IR 05000508/1978007

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IE Inspec Repts 50-508/78-07 & 50-509/78-07 on 781024-27 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Incl:Structural Concrete Placement,Concrete Testing Lab & Containment Structural Steel Welding
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 11/27/1978
From: Eckhardt J, Hernandez G, Hutson T
Shared Package
ML20062G334 List:
50-508-78-07, 50-508-78-7, 50-509-78-07, 50-509-78-7, NUDOCS 7812270391
Download: ML20062G336 (7)


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0FFICE OF IllSPECTION Af;D EfiFORCE9Ef4T REGI0?l V 50-508/78-07 Report Nos. 50-509/78-07 50-508 CPPR-154 Docket flos. 50-509 License flos. CPPR-155 Safeguards Group _

Licensee: Washington Public ' Power Supply System P. O. Box 468 Richland, Washington 99352 Facility llame: WNP-3 and WNP-5 Inspection at: WNP-3 and WNP-5 Site (Satsop)

Inspection Cond d- Mber 24-27,1978


Inspectors: of I #//7df


H. Eckha dt, Reactor Inspector Date Signed


\ W T. W. Hutson, Reactor Inspector Tu ~ . - D l'\'1?

Date: Signed

$ kis av At # 97/78 G/Hernandez,ReacideInspector Date Signed Approved By: -

///7.,7/7 A R.'C. HayneC.c7 Project Section,' Reactor Date Signed Construction and Engineering Support Branch Inspection on October 24-27, 1978 (Rep;rt Nos. 50-508/78-07 and 50-509/78-07)


Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by regional based inspectors of construction activities including: structural concrete placement, concrete testing laboratory, containment structural steel welding, and general work in progress. The inspection involved 72 inspector-hours onsite by three MRC inspector Results: Of the areas inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie j i



IE:V Forn 219 (2)




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DETAILS Person Contacted


Washington Public Power Supply System (WpPSS)

  • J. Talbott, Project Division Manager
  • C. E. Love, Deputy Project Manager
  • D. H. Walker, Principal QA Engineer C. A. Cal, QA Engineer R. R. Quimby, QA Engineer L. E. Nielson, QA Engineer Ebasco Services, Inc. (Ebasco)
  • D. Quamme, Construction Manager
  • A. M. Cutrona, Supervising Project Quality Engineer


M. Diaz, Lead Civil QC Engineer F. E. Shack, QC Engineer R. Jubala, QC Engineer C. McClaskey, Supervisor Welding & NDE Associated Sand and Gravel (AS&G)

P. Meservey, QC Technician Pittsburgh Testino Laboratory (PTL)

K. O. Drake, Seattle District Manager i P. A. McCollom, QA Supervisor

Guy F. Atkinson (GFA)

J. C. Forrester, QA Manager D. G. Summers, QC Superviscr P. Parfait, Document Control Clerk Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CBI)

J. W. Cain, Project Welding & QA Superintendent M. W. Loibl, QA Engineer State of Washinaton

  • G.Hansen, Engineer (EFSEC)

j * Denotes those attending exit interview.




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-2-2. Construction Status As of 10/27/78, 9,000 cubic yards of concrete had been placed in the Unit 3 containment base mat, and the excavation and working platform (mud mat) were complete for Unit 5 contain-ment. The licensee reported that Units 3 and 5 construction work was 6.6% and 0.3% complete, respectivel . ~ Structural Concrete Placement Review of Quality Assurance Implementing Procedures The following concrete related procedures were reviewed to ascertain compliance with ACI Standards. No items of non-compliance or deviations were identifie (1) Guy F. Atkinson Company (GFACo)

QCP-3, Rev. 4 Reinforcing Steel QCP-9, Rev. 4, Concrete Preplacement Inspection OCP-10, Rev. 2, Adverse Weather Preparation QCP-11, Rev. 3, Concrete Placement and Finish of '

Uniform Surfaces QCP-12, Rev.1, Post-placement Inspection, Repair Finish of Formed Surfaces and Curing (2) Associated Sand and Gravel (A'S&G)

Procedure No. 4, Rev. 2, Inspection Procedure No. 5, Rev. 5, Test Control Procedure No. 6, Rev.1, Calibration Observation of Work and Work Activities Concrete preplacement, placement and inspection activities were observed for Placement No. 4 of the Unit 3 foundation base mat to ascertain compliance with the above procedure During the concrete placement, instances of improper and unsystematic use of vibrators were observed. The QC inspec-tors corrected each situation in a timely manner, and the NRC inspectors concluded that the concrete consolidation activity was controlled in accordance with procedural re-quirements. No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie N


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-3- Review of Quality Records The following records were reviewed for compliance with AS&G construction specifications and quality assurance instruction (1) Placement records for Lift Mos. 7 and 1 (2) Qualification records of six concrete inspector (3) Receipt Inspection records for resteel receiving and installation for Lift No. 00 , No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie . Concrete Testing Observation of Work and Work Activities d

