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Rev 0 to CPP-022, Supplementary Evaluation of Visual Welding Insp Techniques, Comanche Peak Response Team Project Procedure for Qa/Qc issue-specific Action Plans VII.6.3,VII.6.5 & Vii.C
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1985
From: Jason Christensen, Hausel J, Ron G
Shared Package
ML20133E758 List:
CPP-022, CPP-22, NUDOCS 8510100008
Download: ML20133E781 (8)




f/27/36 FOR


'I i Approved By .

Date: 9 ",2 f

  • W On-Sito QA/QC Representative Approved Byt Date

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CPP-022 L ... Rsvision: 0 -

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure describes the methodology the QA/QC Review Team will

  • utilize in gathering and evaluating information to supplement the

, conclusions previously reached regarding the reinspection of safety  !'

I related non-pressure boundary welds through paint.

2.0 APPLICABILITY The information developed as a result of the implementation of this procedure is applicable to the visual reinspection of completed, inspected, and accepted safety related non-pressure boundary welds being conducted by the QA/QC Review Team in accordance with ISAPs VII.b.3, Pipe Support / Inspections VII.b.5, Electrical Raceway '

Support Inspections, and VII.c., Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Plan. i L


3.1 ISAP VII.c., Construction Reinspectien/ Documentation Review e ; ,

Plan 3.2 ISAP VII.b.3, Pipe Support Inspections 3.3 ISAP VII.b.5, Electrient Raceway Support Innpections 3.4. Position Paper on Visual Inspection of Painted Support Welds prepared by C. F. Reeves and H.F. Feery, J. O. 15297, dated '

June 17, 1985.

3.5 Quality Instruction QI (Later) 4.0 CENERAL ,

4.1 Responsthilities i 4.1.1 The QA/QC Review Team Inspection Group is renponsible '

for conducting the inspections of welds as required by this procedure and Reference 3.5.  ;

4.1.2 The QA/QC Review Team Safety Significance Evaluation I Group (SSEG) is responsible for conducting engineering ,

evaluations of inspection results obtained as a result of implementation of this procedure which do not ,

conform to VWAC or ASMR (en applicable) welding i acceptance criteria.

i 4.1.3 The QA/QC Review Team Welding Engineer in responsible for the overall implementation of this procedure  !

including the Phase !! evaluation of results utilizing '

the results of the SSEC evaluations and the expertise of l other welding, QC, and statistical consultants as  ;

required. -

2 }



.' CPP-022 j Revision: 0 I

4.0 GENERAL (Cont'd) 4.1 Responsibilities (Cont'd) l The Welding Engineer is also responsible for


identifying the portions of this procedure which are to be witnessed by USNRC representatives and for providing appropriate notification to the USNRC of such activities when they occur.

. 4.1.4 The QA/QC Review Team Leader has the responsibility for the final decision of the acceptability of the QA/QC Review Team reinspection of completed non-pressure boundary welds through paint.

4.2 Policy 4.2.1 Personnel Qualification Requirements 1

a. Personnel conducting inspections shall be certified Level II or III in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6 and Regulatory cuide 1.58. * *
b. All personnel participating in the implementation of this procedure shall be qualified in accordance with Para. III.H of CPRT Program Plan.

4.2.2 Procedures Development and implementation of this procedure shall be conducted in accordance with CPRT Program Plan and the ERC Hanagement Program Plan.

4.3 Procedure Overview The development of supplementary information regarding inspection of non-pressure l oundary welds through paint as specified by this procedure takes place in two phases as outlined below 4.3.1 Phan, I

a. Selection of Samples A random sample of 60 weld connections containing completed and QC accepted site welds is selected from the ISAP VII.c populations which in turn contain non-pressure boundary welds which are to be inspected through paint by the QA/QC Review Team.

,. CPP-022 R; vision: 0 4.0 CENERAL (Cont'd) 4.3 Procedure Overview (Cont'd)

b. Inspection of Welds from Random Sample Welds coated with paint are inspected in accordance with Reference 3.5 prior to removal of paint. After completion of these inspections paint is removed and all of the 60 randomly pelected weld connections are reinspected to VWAC or ASME weld inspection criteria as applicable. Results of the inspections are documented including any areas which are identified as not in compliance with weld acceptance criteria.

4.3.2 Phnne 11

a. SSEC Evaluation of Deficient Welds Weld connections if any, which contain volds e ,

not conforming to VWAC or ASME weld inspection criteria are analyzed by the SSEC to determine the impact of the nonconforming welds on the original design of the items.

The results of these analyses are documented.

b. Overall Evaluntion of Results The inspection results from and, if applicable, the engineering evaluations from 4.3.2a., are evnlunted and compared with the conclusions of Reference 3.4 Based on this evaluation a report in developed and submitted to the QA/QC Review Tenm Leader which recommends whether or not reinspection should be conducted through paint for the applienble VII.c. populationn and, if so, what attributen should be reinspected.
c. Finn 1 Conclusion Based on 4.3.2b. above, the QA/QC Review Team tender deciden how to proceed with veld reinnpcetions of the applicable VII.c populations.

5.0 ,PROCEDtf R E 5.1 cenern!

This procedure will be impicmented in two phnnen. Phnne I activitten include (1) definition of the population. (2) nelection of the random sample, (3) innpeetion of nelected weld connections, and (4) documentation of resultn.



