IR 05000508/1986005

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Insp Rept 50-508/86-05 on 860428-0502.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Readiness Review Const Assurance Program,Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters & Allegations Re Pipe Welding
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 05/12/1986
From: Albert W, Ang W, Mendonca M
Shared Package
ML20198H825 List:
50-508-86-05, 50-508-86-5, NUDOCS 8605300574
Download: ML20198H842 (6)






Report No. 50-508/86-05 Docket No. 50-508 Construction Permit No. CPPR-154 Licensee: Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS)

P. O. Box 1223 Elma, Washington 98541 Facility Name: Washington Nuclear Project 3 Inspection Conducted: April 28 - May 2, 1986 Inspectors: [O W. P 3 5.n - Date Signed Proje t Ins gor [

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W?' (T. Alb6rt, kekthMnspbftor K/ 2/t's D4tepigned Approved by: %Ah- 5/j a /r M. Mendonca, Chief Da'te Slgned Reactor Projects Section 1 Summary:

Inspection on April 28 - May 2, 1986 (Report No. 50-508/86-04)

. Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by two regionally based inspectors of an allegation regarding pipe welding, the readiness review construction assurance program, licensee action on previous enforcement matters and site tou Inspection procedures 30703, 45051, 92700 and 92703 were used for guidanc Results: Of the areas inspected no violations or deviations were identifie Accompanying Personnel: R. A. Meeks, Senior Investigator 01 8605300574 860513 PDR ADOCK 05000508 G PDR

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! Persons Contacted Washington Public Power Supply System- -

e i * D. Olson, Program Director

! * E. Love, Deputy Program Director j * R. Coody, Project QA Manager i

  • L. Knawa, Construction. Assurance. Program Manager Ebasco Services Inc.


  • R. M. Taylor, Site Construction Manager j *P. L. Pitman, Quality Program Site Manager (Acting)

i, *R. K. Orgill, Mechanical Superintendent

, State of Washington t *M. Mills, Compliance Manager, EFSEC Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians and QC inspectors.

I * Attended exit interview.


l Unresolved Items  !

Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.

! Independent Inspection Effort The inspectors conducted a general inspection of'the reactor building and j portions of the auxiliary building to observe construction progress, housekeeping and storage.



No violations or deviations were identified.

j Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters


j The following two enforcement items were addressed during this inspection. Both of these items were violations which were contested by


the licensee. These items were closed on the basis of corrective action which was taken by the licensee or his contractor i

! (Closed)EnforcementItem82-20-1Ebasco-FailuretoPerformbesian l

Verification with an Independent Reviewer i

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I The licensee disagreed with this violation in his letter dated i January 17, 1983. The item addressed noncompliance with the l provisions of Ebasco procedure E-76 and ANSI standard N45.2.11. The


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NRC inspector examined the procedure clarifications which had been made to the following documents:


Ebasco Site Support Engineering (ESSE) P-005 " ESSE Instructions for Document and Design Control"

E-76 " Procedure for Design Verification for Nuclear Power



C 6-4 " Applicability of Company and Project Procedures to WNP 3/5 Project" The current implementation of these procedures was discussed with the manager of ESSE. The present controls assured adequate independent verification of design changes. The Readiness Review Program (Engineering Assurance Section) will provide for sampling current and past practice. This item is closed.

. (Closed) Enforcement Item (82-25-02) PNS - Failure to Provide a


Procedure for_or Document inspections of Wel_d Gap (socket welds)



This violation was enntested by the licensee in his letter of i

February 16, 1983. Nonetheless current Ebasco Site Procedure (ESP)

l 9.0153 " General Welding Procedure" dated 1/2/85 Rev. O, clearly specifies how weld gap is to be maintained during fit up of socket welds. The original contractor whose procedures gave rise to the NRC finding, is no longer on sit This item is close . Task: Allegation or Concern ATS No: RV-86-A-0028; OI Case No. Q5-86-007

! Characterization Safety injection system (inside containment, inside "D" ring cell)

l piping installation and welding violated ASME/ ANSI codes. During the December 1985 to February 1986 timeframe, piping was forcibly


installed with a 50 ton Jack (cold springing) and restraints that crimped the piping were used during welding. Wax was used on sanding wheels used for the weld end preparatio Implied Significance to Design, Construction or Operation Substantiation of such an allegation could mean that unanalyzed stresses have been built into the safety injection piping. The use


of wax could mean that potentially deleterious material was used on the safety injection piping increasing the potential for intergranular corrosion in stainless stee ; Assessment of Safety Significance The staff conducted an investigation to establish the validity of the allegations as follows:

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(1) Work packages regarding Safety Injection (SI) piping work from November 1985 to March 1986 were reviewed and the only two work packages that appeared to mutch the alleged installation were selected. Work package numbers 260 rev. O and 436 rev. 2, involving installation of 14" IPS SI piping inside the north and routh "D" cells were reviewed in detai (2) Capital Development Company (CDC) performed the piping installation and Ebasco performed the QC inspections for work package numbers 260 and 43 Eight CDC pipefitters/ welders, 1 CDC foreman /pipefitter/ welder, 1 CDC project manager, 5 QC mechanical inspectors and 1 QC/QA manager were interviewed regarding the installation and inspection of the subject piping and the alleged violations. In addition,1 CDC project manager and 2 Ebasco QC mechanical inspectors who were at the site during the time frame in question but were no longer employed on-site were contacted by. telephone and similarly interviewe No individual interviewed acknowledged having performed, witnessed or heard of the, alleged violations on the SI piping in question. One CDC pipefitter acknowledged the use of wax on sanding wheels on non-safety related piping but not on safety related piping in general, or specifically, the.SI pipin (3) The SI piping in question was externally visually inspected'by the NRC inspectors for any signs of the alleged violation In addition the pipefitter/ welders were requested to verbally describe (reenact) the installation incide the "D" cell Based on the location and size of the piping a,nd the description of the installation, the inspectors could,not confirm the allegation regarding cold spr,inging the pipin (4) The inspectors reviewed the radiographs of all the welds for

"the SI piping on work packages 260 and 436 for the work performed in the December 1985 to February 1986 timeframe. No unacceptable conditions were observe (5) The following drawings and~ procedures regarding the subject installation were reviewed:

Associated Piping and Engineering Corporation


Drawing 3 - SI-R14-110 Rev. 2 - SI (RB) - SI Tank to Loop 1A


. Drawing 3 - SI-R22-87'Rev. 2 - SI (RB) - SI Tank to Loop 1A



Drawing 3 - RC-R14-10 Rev. 2 - Reactor Cooling (RB) -

Loop 1A from SI


Drawing 3 - S'I-R21-90 Rev. 2 - SI (RB) - SI Tank to Loop 2B



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Drawing 3 - SI-R23-108 Rev. 2 - SI (RB) - SI Tank to Loop 2B

Ebasco Site Procedure (ESP) - 10.01 S3 Rev. 0 - Pipe Fabrication and Installation

ESP 9.01 S3 Rev. 0 - General Pipe Welding

Ebasco QC Instruction (QCI) - M-1 Rev. 2 - Inspection of Piping System Fabrication and Installation -

ESP 10.01 S3 paragraph 6.4.7 requires that piping system closure shall be stress fre QCI-M-1 paragraph 6.2 provides weld fit-up inspections including verification that piping hends are acceptable and alignment of piping is correct and within tolerance. The procedures provided requirements that would preclude cold springing piping. During discussions with the licensee, the licensee committed to consider further clarification of the fit-up inspection requirements by requiring specific verification that unauthorized cold springing of piping had not been performed. This was identified as one of two items for inspector follow-up item 50-508/86-05-0 The procedures reviewed did not address the use of wax on sanding wheels. During discussion with the licensee, the NRC inspectors stated that although no evidence was available that wax had been used on sanding wheels in preparing the SI pipe for welding, it was nonetheless possible for it to have been used. The wax product, " Johnson's #140 Stick Wax" was not known to be a chloride free substance and there-were no controls on its use. The licensee agreed to modify procedures and to provide added assurance by having a sample of the product analyzed for chlorides. (Follow Up Item 50-508/86-05-01) Staff Position Based on the inspection of the piping, interviews with the personnel involved, and a review of the radiographs involved, the staff concludes that there is reasonable assurance that the SI piping inside the "D" cells, installed by work packages 260 and 436, meets the specifications and drawing . Readiness Review Program - ConstrucEion Assurance Program (CAP)

The licensee's Construction Assurance Program had been reviewed and was approved by the NRC on February 25, 1986. An NRC inspection was performed ' to monitor licensee readiness review activities and verify compliance.with licensee commitment The licensee had selected two reviewers for the first CAP module, earthwork and soil compaction. The reviewers qualifications were inspected and found to be in accordance with licensee commitments.

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The licensee had contracted a statistics consultant from Stone and Webste Licensee activities regarding development of the sampling plan were discussed with the licensee and its consultant. Specific items being considered as part of the sample for the first. CAP module were also discussed with the license In the examination of the earthwork portion of the Construction Assairance Program the NRC inspector expressed a concern regarding the extent of the work which was being sampled. For instance, it was noted that no provision had been made to assure that subsequent excavations had not disturbed previously compacted materia The licensee agreed that this should be included in the program and proposed to include an examination of excavation permit In addition they agreed to take a second look at the extent of the work being sampled


in order to assure that other factors such as excavation permits were not being overlooke The NRC inspecLars noted that the licensee had made specific provisions for the handling of findings outside the scope of the statistical sample to be utilized for determining the acceptability of any activity. The NRC inspectors discussed this point at length with the licensee to assure themselves that nothing was being done which could be interpreted as directing personnel to ignore findings outside the scope of the defined sample. The issue appeared to be well addressed and the licensee stated that it was also being addressed in training for those inspectors who will be performing readiness review inspection No violations er deviations were identifie t 7. Exit Interview ,

The inspection reope and findirigs warre sungarized on May 2,1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas inspected and gliscussed in detail the inspection findings. No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material which was provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio .
