IR 05000508/1985002

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Insp Rept 50-508/85-02 on 850715-19.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Activities Associated W/Welding of Containment Vessel Penetrations
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 07/26/1985
From: Wagner W, Thomas Young
Shared Package
ML20134A996 List:
50-508-85-02, 50-508-85-2, NUDOCS 8508150491
Download: ML20134B009 (5)





Report No. 50-508/85-02 Docket No. 50-508 Construction Permit No. CPPR-154 Licensec: Washington Public Power Supply System P. O. Box 1223 Elma, Washington 98541 Facility Name: Washington Nuclear Project 3 Inspection at: WNP-3 Site, Satsop, Washington i

inspection conducte : Juli 15-19, 1985 Inspector: #

W[ * 7' w W Q ZiT L gner, wartorgr icttor DateSissi Approved by: _

h, oung, J r. , Ch ', t

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. f-j W Date Signed Engineering Section Summary:

Inspection on July _15-19,_1985_(Report No. 50-508L85-03]

l Arcas inspected: Special unannounced innpcetion by a regional based innpcetor


j of activitics associated with welding of containment vennel penetrations. The l inspection involved 38 inspector-hours by one NRC inspector.

l Henults: No violations of NRC requirements or deviations were identified.



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! Persons Contacted  ! Washington Public Power Supd y System (WPPSS) l i

  • D. R. Coody, Project Quality Assurance Manager  !
  • C. E. Love, Construction Manager 1 N. F. Blais, Quality Assurance Engineer  :

A. G. Carlyle, Quality Assurance Engineer R. D. Hadden, Quality Assurance Engineer Ebasco Services, Inc. (Ebasco)

{ . *P. L. Pitman, Quality Program Site Hanager I j *W. K. Drinkard, Project Quality Engineer l D. W. Cutting, Site Welding Engineer i ( T. A.-Letchford, Quality Control Site Supervisor [ Other Personnel }


  • S. F. Swearngin BPA, Program Analyst .
  • Denotes those attending llc cxit interview on July 19,19f1 f i Eckltround


The licensee is in process of activatin,t the Chicago liridge and iron i (CB&l) contract to perform work required to close and test the Reactor  !

Building Steel Containment Vessel. Prior to conenencement of the Cil&I j contract on September 1, 1985 certain support work is required to be t performed. This work consists of completing the containment vessel


penetrations and installing isolation valves or closure assemblic All !

support work is to be performed to Ebasco's procedures in accordance with ,

the Ebasco's Quality Program. The piirpose of this inspection l was to assure that the welding activitics associated with this support  :

work are being performed in accordance with the ASHE Code, and that the  !

licensec's .psality assurance systems are adcquate for the production of  ;

sound weld l

> Review of_ quality _ Assurance _Implementir g ocedures


l The fol owing proccihares and work instructions were examined for }

compliance with ASHE Code and regulatory requirements:  !


ESP 9.0lS3 General Welding Procedure

  • !

ESP-9.02S3 Control of Wolding i

  • ESP 9.03S3 Filler Metal Control
  • !


ESP-9.0453 Welder Qualification l'

Work Instruction No. QCl H-1 Inspection of Piping Systems Fabrication and installation i






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Quality Assurance Instruction No. QAl 10-2 Site Surveillaccc of l Design / Construction  !

l No violations of NRC requirements or deviations were identifle . Welding Activitica j Review of Welding Procedures The following welding procedures and the supporting procedure qualification records (PQR) were examined for compliance with ASME Section IX requirements:


  • WP-24, Revision 20 of 7/7/83, Carbon Steel (P-1 to P 1), PQR's i H-340, H-7137, H-7224 and H-729 !
  • WP-43. Revision 19 of 4/12/85, Stainless Steel (P-8 to P 8),

PQR's W43A and W43 [


WP-9 (R), Revision 12 of 3/13/85, Carbon to Stainicas Stect [

(P-1 to P-8), PQR W9 ;


WP-57 (R), Revision 3 of 5/10/83, Carbon to Alloy Steel (P-1 to !

P-3) PQR's W57C anil W57 !


