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Notifies of 850326 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Status of Const Completion & Testing.Proposed Agenda,Synopsis of Util 850114 Submission & Util Submission Encl
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/26/1985
From: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127C549 List:
NUDOCS 8504030096
Download: ML20127C614 (8)


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MAR 2 61985 Docket Nos.: 50-458/459 MEMORANDUM FOR: Hugh' L. Thompson, Jr. , Director Division of Licensing

'FROM: Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


STATUS OF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION AND TESTING AT RIVER BENO STATION A meeting is scheduled between the Director, NRR and Gulf States Utilities (GSU) for 3:00 p.m. March 26, 1985 to discuss the status of construction completion and testing at River Bend Station. A proposed agenda for that meeting is at the end of this memorandum.

The appl.icant, Gulf States Utilities (GSU), intends to request a license to load fuel and go to 5% power with a number of construction and test items incomplete. On January 14, 1985, GSU fonnally notified NRC of seven con-struction items which GSU projects will be incomplete at fuel load; fifteen testing items incomplete at fuel load as well as six licensing actions under review.

Enclosure 1, consisting of Table 1, 2, and 3. is a synopsis of the GSU submission of January 14, 1985 and presents the comments received from the NRC staff to date on these issues. Enclosure 2 is the GSU submission.

While GSU contends that each construction and test completion item have no safety significance, the NRC staff has identified some items of completion which would require an exemption from the GDC. However, the NRC staff has raised the concern that while each deferred item taken one at a time could be justified; the magnitude of the list is such that it may well divert management's attention from plant start-up and operation (See Enclosure 3). We expect the applicant to provide justification for why this should not be a concern.

'The staff has identified two areas of disagreement with the applicant on the deferral schedules:


- Safe / Alternate Shutdown- applicant is proposing a deferral until first refueling outage. staff is willing to consider deferral to 5% power.

- Radweste Building HVAC- applicant *is proposing a deferral of charcoal -

Ioading and final balancing to 5% power. Staff states deferral of charcoal loading beyond fuel load is unacceptable.

CONTACT: Steve Stern X28349 (irda d shl% xtD erp.

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PLANT READINESS During the meeting with Region IV, the GSU indicated that April 15, 1985 is their current official estimated fuel load date. However, it was determined that only 18 of 102 systems required for fuel load have been turned over to the' GSU plant staff. Additionally, of the 41 systems requiring ASME certification only 6 are so certified as of March 20, 1985. Of 107 preoperational test,s, only 19 have-been completed and reviewed by the applicant. An additione'l"s'ix tests have been "

completed but not yet reviewed by the applicant. Also, 48 other tests are started.

The remaining 34 tests had not been started as of March 20, 1985.

We are concerned that this status is not consistent with the applicant's fuel load date, particularly since large numbers of deficiencies are typically

, developed during test, requiring major construction or retest efforts before the system can be declared operational.

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION GSU is asking for pemission to delay completion until after November,1985.

-The regulations at 10 CFR 50.49(1) can be read to allow the Director, NRR to grant an operating license only up to November 30, 1985 with incomplete equipment-qualifications.

DIESEL GENERATORS In addition, River Bend has two Transamerica De Laval, Inc. (TOI) emergency diesel generators, model R-48. These are essentially the same as the diesel generators at Shoreham. Most preoperational testing of these diesel generators has been completed. NRR is currently assessing the capacity of these diesels. While the capacity is expected to be less than the nameplate rating, the applicant contends that these diesels are capable of supplying the emergency load. NRR staff assessment is expected to be completed by April 15, 1985. This problem may require additional procedures to mitigate 4 against exceeding diesel capacity during an emergency.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS On March 15, 1985, NRR fomally transmitted the second draft of the River Bend Technical Specifications. If these Technical Specifications are to be completed on schedule, the applicant must expeditiously submit to NRC written descriptions and in depth justification for all changes to the second draft of Technical Specifications. We are currently working on a best effort basis which would result in Technical Specification completion in early July.

