous rating but below the instantaneous trip range may severely damage the unit.' i i. ...i i.i ..i.. i.. NOTE Repeated tests on any pole must be spaced by at least 20 minutes, i Tests on adjacent poles must be spaced by at least 5 minutes. If these times are too short, subsequent tests will indicate tripping sooner than the characteristic curve values. If precise results are recuired, the between tests intervals should be sufficient to permit the temperature of tie breaker to retum to ambient. DETERMINE the aFFCORD it oo the det sheet. Attachment 12.1.' ate o 6.3.1 2.2 an NOTE Pole phases are assumed to be A-B-C, left-to right with the breaker upright. 6.3.2 CLOSE the breaker L l. 6.3.3 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the A phase pole. 6.3.4 APPLY 300% of rated current to the A phase pole and RECORD the trip time on the data sheet, Attachment 12.1. 6.3.5 SHUT OFF the overcurrent test set. 6.3.6 DISCONNECT the test leads from the A phase pole. 6.3.7 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the B phase pole. a. WAIT S minutes to allow the breaker to cool. p 6.3.8 APPLY 300% of rated current to the B phase pole and RECORD the trip time .on the data sheet, Attachment 12.1. ( 6.3.9 SHUT OFF the overcurrent test set. ) 6.3.10 DISCONNECT the test leads fmm the B phase pole. 6.3.11 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the C phase pole, a. WAIT 5 minutes to allow the breaker to cool. 8 of 25 I
- .. >.. -. u...
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- (+u.t l
'PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 q ~ 6.3.'12 APPLY 300% of rated cunent to the C phase pole and RECORD the tdp time i on the data sheet, Attachment 12.1. 6.3.13 : SHUT OFF the'o'vercunent tes't set.,. ~ 6.3.14 ~ DISCONN5CT the test leads 'from the C phase pole.
- NOTE An engineering disposition shall be required if the breaker does not meet the trip times, i
6.3.15 DETERMINE whether the breaker tripped within the allowable time span. -i 6.4 Determine motor circuit protector (MCP) instantaneous trip points (if I applicable) i..................n...................1...... i CAUTION Do not attempt to perform an overload test on a motor circuit pmtector which only has an instantaneous tnp. Sustained overloads above the units contmuous rating but below the - mstantaneous trip range may severely damage the unit. 6.4.1 IF the bmaker is a motor circuit orotector SET the breaker to the desired or d ^ specified instantaneous set point by adjusting the, dial setting for each pole of the motor circuit protector, a. RECORD the dial setting in the appropriate space for each pole of the breaker [ marked LO (or MCP)). 1. WRITE N/A in the HI (or Fixed) row for all data. L b. FIND the listing for the breaker in the Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Data, Attachment 12.3. c. MATCH the given set point / dial setting to the a ropriate " Set %"and h " Range" where " Set %"is the center of the lar trip range, d. SELECT the " Range" multiples and MULTIPLY each multiple by the breaker ampere rating. This is the allowable Instantaneous Tnp current range. For example: A Westinghouse HMCP with a 7 ampere continuous rating is to be set on Dial C. The allowable trip range is 350 - 700 percent of the breaker continuous rating. This results in )- an allowable Instantaneous Trip current range of 24.5 to 49 amperes, er RECORD these currents on the breaker data sheet in the space marked "LO (or MCP) range to Amps" 6.4.2 GO TO step 6.7.1. I 9 of 25
= m u K auo" ^ ^' ..r,~. s... +; }' ~ PMP 9.8 88 REVISION l' n[ L6,5 Determine circuit breaker non adjustable instantaneous trip points'ilf - appl! cable)-
- 1..
' 6.5.1. IF theinstahtaneous inagnetic trip'is not adjustable;LOCNG the appiQriate breakerinformation in' Attachment 12.2. n. FIND the Instantaneous Range cunent multiple or the Instantaneous q Range cunent which applies to this breaker. .i s b. IF an Instantaneous Range cunent is specified, OO TO step 6.5,1.d. l l c. MULTIPLY the Instantaneous Range multiples by the breaker ampere rating. This will give the allowable Instantaneous Range currents. I For example: A GE Type THED 100A.,3-POLE breaker hias Instantaneous Range cunent mul les of 5.25 - 28 times the breaker current rating. Multiplying 100A X 5.25 = 525A. J Mul lying 100A X 28 = 2800A The allowable Instantaneous Range currents are between j -525 d 2800 amperes, n l d. RECORD the allowable Instantaneous Range currents in the "HI (or l l Fixed) range _ to amps." blocks on the data sheet, 2.1. L c. WRITE "N/A" in the space designated for the dial setting for each pole since the breaker does not have adjustable instantaneous trips. 6.5.2 GO TO step 6.7.1. 6.6 Determine circuit breaker adjustable instantaneous trip points (if applicable) 3 6.6.1 IF the breaker has an adjustable Instantaneous Trip, SET the breaker to the LOW instantaneous set point by adjusting the dial setting for each nole of the breaker., FIND the listing for the breakerin the Adjustable Instantaneous Trip a. Data, Attachment 12.3. b. SELECT the " Low" Dial Setting multiples and MULTIPLY each multiple by the breaker arnpere rating to determine the allowable Instantaneous Trip current range for the LOW setting. c. SELECT the "High" Dial Setting multiples and MULTIPLY cach multiple by the breaker ampere rating to determine the allowable ' Instantaneous Trip current range for the HIGH setting. d. RECORD these values in the space provide on the data sheet. For example: A Westinghouse NB with a 1000 ampere continuous rating has a LOW trip 2 range of 280 - 520 percent of the breaker continuous rating. This results in an allowable LOW setting Instantaneous Trip current nmge of 2800 to 5200 amperes. It has a HIGH trip range of 600 - 1000 percent of the breaker continuous rating. This results in an allowable HIGH setting Instantaneous Trip current range of 6000 to 10,000 amperes. 10 of 25
( U t. U B 1 l % 8 0 'a[ PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 e 6.7 Test the circuit breaker instantaneous trip points (if applicable) 6.7.1 , CONNECT test leads of sufficient curmat capacity to the A phase, pole, NOTE 'Ihe allowabic instantaneous trip times are limited to 0.1 seconds. If the breaker takes longer than 0.1 seconds to ts.p, it is operating in,the long-time thermal range. NOT in the instantaneous tnp range. i.. ............i... iiii Limit the number of times the unit is subjected to these large test currents and DO NOT allow the instantaneous trip current to remain on the breaker more than 5 seconds. Allow the breaker to cool between operations. 6.7.2 - IF a pulse type test set is available, TEST the breaker as follows: ADJUST the test set to approximately 90% of the lowest acceptable j a. current test value. b. APPLY current in short pulses of 5 to 10 cycles. c. INCREASE the current for each pulse step until the breaker uips. 1. RECLOSE the breaker 2. DECREASE slightly the cunent applied to the breaker and then RETEST the breaker to axne closely determine the trip point. 3. ALLOW the breaker to cool for 2-3 minutes, i l 4. REPEAT step 2 above as necessary to determine the trip point. d. RECORD the trip time and trip current on the test data sheet, 2.1. 6.7.3 IF a pulse type test set is not available, USE the runup method which is as follows: ~ t a. ADJUST the test set to approximately 90% of the lowest acceptable current test value. 11 of 25
-eweycen 11 H e.. PMP 9.8 88 i V REVISION 1 j NOTE.. 'j + The recommended time for increa5 ng the current in the next between. '. *. 1 2 and 5 seconds. Taking longer'than that mhy allow the breaker to trip'on time-overcurrent (overload). To determine if a' breaker has tripp6d on overload reset'the breaker J then try to close the breaker imnwiintely after testing. Ifit was a magnetic trip, the breaker 1 will close. If it was an overload tnp, the breaker will not close until it cools off. ] 4 b. ENERGlZE the test set and increase the current until the breaker trips. l 1. RECLOSE the breaker then RETEST to determine the trip time, c. RECORD the trip time and trip current on the test data sheet; f 2.1 =6.7.4 SHUT OFF the ovncurrent test set.. 6.7.5 DISCONNECT the test leads from the A phase pole. L 6.7.6 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the B phase pole. 6.7.7 ~ REPEAT step 6.7.2 or 6.7.3 for the phase B pole. 6.7.8 DISCONNECT the test leads from the B phase pole. 6.7.9 REPEAT step 6.7.2 or 6.7.3 for the phase C pole. 6.7.10 DISCONNECT the test leads from the C phase pole. NOTE An engineering disposition shall be required if the breaker does not meet the specified trip times or trip current. 6.7.11 If testing an ad iustable instantaneous breaker, SET the breaker Dial settings to High on each pole. 6.7.12 REPEAT steps 6.7.2 through 6.7.10 with the breaker set on the HIGH position. L 6.7.13 If testing an adjustable instantaneous breaker, SET the breaker Dial settings to the IN SERVICE position as determined by engineering. 1 L a. TEST each pole of the breaker one time at this set point and RECORD the trip currents and trip times on the data sheet. 6.7.14 DETERMINE whether the breaker tripped within the allowable time and current spans. i 12 of 25 i 1-
mg woo \\ A PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 6.8 Test the breaker short time delay'(if applicable) 6.8.1 RECORD on the breaker data sheet. Attachment 12.1, the time delay and the shon tiine pickup'(in multiples of'tl eiitcakerinting) from the b'reaker, l settings. 1 6.8.2 CONNECT test leads of sufficient cuntnt capacity to the A phase pole. ieii .ieiiiii...... iii Limit the number of times the unit is subjected to these large test cunents and DO NOT allow the short dme trip current to remain on the breaker more than 10 seconds. Allow the breaker to cool between operations. ... 4 6.8.3 ADJUST the test set to 80% of the short time pickup current. 6.8.4 TEST the breaker at 80% of the short time pickup current and VERIFY that the breaker does not trip on short time. 6.8.5 ADJUST the test set to 135% of the short time pickup current. 6.8.6 ENERGIZE the test set and RECORD the time at which the breaker tnps. a. VERIFY that the nipping time is less than or equal to the short time delay specified on Attachment 12.2 or the manufacturer's time-current curve. b. RECORD the trip time and trip current on the test data sheet, 2.1. 6.8.7 SbUT OFF the overcurrent test set. 6.8.8 DISCONNECT the test leads from the A phase pole. 6.8.9 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the B phase pole. l 6.8.10 REPEAT steps 6.8.3 through 6.8.8 for the B phase pole, l l 6.8.11 CONNECT test leads of sufficient current capacity to the C phase pole, 6.8.12 REPEAT steps 6.8.3 through 6.8.8 for the C phase pole. NOTE ) An engineering disposition shall be required if the breaker does not meet the specified trip times or trip cunent. l 6.8.13 DETERMINE if the breaker tripped within the allowable time and current l-spans. 1 1 13 of 25 l:
m.v O.L woo n+ s.'; ' PMP 9.8 88 !!i REVISION 1. t' j... if 6.9 Test insulation. resistance and contact resistance d-i '6.9.i ' MEOGER acr6ss each open pole'aniiRECORD the readinj and the test - voltage on. Attachment'12.1 - /, a. E the breaker voltage rating is less than 400 volts, MEGGER at 500VDC b. E the breaker voltage rating is more than 400 volts, MEGGER at 1000VDC 1 c. E the megger reading is less than 25 megohms, DETERMINE the reason for the low reading, i d. E the megger reading is less than 2 megohms, the breaker 1S NOT i ^- acceptable for service. 6.9.2 - CLOSE the breaker. i 6.9.3 MEGGER between poles and RECORD the readings and the test voltage on 2.1
- a.. F the breaker voltage rating is less than 400 volts, MEGGER at I
500VDC b. E the breaker voltage rating is more than 400 volts, hEGGER at 1000VDC. c. E the megger reading is less than 25 megohms, DETERMINE the-reason for the low reading. d. E the megger reading is less than 2 megohms, the breaker IS NOT acceptable for service. 6.9.4 MEGGER between each pole and ground and RECORD the readings and the test voltage on Attachment 12.1
- a. - F the breaker voltage rating is less than 400 volts, MEGGER at.
500VDC. b. E the breaker voltage rating is more than 400 volts, MEGGER at 1000VDC c. E the megger reading is less than 25 megohms, DETERMINE the reason for thelow reading. ), d. E the megger reading is less than 2 megohms, the breaker IS NOT acceptable for service. 6.9.5 OPEN and CLOSE the breaker two or three times. 14 of 25
j ~ DEC 311988 ~ PMP 9.8,88 REVISION 1 6.9.6 CLOSE the breaker and then MEASURE the contact resistance of each pole Contact. .' ac.. IF praedcal, USE a digidt! low'resisNec chmmeter hi RO).; b. IP a DLRO is not practical, USE a VOM or digital VOM. RECORD the resista$ce of each pole on the breaker data sheet,
- c. 2.1.