The sampling and testing of concrete was observed by the inspector and ccmpared with ASTM standards C31-69((1975),

Cl38-75, C143-74, C172-71, and C231-75. The tests observed included sampling, slump, air content, unit weight, and the making of cylinders for compression tests. All tests were conducted in accordance with the applicable ASM stand-

ards by personnel who appeared knowledgeable of the specific tests being performed. In addition, the conditions in the curing room were checked several times during the inspection and no discrepancies were found. No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

' Review of Quality Records


T!? following quality-related records were reviewed for compliance with the requirenents of the PTL quality control-instructions and ASRi standard (1) Qualification records for three Level I, three Level II


and three Level III inspector (2) Calibration recall cards for various test equipmen (3) Master Inventory Lo (4) Standar is Traceability Fil (5) Calibrauion stickers on various pieces of test equipment.


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(6) Concrete mixing water production record (7) Compression test report for Placement Nos. 7 and 1 (8) Aggregate test repor (9) Cement certification report (10) Steve Analysis Report One sieve analysis report dated May 30, 1978, listed the fineness modulus for fine aggregate as 3.62, where Specifi-cation 411, Paragraph 7.02e, states that the fineness modulus shall not be less than 2.3 and not more than The licensee indicated that this item would be investigated to determine if a nonconformance report should be writte This item is considered unresolved (508/78-07/01).

The qualification records of all inspectors met the requirements of ANSI N45.2.6 (Qualifications of Inspection, Examination of and Testing)

Nuclear Power Personnel Plants . The for again inspector the Construction Phase noted that the experience requirements of ANSI N45.2.6 for some Level I in-spectors were being waived based on a documented training and

, testing program. However, the personnel performing the tests on fresh concrete conducted the tests in accordance with the ASTM standards noted in Paragraph No items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie c. General Laboratory Cleanliness The general cleanliness of the testing laboratory, storeroom, and test equipment was examined and the inspectors observed debris, dirt, and scrap material in the laboratory and storeroom. In addition, three "Out of Calibration" tags were found on the store-room floor. These conditions were discussed with the licensee who agreed that the general cleanliness should be upgraded. This area will be reexamined during a subsequent inspection (508/78-07/02).

d. Equipment Calibration The calibration of the standards used to calibrate field test equipment was examined to ascertain compliance with the Pitts-burg Testing Laboratory calibration precedure. During the inspection, the standards examined '.iere found to be in calibra-tion. However, the inspector found that the calibration records contained inconsistencies, listed below, which require further revie . . .





-5-(1) Vernier Caliper 1073 was calibrated on April 13, 1978 as documented by a Pacific Testing Laboratory form. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory procedures require that the calibration be traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The documentation submitted by Pacific Testing Laboratory only stated that the calibration was traceable, but did not state the standard as required by Pittsburg Testing Labora-tory. The data for this calibration was not transferred to fann CAL-3 as required. The calibration frequency as listed by Pacific Testing Laboratory was one year. Previous records showed that the item was calibrated at 6 month in-tervals, but Procedure CAL-3 requires a 2 year frecuenc (2) The dates of calibration records, stickers, and requirements were inconsistent and difficult to follow. The review of the Master Inventory Log for Equipment Requiring Calibration disclosed that approximately eighty percent of the equipment listed was out of calibration, however, examination of the calibration recall cards for selected individual test equip-ment indicated that all items were in calibration. A com-parison of the dates on the recall cards and the stickers on approximately 8 sieves disclosed that the date calibrated agreed, but the date due for calibration differed. The sieves are required to be calibrated at one year intervals as shown on the recall cards, but the stickers on the above sieves showed an interval between calibration and date due for calibration as 18 months. Again, the dates on various records were inconsistent. During the inspection, no items were found out of calibratio The calibration program for standards and test equipment and associated records is considered to be an unresolved item (508/78-07/03). Containment Structural Steel and Weldina The NRC inspector examined Chicago Bridge ar.d Iron Company (CBI)

in-progress containment structural steel work to ascertain compliance with ASME,Section III,1974 Edition, Sunmer 1974 Addenda. Work was observed in progress in the onsite shop and included welding of con-tainment ring panel 7-AL-17 to 7-AR-12 and pre-heat and fit-up of containment ring panel 6-4-7 to 6-4-38. Also, the method of moisture control for low hydrogen coated electrodes was examined to ascertain compliance with the CBI Nuclear QA Manual for ASME Section III Product In addition, welder qualification records of the four CBI welders onsite were reviewed. No deviations or items of noncom-pliance were identified.

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-6- Exit Interview The inspectors met with the licensee representatives (denoted in


' Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on-0ctober 27, i'

1978, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio The inspectors discussed their concerns regarding PTL onsite lab-

, oratory cleanliness, record keeping, and equipment calibration, and the licensee indicated that additional' attention would be


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