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k A recommended agenda for this meeting is:

(1) Construction Completion and Test Status (2) GSU management plan for completing construction and testing during reactor start-up without reducing managements attention to plant performance.

(3) Technical Specifications (4) Possible exemptions to GDC.

The Directors of DE, DSI and DHFS and Region IV staff have been invited to this meeting.

Orioinal sfitie~a'37y Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


As stated DISTRIBUTION Docket File PRC System ,

LB#2 Reading +

EHylton LDewey FMiraglia HRDenton, Director, NRR

. DEiser. hut, Deputy Director, NRR RBernero, Director, DSI TSpies, Director, DST JKnisit. Acting Director, DE WR. ssel, Acting Director, DHFS DCiutchi'ield, Assist Dirrector for Safetf , Assessment WJohnston, Assist Dirrector, MCET

  • Previous concurrences concurred on by:


  • SStern:dh *ASchwencer T 03/22/85 03/22/85 0 g

'/ 85


  • gjjg g M i . rn rn ,- n t A. Cooling Water e Cooling Towers e No exemption required (DSI/AD/ CPS)

- 2 of 4 complete & operable e Acceptable (ReglV) et fuelload

-3d owercomplete6/15/85 t e Not safety related

- 41h tower mmplete 11/I/85 e Make-up water intake  ;

- Structure & clarifier to be complete prior to S2 power ,

(but efter fuelload)

- Well water used for make-up until 55 power

- Construction completion  ;

outside protectederes i B. Solid Radwaste System o Weste sludge tank & pump e Technically acceptable (DSI/AD/RP)

-notinstalled at fuelload e Scheduler exemption required (000-3)

- tasted & installed 4/1/86,3 months eSubject toALARAreview(ReglY) .

efter commercial operation e Temporary system subject to certification (DSI/AD/ CPS) request? (Reg lV)

- sludge tank feeds to be piped to . .

mntractor solidification unit

., r 4

, , C. Fuel Building Samoling System

  • Scheduled for completion prior to e Applicent should commit to e specific date for off-loading spent fuel et first refueling system completion (ReglY) outage oScheduler exemption required (DL) , l 4

e License mndition on no off-loading fuel without system completion (DL) '


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Table 1 (Cont.)

. STATUS OF CSESTRUCTISE C9HPLETISE RIVER BEEB STATISE AgqpH9eest Proposal BBC StsN Canasos D. Elevators e Elevators in Radweste, Auxiliary & = Need to asses impact of lack of elevators on Control buildings ability to move equipment in an emergency or

- not complete at fuelload support normaloperation (Reg!V)

- complete prior to first refueling e Do emergency proceedures allow for no outage elevator? (ReglV)

- stairweys provide access e Potential confusion of ongoing construction during plant operation, refueling & shutdown activities (DL)

E. Post Accident Samolina System eInstalled& tested prior to 55 power e No exemption required ( DE/AD/MCET) e Nosipifiant radioactivityor heet e License condition should be impmed (ReglV) decey <55 power a Scheduler exemption may be required due to l inmmplete system as per FSAR desig.. (DL) i F. Control Rod Drive Maintenance Facility a Portion of CRD Maintanence facility within Reactor Building complete at fuel load e Portion in Auxiliary Butiding complete before first refuelingoutap

6. Miscellaneous l

l 8 e Berm around Unit 2 excavation completed e Completion not required until 52 prior to,fplload power / initial criticality ( DE/AD/MCET) l e Building roof & storm & sins not related to start-up or operation defered until first l refuelingoutage e Final acmptance of non-sofety buildings, yardwork, etc complete by first refueling .

outage l


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Table 2 STATUS OF TEST COMPLETISE RIVER BE1B BTAfl8E AppH9eest Proposal BBBC Maff Ceasomest