d. VERIFY that the resistances of the poles do not vary from one another by more than 50% of the lowest pole resistance. 6.10 Reinstalling an Installed breaker (if applicable) 6.10.1 MOUNT the breaker in its panel or cubicle. 6.10.2 RECONNECT the wires which were removed in accordance with the markings on them. 6.10.3 INDEPENDENT VERIF1 CATION REOUIRED: VERIFY that the wires were pro;xrly reconnected to the breaker and are tight (per wire and breaker pole mar dngs or per the connection diagram after step 6.1.1.a). 7.0 CHECKLISTS 7.1 Made part of the breaker data sheet, Attachment 12.1. l 8.0 ACCEirTANCE CRITERIA 8.1 The thermal overload unit must trip within the time specified in Attachment 12.1. 8.2 The instantaneous unit must trip '.n less than 0.1 seconds. The following tolerances from NEMA Standani AB.2 (1984) have been used to determine the instantaneous test current ranges. Tolernnees of Hich & Imw settinus High Low l Breaker Frame Size,250 Amperes and less. +40,.25%. +40,.30% Breaker Frame Size,400 Amperts and greater. i25 % 130% 8.3 Short time delay: 8.3.1 At a test current of 80% of the short time caunnt, the breaker shall not trip on short time delay. 8,3.2 At a test current of between 81% and135% of the short time current, the breaker shall trip with a tripping time less than or equal to the time specified on Attachment 12.2 or the manufacturer's time current curve. 15 of 25 i r
ut.1,o a1 sooo .I s :e PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 84 Any megger reading less than 25 megohms must be investigated. l 8.5 a,ny megger reading which is less'than 2 megohms is u meceptable. ,' ' - 8.6, 'Ihe resistance of any one contact should not varyby mote than 50% of the lowest pole ' resistance from the other two contact reiistances. The Test Supervisor shall be notified if this criteria can not be met. 9.0 REVfEW AND SIGNOFF 4 l 9.1 Made part of the data sheet, Attachment 12.1. 10.0 FOOTNOTES 10.1. None F i 11.0
OF CHANGES STEP CHANGE REASON Section 3 Removed "Not DC Rated" statement. Breakers may be DCrated even if not Attach.12.2&3 so stated on the time current curves. 3.43 Add NEMA AB 1(1986) Used as a Reference. 6.1.2 Add instruction to sign verification. Clarification of the requirement. Sections 6.4, Added new sections for selecting test Makes the difference between types 6.5, 6.6. 6.7 values and recording data. more clear. Section 6.8 Revised short. time test specifying .To be in line with NEMA AB 1(1986) current limits and time limits. Section 6.7 Changed acceptance criteria to 0.1 sec. This time is more in line with the [ Seetion 8.0 definition ofinstantaneous (no intentional delay) Step 8.3 Revised acceptance criteria. IN line with NEMA AB.2(1986) Section 8.0 Changed Instantaneous test current In line with NEMA STD AB 2 (1984) Att.12.2&3 limits. Previous litets were based on 1980 revision of NEMA AB 2. 12.0 ATTACHMENTS 12.1 Molded Case Circuit Breaker / Motor Circuit Pmtector Data Sheet 12.2 Breaker TripTune Data 12.3 Breaker Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Data l l 16 of 25 t
Ut.G 4.L lb6b PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 A*ITAOIMENT 12.1 Molded Qase,, Circuit Breaker / Motor Circuit Protector Data Sheet Breaker Euppfies the foll' winiload: Breaker 1.ocation (Cubicle / Position #): A W O #: One.t Ine Dine #: Schematic (if appl.): Breaker Nacieplate Data Size / Rating: A/ V. (AC or DC ?) Number of Poles; Breaker Type: Manufaennen 300% OVERLO AD Trip Test Min. Time A. sec. B_ sec. C. sec. Max time INSTAhTANEOUS: 10 (or Fixed) range.__ to _ Ainps: LO(or MCP) range to _ Amps Phase A time / amps / dial setting Phase B time / amps / dial setting Phase C time / amps / dial setting HI(or Fixed) / / / / / / LO (or MCP) / / / / / / if adjustable instantaneous trip, RECORD current to trip at IN SERVICE dial settine: Amperes Short Time Delay (if Appl.) A time / amps B time / amps C time / amps PU = X TD= sec / / / MEGGER TEST DATA Icsty.oltagt =. Readings less than 2 megohms require investigation. Breaker Open l Breaker CLwd A.A B.B C.C A.B A.C B.C A. God B. Gnd C. Gnd Test Equipment: Contact Resistance QA Number A n Dzhe B Q Inspection Comments: C Q REMOVE breaker fmm service; Wires Marked By: Wuts Verified By: INSPECT the breaker per Section 6.2. TEST breaker overloads. TEST breaker instantaneous /short time,if any. TESTinsulation/ contacts. RETURN breaker to service: Returned to Service By: Wires Verifiedmght By: Tested By: Initials Date Reviewed By/Date: Approved By/Date: 17 of'25
yyy .i PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 ATTACHMENT 12.2 BREAKER TRIP TIME DATA (W) ~ BREAKER DATA OVERLOAD INSTANTANEOUS Breaker Type /Sryle l Poles l Rating Mm l Max Range (mult. of rating) WESTINGHOUSE BREAKERS START HERE: BA (277 Volt) 1 15 30 9.5 36 22.4 - 73 BA (120/240V) 1 10 70 4.5 22 6.3 - 70 BA 2 15 100 3.6 30 4.9 -70 BA 3 15 100 4 22 4.9 - 70 CA, CAH 2,3 125 225 12 150 3.5 - 21 DA 2,3 250-400 58 260 6.3 - 13.75 EA 1 15 60 10 27 11.2 - 84 EA 2,3 15 60 9 30 10.5 - 84 EB,EHB,HFB 1 15-40 7,2 35 8.4 - 61.5 EB, EHB, HFB 1 50-70 21 70 5.95 - 35 EB,EHB,FB,HFB 2,3 15-40 10 42 8.4 70 EB,EHB,HFB 1 90-100 21 80 4.9 - 40 EB,EHB,FB,HFB 2,3 90 100 23 110 3.64 - 22.4 EB,EHB,FB,HFB 2,3 50-70 23 110 6 - 33.6 EH 1 15 60 9.5 27 12.6 - 126 EH 2,3 15 60 10 35 11.2 - 112 FA 2.3,4 10-40 10 25 7 - 22.4 i FA 2,3,4 50 100 20 44 5.25 - 19.6 FA 2,3,4 125 150 26 42 5.6 19.6 i NOTE: The following instantaneous test points are in amperes, NOT in % of breaker nting, A mperes EHD, FDB, FD, HFD 2,3,4 20 7 70 350 - 1400 _EHD, FDB, FD, HFD 2,3,4 30 8 70 350 - 1400 ( EHD, FDB, FD, HFD 2,3,4 40 12 80 350 - 1400 / EHD, FDB. FD, HFD 2,3,4 50 12 150 420 - 1750 EHD, FDB, FD, HFD 2,3,4 70 11 120 420 - 1750 EHD, FDB, FD, HFD 2,3,4 100 12 125 490 - 1960 EHD, FDB FD, HFD 2,3,4 150 10 300 560 - 2380 i 18 of 25
4 r. PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 ATTACIBENT 12.2 . BREAKER TRTP TIME DATA (W) BREAKER DATA OVERLOAD INSTANTANEOUS Breaker Type / Style Poles Rating Min Max Range (mult. of rating) HBA 1 15-30 4.5 22 6.3 70 HBA 2 15 30 3.6 30 4.9 70 HBA 3 15 20 4 22 4.9 70 HFA 2,3 50 100 20 45 5.25 - 19.6 JA, KA, HKA 2,3 70-225 58 200 Adjustable JDB, JD, HJD, JDC 2,3 200 45 260 Adjustable LA, HLA (400 Amp Frame) 2,3 125-400 50 250 Adjustable LA, HLA (600 Amp Frame) 2,3 250-600 40 260 Adjustable MA, HMA 2,3 125-600 30 250 Adjustable MA,HMA 2,3 700 800 100 450 Adjustable MC, MCG, HMC, HMCG 2,3 400 800 24 75 Adjustable NB,HNB 2,3 700-1200 120 450 . Adjustable PB 2,3 600-900 70 400 Adjustable PB 2,3 1000 1600 70 60000 Adjustable PB 2,3 1800 3000 110 600 Adjustable __Quicklag B,C,P: 1 10 70 4.2 20 5.95 - 70 Quicklag HP, HC: 1 10 30 4.2 20 5.95 - 70 Quicklag B',C,P: 2 15 100 3 29 4.9 -70 Quicklag HP, HC: 2 15 30 3 29 4.9 70 Quicklag B,C,P: 3 15 100 3.8 23 4.9 -70 Quicklag HC HP: 3 15 20 3.8 23 4.9 70 l ) l 19 of 25
.m q 5 PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 ATTAOIMENT 12.2 . BREAKER TRIP TIME DATA (GE) BREAKER DATA OVERLOAD INSTANTANEOUS BreakerType/ Style l Poles l Rating Min l Max Range (mult. of rating) GENERAL ELECTRIC BREAKERS START HERE: G.E. E100 Line TEB 2,3 15 50 8 40 8.4 -70 G.E. E100 Line TEB 2,3 60 80 27 125 6.3 - 56 G.E. E100 Line TEB 2,3 90,100 35 120 5.25 - 28 G.E. E100 Line TED 1,2,3 15-50 8 43 8.4 -70 G.E. E100 Line TED 1,2,3 60 80 28 145 6.3 56 G.E. E150 Line TED, THED 2,3 15 50 8 42 8.4 -70 G.E. E150 Line TED, THED 2,3 60 80 28 145 6.3 - 56 G.E. E150 Line TED, THED 2,3 90-150 32 125 5.25 - 28 G.E. F225 Line TFJ TFK,THFK 70 110 28 80 Adjustable G.E. F225 Line TFJ.TFK,THFK 125-225 28 75 Adjustable G.E. J600 Line TJJ,TJK,TIUK, 125-400 35 110 Adjustable THJK2 G.E. J600 Line TJJ,TJK,THJK, 450-600 35 160 Adjustable THJK2 j G.E. K1200 Line TKMA,THKMA 300-600 35 200 Adjustable G.E. K1200 Line TKMA,THKMA 700-800 50 175 Adjustable G.E. K1200 Line TKMA,THKMA 1000 1200 55 240 Adjustable G.E. Q-Line TQB,THQB,7QC, 1,2,3 15-50 8 55 7 42 l THQC,THQL AC G.E. Type THHQB 20 7 40 7 -49 G.E. Type THHQB 100 15 40 7 - 28 l
- Number of poles not specified on curve.