. CPP-022 R vicion: 0 5.0 PROCEDURE (Cont'd) 5.1 ceneral (Cont'd)

Phase II consist of (1) the collection, review, and evaluation of documented inspection results, (2) the analysis of data obtained, (3) determination of any further evaluation required, and (4) issuance of a final report with conclusions and recommendations, if appropriate.

5.2 Phase 1 - Reinspection 5.2.1 Safety related, non-pressure boundary welds subject to this inspection procedure include the following populations as identified in Reference 3.1:

LBSN (Large Bore Pipe Supports - Non-rigid)

LBSR (Large Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid)

SDPS (Small Bore Pipe Supports)

  • e STEL (Structural Steel)

INSP (Instr. Pipe / Tube Supports) llVDS (ilVAC Duct Supports)

COSP (Cat. 1 Conduit Supports)

PWRE (Pipe Whip Rentraints)

DUPL (llVAC Ducts / Plenums)

CATY (Cable Tray)

EE1H (Elect Equip Insth11)

NOTE: The above populations from ISAP VII.c. were selected based on the homogeneity of the overall install.ition activities. lloweve r ,

becausa of the similartt:* of the velding processes utilfred in the applicable VII.c.

populations, these populations may be grouped together into one homogenenun population for the purpoun of the evaluation specified by this procedure.


  • i e

i CPP-022 ,

, R:vicion: 0 t t

5.0 PROCEDURE (Cont'd) 5.2 Phase 1 - Reinspection (Cont'd)  ;

5.2.2 The combined population from which the inspection sample described herein in to be nelected shall be those items previously selected in accordance with Reference 3.1. (The initial sample of 60 (each) from the populations listed in Para. 5.2.1) 5.2.3 The items from each of the 11 populations shall be consecutively numbered 1 through 660 (11 groups x 60 each).

5.2.4 Random number tables provided by the CPRT Statistics Consultant shall be utilised to select the sample. The required sample size is 60 welded connections.

5.2.5 If the item selected has no welded connections, that item shall be passed over, an'other random number selected, and another item selected until the required sample size is accumulated. e ; i 5.2.6 If the item selected han several welded connections, the connection to be included in the sample shall be chosen by a second random selection process.

NOTEt In general, a weld connection la defined as the total number of welds joining two  !

members of an item or assembly together.

In certain cases, variations from this #

definition may occur because of the  ;

configuration of the item containing the  !

connection. In these cases, the l connections shall be reviewed and defined -

by the Review Team Welding Engineer and the applicable ISAP V11.c. Population Engineer. l The following steps shall be conducted during the  !

second random selection of the veld connection for the items containing more than one weld corrections [

s. The weld connections of the item shell be ,

consecutively nurbered 1 through n. For j example, if the item has 10 welded t connections, they shall be connecutively .

numbered 1 through 10. j

b. Using random number tables provided by the  !

CPRT ntatistica consultant, an additional  !

random number from 1 through n shall be  !

nelected to identify the weld connection to  ;

he included in the sample of 60.  !

I 6


, R: vision: 0 5.0 PROCEDURE (Coni.'d) 5.2 Phase 1 - Reinspection (Cont'd) 5.2.7 Welded connections coated with paint which have been selected in accordance with Paragraphs 5.2.3 through 5.2.6 shall be visually inspected (through paint) by the QA/QC Review Team Inspection Group using ASME or WAC acceptance criteria an appropriate in accordance with Reference 3.5.

5.2.8 Paint shall be removed from the weld connections which hive been inspected through paint in accordance with Patigraph 5.2.7.

5.2.9 All uneoated weld connections of the sample of 60 selecteo in accordance with Paragraphs 5.2.3 through 5.2.6 shall then be reinspected by the Inspection Group in accordance with Reference 3.5.

5.2.10 Results of these visual inspections chall be documented and include, as a minimum, criteria utilized, weld e ,,

connection identification, number of welds, identification of welder (s) and date of qualification, identification of weld procedure and date of qualification, attributen inspected, any discrepancies including the location, description, and other information deemed approprinto for subsequent evaluntion. Specific guidance is contained in Reference 3.5.

5.3 phnse ti - Evaluation 5.3.1 Results of weld inspectionn shall be reviewed, evaluated, and analyzed during the phann 11 evaluation process.

5.3.2 The selection of a sample nine of 60 in intended to provide high (95%) confidence that a antisfactory evaluation of the welding procons may be made utilizing data previounty necumulated by the ISAp V11.c reinnpoetionn. This sample in confirmatory in nature and is not intended to nerve as the basis for an nerept/roject decision.

5.3.3 It dincrepancies from applienble veld acceptance criterin nre identified, they shall be evaluated by the

SEC in terms of design margin requirements and safety signifiennes.

5.3.4 Tha renultn obtained from thin nample ahn11 he compared with previoun data from Reference 1.4 to determine if any statintically significant differnneen exint. If differencen exint, further evaluntion may he required.

Thin further evaluation may include only thone arens of concern identifled in the nample.


'. * '

  • CPP-022

,_ , Rsvision: 0

-5.0 PROCEDURE (Cont'd)  !

5.3 Phase II - Evaluation (Cont'd) j 5.3.5 The above results, as appropriate, along with any  !

further evaluations and conclusions, shall be included ,

in a final report to the Review Team Leader in v accordance with Para. 4.3.2b. The Review Team Leader. I based upon this report, will decide how to proceed with weld reinspections of the applicable ISAP VII.c l

populations and the related ISAP VII.b.3 and VII.b.5  !

items. l 6.0 ATTACHMENTS  !

c None


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