1) Of f-Gas System o Complete prior to installing heed on e Technically atx:eptable (DSI/AD/RP) reactor & beginning of hootup process e impose limnse(xmdition(ReglV)
2) Off-Gas Vault Refriceration e Some as No. I above e Acceptable (DSI/AD/RP)
3) oft-Gas Area Ventilation e Same as No. I above , e Acceptable (DSI/AD/RP)
4) Turbine Buildina Eautoment Drains & Floor Drains e Complete prior to heet-up eimposelicensecondition (ReglV) e Acceptable (DSl/AD/RP)
5) Turbine Buildina Unit Coolers


e Operable at fuelload e Balancing portion of atx:eptana test complete prior to SE power

6) Turbine Buildina Cranes & Holsts e Acx:eptance test at first refueling outage e Acxmptance test must be complete prior to use e Installed for desly function (ReglV) e Potential impact upon turbine & accidental radioactive release due to accidental load drop during testing (Dt.)

i 7) Make-un Water to Auxiliary Control Buildina ~ ~

e Will be complete at fuelloadexcept e Acceptable (DSl/AD/RP) testing of water flush for a liquid radweste element in radwesteeffluent stream o Testingcompleteat heat-up jy

8) Radwaste Buildina HVAC e Preoperational test complete at fuel load e Deferal not acceptable (DSI/AD/RP) j e Charcoal loading & final belancing complete o Charcoal should be in place prior to critical I

by 55 power operation (ReglV) .

e Schedular exemption required (DL) i r . --.- - - - .. - _ - . . . . . - - . - - - . - -


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Table 2 (Cont)


9) Auxfilary Buildino & Hot Machine Shon Holsts e Complete at first refueling outage e f1ust be mmplete prior to use for design functfan (Regly)
10) Generator H2& CO 2 e Acceptance test prior to exceeding 52 power
11) Miscellaneous Buildino Floor Drains ~

e Testing schedule to be complete ty turbine e Need anfirmation no radiation release paths roll (7-8% power) involved (DL)

12) Electrical & Ploina Tunnel HVAC ~

e Testing schedule to be complete prior to heetup e No appreciehle heet load until 5% power

13) Auxillary Control Buildino Ventilation ~

e Operable by licensing e Arbry mry of control room isolation? (DL) e Balancing no complete until turbine roll e Interim: fieldadjustment

14) Domestic Water System ~

e Presently functional e include decontamination showers? Any relation e Formal turnover to applicent prior to to fire water system? (Re0lV) first refuelingoutage

15) Sewaae Treatment System e Presently functional e State / local permits?(DL) e Formal turnover to applicent prior to first refuelingoutage

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r Table 3 STATUS 8F L18E181ES ACTISEB BlVER SENB STATISE (Add //fons/ construction / test completion deleys)

M IS M M EM I) Bvoassed & Inonerable Status e SER Outstanding Issue 89 e Additional justification required (ReglV) e To be provided at first refueling outage e INTERIM MEASURE: Manually actuated indications

. , . 2) Safe / Alternate Shutdown e SER Outstandingissue 83

  • Deferal to first refueling outage not e Applicent requesting implementation acceptable; deferal to 52 power acceptable schedule similar to that for oper. plants (DE/AD/MCET) e Main control room fire e Additional justification required, if postulated

.. e INTERIM MEASURE: Administrative fire would rapire control room evacuation actions to control mmbustable materials (ReglV) 3)ATWS e 10CFR6.2 requires applicent to propose implementation schedule .

  • Changes will not be made prior to first refuelingoutage 4)SPDS e Testing complete at fuelload e Not justified byapplicent (ReglV) e Operational procedures & training will not be mmplete until after commercial operation e INTERIM MEASURE: Approved emergency proceedures relying on existing plant instrumentation
5) 10CFR50 Anoendix J , 3 -

e Request exmptions for leek rate testing for e Should be prrvwM prior to conducting air the seeling of air locks & use of A$1/ANS lock seel tests, preoperational Type A test & 52


56.8-1981 in primaryleekconthinment power authorization (DSI/AD/RS)~

leek rate testing

6) 10CFR55a -

e ISI for pumps & valves identified alternate e Resolve prior to fuel load (ReglV) methods to ASME coderequirements

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Enclosure 2 auzr svarzs urzzzrzzs consmur 5 P O S T O F r a cet 8 0 x 2 9 S 1

  • BEAUMONT. TEXAS 77704 A#taCODE 409 030 6631 January 14,1985 RBG- 19,890 File G9.5 1
  • Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief j Licepsing Branch No. 2
Divipion of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington, D. C. 20555 I *

Dear Mr. gehvencer:

River Band Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-458 To facilitate discussions with your staff regarding the status of River Bend Station Unit 1, I an enclosing a draft listing of those activities which are a part of the normal construction completion and test sequence that are to be completed following fuel load. We believe '

this sequencing follows good and logical construction and test practices and is consistent with management of resources without compromise to quality and safety.


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J. E. Booker Manager-Ragineering, l

Nuclear Feels & Licensing River Band Nuclear Group JEB kt ff

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STATUS OF CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION AND TESTING AT FUEL LOAD I. Construction Completion Items At Fuel Load A. Normal Cooling Waters Discussion:

The station circulating water system is designed to provide the cooling water for the main condenser with sufficient askeup to meet normal system losses (such as evaporation and drift from

'the cooling towers and blowdown) in order to operate at full spower. This design calls for four mechanical draft I suulti-celled cooling towers to provide the cooling for the p

circulating water (FSAR Section 10.4.5) and a makeup water intake structure and clarifier to provide the makeup (FSAR

, . 9.2.11).

. At fuel load, two of the four normal cooling towers will be completed and operable. Two of the normal cooling towers provide sufficient cooling water to achieve approximately 60%

of full reactor power. The third normal cooling tower is to be completed in construction by June 15, 1985 and operable at the 60% of full reactor power point - approximately 4 months after fuel load. The third normal cooling tower provides additional cooling for circulating water to achieve 90% of full reactor power. Construction of the fourth normal cooling tower is to be completed in construction by september 15, 1985 with testing completed approximately 6 weeks later. This will support the schedule for full power operation of the unit.  !

The source of the makeup water is the Mississippi River. An F

intake structure and its associated pumps, piping, and

[. equipment are located in an area recessed from the completed i embayment and barge slip area on the Mississippi River. The makeup water is panped from the river and conveyed by. piping to i

i the up-flow clarifier and then by gravity flow to the normal cooling tower basin. Completion of the intake structure and l the clarifier is scheduled to take place prior to exceeding 5%

j +* ito_f full reactor power - approximately 6 weeks aft'er fuel load. ,

l l , Initial circulating water inventory and any required make-up will be provided from the construction stage dowatering system

wells and/or the permanent plant deep well system. The

! capacity and quality of water provided by the well water systems are sufficient to meet the circulating water .

requirements for 5% of full reactor power.

l The construction completion activities for these cooling water 1

systems take place outside the protected area. Also the ,

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structures associated with these systems (and the system themselves) are classified as non nuclear safety and are non seismic category I.

l I B. Solid Radwaste Systen j


Se solid radioactive waste (radwaste) system consists of the l piping, valves, and equipment necessary to provide a solid l waste stream to the solidification contractor for processing.

l Included in this equipment are the waste sludge tank and its

' associated waste sludge pump which normally collect, six, and

< transport the waste sludge to the contractor's solidification

< unit (FSAR section 11.4). .

l At fuel load, the waste sludge tank and the waste sludge pump will not have been installed. This tank and its associated pump are scheduled to be installed and the system tested by -

April 1, 1986 - three months after commercial operation.

Instead the waste sludge tank feeds from the phase separator tanks and the backwash tank will be piped, via flanged connections, directly to the contractor's solidification unit.

Each of the sludge tank feeds (phase separator tanks (2) and backwash . tank (1)) has a recirculation line (with the capability of producing a homogeneous mixture) and a sample point located _se the discharge of the associated tank's (separator or backwash) effluent pump. The contractor's solidification unit can be operated with this hook-up without restriction on plant operation. The solid radioactive waste i

system is classified as non nuclear safety and non seismic category I.

The system at fuel load (and in its completed form) will function in a manner to assure that collection, solidification, packaging, and storage are performed so as to maintain potential radiation exposure to plant personnel to as low as is i

reasonable achievable (ALARA) levels in accordance with Regulatory Guide 8.8 and within the dose limits of 10CFR20.

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C. Fuel Building Sampling System

  • Discussion:

The fuel build $ng sampling system is used during refueling and spent fuel storage for the purpose of determining the fuel building spent fuel pool water quality (FSAR section 9.1.3).

Since the movement of spent fuel assemblies is performed under water, the water must be clear to provide good visibility i during these movements. The fuel building sampling system will be coup.leted prior to off-loading spent fuel from the reactor as the fia t refueling outage. If for some unforeseen reason irradiated fuel must be off-loaded to the fuel building spent fuel pool prior to the first refueling outage and the fuel

. building sampling system is not operable, grab samples will be taken to ascertain water quality. The fuel building sampling

' system is classified as non nuclear safety and non seismic

' category 1.

D. Elevators Discussion: '

The elevators located in the radweste, auxiliary, and control buildings will not be completed at fuel load. They will be completed after station commercial operation but prior to operation following the first refueling outage. Stairways

, located in these buildings provide ready access. These l elevators are classified as non nuclear safety and non seismic E. Post Accident Sampling System Discussion:

The post accid'ent sampling system would be utilised following a severe accident to sample the reactor building environment in a effort to determine the amount of core damage. Installation of post accident sampling systems became a requirement following the issuance of NUREG-0737. The post accident sampling system will be installed and tested prior to exceeding 5% of full reactor power - approximately 6 weeks after fuel load. Since

.. no significant amount of radioactivity or decay heat is generated from testing below 5% of full reactor power the system is tot needed in advance of this.

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i F. Control Rod Drive Maintenanca Facility Discussion:

The control rod drive (CRD) maintenance facility is used in the normal servicing of the CRD's. That portion of the maintenance equipment located in the reactor building will be completed at fuel load. The CRD maintenance equipment in the auxiliary buildini will be completed prior to the first refueling outage.

l This meintenance system is not needed for start-up or power operations.

G. 'Other Miscellaneous Activities - Yard Work, Drains and Building Turnovers (Non-Safety Related L Buildings) t Discussion:

' Yard work scrivities are those activities associated with final .

dress-up of site. These remaining activities will be completed consistent with the site environmental recovery plan which r calls for completion during the first year of commercial l operation. For drainage purposes, the construction of the born around the Unit 2 excavation will be completed prior to fuel load. Building roof and stora drain activities such as i

installation of gutter downspouts are not related to plant startup or operations and therefore are scheduled to be completed prior to operation following the first refueling outage. Non safety related building turnovers involve the final acceptance of the non safety related building. Painting and other cosmetie type activities are included here. These i

I remaining activities will be completed prior to operation following the'first refueling outage. The activities


associated with yard work, drains, and non safety related building turnovers are classified as non nuclear safety.

II. Testing Completion Remaining At Fuel Load Discussion: i The ,following testing activities are currently not scheduled to be completed at fuel load. The system to be tested will have been completed and will have passed the appropriate generic construction tests at fuel load.- These systems are classified as non nuclear safety and non seismic category I. ~

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4 System FSAR R.G.*

BIP* PT/AT* Chapter 14 1.68 Commente 0FC.000 FT606 14. 1.1.2 off-ass system.

The. system is not required prior to condensing reactor generated steam in the main i

condenser. Completion of the testing will be done prior to installing the head on the reactor and beginning the heatup process - approximately l 5 weeks after fuel load.