l 20 of 25
ptg3'iideo ~ PMP 9.8 88 o REVISION 1 i ATTAOiMENT 12.2 BREAKER TRIP TTME DATA (ITE) l BREAKER DATA OVERLOAD. INSTANTANEOUS Breaker Type / Style l Poles l Rating Min l Max Range (mult. of rating) ITE. GOULD BREAKERS START HERE: (Range in amperes) HE Type KM 2,3 250-600 45 260 Adjustable ITEType KM 2,3 700-800 48 255 Adjustable ITE Type QP, QT, BQ 1 15,20 6.5 45 126-308 ITE Type QP,QT, BQ 1 30,50 6.5 45 245 - 700 ITE Type QP H, BQ.H. HQ, HB 1-15,50 6.5 45 245 - 700 ITE Type E2,E3,E4,HE4,HE6 1,2,3 15-25 4.5 38 280 - 980 ITE Type E2,E3,E4,HE4,HE6 1,2,3 30-100 4.5 38 420 - 1260 I HEINEMANN BREAKERS START HERE: Heinemann CD CE CF (Curve 1) 1,2,3 0.01 100 8 40 4.9 - 12.6 Heinemann CD CE-CF (Curve 2) 1,2,3 0.01-100 0.5 2 4 - 12.6 Heinemann CD-CE CF (Curve 3) 1,2,3 0.01 100 0.2 0.15 1.54 - 8.4 s CUTLER HAMMER BREAKERS START HERE: Cutler-Hammer CH, CHB 1,2 15 7 16 12.6 - 42 Cutler-Hammer CH, CHB" 3 15 4 11 6.3 - 20.4
- Except High Magnetic
. eF I l l 21 of 25 l
. -- o v o a. - ) ? PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 ) A'1TACHhENT 12.3 ) AD]USTABLE INSTANTANEOU_S TRIP DATA ' Westinghouse Breakers: 1 HMCPMotorOrcuitProtectors Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 3,7,15,30,50,70,100,150 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial A B C D E F G H Set % 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Range 210-420 280 560 350-700 420-840 490-980 560-1120 630 1260 700 1400 [ JA,KA,HKA M ax. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 70 225 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 350 700 - HIGH = 750 - 1540 JDB, JD, HJD, JDC Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 200 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 350-700 HIGH = 750 - 1540 l LA (600 A.), HLA (600 A.) Max. Time l CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 250-600 0.1 sec.' l Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 350-700 HIGH = 750 - 1250 LAB, LA (400 A.), HLA (400 A.) Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 125-400 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 350- 700 HIGH = 750 - 1250 MA, HMA Max. Time l CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 125-600 0.1 sec. l Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 350 700 HIGH = 750 - 1250 1 ( MA, HMA Max. Time ) CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: , 700 800 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperesj Dial Setting: LOW = 2100 - 3900 HIGH = 4500 7500 ' 22 of 25
ug n a 1 PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 ATTACHMENT 12.3 ,, AD.10 STABLE INSTANTANEOUS TRIP DATA Westinghouse Breake's: r MC, MCG, HMC, HMCG Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 400-800 0.1 sec. Adjustable 'Short Time Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: 1.OW = 350- 650 HIGH = 750 - 1250 NB,HNB Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 700,800 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 2100 - 3900 HIGH = 4500 - 7500 NB,HNB Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 900- 1200 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 2800 - 5200 HIGH = 6000 10.000 PB Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 600 - 1000 0.1 sec. Adjustaple Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: IOW = 1050 - 1950 HIGH = 3750 6250 PB Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 1200 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 1400-2600 HIGH = 4500 - 7500 PB Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 1400 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (In amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 1750-3250 HIGH = 5250 8750 PB Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 1600 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes.1 Dial Setting: 1.OW = 2100 - 3900 HIGH = 6000 - 10.000 l 23 of 25 i .__._-.____m _.,_.______m.__.m____.,____
i ,s.; ..: c... ~. - - gr goe =; i I ]l. I PMP 9.8o88 o. REVISION 1 ATTACHMENT 12.3 AD.10 STABLE INSTANTANEOUS TRIP DATA , ~. . ' General Electric Breaker's-F225 LINE - TYPES TFJ,TFK,THFK Mar. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 70,80 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 605 - 1210 HIGH = 975 - 1820 F225 LINE - TYPES TFJ.TFK,THFK Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 90 0.1 sec. j Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 476 952 HIGH = 675 - 1260 F225 LINE - TYPES TFJ,TFK,THFK Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 100 110 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 420- 840 HIGH = 975 - 1820 F225 LINE - TYPES TFJ TFK,'IHFK Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 125 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 357 714 HIGH = 750 - l'400 F225 LINE - TYPES TFJ,TFK,THFK Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 150,175. 200, 225 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 315 - 630 HIGH = 750 - 1400 J600 Line - Types TJJ (400A. max.), TJK, TH)K. THJK2 (225A. max.) Mar. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 125-400 0.1 sec. i l Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dia1 Setting: 1.OW = 210 - 390 HIGH = 750 - 1250 I J600 Line - Types TJK, THJK Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 450-600 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous. Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) DialSetting: LOW = 210- 390 HIGH = 750 - 1250 K1200 Line - Types TKMA, THKMA (3001200 Amp.) Max. Time i CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 300,350,400,450,500,600 0.1 sec. l Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 210 390 HIGH = 750 - 1250 24 of 25