Wp-1005, Revision 1 of 4/18/85 Carbon Stect (P-1 to P-1) PQR's l 1005H, 100$C and 1005 Four of the welding procedures are for use in applications requiring i impact testing for notch toughncan, and therefore are qualified l using the maximum anticipated heat input to be used in production i uniding. The inspector performed cattulations on the maximum feat  !

input allowed by the PQR and compared this value with the maximum  !

that could be obtained using the corresponding welding procedur !

One procedure, WP-9 (R), had a heat input value of 9 percent over ,

that allowed by the PQR. Inquires revealed that this procedure has i no affcct on hardware since this procedure has never been use l Also, there appears to be no application that would require use of l this proccudre. To prevent inadverted une the licensec has removed  !

WP-9(R) from the manual of approved site welding procedurcs, Observation of Welding Activitics The inspector observed in process welding being performed on I penetration number 4. This was Field Wcld 8, a pipe to pipe wcid on i the main steam line. Wolding was in the 50 position with uphill progression. The welding was accomplished utilizing a Wcld Data l l

Sheet (traveler) which specified the required QC hold points. The portable rod oven was energized and contained the correct filler material. The inspector did note the absence of a filler material requisition slip at the wcld joint. Although there is no ASME Code or licensen procedural requirement for this, the inspector was informed that this subject, was under discussion a few wecks ag The final decision was made, by the Vice President and Ocncral


r .

3 r f1 tianager Nuclear and Defense, to have these requisition slip located at the weld join !

c. Welder Qualification The qualification records of four welders, including the two welders involved in welding penetration number 4, were examined. The t welders were properly qualified to weld under the respective welding !

procedures, j

d. Welding Material control i i

The inspector observed implementation of the QA program established (

for the handling and control of welding materials for compliance l with ASME Code and procedural requirements. All welding materials l were properly controlled; the issuance and return of welding j materials, identification of acceptable material and holding ovens >

vere in accordance with the approved procedur The inspector reviewed the certified material test reports for eight I different heats of filler material located in the rod room. The reports provided the results of the chemical analyses and mechanical property tests as required by the applicable specification including


l the ferrite requirements for austenttic filler materials, l l

The inspection revealed that the handling and control of welding materials are in compliance with the QA program requirements. The inspector did however make the following observations:

(1) Two of the three rod holding ovens contained more than one electrode classification. Also the holding ovens were not i appropriately identified as to type of filler material being l stored. The licensee has consnitted to correct this concern by clearly identifying the particular areas that cach of the types l t

of electrodes will occupy in a particular holding oven. The l concern is the potential for mixing of electrodes and i subsequent issuance of incorrect electrode '

(2) Not all of the rod holding ovens have temperature indicating devices utilized for continuous monitoring of the oven i temperature. Althaugh this is not a AStiS Code requirement, the [

licensee agreed that these temperature devices would be ~

heneficial and therefore conunitted to have them installed on all holding oven e* W" I d I.n lLin s ec_tii r_qu a llt, if a thn!

The Ebanco QC welding inspectors were all qualified to the ANS!

N45.2.6 reunirements. 1he inspectors have the experiente, training and knowlcige in welding technology, and are certified AWS welding inspector l f. Quality _Assuranceinvolvement f







4 The purpose of this portion of the inspection was to determine the licensce's involvement in overviewing the welding activities being perfo rmed. To accomplish this the inspector reviewed implementation t,f the surveillance requirements of the QA programs of the Supply System and Ebasco respectively. This review revealed that the Supply System was not following their surveillance schedule of the sn-going construction activities for the months of May and June 1985. However this finding was identified 6uring a recent supply system corporate audit. Since the corporate audit, two QA Engineers have been added to the Supply System QA staff, and two surveillances have been performed, one scheduled and one unschedu'ed. Due to management awareness of this problem and the resulting increase in the QA staff it appears that the scheduled QA surveillance will be performed as require The Ebasco QA staff, rather than relying on a surveillance schedule that in dependent upon unpredictable production schedules is performing in process unannounced inspections, in this system the Ebasco QA supervisor is kept aware of all ongoing production activities, and consequently, directs inspections to be performed when that activity, such as fit-up and in process welding, is being performed. Since June 26, 1985, 14 of these unannounced in process inspections have been performe No violations of NRC requirements or deviations were identifie f 5. Exit _Hecting  !

The inspector met with licensee management representatives denoted in paragraph I on July 19, 1985. The scope of the inspections and the inspector's findings as noted in this report were discusse !





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