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EVT.002 77-408-2 1.n.14.e off-ass vault refrimeration. The i

system will be completed consistent with the completion of the off-gas system (prior to heatup i


- approximately 5 weeks afterfuel load).

l ETT.006 AT-408-3 1.n.14.e off-ass area ventillation.

l Completion of testing l of the off-gas area ventillation system will be consistent with the completion of the off-gas system (prior to heatup - approximately 5 weeks after fuel load).

DET.000 AT-609-2_ 1.n.9 Turbine buildina DFT.000 AT-609-6 oeutonent drains and dioor drains. The system will be operable at-fuel load to support p:, ant operation l (generic testing complete). The acceptance test will be 1-complete prior to heatup - approximately 5 weeks after fuel load.

.s RVT.003 AT-408-1 1.n.14.a Turbine building unit coolers. These unit coolers will be operable (generic testing complete) at fuel load but the air, fluid flow, and temperature balancing cannot be completed until ambient heat loads from area equipment are present. This final balancing portion of the'acceptanec test is to be completed prior

, to exceeding 5% power.

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, System FSAR R.G.*

BIP* PT/AT* Chapter 14 1.68 Comments MHT.000 AT-701-4 , N/A N/A. Turbine building cranes and hoists. These are inetslied but are not required for initial startup and operation of the i

plant. They are to be used during normal maintenance activities. The acceptance test for these will be completed prior to cosmarcial operation at the first refueling outage.

NWS.004 AT-659-2 N/A N/A Makeup water to radvaste and aux

. control building.

This system will be completed at fuel load except for the l

testing of the water flush for the liquid radweste radiation element located in the liquid radvasta effluent stream going to the station discharge. This testing will be completed by heatup - approximately 5 weeks after fuel load. As during normal operation of the liquid radvaste system and during the period between fuel load and heatup, any liquid -

L radweste discharge is done on a batch basis and each batch is analyzed prior to release.

RVW.000 FT-407 1.n.14.e Radweste building HVAC.

The preoperational test will be completed at fuel load. Charcoal loading and final balancing will be completed prior to 5% power. Therefore these activities will be completed before significant activity levels are generated.

MRP.000 AT-701-3 N/A N/A Auxiliary building and bot aschine shop hoists and cranes. These hoists and cranes are not required for operation of the plant. The acceptance testing for these will be completed prior to commercial operation at the first refueling outage. 1 -

p GMR.000 AT-123 N/A N/A Generator H2 and CO2. The system is to be completed before fuel load. The acceptance test is scheduled to be completed -

prior to exceeding 5% power. This system will not be required until the main generator is synchronized - at about 7% to 8% power or approximately 8 weeks after fuel load.

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a System FSAR R.G.*

BIP* PT/AT* Chapter 14 1.68 Comments DFM.000 AT-609-4 ; 1.n.9 Miscellaneous buildina floor drains. The testing is scheduled to be complete by turbine roll - at about 72 to 82 power or approximately 8 weeks after fuel load. These are floor drains in non-safety related structures which would not be required until the equipment in the area is in operation.

r NYT.001 AT-414-1 N/A 1.n.14.e Electrical and pipina tunnel and .005e EVAC. This test is scheduled to be completed prior to heatup

- approtiaately 5 weeks after fuel load. No appreciable heat load is expected in these areas until after SI power.

. EYS.000 AT-415 N/A 1.n.14.e Anz. control buildina ventilation. This system will be operable by fuel load, but the balancing will not be completed until turbine roll - at about 72 to 81 power or approximately 8 weeks after fuel load. This system will be field adjusted to provide adequate aux. control room operator and equipment ventilation prior to final balancing. ,

t WS.001 AT-655 N/A N/A Domestic water system. The WS.002 system is presently functional. Formal turnover and acceptance by GSU of this system will take place prior to commercial operation at the first refueling outage.