PMP 9.8 88 REVISION 1 A1TACHMENT 12.3 AD1USTABLE INSTANTANEOUS' TRIP DATA l General Electric Breakers: ', K1200 Line - Types TKMA, THKMA (3001200 Amp.) Max. Time j CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 700 0.1sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) DialSetting: LOW = 210- 390 HIGH = 682.5 1132.5 K1200 Line T pe_s TKMA, THKMA (3001200 Amp.) Max. Time L CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 800 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percTn't of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 210 - 390 HIGH = 607.5 - 1012.5 i l K1200 Line - Types TKMA,1HKMA (300-1200 Amp.) Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)in Amps: 1000 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 210 - 390 HIGH = 750 1250 K1200 Line - Types TKMA,1HKMA (300-1200 Amp.) Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 1200 0.1 sec. ~ Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in percent of breaker rating) Dial Setting: LOW = 210- 390 HIGH = 607.5 - 1012.5 ITE Gould Breakers KM Max. Time CURRENT RATING (s)In Amps: 700,800 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 2240 4160 HIGH = 4200 7000 KM Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 250 300 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges-(in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 735 - 1365 HIGH = 1687.5 2812.5 KM Max. Time CURRENTRATING(s)in Amps: 350-600 0.1 sec. Adjustable Instantaneous Trip Set Point Ranges (in amperes) Dial Setting: LOW = 1330-2470 HIGH = 2625 - 4375 25 of 25
- BOX 127E
- EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424 9341 S. Alexander Febmary 9,1989
) To EN-89-132 K. Petschauer FROM (ext. 472) e e -g Romabine Circuit Breakers on MRIR 86-785 SUBJECT A'ITAOIMENTS
- 1. MRIR 86-785
- 2. MRIR 86 785 Circuit Breakers Remaining in Stock 5
ne circuit breakers on MRIR 86-785 are cunently being tracked and are under review as a result of IE Bulletin 88 10. De remaining breakers in stock, Attachment 2, have been identified, red tagged, i and placed in the QC11old Area. t he PMMS Work Order data base has been searched, repons developed, and CAT I [ installations are being identified. As a result of IE Bulletin 8810 test recommendations, procedure SPL 10.8 9 has been developed and received PORC approval this moming. His procedure will verify the subject breakers acceptability. 1 KLP:djo i cc: E. Nichols G.Tylinski J. Coleman L l O QA ONONQA cym.o aim
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. ; p, i.,,... y,- ,, : n. - ' .w~. ?y. J - -i W-M ' **P-%,1 .. ~ .OstgeSOT80UT YACKEE ATORSIC POWE'~3 OOMPANY 7 ?:2 Tsa. 4, 'd A, MATERIALISSUE/ RETURN UST M.. ev.7,. em on t. 'l c.q:; 4 .c .cce,, r wa=2 p -fy-1-7 wt c. o,.n. m2.s n 2- = a i n.. e g"t, -nu.-2 Arant 2 t o p* " {- warenant otscnier c e oo.un C. .'q ves seeaeam, ewes saseeeney 3700tC00E oy,- c== se tw 4 sr e. m sncW AS4ff CedD Qaee #- M O-su#- c,v or, y f,,' gj b,. i re.e m, AST m Cafd OfG 849 feOS 8008 CAF # mes AMB9 WWT1 e9940 c< ( f y 0 an'n.64KooMEA. S/WIls sns W6L .ac .e. y *,' f}- ~ Y g*,??-W. , _;, ;{(.( l J 24g et 1 i -{d g!.: 4 i e: i j "s- $, mP b ~ ces I + t ..h } I 1 G! E s n. I \\ fr, 4 I l M ~ I ~ s 9 n M N M" N ER M N M N .M MM 99 4 !
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- I ATTACMPtpf !!
DATEIS) RECE!VED FROM LEAD DEPT. f (- ).i. { W A VIEVED BT ' DATE ^ /1 5 .g A 4 Page 6 of 7 1 a l d.,., 34 ,r k.k -
ATTACHMENT 2 MRIR 86-785 Circuit Breakers Remaining in Stock MRIR ID NUMBER QUAN IIIT IN STOCK STATUS 86 785 1 0 86-785 2 4 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86 785 3 0 86 785 5 4 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 1 86-785 6 5 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86 785-7 2 Red taggedin QC Hold Area 86-785 8 4 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86 785 9 0 86 785 10 3 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86 785 11 4 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86-785 12 1 Red tagged in QC Hold Area 86-785 14 2 Red tagged in QC Hold'Arca 86 785 15 0 f eW
~ ~ /,v - -, t Y i 1tJ f>$- Y G O P.O.f ISSUE f 89-E- 02<1, P.R.$ DATE 02/o >/A9 MRIRf DATE ISSUE CICSED INSPECTOR ENGINEEER 8/f/~ ASSIGNED DESCRIPTION : kf8bfT A F "D V 4 e*T Tt/5-8 C1:~t4fd.I*f d Cn CIdeUTV W Q VCLS fVY~UhhC .T.SS Lt 7 L T S*T" 5" M ) RESULT: ,,o sik R4'@* . r %ryVenedi (t) acui G\\ l Lad .5 q Nv I l 1' l l l 1 \\ I
m.......-- 3.. (, e nor Nc V h ol' V$ a aA d/;Vh4) sh v H f J 1 4 o p.w d d d <- c le ( & W. f, 4~w au rJp2, nr ~ J yna k a fsL).,Asf.mrar p E l [ l l .]
W NUCLEAR OPERATIONS AS$lipe4ENT (NOA) ACTION REQUIRED 64, Mh/AF Mf "P O wumaimi vm,kkc5stw.bcwln 6M4n.uhc4wk MwMht.ol Okht 6uahu ( F mon u. aCT.,RiOR. a
- i. Take e, oction end repere,ltten reply" to im 70 CODE CODE 0UE OATE co Eins for a lgne,,e.
- 2. Tome aproria,e oc, ion end ro ide,itm re,iy e to e
- 3. no.iow, take e,roristo oction and r ide rooired in-formation to (e) essigned person.
- 4. Consolldete comments, take appropriate action and proper
~ j j .J.D. V' d N/t/ft weitten reply" to W&t. eor re signature. [l/# 'g \\ $. Follow project to completion. Provide timely progress /1 .$.M. kWd ("G*1Mervr3 TD af report. .E.S. Igko c oarnavr5 '7b OM
- 6. Review document and Incorporate into approprit,te station unit / department procedures.
- 7. Prepare written report ** eddressing:
.E.S. U-l e) Cause of problem. b) Corrective action taken to correct problem, .E.S. U-2 c) Corrective action taken to prevent recurrence of prob e
- lem,
.E.S. U-3 i c) Completion dntes for items b) and c). j .P.T. ~
- 8. Review for applicability to your eree of responsibil-Ity.
