IR 05000508/1985009

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Insp Rept 50-508/85-09 on 851101-03.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Containment Structural Integrity Test
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 11/18/1985
From: Albert W, Dodds R
Shared Package
ML20138R633 List:
50-508-85-09, 50-508-85-9, NUDOCS 8512310409
Download: ML20138R634 (3)






Report N /85-09 Docket N Construction Permit No. CPPR-154 Licensee: Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS)

P. O. Box 1223 Elma, Washington 98541 Facility Name: Washington Nuclear Project 3 Inspection at: WNP-3 Site, Satsop, Washington Inspection conducted: '

November 1-3, 1985



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Inspector: ,


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W. G. Albert, Re'acfor inspect'or 'Date Signed Approved By: 4/// #1'

R". T.'Dodds', Chief, Reactor Projects Section 1 Date signed Summary:

Inspection on November 1-3, 1985 (Report No. 50-508/85-09)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by a region based inspector of the containment structural integrity test including a limited site tou This inspection involved 21 hours2.430556e-4 days <br />0.00583 hours <br />3.472222e-5 weeks <br />7.9905e-6 months <br /> onsite by one inspector. Inspection Procedure 63050 was used for guidanc Results: Of the areas inspected no violations or deviations were identifie g2310409851202 O ADOCK 05000508 PDR




DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS)

C. E. Love, Construction Manager D. R. Coody, Project QA Manager A. G. Carlyle, QA Engineer R. Madden, QA Engineer Ebasco Services Inc. (Ebasco)

P. L. Pitman, Acting Quality Program Site Manager R. H. Wang, Engineering Suparvisor, New York V. P. Gupta, Ebasco Site Servi. es Engineer (ESSE)

R. Orgill, Mechanical Superintendent Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CBI)

W. F. Walsh, District Welding and QA Manager P. Van Niel, Project Manager 2. Independent Inspection Effort A brief tour of the auxiliary building down to the 335' level (lowest)

was made in conjunction with the observation of leak testing on the containmen No violations or deviations were identifie . Containment Structural Integrity Test (SIT) Procedures The following Ebasco and CB&I procedures were examined for conformance to FSAR (Section commitments and Section III, Class MC of the ASME cod * Strain Gauge Data Taking (Ebasco's

Inspection of Piping and Component Testing (Ebasco)

  • Containment Overload Chiller / Dryer Operation (Ebasco)

Containment Vessel Overload Test Coordination (Ebasco)

Vessel Overload Test (CB&I)

Solution Film Test Procedure (CB&I) Work Observation The inspector examined the work in the annulus between the containment and the shield building during low pressure leak testing of penetration welds by Ebasco.



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e The actual achievement at test pressure of 115% of design (50.6 psi)

was witnessed at.12:56 p.m. on November 3, 1985. At that time the various measuring gauges read:

  1. 1 51.0 psi
  1. 2 50.8 psi
  1. 3 50.6 psi Remote 50.7 psi Chart 50.0 psi The chart was deemed to be the least accurate. However, since the chart is the permanent record, the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) responsible for the test directed that it be annotated as having achieved the test pressure of 50.6 ps The test pressure was held for over one hour, before being reduced to the 44 psi design pressure for further leak checking by soap solutions, Strain Gauge Data The strain gauge data (twenty gauges) had not been completely reduced at-the time the NRC inspector left the site. However, the responsible Ebasco personnel stated that the maximum strains indicated by the data corresponded to stresses of 22 psi in the SA 516 Grade 70 stee Calibration The calibration records for the gauges used were verified by the inspector. The CB&I gauges were calibrated by a different source than the Ebasco gauge (No. 3).

No violations or deviations were note . Exit Interview The inspector contacted the WNP-3 Quality Assurance Manager by phone at his residence on November 3 (Sunday) to discuss the results of this ,

inspectio .