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Provides up-to-date Info Re Proposed Rancho Seco Decommissioning Plan Currently Under NRC Review,As Requested in Conversation W/Nrc on 930106
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/07/1993
From: Shetler J
DAGM-NUC-93-005, DAGM-NUC-93-5, NUDOCS 9301110169
Download: ML20127A079 (3)


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(TSMUDLACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT U 6201 S Street. PO Box 15833, Sacramer to CA 96802 1830,1916) 452 3211 At4 f LLC 1 HIC SYST EM SEHvlNG T HE HEAnT Of cal.lF ORNIA DAGM/N UC 93-005 January 7, 1993 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Dccket No. 50-312 Rancho Seco Nuclear Station License No. DPR-54 UP-TO-DATl! INFORM ATION CONCliRNING Till! PROPOSI!D R ANCilO SliCO Dl! COMMISSIONING PLAN Attention: Seymour Weiss As requested in a conversation with your stalT on January 6,1993, the District provides the following information concerning the proposed Rancho Seco Decommissioning Plan (DP) currer tly under NRC review. The District detennined, through its Potential Deviation from Quality (PDQ) program, that two plant Lay Up modiGeations resulted in minor changes to the descriptions currently contained in the _

DP, These changes are as follows:

1. The Lay Up modiGeation speciGed in Lay-Up Plan L-0009, Miscellaneous Radwaste System (RWS), cross-tied the Concentrated Uoric Acid Storage Tank (CIIAST) to the RWS for use in storing and processing liquid radwaste.

The CilAST. its pump, and associated piping are part of the llorated Water System (IlWS). Page 2 23 of the DP describes the 11WS as laid-up with the CllAST and associated piping dry. Also, DP pages 2-70 through 2-73 list the equipment included in the RWS, which does not include the CilAST and its pump. Therefore, the District informs the NRC that the DP descriptiors are modified as described above, where the CllAST, its pump, and associated piping will be used and included as part of the RWS.

1100M /

9301110169 930107 0 PUR ADOCK 05000312 I P PDR b RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION D 14440 Twin Cities Road. Herald. CA 95638 9799;(209) 333-2935

0 Seymour Weiss DAGM/NUC 93-005

2. The Lay-Up modification specified in Lay Up Plan L-0044, Plant Cooling Water System (PCW), removed one PCW pump (P-425A) from service. This modification is contrary to the descriptions contained on DP page 2 56. The DP indicates that all three PCW pumps will remain in service until the liardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase. This Lay-Up modification changes this DP information. Therefore, the District informs the NRC that only two PCW pumps will be maintained in service until the liardened SAFSTOR decommissioning phase and the DP descriptions are modified accordingly. _

in addition, a review of subsequent DP information that the District submitted to the NRC in response to NRC requests for additional DP information indicates that this DP information does not address or reflect the design changes for the two Lay Up modifications described above. Please make note of the DP description changes described above and consider this information in your final review of the DP.

Finally, the District discovered one anomaly in the District's April 15,1992, response to an NRC request for additional DP information (J. Sheller to S. Weiss letter DAGM/NUC 92-086). Question 5.a on page DP 16 requests information on activities and tasks the District:

. (1) has already completed, (2) are now in progress or will be initiated prior to DP approval, and (3) will not begin until DP approval."

Regarding the Radiation Monitoring System (RDM), the District accidentally and incorrectly indicated in Table 5-1, page DP-27, that the District will not begin de- E energizing radiation detectors and recorders until after DP approval. It was never the District's intention to indicate that no detectors or recorders would not be de-energized until after DP approval. The District made an editorial oversight when it indicated this activity status for de-energizing radiation detectors and recorders.

The District developed the RDM Lay-Up Plan (L-0072, RDM) before the District's April 15,1992, submittal, in fact, the District had already undertaken actions to de-energize radiation detectors and recorders that were no longer required to perform their intended function, in accordance with the approved RDM Lay Up Plan, prior to the District's April 15,1992, submittal. The numerical status indicator listed for the R DM in Table 5-1, page DP 27, should be a '2' instead of a '3' to indicate that de-energizing radiation detectors and recorders are activities that "are now in progress or well be initiated prior to DP approval." Please make note of the DP description change described above and consider this infomtation in your final review of the DP.


. l Seymour Weiss 3 DAGM/NUC 93-005 Members of your staff requiring additional information or clarification may contact Jerry Delezenski at (916) 452 3211, extension 4914.  !

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l 37 James R. Shetler Deputy Assistant General Manager Nuclear ,

cc: J.11. Martin, NRC, Walnut Creek '

S. Ilrown, NRC, Rockville P


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