.),0. i { f'acci In written reply / report g Personnel propering response should establish contact with NUSCo itseloor Operations / Conn Yankee /Nllistos. personne promptly if common assignment. Wrk together to alntmite dif f erences between units and stations. M to tM NSTRUCTIONSs _ bfMb&~$ ' WG fort. Mf/Litotstau rv'. .l. }%nt w co+11sC*'sTotitSO1!)f W OETSTM 4! hw & mux A. WPOWovrs Hrrd 46zu haonMev F*ts.-s ArrMartvr } t-s A *0n 5 C*f s9ss 0 1F 'rtt4t#( usou ofr e5 Mot 4erfst. APL fuei bMarstv7 /. Oc5c4id6~ id c'ewtrs.M. */35W se r4 Pit 1/v 5 Od contemy $ttonedu fattog W AML-sdspre4L5' Iwrcs4 v044 s46ts VW d$r Or* LYf-s1Cnd' d'A0**fM W9 ' r e ssnoond esMmvr5 v PRIORITY CODE LISTING = NOA's . g g'g EXTENSION CLOSEOUT PRIORom . CODE AS$1G*ENT CRITERIA DATE CHANGE OK'd BY OK'd BY High Priority - krmelly assigned to Extensions usually cannot be granted for YP-NO VP-N0 items associated with a high likelihood these items. of ef f ecting plant saf ety or reliability, audits (QA, $m8, ANI, INPO, 20, etc.), reguletory bodies. B Normal Priority Justified extensions granted. YP-N0 VP-NO ( C Tracking item only. Justified extensions gr:ented. " ACTION VP-NO AS$1GNED" PERSONNEL Revised: Jenver y, 1987
i j,gggg L*. Fora 3.010 7.1 Rev. # O A.G-615 NRC CORRESPONDENCE RECEIPT AND DISTRIBUTION COVER $HEET COTRAP LEMER dyp73gf 70: GENERATI ACILITIES CENSING ARENCY LETTER DATE: 7/08/88 FRON: DATE OF RECE!PT: 7/12/88 [/ E, J..Mrgjptka Please distribute the attached document and insure proper and timely action as per NEO Procedure 4.01 and GFL Procedure 3.01, as appropriate. $UBJECT: NRC Information Notice No. 88 46: " Licensee Report of Defective Refurbished Circuit 8reakers". All holders of operating licenses or construction permits COMMENTS: for nuclear power reactors. COMMITMENT / ACTION TRACKING INFORMATION RECEIVED COMMENTS: M 49 /9,9pp f g(, ,dV[,),4 l968; Generation Fa:ilities Licem ng INPUT DUE GFL
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- EAST HAMPTON. CT 06424 9341 f
~ Jamlary 28,1989 M.F. Marino* ' l T EN-89 90 . B. Miller '"0" (ext. 201) - NOA 9684& NRC IN 88 Report of Defective Refurbished Circuit Bre' akers SUBJECT The purpose of this memo is to document the results of our records scarth of six electrical items locaied within the plant. These items wert identified in a list of potentially defective equipment in the subject Information Notice and its Supplement
- One, A compthensive review of all available documentation was undertaken to determine their location. This search consisted of a review of records from the warehouse, recei at inspection and Nuclear Records groups. No record of where this equipment is locatec has been found. A manual search of all available Material Issue Forms (MIF's) also -
could not close out this issue. Although one item was identified on the MIF's, the follow-up investigation of the Autornated Work Order showed that the equipment was 1 not installed in this QA application. It is felt that although the search could not locate these items,it definitively proves that - this equipment is not being used in a safety related application. Please close NOA 9684/0. t DBM/KLP cc: G. H. Bouchard C. J. Gladding G. H. Tylinski l B. L. Moyer D.B.Beme yK.1TPet's%ng l 7 aue 4 [ W. D. Romberg 1. 1 l 0 oA ONoNOA 1968. Twenty Years of Service
- 80 Billion Kilowatt Hours Generated 1988 X.285 67
- ~.A~
~ ~ ~m - . ;~==. -~r.~~*..? , ' ' ' ' * * ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * - = = ~ ~ ~ - - wetu dt* w.~2, y s.~~~. ~
- Box 127E
- EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424-9341 M. F. Marino October,12,1988 To EN 88-845 D. B. Miller FRoM 1
SUBJECT NOA 9684Ah]Qf'IN 88-46: Reoort of Defective Refurbished Circuit Breakers The purpose of tnis documem > record the results of our evaluation of the subject NOA. The subject notice and its supplement one (1) was issued to alert the industry that defective, refurbished electrical eqmpment (circuit breakers) may have been supplied to plants as new equipment. A review of our purchasing reconis back to 1985 indicates that no new equipment listed in IN 88-46 Attachment 2 was bought by suppliers listed in IN 88-46 Attachment 1. This review was completed by checking if stock code numbers exist for the items listed on Attach.-2 and, if so, to scan all applicable purchase orders to see who supplied the item; Utilizing this process, some listed items were identified with stock code numben although none of these items were bought from the list of suspect suppliers (Attach.1). Although the above review revealed no new problems, the IN 88-46 supplement one - document speci5cally referenced Connecticut Yankee as having received electrical materials (via a local distributor) from one of the five suspect suppliers presently under L review by the NRC. The associated pmchase orders have been reviewed and an NCR (RC-88-166) was issued to hold all referenced equipment (total of 45 items) in the CY warehouse until this issue can be resolved. However, six items ( 5 reversing starters and 1 overload relay) were drawn from the warehouse before the NCR was issued. Presently, our research shows that the equipment drawn from stock was used for a non-category I function, but this must be confirmed before drawing this conclusion. I l Finally, a review of our station circuit breaker testing procedures was done to see if they could identify defective breakers before they are placed in service. Prior to installation, a bench test is performed on molded case circuit breakers which verifies that the breaker trips during a xedetermined range of time when a given quaniity of current is passed through it. T1is test is repeated for each one of the three phases of the breaker. In addition, a meggar test is performed with the breaker open, and then closed, i to provide some assumnce that the insulating characteristics are acceptable. 'Ihese l parameters are also verified prior to placing metal-clad switchgear in service. Successful performance of twe tests provides a measure of confidence in the breakers functional characteristics before they are subjected to functional testing. E In summary, although our testing / inspection program is not specifically set-up to detect l refurbished eguiptnent, it should identify defective equiprnent when specified I acceptance entena cannot be met using existing station test procedmes. OoA It is Itquested to allow this NOA to remain open until the installation location of the suspect starters / relay can be conf'umed. O NoN oA 1968 Twenty Years of Service
- 80 Billion Kilowatt Hours Generated 1988 x.ns i 7
DBM/KIE - ] k j cc: - E Bouchard - i C. J. Gladding I O. E Ty nsli ki 'B L.Moyer ~ W. E. Heinig - -] R. V. Caminad
- I
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,j. gg jg 8dCEIYCU UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY C0PMISSION J AH 6 l989 0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 SENIDA VICE PRESIDENT twaadnginsering&O; Mons December 30, 1988 L NRC INFORMATION NOTICE N0. 88-46,, SUPPLEMENT 2': LICENSEE REPORT OF DEFECTIVE REFURBISHED CIRCUIT BREAKERS Addressees: All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power reactors.
This information' notice supplement is being provided to present additional information regarding.the supp y of surplus or refurbished electrical equip-ment such as circuit breakers CBs)tonuclearpowerplantsasdiscussedin ' NRC Information Notice (IN) No 88-46 including Supplement 1. It is expected that recipients will review this information for applicability to their fact-11 ties. However, suggestions contained in this information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific ection or written response is required.- Description of Circumstances: l Information Notice No. 88-46 discussed a report by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) that defective refurbished CBs were supplied to PG&E's Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant by a California electrical supplier. Supplement No. 1 to IN 88-46 provided a list of shipments of circuit breakers to nuclear power plants or nuclear utilities by five California companies that may have supplied defective refurbished electrical equipment. L The NRC has conducted followup inspections and investigations at selected CB distributors and at companies suspected of selling used or refurbished circuit' breakers. Additionally, nuclear utility sales information related to poten-tially refurbished CBs has been voluntarily provided to the NRC b distributors of electrical equipment. This information is summarized in Attac nt 1. Sev-eral utilities identified in the Attachment have already been contacted by the NRC concerning specific licensee procurements and disposition of the equipment involved. The NRC. staff does not have any specific information on the condition of the equipment provided by these companies; however, the activities observed at some of the companies visited by the NRC were not considered sufficient to L assure breaker functionality and quality, l' i 1 8122800 6
p ,a-f IN 88-46. Supplement 2 December 30, 1988 . Page 2 of 2 No specific action or written res'>onse is' required by this information notice.