, PBS.000 AT-654 N/A N/A + Seraae treatment system.

The system is presently functional. Formal acceptance by GSU of this system will take place prior to commercial operation at the first refueling outage.

  • BIP - Boundary identification Package
  • FT/AT - Preoperational Test / Acceptance Test
  • R.G. - Regulatory Guide 7 of 10

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t III. Licensing Items Under Review n'

1. Regulatory Gui'de 1.47 - SER outstanding Issue 9 Discussion:

The Staff has required additional bypass and inoperable status L

indication for River Bend Station. GSU has agreed to provide addit 16nal automatic indication as noted in our letter of D*ecember 3, 1984 (RBG-19,612). Bowever, in that letter we also requested that we be allowed to implement these design changes

  • after fuel load but prior to operation following the first

' ' refueling outage. Until the additional automatic indication is

,provided in the control room, equipment availability will be

. indicated to the operator via similar manually actuated indications which will be controlled via procedure.

2. gafe/ Alternate Shutdown (Main Control Room Fire) - SER Outstanding Issue 13 Discussion:

i The Staff has required that one train of equipment free of fire damage be provided to safely shutdown the plant in the event of a transient fire. River Bend Station (RBS) has this capability for all required fire areas except the asin control room. GSU i

has agreed to provide this capability for a transient fire in the asin control room as indicated in our letter of December 21, 1984 (RBG-19,754). Bowever, we requested in that letter, that we be allowed to implement these design changes on a j

' schedule consistent with that required for operating plants.

The current design of RBS, 24-hour occupancy in the control

' ' room, and the use of administrative actions to control combustible asterials in the main control combine to provide a j

low likalthood for the main control room transient fire.

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3. ATWS - SER Section 15.8 Discussion:

L The NRC is requiring design and operation improvements to reduce the likalthood of failure to scram and to mitigate the j consequences of an ATWS. GSU is evaluating the necessary ibprovements required by the newly issued 10CFR50.62.

l l As stated in the RBS SER (NUREG-0989), "...the Staff has

  • generally concluded that BWR's can continue to operate because

, the risk from ATWS events in this period (prior to j


, implementation) is acceptably small."

l The RBS SER also indicates the Staff expects "that the l necessary plant modifications will be implemented in 1 to 4 l

years following a Commission decision on ATWS," and "the Staff .

considers this issue resolved for the purpose of issuing a full power license", but indicates that the Commission will determine the required modifications and schedule for  !

l implementation.

10CFR50.62 requires that we propose a schedule and that it be mutually agreed upon by the Commission and the licensee. Based on the Commissions direction and its intent to issue a Generic Letter on implementation schedules, it is not anticipated that changes will be made prior to the first refueling outage.

4. Generic Letter 82 Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)

GSU identified to the NRC Staff in a letter (RBG-15.815) dated August 31, 1983 that the SPDS (Emergency Response Information System for River Bend) would be fully functional by February 1986. Although the testing of the SFDS will be completed prior to fuel load, the operational procedures and training for its use will not be completed until after commercial operation. In the interim, approved emergestcy procedures relying on existing

' plant teatrumentation will be used.

5. 10CFR50 Appendix J A draft of the River Band Technical Specifications was -

submitted to the NRC on July 17, 1984 (RBG-18,233). The NRC i

draft BWR/6 Standard Technical Specifications were used as a guide in preparing the River Bend Tech Specs. The NRC and GSU are currently reviewing the Tech Specs. It is expected that the exceptions identified in the Draft Standard Tech Specs ,

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concerning leak testing for the sealing of air locks and use of ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981 when conducting a primary containment leak rate test will be requested.

6. 10CFR50.55a The River Bend Inservice Inpsection Plan for pumps and valves was submitted to the NRC on November 5,1984 (RBG-19,359).

Within,the Plan, approximately ten alternate methods to ASME Code inspection requirements were proposed. The NRC has the proposal under review at this time.

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