IR 05000603/2007008

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Notice of Violation from Insp on 850603-0708
Person / Time
Site: Perry, 05000603 FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1985
From: Warnick R
Shared Package
ML20133F333 List:
50-440-85-33, NUDOCS 8508080245
Download: ML20133F338 (1)





Appendix NOTICE OF VIOLATION The. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Docket No. 50-440 Company As a result of the inspection conducted on June 3 through July 8, 1985, and in accordance with the General Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions, (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), the following violation was identified:

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V as implemented by the applicant's Corporate Nuclear Quality Assurance Program, Section 0500, Revision 6, requires that activities affecting quality be prescribed by and accomplished in accordance with documented procedures. Administrative procedure PA-0206, Revision 5,

" Housekeeping", requires that floor plans be developed designating housekeeping zones for plant areas. Those floor plans designate that the reactor vessel and B pool were Zone III areas which requires material accountabilit Contrary to the above, no procedures were written to control materials in the reactor vessel and B pool. Material accountability activities were specified in a memorandum. In addition, the specified material control measures were not implemented on June 22, 1985, when the inspector observed materials ( reactor vessel stud protectors) had not been logged out of the reactor vessel area prior to flood-up and full flow low pressure coolant injection testin This is a Severity level V violation (Supplement II).

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, you are required to submit to this office within thirty days of the date of this Notice a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each item of noncompliance: (1) cor-rective action taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective action to be taken to avoid further noncompliance; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good cause show l N/h D&-

' )q F. Warnick(Chief'

Projects Branch 1 Q 8508080245 850B05 PDR

ADOCK 05000440 PDR