- 1 If you have any questions about t11s matter, please contact one of the technical
' " contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional - office. .bl 4 G Charles E. Rossi. Director ' Division of Operational Events Assessment-I Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Contacts: J. B. Jacobson, NRR (3d1)'492-0996 1K. R..Naidd. NRR R L (301)492-0980 l Attachments: L - 1. Shipments of Circuit-Breakers to Nuclear Power Plants or Nuclear Utilities
- 2. List of. Recently Issued NRC Information Notices.
e ? i I 4 6 ? d
2 '~L~
- IN 88-46, Sepp. 2-
-e December 30,1988~
- Page 1 of 10.
ATTACimENT 1~ Shipments'0f Circuit Breakers / Electrical Equipment To Nuclear Power Plants / Utilities Supplying (2) .(1) Date of Utility / Plant Item Description Transaction Distributor Company Comments Alabama Power GE February 6, 1987 GE supply Rosen Alabama Power Co. 5-711 P.O. 62816 (Farley) AK 2A25 2 ~ and Light 50 April 6, 1988 Treadway Electric CAL BKR Arkansas Power 26530 KA 36200 1 ..ITE March 30, 1988 Treadway Electric CAL BKR - Non nuclear. 26357 appiteation QJ28200 1 Arizona Power GE January 31, 1986 GE Supply. GEN BKR 22824 (Palo Verde) TEC 36050 ST'12RA 1 ~ (Palo Verde) GE January 31, 1986 GE supply GEN BKR 23316 THED 136100WL 1 (Pale Verde) GE February 12, 1986 GE Supply GEN BKR-THED 136050WL 22953 2 (Palo Verde) GE February 12, 1986 'GE Supply GEN BKR 25476 THED 136045WL 1 With Shunt Trip February 12, 1986 GE Supply GEN BKR 25476 1 S e e Id
7 p., g, _ O o ~
- -
- .9 y
. ATTACf9ENT 1 .Page 2 of.10 Item Description (3) Date of supplying (2) Utility / Plant Transaction-Distributor. '~ , Company Comments (Palo Verde) 'GE March 24,-'1988 GE Supply CAL BKR. ~ ~~ THFK 236070WL 2 Commonwealth Edison ITE June 3, 1987 Graybar, Melrose ATS ~ Company, Chicago' .EF 38070 Pk, Illinois-I 10684 (Quad Cities) W January 13, 1986 WESCo Davenport,- , HLC EH 2020 Iowa I 5348 4-l W March 12, 1986 WESCo Davenport. HLC i FA 3035 Iowa I 09548r l 2 -r W January 18, 1988 WESCo Davenport, MLC EH 2050 Iowa I 4673 3 ~ W March 10, 1988 WEsco Davenport, GEN 8KR EH 2070 Iowa l 1 l W March 10, 1988 WESCo. Davenport, HLC EH 2070 Iowa. 6752 4 W March 10, 1988 WESCo. Davenport, HLC EM 2050 Iowa 3 W October 22, 1986 WESCo. Davenport, MCC8 Model Unknown Iowa 3995 5-(Dresden) W December 4, 1987 WESCo Elmhurst, HLC FA 2100 Illinois- ~14174 2 4 I - = =
~ (:l _- ATTAuteli 1 Page 3 of 10 Date of supplying (2) Item Description (3) Transaction Olstributor-Ceapany Ceaments - Utility / Plant (Dresden) W 5eptember 16, 1986 IdESCo, Elsherst., HLC -FA 2050 111(nols 08355 4 CH February 8, 1988 GE Supply,'Shorewood.- AAKER 10177H13 'Illinots 000668 3 CH 10177H21 February 8,.1988 GE Supply, Shemwood, -AAKER fliinois 000668 Heaters 6 ~ CH Febroery'8, 1988 GE Supply AAKER 10177H32 Joliet, Illinois 00666 Heaters 10 CH - 10177H1036 Heaters 7 CH 10177H1049 Heaters 6-Commonwealth Edison FED Pacific January 15, 1987 .GE Supply Midwest (La Salle) '2P125 ^ 6 Connecticut Yankee W August 20, 1987 Economy Electric HLC $ Atomic Power Plant Starters Manchester 12718 (CYAPP) A200HICAC-2 W August 12, 1987 Economy Electric .HtC HFB3050 Manchester 12585 j.
m ~ .g_ -ATTACHMENT 1 Page 4 of 10 L y I2)' Date of-Supplying Utility / Plant. Item Description {g) Transaction Distributor. Company Comments Duke Power Company GE-June 24,-1987 GE supply AAKER (0conee) TE122070 2 ITE _ March 20, 1987 GE Stw ly GEN BKR EH 313015 2747 1 Duke Power Company .W February 17, 1988 WESCo ,MCCB JA 2225 .-Charlotte, NC
- 9084 5
Florida Power Corp ITE March 28, 1985 Fife Florida Electric MCCB (Crystal River) JL38070 Tampa, Florida 1450 1 ~ Florida Power and Light (St. Lucie) W March 28, 1988 GE Supply ROMAC Starters Ft. Lauderdale 2-377 6268187G17 6268187G13 2 Houston Light and ITE. April 8, 1988 GE Supply ' GEN BKR Power JL38150 Oakbrook 33186 (South Texas Project) 2 ITE November 21, 1986 GE supply GEN BKR E438015 Houston, Texas ~ 26194 150 Louisiana Power and GE May 15, 1985 GE Supply CAE SKR ~ Light THED Baton Rouge 1641 (Waterford) 136150WL 1644 34 H 4 T- =
~. - - ATTADO U T 1 Page 5 ef 10' Supplying (2) Date of' Utility / Plant' Item Gescriptiongg) Transaction Distributor Ceepany Comments Louisiana Power and-GE June 11, 1985 GE supply MCC8 Light TIE 0136150 ^ ~ Baton Rouge 1803 4-Sac'ramento Municipal GE - February 12, 1987 GE Supply CAL BKR Utility District THED Sacramento. (Rancho Seco) 124015ML j 2 Carolina Power and GE January.3, 1985 voyten CP&L P.O. fMRS 11503 Light TFI36090 .. I Commonwealth W R Unknown January 27, 1986 Liberty' Voyten Reportedly used for-Edison 500HP250 ' Noter - training (Braidwood) 1 Chicago, Illinois Toledo Edison GE April 19, 1988 NSSS Toledo Edison (Davis-Besse) AK-3A-25 P.O. 0168585T 2 Niagara Mohawk ITE Offferent Dates N555 P.O.'s 59085, Power Corp. Various types / sizes 59047. 59886 i (Nine Mile Point) 475-N555 ebtained breakers from several cespanies .lavolved in refurbishment ] activities. i Duquesne Light Co. .W April 10, 1987 Stone & Webster NS$$ Stone & Webster JL3-8125 P.O. 28V-66040 l 4 l JL3-8070 4 4 4 6 c., . m
V ~.f ee ATTACI5qENT 1 Page 6 of 10 Date of Supplying (2) Utility / Plant Item Description (3) Transaction Distributor Company Comments Duquesne Light Company JL3-8150 2 JL3-8200 - 2 JL3-8090 1 - JL3-8100. Philadelphia Electric W April 28, 1988 Spectrum Philadelphia Electric - (Peach Botton) -HFA, HFB, and Technologies P.0.8 8W200893-MD and FA
- 200894-MD 250
~ Southern California. Siemen Allis Motor June 24, 1988 ABC0 Int. Rosen S.C.E. P.O. #88117171 Edison . INP 143T Sherman Oaks, 1, Callfornia Southern California Siemen Allis Motor January 28, 1988 ABC0 Int. Rosen S.C.E. P.O. #88117171 Edison 10 HP 215T Shernon Oaks, 1 - California Southern California Jefferson July 31, 1987 Knickerhn Co. Rosen Edison 75KUA XFMR Los Angeles, 2 California Southern California Siemen & Allis Jahuary 6, 1987 ABC0 Int. Rosen S.C.E. P.O. #88107172 Edison Gauge Glasses Sherson Oak, PN 00-737-637-118 California J ~ 2 r ~. Illinois Power Co.' - Unknown MCCB- ' Listed as'a customer on MCC8 Customer list Southern California Unknown MCC8 Listed as a costemer-Edison on MCC8 customer 11st 9 s m a+-w-w-g w. y-m g ,,,gy 4 ,g2_
- I o
e '~ Page'7 of 10 ATTACIMENT 1 I2) Date f Supplying Utility / Plant Item Description (g) Transaction-Distributor Company Comments Niagara Mohawk Power Co. W Nove'aber'6, 1987 MCC8 MCC8 Niagara Mohawk, l HLM3800T P.O. #349422LL 2 Pacific Gas and ITE: August 11 1986 Graybar Panelbd Electric 1193 60 amp ~
- Oakland, 1
California Yankee Electric W April 9, 1988 Panelbd Panelbd F3100N 2 South Carolina Electric ITE January 8, 19G6 Capitol Electric Rosen and Gas EF2-8030
- Columbia, 2
South Carolina Pacific Gas and W January 8, 1986 WESCo Rosen Electric MA3500 Sacramento, 1 California Sacramento Municipal Unknown Rosen List M as a customer on Utility District accounts receivable list Toledo Edison Unknown Rosen Listed as a customer on accounts receivable list Yankee Electric Unknown Rosen Listed as a customer on accounts receivable list Southern California W March 9, 1988 Luckow Edison EH2015 1 Southern California W March 17, 1988 Luckow Edison EH2015 1 i s .m. .. m..
y i ATTACl#EEhtT1 Page'8 of 10 5"PPl i"8( } 88t' Y .U6.ility/ Plant Iten Description (1) Transaction Distributor Company Caseents' ~ l-Pacific Gas and Superior 246U-3 January.18, 1988 CED _ Rosen Electric Powerstat . San Luis 1-Obispo, California i Southern California ITE March 7, 1988 Rosen P.O. #7031013 Edison Contact Block 1 South Carolina ITE ~ October 6, 1988 Capitol Electric 'Rosen Electric and Gas EF2-8030
- Columbia, 2
South Carolina virginia Electric GE July 12, 1987 GE Supply Rosen j' Power Company TF361050WL Richmond, Virginia (Surry) 1. ~ Duke Power W - September 9, 1987 - 'WESCo MCC8 (McGuire) LA3200 WL Charlotte, 10 North Carolina W September 9, 1987 WESCo MCC8 HLA3200T Charlotte. 4 North Carolina W September 9, 1987 WESCo MCC8 26020$8U9 Charlotte, Shunt Trip North Carolina 5 W . September 9, 1987 WESCo rM liLB3200T Charlotte. i 4 North Carolina Duke Power W ' September 16, 1987 WESCo NCC8 (McGuire) 2602156G19 Charlotte, Shunt Trip north Carolina 5 9 ammus e e-e i. m., .,~..e,--
i' .3' ~ .v ATTACIMENT 1 Page 9 of 10 ' Item Description (g) Transaction' Distributor '-Supplying (2) Date of Company teaments Utility / Plant Carolina Power and GE July 16, 1987 ~ Graybar MCC8 Light TED 113020 Wilmington, (Brunswick) 1 North Carolina 1 Oulie Power W November 13, 1987 WESCo MCC8 (Catawba) ElB2100 Charlotte, 'l North Carolina 1A,18 Aux Contact 1 Duke Power W November 12, 1987 'WESCo MCCB (Catawba) EHB2100 Charlotte, 1 North Carolina e W IA,18 Aux Contact (1) Niagara Mohawk' W' November 6, 1987 MCC8 _,L3800T H Power Company Sacramento Municipal GE February 3, 1988 GE Supply MCC8 Utility ~ District TED 1360 GWL Sacramento, (Rancho Seco) 1 ' California Florida Power 50 May 17, 1988 Muyer Electric MCC8 999330 Tampa, Florida 1 e 0 h. O
y u,y. . ;c - 'ATTAOWENT '1 Page 10 of.10 - Notes (1) Item Description - includes' identification of the manufacturer, model number of the CB, description of other equipment / accessories if any, and the' number of items in the transaction. (2) Supplying Company - identifies company which supptied the equipment and invoice number if known..The follow up acronyms are used: AAKER - Aaker Electric Company ATS - ATS Circuit Breakers, Inc. CAL BKR - California Breakers, Inc. HLC - HLC Electric Supply Company GEM BKR - General Circuit Breakers and Electrical Supply,'Inc. LUCK 0W - Luckow Circuit Breakers MCCB - Molded Case Circuit Breakers- ~ Midwest - Miduest Company ROSEN - Rosen Electric Equipment ROMAC - Rosec Supply Company NSSS - NSSS, Inc. ~ Panelbd - Pane 1 board Specialties Voyten - Voyten Electric Company E' a 4 4. I g g . O r ,me, g-et.* g -ha - v, aigrw -%y- 'wv " ' -c.r-'s~-= m e 4s v '-**n-- ts'e-
- -ees-D -t e-
.l '.f'
- .6, IN 89-46, Supplement 2 December 30,1988 Page 1 of 1 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
'NRC INFORMATION NOTICES Notice No. Subject. Date of Infomation Issuance Issued to 88-101 Shipment of Contaminated 12/28/88 All holders of Ots-Equipment between Nuclear or cps for nuclear Power Stations power reactors., L 88-100 Memorandum of Understanding 12/23/88 All major nuclear between NRC and OSHA materials licensees Relatina to NRC-licensed and utilities holding Facilities (53FR43950, cps and OLs. 't October 31,1988) 88-99 Detection and Monitoring 12/20/88 All holders of OLs of Sudden and/or Rapidly or cps.for PWRs. Increasing Primary-to - Secondary Leakage 88-98 Electrical Relay Degradation 12/19/88 All holders of OLs L Caused by Oxidation of or cps for nuclear Contact Surfaces power reactors. L 88-97 Potentially Substandard 12/16/88 A'11 holders of OLs Valve Replacement Parts or cps for nuclear power reactors. 88-96 Electrical Shock Fatalities 12/14/88 All holders of OLs at Nuclear Power Plants or cps for nuclear
- ' power reactors.
j i 88-95_ Inadequate Procurement 12/8/88 All holders of OLs Requirements Imposed by or cps-for nuclear Licensees on Vendors power reactors. 88-94 Potentially Undersized 12/2/88 All holders of Ols Valve Actuators or cps for nuclear power reactors. '88-93 Teletherapy Events 12/2/88 All NRC medical licensees. 88-92 Potential for Spent Fuel 11/22/88 All holders of OLs Pool Draindown or cps for nuclear power reactors. OL = Operating License CP = Construction Permit 1 -}}